
CleanSpark | S-4/A: Registration of securities issued in business combination transactions (Amendment)

CleanSpark | S-4/A: Registration of securities issued in business combination transactions (Amendment)

CleanSpark | S-4/A:企業合併證券發行登記(修正)
美股SEC公告 ·  04:49
CleanSpark, Inc. (CleanSpark) has entered into a merger agreement with GRIID Infrastructure Inc. (GRIID), where GRIID will become a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of CleanSpark. The merger is pending, awaiting stockholder approval and the fulfillment of other closing conditions. Upon completion, GRIID stockholders will receive CleanSpark common stock based on a pre-determined exchange ratio. The transaction is designed to be a 'reorganization' under the Securities Act of 1933, and GRIID stockholders will not have appraisal rights. The merger is contingent on customary conditions, including GRIID stockholder approval and the SEC's registration statement effectiveness. Additionally, CleanSpark and GRIID have signed a hosting and a credit agreement in relation to the merger. GRIID has secured voting agreements from stockholders holding approximately 73% of outstanding shares to vote in favor of the merger. The agreement stipulates that the merger must be completed by March 31, 2025, and includes provisions for termination fees and expense reimbursement under certain termination conditions. The agreement also encompasses standard representations, warranties, covenants, and agreements typical for such deals.
CleanSpark, Inc. (CleanSpark) has entered into a merger agreement with GRIID Infrastructure Inc. (GRIID), where GRIID will become a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of CleanSpark. The merger is pending, awaiting stockholder approval and the fulfillment of other closing conditions. Upon completion, GRIID stockholders will receive CleanSpark common stock based on a pre-determined exchange ratio. The transaction is designed to be a 'reorganization' under the Securities Act of 1933, and GRIID stockholders will not have appraisal rights. The merger is contingent on customary conditions, including GRIID stockholder approval and the SEC's registration statement effectiveness. Additionally, CleanSpark and GRIID have signed a hosting and a credit agreement in relation to the merger. GRIID has secured voting agreements from stockholders holding approximately 73% of outstanding shares to vote in favor of the merger. The agreement stipulates that the merger must be completed by March 31, 2025, and includes provisions for termination fees and expense reimbursement under certain termination conditions. The agreement also encompasses standard representations, warranties, covenants, and agreements typical for such deals.
CleanSpark公司與GRIID Infrastructure Inc.(GRIID)達成了合併協議,其中GRIID將成爲CleanSpark的直接全資子公司。該合併交易正在等待股東批准和其他交割條件的滿足。完成後,GRIID的股東將根據預先確定的匯率獲得CleanSpark的普通股。該交易計劃根據1933年證券法進行「重組」,GRIID的股東將不享有評估權利。該合併交易取決於慣常條件,包括GRIID股東批准和SEC的註冊聲明生效。此外,CleanSpark和GRIID就合併事宜簽訂了託管和信用協議。GRIID已經獲得約佔流通股總數73%的股東的投票協議,以支持該合併交易。協議規定合併必須於2025年3月31日前完成,幷包括在某些終止條件下的終止費用和費用補償條款。該協議還包括一些此類交易典型的陳述、擔保、契約和協議。
CleanSpark公司與GRIID Infrastructure Inc.(GRIID)達成了合併協議,其中GRIID將成爲CleanSpark的直接全資子公司。該合併交易正在等待股東批准和其他交割條件的滿足。完成後,GRIID的股東將根據預先確定的匯率獲得CleanSpark的普通股。該交易計劃根據1933年證券法進行「重組」,GRIID的股東將不享有評估權利。該合併交易取決於慣常條件,包括GRIID股東批准和SEC的註冊聲明生效。此外,CleanSpark和GRIID就合併事宜簽訂了託管和信用協議。GRIID已經獲得約佔流通股總數73%的股東的投票協議,以支持該合併交易。協議規定合併必須於2025年3月31日前完成,幷包括在某些終止條件下的終止費用和費用補償條款。該協議還包括一些此類交易典型的陳述、擔保、契約和協議。


