
Rivian Automotive | 10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

Rivian Automotive | 10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

Rivian Automotive | 10-Q:2024財年二季報
美股SEC公告 ·  08/07 05:19
Rivian Automotive, an American electric vehicle manufacturer, reported a net loss of $1.457 billion for the three months ended June 30, 2024, widening from a net loss of $1.195 billion in the same period the previous year. The company's net loss per share also increased from $1.27 to $1.46. Despite the increased losses, Rivian's revenues rose by 3% year-on-year to $1.158 billion for the quarter, driven by a 9% increase in vehicle deliveries. Over six months, revenues jumped 33% to $2.362 billion, with delivery volumes up by 33%. However, cost of revenues outpaced sales, leading to a gross profit loss that grew from $412 million to $451 million for the quarter and from $947 million to $978 million for the six-month period. Rivian's operating expenses also increased, with research and...Show More
Rivian Automotive, an American electric vehicle manufacturer, reported a net loss of $1.457 billion for the three months ended June 30, 2024, widening from a net loss of $1.195 billion in the same period the previous year. The company's net loss per share also increased from $1.27 to $1.46. Despite the increased losses, Rivian's revenues rose by 3% year-on-year to $1.158 billion for the quarter, driven by a 9% increase in vehicle deliveries. Over six months, revenues jumped 33% to $2.362 billion, with delivery volumes up by 33%. However, cost of revenues outpaced sales, leading to a gross profit loss that grew from $412 million to $451 million for the quarter and from $947 million to $978 million for the six-month period. Rivian's operating expenses also increased, with research and development costs slightly down but selling, general, and administrative expenses up by 19% over six months. The company highlighted its production of 23,592 vehicles and delivery of 27,378 vehicles during the first half of 2024. Rivian's business development included the launch of the R1 platform with the R1T pickup truck and R1S SUV, and the Rivian Commercial Van platform developed with Amazon, which ordered 100,000 electric delivery vans. The company also unveiled a new midsize platform, the MSP, which underpins the R2 and R3 product lines, with production expected to start in 2026. Rivian's future plans involve scaling production and delivery operations, launching a pre-owned vehicle program, and expanding its service network. The company also aims to open its Rivian Adventure Network to non-Rivian EVs and expects to offer new services like Connect+ and Rivian Autonomy Platform+. Rivian's liquidity position includes $5.763 billion in cash and cash equivalents and $2.104 billion in short-term investments as of June 30, 2024.
美國電動汽車製造商Rivian Automotive報告,截至2024年6月30日的三個月內淨虧損1457百萬美元,較去年同期的淨虧損1195百萬美元擴大。公司每股淨虧損也從1.27美元增加至1.46美元。儘管虧損增加,Rivian的營收在本季度同比增長3%至11.58億美元,由於交付量增加9%而推動。六個月內,營收增長了33%,達到23.62億美元,交貨量增加了33%。然而,營收成本超過銷售,導致本季度毛利潤虧損從412百萬美元增加至451百萬美元,六個月期間從947百萬美元增加至978百萬美元。Rivian的營業費用也增加了,研發成本略有下降,但銷售、總務和管理費用在六個月內增加了19%。...展開全部
美國電動汽車製造商Rivian Automotive報告,截至2024年6月30日的三個月內淨虧損1457百萬美元,較去年同期的淨虧損1195百萬美元擴大。公司每股淨虧損也從1.27美元增加至1.46美元。儘管虧損增加,Rivian的營收在本季度同比增長3%至11.58億美元,由於交付量增加9%而推動。六個月內,營收增長了33%,達到23.62億美元,交貨量增加了33%。然而,營收成本超過銷售,導致本季度毛利潤虧損從412百萬美元增加至451百萬美元,六個月期間從947百萬美元增加至978百萬美元。Rivian的營業費用也增加了,研發成本略有下降,但銷售、總務和管理費用在六個月內增加了19%。公司強調了其在2024年上半年生產了23,592輛車和交付了27,378輛車。Rivian的業務發展包括推出R1萬億皮卡和R1S SUV的R1平台,以及與亞馬遜合作開發的Rivian商用貨車平台,訂購了10萬輛電動交付車。該公司還推出了一種新的中型平台MSP,支撐着R2和R3產品線,預計2026年開始生產。Rivian的未來計劃包括擴大生產和交付業務,推出二手車計劃,並擴展其服務網絡。該公司還計劃向非Rivian EV開放其Rivian Adventure Network,並計劃提供新的服務,如Connect+和Rivian Autonomy Platform+。Rivian的流動資金包括截至2024年6月30日的576.3百萬美元的現金及現金等價物和210.4百萬美元的短期投資。


