
PlayAGS | DEFA14A: Others

PlayAGS | DEFA14A: Others

PlayAGS | DEFA14A:其他
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/07/27 04:49


PlayAGS, Inc., a gaming company, has filed additional materials with the SEC as part of its definitive proxy statement, following a series of unsolicited acquisition proposals from Brightstar Capital Partners. The supplemental disclosures were made in response to fourteen demand letters and two lawsuits from purported stockholders, who challenged the adequacy of information in the original proxy statement. The legal actions, which allege omissions in the proxy statement, have been named Fleming v. PlayAGS, Inc. et al., and Miller v. PlayAGS, Inc. et al. Despite these challenges, PlayAGS denies any wrongdoing and has not admitted to the necessity or materiality of the additional disclosures. The supplemental information includes revised financial analyses and details of the acquisition proposals, which began with...Show More
PlayAGS, Inc., a gaming company, has filed additional materials with the SEC as part of its definitive proxy statement, following a series of unsolicited acquisition proposals from Brightstar Capital Partners. The supplemental disclosures were made in response to fourteen demand letters and two lawsuits from purported stockholders, who challenged the adequacy of information in the original proxy statement. The legal actions, which allege omissions in the proxy statement, have been named Fleming v. PlayAGS, Inc. et al., and Miller v. PlayAGS, Inc. et al. Despite these challenges, PlayAGS denies any wrongdoing and has not admitted to the necessity or materiality of the additional disclosures. The supplemental information includes revised financial analyses and details of the acquisition proposals, which began with a December Proposal offering a premium of 33% to 42% over PlayAGS's closing stock price on December 22, 2023, and culminated in a Final Proposal on March 31, 2024, with a 62% premium. The company urges stockholders to vote on the proposed merger, which would result in PlayAGS becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Brightstar's affiliate. The information in the supplement is current as of July 1, 2024, and is intended to be read in conjunction with the original proxy statement.
一家arvr遊戲公司PlayAGS已提交附加材料給SEC作爲其最終代理聲明的一部分,以回應Brightstar Capital Partners的一系列非要約收購提議。這些補充披露是針對十四封要求信和兩項股東自稱的訴訟而做出的,這些股東質疑原代理聲明中的信息的充分性。這些指控的法律行動指稱代理聲明中的遺漏,並被命名爲Fleming訴PlayAGS, Inc. et al.和Miller訴PlayAGS, Inc. et al. 儘管面臨這些挑戰,PlayAGS否認任何不當行爲,也未承認附加披露的必要性或重要性。補充信息包括修訂後的財務分析和收購提議的詳細信息,這些提議始於2023年12月提議,...展開全部
一家arvr遊戲公司PlayAGS已提交附加材料給SEC作爲其最終代理聲明的一部分,以回應Brightstar Capital Partners的一系列非要約收購提議。這些補充披露是針對十四封要求信和兩項股東自稱的訴訟而做出的,這些股東質疑原代理聲明中的信息的充分性。這些指控的法律行動指稱代理聲明中的遺漏,並被命名爲Fleming訴PlayAGS, Inc. et al.和Miller訴PlayAGS, Inc. et al. 儘管面臨這些挑戰,PlayAGS否認任何不當行爲,也未承認附加披露的必要性或重要性。補充信息包括修訂後的財務分析和收購提議的詳細信息,這些提議始於2023年12月提議,提供的溢價爲33%到42%,超過了PlayAGS於2023年12月22日的收盤價格,最終在2024年3月31日以62%的溢價達成最終提案。公司敦促股東投票支持擬議合併,該合併將導致PlayAGS成爲Brightstar關聯方的全資子公司。補充材料中的信息截至2024年7月1日,旨在與原代理聲明一起閱讀。


