
424B3: Prospectus

424B3: Prospectus

美股SEC公告 ·  07/06 05:32
LeddarTech Holdings Inc., listed on the Nasdaq Global Market under the symbol LDTC, has filed a prospectus supplement on July 5, 2024, to update and amend previous prospectuses related to its securities offerings. The supplement includes information from the company's Report of Foreign Private Issuer on Form 6-K, also filed on July 5, 2024. The company has announced a primary offering of over 24 million common shares, along with warrants and shares underlying warrants and convertible notes. Additionally, secondary offerings of common shares have been detailed. LeddarTech has entered into a Ninth Amending Agreement with Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec, temporarily reducing the required minimum cash balance the company must maintain. The agreement also outlines fees payable to Desjardins and...Show More
LeddarTech Holdings Inc., listed on the Nasdaq Global Market under the symbol LDTC, has filed a prospectus supplement on July 5, 2024, to update and amend previous prospectuses related to its securities offerings. The supplement includes information from the company's Report of Foreign Private Issuer on Form 6-K, also filed on July 5, 2024. The company has announced a primary offering of over 24 million common shares, along with warrants and shares underlying warrants and convertible notes. Additionally, secondary offerings of common shares have been detailed. LeddarTech has entered into a Ninth Amending Agreement with Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec, temporarily reducing the required minimum cash balance the company must maintain. The agreement also outlines fees payable to Desjardins and conditions for a targeted US$30 million equity investment. The company's common shares and warrants were last reported on Nasdaq at $0.99 per share and $0.04 per warrant, respectively, on July 3, 2024. LeddarTech has also received indications of interest from principal shareholders to invest up to US$9.7 million, contingent on certain conditions including a successful financing transaction.
LeddarTech Holdings Inc.(納斯達克全球市場上的標的LDTC)於2024年7月5日提交了一份招股書補充說明,以更新和修改有關證券發行的先前招股書。該補充說明包括公司於2024年7月5日提交的《外國私人發行人報告書》中的信息。公司宣佈了超過2400萬普通股的主要發行,以及與認股權證和認股權證下的股票和可轉換票據相關的股票。此外,細節中還包括普通股的二次發行。LeddarTech已與魁北克合作金融聯合會簽署了第九協議,在此臨時降低了公司必須保持的最低現金餘額。該協議還概述了向Desjardins支付的費用和一項針對3000萬美元的目標性股權投資的條件。公司的普通股和認股權證在2024年7月3日在納斯達克報告的價格分別爲每股0.99美元和每張0.04美元。LeddarTech還收到了主要股東的意向投資,最高可投資970萬美元,但這取決於成功的融資交易等一些特定條件。
LeddarTech Holdings Inc.(納斯達克全球市場上的標的LDTC)於2024年7月5日提交了一份招股書補充說明,以更新和修改有關證券發行的先前招股書。該補充說明包括公司於2024年7月5日提交的《外國私人發行人報告書》中的信息。公司宣佈了超過2400萬普通股的主要發行,以及與認股權證和認股權證下的股票和可轉換票據相關的股票。此外,細節中還包括普通股的二次發行。LeddarTech已與魁北克合作金融聯合會簽署了第九協議,在此臨時降低了公司必須保持的最低現金餘額。該協議還概述了向Desjardins支付的費用和一項針對3000萬美元的目標性股權投資的條件。公司的普通股和認股權證在2024年7月3日在納斯達克報告的價格分別爲每股0.99美元和每張0.04美元。LeddarTech還收到了主要股東的意向投資,最高可投資970萬美元,但這取決於成功的融資交易等一些特定條件。


