
ReTo Eco-Solutions | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

ReTo Eco-Solutions | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

瑞圖生態 | 6-K:外國發行人報告(業績相關)
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/07/03 05:31


ReTo Eco-Solutions will hold its 2024 Annual General Meeting on August 5, 2024, where shareholders will vote on several significant proposals including the establishment of a dual-class share structure. The company proposes to redesignate existing common shares as Class A shares and create 2 million Class B shares carrying 1,000 votes each, with 1 million Class B shares to be issued to REIT International at par value.The meeting will include the election of Tonglong Liu and Baoqing Sun as Class B directors for terms expiring in 2027, and the ratification of YCM CPA Inc. as the independent auditor for FY2024. The proposed dual-class structure would give Class B shareholders approximately 99.6% voting control while holding 20.5% of total shares, enabling management to maintain long-term control.The company's current management team, led by CEO Hengfang Li, President Guangfeng Dai, CTO Zhizhong Hu, and CCIO Degang Hou, collectively controls REIT International with respective ownership of 40%, 20%, 20%, and 20%. The new structure aims to facilitate long-term business strategies and equity financing while maintaining stable corporate governance.
ReTo Eco-Solutions will hold its 2024 Annual General Meeting on August 5, 2024, where shareholders will vote on several significant proposals including the establishment of a dual-class share structure. The company proposes to redesignate existing common shares as Class A shares and create 2 million Class B shares carrying 1,000 votes each, with 1 million Class B shares to be issued to REIT International at par value.The meeting will include the election of Tonglong Liu and Baoqing Sun as Class B directors for terms expiring in 2027, and the ratification of YCM CPA Inc. as the independent auditor for FY2024. The proposed dual-class structure would give Class B shareholders approximately 99.6% voting control while holding 20.5% of total shares, enabling management to maintain long-term control.The company's current management team, led by CEO Hengfang Li, President Guangfeng Dai, CTO Zhizhong Hu, and CCIO Degang Hou, collectively controls REIT International with respective ownership of 40%, 20%, 20%, and 20%. The new structure aims to facilitate long-term business strategies and equity financing while maintaining stable corporate governance.
瑞圖生態宣佈了2024年年度股東大會的議程,提議採用雙重股權結構併發行B類股份。公司計劃將現有的普通股重新指定爲A類股份,並創建200萬B類股份,每股擁有1000票。此外,瑞圖還提議向由關鍵高管控制的REIt國際公司發行100萬B類股份。其他議程項目包括選舉兩名B類董事,批准YCm CPA作爲2024財年的核數師,以及一個休會提案。如果獲得批准,新的股份結構將賦予B類股東,主要是現任管理層,顯著的投票控制權。這一舉措旨在保持領導層的穩定,同時爲新的股權融資機會鋪平道路。年度股東大會定於2024年8月5日在北京舉行。截止到2024年6月20日的登記股東,有資格就這些提案投票,這可能會對公司的治理和所有權結構產生重大影響。
瑞圖生態宣佈了2024年年度股東大會的議程,提議採用雙重股權結構併發行B類股份。公司計劃將現有的普通股重新指定爲A類股份,並創建200萬B類股份,每股擁有1000票。此外,瑞圖還提議向由關鍵高管控制的REIt國際公司發行100萬B類股份。其他議程項目包括選舉兩名B類董事,批准YCm CPA作爲2024財年的核數師,以及一個休會提案。如果獲得批准,新的股份結構將賦予B類股東,主要是現任管理層,顯著的投票控制權。這一舉措旨在保持領導層的穩定,同時爲新的股權融資機會鋪平道路。年度股東大會定於2024年8月5日在北京舉行。截止到2024年6月20日的登記股東,有資格就這些提案投票,這可能會對公司的治理和所有權結構產生重大影響。


