
DEFA14A: Others

DEFA14A: Others

美股SEC公告 ·  06/25 18:20
On June 24, 2024, Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (FFIE), a Delaware-based electric vehicle company, announced a series of measures aimed at regaining compliance with Nasdaq's listing standards. The company's Board of Directors has approved proposals to be voted on at the upcoming annual stockholders' meeting. These proposals include authorizing a reverse stock split of the company's common stock in a range between 1-for-2 and 1-for-40 shares and increasing the number of authorized shares of common stock. The final ratio for the reverse stock split will be determined by the Board post stockholder approval, with the flexibility to abandon, delay, or postpone the action. FFIE's stock price had previously fallen below Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement...Show More
On June 24, 2024, Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (FFIE), a Delaware-based electric vehicle company, announced a series of measures aimed at regaining compliance with Nasdaq's listing standards. The company's Board of Directors has approved proposals to be voted on at the upcoming annual stockholders' meeting. These proposals include authorizing a reverse stock split of the company's common stock in a range between 1-for-2 and 1-for-40 shares and increasing the number of authorized shares of common stock. The final ratio for the reverse stock split will be determined by the Board post stockholder approval, with the flexibility to abandon, delay, or postpone the action. FFIE's stock price had previously fallen below Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement, leading to a deficiency notice and the risk of delisting. The company has since taken steps to address the issues, including filing its 2023 Annual Report, engaging a new independent auditor, and committing to timely filings for its quarterly reports. The reverse stock split aims to increase the stock price to meet Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement, while the increase in authorized shares is intended to facilitate strategic financing, potentially including investments from the Middle East. The company also mentioned the possibility of hosting a retail investor community day.
2024年6月24日,總部位於德拉華的電動汽車公司Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (FFIE)宣佈了一系列旨在恢復納斯達克上市標準合規性的措施。該公司的董事會已批准將在即將舉行的股東大會上進行投票的提案。這些提案包括授權公司普通股進行1:2至1:40股的比例範圍內的反向股票分割和增加普通股授權股數。反向股票分割的最終比率將由董事會在股東批准後確定,並具有放棄、推遲或推遲行動的靈活性。FFIE的股價此前已跌破納斯達克的最低買盤價格要求,導致缺陷通知和退市風險。公司此後採取了一系列步驟來解決問題,包括提交其2023年年度報告、聘請新的獨立核數師,並承諾及時提交季度報告。反向股票分割旨在增加股價以達到納斯達克的最低買盤價格要求,而增加的授權股數旨在促進戰略融資,可能包括來自中東的投資。公司還提到了舉辦零售投資者社區日的可能性。
2024年6月24日,總部位於德拉華的電動汽車公司Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (FFIE)宣佈了一系列旨在恢復納斯達克上市標準合規性的措施。該公司的董事會已批准將在即將舉行的股東大會上進行投票的提案。這些提案包括授權公司普通股進行1:2至1:40股的比例範圍內的反向股票分割和增加普通股授權股數。反向股票分割的最終比率將由董事會在股東批准後確定,並具有放棄、推遲或推遲行動的靈活性。FFIE的股價此前已跌破納斯達克的最低買盤價格要求,導致缺陷通知和退市風險。公司此後採取了一系列步驟來解決問題,包括提交其2023年年度報告、聘請新的獨立核數師,並承諾及時提交季度報告。反向股票分割旨在增加股價以達到納斯達克的最低買盤價格要求,而增加的授權股數旨在促進戰略融資,可能包括來自中東的投資。公司還提到了舉辦零售投資者社區日的可能性。


