
Tesla | DEFA14A: Others

Tesla | DEFA14A: Others

特斯拉 | DEFA14A:其他
美股sec公告 ·  06/04 05:32
On June 3, 2024, Tesla, Inc. communicated with its stockholders and updated its investor relations website with new materials related to its upcoming 2024 annual meeting. The company has filed a definitive proxy statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which includes vital information about the agenda for the annual meeting. Tesla urges its stockholders to read the materials provided, which are available on the SEC's website and Tesla's investor relations page. The proxy statement details the company's plans, including the proposed redomestication of Tesla from Delaware to Texas and the ratification of Tesla's 2018 CEO pay package. The communication also contains forward-looking statements regarding Tesla's expectations and potential risks associated with the redomestication and ratification. Tesla's directors and executive officers are participants in the solicitation of proxies for the annual meeting, and their interests are included in the proxy statement. The company has emphasized the importance of these documents for stockholders to make informed decisions at the annual meeting.
On June 3, 2024, Tesla, Inc. communicated with its stockholders and updated its investor relations website with new materials related to its upcoming 2024 annual meeting. The company has filed a definitive proxy statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which includes vital information about the agenda for the annual meeting. Tesla urges its stockholders to read the materials provided, which are available on the SEC's website and Tesla's investor relations page. The proxy statement details the company's plans, including the proposed redomestication of Tesla from Delaware to Texas and the ratification of Tesla's 2018 CEO pay package. The communication also contains forward-looking statements regarding Tesla's expectations and potential risks associated with the redomestication and ratification. Tesla's directors and executive officers are participants in the solicitation of proxies for the annual meeting, and their interests are included in the proxy statement. The company has emphasized the importance of these documents for stockholders to make informed decisions at the annual meeting.
2024年6月3日,特斯拉公司與其股東進行了溝通,並更新了關於即將到來的2024年股東大會的新材料,包括提交給美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的決定性委託書,其中包含年度會議議程的重要信息。 特斯拉敦促其股東閱讀所提供的材料,這些材料可在SEC網站和特斯拉的投資人關係頁面上獲得。 委託書詳細說明瞭公司的計劃,包括將特斯拉從特拉華州重新製作成為德克薩斯州的計劃以及批准特斯拉的2018年CEO薪酬計劃。該通訊還包含關於特斯拉期望以及重新製作和批准可能帶來的風險的前瞻性聲明。 特斯拉的董事和高管是年度會議代理人的參與者,他們的利益包含在委託書中。 公司強調了這些文件對股東作出有關投票決策的重要性。
2024年6月3日,特斯拉公司與其股東進行了溝通,並更新了關於即將到來的2024年股東大會的新材料,包括提交給美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的決定性委託書,其中包含年度會議議程的重要信息。 特斯拉敦促其股東閱讀所提供的材料,這些材料可在SEC網站和特斯拉的投資人關係頁面上獲得。 委託書詳細說明瞭公司的計劃,包括將特斯拉從特拉華州重新製作成為德克薩斯州的計劃以及批准特斯拉的2018年CEO薪酬計劃。該通訊還包含關於特斯拉期望以及重新製作和批准可能帶來的風險的前瞻性聲明。 特斯拉的董事和高管是年度會議代理人的參與者,他們的利益包含在委託書中。 公司強調了這些文件對股東作出有關投票決策的重要性。


