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U Power | 20-F: FY2023 Annual Report
U Power | 20-F: FY2023 Annual Report
優品車 | 20-F:2023財年年報
U Power Limited, a Cayman Islands-based company with operations in China, reported a net loss of RMB 25,466 (approximately USD 3,587) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. The company also experienced negative operating cash flows of RMB 65,442 (approximately USD 9,218) and an accumulated deficit of RMB 173,176 (approximately USD 24,392). Despite these losses, U Power Limited's net current assets amounted to RMB 88,316 (approximately USD 12,438). The company's financial performance was primarily driven by its vehicle sourcing services and electric vehicle (EV) business, which includes the development and sales of new energy vehicles, battery swapping stations, and related services. U Power Limited's total revenue for the fiscal year was RMB 19,764 (approximately USD 2,783), with the EV business contributing 86.3% of the total revenue. The company...Show More
U Power Limited, a Cayman Islands-based company with operations in China, reported a net loss of RMB 25,466 (approximately USD 3,587) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. The company also experienced negative operating cash flows of RMB 65,442 (approximately USD 9,218) and an accumulated deficit of RMB 173,176 (approximately USD 24,392). Despite these losses, U Power Limited's net current assets amounted to RMB 88,316 (approximately USD 12,438). The company's financial performance was primarily driven by its vehicle sourcing services and electric vehicle (EV) business, which includes the development and sales of new energy vehicles, battery swapping stations, and related services. U Power Limited's total revenue for the fiscal year was RMB 19,764 (approximately USD 2,783), with the EV business contributing 86.3% of the total revenue. The company's sourcing services accounted for 7.7% of the revenue, while battery-swapping services made up 6.0%. U Power Limited's revenue from product sales, primarily battery swapping stations, reached RMB 17,062 (approximately USD 2,403). The company's operating expenses, including sales and marketing, general and administrative, and research and development costs, totaled RMB 49,075 (approximately USD 6,912). U Power Limited's future plans include continuing the development of its proprietary battery-swapping technology, UOTTA, and expanding its sales channels to promote and market UOTTA-powered EVs and battery-swapping stations. The company also aims to enhance its research and development capabilities and strengthen partnerships with key auto manufacturers and battery developers in China.
總部位於開曼群島的U Power Limited在中國開展業務,在2023年12月31日結束的財年報告中,淨虧損了人民幣25466元(約合美元3587元)。該公司的經營現金流爲負人民幣65442元(約合美元9218元),累計虧損爲人民幣173176元(約合美元24392元)。儘管出現虧損,U Power Limited的淨流動資產金額爲人民幣88316元(約合美元12438元)。該公司的財務業績主要來源於其車輛採購服務和新能源車業務,其中包括開發和銷售新能源車、換電站以及相關服務。U Power Limited在財年的總營收爲人民幣19764元(約合美元2783元),新能源業務貢獻了總營收的8...展開全部
總部位於開曼群島的U Power Limited在中國開展業務,在2023年12月31日結束的財年報告中,淨虧損了人民幣25466元(約合美元3587元)。該公司的經營現金流爲負人民幣65442元(約合美元9218元),累計虧損爲人民幣173176元(約合美元24392元)。儘管出現虧損,U Power Limited的淨流動資產金額爲人民幣88316元(約合美元12438元)。該公司的財務業績主要來源於其車輛採購服務和新能源車業務,其中包括開發和銷售新能源車、換電站以及相關服務。U Power Limited在財年的總營收爲人民幣19764元(約合美元2783元),新能源業務貢獻了總營收的86.3%。該公司採購服務佔營收的7.7%,而換電服務佔6.0%。U Power Limited從產品銷售中獲得的收入,主要來自換電站,達到人民幣17062元(約合美元2403元)。該公司的營業費用,包括銷售和市場推廣費用、一般和管理費用以及研發費用,總計爲人民幣49075元(約合美元6912元)。U Power Limited的未來計劃包括繼續開發其專有的換電技術UOTTA,並擴大其銷售渠道以推廣和銷售搭載UOTTA的新能源車和換電站。該公司還旨在增強其研發能力,並與中國的關鍵汽車製造商和電池開發商建立穩固合作關係。
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