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10-Q: Q1 2023 Earnings Report
10-Q: Q1 2023 Earnings Report
Airship AI, an AI-driven data management platform, has reported a significant increase in net revenues for the first quarter of 2024, reaching $10,575,000 compared to $2,939,000 in the same period of 2023, marking a 259.8% increase. The company attributes this growth to increased product sales, with over $13 million in purchase orders from federal government agency customers. However, the cost of net revenues also rose to $7,947,000, up from $2,135,000 in the previous year, due to higher product sales and a shift in product mix. Despite the revenue growth, Airship AI experienced a net loss of $31,964,000 for the quarter, significantly higher than the $1,712,000 loss in Q1 2023, primarily due to noncash charges related to fair value changes in warrants, earnout liability, and convertible debt. In terms of business development...Show More
Airship AI, an AI-driven data management platform, has reported a significant increase in net revenues for the first quarter of 2024, reaching $10,575,000 compared to $2,939,000 in the same period of 2023, marking a 259.8% increase. The company attributes this growth to increased product sales, with over $13 million in purchase orders from federal government agency customers. However, the cost of net revenues also rose to $7,947,000, up from $2,135,000 in the previous year, due to higher product sales and a shift in product mix. Despite the revenue growth, Airship AI experienced a net loss of $31,964,000 for the quarter, significantly higher than the $1,712,000 loss in Q1 2023, primarily due to noncash charges related to fair value changes in warrants, earnout liability, and convertible debt. In terms of business development, Airship AI completed a merger with BYTS on December 21, 2023, and became the accounting acquirer, now trading under the ticker symbol 'AISP'. The company specializes in structuring unstructured data at the edge using AI models, catering to government and law enforcement agencies, as well as large commercial corporations. Airship AI's primary offerings include Outpost AI, Acropolis, and Airship Command, which manage data across the full lifecycle with a secure permissioned architecture.Looking ahead, Airship AI plans to focus on expanding within existing government customers, penetrating the commercial marketplace, and expanding edge AI-based solutions. The company began selling AI-based solutions in late 2022 and is transitioning data management and analysis workloads to the edge. Airship AI expects to fund operations for the next twelve months through cash on hand, operations, and financing transactions, but acknowledges that equity financing could lead to dilution for existing stockholders or require them to waive certain rights and preferences.
Airship AI,一家以人工智能驅動的數據管理平台,報告了2024年第一季度淨營業收入顯著增長,達到1057.5萬美元,相比2023年同期的293.9萬美元增長了259.8%。公司將這一增長歸因於產品銷售的增加,聯邦政府機構客戶的採購訂單超過1300萬美元。然而,淨營業收入成本也從前一年的213.5萬美元上升到794.7萬美元,這是由於產品銷售增加和產品組合的轉變所致。儘管收入增長,Airship AI在本季度也虧損了3196.4萬美元,高於2023年第一季度的171.2萬美元,主要是由於權證公允價值變動、盡義務負債和可轉債等非現金費用。
Airship AI,一家以人工智能驅動的數據管理平台,報告了2024年第一季度淨營業收入顯著增長,達到1057.5萬美元,相比2023年同期的293.9萬美元增長了259.8%。公司將這一增長歸因於產品銷售的增加,聯邦政府機構客戶的採購訂單超過1300萬美元。然而,淨營業收入成本也從前一年的213.5萬美元上升到794.7萬美元,這是由於產品銷售增加和產品組合的轉變所致。儘管收入增長,Airship AI在本季度也虧損了3196.4萬美元,高於2023年第一季度的171.2萬美元,主要是由於權證公允價值變動、盡義務負債和可轉債等非現金費用。
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