
Lucid Group | 10-Q: Q1 2024 Earnings Report

Lucid Group | 10-Q: Q1 2024 Earnings Report

Lucid Group | 10-Q:2024財年一季報
美股SEC公告 ·  05/07 04:20
Lucid Group, a technology company focused on sustainable energy and electric vehicles, reported a 16% increase in revenue to $172.74 million for the three months ended March 31, 2024, compared to $149.43 million in the same period the previous year. The growth was primarily driven by higher deliveries of the Lucid Air vehicles and an increase in regulatory credit sales. Despite the revenue growth, the cost of revenue saw a significant decrease of 19% to $404.79 million, down from $500.52 million, due to lower inventory write-downs and losses from firm purchase commitments. Lucid Group's operating expenses also rose by 18% to $497.86 million, with research and development costs up 24% to $284.63 million, and selling, general, and administrative expenses increasing by 26% to $213.23 million. The company's financial performance reflects its...Show More
Lucid Group, a technology company focused on sustainable energy and electric vehicles, reported a 16% increase in revenue to $172.74 million for the three months ended March 31, 2024, compared to $149.43 million in the same period the previous year. The growth was primarily driven by higher deliveries of the Lucid Air vehicles and an increase in regulatory credit sales. Despite the revenue growth, the cost of revenue saw a significant decrease of 19% to $404.79 million, down from $500.52 million, due to lower inventory write-downs and losses from firm purchase commitments. Lucid Group's operating expenses also rose by 18% to $497.86 million, with research and development costs up 24% to $284.63 million, and selling, general, and administrative expenses increasing by 26% to $213.23 million. The company's financial performance reflects its ongoing efforts to scale production and expand its direct-to-consumer sales and service model. Lucid Group has opened fifty studios and service centers globally and expects to launch the Gravity SUV in late 2024, followed by a new Midsize platform in late 2026. The company also entered into a subscription agreement with Ayar, securing $1.0 billion in a private placement. Lucid Group's future plans include significant capital expenditures to support commercialization and growth, with an anticipated $1.5 billion in spending for the fiscal year 2024. This will fund operations, research and development, construction of manufacturing facilities, expansion of retail studios and service centers, and other initiatives to grow Lucid's business.
Lucid Group是一家專注於可持續能源和新能源車的科技公司,報告稱截至2024年3月31日三個月的營業收入達到172.74億美元,較上年同期的149.43億美元增長16%。增長主要得益於Lucid Air車型的交付量增加以及監管信用銷售增長。儘管營收增長,營業成本卻顯著下降了19%,從5.0052億美元降至4.0479億美元,主要由於庫存減值和因承諾購買產生的損失減少。Lucid Group的營業費用也增加了18%,其中研發費用增長24%,達到2.8463億美元,銷售、總務和管理費用增長了26%,達到2.1323億美元。公司的財務表現反映出其不斷努力擴大生產規模和拓展直銷和服務模式。Lu...展開全部
Lucid Group是一家專注於可持續能源和新能源車的科技公司,報告稱截至2024年3月31日三個月的營業收入達到172.74億美元,較上年同期的149.43億美元增長16%。增長主要得益於Lucid Air車型的交付量增加以及監管信用銷售增長。儘管營收增長,營業成本卻顯著下降了19%,從5.0052億美元降至4.0479億美元,主要由於庫存減值和因承諾購買產生的損失減少。Lucid Group的營業費用也增加了18%,其中研發費用增長24%,達到2.8463億美元,銷售、總務和管理費用增長了26%,達到2.1323億美元。公司的財務表現反映出其不斷努力擴大生產規模和拓展直銷和服務模式。Lucid Group已在全球開設了50個工作室和服務中心,並計劃於2024年底推出Gravity SUV,隨後是2026年底推出新的中型平台。該公司還與Ayar簽署了定向增發協議,籌集了10億美元的基金。Lucid Group未來的計劃包括大量的資本支出以支持商業化和增長,預計2024財年的支出將達到15億美元。這將資助運營、研發、製造設施建設、零售工作室和服務中心的拓展以及其他增長Lucid業務的倡議。


