
Rivian Automotive | 8-K: Signing the REV Tax Credit Agreement

Rivian Automotive | 8-K: Signing the REV Tax Credit Agreement

Rivian Automotive | 8-K:簽署REV稅收抵免協議
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/05/03 20:36


On May 2, 2024, Rivian Automotive, Inc. announced the entry into a significant agreement with the State of Illinois. The agreement, effective April 29, 2024, involves Rivian Automotive's commitment to a major expansion and renovation of its manufacturing operations in Normal, Illinois. The company has pledged to invest over $1.5 billion within five years and create at least 559 new full-time jobs by the end of 2029, in addition to retaining 6,000 existing jobs in the state. These commitments are part of the conditions for Rivian to receive an incentives package worth up to $827 million, which includes tax credits, exemptions, and grants. The agreement also stipulates that Rivian must maintain operations at the expanded facility for at least 15 years and meet job creation and investment commitments...Show More
On May 2, 2024, Rivian Automotive, Inc. announced the entry into a significant agreement with the State of Illinois. The agreement, effective April 29, 2024, involves Rivian Automotive's commitment to a major expansion and renovation of its manufacturing operations in Normal, Illinois. The company has pledged to invest over $1.5 billion within five years and create at least 559 new full-time jobs by the end of 2029, in addition to retaining 6,000 existing jobs in the state. These commitments are part of the conditions for Rivian to receive an incentives package worth up to $827 million, which includes tax credits, exemptions, and grants. The agreement also stipulates that Rivian must maintain operations at the expanded facility for at least 15 years and meet job creation and investment commitments to retain eligibility for the tax credits, which are initially available for 15 years with a potential extension. The agreement can be terminated under certain conditions, including failure to meet commitments or by mutual consent. The details of the agreement were disclosed in a Form 8-K filed with the SEC, accompanied by the full text of the agreement as an exhibit.
2024 年 5 月 2 日,Rivian Automotive, Inc. 宣佈與伊利諾伊州簽訂一項重要協議。該協議於2024年4月29日生效,涉及Rivian Automotive承諾對其位於伊利諾伊州諾瑪爾的製造業務進行重大擴張和翻新。該公司已承諾在五年內投資超過15億美元,到2029年底創造至少559個新的全職工作崗位,此外還將在該州保留6,000個現有工作崗位。這些承諾是 Rivian 獲得高達 8.27 億美元的一攬子激勵計劃的條件的一部分,其中包括稅收抵免、豁免和補助金。該協議還規定,Rivian必須將擴建後的設施的運營維持至少15年,並履行創造就業機會和投資的承諾,以保留獲得稅收抵免的資格,稅收抵免最初有效期爲15年,可能會延期。協議可以在某些條件下終止,包括未能履行承諾或經雙方同意。該協議的細節已在向美國證券交易委員會提交的8-K表格中披露,並附有協議的全文作爲附錄。
2024 年 5 月 2 日,Rivian Automotive, Inc. 宣佈與伊利諾伊州簽訂一項重要協議。該協議於2024年4月29日生效,涉及Rivian Automotive承諾對其位於伊利諾伊州諾瑪爾的製造業務進行重大擴張和翻新。該公司已承諾在五年內投資超過15億美元,到2029年底創造至少559個新的全職工作崗位,此外還將在該州保留6,000個現有工作崗位。這些承諾是 Rivian 獲得高達 8.27 億美元的一攬子激勵計劃的條件的一部分,其中包括稅收抵免、豁免和補助金。該協議還規定,Rivian必須將擴建後的設施的運營維持至少15年,並履行創造就業機會和投資的承諾,以保留獲得稅收抵免的資格,稅收抵免最初有效期爲15年,可能會延期。協議可以在某些條件下終止,包括未能履行承諾或經雙方同意。該協議的細節已在向美國證券交易委員會提交的8-K表格中披露,並附有協議的全文作爲附錄。


