
Luckin Coffee | 20-F: Registration statement / Annual report / Transition report

Luckin Coffee | 20-F: Registration statement / Annual report / Transition report

瑞幸咖啡 | 20-F:年度報告/過渡報告/註冊聲明
美股sec公告 ·  04/08 20:07
Luckin Coffee Inc. (Luckin Coffee) reported a significant increase in financial performance for the year ended December 31, 2023. Net revenues soared by 87.3% to RMB 24,903.2 million (US$3,507.5 million), driven by an increase in products sold, store expansion, and a growing customer base, which reached 230.1 million cumulative transacting customers. Operating income rose to RMB 3,025.6 million (US$426.1 million), representing 12.1% of net revenues, compared to 8.7% in the previous year. The company's net income also saw a substantial rise to RMB 2,847.9 million (US$401.1 million). The growth in operating expenses was in line with business expansion, but as a percentage of net revenues, it decreased from 91.3% in 2022 to 87.9% in 2023, reflecting increased economies of scale and technology-driven operations. Luckin Coffee's cash and cash equivalents, along...Show More
Luckin Coffee Inc. (Luckin Coffee) reported a significant increase in financial performance for the year ended December 31, 2023. Net revenues soared by 87.3% to RMB 24,903.2 million (US$3,507.5 million), driven by an increase in products sold, store expansion, and a growing customer base, which reached 230.1 million cumulative transacting customers. Operating income rose to RMB 3,025.6 million (US$426.1 million), representing 12.1% of net revenues, compared to 8.7% in the previous year. The company's net income also saw a substantial rise to RMB 2,847.9 million (US$401.1 million). The growth in operating expenses was in line with business expansion, but as a percentage of net revenues, it decreased from 91.3% in 2022 to 87.9% in 2023, reflecting increased economies of scale and technology-driven operations. Luckin Coffee's cash and cash equivalents, along with restricted cash, stood at RMB 3,038.6 million (US$428.0 million) by year-end. The company has no interest-bearing debt following the full redemption of offshore debt securities in 2022. Luckin Coffee's capital expenditures for property and equipment were RMB 2,750.2 million (US$387.4 million) in 2023, indicating continued investment in growth. The company's financial position is supported by cash from operating activities and anticipated cash flow, with no dividends paid or planned in the near future as funds are reinvested into the business.
瑞幸咖啡公司(Luckin Coffee)報告稱,截至2023年12月31日的年度財務業績大幅增長。淨收入飆升了87.3%,至249.032億元人民幣(合35.075億美元),這得益於產品銷售的增加、門店擴張和不斷增長的客戶群,累計交易客戶達到2.301億。營業收入增至30.256億元人民幣(4.261億美元),佔淨收入的12.1%,而去年同期爲8.7%。該公司的淨收入也大幅增長至28.479億元人民幣(4.011億美元)。運營支出的增長與業務擴張一致,但佔淨收入的百分比從2022年的91.3%下降到2023年的87.9%,這反映了規模經濟的提高和技術驅動的運營。截至年底,瑞幸咖啡的現金和現金...展開全部
瑞幸咖啡公司(Luckin Coffee)報告稱,截至2023年12月31日的年度財務業績大幅增長。淨收入飆升了87.3%,至249.032億元人民幣(合35.075億美元),這得益於產品銷售的增加、門店擴張和不斷增長的客戶群,累計交易客戶達到2.301億。營業收入增至30.256億元人民幣(4.261億美元),佔淨收入的12.1%,而去年同期爲8.7%。該公司的淨收入也大幅增長至28.479億元人民幣(4.011億美元)。運營支出的增長與業務擴張一致,但佔淨收入的百分比從2022年的91.3%下降到2023年的87.9%,這反映了規模經濟的提高和技術驅動的運營。截至年底,瑞幸咖啡的現金和現金等價物以及限制性現金爲30.386億元人民幣(4.28億美元)。在2022年全部贖回離岸債務證券後,該公司沒有計息債務。2023年,瑞幸咖啡的不動產和設備資本支出爲27.502億元人民幣(3.874億美元),這表明對增長的持續投資。公司的財務狀況由經營活動產生的現金和預期的現金流支持,由於資金被再投資到業務,在不久的將來沒有支付或計劃派發任何股息。


