
MBIA | DEF 14A: Definitive information statements

MBIA | DEF 14A: Definitive information statements

MBIA | DEF 14A:股東委託書決議
美股SEC公告 ·  03/22 04:09
MBIA Inc. (MBIA) has announced the invitation to its annual meeting of shareholders scheduled for May 2, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. EDT, which will be conducted virtually to ensure accessibility for all shareholders. The agenda includes the election of directors, advisory vote on executive compensation, ratification of independent auditors for 2024, and approval of the Amended and Restated MBIA Inc. Omnibus Incentive Plan. The meeting will also feature a Q&A session with shareholders, who can submit questions in advance or live during the webcast. MBIA emphasizes the importance of shareholder voting, even for those not attending the meeting, and provides instructions for voting via proxy statement. The company's board unanimously recommends voting for the proposed directors, executive compensation, selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditors, and the incentive plan. The announcement also outlines the availability of proxy materials online and the various methods shareholders can use to cast their votes.
MBIA Inc. (MBIA) has announced the invitation to its annual meeting of shareholders scheduled for May 2, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. EDT, which will be conducted virtually to ensure accessibility for all shareholders. The agenda includes the election of directors, advisory vote on executive compensation, ratification of independent auditors for 2024, and approval of the Amended and Restated MBIA Inc. Omnibus Incentive Plan. The meeting will also feature a Q&A session with shareholders, who can submit questions in advance or live during the webcast. MBIA emphasizes the importance of shareholder voting, even for those not attending the meeting, and provides instructions for voting via proxy statement. The company's board unanimously recommends voting for the proposed directors, executive compensation, selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditors, and the incentive plan. The announcement also outlines the availability of proxy materials online and the various methods shareholders can use to cast their votes.
MBIA公司(MBIA)宣佈邀請其參加定於美國東部時間2024年5月2日上午10點舉行的年度股東大會,該年度股東大會將以虛擬方式舉行,以確保所有股東都能參加。該議程包括董事選舉、高管薪酬諮詢投票、批准2024年獨立核數師以及批准經修訂和重述的MBIA Inc.綜合激勵計劃。會議還將包括與股東的問答環節,股東可以提前提交問題,也可以在網絡直播期間現場直播。MBIA強調股東投票的重要性,即使對於未參加會議的人也是如此,並通過委託書提供了投票指導。公司董事會一致建議對擬議的董事、高管薪酬、選擇普華永道會計師事務所作爲核數師以及激勵計劃進行投票。該公告還概述了在線代理材料的可用性以及股東可以用來投票的各種方法。
MBIA公司(MBIA)宣佈邀請其參加定於美國東部時間2024年5月2日上午10點舉行的年度股東大會,該年度股東大會將以虛擬方式舉行,以確保所有股東都能參加。該議程包括董事選舉、高管薪酬諮詢投票、批准2024年獨立核數師以及批准經修訂和重述的MBIA Inc.綜合激勵計劃。會議還將包括與股東的問答環節,股東可以提前提交問題,也可以在網絡直播期間現場直播。MBIA強調股東投票的重要性,即使對於未參加會議的人也是如此,並通過委託書提供了投票指導。公司董事會一致建議對擬議的董事、高管薪酬、選擇普華永道會計師事務所作爲核數師以及激勵計劃進行投票。該公告還概述了在線代理材料的可用性以及股東可以用來投票的各種方法。


