
180 Life Sciences | 8-K: Current report

180 Life Sciences | 8-K:重大事件

美股SEC公告 ·  03/11 19:06
On March 7, 2024, 180 Life Sciences Corp. announced significant changes to its Board of Directors. Sir Marc Feldmann, Ph.D., resigned from his position on the Board, effective immediately. His resignation was not due to any disagreements with the company's operations or practices. Concurrently, the company appointed Omar Jimenez and Ryan L. Smith as new independent directors, effective the same date. Both appointees will serve as Class II directors until the 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. The Board also adjusted its size to five members. Jimenez, with extensive financial and compliance experience, will serve as the audit committee financial expert and chair the Audit Committee. Smith, with a background in business and public company fundraising, will chair the Compensation Committee and Nominating...Show More
On March 7, 2024, 180 Life Sciences Corp. announced significant changes to its Board of Directors. Sir Marc Feldmann, Ph.D., resigned from his position on the Board, effective immediately. His resignation was not due to any disagreements with the company's operations or practices. Concurrently, the company appointed Omar Jimenez and Ryan L. Smith as new independent directors, effective the same date. Both appointees will serve as Class II directors until the 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. The Board also adjusted its size to five members. Jimenez, with extensive financial and compliance experience, will serve as the audit committee financial expert and chair the Audit Committee. Smith, with a background in business and public company fundraising, will chair the Compensation Committee and Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. The company plans to enter into standard Indemnification Agreements with the new directors, similar to those with other directors, to cover certain legal expenses. These board changes have resulted in a majority of independent members on the Board and all three committees being fully independent, aligning with Nasdaq rules.
2024 年 3 月 7 日,180 生命科學公司宣佈了其董事會的重大變動。馬克·費爾德曼爵士博士辭去董事會職務,立即生效。他辭職不是因爲與公司的運營或做法有任何分歧。同時,公司任命奧馬爾·希門尼斯和瑞安·史密斯爲新的獨立董事,自同日起生效。在2024年年度股東大會之前,兩位被任命者都將擔任二類董事。董事會還將其規模調整爲五名成員。希門尼斯擁有豐富的財務和合規經驗,將擔任審計委員會財務專家和審計委員會主席。史密斯具有商業和上市公司籌款背景,將擔任薪酬委員會和提名與公司治理委員會主席。該公司計劃與新董事簽訂標準賠償協議,類似於與其他董事簽訂的補償協議,以支付某些法律費用。這些董事會變動使董事會中的大多數獨立成員和所有三個委員會完全獨立,符合納斯達克的規則。
2024 年 3 月 7 日,180 生命科學公司宣佈了其董事會的重大變動。馬克·費爾德曼爵士博士辭去董事會職務,立即生效。他辭職不是因爲與公司的運營或做法有任何分歧。同時,公司任命奧馬爾·希門尼斯和瑞安·史密斯爲新的獨立董事,自同日起生效。在2024年年度股東大會之前,兩位被任命者都將擔任二類董事。董事會還將其規模調整爲五名成員。希門尼斯擁有豐富的財務和合規經驗,將擔任審計委員會財務專家和審計委員會主席。史密斯具有商業和上市公司籌款背景,將擔任薪酬委員會和提名與公司治理委員會主席。該公司計劃與新董事簽訂標準賠償協議,類似於與其他董事簽訂的補償協議,以支付某些法律費用。這些董事會變動使董事會中的大多數獨立成員和所有三個委員會完全獨立,符合納斯達克的規則。


