
HNR Acquisition Corp | 8-K: Current report

HNR Acquisition Corp | 8-K:重大事件

美股SEC公告 ·  03/07 21:50
On March 7, 2024, HNR Acquisition Corp, a Delaware-based company, filed a Form 8-K with the SEC to report an amendment to a previously established agreement with White Lion Capital, LLC. The amendment, referred to as Amendment No. 1, modifies the Common Stock Purchase Agreement originally entered into on October 17, 2022. Under the revised terms, HNR Acquisition Corp has agreed to issue 440,000 Commitment Shares to White Lion as consideration for White Lion's commitments. The Amendment also introduces a Rapid Purchase Notice feature, allowing for expedited transactions within two business days, and sets a daily resale limit for White Lion at 7% of the previous day's trading volume. Additionally, the right for HNR Acquisition Corp to sell shares to White Lion has been extended until December 31, 2026. The company also disclosed the unregistered sale of equity securities, relying on exemptions from registration requirements. Alongside the amendment, HNR Acquisition Corp released an updated investor presentation and issued a press release regarding the same, both of which were filed with the SEC.
On March 7, 2024, HNR Acquisition Corp, a Delaware-based company, filed a Form 8-K with the SEC to report an amendment to a previously established agreement with White Lion Capital, LLC. The amendment, referred to as Amendment No. 1, modifies the Common Stock Purchase Agreement originally entered into on October 17, 2022. Under the revised terms, HNR Acquisition Corp has agreed to issue 440,000 Commitment Shares to White Lion as consideration for White Lion's commitments. The Amendment also introduces a Rapid Purchase Notice feature, allowing for expedited transactions within two business days, and sets a daily resale limit for White Lion at 7% of the previous day's trading volume. Additionally, the right for HNR Acquisition Corp to sell shares to White Lion has been extended until December 31, 2026. The company also disclosed the unregistered sale of equity securities, relying on exemptions from registration requirements. Alongside the amendment, HNR Acquisition Corp released an updated investor presentation and issued a press release regarding the same, both of which were filed with the SEC.
2024年3月7日,總部位於特拉華州的HNR Acquisition Corp向美國證券交易委員會提交了8-K表格,報告了對先前與白獅資本有限責任公司達成的協議的修正案。該修正案被稱爲第1號修正案,修改了最初於2022年10月17日簽訂的普通股購買協議。根據修訂後的條款,HNR收購公司已同意向白獅發行44萬股承諾股,作爲白獅承諾的對價。該修正案還引入了快速購買通知功能,允許在兩個工作日內進行加急交易,並將White Lion的每日轉售限額設置爲前一天交易量的7%。此外,HNR收購公司向白獅出售股票的權利已延長至2026年12月31日。該公司還披露了未註冊出售股權證券的情況,其依據是註冊要求的豁免。除修正案外,HNR Acquisition Corp還發布了最新的投資者演示文稿,併發布了有關該修正案的新聞稿,兩份報告均已向美國證券交易委員會提交。
2024年3月7日,總部位於特拉華州的HNR Acquisition Corp向美國證券交易委員會提交了8-K表格,報告了對先前與白獅資本有限責任公司達成的協議的修正案。該修正案被稱爲第1號修正案,修改了最初於2022年10月17日簽訂的普通股購買協議。根據修訂後的條款,HNR收購公司已同意向白獅發行44萬股承諾股,作爲白獅承諾的對價。該修正案還引入了快速購買通知功能,允許在兩個工作日內進行加急交易,並將White Lion的每日轉售限額設置爲前一天交易量的7%。此外,HNR收購公司向白獅出售股票的權利已延長至2026年12月31日。該公司還披露了未註冊出售股權證券的情況,其依據是註冊要求的豁免。除修正案外,HNR Acquisition Corp還發布了最新的投資者演示文稿,併發布了有關該修正案的新聞稿,兩份報告均已向美國證券交易委員會提交。


