
Coinbase | 10-K: Annual report

Coinbase | 10-K:年度報表

美股sec公告 ·  02/16 05:38
Coinbase Global, Inc. (Coinbase) reported a mixed financial performance for the year ended December 31, 2023. The company's net revenue decreased to $2.9 billion, down from $3.1 billion in the previous year. Transaction revenue fell to $1.5 billion, a significant drop from $2.4 billion in 2022, while subscription and services revenue increased to $1.4 billion from $0.8 billion. Net income for the year was $0.1 billion, a notable improvement from a net loss of $2.6 billion in 2022, and Adjusted EBITDA reached $1.0 billion, recovering from a negative $0.4 billion. Despite the revenue decline, the company's financial condition improved, with a stronger balance sheet and a shift from a substantial net loss to a net profit. Coinbase's business development saw the acquisition of key licenses and expansion into six new markets. The company's future plans include driving revenue through core trading improvements, experimenting with crypto payments, and pursuing regulatory clarity for the industry. Coinbase emphasized its stronger position compared to the previous year and its readiness to capitalize on future opportunities.
Coinbase Global, Inc. (Coinbase) reported a mixed financial performance for the year ended December 31, 2023. The company's net revenue decreased to $2.9 billion, down from $3.1 billion in the previous year. Transaction revenue fell to $1.5 billion, a significant drop from $2.4 billion in 2022, while subscription and services revenue increased to $1.4 billion from $0.8 billion. Net income for the year was $0.1 billion, a notable improvement from a net loss of $2.6 billion in 2022, and Adjusted EBITDA reached $1.0 billion, recovering from a negative $0.4 billion. Despite the revenue decline, the company's financial condition improved, with a stronger balance sheet and a shift from a substantial net loss to a net profit. Coinbase's business development saw the acquisition of key licenses and expansion into six new markets. The company's future plans include driving revenue through core trading improvements, experimenting with crypto payments, and pursuing regulatory clarity for the industry. Coinbase emphasized its stronger position compared to the previous year and its readiness to capitalize on future opportunities.
Coinbase Global, Inc.(Coinbase)報告稱,截至2023年12月31日的年度財務表現喜憂參半。該公司的淨收入從去年的31億美元降至29億美元。交易收入從2022年的24億美元降至15億美元,而訂閱和服務收入從8億美元增至14億美元。該年度的淨收入爲1億美元,較2022年的26億美元淨虧損有了顯著改善,調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤達到10億美元,從負4億美元中恢復過來。儘管收入下降,但該公司的財務狀況有所改善,資產負債表有所改善,淨虧損從可觀的淨虧損轉爲淨利潤。Coinbase的業務發展見證了關鍵許可證的收購併擴展到了六個新市場。該公司的未來計劃包括通過改善核心交易來增加收入、嘗試加密支付以及追求行業監管的明確性。Coinbase強調了其與去年相比更強的地位以及抓住未來機遇的意願。
Coinbase Global, Inc.(Coinbase)報告稱,截至2023年12月31日的年度財務表現喜憂參半。該公司的淨收入從去年的31億美元降至29億美元。交易收入從2022年的24億美元降至15億美元,而訂閱和服務收入從8億美元增至14億美元。該年度的淨收入爲1億美元,較2022年的26億美元淨虧損有了顯著改善,調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤達到10億美元,從負4億美元中恢復過來。儘管收入下降,但該公司的財務狀況有所改善,資產負債表有所改善,淨虧損從可觀的淨虧損轉爲淨利潤。Coinbase的業務發展見證了關鍵許可證的收購併擴展到了六個新市場。該公司的未來計劃包括通過改善核心交易來增加收入、嘗試加密支付以及追求行業監管的明確性。Coinbase強調了其與去年相比更強的地位以及抓住未來機遇的意願。


