
Global Gas | 8-K: Current report

Global Gas | 8-K:重大事件

美股SEC公告 ·  02/09 19:34
Global Gas Corporation, previously known as Dune Acquisition Corporation, has amended a Forward Purchase Agreement with Meteora Capital Partners and affiliates. The amendment, dated February 5, 2024, allows Global Gas to request up to $5 million in Prepayment Shortfall in increments of $250,000, subject to certain conditions. The amendment also modifies the Prepayment Shortfall Consideration, allowing for the sale of Recycled Shares without an Early Termination Obligation and adjusting the Share Consideration holding period. This amendment is detailed in the company's Form 8-K filed with the SEC, which includes the full text of the Amendment as Exhibit 10.1.
Global Gas Corporation, previously known as Dune Acquisition Corporation, has amended a Forward Purchase Agreement with Meteora Capital Partners and affiliates. The amendment, dated February 5, 2024, allows Global Gas to request up to $5 million in Prepayment Shortfall in increments of $250,000, subject to certain conditions. The amendment also modifies the Prepayment Shortfall Consideration, allowing for the sale of Recycled Shares without an Early Termination Obligation and adjusting the Share Consideration holding period. This amendment is detailed in the company's Form 8-K filed with the SEC, which includes the full text of the Amendment as Exhibit 10.1.
環球天然氣公司,前身爲沙丘收購公司,已修訂了與Meteora Capital Partners及其附屬公司的遠期購買協議。該修正案於2024年2月5日生效,允許全球天然氣公司申請高達500萬美元的預付款缺口,增量爲25萬美元,但須遵守某些條件。該修正案還修改了預付款缺口對價,允許在沒有提前終止義務的情況下出售回收股份,並調整了股票對價的持有期。該公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的8-K表格詳細介紹了該修正案,其中包括附錄10.1中的修正案全文。
環球天然氣公司,前身爲沙丘收購公司,已修訂了與Meteora Capital Partners及其附屬公司的遠期購買協議。該修正案於2024年2月5日生效,允許全球天然氣公司申請高達500萬美元的預付款缺口,增量爲25萬美元,但須遵守某些條件。該修正案還修改了預付款缺口對價,允許在沒有提前終止義務的情況下出售回收股份,並調整了股票對價的持有期。該公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的8-K表格詳細介紹了該修正案,其中包括附錄10.1中的修正案全文。


