
Nxu Inc | DEF 14C: Definitive information statements

Nxu Inc | DEF 14C:股東委託書決議

美股SEC公告 ·  01/16 13:00
Nxu Inc., a Delaware corporation listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market, has announced the completion of a significant corporate action involving a private placement transaction with Lynks Motor Corporation. The transaction, which was approved by written consent of the majority stockholders on December 22, 2023, involved the issuance of 1,000 newly issued shares of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock by Nxu Inc. to Lynks in exchange for a 15% equity interest in Lynks. This strategic move aims to regain compliance with Nasdaq's minimum stockholders' equity requirement for continued listing. The approval process bypassed the need for a stockholder meeting, utilizing Section 228 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, which allows actions to be taken by written consent. The corporate action...Show More
Nxu Inc., a Delaware corporation listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market, has announced the completion of a significant corporate action involving a private placement transaction with Lynks Motor Corporation. The transaction, which was approved by written consent of the majority stockholders on December 22, 2023, involved the issuance of 1,000 newly issued shares of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock by Nxu Inc. to Lynks in exchange for a 15% equity interest in Lynks. This strategic move aims to regain compliance with Nasdaq's minimum stockholders' equity requirement for continued listing. The approval process bypassed the need for a stockholder meeting, utilizing Section 228 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, which allows actions to be taken by written consent. The corporate action is set to be effective on or about February 5, 2024. The transaction is expected to have a dilutive effect on existing stockholders' voting power and could potentially affect the trading price of Nxu's Class A Common Stock once the shares underlying the Series A Preferred Stock are publicly resold, as per the registration rights agreement with Lynks. The company has filed the necessary documentation with the SEC, and the information statement was first mailed to stockholders on January 16, 2024.
在納斯達克資本市場上市的特拉華州公司Nxu Inc. 宣佈完成一項涉及與Lynks Motor Corporation私募交易的重大公司行動。該交易於2023年12月22日獲得大股東的書面同意,涉及Nxu Inc.向Lynks發行1,000股新發行的A系列可轉換優先股,以換取Lynks15%的股權。這一戰略舉措旨在重新遵守納斯達克繼續上市的最低股東權益要求。批准程序繞過了舉行股東會議的必要性,利用了《特拉華州通用公司法》第228條,該條款允許通過書面同意採取行動。該公司行動定於2024年2月5日左右生效。根據與Lynks簽訂的註冊權協議,該交易預計將對現有股東的投票權產生稀釋作用,一旦A系列優先股的標的股票被公開轉售,可能會影響Nxu的A類普通股的交易價格。該公司已向美國證券交易委員會提交了必要的文件,該信息聲明於2024年1月16日首次郵寄給股東。
在納斯達克資本市場上市的特拉華州公司Nxu Inc. 宣佈完成一項涉及與Lynks Motor Corporation私募交易的重大公司行動。該交易於2023年12月22日獲得大股東的書面同意,涉及Nxu Inc.向Lynks發行1,000股新發行的A系列可轉換優先股,以換取Lynks15%的股權。這一戰略舉措旨在重新遵守納斯達克繼續上市的最低股東權益要求。批准程序繞過了舉行股東會議的必要性,利用了《特拉華州通用公司法》第228條,該條款允許通過書面同意採取行動。該公司行動定於2024年2月5日左右生效。根據與Lynks簽訂的註冊權協議,該交易預計將對現有股東的投票權產生稀釋作用,一旦A系列優先股的標的股票被公開轉售,可能會影響Nxu的A類普通股的交易價格。該公司已向美國證券交易委員會提交了必要的文件,該信息聲明於2024年1月16日首次郵寄給股東。


