
Signing Day Sports | 10-Q/A: Quarterly report (Amendment)

Signing Day Sports | 10-Q/A:季度報表(修正版)

美股SEC公告 ·  2023/12/29 13:00
Signing Day Sports, Inc. reported financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2023. Net revenues increased significantly by 1,547.1% to $55,212 compared to $3,352 in the same period last year, primarily due to an increase in user subscriptions. Cost of revenues decreased by 93.7% to $10,238, mainly due to reduced software development staff and full capitalization of software development labor costs. Operating expenses saw a decrease, with advertising and marketing expenses dropping 42.3% to $75,565 and general and administrative expenses decreasing by 22.6% to $567,522. The company incurred a net loss of $919,625, an improvement from a net loss of $993,277 in the previous year. Interest expense was $309,217, attributed to an increase in convertible and nonconvertible notes payable. The company's financial position was bolstered by the completion of an initial public...Show More
Signing Day Sports, Inc. reported financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2023. Net revenues increased significantly by 1,547.1% to $55,212 compared to $3,352 in the same period last year, primarily due to an increase in user subscriptions. Cost of revenues decreased by 93.7% to $10,238, mainly due to reduced software development staff and full capitalization of software development labor costs. Operating expenses saw a decrease, with advertising and marketing expenses dropping 42.3% to $75,565 and general and administrative expenses decreasing by 22.6% to $567,522. The company incurred a net loss of $919,625, an improvement from a net loss of $993,277 in the previous year. Interest expense was $309,217, attributed to an increase in convertible and nonconvertible notes payable. The company's financial position was bolstered by the completion of an initial public offering (IPO) in November 2023, raising net proceeds of approximately $4.8 million after underwriting discounts, commissions, and expenses. Proceeds from the IPO are intended for product and technology development, sales team expansion, marketing efforts, and general corporate purposes. Additionally, the company's 6% and 8% convertible unsecured promissory notes were automatically converted into common stock upon the IPO's closing, and associated warrants were exercised to repay outstanding principal on nonconvertible promissory notes.
Signing Day Sports, Inc.公佈了截至2023年9月30日的季度財務業績。與去年同期的3,352美元相比,淨收入大幅增長了1,547.1%,達到55,212美元,這主要是由於用戶訂閱量的增加。收入成本下降了93.7%,至10,238美元,這主要是由於減少了軟件開發人員和軟件開發勞動力成本的全部資本。運營支出有所下降,廣告和營銷費用下降了42.3%,至75,565美元,一般和管理費用下降了22.6%,至567,522美元。該公司的淨虧損爲919,625美元,較去年的淨虧損993,277美元有所改善。利息支出爲309,217美元,這歸因於可轉換和不可轉換應付票據的增加。2023...展開全部
Signing Day Sports, Inc.公佈了截至2023年9月30日的季度財務業績。與去年同期的3,352美元相比,淨收入大幅增長了1,547.1%,達到55,212美元,這主要是由於用戶訂閱量的增加。收入成本下降了93.7%,至10,238美元,這主要是由於減少了軟件開發人員和軟件開發勞動力成本的全部資本。運營支出有所下降,廣告和營銷費用下降了42.3%,至75,565美元,一般和管理費用下降了22.6%,至567,522美元。該公司的淨虧損爲919,625美元,較去年的淨虧損993,277美元有所改善。利息支出爲309,217美元,這歸因於可轉換和不可轉換應付票據的增加。2023 年 11 月完成首次公開募股 (IPO),在承保折扣、佣金和支出後,該公司的財務狀況得到提振,淨收益約爲 480 萬美元。首次公開募股的收益將用於產品和技術開發、銷售團隊擴張、營銷工作和一般公司用途。此外,該公司6%和8%的可轉換無抵押本票在首次公開募股結束時自動轉換爲普通股,並行使相關認股權證以償還不可轉換期票的未償本金。


