

IPO of Yunxingtai Group Holdings Co., Ltd. (8362.HK)

長雄證券 ·  Jun 20, 2017 00:00  · Researches

  Business Overview Financial Summary

Yun Hing Tai Group is a professional supplier of processed raw and cooked food in Hong Kong. Its business plans include wholesale and retail. All of the Group's wholesale business is carried out in Hong Kong. Wholesale customers include airline catering, restaurants, general catering and food processing operators. In addition to the wholesale business, the Group has also operated an online food store (i.e., since 2012, providing a variety of food to retail customers through an online platform. On June 12, 2017, the Group provided customers with more than 100 kinds of processed raw food, such as processed poultry, beef, pork and lamb, and more than 50 kinds of processed cooked food, such as char roast, Peking duck, suckling pig and sirloin.

Competitive advantage

The group has a diverse product portfolio and can provide more than 150 types of processed raw and cooked food

The group has a complete in-house food processing plant including its own equipment, equipment and storage room

The group has its own logistics team and a fully equipped vehicle fleet

Risk Factors

A group may not be able to obtain or continue with the licences and permits necessary to do business or maintain existing standard certificates

The group's business relies heavily on its own brand strength and reputation. If it fails to maintain and promote the brand and reputation, the customer's approval and trust in the group's products may suffer significant adverse effects

Use of proceeds

Approximately 57.3% was used to purchase a new factory to be used as a new refrigerator

Approximately 22.9% of the new properties used to renovate refrigeration equipment

Approximately 6.3% was used to strengthen the logistics team

Approximately 2.3% was used to establish a human resources department

Approximately 1.8% was used to upgrade internal management systems

Approximately 9.4% is used as the group's general working capital

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