

Zoom, the video conference unicorn, is here! At the opening of the market, it soared 81%

富途资讯 ·  Apr 18, 2019 23:25

On April 18, Zoom, a videoconferencing unicorn, went public on Nasdaq tonight, with an opening jump of 81% and a market capitalization of more than $16.6 billion.


Source: Futu Securities

It is understood that due to the bullish market, Zoom's share price continues to rise, with an initial price range of US $28,000. then, the company will set the price at the high end of US $33mur. finally, the IPO share price is set at US $36, and IPO's valuation has risen to US $9.2 billion.


Source: Futu Securities

It is reported that Zoom is a leading mobile video conferencing tool, which mainly provides software and services such as remote video conferencing and collaborative working. the customers are mainly business owners and institutional organizations. 1/3 of the users of Fortune 500s and top 200universities in the United States are Zoom customers. As of January 2019, Zoom had 344 customers who contributed more than $100000 in revenue.

It has replaced cisco, webex, skype and other established videoconferencing systems in just a few years to become the most popular videoconferencing brand in North America.

In terms of performance, Zoom's revenues for the fiscal years ended January 31, 2017, January 31, 2018 and January 31, 2019 were $60.8 million, $151.5 million and $333.5 million, respectively. It is now profitable, with a net profit of $7.6 million in fiscal year 2019.


Source: prospectus

In terms of shareholder background, both Sequoia Capital and Li Ka-shing have corresponding shareholdings:


More interpretation information:

Zoom: the "unicorn" of the videoconference world, which goes on sale tonight!

ZOOM: videoconferencing first stock, valued at $9.2 billion

The miracle of Zoom and the dividend brought by Chinese style 996

Editor | Golden Forest

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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