

PC PARTNER: List of Directors and their Role and Function

HKEX ·  Nov 20, 2024 09:34

Summary by Futu AI

栢能集團(PC PARTNER)於2024年11月20日公布了董事會成員名單及其在各委員會中的職務。執行董事包括王錫豪先生(主席兼行政總裁)、王芳柏先生(副執行總裁)、梁華根先生(營運總監)及其他成員。非執行董事中,陳艷女士、蔡思勄先生、吳成偉先生、江治強先生及關秀英女士等擔任審核委員會、薪酬委員會及提名委員會的主席或成員。該公告確認了公司治理架構的完整性,並展示了栢能集團對於董事會職能的透明度。
栢能集團(PC PARTNER)於2024年11月20日公布了董事會成員名單及其在各委員會中的職務。執行董事包括王錫豪先生(主席兼行政總裁)、王芳柏先生(副執行總裁)、梁華根先生(營運總監)及其他成員。非執行董事中,陳艷女士、蔡思勄先生、吳成偉先生、江治強先生及關秀英女士等擔任審核委員會、薪酬委員會及提名委員會的主席或成員。該公告確認了公司治理架構的完整性,並展示了栢能集團對於董事會職能的透明度。
On November 20, 2024, PC Partner announced the list of board of directors members and their positions in various committees. The executive directors include Mr. Wong Sik Ho (Chairman and CEO), Mr. Wong Fong Pak (Vice President), Mr. Leung Wah Kun (Operation Director), and other members. Among the non-executive directors, Ms. Chan Yam, Mr. Choi Si Pui, Mr. Ng Sing Wai, Mr. Kong Chi Keung, and Ms. Kwan Sau Ying serve as chairs or members of the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, and Nomination Committee. The announcement confirms the completeness of the company's governance structure and demonstrates PC Partner's transparency regarding the functions of the board of directors.
On November 20, 2024, PC Partner announced the list of board of directors members and their positions in various committees. The executive directors include Mr. Wong Sik Ho (Chairman and CEO), Mr. Wong Fong Pak (Vice President), Mr. Leung Wah Kun (Operation Director), and other members. Among the non-executive directors, Ms. Chan Yam, Mr. Choi Si Pui, Mr. Ng Sing Wai, Mr. Kong Chi Keung, and Ms. Kwan Sau Ying serve as chairs or members of the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, and Nomination Committee. The announcement confirms the completeness of the company's governance structure and demonstrates PC Partner's transparency regarding the functions of the board of directors.

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