
SciSparc | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

SciSparc | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

SciSparc | 6-K:外國發行人報告
SEC announcement ·  03/15 20:05
SciSparc Ltd., a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company, announced the successful dosing of the first patient in its SCI-210 clinical trial for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) on March 14, 2024. The trial is being conducted at the Soroka Medical Center and targets pediatric patients. This marks a significant advancement following the company's recent update on the delivery of its SCI-210 treatment to the clinical site. The treatment comprises a combination of cannabidiol-rich oil and CannAmide, SciSparc's proprietary palmitoylethanolamide-based tablets. The study is designed as a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with cross-over, set to last 20 weeks and enroll 60 children. It aims to assess the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of SCI-210 compared to CBD monotherapy. The primary efficacy...Show More
SciSparc Ltd., a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company, announced the successful dosing of the first patient in its SCI-210 clinical trial for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) on March 14, 2024. The trial is being conducted at the Soroka Medical Center and targets pediatric patients. This marks a significant advancement following the company's recent update on the delivery of its SCI-210 treatment to the clinical site. The treatment comprises a combination of cannabidiol-rich oil and CannAmide, SciSparc's proprietary palmitoylethanolamide-based tablets. The study is designed as a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with cross-over, set to last 20 weeks and enroll 60 children. It aims to assess the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of SCI-210 compared to CBD monotherapy. The primary efficacy endpoints include the Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community, the Clinical Global Impressions-Improvement scale, and determining the effective therapeutic dosage. SciSparc specializes in cannabinoid pharmaceuticals and is also engaged in drug development programs for Tourette Syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, pain, and status epilepticus. The company cautions that the forward-looking statements in the press release are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from those projected.
處於臨床階段的製藥公司ScisPARC Ltd. 於2024年3月14日宣佈在其針對自閉症譜系障礙(ASD)的 SCI-210 臨床試驗中成功給第一位患者給藥。該試驗正在索羅卡醫療中心進行,目標是兒科患者。這標誌着繼該公司最近向臨床場所提供 SCI-210 治療的最新情況之後取得的重大進展。該療法包括富含大麻二酚的油和cannaMide(ScisPARC專有的基於棕櫚酰乙醇酰胺的片劑)的組合。該研究設計爲一項交叉隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照試驗,將持續20周,招收60名兒童。它旨在評估 SCI-210 與 CBD 單一療法相比的安全性、耐受性和療效。主要療效終點包括異常行爲清單社區、臨床全球印象改善量表和確定有效治療劑量。ScisPARC專門研究大麻素藥物,還參與圖雷特綜合症、阿爾茨海默氏病、疼痛和癲癇持續狀態的藥物開發項目。該公司警告說,新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述受風險和不確定性的影響,實際業績可能與預期存在重大差異。
處於臨床階段的製藥公司ScisPARC Ltd. 於2024年3月14日宣佈在其針對自閉症譜系障礙(ASD)的 SCI-210 臨床試驗中成功給第一位患者給藥。該試驗正在索羅卡醫療中心進行,目標是兒科患者。這標誌着繼該公司最近向臨床場所提供 SCI-210 治療的最新情況之後取得的重大進展。該療法包括富含大麻二酚的油和cannaMide(ScisPARC專有的基於棕櫚酰乙醇酰胺的片劑)的組合。該研究設計爲一項交叉隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照試驗,將持續20周,招收60名兒童。它旨在評估 SCI-210 與 CBD 單一療法相比的安全性、耐受性和療效。主要療效終點包括異常行爲清單社區、臨床全球印象改善量表和確定有效治療劑量。ScisPARC專門研究大麻素藥物,還參與圖雷特綜合症、阿爾茨海默氏病、疼痛和癲癇持續狀態的藥物開發項目。該公司警告說,新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述受風險和不確定性的影響,實際業績可能與預期存在重大差異。


