
SciSparc | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

SciSparc | 6-K:外國發行人報告

SEC announcement ·  02/29 22:08
SciSparc Ltd., a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company, announced on February 29, 2024, the successful delivery of its SCI-210 treatment for a clinical trial targeting Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in pediatric patients. The trial, to be conducted at the Soroka Medical Center, will test the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of SCI-210 compared to CBD monotherapy. SCI-210 is a proprietary combination of cannabidiol-rich oil and CannAmide, SciSparc's palmitoylethanolamide-based tablets. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with cross-over will span 20 weeks and enroll 60 children. Primary efficacy endpoints include the Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community, the Clinical Global Impressions-Improvement scale, and determining the effective therapeutic dosage. SciSparc's CEO, Oz Adler, expressed confidence in the treatment's potential to offer a more effective and safe option for patients. The company aims to proceed with the commercialization of SCI-210 in Israel following the trial's outcome. The press release also serves as a forward-looking statement and is incorporated by reference into the company's registration statements filed with the SEC.
SciSparc Ltd., a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company, announced on February 29, 2024, the successful delivery of its SCI-210 treatment for a clinical trial targeting Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in pediatric patients. The trial, to be conducted at the Soroka Medical Center, will test the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of SCI-210 compared to CBD monotherapy. SCI-210 is a proprietary combination of cannabidiol-rich oil and CannAmide, SciSparc's palmitoylethanolamide-based tablets. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with cross-over will span 20 weeks and enroll 60 children. Primary efficacy endpoints include the Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community, the Clinical Global Impressions-Improvement scale, and determining the effective therapeutic dosage. SciSparc's CEO, Oz Adler, expressed confidence in the treatment's potential to offer a more effective and safe option for patients. The company aims to proceed with the commercialization of SCI-210 in Israel following the trial's outcome. The press release also serves as a forward-looking statement and is incorporated by reference into the company's registration statements filed with the SEC.
處於臨床階段的製藥公司ScisPARC Ltd. 於2024年2月29日宣佈,其針對兒科患者自閉症譜系障礙(ASD)的臨床試驗成功交付其 SCI-210 療法。該試驗將在索羅卡醫療中心進行,將測試 SCI-210 與 CBD 單一療法相比的安全性、耐受性和有效性。SCI-210 是富含大麻二酚的油和 ScisPARC 基於棕櫚酰乙醇酰胺的片劑 CannaMide 的專有組合。這項交叉的隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照試驗將持續20周,招收60名兒童。主要療效終點包括異常行爲清單社區、臨床全球印象改善量表和確定有效治療劑量。ScisPARC的首席執行官奧茲·阿德勒表示相信,該療法有可能爲患者提供更有效、更安全的選擇。該公司的目標是在試驗結果出來後繼續在以色列推動 SCI-210 的商業化。該新聞稿還是一份前瞻性聲明,並以引用方式納入公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的註冊聲明中。
處於臨床階段的製藥公司ScisPARC Ltd. 於2024年2月29日宣佈,其針對兒科患者自閉症譜系障礙(ASD)的臨床試驗成功交付其 SCI-210 療法。該試驗將在索羅卡醫療中心進行,將測試 SCI-210 與 CBD 單一療法相比的安全性、耐受性和有效性。SCI-210 是富含大麻二酚的油和 ScisPARC 基於棕櫚酰乙醇酰胺的片劑 CannaMide 的專有組合。這項交叉的隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照試驗將持續20周,招收60名兒童。主要療效終點包括異常行爲清單社區、臨床全球印象改善量表和確定有效治療劑量。ScisPARC的首席執行官奧茲·阿德勒表示相信,該療法有可能爲患者提供更有效、更安全的選擇。該公司的目標是在試驗結果出來後繼續在以色列推動 SCI-210 的商業化。該新聞稿還是一份前瞻性聲明,並以引用方式納入公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的註冊聲明中。


