
Hang Seng Index rebounded 30% from a low level! How did the market move in the second half of the year?

金吾財訊 Jun 9, 2022 20:09 · 98.6k Views
As we all know, in the first half of 2022, the economic performance of all countries was relatively weak under multiple influencing factors. The overall earnings of global stock markets have been poor since the beginning of the year, with only the Turkish, Indonesian, British, Spanish, Brazilian, and Thai stock indexes showing positive earnings. Meanwhile, the MSCI China, the Shanghai-Shenzhen 300, and the SZSE Composite Index all recorded declines of around 20%, and the Nasdaq Composite Index has also declined by more than 20% since 2022. However, since the Hang Seng Technology Index hit an all-time low in the intraday market on March 15, the overall rebound has accumulated more than 30%, showing resilience under the impact of peripheral markets.

So what will happen to the Hong Kong stock market in the second half of the year?

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