某些已識別的信息標有“[***]“在本文件中被省略,因為它既不是實質性的,也是註冊人視為私人或機密的類型。[***]製造及整車供應協議(國內)北極星汽車中國經銷有限公司與寧波杭州灣吉利汽車零部件有限公司及浙江吉利汽車有限公司寧波杭州灣工廠製造[***]在 [***]工廠協議書編號:GEE23-0152 2目錄1.定義.....................................................................................................5.優先...........................................................................................的範圍和順序10 3.銷售和購買.............................................................................................................10 4.技術規範....................................................................................................11 5.批量計劃程序和訂單流程....................................................11 6.價格和付款.............................................................................................................12 7.製造業..................................................................................................................12 8.交付、所有權和風險......................................................................................................15 9.質量、檢驗和拒收產品的權利....................................................16 10.保修和類似索賠.........................................................................................18 11.對系統DEFECTS........................................................................................的索賠19 12.組件和/或GRI供應商造成的缺陷.....................................19 13.車輛壽命整改援助....................................................................19 14.產品責任................................................................................................................20 15.當局調查及金融服務管理局.................................................................................20 16.許可證.....................................................................................................................21 17.商標和知識產權............................................................22 18.檢查權...............................................................................................................23 19.退出和退出成本.............................................................................................................24 20.RE-LOCALISATION...................................................................................................................25 21.遵紀守法......................................................................................................25 22.表示法.................................................................................................................27 23.責任限制.......................................................................................................27 24.治理和變革................................................................................................28 25.機密INFORMATION...............................................................................................29 26.管治法律...................................................................................................................30 27.爭議解決............................................................................................................30 28.期限和終止.....................................................................................................31 29.其他....................................................................................................................33協議號:GEE23-015 3附錄清單(A)附錄1-定價原則和程序(B)附錄2-批量計劃程序(C)附錄3-可持續性要求(D)附錄4-北極星行為準則(E)附錄5-質量議定書協議號:GEE23-015 4[***]製造和車輛供應協議(國內)(本《製造協議》)於下列日期簽訂:(1)北極星汽車中國經銷有限公司。91510112MA6D05KT88,根據中國法律註冊成立的有限責任公司(“買方”或“北極星”)(2)寧波杭州灣吉利汽車零部件有限公司。91330201MA2CHD0427,根據人民Republic of China法律註冊成立的有限責任公司(“廠”);及(3)浙江吉利汽車股份有限公司寧波杭州灣工廠。不是的。913302015638837911,根據人民Republic of China法律註冊成立的有限責任公司(以下簡稱目錄公司)。工廠和目錄公司被單獨和統稱為“供應商”,除非在下文中特別使用或提及。工廠和目錄公司一方面被單獨和共同稱為“一方”(除非具體實體應根據下文的上下文確定),另一方面買方被稱為“一方”,並共同被稱為“雙方”。背景A.北極星從事北極星品牌高端電動性能汽車的開發和銷售。B.北極星已將其全部開發工作外包出去[***]根據日期為2021年12月28日的開發協議(協議號:GEE21-012),向寧波吉利汽車研發有限公司提供車輛,並將就任何變更或更新與寧波研發有限公司簽訂變更管理協議[***]車輛。C.北極星汽車中國經銷有限公司與寧波杭州灣吉利汽車零部件有限公司於2022年1月27日簽訂了《模具設備協議》(協議號:GEE21-013)。D.北極星汽車中國經銷有限公司與寧波吉利汽車研發有限公司於2021年12月23日簽訂了《獨家供應商刀具協議》(協議號:GEE21-016)。E.北極星現在希望外包和採購,供應商希望製造和銷售[***]根據本製造協議中規定的條款,將車輛(“車輛”)轉讓給買方。雙方還商定,供應商可以製造某些備件並將其出售給買方,這將在另一項協議中加以規定。F.[***] G. [***]

協議號:GEE23-015 5 H.作為一般原則,雙方同意所有相關實體之間的交易應按公平原則進行。鑑於上述情況,雙方同意執行本製造協議。1.定義下列術語應具有以下賦予它們的含義。定義列表中所有大寫的單數術語應具有相同的複數含義,反之亦然。“關聯公司”是指(I)對於供應商,任何其他直接或間接控制、由吉利汽車控制或與吉利汽車共同控制的法人實體,以及(Ii)對於買方,由Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC直接或間接控制的任何其他法律實體,“控制”是指直接或間接擁有(I)至少50%(50%)的有表決權的股票、合夥企業權益或其他所有權權益,或(Ii)任命或罷免實體董事會或其他管理機構多數席位的權力,或(B)對一個實體的管理進行指導。然而,雙方同意,如果未來由於任何一方的重組或重組而不能反映雙方在簽署本製造協議時的意圖,則將本着善意重新談判這一定義。“買方”應具有上文第(1)款規定的含義。“買方唯一供應商”是指三(3)個具體的零部件供應商;即[***]。“變更管理協議”是指Polestar Performance AB和GRI之間就車輛技術規格在OKtb+90天后的進一步開發和變更而簽訂的協議。“中國大陸”或“中華人民共和國”是指人民Republic of China(不包括香港、澳門和臺灣)。“通用部件”是指在吉利汽車擁有的工廠中用於生產車輛以及生產其他車輛的部件和材料。“通用設備”是指供應商擁有的、儲存在工廠場所並用於生產任何類型車輛的設備。“通用類型裝訂工具和設備”是指供應商擁有的、儲存在工廠場所並用於生產[***]其他品牌和買家及其附屬公司的車輛。“通用供應商工具”是指供應商擁有的、在零部件供應商所在地使用和儲存但用於生產的工具[***]其他品牌和買方及其附屬公司的車輛(和/或其中的部件)。“部件”是指根據技術規範包括在車輛中的所有部件(包括軟件)和部件。協議號:GEE23-015 6“零部件供應商(S)”是指向供應商供應車輛中包含的零部件的一方,包括同時也是供應商關聯方的一方。“機密信息”是指任何和所有關於雙方及其各自業務的信息,無論是商業的還是技術的,以任何形式或媒體,包括但不限於,技術信息和與車輛、知識產權、概念、技術、流程、商業人物、技術、戰略計劃和預算、投資、客户和銷售、設計、圖形、CAD模型、CAE數據、目標、測試計劃/報告、技術性能數據和工程簽收文件及其他敏感性質的信息有關,一方在執行本製造協議之前、期間或之後從另一方獲悉的或關於另一方的其他信息。“消費品審核”是指根據督導委員會批准的商定標準進行的消費品審核(CPA)標準。“嚴重關切”是指在工廠完工後,由於在產品安全、產品法律或合規性或產品環境和客户滿意度方面未滿足技術規範中的要求或要求的風險而導致的車輛問題。“數據”是指記錄值(可以是字符、數字或任何其他數據類型)的集合,可以通過處理將其提取為與車輛有關的意義或信息。“最終月度卷”是指各方在“批量計劃”程序中不時最終確定的滾動月度卷,在附錄2下的圖2中標記為“固定的M0”。“延遲”是指供應商未能按照附錄2--批量計劃程序中規定的商定的訂單簿計劃流程,按時向買方交付工廠整車並完成商定的數量。為免生疑問,通過將工廠整車停放在工廠內為買方指定的堆場區域內供買方取用,供應商應被視為已在該時間向買方交付工廠整車,以便在不影響本製造協議第8.1.1節規定的交付時間和本製造協議第8.2.1節規定的風險和所有權轉移時間的情況下,確定是否延遲交付。“開發協議”是指北極星性能公司和GRI於2021年12月28日就開發[***]車輛。“缺陷”是指車輛或部件(I)不符合商定的技術規範,(Ii)不符合開發協議中規定的車輛銷售所在國家的所有強制性法律,或不符合根據第24.2條通過變更管理程序告知供應商的所有強制性法律,和/或(Iii)與部件供應商提供的部件相關的設計不正確,和/或(Iv)不符合本製造協議中規定的行業標準材料質量和行業標準工藝。根據VCPA S300、A100、B50、B30、C10中的協議號:GEE23-015 7產品審核評級標準,根據不同嚴重程度對客户的影響對缺陷進行分類。進一步説明見附錄5,附件5。“泄密方”是指向接收方披露保密信息的一方。“停產”或“EOP”是指車輛停產,即工單1後7年,除非雙方另有約定。“退出”應具有第19節中給出的含義。“退出成本”是指買方應根據第19.1.1(B)條或第19.1.2(A)條(視具體情況而定)向供應商支付的賠償額。“工廠完成”是指車輛滿足並符合供應商的所有檢查和質量保證流程,處於可交付狀態,並根據本製造協議(包括技術規範)進行全面檢查,以符合買方的要求和要求。“現場服務行動”或“FSA”是指涉及或與車輛或部件缺陷有關的召回、服務行動、延長保修、安全、維護或改進計劃或類似行動,由買方、其附屬公司、經銷商或其他授權維修機構實施或執行。[***]“吉利汽車”係指吉利汽車集團有限公司。編號:91330201MA2CK3LC02,系根據《中華人民共和國Republic of China法》註冊成立的有限責任公司。“GRI”係指寧波吉利汽車研發有限公司。不是的。91330201066600025F,是根據《中華人民共和國Republic of China法》成立的有限責任公司。“困難事件”是指在不影響第29.1條的情況下,市場上的部件(包括通用部件)的材料短缺或供應限制,超出了供應商的合理控制範圍,客觀上從商業或財務角度使批量計劃的完成變得過於繁重。“行業標準”指專業、技能、勤奮、謹慎和遠見的行使,這通常是在任何給定時間從事與本製造協議項下類似類型的業務的熟練和有經驗的演員所應具備的。“工作1”是指就本製造協議和車輛而言,車輛開始生產的日期。“JPH”指每小時的工作,即一小時內生產的車輛數量。“專有技術”是指與技術規範有關的技術信息、知識和經驗,或通過根據本製造協議提供的包含工業和/或知識產權的技術援助而傳達的技術信息、知識和經驗。協議號:GEE23-015 8《生命週期規劃卷》的含義和編號應與附錄1所規定的2023財年至2029財年期間相同。LTIV是指附錄2《批量計劃程序》中詳述的長期投資額。“小缺陷”指的是真正的小缺陷,[***]不符合技術規範,對車輛和/或部件的功能影響不大,例如只能由專家檢測的小的非視覺或視覺負面印象(包括但不限於尖叫聲、劃痕等),但始終排除(I)任何系統性或重複性缺陷,除非買方另行批准,包括但不限於系統性缺陷,以及(Ii)零部件缺陷。雙方承認,在大多數情況下,小缺陷不需要修復,但當它頻繁和重複發生時,供應商將盡其商業最大努力採取行動,防止此類小缺陷在今後的交貨中再次發生。“製造和車輛供應協議”或“製造協議”是指本製造和車輛供應協議及其附件和附件。“OKtB”指《開發協議》中進一步定義的車輛開始交付給外部客户的日期。“[***]製造協議“是指[***]《製造和車輛供應協議(出口)》及其所有附錄。“許可證”應具有第16節中給出的含義。“個人數據”是指一方根據製造協議從另一方獲得的所有信息,這些信息(I)與可識別或可識別的自然人(包括另一方的僱員和客户)有關,可直接或間接識別該人的身份,或(Ii)根據現行或今後有效的適用的國家、聯邦、州和國際法律和法規,被視為個人數據。“植物”應具有上文第(2)項中所給出的含義。“北極星”應具有上文第(1)項所述的含義。“北極星實際產量”是指在一段時間內在工廠生產並達到工廠完工狀態的車輛總量。“項目協議”應具有第28.1.5節中給出的含義。“接收方”是指從披露方獲得保密信息的一方。《保留卷》應具有附錄2《卷計劃程序》中關於緊隨其後的一段時間的含義[***]歷年[***]由指導委員會決定。

協議號:GEE23-015 9“指導委員會”是指處理各方在以下方面的合作的第一級治理論壇[***]根據本製造協議,雙方之間的合作是所謂的吉利和北極星417指導委員會。“戰略委員會”是指各方為處理各方在以下方面的合作而設立的最高級別治理論壇[***]車輛與各種事項有關。“系統性缺陷”是指在統計上顯著水平上發生或可能發生的可歸因於相同或基本上相同的根本原因的缺陷。單個次要缺陷將不被視為系統性缺陷,但是,如果在影響級別上綜合考慮多個次要缺陷,則可能被視為系統性缺陷。同樣,幾個主要缺陷可能足以符合系統缺陷的要求。“技術信息”是指買方向供應商傳達的任何媒體或材料或原型中存儲的所有技術規範和專有技術,以及存儲在任何媒體或材料或原型中的所有其他書面或打印的技術信息或軟件及其所有複製品、摘錄和摘要,以及由供應商或為供應商對技術規範和專有技術所做的所有修改和/或改進。“技術規範”是指(I)GRI和買方商定的、製造車輛所必需的、由GRI提供給供應商的所有必要的車輛規格,如第4節所述,以及(Ii)買方(或GRI代表買方)傳達給供應商的任何媒體或材料或原型中存儲的所有其他書面或打印的技術信息或軟件,以及雙方商定並經工廠確認的所有複製品、摘錄和摘要(不得無理扣留或推遲確認),以及供應商根據變更管理程序進行的所有修改和/或改進。例如,GRI為根據本製造協議的條款和條件製造車輛而向供應商提供的紙質或電子形式的必要產品圖紙、材料清單、組裝説明和質量要求。“第三方”係指本製造協議項下任何一方以外的任何一方。為免生疑問,除非上下文另有明確要求,本製造協議一方的關聯方應為第三方。“獨一無二的型式綁定工具和設備”是指買方擁有的、儲存在工廠所在地的、專用於買方S車輛的、買方及其關聯公司獨有的工具和設備。“獨一無二的供應商工具”是指由買方擁有的、位於與車輛(和/或其中的組件)相關的零部件供應商所在地的模具,包括但不限於模具、量規、夾具,且不能或不應在不對其他產品進行修改的情況下重複使用。“車輛”應具有上文背景E中規定的含義。協議號:GEE23-015 10“保修期”是指買方根據適用的法律和法規不時更新的在相關市場上提供給買方最終客户的車輛的保修期。2.範圍和優先順序2.1本製造協議規定了適用於在中國大陸境內銷售的車輛的製造、組裝和銷售給買方的具體條款。2.2如果本製造協議的條款與本製造協議的附件之間存在任何矛盾或不一致,雙方同意,如果本製造協議的條款未在該文件中另有明確規定或上下文或情況另有明確暗示,則它們應按下列順序優先:a)本製造協議的主要文件。B)附錄1-定價原則和程序c)附錄2-批量計劃程序d)附錄5-質量議定書e)附錄3-可持續性要求f)附錄4-北極星行為準則2.3本製造協議的附錄構成本製造協議的組成部分。3.買賣3.1供應商同意向買方供應根據本製造協議的條款和條件訂購的車輛,並且買方同意購買。供應商只能按照買方的指示將車輛出售給買方和/或其附屬公司。車輛應按照技術規範製造。3.2買方承認,供應商將根據本製造協議規定的條款和條件為買方製造車輛並供應給買方[***]3.3雙方承認,可能存在或可能與其他買方就工廠內的車輛生產訂立其他製造和車輛供應協議,如果存在,且此類協議項下設想的總體合作模式與本製造協議的總體合作模式實質上相似,則供應商應與其他買方/買方商定本製造協議附件2所附的類似批量計劃程序原則和第19節所述的類似退出成本原則。儘管前述規定具有一般性,但未經雙方書面同意,雙方根據附錄2商定的保留容量和協議編號:GEE23-015 11車輛的價格不得與根據附錄1商定的車輛有實質性和負向的偏離。4.技術規範4.1 GRI應根據GRI描述的流程向工廠提供技術規範。這款車的技術規範將在吉利產品生命週期管理(PLM)系統中發佈。工廠承諾嚴格按照技術規範、技術訣竅和/或GRI或其分包商的其他指示製造和組裝車輛。4.2對影響車輛的技術規範的任何更改應經買方授權,並由GRI根據第24.2節中的更改程序通知工廠。5.批量計劃程序和訂單流程5.1工廠中車輛的批量計劃和訂單下單的程序作為附錄2附於本文件。5.2工廠的裝機容量使[***]自2024年起至本製造協議期滿期間每年的車輛數量。在本製造協議期間,供應商應保持按買方訂購的數量製造、組裝和向買方供應車輛的能力,數量不超過雙方根據附錄2商定的數量。5.3如果供應商因部件和/或材料短缺而無法或將無法履行其在本製造協議項下供應車輛的義務,並且這種限制可歸因於部件供應商的任何原因,而不是屬於困難事件和/或不可抗力事件範圍內的事件,則供應商應盡其商業最大努力,並應行使其根據與這些部件供應商達成的協議所享有的權利,促使這些部件供應商採取一切必要行動,恢復履行其對供應商的合同義務。5.4[***]5.5如果供應商在任何時間無法履行其在本製造協議項下向買方供應車輛的義務,並且此限制可歸因於買方唯一的供應商,則在供應商的要求下,買方應盡其最大的商業努力協助供應商以實際和合理的方式解決問題。5.6提供商應遵循附錄2第6節中所述的能力管理流程。除能力管理流程外,提供商應立即通知買方:(I)任何將會或可能導致車輛生產中使用的部件、材料或公共部件受到限制,影響提供商履行本製造協議項下義務的能力,包括可能產生的後果,雙方應遵循第5.3節和第5.4節中規定的原則和程序,並就如何最好地將上述(I)項的影響降至最低的具體事項達成進一步的協議。協議編號:GEE23-015 12 5.7供應商在與其他買方就工廠內的車輛生產簽訂其他製造和車輛供應協議時,將考慮工廠的可用容量(包括生命週期計劃容量、預留容量和最終月容量)。5.8.買方將訂購,供應商將根據附錄2.6中規定的訂購流程提供產品。價格和付款6.1產品價格6.1.1計算全部生產成本和設定車輛價格的原則和程序作為車輛定價原則和程序附於本文件,作為車輛定價原則和程序,附錄1.6.1.2除車輛外,在工廠製造的服務/備件是車輛上的部件,可以訂購,但將另行協議進行規定。6.2由於規格不同,應提供每輛車的付款和發票6.2.1發票。買方在本合同項下向供應商支付的任何款項應支付給[***]。6.2.2支付方式為人民幣銀行轉賬。6.2.3本製造協議中提及的所有金額和付款均不包括增值税和任何其他税,例如預扣税和附加費。只有在當地法律要求的情況下,才能對所有發票金額徵收增值税,並由買方承擔。買方可以指定第三方辦理必要的增值税登記和追回。6.2.4當車輛已按照第8.1.1節(發票觸發器裝載在承運人上)交付時,供應商應向買方開具車輛發票。付款應最遲支付。[***]發票日期後的天數。6.2.5發票可以電子方式生成。然而,為了滿足增值税的要求,買方可以要求在指定的期限內提供硬拷貝的彙總發票。6.2.6遲於到期日的付款將自動收取每一天的遲付款利息,利息為[***]。7.製造7.1製造和組裝7.1.1供應商應始終以專業方式履行本製造協議中規定的服務。供應商應始終使用受過適當培訓的專業技術人員執行服務。供應商應有效利用提供本製造協議中規定的服務所需的資源、材料和服務,並應以符合所要求的質量水平的經濟高效的方式執行服務

協議號:GEE23-015 13,性能符合行業標準。作為該義務的一部分,供應商承諾在《製造協議》期間持續提高服務的成本效率。7.1.2工廠承諾嚴格按照技術規範、技術訣竅和/或不時以其他方式組裝車輛,除非按照第24.2節規定的更改程序進行指示,否則不得對部件(S)進行任何產品更改、修改或替換。7.1.3[***]7.1.4工廠將努力達到買方的可持續性標準,並將隨時通知買方,如附錄3.7.2設備和工裝7.2.1供應商承諾保持其所有權和佔有權,用於在工廠生產的車輛的所有工具和設備(例如,通用設備、通用類型約束工具和設備、通用供應商工具),但買方仍為其所有者的獨特類型約束工具和設備和獨特供應商工具除外。買方仍將是唯一的型式綁定工具和設備的所有者,即使這些工具和設備位於工廠內。正常的工裝維護將由工廠開始,相關費用將作為車輛價格的一部分收取,而獨特類型約束工裝和設備的更新和更換將由買方單獨控制和支付。7.2.2供應商承諾(或確保北極星或工廠,視情況適用)獲得或已經獲得車輛組裝所需的所有此類工具、設備和系統,包括但不限於夾具、夾具、工具和焊接設備。7.2.3按照第7.2.1-7.2.2節採購的任何工具和設備應符合供應商的質量要求,並與行業標準保持一致。7.2.4根據本協議獲得的唯一類型約束工具和設備以及唯一供應商工具應僅用於車輛及其部件的組裝。7.2.5工廠用於生產車輛的所有工廠工具和設備應由工廠根據適用的工具和設備維護説明保持在適當的工作狀態,如果沒有具體説明,則通過使用行業慣例進行維護。7.2.6如有必要,供應商應協助買方逐步淘汰與獨特類型約束工具和設備以及獨特供應商工具相關的項目。製造獨一無二的型式裝訂工具和設備以及獨一無二的供應商工具的費用由買方承擔。買方和供應商必須在不遲於EOP前12個月就處理獨特類型約束工具和設備以及獨特供應商工具的流程和時間達成一致,除非供應商和買方另有約定。商定的時間和工藝不得對工廠的任何其他產品的生產造成不合理和實質性的幹擾,買方應賠償因此而給供應商造成的直接損失:GEE23-015 14號協議號,賠償的細節應由供應商和買方進一步協商。7.2.7對於獨特類型的工具和設備以及獨特的供應商工具,買方或買方關聯公司應根據供應商與買方或買方關聯公司之間簽訂的使用權協議,授予供應商使用此類資產製造車輛的權利。7.2.8買方應向供應商支付其在共用設備、共用類型裝訂工具和設備以及共用供應商工具中的份額,並賠償供應商根據《用户權利協議》所發生的與獨有類型裝訂工具和設備以及獨有供應商刀具相關的費用。7.3組件7.3.1買方已於2021年12月28日與寧波吉利汽車研究開發有限公司(GRI)簽訂了開發和採購服務(GEE21-012)服務協議,根據該協議,GRI及其關聯公司應提供開發和採購服務。買方使用這些服務是為了履行第7.3節規定的義務和責任。7.3.2供應商應負責通過從零部件供應商處召回零部件並根據情況需要採取其他必要措施來採購用於生產車輛的零部件。7.3.3零部件由供應商直接從零部件供應商處召回。將向供應商提供能夠召回部件所需的信息。7.3.4供應商負責管理入站物流,包括但不限於從零部件供應商到工廠的運輸、海關清關以及支付包括關税在內的相關物流成本。7.3.5供應商應將所有零部件供應商的發票直接支付給零部件供應商。這些部件的成本應包括在車輛的價格中。7.3.6[***] 7.3.7 [***]7.4保險7.4.1供應商有責任為其根據《製造協議》進行的業務運營和活動購買並維持適當和充足的保險範圍。為免生疑問,上述規定包括供應商有責任確保工廠中使用的所有設施、設備和工具都得到了適當的保險,但根據單獨的工具協議,用於製造車輛的唯一類型約束工具和設備以及唯一供應商工具的所有權已轉讓給買方或部件供應商或與其保留的情況除外。協議編號:GEE23-015 15 7.4.2買方有責任為其在製造協議項下進行的業務運營和活動(如有)購買和維持適當和充足的保險,包括獨有的型式裝訂工具和設備以及獨有的供應商工具,只要其所有權已轉讓給買方或與買方保留。7.4.3供應商承諾對車輛進行全額投保,直至所有權和損失或損壞風險轉移給買方。8.交付、所有權和風險8.1車輛的交付8.1.1對於工廠整車,交付應在承運人裝載的《2020年國際貿易術語解釋通則》中交貨。8.1.2當車輛在工廠完成時,供應商應在雙方用於通信的系統中將車輛登記為工廠完成,以通知買方。8.1.3供應商應在雙方商定的批量計劃程序中確定的時間範圍內向買方交付工廠整車,並隨時通知買方車輛的計劃生產進度和工廠完工狀態,並將車輛在指定區域內的車輛在指定區域的計劃時間提前最遲8個工作日通知買方,以便買方安排及時運輸。8.1.4除非雙方另有約定,買方承諾每天收取車輛。在工廠生產的運營開放時間內,該堆場應可供買方收集車輛。8.1.5買方確認供應商將保留[***]自用停車位和工廠內剩餘的可用停車位將按比例分配給工廠的客户(包括買方),[***]2024年為車輛提供的停車位的百分比。(就本第8.1.5節而言,雙方承認並同意[***]應結合基本相同的章節閲讀和解釋[***]與供應商的製造協議,意味着2024年與本製造協議一起的車輛停車位的總數和總數[***]與供應商的製造協議應共同限於[***]。)如果需要增加停車位,雙方將就停車位的數量和合理的額外費用達成一致。如果買方要求,供應商可以提供合理的支持,並且供應商有能力提供所請求的支持,則供應商將有權相應地向買方收取雙方商定的合理管理費和/或停車費。如果停車問題不能通過上述措施解決,儘管第27條規定了相關的時間框架,但該問題應在2天內上報指導委員會,以便迅速解決。除本合同所述義務外,買方還應考慮到供應商將向買方以外的其他買方生產車輛,並且這些車輛也需要存放在工廠的院子裏。協議號:GEE23-015 16 8.2車輛所有權和損失或損壞風險8.2.1每輛車的所有權和車輛滅失或損壞風險在根據第6.2.4節開票時傳遞給買方,但不損害買方根據第9節拒絕車輛的權利。8.3車輛延遲交付8.3.1供應商應立即通知買方:(I)供應商可能合理預見的將會或可能導致任何延誤的任何事情,包括其可能產生的後果;以及(Ii)在不損害供應商在本製造協議下的責任(如果有)的情況下,供應商打算如何將上述(I)項的影響降至最低。8.3.2如果供應商延誤車輛交付或合理懷疑延誤將會發生,供應商應毫不拖延地進行根本原因分析,並在根本原因分析表明延誤是或將由供應商造成的情況下,採取合理措施以避免延誤,如果無法避免,則採取補救措施。任何此類措施均應由供應商自行承擔費用,但不應將此類費用計入車輛價格。8.3.3[***] 8.3.4 [***] 8.3.5 [***] 8.4 [***]8.5配送和物流8.5.1車輛將由買方通過買方管理的分銷網絡進行分銷。9.質量、檢查和拒收產品的權利9.1質量9.1.1雙方承認,根據車輛和工藝可靠性的質量要求進行達標和維護至關重要。供應商應採取一切預防措施並制定所有必要的程序,以確保符合本製造協議、特別是附錄5質量協議以及消費品審核(CPA)標準的質量要求。在買方的指示下,供應商應在工廠內對零部件供應商採取必要的行動,以糾正與本製造協議中規定的車輛和工藝的產品質量要求的偏差。這些質量要求將適用於所有車輛。供應商和工廠應滿足並維護技術規範中規定的車輛標準。9.1.2雙方承認,為了滿足本製造協議和附錄5質量協議中規定的質量要求,雙方將與

協議號:GEE23-015 17雙方應定期提交附件5(質量協議)1.1中規定的性能指標和其他數據,並應定期提交雙方在附錄5中商定的質量控制、測試報告和記錄。9.1.3附件5質量協議中定義的消費品審核質量度量要求適用於所有車輛。標準對準、校準和目標水平列於附錄5。9.1.4本製造協議項下車輛的組裝或與生產或檢查相關的任何其他活動應由為車輛分配的受過充分培訓和合格的人員在工廠進行。9.2檢查和測試9.2.1當供應商完成車輛的工作後,應通過測試線,供應商將在測試線上檢查車輛,並確定其是否滿足技術規範並在工廠完成,沒有任何缺陷(不包括小缺陷)。為清楚起見,即使車輛已通過測試線,供應商也有責任確保車輛繼續符合技術規範,並在按照第8.1.1節將車輛交付給買方之前保持出廠完整。測試線路應包括徹底檢查,如果買方要求,還應進行道路測試,否則應符合附件5質量議定書或雙方商定的任何其他標準和要求下的標準和要求(包括CPA、COP標準和要求)。9.2.2買方有權在正常營業時間內,在合理通知下,自費檢查車輛的裝配情況,並可對停放在最後停放點的車輛進行測試,以確保車輛符合本製造協議中規定的產品和工藝質量要求,符合技術規範,且無任何缺陷(不包括微小缺陷)。9.2.3為免生疑問,無論供應商和/或買方在測試過程中是否已經或應該發現任何缺陷,所進行的此類檢查和測試在任何情況下都不應免除供應商對交付車輛的質量及其遵守本製造協議的責任。9.2.4如果測試顯示車輛不符合或符合技術規範,或不是出廠完成或有缺陷,則應適用第9.3節。9.2.5供應商負責按照適用於相關市場法規的法律要求對整車進行內部和外部COP測試。買方應事先將市場情況告知供應商。供應商負責協助、協調和證明由立法機關指定的第三方進行的COP審核的符合性。所有相關費用應包含在車輛價格中。為免生疑問,供應商不負責部件級別的COP測試。9.2.6在下列情況下,供應商需停止向買方交付車輛:[***]第9頁,共12頁 業務合作伙伴還應公平、合乎道德地競爭所有商業機會。他們必須確保向Polestar提供的所有聲明、通訊和陳述準確、真實。 貿易制裁和出口管制 與Polestar開展業務時,業務合作伙伴必須遵守適用於Polestar的所有貿易制裁以及所有相關出口管制法律和法規。 貿易制裁限制與某些國家、公司、組織和個人的貿易和金融交易,而出口管制則限制在沒有相關當局所需許可證或其他授權的情況下出口和再出口某些“受控”商品、軟件和技術。違反這些規則可能會使Polestar面臨重大處罰和其他不利後果。保護北極星的機密信息和知識產權北極星可能會在其商業關係中與其商業夥伴共享機密信息和/或知識產權元素。商業夥伴必須按照現有的保密規定處理北極星的機密信息,特別是:-採取一切適當措施保護北極星的機密信息,使其不會被不當披露、盜竊或濫用;-僅向其董事、官員和員工披露其合法的“需要知道”的機密信息;5“被列名的人”是指(I)在歐盟、美國、聯合國或其他有關國家或當局公佈的名單上被指定為貿易制裁或出口管制限制的任何個人、公司、實體或組織,或以其他方式受到此類貿易制裁或出口管制限制的任何個人、公司、實體或組織,以及(Ii)由被列名人士的任何組合持有50%或更多股份或由被列名人士控制的公司、實體或組織。第12頁第10頁--除非北極星事先獲得書面同意,否則不得與北極星的競爭對手分享北極星的機密信息;-根據下文E節報告北極星機密信息的任何丟失或未經授權訪問(不需要知道或第三方的董事、官員或員工);以及-在業務關係結束時,按照現有的保密條款處理機密信息,並認識到保密義務在業務關係結束後繼續存在。數據保護業務合作伙伴在處理與其與Polestar的業務有關的個人數據時,必須遵守適用的數據保護法律和法規(也稱為隱私法)。“個人數據”被定義為與已識別或可識別的自然人有關的任何信息;可識別的自然人是指可直接或間接識別的人,特別是可參照以下識別符進行識別的人:姓名、識別號、位置數據、在線識別符或該自然人的物理、生理、遺傳、精神、經濟、文化或社會身份所特有的一個或多個因素。此外,代表北極星進行處理活動的商業夥伴必須遵守商定的具體合同規定。特別是,商業合作伙伴有責任隨時保護個人數據不受不當披露、盜竊或濫用,並且必須立即向北極星報告任何涉及北極星個人數據的事件。D.審核權除了與北極星簽訂的任何協議中規定的任何審核權外,業務合作伙伴同意:-北極星(直接或通過為此目的指定的獨立第三方)可在任何時間進行審計,以核實和評估其遵守本準則的情況,但須事先書面通知。如果Polestar合理地認為事先通知將幹擾Polestar核實業務合作伙伴是否履行了其在《守則》下的義務或承諾,則業務合作伙伴將允許在沒有事先通知的情況下進行審計。-向北極星提供所有相關信息,並允許北極星及其代表為進行這種審計而進入其房地。E.報告和合作北極星鼓勵商業合作伙伴就本守則提出問題,並被要求在懷疑不遵守適用法律和法規或本守則規定的情況下立即提出關切。12個問題中的第11頁可能會報告給北極星的報告線SpeakUp,網址為https://www.speakupfeedback.eu/web/polestarexternal.如果願意,可以匿名提交報告。SpeakUp報告線由北極星法律顧問合規與道德管理,他將確定並領導所需的調查。如果他們已經決定不匿名,記者的身份將盡可能保密。商業夥伴預計將在調查情況下與北極星合作,並預計不會對報告涉嫌商業不當行為的任何人進行報復。F.違反行為的後果業務合作伙伴同意,違反本守則規定的任何義務或承諾是對合同的實質性違約,並可能(由北極星自行決定)導致:-業務合作伙伴必須採取必要的補救措施,包括在合理時間內支付損害賠償金和實施適當的糾正行動,以糾正違規行為並防止未來發生類似事件;以及-北極星在書面通知業務合作伙伴後,對違反行為的業務合作伙伴採取行動,直至立即終止業務關係。可通過以下任何一種方式聯繫北極星法務部:*電子郵件:Legal Department:Legal@polestar.com*郵寄:北極星法律部Assar Gabrielssons Väg 9 SE-405 31 Göteborg,瑞典違反本行為守則的行為可通過HTTPS://WWW舉報。EU/Web/POLESTAREXTERNAL 發佈者:Polestar Legal於2021年6月 本守則不應解釋為僱傭合同,也不賦予任何人繼續受僱於Polestar的任何權利。 [***]附錄5 2023-06-08 質量協議 [***]as further described in Section 1.3 of Appendix 5. 9.3.3 [***] 9.3.4 [***] 9.3.5 For avoidance of doubt, the Supplier shall physically correct any Defects [***] found either prior to delivery of the Vehicles or while they are parked on the yard of the Plant. The Buyer shall not be obliged to accept Vehicles if such Defects have not been properly corrected or the Vehicle is not Factory Complete. 9.3.6 [***] 9.3.7 [***] 9.4 [***] 9.4.1 [***] 9.4.2 [***] 9.4.3 [***] 10. WARRANTY AND SIMILAR CLAIMS 10.1.1 The Supplier warrants and represents that the Vehicle shall be free from Defects. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the Supplier makes no warranty, expressed or implied, to the Buyer with respect to Minor Defects provided that the Minor Defect have been reported to the Buyer in a format agreed by the Parties. 10.1.2 If a Defect is found in a Vehicle after delivery, the Supplier (or a company appointed by Supplier and approved by Buyer) shall promptly: (i) perform a root cause analysis to identify the cause of the Defect; (ii) provide the Buyer with a report detailing the cause of, and procedure for correcting, the Defect; and (iii) procure that the Defect is corrected at the manufacturer of the Component or at the Plant, all of which are further set out in Appendix 5 (Quality Protocol). It is acknowledged that Supplier may appoint GRI to perform the above analysis. 10.1.3 The technical solution to solve the Defect shall be approved by Buyer prior to implementation. If the Parties cannot agree on how to proceed, the issue shall be escalated Agreement No.: GEE23-015 19 in accordance with what is further set out in Appendix 5 (Quality Protocol). Both Parties acknowledge that safety and customer care requirements require the Supplier´s urgent handling in this respect. 11. CLAIMS FOR SYSTEMATIC DEFECTS 11.1.1 The Supplier shall be responsible for cost which are specified in Section 4.1.2 Vehicle Warranty Recovery of Appendix 5 (Quality Protocol) relating to claims due to a Systematic Defect in the Vehicles caused by Supplier´s faulty manufacturing or assembly within the Warranty Period, however always subject to the limitation as set out in Section 23. For the avoidance of doubt, damages include costs for FSA (including administrative costs relating thereto). The procedure for handling the liability investigations and cost reimbursements will be handled by Parties at case-by-case basis. 11.1.2 The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Supplier shall not be responsible for taking any action to correct or responsible for any loss, cost, expense or claim arising out of or in connection with Systematic Defects which are caused by faulty design. 11.1.3 Both Parties will work together to investigate if a Systematic Defect is caused by the Supplier or a Components Supplier or GRI or a combination of them in accordance with Appendix 5 (Quality Protocol). If the Parties cannot agree, the issue shall be escalated according to the Quality Protocol and if still unsolved further escalated in accordance with Section 24. 12. DEFECTS CAUSED BY SUPPLIER OF COMPONENTS AND/OR GRI 12.1.1 If a Systematic Defect, and/or a Defect is caused by a Components Supplier within the warranty period valid for the Component, the Supplier shall use its commercially best efforts to claim such Defect against such Components Supplier who shall be responsible for the Systematic Defect and/or Defect according to the agreement between the Supplier and that Components Supplier and that the actual reimbursement received from Components Suppliers shall be transferred to the Buyer. Supplier shall support with any documentation needed in order to facilitate the reimbursement to be transferred to the Buyer. For the avoidance of doubt, if a Component delivered by a Components Supplier (excluding Components manufactured by the Plant) has a Defect prior to the delivery of the Vehicle to the Buyer, the Supplier shall remedy such Defect and handle any possible claims directly with the Components Supplier with no obligation to pay any compensation received from the Components Supplier to the Buyer. 12.1.2 If a Systematic Defect and/or Defect is caused by the design done by GRI, the Parties agree that the reimbursement shall be according to the agreement set out between the Buyer and GRI unless this is a Systematic Defect and/or a Defect also involving a supplier delivering the Component, in which case Section 12.1.1 shall apply as regards the responsibility of the Components Supplier. 13. VEHICLE LIFETIME RECTIFICATION ASSISTANCE 13.1.1 The Supplier shall be obliged to assist the Buyer in its endeavours to rectify Defects until 15 years following the end of mass production of the Vehicle at an arm’s length compensation. Agreement No.: GEE23-015 20 14. PRODUCT LIABILITY 14.1.1 Subject to Section 14.1.2, the Supplier shall be responsible towards Third Parties for any and all product liability claims relating to the Vehicle, and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Buyer from and against all such product liability claims from Third Parties in the event that: (i) the Vehicle has a Systematic Defect or Defect (unless the Defect is a Minor Defect); (ii) the Defect and/or Systematic Defect is caused by Supplier or its Affiliates; and For the avoidance of doubt, any claims relating to Defects and/or Systematic Defects caused by a Third Party or GRI shall be handled in accordance with Section 12. 14.1.2 The obligation to hold the Buyer harmless under Section 14.1.1 applies only to damages as finally awarded by a court of law, an arbitration tribunal or agreed in a settlement approved by the Supplier. The Buyer agrees that it shall promptly inform the Supplier of the existence of such Third Party claim and, to the extent legally and practically possible, offer the Supplier to have full scale access to any proceedings or other actions pursuant to such Third Party claim and the right to participate in the negotiation of any agreement or settlement. Nevertheless, any settlement shall for the avoidance of doubt be approved by the Supplier as set forth hereabove unless it is on an absolutely urgent basis or otherwise required by applicable law or best practice, failing which it may entail a substantially higher legal or commercial risk. 15. AUTHORITY INVESTIGATIONS AND FSA 15.1.1 The Supplier shall upon instruction of the Buyer take such actions that are necessary in order for the Buyer to fulfil its responsibility for all contacts and interaction which are compulsory and legally required with competent authorities concerning questions, audits and investigations from the authorities and the Field Service Actions. This includes full cooperation and transparency from the Supplier by using its commercially reasonable effort. The Supplier shall also use its commercially reasonable efforts to provide the Buyer with all relevant and related data needed to answer the authority investigation is available upon Buyer’s request. Since time is of the essence, the Supplier acknowledge that it will use its commercially reasonable efforts to carry out and/or assist in the investigations within the reasonable timeframe set out in the request from the Buyer. The Supplier shall also secure that all reporting according to legal requirements in all applicable countries are aligned and consistent with other Buyer’s vehicles including relevant Data, as specified in Appendix 5 (Quality Protocol). 15.1.2 For the avoidance of doubt, it is the Supplier’s responsibility to propose and develop a solution for any Defect and/or Systematic Defect and implement such solution with the Components Supplier or at the Plant that have been handled in Section 15.2 below. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the Supplier shall not be obliged to correct a Minor Defect.

Agreement No.: GEE23-015 21 15.2 Quality issues on the field 15.2.1 To secure the quality of the Vehicles in the field, the Data collection system shall support early detection and early resolution of any potential issues. The Supplier understands that full cooperation between the Parties will be needed which includes sharing all relevant Data and any other relevant information that is needed until EOP +20 years as set out in Appendix 5 (Quality Protocol) to the extent legally permitted. This cooperation obligation also includes the Buyer’s obligation to investigate all issues or potential issues that might occur with the Vehicle and when requested by the Buyer, the Supplier shall use it commercially reasonable efforts to assist in necessary matters reasonably requested by the Buyer. 15.2.2 Unless otherwise stated in Appendix 5 Quality Protocol the following process shall apply in order to secure that the rectification of the Vehicle is performed in a secure manner. 15.2.3 When the Buyer has identified a Defect in the Vehicles, The Buyer shall notify the Supplier about Defect on Vehicle in the format agreed by the Parties within shortest possible time not exceeding two (2) weeks after the Defect was reported and made known to the Buyer or within a longer time period as agreed by the Parties only for certain extreme circumstances. 15.2.4 Since it is in both Parties interest to secure a production without Defects in the Vehicles, the Supplier will use its commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate the Defect with an Interim Containment Action/ICA (if feasible) and Permanent Corrective Action/PCA within the timeframe set out in the Appendix 5 and this mitigation will be implemented as soon as possible even if a root cause is not yet established. 15.2.5 When a root cause for the Defect has been established, and regardless of if the root cause identifies the Defect to be a variability or a design Defect, the Supplier shall make commercially reasonable effort to implement a permanent corrective action agreed between the Parties, within the timeframe set out in Section 2.3 (Problem and defect resolution lead time for Quality Issues) stated in the Appendix 5. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the Supplier shall not be obliged to correct a Minor Defect. 15.2.6 If the Supplier is aware of any defect occurred regarding other vehicles from the same platform or shared technology which may materially impact the Vehicles, imminently or potentially, the Supplier shall, subject to the requirements of applicable law and regulations as well as Confidential Information, report such defect to the Buyer. 15.3 Document retention policy 15.3.1 The Supplier undertakes to retain documentation relating to the Vehicles in accordance with its own document retention policy or otherwise agreed by Parties specifically until EOP+20 years. The Supplier shall be obliged to provide documentation to the Buyer upon the Buyer’s reasonable request. 16. PERMITS 16.1 The Supplier is responsible for the operation of the Plant and shall hold all necessary permits required by all applicable laws and regulations where it is incorporated and/or for Agreement No.: GEE23-015 22 the purpose of performing its obligations and responsibilities under this Manufacturing Agreement, including, but not limited to, to operate the Plant and to produce and sell the Vehicles under this Manufacturing Agreement (the “Permits”). 16.2 All Permits shall be valid so that the Supplier can produce and sell the Vehicles during the term of this Manufacturing Agreement. In event that necessary assistance is required in obtaining Permits under this section, the Buyer shall make its commercially best endeavour to support the Supplier with such application. 17. TRADEMARKS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT 17.1 General 17.2 For the avoidance of doubt, this Manufacturing Agreement shall in no way be construed as to give any of the Parties any right whatsoever to use any registered or unregistered trademarks or brand names owned or licensed by another Party or its Affiliates, except in the manner and to the extent set forth in this Manufacturing Agreement or expressly consented to in writing by that other Party. 17.3 License of Buyer’s Intellectual property 17.3.1 The Buyer hereby grants the Supplier a temporary, royalty free, non-exclusive, sub- licensable only to the extent set out in Section 17.3 below, license to the Buyer’s intellectual property rights (owned by or licensed to the Buyer; same below for the whole Section 17 including the Buyer’s trademarks) which are necessary for the production of the Vehicles and solely for the purpose of producing and selling the Vehicles to the Buyer under and during the term of this Manufacturing Agreement. The license granted hereunder does not give the Supplier any right whatsoever to use the Buyer’s intellectual property rights for any purpose other than as stated in this Section 17.3.1 and for the production of the Vehicles. The Supplier shall, prior to sublicensing any of Buyer’s intellectual property rights, list clearly the sublicensee that requires Buyer’s intellectual property rights for the purpose stated in this Section 17.3.1 and acquire Buyer’s written consent. 17.4 Geely brand name 17.4.1 For sake of clarity, it is especially noted that this Manufacturing Agreement does not include any right to use the ‘Geely’ brand name or trademarks, or refer to ‘Geely’ in communications or official documents of whatever kind. 17.4.2 This means that this Manufacturing Agreement does not include any rights to directly or indirectly use the ‘Geely’ brand name or ‘Geely’ trademarks, on or for any products or when marketing, promoting and/or selling such products, or in any other contacts with Third Parties, e.g. in presentations, business cards and correspondence. 17.5 Polestar brand name 17.5.1 Correspondingly, it is especially noted that this Manufacturing Agreement does not include any right to use the ‘Polestar’ brand name, or Trademarks, or refer to ‘Polestar’ in communications or official documents of whatever kind. Agreement No.: GEE23-015 23 17.5.2 This means that this Manufacturing Agreement does not include any rights to directly or indirectly use the ‘Polestar brand name or ‘Polestar Trademarks, on or for any products or when marketing, promoting and/or selling such products, or in any other contacts with Third Parties, e.g. in presentations, business cards and correspondence. 17.6 Trademark on Vehicles 17.6.1 Notwithstanding the above, the Supplier are hereby granted the right to use the Buyer’s trademarks but solely for the purpose of: (i) manufacturing the Vehicle in accordance with the Technical Specification or as otherwise instructed by the Buyer, and (ii) completing the government filings in PRC for the sole purpose of manufacture of such Vehicle. 17.6.2 [***]. 17.6.3 Ownership of existing Intellectual Property Rights All Intellectual Property Rights that were either developed or otherwise acquired by a Party before entering into this Manufacturing Agreement, or are developed or otherwise acquired by a Party outside of, but during the term of, this Manufacturing Agreement, will continue to be owned by such Party. 17.6.4 [***] . 18. INSPECTION RIGHTS 18.1 During the term of the Manufacturing Agreement, Buyer shall have the right to, at its own cost and expenses, at the maximum [***] unless the Buyer is required by governmental authority to conduct an inspection on the Supplier provided that the Buyer shall prove such a need to conduct an inspection by providing the Supplier with written documents issued by such governmental authority, upon prior written notice allowing sufficient time for Supplier to accommodate such request which in normal cases shall be at least [***] in advance of the proposed inspection date, to the Supplier with necessary details of such request, inspect Supplier’s books and records related to the Vehicles delivered under this Manufacturing Agreement, in order to conduct quality controls and otherwise verify the statements rendered under this Manufacturing Agreement. The parties will agree on a case by case basis and in good faith on which kind of books and records and to which extent such information will be provided. If the review of information in books and records provided by Supplier is not sufficient, then Buyer shall be granted the reasonable right to, at its own cost and expenses, inspect the Plant under the Supplier’s supervision following a plan agreed by the Parties in advance. 18.2 Such inspection shall not interfere normal operations of the Supplier, especially the manufacturing Plant, and be made during regular business hours. 18.3 In case that the Buyer is not capable to perform inspection by itself due to lack of competence, resources or under Force Majeure circumstances, the Buyer can appoint in writing an independent third party (provided that the Buyer shall always ensure that such third party will comply with Section 25). The Buyer shall inform the Supplier on the Agreement No.: GEE23-015 24 proposed independent third party and if there could be any conflict of interest, both Parties shall discuss in good faith and reach a practical solution within fifteen (15) business days from the commencement of the discussion, failing which the Parties shall escalate such issue according to the escalation principles under Section 27.1. 18.4 Should Buyer during any inspection find unfulfillment of the requirement or contractual obligation set forth herein, Buyer is entitled to comment on the identified deviations. Supplier shall, upon notice from Buyer, take reasonable efforts to take the actions required in order to fulfil the requirements. In the event the Parties cannot agree upon measures to be taken in respect of the inspection, each Party shall be entitled to escalate such issue to the Steering Committee. 18.5 For any inspection, information will be provided to the extent that (i) it is permitted by applicable laws and regulations, especially competition law or any law in relation to data protection law, and (ii) it will not violate any provisions, or result in the breach of, any other contract or agreement to which it is a party or any unilateral commitment or undertaking which is binding on it, especially not breaching a confidentiality obligation contained in a contract between Supplier and anyone other than the Buyer (and Buyer’s Affiliates). Should the Supplier become aware of any laws or regulations or contractual obligations that may substantially hinder the aim of this Section 18, it shall discuss with the Buyer and, to the extent practicable and lawful, propose alternative arrangements to allow the aims of this Section 18 to be met. 18.6 The Parties acknowledge that the Supplier has additional customers other than the Buyer. It is understood between the Parties that the Buyer’s inspection rights under this Section 18 shall not extend to any information relevant for such additional customers. 18.7 For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties acknowledge and agree that the Buyer’s inspection right set forth in this Section 18 (including the frequency) shall be read and interpreted in conjunction with the substantially same section under the [***] Manufacturing Agreement with the Supplier, for example the aggregated and total maximum frequency for Buyer’s inspection right under this Manufacturing Agreement together with the [***] Manufacturing Agreement with Supplier, shall be collectively limited to twice per year. 19. EXIT AND EXIT COSTS

Agreement No.: GEE23-015 25 19.1 The Buyer is entitled to terminate this Manufacturing Agreement according to Section 28.1.4, at its own discretion for no cause (the “Exit”), and the compensation mechanism should follow the process set out in this Section 19. 19.1.1 [***] 19.1.2 [***] 19.1.3 [***] 19.2 [***] 19.3 [***] 20. [***] 20.1.1 [***][***] 20.1.2 [***] 20.2 [***] 21. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS 21.1 Supplier shall comply with the applicable laws, rules, and regulations of PRC and all other laws , rules, and regulations of any other jurisdiction in which the Vehicles are to be sold to end customers as duly notified by the Buyer to Supplier by prior written notice when performing supplier’s obligations under this Manufacturing Agreement, and Supplier shall obtain necessary permits, licenses, authorisations, and/or certificates that may be required by regulatory or administrative agency in connection with the conduct of its business and its activities under this Manufacturing Agreement. 21.2 The Plant undertakes to have a reasonable cyber security production control plan in place and shall provide reasonable evidence to the Buyer upon the Buyer’s request that reasonable cyber security controls are applied and implemented by the Plant in due course, all of which shall be in line with requirements of UNECE R155 (Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regards to cyber security and cyber security management system). Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, the Supplier shall comply with ISO27000 (information security standards published jointly by the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission) to mitigate any risk relating to cyber security for the purpose of performing this Manufacturing Agreement. The Buyer recommends the Supplier to follow and comply with the relevant requirements of IEC62443 (international series of standards that address cybersecurity for operational technology in automation and control systems). 21.3 Supplier shall comply with the anti-bribery and anti-money laundering laws, rules, and regulations of the United States, PRC, and all other laws, rules, and regulations of any other Agreement No.: GEE23-015 26 jurisdiction which is applicable to the business and the activities of the Parties under this Manufacturing Agreement, including but not limited to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Travel Act, Bank Secrecy Act, and PATRIOT Act; the U.K. Bribery Act and Proceeds of Crime Act; and any legislation implementing the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, the United Nations Transnational Organized Crime Convention; or the Organization for Cooperation and Development Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions. 21.4 Supplier has been provided with and reviewed a copy of Polestar’s Code of Conduct for Business Partners, attached to this Manufacturing Agreement as Appendix 4, and agrees that it and its officers, directors, and employees shall comply with the provisions of the Polestar’s Code of Conduct for Business Partners in connection with the conduct of this Manufacturing Agreement and related activities in connection thereto. Supplier shall promptly notify Polestar if Supplier knows or has reason to believe that a breach of the Polestar’s Code of Conduct for Business Partners or any provision of this Section has occurred in connection with this Manufacturing Agreement, or if Supplier or any owner, officer, or director thereof comes under investigation or is convicted of any serious offense (defined as a felony or its equivalent) or if any owner, officer, director, or employee comes under investigation or is convicted of any offense in connection with its business for Polestar. 21.5 [***] 21.6 [***] 21.7 [***] 21.8 Supplier shall use commercially reasonable efforts to procure the information from their Component Suppliers and thereafter to provide Polestar such information and documentation necessary or useful for Polestar comply with laws relating to import, export or re-export of goods. 21.9 Supplier shall, when performing its obligations under this Manufacturing Agreement, follow all applicable laws and regulations relating to the protection of people’s free enjoyment of labour laws, i.e. such national laws regulating working conditions, work place health and safety, discrimination and the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining; internationally recognised human rights contained in the International Bill of Human Rights (i.e. the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights); Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) covering human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti- corruption; [***]where relevant, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP); and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. 21.10 In case of conflicts between the Polestar’s Code of Conduct for Business Partners and applicable laws and/or regulations, or any other legitimate interest of Supplier and/or its Agreement No.: GEE23-015 27 Affiliates, or clause in the Main Document of this Manufacturing Agreement, the clauses in the Main Document of the Manufacturing Agreement shall prevail. 22. REPRESENTATIONS 22.1 Each Party warrants and represents to the other Party that: (a) it is duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of its respective jurisdiction of incorporation or formation, as applicable; (b) it has full corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Manufacturing Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder; (c) the execution, delivery and performance of this Manufacturing Agreement have been duly authorized and approved, with such authorization and approval in full force and effect, and do not and will not (i) violate any laws or regulations applicable to it or (ii) violate its organization documents or any agreement to which it is a party; and (d) this Manufacturing Agreement is a legal and binding obligation of it, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms. 23. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 23.1 Neither Party shall be responsible for any indirect, incidental or consequential damage or any losses of production or profit or goodwill loss caused by it under this Manufacturing Agreement. 23.2 Without prejudice to Supplier’s right under Section 19, and subject to Section 23.1, each Party’s aggregate liability for any damage arising out of or in connection with this Manufacturing Agreement shall be limited to [***]. For the purpose of this Section 23, the Parties acknowledge and agree that this Section 23.2 and the concept of monetary limitation of liability set forth herein shall be read and interpreted in conjunction with the substantially same section under the [***] Manufacturing Agreement with the Supplier, meaning that the aggregated and total maximum liability for any damage arising out of or in connection with this Manufacturing Agreement together with the [***] Manufacturing Agreement with Supplier, shall be collectively limited to the monetary liability caps set forth in this Manufacturing Agreement. Consequently, the total monetary caps under Section 23.2 in this Manufacturing Agreement and the substantially same section under the [***] Manufacturing Agreement shall be [***]. 23.3 The limitations of liability set out in this Section 23.2 shall not apply in respect of damage; a) claims related to death or bodily injury; b) caused by wilful misconduct or gross negligence or; c) caused by a Party’s breach of the confidentiality undertakings in Section 25 below or breach of Section 29.9 (Protection of Personal Data). Agreement No.: GEE23-015 28 23.4 Liquidated damages payable by the Supplier to the Buyer due to a Delay of delivery of Vehicle in accordance with Section 8.3.4 and Section 8.3.3 shall not be part of or calculated to the headroom of the limitation of liabilities set out in Section 23.2. 23.5 Any compensation, indemnification and/or damage paid by Component Supplier or other amount payable to the Buyer shall not be part of or calculated to the headroom of the limitation of liabilities set out in Section 23.2. 23.6 Unless otherwise specified under this Manufacturing Agreement (including any Appendix or exhibits) or otherwise agreed by the Parties, any compensation, indemnification and/or damage payable by the Supplier to the Buyer shall not be included to or negatively affect the Vehicle Price. 24. GOVERNANCE AND CHANGES 24.1 Governance 24.1.1 The Parties shall act in good faith in all matters and shall at all times co-operate in respect of changes to this Manufacturing Agreement as well as issues and/or disputes arising under this Manufacturing Agreement. 24.1.2 The governance and co-operation between the Parties in respect of this Manufacturing Agreement shall primarily be administered on an operational level. In the event the Parties on an operational level cannot agree upon aspects relating to the co-operation between the Parties, each Party shall be entitled to escalate such issue to the Steering Committee. 24.1.3 If the Steering Committee fails to agree upon a solution of the disagreement the relevant issue should be escalated to the Strategic Board for decision. 24.2 Changes 24.2.1 For any changes or updates of the Technical Specifications after OKtB + 90 days according to change management process set out in the Change Management Agreement or the Service Agreement if the Parties have not yet entered into the Change Management Agreement, to be agreed upon both parties, the Supplier undertakes to immediately incorporate any changes which concluded through the change management process and confirmed by both the Buyer and Supplier upon the Components, Vehicle or manufacturing engineering processes related thereto in accordance with strict batch sequence orders and plans as agreed by the Parties. The Supplier shall bear the costs for all the described work. All related work performed by the Supplier shall be charged back to the Buyer as part of the price for the Vehicle. 24.2.2 For any changes or updates of Reserved volumes, the Parties should follow the volume planning procedures attached hereto as Appendix 2 and should be handled in the governance procedures which are set forth in 24.1 above. 24.2.3 During the term of this Manufacturing Agreement, each Party can request other changes to this Manufacturing Agreement than what is set forth in section 24.2.1 and 24.2.2, which shall be handled in accordance with the governance procedure set forth in Section 24.1 above. All Parties agree to act in good faith to address and respond to any change request

Agreement No.: GEE23-015 29 within a reasonable period of time. The Parties acknowledge that the other Party will not perform in accordance with such change request until agreed in writing between the Parties. For the avoidance of any doubt, until there is agreement about the requested change, all work shall continue in accordance with the Manufacturing Agreement. 25. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 25.1 The Parties shall take any and all necessary measures to comply with the security and confidentiality procedures of the other Parties. 25.2 All Confidential Information shall only be used for the purposes comprised by the fulfilment of this Manufacturing Agreement. Each Party will keep in confidence any Confidential Information obtained in relation to this Manufacturing Agreement and will not divulge the same to any Third Party, unless the exceptions specifically set forth below in this Section 25.2 below apply or when approved by the other Party in writing, and with the exception of their own officers, employees, consultants or sub-contractors with a need to know as to enable such personnel to perform their duties hereunder, as well as with the exception of such personnel of the Parties and its Affiliates with a need to know as for the Parties to perform their duties hereunder and in relation to the operation of the Plant. 25.3 This provision will not apply to Confidential Information which the Receiving Party can demonstrate: (a) was in the public domain other than by breach of this undertaking, or by another confidentiality undertaking; (b) was already in the possession of the Receiving Party before its receipt from the Disclosing Party; (c) is obtained from a Third Party who is free to divulge the same; (d) is required to be disclosed by mandatory law, court order, lawful government action or applicable stock exchange regulations; or (e) is developed or created by one Party independently of the other, without any part thereof having been developed or created with assistance or information received from the other Party. 25.4 The Receiving Party shall protect the disclosed Confidential Information by using the same degree of care, but no less than a reasonable degree of care, to prevent the dissemination to Third Parties or publication of the Confidential Information, as the Receiving Party uses to protect its own Confidential Information of similar nature. Further, each Party shall ensure that its employees and consultants are bound by a similar duty of confidentiality and that any subcontractors taking part in the fulfilment of that Party’s obligations hereunder, enters into a confidentiality undertaking containing in essence similar provisions as those set forth in this Section 25.2. 25.5 Any tangible materials that disclose or embody Confidential Information should be marked by the Disclosing Party as “Confidential,” “Proprietary” or the substantial equivalent thereof. Confidential Information that is disclosed orally or visually shall be identified by Agreement No.: GEE23-015 30 the Disclosing Party as confidential at the time of disclosure, with subsequent confirmation in writing within thirty (30) days after disclosure. However, the lack of marking or subsequent confirmation that the disclosed information shall be regarded as “Confidential”, “Proprietary” or the substantial equivalent thereof does not disqualify the disclosed information from being classified as Confidential Information. 25.6 If any Party violates any of its obligations described in this Section 25, the violating Party shall, upon notification from the other Party, (i) immediately cease to proceed such harmful violation and take all actions needed to rectify said behaviour and (ii) financially compensate for the harm suffered as determined by an arbitral tribunal pursuant to Section 27.3 below. All legal remedies (compensatory but not punitive in nature) according to law shall apply. 25.7 This confidentiality provision shall survive the expiration or termination of this Manufacturing Agreement without limitation in time. 26. GOVERNING LAW 26.1 The interpretation and execution of this Manufacturing Agreement shall be governed by the laws of PRC, without giving regard to its conflict of laws principles. 27. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 27.1 Escalation principles. 27.1.1 In case the Parties cannot agree on a joint solution for handling disagreements or disputes, a deadlock situation shall be deemed to have occurred and each Party shall notify the other Party hereof by the means of a deadlock notice and simultaneously send a copy of the notice to the Steering Committee. Upon the receipt of such a deadlock notice, the receiving Party shall within ten (10) days of receipt, prepare and circulate to the other Party a statement setting out its position on the matter in dispute and reasons for adopting such position, and simultaneously send a copy of its statement to the Steering Committee. Each such statement shall be considered by the next regular meeting held by the Steering Committee or in a forum meeting specifically called upon by either Party for the settlement of the issue. 27.1.2 The members of the Steering Committee shall use reasonable endeavours to resolve a deadlock situation in good faith. As part thereof, the Steering Committee may request the Parties to in good faith develop and agree on a plan to resolve or address the breach, to be presented for the Steering Committee without undue delay. If the Steering Committee agrees upon a resolution or disposition of the matter, the Parties shall agree in writing on terms of such resolution or disposition and the Parties shall procure that such resolution or disposition is fully and promptly carried into effect. 27.2 If the Steering Committee cannot settle the deadlock within thirty (30) days from the deadlock notice pursuant to Section 27.1.1 above, such deadlock will be referred to the General Counsels of each Party, which shall use reasonable endeavours to resolve the situation in the same way as indicated above. If no Steering Committee has been established between the Parties, the relevant issue shall be referred to the General Counsels of each Party immediately and Section 27.1.2 above shall not apply. Agreement No.: GEE23-015 31 27.2.1 If the General Counsels of each Party cannot settle the deadlock within 30 days from the deadlock notice pursuant to the section above, despite using reasonable endeavours to do so, such deadlock will be referred to the Strategic Board for decision. Should the matter not have been resolved by the Strategic Board within 30 days counting from when the matter was referred to them, despite using reasonable endeavours to do so, the matter shall be resolved in accordance with Section 27.3 below. 27.2.2 All notices and communications exchanged in the course of a deadlock resolution proceeding shall be considered Confidential Information of each Party and be subject to the confidentiality undertaking in Section 25 above. 27.2.3 Notwithstanding the above, the Parties agree that either Party may disregard the time frames set forth in this Section 27.1 and apply shorter time frames and/or escalate an issue directly to the Strategic Board in the event the escalated issue is of an urgent character and where the applicable time frames set out above are not appropriate. 27.3 Arbitration 27.3.1 Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this Manufacturing Agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall, be finally settled by arbitration by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee (“CIETAC”), which shall be held in Shanghai and conducted in accordance with the CIETAC’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration, whereas the language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English and Chinese. The arbitral tribunal shall be composed of three arbitrators. 27.3.2 Irrespective of any discussions or disputes between the Parties, each Party shall always continue to fulfil its undertakings under this Manufacturing Agreement unless an arbitral tribunal or court (as the case may be) decides otherwise. 27.3.3 In any arbitration proceeding, any legal proceeding to enforce any arbitration award, or any other legal proceedings between the Parties relating to this Manufacturing Agreement, each Party expressly waives the defence of sovereign immunity and any other defence based on the fact or allegation that it is an agency or instrumentality of a sovereign state. Such waiver includes a waiver of any defence of sovereign immunity in respect of enforcement of arbitral awards and/or sovereign immunity from execution over any of its assets. 27.3.4 All arbitral proceedings as well as any and all information, documentation and materials in any form disclosed in the proceedings shall be strictly confidential. 28. TERM AND TERMINATION 28.1 Term and termination 28.1.1 This Manufacturing Agreement shall become effective when signed by duly authorised signatories of each Party and shall, unless terminated in accordance with Section 28.1.2 below, remain in force for a period of seven years after Job1. Should Buyer wish to continue production after seven years following Job1 the Parties shall, in good faith, negotiate a Agreement No.: GEE23-015 32 possible prolongation of this Manufacturing Agreement. This Manufacturing Agreement may be terminated in accordance with what is set out below in this Section 28.1.2 and 28.2. 28.1.2 Either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Manufacturing Agreement with immediate effect, in the event; (a) the other Party commits a material breach of the terms of this Manufacturing Agreement, which has not been remedied within forty-five (45) days from written notice from the other Party to remedy such breach (if capable of being remedied); or (b) if the other Party should become insolvent or enter into negotiations on composition with its creditors or a petition in bankruptcy should be filed by it or it should make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors. 28.1.3 Upon termination in accordance with this Section 28, the Parties should agree on how to handle supply of spare parts for the period after termination. 28.1.4 [***] 28.1.5 [***] 28.2 Change of Control 28.2.1 A Party shall be entitled to terminate this Manufacturing Agreement in the event that any Change of Control (as defined below) has occurred in the other Party, unless the other Party’s prior written consent has been obtained. “Change of Control” means (a) in the case of the Buyer, the Buyer ceasing to be controlled by Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC or (b) in the case of the Supplier, the Supplier ceasing to be controlled by Geely Auto. 28.3 Consequences of termination 28.3.1 Termination of this Manufacturing Agreement shall be without prejudice to the accrued rights and liabilities of the Parties on the date of termination, unless expressly waived in writing by the Parties. 28.3.2 Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, upon expiry or termination of this Manufacturing Agreement, the rights of the Supplier referred to in this Manufacturing Agreement hereof shall cease and the Supplier shall forthwith cease to assemble the Vehicle or any Components thereof. 28.3.3 The Supplier shall upon expiry or termination of this Manufacturing Agreement make no further use of the Technical Information and Know-How owned or associated with the Buyer and shall return to the Buyer, at the Supplier’s expense, the Technical Information in tangible form and any reproductions or copies thereof or, at the Buyer's option, present acceptable evidence that the same have been completely destroyed. 28.3.4 The Supplier shall forthwith take all action necessary to transfer all licenses or registrations issued by the relevant authorities for the Vehicle to the Buyer or is designated Affiliate or

Agreement No.: GEE23-015 33 Third Party, if this is not possible, to arrange for cancellation of such licenses or registrations. 28.3.5 Upon termination of this Manufacturing Agreement, the Buyer shall within sixty (60) days after expiry, purchase at Product Price for Factory Complete vehicles, fair market value for components agreed by parties any non-defective Vehicle and/or Components and non- cancellable orders regarding supply to the Buyer. 28.3.6 Unless otherwise agreed in this Manufacturing Agreement, neither Party is entitled to claim compensation for goodwill, investments made, indemnities for loss of profit or of clientele, or consequential loss can be claimed by reason of termination of this Manufacturing Agreement. 28.3.7 Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Buyer elects to terminate this Manufacturing Agreement according to Section 19, the consequences set forth under Section 19 shall apply and prevail over other Sections under this Section 28.3 in case of any conflict therebetween. 29. MISCELLANEOUS 29.1 Force Majeure 29.1.1 Neither Party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under the Manufacturing Agreement to the extent that such failure or delay is caused by a Force Majeure Event. A “Force Majeure Event” means any event beyond a Party's reasonable control, which by its nature could not have been foreseen, or, if it could have been foreseen, was unavoidable, for example; strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes (whether involving its own workforce or a Third Party's), politically enforced decision regarding pandemic isolation, core raw material shortage, governmental behaviour (e.g restriction on supply of electricity, change of laws, regulations and policies), failure of general energy sources or transport network, restrictions concerning motive force, acts of God, war, terrorism, insurgencies and riots, civil commotion, mobilization or extensive call ups, interference by civil or military authorities, national or international calamity, currency restrictions, requisitions, confiscation, armed conflict, malicious damage, breakdown of plant or machinery, nuclear, chemical or biological contamination, sonic boom, explosions, collapse of building structures, fires, floods, storms, stroke of lightning, earthquakes, loss at sea, epidemics or similar events, natural disasters or extreme adverse weather conditions, or default or delays of the Plant’s suppliers or subcontractors if such default or delay has been caused by one of the foregoing Event. 29.1.2 A Party shall not be considered in breach of this Manufacturing Agreement to the extent that such Party’s performance of its obligations under this Manufacturing Agreement is prevented by a Force Majeure Event. 29.1.3 A non-performing Party, which claims there is a Force Majeure Event, and cannot perform its obligations under this Manufacturing Agreement as a consequence thereof, shall promptly inform the other Party in writing and use all commercially reasonable efforts to continue to perform or to mitigate the impact of its non-performance notwithstanding the Agreement No.: GEE23-015 34 Force Majeure Event and shall continue the performance of its obligations as soon as the Force Majeure Event ceases to exist. 29.1.4 If the consequences of the Force Majeure Event continue for a period of ninety (90) days without a solution acceptable to both Parties which materially affect or jeopardize the performance and/or fulfilment of any material responsibilities and/or liabilities of one Party according to this Manufacturing Agreement, the other Party shall be entitled to terminate this Manufacturing Agreement without accruing any liability for such termination. 29.2 Notices 29.2.1 All notices, demands, requests and other communications to any Party as set forth in, or in any way relating to the subject matter of, this Manufacturing Agreement must be in legible writing in the English language delivered by personal delivery, facsimile, email transmission or prepaid overnight courier using an internationally recognized courier service and shall be effective upon receipt, which shall be deemed to have occurred: (a) in case of personal delivery, at the time and on the date of personal delivery; (b) if sent by facsimile or email transmission, at the time and on the date indicated on a confirmation of successful transmission page relating to such facsimile transmission or at the time and date indicated on a response confirming such successful email transmission; (c) if delivered by courier, at the time and on the date of delivery as confirmed in the records of such courier service; or (d) at such time and date as delivery by personal delivery or courier is refused by the addressee upon presentation; 29.2.2 in each case provided that if such receipt occurred on a non-business day, then notice shall be deemed to have been received on the next following business day; and provided further that where any notice, demand, request or other communication is provided by any party by email, such party shall also provide a copy of such notice, demand, request or other communication by using one of the other methods. 29.2.3 All such notices, demands, requests and other communications shall be sent to the following addresses: To the Supplier: Ningbo Hangzhou Bay Geely Automotive Parts Co., Ltd. Attention: [***] No. 688, Binhai 6th Road, Hangzhou Bay New Area, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province Telephone: [***] Email: [***] Agreement No.: GEE23-015 35 With a copy not constituting notice to: Zhejiang Geely Automobile Co., Ltd. Ningbo Hangzhou Bay Factory Attention: [***] No. 688, Binhai 6th Road, Hangzhou Bay New Area, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province Telephone: [***] Email: [***] To the Buyer: Polestar Automotive China Distribution Co., Ltd. Attention: Attention: [***] Polestar HQ, Assar Gabrielssons Väg 9, 418 78 Göteborg Email: [***] With a copy not constituting notice to: Polestar Automotive China Distribution Co. Ltd Attention: Legal Department Polestar HQ, Assar Gabrielssons Väg 9, 418 78 Göteborg Email: [***] 29.3 Assignment Neither Party may, wholly or partly, assign, pledge or otherwise dispose of its rights and/or obligations under this Manufacturing Agreement without the other Party’s prior written consent. 29.4 Waiver Neither Party shall be deprived of any right under this Manufacturing Agreement because of its failure to exercise any right under this Manufacturing Agreement or failure to notify the infringing party of a breach in connection with the Manufacturing Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, rules on complaints and limitation periods shall apply. 29.5 Severability In the event any provision of this Manufacturing Agreement is wholly or partly invalid, the validity of the Manufacturing Agreement as a whole shall not be affected and the remaining provisions of the Manufacturing Agreement shall remain valid. To the extent that such invalidity materially affects a Party’s benefit from, or performance under, the Manufacturing Agreement, it shall be reasonably amended. 29.6 Entire agreement All arrangements, commitments and undertakings in connection with the subject matter of this Manufacturing Agreement (whether written or oral) made before the date of this Manufacturing Agreement are superseded by this Manufacturing Agreement and its Appendices. Agreement No.: GEE23-015 36 29.7 Amendments Any amendment or addition to this Manufacturing Agreement must be made in writing and signed by the Parties to be valid. 29.8 Survival If this Manufacturing Agreement is terminated or expires pursuant to Section 28 above, Section 13 (Vehicle lifetime rectification assistance), Section 14 (Product Liability), Section 15.3 (Document retention policy), Section 17 (Trademarks and intellectual property Right), Section 23 (Limitation of Liability), Section 25 (Confidential Information), Section 26 (Governing Law), Section 27 (Dispute Resolution), Section 28.3 (Consequences of termination), Section 29.9 (Protection of Personal Data) as well as this Section 29.8 and other Sections hereof which by their nature are intended to survive, shall survive any termination or expiration and remain in force as between the Parties after such termination or expiration. 29.9 Protection of Personal Data The Parties shall conduct any processing of Personal Data in compliance with applicable national, federal, state, and international laws and regulations relating to such Personal Data now or hereafter in effect. The Parties acknowledge that the intention is that neither Party will process Personal Data on behalf of the other Party under or in connection with this Manufacturing Agreement. Notwithstanding this Section 29.9 if either Party anticipates that a Party will process Personal Data on behalf of the other Party in connection with this Manufacturing Agreement, that Party shall promptly notify the other Party of that fact. To the extent necessary, the Parties to this Manufacturing Agreement shall then negotiate in good faith amending this Manufacturing Agreement to permit the processing of Personal Data is performed in a way that complies with applicable laws, and neither Party shall process Personal Data on behalf of the other until this Manufacturing Agreement has been so amended or supplemented. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS]

Agreement No.: GEE23-015 37 This Manufacturing Agreement has been signed in Seven (7) originals, of which the Buyer has received one (1) and the Plant and Catalogue company have received three (3) originals each. POLESTAR AUTOMOTIVE NINGBO HANGZHOU BAY GEELY AUTOMOTIVE CHINA DISTRIBUTION CO., LTD. PARTS CO., LTD. By: /s/ Li Yaru By: /s/ Chunlin Zhao Printed Name: Li Yaru Printed Name: Chunlin Zhao Title: Authorized Signatory Title: General Manager Date: 2023.7.11 Date: 2023.7.24 By: By: Printed Name: Printed Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: ZHEJIANG GEELY AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD. NINGBO HANGZHOU BAY FACTORY By: /s/ Chunlin Zhao Printed Name: Chunlin Zhao Title: General Manager Date: 2023.7.24 By: Printed Name: Title: Date: Agreement no.: GEE23-15 APPENDIX 1 PRICING PRINCIPLES AND PROCEDURES [***] APPENDIX 2 VOLUME PLANNING PROCEDURES [***] APPENDIX 3 SUSTAINABILITY REQUIREMENTS 1 [***]

Polestar Legal is responsible for ensuring that the latest version of this Code of Conduct for Business Partners is published and available for all employees on the Polestar intranet. The original language of this document is English. POLESTAR CODE OF CONDUCT FOR BUSINESS PARTNERS Page 2 of 12 Table of Contents Purpose .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Principles .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Polestar’s Expectations from its Business Partners ................................................................................ 4 A. Working Conditions and Human Rights ....................................................................................... 4 Child Labour ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Forced Labour .................................................................................................................................. 4 Terms of Employment ..................................................................................................................... 4 Wages and benefits ......................................................................................................................... 4 Working Hours ................................................................................................................................. 5 Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining ......................................................................... 5 Health and safety ............................................................................................................................. 5 Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunities ................................................................................. 5 B. Caring for the Environment ......................................................................................................... 5 General expectations ....................................................................................................................... 5 Environmental impact of Business Partners’ operations ................................................................ 6 Responsible Sourcing of Minerals and Metals ................................................................................ 6 Precautionary Principle .................................................................................................................... 7 C. Business Integrity ..................................................................................................................... 7 Anti-Corruption ................................................................................................................................ 7 Conflict of Interest ........................................................................................................................... 8 Fair Competition and Business Practices ......................................................................................... 8 Trade Sanctions and Export Control ................................................................................................ 9 Protecting Polestar’s Confidential Information and Intellectual Property ..................................... 9 Data Protection ..............................................................................................................................10 D. Audit right ..............................................................................................................................10 E. Reporting and Cooperation .......................................................................................................10 F. Consequences of violations .......................................................................................................11 Page 3 of 12 PURPOSE This Code of Conduct for Business Partners (the “Code”) articulates a vision of responsible business behaviour and sets forth the business principles that Polestar1 requires all its Business Partners to abide by in the course of their business relationship with Polestar. The term “Business Partner” covers any person or entity (including its directors, officers and employees) that Polestar does business with, including but not limited to organisations that supply goods or services to Polestar, or that sell Polestar products and services, and representatives who conduct business on Polestar’s behalf. PRINCIPLES Polestar is committed to responsible business and intends to demonstrate this commitment to integrity, business responsibility and trust throughout its value chain. Therefore, Polestar expects the same level of commitment from its Business Partners. By entering into a business relationship with Polestar and during the term of this business relationship, Business Partners are required to: - conduct their business in compliance with applicable laws and regulations (which requires Business Partners to maintain awareness regarding these laws and regulations) and with the principles stated in this Code; and - ensure that their employees and subcontractors are made aware of and comply with applicable laws and regulations and with the principles set forth in this Code; in particular, Business Partners are expected to choose the suppliers they retain in relation with Polestar business with appropriate due diligence, communicate the principles set out in this Code (or equivalent principles) to their suppliers and ensure compliance with these principles. This Code covers Polestar’s requirements and expectations on its Business Partners when it comes to protecting working conditions and human rights, caring for the environment and doing business with integrity (including a zero tolerance policy for bribery and corruption). There may be instances when the principles set forth in this Code differ from local law or customs in a particular country. If that is the case, and local law or customs impose higher standards than those set out in this Code, local law and customs should always apply. On the other hand, if this Code provides for a higher standard, the Code should prevail, unless this results in illegal activity. This Code includes requirements that are based on internationally recognized principles that Polestar strongly supports, such as: - internationally-proclaimed human rights conventions, in particular the International Bill of Human Rights, the eight core conventions of the International Labour Organization2 and Article 32 of the 1 “Polestar” means Polestar Automotive (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries (i.e. all persons and entities directly or indirectly controlled by Polestar Automotive (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., where control may be by management authority, equity interest or otherwise). 2 International Labour Organization conventions numbers 29, 87, 98, 100, 105, 111, 138 and 182. Page 4 of 12 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; - the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. POLESTAR’S EXPECTATIONS FROM ITS BUSINESS PARTNERS Business Partners are required to meet all of the following requirements in the course of their business relationship with Polestar, and we expect them to be managed professionally and systematically. A. Working Conditions and Human Rights Polestar expects its Business Partners to: - provide their employees with working conditions that are in line with international labour standards, in particular with the eight core conventions of the International Labour Organization; and - respect and promote internationally proclaimed principles for human rights, including children’s rights. Polestar supports the requirements of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and expects its Business Partners to adhere to and respect the ILO standards. Child Labour Business Partners shall work to prevent all forms of child labour. Under no circumstances should employment be offered to a person younger than 15 years of age (or 14 where the national law so allows) or younger than the countries legal minimum age, if higher than 15. Forced Labour There can be no forced labour of any kind relating to Polestar’s business, products and services. Therefore, Business Partners must not use forced labour, regardless of its form. This prohibition includes debt bondage, trafficking and other forms of modern slavery. Terms of Employment Business Partners must guarantee that the working conditions for their employees comply with all applicable legal requirements. In addition, each employee should have the right to receive written information, in a language that they can easily understand, specifying their terms of employment. Wages and benefits Business Partners shall pay employees wages and benefits that meet or exceed the legal minimum standards, collective bargaining agreements or appropriate prevailing industry standards, whichever is higher. Deductions are accepted only in accordance with applicable law, regulations and collective bargaining agreements. Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted.

Page 5 of 12 Information about wages and benefits must be available to all employees, in a language that they can understand, timely and in accordance with applicable laws. Polestar recommends its Business Partners to provide their employees with a total compensation that is adequate to cover basic needs and enable a decent standard of living. Business partners are also recommended to systematically strive to ensure fair wages. Working Hours Business Partners must comply with applicable legislation regarding working hours (including but not limited to overtime and overtime compensation) and rest rules. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Business Partners shall respect the rights of their employees to lawfully form, join or exclude themselves from employer-employee relationship-related associations and to bargain collectively, where permissible by local laws. Business Partners must also ensure that employees are given the opportunity to discuss their working conditions with management without fear of retaliation. Health and safety Safety should always be one of the most important factors in any decision. Business Partners must at all times provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment that meets, and preferably exceeds, applicable standards and legal requirements. Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunities Business Partners must not engage in any form of discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, union affiliation, social background or other characteristics protected by applicable law. All employees must be treated with respect, dignity and common courtesy. B. Caring for the Environment Business Partners must ensure that they comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations. In addition, Business Partners are expected to support Polestar’s commitment to protecting the environment and limiting our overall environmental impact throughout the value chain. This involves taking a proactive approach towards reducing the environmental footprint of their operations, products and services, including through reducing emissions and conserving resources. In this respect, Business Partners are expected to support the move towards a circular economy. They are also expected to put similar environmental expectations on their own supply chain. General expectations Business Partners are expected to have: - an environmental management program, which monitors the use of resources to ensure efficiency; identifies and mitigates any related risks; and allows them to continuously improve their environmental performance; Page 6 of 12 - an open dialogue with Polestar on environmental matters, and cooperate with them to improve our, as well as their own, performance. Business Partners should also be transparent and provide Polestar with any necessary environmental data, when requested; - procedures in place to manage environmental performance of own business partners; - procedures in place to communicate environmental performance with relevant stakeholders and affected parties, when applicable. Environmental impact of Business Partners’ operations Where relevant, Business Partners are expected to perform activities that aim at reducing their environmental impact, including but not limited to: - Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions occurring in their own operations, as well as their wider value chain; - Increasing energy efficiency and their use of renewable energy; - Air quality control & emissions management; - Supporting the reduction of waste, through reuse & recycling, and the provision of sustainable material; - Water quality & consumption management; - Ensuring the safe management of chemicals used in operations and products. Responsible Sourcing of Minerals and Metals Business Partners are expected to use only minerals and metals that have been extracted and traded in such a way that does not contribute to human rights abuses, unethical business conduct (e.g. corruption), environmental damage or funding for conflicts. Business Partners are expected to ensure that they and their suppliers exercise due diligence within their operations to ensure metals and minerals are responsibly sourced and traded. They should make available these due diligence measures to Polestar upon request. Business Partners are also required to fully support and co- operate with Polestar’s efforts to secure full transparency and traceability of their 3TG and cobalt supply chain. Page 7 of 12 Precautionary Principle Polestar also expect Business Partners to always apply the precautionary principle, which means that they are expected to always take precautionary measures whenever there is reason to believe that a potential action may negatively impact the health or safety of a person, society or the environment. C. Business Integrity As the business relationship between Polestar and its Business Partners must be based on trust, transparency, honesty and accountability, Business Partners are expected to conduct their business ethically and with the utmost integrity, which includes: Anti-Corruption Business Partners and their subcontractors must conduct their operations and transactions in compliance with applicable laws and regulations relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption. In line with Polestar’s zero tolerance for bribery and corruption, Business Partners and their subcontractors shall never engage in, or tolerate, any act or omission that could possibly be construed as a form of bribery or corruption. Consequently, Business Partners must ensure that they do not offer or receive any form of inappropriate benefit (gift, favour or hospitality)3 with the intention to improperly influence a business decision, whether it involves government officials or private individuals. Business Partners are encouraged to pay particular attention to the following situations that are usually considered more risky when it comes to bribery and corruption: - interactions with public officials: certain stricter rules apply when dealing with public officials; for example, facilitation payments are always forbidden; - use of intermediaries, in particular agents: many cases of bribery involve third party intermediaries (sales consultants, agents, brokers, etc.) that may use part of their remuneration to provide bribes; intermediaries must be chosen on the basis of appropriate selection criteria and due diligence; - donations to charity, associations or political parties and sponsoring activities: these activities can be routes for bribery and corruption. As a principle, Polestar expects its Business Partners to refrain from providing gifts, favours or hospitality to Polestar directors, officers and employees. In all cases, social amenities offered by Business Partners to Polestar employees: - cannot be intended to improperly influence the recipient’s business judgement or create the appearance of doing so; - must be customary and appropriate business courtesies, i.e. they should not embarrass Polestar or harm its reputation; - must be reasonable in value and frequency. 3 The notion of inappropriate benefit includes, but is not limited to such as monetary gifts, monetary loans, pleasure trips or vacations, luxury goods, concealed commissions or kickbacks. Page 8 of 12 Should a Polestar employee ask for any improper payment or incentive in breach of this Code, Business Partners are expected to notify Polestar in accordance with section E below, even if the request is denied. Business Partners are also expected to ensure that all of their reports, records and invoices are accurate and complete, and that they contain no false or misleading information. Conflict of Interest Any situation that may involve a conflict of interest, or the appearance of a conflict of interest, between Polestar and its Business Partners must be avoided: the professional judgement, performance or decision-making ability of an employee of Polestar or of the Business Partner must remain independent from considerations that do not involve the business at hand and cannot be (or seem to be) influenced by private interests. Consequently, the interest of Polestar and/or the Business Partner on the one hand and the personal interests of their respective employees (or those of a relative, a friend or a close relation) on the other hand must be kept separate. Business Partners are expected to notify Polestar in accordance with section E below if: - a Business Partner’s director, officer or employee (or any of their relatives) has a personal relationship (e.g., is a family member or a friend) with a Polestar employee who is in a position to make (or influence) decisions which may benefit the Business Partner’s business; or - an employee of Polestar (or their family members) has any sort of involvement in, or financial ties with, a Business Partner. Similarly, Polestar employees are required to disclose to their manager any potentially conflicting relationship with, and/or interest in, a Business Partner before making a business decision or recommendation regarding said Business Partner. Fair Competition and Business Practices Polestar strives to act at all times as a fair and responsible market participant and expects the same from its Business Partners. Thus, Business Partners are required to comply with applicable competition laws and regulations (also referred to as anti-trust laws). In particular, Business Partners must refrain from entering into any understanding or agreement that would hinder competition either with their competitors or with their own business partners. This applies to any arrangement that influences prices, terms of sales (including discounts), strategies or customer relations, markets, market shares, customers or territories (particular care is expected regarding the participation of Business Partners in tender procedures). This also applies to the exchange of sensitive information4 or to any other conduct that unlawfully restricts or may restrict competition. Should a Business Partner have interactions with a competitor of Polestar, the Business Partner must not share any of Polestar’s sensitive information with the competitor and vice versa, even via third parties. 4 Examples of “sensitive information” include (but are not limited to) non-public information on prices, costs, profit margins, sales plans, capacity utilization, product plans and market shares.

Page 9 of 12 Business Partners are also expected to compete fairly and ethically for all business opportunities. They must ensure that all statements, communications and representations to Polestar are accurate and truthful. Trade Sanctions and Export Control When conducting business with Polestar, Business Partners are required to comply with all trade sanctions that are applicable to Polestar and with all relevant export control laws and regulations. Trade sanctions restrict trade and financial transactions with certain countries, companies, organizations and individuals, while export controls restrict the export and re-export of certain “controlled” goods, software, and technology without the required licenses or other authorization from the relevant authority. Violation of these rules may expose Polestar to significant penalties and other adverse consequences. Furthermore, Business Partners must (as applicable): - not (a) be designated as a Listed Person5 or (b) engage in any conduct that could reasonably be expected to cause them to be designated as a Listed Person; - refrain from (a) conducting any business activity, directly or indirectly, with any Listed Person, including by supplying to Polestar items sourced from a Listed Person, (b) conducting any business activity prohibited or restricted under trade sanctions or export control laws applicable to Polestar, or (c) engaging in any transaction that evades, or attempts to violate restrictions under any trade sanctions or export control laws applicable to Polestar; - ensure that Polestar’s products and services are not sold, or in any other way made available, to a comprehensively sanctioned country or territory or to a Listed Person; - maintain necessary export or re-export licenses or other authorizations for all goods, software and technology supplied to Polestar; and - provide to Polestar all information and documentation necessary to support Polestar’s compliance with relevant export controls when exporting or re-exporting goods, software or technology. Protecting Polestar’s Confidential Information and Intellectual Property Polestar may share confidential information and/or intellectual property elements with its Business Partners in the course of their business relationship. Business Partners are required to handle Polestar’s confidential information in accordance with the confidentiality provisions in place and in particular: - protect Polestar’s confidential information from improper disclosure, theft or misuse by taking all adequate steps to safeguard such confidential information; - only disclose Polestar’s confidential information to their directors, officers and employees with a legitimate “need to know”; 5 "Listed Person" means (i) any individual, company, entity or organization designated for trade sanctions or export control restrictions on a list published by the EU, US, UN or other relevant country or authority, or otherwise subject to such trade sanctions or export control restrictions, and (ii) companies, entities or organisations that are owned 50 percent or greater by any combination of Listed Persons, or controlled by a Listed Person. Page 10 of 12 - not to share Polestar’s confidential information with a competitor of Polestar , unless Polestar has given prior written consent; - report in accordance with section E below any loss of, or unauthorized access (by a director, officer or employee who does not have a need-to-know or a third party) to Polestar’s confidential information; and - at the end of the business relationship, handle confidential information in accordance with the confidentiality provision in place and recognize that confidentiality obligations survive the end of the business relationship. If they have access to Polestar’s intellectual property in the course of the business relationship, Business Partners are required to handle such intellectual property in the same way and in particular protect it from improper disclosure, theft or misuse at all times. Data Protection Business Partners are required to comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations (also referred to as privacy laws) when processing Personal Data in relation to their business with Polestar. “Personal Data” is defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as: a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. In addition, Business Partners performing a processing activity on behalf of Polestar are required to comply with the agreed upon specific contractual provisions. In particular, Business Partners have a responsibility to protect personal data from improper disclosure, theft or misuse at all times and must immediately report to Polestar any incident that involves Polestar Personal Data. D. Audit right In addition to any audit right set out in any agreement entered into with Polestar, Business Partners agree: - that Polestar (either directly or through an independent third party appointed for that purpose) may verify and assess their compliance with this Code by conducting an audit at any time, subject to prior written notice. If Polestar reasonably believes that prior notice will interfere with Polestar verifying whether the Business Partner has complied with its obligations or undertakings under the Code, Business Partner will permit an audit without prior notice. - to provide Polestar with all relevant information and allow Polestar and its representatives access to their premises for the purpose of performing such audit. E. Reporting and Cooperation Polestar encourage Business Partners to ask questions regarding this Code and are required to promptly raise concerns in case of suspected non-compliance with applicable laws and regulations, or with the requirements under this Code. Page 11 of 12 Concerns may be reported to Polestar’s Reporting line SpeakUp at https://www.speakupfeedback.eu/web/polestarexternal. Reports can be submitted anonymously if wished. The SpeakUp reporting line is managed by the Polestar Legal Counsel Compliance & Ethics who will determine and lead the investigations required. If they have decided not to remain anonymous, the identity of the reporter, will be kept confidential to the fullest extent possible. Business Partners are expected to collaborate with Polestar in case of investigation and are expected to not retaliate against anyone who reports suspected business misconduct. F. Consequences of violations Business Partners agree that a breach of any of their obligations or undertakings under this Code is a material breach of contract, and may (in Polestar’s sole discretion) result in: - the Business Partner having to take necessary remedies, including to pay damages and implementing appropriate corrective actions within a reasonable time, so as to remedy the violation and to prevent similar occurrences in the future; and - Polestar taking actions against the violating Business Partner, up to immediate termination of the business relationship, upon written notice to the Business Partner. Page 12 of 12 POLESTAR’S LEGAL DEPARTMENT MAY BE CONTACTED IN ANY OF THESE WAYS: * Email: Legal Department: legal@polestar.com * Postal mail: Polestar Legal Department Assar Gabrielssons Väg 9 SE-405 31 Göteborg, Sweden VIOLATION OF THIS CODE OF CONDUCT CAN BE REPORTED VIA HTTPS://WWW.SPEAKUPFEEDBACK.EU/WEB/POLESTAREXTERNAL Published by: Polestar Legal in June 2021 This Code shall not be construed as an employment contract and does not give anyone any right to continued employment by Polestar.

Appendix 5 2023-06-08 QUALITY PROTOCOL [***]