協議號:GEE22-004SA IP模板版本200304 1某些標識信息標有“[***]“在本文件中被省略,因為它既不是實質性的,也是註冊人視為私人或機密的類型。服務協議、[***]開發服務項目主文檔名:[***])開發服務本服務協議項下的活動簡述:服務提供商將提供與開發有關的研發服務[***]以下簡稱“[***]項目“。本服務協議由無錫英飛騰推進技術有限公司(註冊編號:91320206MA7G6F9X54)簽署,該公司是根據中華人民共和國S、Republic of China(以下簡稱“英飛騰無錫”)法律成立的有限責任公司。信息技術歐洲公司,註冊號559384-9432,是一家根據瑞典法律成立的有限責任公司(“InfiMotion EU”)。北極星履約公司,註冊號556653-3096,是一家根據瑞典法律成立的有限責任公司(“買方”或“買方”)。北極星汽車中國經銷有限公司。公司編號:91510112MA6D05KT88,是根據中華人民共和國Republic of China法律成立並存在的公司。InfiMotion無錫和InfiMotion EU在此統稱和單獨稱為“服務提供商”或“InfiMotion”。服務提供商和買方中的每一個在下文中被稱為“一方”,並統稱為“雙方”。背景A.雙方已確定,服務提供商應向買方提供某些服務(如一般條款中的定義),這些服務在附錄1中的服務規範中有進一步描述。服務的提供應按照本服務協議及其附錄(“服務協議”)中的條款執行。B.買方現在希望簽訂本服務協議以接收服務,而服務提供商希望根據本服務協議中規定的條款提供服務。鑑於上述情況,雙方同意執行本服務協議。協議編號:GEE22-004SA IP模板版本200304 21.一般1.1本服務協議由本主要文件(“主要文件”)及其附錄組成。本主要文件列出了有關提供服務的具體條款,而附錄2則列出了適用於雙方的權利、義務和履行本協議項下活動的某些一般條款和條件(“一般條款”)。1.2使用的所有大寫術語,但在本主要文件中未作具體定義,應具有一般術語中賦予它們的含義。2.服務規範2.1雙方已就附錄1中《服務規範》中規定的服務範圍和規範達成一致。2.2在不違反第11條的情況下,InfiMotion無錫和InfiMotion EU之間將執行的服務的詳細明細應由雙方商定,並與各自的基礎付款金額相對應。3.聯屬3.1聯屬公司在本服務協議中應具有以下含義:3.2“聯屬公司”是指直接或間接由北極星性能公司或無錫InfiMotion推進技術有限公司直接或間接控制或共同控制的任何其他法人實體;控制是指通過協議或其他方式直接或間接擁有(I)至少50%的有表決權的股票、合夥企業權益或其他所有權權益,或(Ii)任命或罷免實體董事會或其他管理機構多數成員的權力,或(B)指示實體管理層的權力。4.知識產權4.1雙方同意,買方應是根據《一般條款》第5.2.1節所述履行服務而產生的所有結果(定義見附錄2一般條款)的獨家所有人,因此應被視為結果所有者(定義見附錄2一般條款)。4.2雙方應另行簽訂協議,購買[***]由服務提供商製造,並支付許可費[***]。5.服務費5.1考慮到服務提供商根據本服務協議提供的服務,買方應向服務提供商支付下文進一步描述的服務費(“服務費”)。5.2服務費是根據服務提供商提供服務所需的預計工時和資源計算的固定價格補償。服務協議號:GEE22-004 SA IP模板版本200304 3費用在附錄1A中的服務規範中列出,附錄1C基於2023年6月30日簽署的SOO,並進行了一些修改。5.3根據附錄1A《服務規範》第3項的規定,第二級供應商工裝成本的服務費將基於服務提供商的實際應付成本,並將由北極星汽車中國經銷有限公司購買。5.4雙方同意,部分服務費將[***]根據另一份買賣協議訂立,詳情見附錄1C。5.5服務費應以人民幣5.6元的貨幣支付。如果任何擬議的變更會影響成本或時間安排,雙方將真誠協商公平的價格調整、交付條款或其他適當調整。6.付款6.1如果服務提供商根據一般條款指定其關聯公司和/或分包商履行本服務協議項下的服務,則服務提供商應在向買方開具的發票中計入與此類工作相關的費用。6.2.實際服務費應由相關服務提供商根據附錄10億中的付款計劃開具發票並支付給相關服務提供商,並由買方和/或PACD按照附錄10億中付款計劃中以人民幣計價的一般條款中的規定支付。7.治理論壇7.1雙方同意,與本服務協議有關的治理應按照附錄2中一般條款的規定處理。當提及相關治理論壇時,就本服務協議而言,它應具有本節7中所給出的含義。7.2根據服務協議,處理雙方在各種事務上的合作、處理管理、確定開發活動的優先順序等的治理論壇的第一級治理論壇應為“指導委員會”,服務提供商和買方之間的合作是所謂的InfiMotion/Polestar指導委員會。指導委員會是各方為處理雙方在各種事項上的合作而設立的第一級治理論壇。7.3如果指導委員會未能就解決方案達成一致,應將問題上報的更高級別治理論壇應為“戰略委員會”,該委員會關於服務提供商和買方之間的合作,即所謂的服務提供商和買方的首席執行官和首席財務官之間的執行會議。戰略理事會協議號:GEE22-004SA IP模板200304 4版應是締約方為處理它們之間在各種事項上的合作而設立的最高級別的治理論壇。8.領土8.1在本服務協定中,“領土”指世界上所有國家。9.優先順序9.1如果本主要文件的條款與本文件的任何附錄之間有任何矛盾或不一致之處,雙方同意適用以下優先順序:(1)本主要文件(2)附錄2-服務協議(3)附錄1-服務規範(4)附錄3-esow(簽署於2023年6月30日)(5)附錄4--技術分類和背景知識產權規範10.通知10.1向任何一方發出的所有通知、要求、請求和其他通信,或以任何與本服務協議主題相關的方式發送至以下地址,否則應按照一般條款中的條款發送:(A)發送至服務提供商:無錫InfiMotion推進技術有限公司注意:[***][***]複印件不構成通知:無錫InfiMotion推進科技有限公司注意:[***]電子郵件:[***](B)致買方:Polestar Performance AB Assar Gabrielssons väg 9 405 31 Göteborg瑞典注意:[***][***]

協議號:GEE22-004SA IP模板版本200304 5,複製至:Polestar Performance AB Assar Gabrielssons väg 9405 31 Göteborg瑞典[***]11.全面責任和保證11.1儘管本協議有任何規定,InfiMotion無錫應採購並全面負責全面履行和履行服務提供商(包括InfiMotion EU)在本服務協議項下的義務和承諾。12.RESTROSPECTIVITY 12.1本服務協議具有追溯力,涵蓋在本服務協議日期之前與本服務協議下的主題事項有關的所有行動和執行。_[簽名頁面如下]協議號:GEE22-004SA IP模板版本200304 6本服務協議正本已簽署四(4)份,一(1)份給買方,一(1)份給InfiMotion無錫,一(1)份給InfiMotion EU,以及一(1)份給PACD。無錫信息推進技術歐洲宇航科技有限公司。作者:/S/林曉哲作者:/S/艾伯特·佩特森印刷品名稱:林曉哲印刷品名稱:艾伯特·佩特森標題:首席執行官頭銜:首席執行官日期:2023-11-03日期:2023-10-25作者:發信人:S/林曉哲印製名稱:印製名稱:林曉哲職稱:董事會主席日期:2023-11-03北極星性能AB北極星汽車經銷有限公司中國LTD.作者:S/喬納斯·恩斯特倫作者:/S/吳惠靜(艾麗)打印姓名:喬納斯·恩斯特倫打印名稱:吳慧靜(艾莉)頭銜:運營主管頭銜:授權簽署日期:2023-10-20日期:2023-11-29作者:/S/Anna Rudensjöby:印刷名稱:Anna Rudensjö印刷名稱:標題:總法律顧問標題:日期:2023-10-23日期:協議編號:GEE22-004模板版本191016 1 50 41 9 t Ha ra ss on m PV 2 02 0-11-0 5服務協議[***]開發服務附錄1服務規範[***]協議編號:GEE22-004SA IP模板版本201022 1服務協議[***]開發服務附錄2一般條款1.背景1.1本附錄2一般條款-服務協議(“一般條款”)是主要文件的附錄,是服務提供商、買方和PACD簽訂的服務協議的組成部分。2.定義2.1為本一般術語的目的,下列術語應具有以下賦予它們的含義。定義列表中所有大寫的單數術語應具有相同的複數含義,反之亦然。使用的任何大寫術語,但在下文第2節中沒有特別定義,應具有主文件中賦予它們的含義。2.2“附錄”係指主要文件的附錄。2.3“背景知識產權”是指:(A)由任何一方所有;(B)由任何一方的董事、經理、員工或顧問創建、開發或發明的知識產權;(C)在執行本服務協議之前,雙方擁有許可權而不是所有權和授予從屬許可的權利,以及獨立於本服務協議開發或以其他方式獲得的任何知識產權。2.4“變更管理”是指在安裝、納入、包含或以其他方式使用結果的第一輛車開始生產後90天內對結果進行維護和開發,並由法律要求或對結果產生影響的其他產品/部件的變化等驅動。2.5“機密信息”是指關於雙方及其各自業務的任何和所有非公開信息,無論是商業的還是技術的,以任何形式或媒體,包括但不限於本服務協議的存在、內容和主題,與知識產權、概念、技術、流程、商業數字、技術、算法、公式、方法、專有技術、戰略計劃和預算、投資、客户和銷售、設計、圖形、CAD模型、CAE數據、工作説明書(包括工程説明書和任何高級規範)、目標、測試計劃/報告有關的信息,一方在執行本服務協議之前或之後從另一方獲悉的技術性能數據和工程驗收文件以及其他敏感信息。

協議號:GEE22-004SA IP模板版本201022 22.6“數據室”是指雙方同意用於向買方提供結果的安全環境個人經批准的訪問信息共享平臺。2.7“披露方”是指向接收方披露保密信息的一方。2.8“esow”是指附錄3.2.9“歐盟數據保護法”中所附的工程工作説明書。2.9“歐盟數據保護法”是指一般適用於個人數據處理的任何適用的數據保護、隱私或類似法律,包括但不限於歐洲議會和歐洲理事會2016年4月27日關於在個人數據處理和此類數據的自由流動方面保護自然人的(EU)2016/679號法規,以及廢除第95/46/EC號指令(一般數據保護法規)以及實施、支持或以其他方式納入上述法規的任何國家立法。包括對上述任何條款所作的任何修訂。2.10“不可抗力事件”應具有15.1.1節中給出的含義。2.11“InfiMotion後臺IP”是指InfiMotion擁有的後臺IP,包括服務提供商擁有的與附錄4中規定的P10 V2變速箱相關的知識產權。2.12“行業標準”指從事與本服務協議項下類似類型的業務的熟練和有經驗的演員在任何給定時間通常應具備的專業精神、技能、勤奮、謹慎和遠見。2.13“知識產權”或“IP”是指在世界任何地方受適用法律保護的專利、非專利知識產權、保密信息權和專有技術。為免生疑問,商標不包括在此定義中。2.14“專有技術”是指任何形式的機密和專有的工業、技術和商業信息和技術,包括(但不限於)圖紙、公式、測試結果、報告、項目報告和測試程序、指導和培訓手冊、操作條件表、規格、部件清單、市場預測、客户和供應商的清單和詳情。2.15“許可結果”指根據本服務協議向買方提供的服務的結果而開發的、在附錄4中定義為修改部件的部件修改中的任何IP,但不包括此類部件中的InfiMotion背景IP。2.16“主文件”是指由服務提供商和買方簽署的合同文件(標題為“主文件-服務協議”),這些一般條款是合同文件的附件。2.17“非專利知識產權”是指著作權(包括計算機軟件的權利)、數據庫權利、半導體拓撲權、外觀設計權利和其他知識產權(商標和專利除外)和具有協議號:GEE22-004SA IP模板201022 3版在世界任何地方具有同等或類似效力的所有權利或形式的保護,無論是已註冊還是未註冊,已註冊包括在執行本服務協議之前、之時或之後進行的註冊、註冊申請和續訂。2.18“專利”是指在執行本服務協議之前、之後或之後提交的任何專利、專利申請或實用新型,以及任何延續、部分延續、分割、重新審查或重新頒發的專利、外國對應專利或任何前述專利的續展或延展。2.19“Polestar Group”指Polestar Automotive Holding Limited及所有由Polestar Automotive Holding Limited直接或間接控制的實體,而控制是指以協議或其他方式直接或間接擁有(I)至少50%的有表決權股份、合夥企業權益或其他所有權權益,或(Ii)委任或罷免實體的董事會或其他管治機構多數成員的權力,或(B)指示實體管理層的權力。2.20[***] 2.21 “Receiving Party” means the Party receiving Confidential Information from the Disclosing Party. 2.22 “Results” shall mean any outcome of the Services[***] 2.23 “Results Owner” shall mean the Party which shall be the owner of the Results in accordance with what is set forth in Section 5.2. 2.24 “Services” shall mean the services to be performed by Service Provider to Purchaser hereunder, including all services under the Appendices attached hereto. 2.25 “Service Agreement” means the Main Document including all of its Appendices and their Schedules as amended from time to time. 2.26 “Service Charges” means the service charges as set forth or referenced to in the Main Document. 2.27 “Service Specification” describes the Services to be provided by Service Provider to Purchaser hereunder including (if applicable) a time plan for the provision of the Services, which is included as Appendix 1 in this Service Agreement. 2.28 “Third Party” means a party other than any of the Parties and/or an Affiliate of one of the Parties to this Service Agreement. 2.29 “Trademarks” means trademarks (including part numbers that are trademarks), service marks, logos, trade names, business names, assumed names, trade dress and get-up, and domain names, in each case whether registered or unregistered, including all applications, registrations, renewals and the like, in each case to the extent they constitute rights that are enforceable against Third Parties. 2.30 “Use” means to have made by InfiMotion or by a manufacturer approved by InfiMotion, keep, install, integrate, assemble, incorporate, service or repair, including in the case of installation, integration, assembly, service or repair, the right to have a subcontractor of any tier carry out any of these activities on behalf of Purchaser. Agreement No.: GEE22-004 SA IP TEMPLATE VERSION 201022 4 2.31 The right to “have made” is the right of Purchaser to have another person (or their subcontractor of any tier) make for Purchaser and does not include the right to grant sublicenses to another person to make for such person’s own use or use other than for Purchaser. 3. PROVISION OF SERVICES 3.1 Service Specification. The Parties have agreed upon the scope and specification of the Services provided under this Service Agreement in the Service Specification. 3.2 Making available the Results. Service Provider shall make the Results (or if not finalised, any part of the Results that has been finalised) available to Purchaser within the timeframes specified in the Service Specification, but under all circumstances promptly after any part of the Results has been finalised. The Results shall only be made available in a Data Room, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties according to Appendix 1 Section 3.4. The Results (or any finalised part thereof) shall be deemed made available by Service Provider to Purchaser if such files have been electronically loaded into and made accessible by Service Provider in the Data Room agreed upon, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties according to Appendix 1 Section 3.4. 3.3 Change Management. Service Provider has an obligation to, upon Purchaser’s request, perform Change Management in relation to the developed Results, such as changes required in order to maintain functionality, adjust the Results due to new technical solutions etc. For the avoidance of doubt, the performance of Change Management is however not governed by this Service Agreement, but shall be subject to a separate agreement between the Parties, which the Parties upon either Party’s request shall execute. 3.4 Service Recipients. In addition to Purchaser, all of Purchaser’s Affiliates shall be entitled to receive and use the Services under this Service Agreement. Nevertheless, Purchaser shall be Service Provider’s sole point of contact and shall be responsible for payment of the Service Charges as set forth in this Service Agreement, irrespectively of whether it is Purchaser or any of Purchaser’s Affiliates that in reality received and used the Services. 3.5 Subcontractors. The Parties acknowledge that Service Provider may use its Affiliates and/or subcontractors to perform the Services under this Service Agreement, provided that Service Provider informs Purchaser thereof. Service Provider shall however remain responsible for the performance, and any omission to perform or comply with the provisions of this Service Agreement, by any Affiliate to Service Provider and/or any subcontractor to the same extent as if such performance or omittance was made by Service Provider itself. Service Provider shall also remain Purchaser’s sole point of contact unless otherwise agreed. 3.6 Relationship between the Parties. The Parties are acting as independent contractors when performing each Party’s respective obligations under the Service Agreement. Neither Party nor its Affiliates are agents for the other Party or its Affiliates and have no authority to Agreement No.: GEE22-004 SA IP TEMPLATE VERSION 201022 5 represent them in relation to any matters. Nothing in these General Terms or the Service Agreement shall be construed as to constitute a partnership or joint venture between the Parties. 4. SERVICE REQUIREMENTS 4.1 All Services shall be performed in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Service Agreement, including the Service Specification, and otherwise in a professional manner. 4.2 When providing the Services, Service Provider shall use professional and skilled personnel, reasonably experienced for the Services to be performed, Service Provider shall work according to the same standard of care and professionalism that is done in Service Provider’s internal business and development projects. Such standard of care and professionalism, shall however at all times correspond to Industry Standard. For the avoidance of doubt, Service Provider is responsible for all necessary recruiting and hiring costs associated with employing appropriate personnel as well as all necessary training costs. 4.3 Service Provider acknowledges that time is of essence and Service Provider agrees to strictly respect and adhere to the deadlines set out in the Service Specification in Appendix 1A, such as time limits, milestones and gates. In the event Service Provider risks not to meet an agreed deadline or is otherwise in delay with the performance of the Services, Service Provider shall [***] 4.4 In the event the Services or any part thereof, more than insignificantly deviate from the requirements set forth in the Service Specification, or if Service Provider otherwise does not meet or ceases to meet the requirements set forth in this Service Agreement (except for minor faults and defects, which do not affect the provision of the Services), Service Provider shall remedy such incompliance, fault or defect as soon as reasonably possible. 4.5 In the event Service Provider fails to act in accordance with Section 4.3 and 4.4 above, such failure shall be escalated in accordance with the escalation principles set forth in Section 17.1 and eventually give Purchaser the right to terminate the Service Agreement in accordance with Section 14.4. 4.6 Purchaser shall provide Service Provider with instructions as reasonably required for Service Provider to be able to carry out the Services. Service Provider must continuously inform Purchaser of any needs of additional instructions or specifications required to perform the Services. 4.7 Service Provider shall ensure that it has sufficient resources to perform its undertakings under this Service Agreement. Further, Service Provider undertakes to ensure that the performance of the Services will not be given lower priority than other of Service Provider’s internal similar projects. 5. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 5.1 Ownership of existing Intellectual Property Rights. Each Party remains the sole and exclusive owner of its Background IP and any Intellectual Property Rights already owned by such Party.

Agreement No.: GEE22-004 SA IP TEMPLATE VERSION 201022 6 Nothing in this Service Agreement shall be deemed to constitute an assignment of, or license to use, any Trademarks of the other Party. 5.2 Ownership of Results. The Party specified in the Main Document to own the Results shall be the exclusive owner of the Results, including all modifications, amendments and developments thereof (except for those described as Licensed Results). For the avoidance of doubt, the Results may be incorporated or embedded with information relating to InfiMotion Background IP, for which InfiMotion remains to be the sole and exclusive owner. If Purchaser is the Party indicated as owning the Results in the Main Document, all Results, including all modifications, amendments and developments thereof (except for those described as Licensed Results), and any Intellectual Property Rights developed as a result of the Services provided by Service Provider (or if applicable, any of its appointed Affiliates or subcontractors), shall consequently automatically upon creation be transferred from Service Provider to Purchaser. Purchaser shall further have the right to transfer, sublicense, modify and otherwise freely dispose of the Results, however with the restrictions set forth in Section 5.33 below. 5.3 License Grant The Service Provider hereby grants to the Purchaser a non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual (however at least 50 years long (however, in no event shall such time exceed the validity period of any IP or Background IP included in the license described hereunder)), non-assignable (however assignable to entities with the Polestar Group) license to, within the Territory: (a) Use, in whole or in part the Licensed Results and any InfiMotion Background IP embedded in or otherwise used in the development of the Results to the extent such license is necessary or reasonably necessary for Purchaser to Use P10 V2 Gearbox provided hereunder. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Service Agreement, nothing in these General Terms or otherwise in the Service Agreement shall be construed as to give the other Party any rights, including but not limited to any license rights (express or implied), to any Background IP, except as expressly stated herein. The license granted from the Service Provider to the Purchaser under Section 5.3.1 above shall be fully sublicensable to entities within the Polestar Group, but shall not be sublicensable to any Third Party without prior written approval from the Service Provider, which shall not be unreasonably withheld (whereby a sublicense/license to a Third Party which is a competitor of either Party is an example of what could be deemed unreasonable and subject to non-approval) or delayed. Any approval in accordance with the foregoing shall be handled at a high governance level by the Strategic Board. For the avoidance of doubt, the Service Provider has no obligation to provide any support regarding sublicensing/licensing of any rights connected to this Service Agreement to a Party providing a sublicense/license to a Third Party. 5.4 Suspected infringement. Agreement No.: GEE22-004 SA IP TEMPLATE VERSION 201022 7 The Purchaser shall promptly (upon becoming aware) notify the Service Provider in writing of: (a) any conduct of a Third Party that the Purchaser reasonably believes to be, or reasonably believes to be likely to be, an infringement, misappropriation or other violation of any Intellectual Property Rights licensed to the Purchaser hereunder by a Third Party; or (b) any allegations made to the Purchaser by a Third Party that any Intellectual Property Rights licensed hereunder are invalid, subject to cancellation, unenforceable, or is a misappropriation of any Intellectual Property Rights of a Third Party. In the event that the Purchaser has provided the Service Provider a notification pursuant to Section 5.4.1(a) above, and the Service Provider decides not to take any action against the Third Party, the Service Provider may approve in writing that the Purchaser shall be entitled to itself take action against the Third Party at its own cost. If the Service Provider approves, it shall provide reasonable assistance to the Purchaser, as requested by the Purchaser at the Purchaser’s expense. If the Service Provider does not approve to the Purchaser taking such action, the issue should be escalated to the Strategic Board for decision. For the avoidance of doubt, the Service Provider has no responsibility in the event the Results are alleged to infringe in any Third Party’s Intellectual Property Rights and the Service Provider has, except for what is set out above in this Section 5.4 no obligation to defend and hold the Purchaser harmless from and against any alleged infringements. 5.5 Polestar Brand name. For the sake of clarity, it is especially noted that this Service Agreement does not include any right to use the “Polestar” brand name, or Trademarks, or refer to “Polestar” in communications or official documents of whatever kind. This means that this Service Agreement does not include any rights to directly or indirectly use the “Polestar” brand name or “Polestar” Trademarks, on or for any products or when marketing, promoting and/or selling such products, or in any other contacts with Third Parties, e.g. in presentations, business cards and correspondence. Agreement No.: GEE22-004 SA IP TEMPLATE VERSION 201022 8 5.6 InfiMotion brand name. Correspondingly, it is especially noted that this Service Agreement does not include any right to use the “InfiMotion” brand name or Trademarks, or refer to “InfiMotion” in communications or official documents of whatever kind. This means that this Service Agreement does not include any rights to directly or indirectly use “InfiMotion” brand name or “InfiMotion” Trademarks, on or for any products or when marketing, promoting and/or selling such products, or in any other contacts with Third Parties, e.g. in presentations, business cards and correspondence. 6. SERVICE CHARGES 6.1 In consideration of Service Provider’s performance of the Services under this Service Agreement, Purchaser agrees to pay to Service Provider the Service Charges as set forth or referenced to in the Main Document. 7. PAYMENT TERMS 7.1 The Service Charges shall be paid in the currency set forth in the Main Document, in a timely manner and in accordance with the payment terms set forth in this Section 7. 7.2 Purchaser and PACD shall bear the VAT and surtaxes, and Purchaser and PACD shall bear the Withholding Tax, which are applicable in accordance with local legislation to amounts and payments referred to in this Service Agreement. 7.3 Upon tax authority request, Service Provider should provide the supporting documents to help Purchaser prove the arm’s length nature of the payment. 7.4 Any amount of the Service Charges invoiced by Service Provider to Purchaser and PACD shall be paid by Purchaser and PACD within [***]after the invoice date. 7.5 Payment made later than the due date will automatically be subject to interest for late payments for each day it is not paid and the interest shall be [***] 7.6 Any paid portion of the Service Charges is non-refundable, with the exception set forth in the Main Document. 8. AUDIT 8.1 During the term of the Service Agreement, Purchaser shall have the right to, upon reasonable notice in writing to Service Provider, inspect Service Provider’s books and records related to the Services and the premises where the Services are performed, in order to conduct quality controls and otherwise verify the statements rendered under this Service Agreement. 8.2 Audits shall be made during regular business hours and be conducted by Purchaser or by an independent auditor appointed by Purchaser. Should Purchaser during any inspection find that Service Provider or the Services does/do not fulfil the requirements set forth herein, Purchaser is entitled to comment on the identified deviations. Service Provider shall, upon notice from Purchaser, take reasonable efforts to take the actions required in order to fulfil the requirements. In the event the Parties cannot agree upon measures to Agreement No.: GEE22-004 SA IP TEMPLATE VERSION 201022 9 be taken in respect of the audit, each Party shall be entitled to escalate such issue to the Steering Committee. 9. REPRESENTATIONS 9.1 Each Party warrants and represents to the other Party that: (a) it is duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of its respective jurisdiction of incorporation or formation, as applicable; (b) it has full corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Service Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder; (c) the execution, delivery and performance of this Service Agreement have been duly authorized and approved, with such authorization and approval in full force and effect, and do not and will not (i) violate any laws or regulations applicable to it or (ii) violate its organization documents or any agreement to which it is a party; and (d) this Service Agreement is a legal and binding obligation of it, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms. 9.2 The Parties acknowledge that the related InfiMotion Background IP shall be licensed on an “as is” basis, without any warranties or representations of any kind (except for the warranties in Section 9.1 above), whether implied or express, and in particular any warranties of suitability, merchantability, description, design and fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, completeness, systems integration and accuracy are expressly excluded to the maximum extent permissible by law. As set forth in Main Agreement the Parties shall enter into a separate agreement for the purchase of P10 V2 Gearboxes manufactured by the Service Provider and the license fee for the InfiMotion Background will be free for the Purchaser. 10. SERVICE WARRANTY 10.1 When performing the Services, Service Provider shall provide professional and skilled personnel, reasonably experienced for the Services to be performed at the best of their knowledge. 10.2 Service Provider provides the Services “as is”. Service Provider does neither warrant nor represent that any Services, provided or delivered to Purchaser hereunder are functional for the business needs of Purchaser or otherwise suitable for any specific purpose, nor that the Services, are not infringing any Intellectual Property of any third party. Service Provider does neither give any representations or warranties as regards the merchantability of the deliverables to be delivered hereunder nor any other representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever concerning the Services. Purchaser acknowledges that the price of the Services to be performed and other deliverables to be delivered by Service Provider are set in consideration of the foregoing. 10.3 Service Provider shall after receipt of notice of a claim related to Purchaser’s use of the Services notify Purchaser of such claim in writing and Purchaser shall following receipt of such notice, to the extent permitted under applicable law, at its own cost conduct negotiations with the third party presenting the claim and/or intervene in any suit or

Agreement No.: GEE22-004 SA IP TEMPLATE VERSION 201022 10 action. Purchaser shall at all times keep Service Provider informed of the status and progress of the claim and consult with Service Provider on appropriate actions to take. If Purchaser fails to or chooses not to take actions to defend Service Provider within a reasonable time, or at any time ceases to make such efforts, Service Provider shall be entitled to assume control over the defence against such claim and/ or over any settlement negotiation at Purchaser’s cost. Any settlement proposed by Purchaser on its own account must take account of potential implications for Service Provider and shall therefore be agreed with Service Provider before settlement. Each Party will at no cost furnish to the other Party all data, records, and assistance within that Party’s control that are of importance in order to properly defend against a claim. 11. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 11.1 Neither Party shall be responsible for any indirect, incidental or consequential damage or any losses of production or profit caused by it under this Service Agreement. 11.2 Each Party’s aggregate liability for any direct damage arising out of or in connection with this Service Agreement shall be [***]. 11.3 The limitations of liability set forth in this Section 11 shall not apply in respect of: (a) claims related to death or bodily injury; (b) damage caused by wilful misconduct or gross negligence; (c) damage caused by a Party’s breach of the confidentiality undertakings in Section 13 below; or (d) damage arising out of an infringement, or alleged infringement, of the other Party’s or any third party’s Intellectual Property. 12. GOVERNANCE AND CHANGES 12.1 Governance. The Parties shall act in good faith in all matters and shall at all times co-operate in respect of changes to this Service Agreement as well as issues and/or disputes arising under this Service Agreement. The governance and co-operation between the Parties in respect of this Service Agreement shall primarily be administered on an operational level. In the event the Parties on an operational level cannot agree upon inter alia the prioritisation of development activities or other aspects relating to the co-operation between the Parties, each Party shall be entitled to escalate such issue to the Steering Committee. If the Steering Committee fails to agree upon a solution of the disagreement the relevant issue should be escalated to the Strategic Board for decision. Agreement No.: GEE22-004 SA IP TEMPLATE VERSION 201022 11 12.2 Changes. During the term of this Service Agreement, Purchaser can request changes to the Service Specification, which shall be handled in accordance with the governance procedure set forth in Section 12.1 above. Both Parties agree to act in good faith to address and respond to any change request within a reasonable period of time. The Parties acknowledge that Service Provider will not perform in accordance with such change request until agreed in writing between the Parties. For the avoidance of any doubt, until there is agreement about the requested change, all work shall continue in accordance with the existing Service Specification. 13. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 13.1 The Parties shall take any and all necessary measures to comply with the security and confidentiality procedures of the other Party. 13.2 All Confidential Information shall only be used for the purposes comprised by the fulfilment of this Service Agreement. Each Party will keep in confidence any Confidential Information obtained in relation to this Service Agreement and will not divulge the same to any Third Party, unless the exceptions specifically set forth below in this Section 13.2 below apply, in order to obtain patent protection or when approved by the other Party in writing, and with the exception of their own officers, employees, consultants or sub- contractors with a need to know as to enable such personnel to perform their duties hereunder. This provision will not apply to Confidential Information which the Receiving Party can demonstrate: (a) was in the public domain other than by breach of this undertaking, or by another confidentiality undertaking; (b) was already in the possession of the Receiving Party before its receipt from the Disclosing Party; (c) is obtained from a Third Party who is free to divulge the same; (d) is required to be disclosed by mandatory law, court order, lawful government action or applicable stock exchange regulations; (e) is reasonably necessary for either Party to utilize its rights and use of its Intellectual Property Rights; or (f) is developed or created by one Party independently of the other, without any part thereof having been developed or created with assistance or information received from the other Party. 13.3 The Receiving Party shall protect the disclosed Confidential Information by using the same degree of care, but no less than a reasonable degree of care, as the Receiving Parts uses to protect its own Confidential Information of similar nature, to prevent the dissemination to Third Parties or publication of the Confidential Information. Further, each Party shall ensure that its employees and consultants are bound by a similar duty of confidentiality and that any subcontractors taking part in the fulfilment of that Party’s obligations Agreement No.: GEE22-004 SA IP TEMPLATE VERSION 201022 12 hereunder, enters into a confidentiality undertaking containing in essence similar provisions as those set forth in this Section 13. 13.4 Any tangible materials that disclose or embody Confidential Information should be marked by the Disclosing Party as “Confidential,” “Proprietary” or the substantial equivalent thereof. Confidential Information that is disclosed orally or visually shall be identified by the Disclosing Party as confidential at the time of disclosure, with subsequent confirmation in writing within 30 days after disclosure. However, the lack of marking or subsequent confirmation that the disclosed information shall be regarded as “Confidential”, “Proprietary” or the substantial equivalent thereof does not disqualify the disclosed information from being classified as Confidential Information. 13.5 If any Party violates any of its obligations described in this Section 13, the violating Party shall, upon notification from the other Party, (i) immediately cease to proceed such harmful violation and take all actions needed to rectify said behaviour and (ii) financially compensate for the harm suffered as determined by an arbitral tribunal pursuant to 17.1.6 below. All legal remedies (compensatory but not punitive in nature) according to law shall apply. 13.6 For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 13 does not permit disclosure of source code to software, and/or any substantial parts of design documents to software, included in the Results, to any Third Party, notwithstanding what it set forth above in this Section 13. Any such disclosure to any Third Party is permitted only if approved in writing by Service Provider. 13.7 This confidentiality provision shall survive the expiration or termination of this Service Agreement without limitation in time. 14. TERM AND TERMINATION 14.1 This Service Agreement shall become effective when the Main Document is signed by duly authorised signatories of each Party and shall, unless terminated in accordance with this Section 14 below, remain in force until the Services are completed. 14.2 Either Party (excluding PACD) shall be entitled to terminate this Service Agreement with immediate effect in the event: (a) the other Party (including PACD) commits a material breach of the terms of this Service Agreement, which has not been remedied within 30 days from written notice from the other Party to remedy such breach (if capable of being remedied); or (b) if the other Party should become insolvent or enter into negotiations on composition with its creditors or a petition in bankruptcy should be filed by it or it should make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors. 14.3 For avoidance of doubt, Purchaser or PACD not paying the Service Charges, without legitimate reasons for withholding payment, shall be considered in material breach for the purpose of this Service Agreement. 14.4 Furthermore, Purchaser is entitled to terminate this Service Agreement with immediate effect in case Service Provider acts in breach, which is not insignificant, of what is set forth Agreement No.: GEE22-004 SA IP TEMPLATE VERSION 201022 13 in Section 4.3 and 4.4 provided that the issue first has been escalated in accordance with Section 17.1. 14.5 Purchaser shall in addition be entitled to cancel the Services performed by Service Provider for convenience upon 30 days written notice to Service Provider. In such event, Service Provider shall, upon request from Purchaser, promptly make available in the Data Room (if applicable) any and all parts of the Results which have been finalised on the effective date of the cancellation. Moreover, the “Results” shall for the purposes of this Service Agreement be considered such parts of the Results that Service Provider has finalised on the effective date of the cancellation. 14.6 In the event Purchaser cancels the Services in accordance with Section 14.5 above, the Service Charges shall, instead of what is set out in the Main Document, correspond to Service Provider’s costs for the Services performed up, until and including the effective date of the cancellation, including the mark-up otherwise applied to calculate the Service Charges in accordance with the Main Document and any other reasonable proven costs Service Provider has incurred. 14.7 Either Party (excluding PACD) shall in addition be entitled to terminate the Service Agreement for convenience upon 90 days written notice to the other Party. 15. MISCELLANEOUS 15.1 Force majeure. Neither Party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under the Service Agreement to the extent that such failure or delay is caused by a Force Majeure Event. A “Force Majeure Event” means any event beyond a Party's reasonable control, which by its nature could not have been foreseen, or, if it could have been foreseen, was unavoidable, including strikes, lock-outs or other industrial disputes (whether involving its own workforce or a Third Party's), failure of energy sources or transport network, restrictions concerning motive force, acts of God, war, terrorism, insurgencies and riots, civil commotion, mobilization or extensive call ups, interference by civil or military authorities, national or international calamity, currency restrictions, requisitions, confiscation, armed conflict, malicious damage, breakdown of plant or machinery, nuclear, chemical or biological contamination, sonic boom, explosions, collapse of building structures, fires, floods, storms, stroke of lightning, earthquakes, loss at sea, epidemics or similar events, natural disasters or extreme adverse weather conditions, or default or delays of suppliers or subcontractors if such default or delay has been caused by a Force Majeure Event. A non-performing Party, which claims there is a Force Majeure Event, and cannot perform its obligations under the Service Agreement as a consequence thereof, shall use all commercially reasonable efforts to continue to perform or to mitigate the impact of its non-performance notwithstanding the Force Majeure Event and shall continue the performance of its obligations as soon as the Force Majeure Event ceases to exist. 15.2 Notices. All notices, demands, requests and other communications to any Party as set forth in, or in any way relating to the subject matter of, this Service Agreement must be in legible writing in the English language delivered by personal delivery, email transmission or prepaid overnight courier using an internationally recognized courier service and shall be effective upon receipt, which shall be deemed to have occurred:

Agreement No.: GEE22-004 SA IP TEMPLATE VERSION 201022 14 (a) in case of personal delivery, at the time and on the date of personal delivery; (b) if sent by email transmission, at the time and date indicated on a response confirming such successful email transmission; (c) if delivered by courier, at the time and on the date of delivery as confirmed in the records of such courier service; or (d) at such time and date as delivery by personal delivery or courier is refused by the addressee upon presentation; in each case provided that if such receipt occurred on a non-business day, then notice shall be deemed to have been received on the next following business day; and provided further that where any notice, demand, request or other communication is provided by any party by email, such party shall also provide a copy of such notice, demand, request or other communication by using one of the other methods. All such notices, demands, requests and other communications shall be addressed to the address, and with the attention, as set forth in the Main Document, or to such other address, number or email address as a Party may designate. 15.3 Assignment. Neither Party may, wholly or partly, assign, pledge or otherwise dispose of its rights and/or obligations under this Service Agreement without the other Party’s prior written consent. Notwithstanding the above, each Party (excluding PACD) may assign this Service Agreement to an Affiliate without the prior written consent of the other Party. 15.4 Waiver. Neither Party shall be deprived of any right under this Service Agreement because of its failure to exercise any right under this Service Agreement or failure to notify the infringing party of a breach in connection with the Service Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, rules on complaints and limitation periods shall apply. 15.5 Severability. In the event any provision of this Service Agreement is wholly or partly invalid, the validity of the Service Agreement as a whole shall not be affected and the remaining provisions of the Service Agreement shall remain valid. To the extent that such invalidity materially affects a Party’s benefit from, or performance under, the Service Agreement, it shall be reasonably amended. 15.6 Entire agreement. All arrangements, commitments and undertakings in connection with the subject matter of this Service Agreement (whether written or oral) made before the date of this Service Agreement are superseded by this Service Agreement and its Appendices. 15.7 Amendments. Any amendment or addition to this Service Agreement must be made in writing and signed by the Parties to be valid. 15.8 Survival. If this Service Agreement is terminated or expires pursuant to Section 14 above, Section 5.3 (License grant), Section 13 (Confidentiality), Section 16 (Governing Law), Agreement No.: GEE22-004 SA IP TEMPLATE VERSION 201022 15 Section 17 (Dispute Resolution) as well as this Section 15.8, shall survive any termination or expiration and remain in force as between the Parties after such termination or expiration. Notwithstanding Section 15.8.1 above, if this Service Agreement is terminated due to Purchaser not paying the Service Charges, without legitimate reasons for withholding payment, pursuant to Section 14 above, Section (License Grant) shall not survive termination or remain in force as between the Parties after such termination. For the avoidance of doubt, what is stated in this Section 15.8.2 shall only apply in relation to such licenses granted to Purchaser pursuant to Section above and any licenses granted to Service Provider under Section 5.3 shall thus nevertheless remain in force after such termination. 16. GOVERNING LAW 16.1 This Service Agreement and all non-contractual obligations in connection with this Service Agreement shall be governed by the substantive laws of: (a) the People’s Republic of China, in connection with a dispute involving or concerning InfiMotion Wuxi; and (b) Sweden, in connection with a dispute involving or concerning InfiMotion EU, without giving regard to its conflict of laws principles. 17. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 17.1 Escalation principles. In case the Parties cannot agree on a joint solution for handling disagreements or disputes, a deadlock situation shall be deemed to have occurred and each Party shall notify the other Party hereof by the means of a deadlock notice and simultaneously send a copy of the notice to the Steering Committee. Upon the receipt of such a deadlock notice, the receiving Party shall within ten days of receipt, prepare and circulate to the other Party a statement setting out its position on the matter in dispute and reasons for adopting such position, and simultaneously send a copy of its statement to the Steering Committee. Each such statement shall be considered by the next regular meeting held by the Steering Committee or in a forum meeting specifically called upon by either Party for the settlement of the issue. The members of the Steering Committee shall use reasonable endeavours to resolve a deadlock situation in good faith. As part thereof, the Steering Committee may request the Parties to in good faith develop and agree on a plan to resolve or address the breach, to be presented for the Steering Committee without undue delay. If the Steering Committee agrees upon a resolution or disposition of the matter, the Parties shall agree in writing on terms of such resolution or disposition and the Parties shall procure that such resolution or disposition is fully and promptly carried into effect. If the Steering Committee cannot settle the deadlock within 30 days from the deadlock notice served pursuant to Section 17.1.1 above, such deadlock will be referred to the Strategic Board, which shall use reasonable endeavours to resolve the situation in the same way as indicated above. If no Steering Committee has been established between Agreement No.: GEE22-004 SA IP TEMPLATE VERSION 201022 16 the Parties, the relevant issue shall be referred to the Strategic Board immediately and Section 17.1.2 above shall not apply. Should the matter not have been resolved by the Strategic Board within 30 days counting from when the matter was referred to them, despite using reasonable endeavours to do so, the matter shall be resolved in accordance with Section 17.2 below. All notices and communications exchanged in the course of a deadlock resolution proceeding shall be considered Confidential Information of each Party and be subject to the confidentiality undertaking in Section 13 above. Notwithstanding the above, the Parties agree that either Party may disregard the time frames set forth in this Section 17.1 and apply shorter time frames and/or escalate an issue directly to the Strategic Board in the event the escalated issue is of an urgent character and where the applicable time frames set out above are not appropriate. 17.2 Arbitration. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this Service Agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall: (a) in the event of involving or concerning InfiMotion Wuxi, be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee (“CIETAC”) for arbitration, which shall be held in Shanghai and conducted in accordance with the CIETAC’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration, whereas the language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English and Chinese; and (b) in the event of involving or concerning InfiMotion EU, be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, whereas the seat of arbitration shall be Gothenburg, Sweden, the language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English, and the arbitral tribunal shall be composed of three arbitrators. Irrespective of any discussions or disputes between the Parties, each Party shall always continue to fulfil its undertakings under this Service Agreement unless an arbitral tribunal or court (as the case may be) decides otherwise. In any arbitration proceeding, any legal proceeding to enforce any arbitration award, or any other legal proceedings between the Parties relating to this Service Agreement, each Party expressly waives the defence of sovereign immunity and any other defence based on the fact or allegation that it is an agency or instrumentality of a sovereign state. Such waiver includes a waiver of any defence of sovereign immunity in respect of enforcement of arbitral awards and/or sovereign immunity from execution over any of its assets. All arbitral proceedings as well as any and all information, documentation and materials in any form disclosed in the proceedings shall be strictly confidential. Agreement No.: GEE22-004 SA IP TEMPLATE VERSION 201022 17 Appendix 3, ESOW (signed June 30, 2023) [***]