《活動空間的愛彼迎和推銷員》 20一個多邊市場,為龐大的Event ecosystem Manage Market Monetize Discover Interact Transact Event Go用户提供動力 (B2C) 活動創作者 (B2B)


Events.com產品產品 21 Events.com是一款統一的軟件和服務解決方案,可讓活動創建者節省時間併產生更多收入,並允許活動參與者發現和處理他們喜歡的活動 活動創建者(創建) 贊助商 贊助和品牌 激活 推廣 營銷和 促銷 執行 執行和 現場工具 洞察 Data& management tools Sell Management& 銷售 活動參與者(發現)(1) 瀏覽 事件搜索和 發現 查找 事件匹配和 推薦 購買 一鍵向您的朋友註冊& transactions Share Social attendance Belong Find事件 (1)V2計劃於2025年祕密推出


創建 Events.com銷售 22銷售更多門票,節省更多時間,賺更多錢 ●構建全品牌活動票務頁面 ●通過庫存管理和價格變化創建多種不同的票證類型 ●按產品類型添加帶有二維碼的自定義電子郵件確認,並支持多種語言 ●通過電子簽名功能添加自定義和條件表單問題 ●允許與會者拆分付款 ●構建穩健的%或$Off促銷並創建多數量折扣 主要亮點


創建 Events.com贊助商 23幫助組織者獲得合適的贊助商,更快地 ●跟蹤潛在贊助商的詳細信息 ●自動填寫建議書、協議和激活 日曆 ●直接從您的帳户發送和跟蹤建議書和協議 ●從 強大的模板庫配置您的活動贊助產品 ●使用包含贊助商説明和 截止日期的激活日曆確保成功贊助 關鍵要點


創建 Events.com促銷 24幫助組織者接觸到合適的參與者,更快的 ●通過將您的活動免費添加到我們的在線日曆網絡和自動活動媒體網絡來提高品牌知名度 ●在短短几分鐘內通過您的活動在10+個渠道上發起自動數字營銷活動 列出您的活動詳情 ●選擇您的廣告預算和您希望推廣的社交媒體 ●通過數字營銷增加門票銷售美國存托股份 針對活動進行了優化 主要亮點 建議的活動時機 優化的活動支出 自動確定目標


創建 Events.com廣告交換媒體網絡和日曆 25從本地到全球的快速、可擴展的覆蓋範圍 數以千計的媒體和娛樂網站上的●支持的活動日曆 ●可貨幣化的營銷庫存 ●在谷歌、Facebook和活動網絡上的自動活動廣告印象 ●經常性和可擴展的收入 ●為Events.com平臺創造高質量的銷售線索 主要亮點


創建 Events.com執行 26幫助組織者節省時間 ●簽到參與者並使用無縫移動簽到應用管理您的活動的訪問 ●租賃平板電腦、充電器、備用電池和熱點 ●使用二維碼或語音識別技術實現快速進入 ●通過我們的銷售點套件獲得簽到統計的實時報告 ●現場銷售門票、登記和商品 我們的銷售點套件,包括平板電腦、讀卡器、充電電纜、平板電腦支架、商品收據 打印機和更多 主要亮點


創建 Events.com洞察 27您在指尖即可獲得所需的所有數據 ●生成定製報告並訪問有價值的 洞察,從而做出更好、更快的決策,而無需花錢購買其他分析工具 ●訪問您的活動銷售的實時數據 ●對您的日曆列表和廣告活動的詳細分析和營銷報告 在您用於您的活動列表的同一平臺中 ●實時監控您的分支機構計劃努力並跟蹤 全面的促銷代碼


Events.com Discover基於我們的活動參與者信息數據庫並通過分析過去的活動偏好和通過朋友和興趣數據 推薦活動 Events.com Discover (V2計劃於2025年祕密推出) ·百萬活動 ·精心策劃的建議 ·參與者參與度 ·通知 ·基於興趣的匹配 28該平臺使用活動參與者的過去偏好、朋友和當前的 趨勢來推薦未來的活動。*已顯示測試版發佈


發現 Events.com發現是我們飛輪機會的關鍵 29沒有人真正擁有活動消費者 Events.com有機會成為活動世界的家園 更多活動創建者 事件創建者知道他們可以在Events.com上連接到他們的受眾 更多活動 如果您是一家酒店,您可以訪問…如果您是活動,請登錄Events.com 更多活動參與者 Events.com-消費者最先想到的是查找活動


發現 利用AI&ML學習您的特定興趣,並將您與最佳事件聯繫起來(2) 利用快速發展的AI環境 30 Events.com平臺直觀的用户界面和用户體驗使您能夠根據興趣、過去的行為和位置無縫搜索事件,並擁有100多個事件類別來探索您的興趣 Events.com的AI引擎從 每個用户的個人興趣、人口統計、行為和地點 60M+年度訪客(1) 200M+體驗(1) 0.7萬Cities(1) 我們的活動 然後AI分析收集的數據 並確定每次活動與 活動的最佳匹配 (1)來源:公司數據 (2)V2計劃於2025年祕密推出


發現 聚合強大的體驗數據集 31 50K+ 活動創建者 60M+ 活動參與者 200M+ 體驗 128個國家/地區的數據(1): 擁有數百萬用户和數十億數據點的全球分散、多樣化的興趣矩陣 (1)PICK1與IBM Watson合作的數據屏幕,該數據屏幕被Evensi收購,Events.com (2)福布斯,2023年10月5日(2) (1)


整合併購歷史流程 32注:“ARPU”是指每個用户的平均收入 (1)收購目前正在進行中 Events.com由一個經驗豐富的團隊領導,在行業內完成和計劃了多項收購 2013參與者 身份識別 和RFID 2019年促銷和 媒體 網絡 2024停車 技術(1) 2024 Live Events 2024 Live Events 2022算法 營銷和 發現 2022贊助 技術 2022票務 技術 平臺擴展客户增長增加“ARPU” 2013註冊 和活動 管理




全球活動管理是一個巨大的商機$936B $1.8T 2024E 2029E 全球體驗經濟是巨大的 34 Events.com連接並支持全球體驗生態系統 龐大且不斷增長的市場 (1)亞利桑頓,2024年3月(2)市場和市場,2024年4月(3)美國經濟分析局 (4)內容服務 (5)Marketplace,10月19日,2023年活動管理軟件 是一個高增長行業 (1) (2) $95B 2023年美國Live 娛樂支出 74% 消費者可能會根據 體驗購買 2023年現場活動支出增加 (3) (4) (5) 主要趨勢 $16B $35B 2024E 2029E


Events.com市場定位 35大型場館 賽事 Pro 體育 大牌 演唱會 服務於龐大的中端市場,並擴大 小型私人聚會婚禮淋浴節日派對 節日和音樂會 藝術 和休閒 慈善 和事業 商務 和科技 體育 和耐力 食品和飲料 夜生活 和劇院 健康和戲劇


增長槓桿 36新的Revenue Streams Innovative Marketing Expand Product產品 消費者Data Capitalization AI-Driven Personalization Expand發現 逐個城市的 Events.com有一個全面的戰略,通過“購買、構建和合作夥伴”攻略來擴大收入速度和客户參與度 預期未來收購的曲線加速




我們如何賺錢 我們通過一系列當前和未來的產品幫助活動創建者節省時間並賺取更多利潤 可靠、可再生、高利潤率、低維護的收入流大規模聚合數據 38交易訂閲服務 我們向參與者收取 手續費,作為發生在平臺上的所有交易的 商品總值 (GMV)的百分比, 門票、商品、 停車等 我們對使用 高級解決方案的所有交易按月收費 例如 贊助管理、 等等 我們向組織者收取 定製解決方案和 服務費用,例如贊助商 採購、高級 營銷等


關鍵業務指標 39我們為不同行業的各種活動提供服務,從私人聚會 到大型體育場奇觀 自助服務(1) 允許活動組織者自主創建和運行他們的 活動 ~$40(2) 平均門票價格 ~225參觀者 平均活動規模 ~65% 具有 付費交易的活動 ~$7.5k 每個活動處理了 美元 較小的活動 更多免費活動 更低的參賽價格 GMV/活動 1) 為活動組織者提供端到端專用事件網站支持 活動組織者 ~5,500人 平均活動規模 ~$80(2) 平均票價 ~$25k 每個活動處理的平均票價 較大的活動 更多付費活動 更高的參賽作品價格 gmv/事件 ~94%的活動 已支付交易 (1)不包括髮現 (2)平均票價包括免費活動




SPAC交易概述 41來源和使用(1)交易要點(1) 成交時的預估估值(1)成交時的預估所有權(1) 估值 ·合併後公司的39900美元萬預估企業價值 ·隱含的貨幣前市值為3.14億美元 ·不包括Events.com可用的400股萬套現股票的價值 受股價目標制約的股東 融資 ·交易預計將提供高達5,000美元的萬毛收入, 最終贖回後通過管道或替代融資和信託現金 交易結構 ·Events.com股東滾動100%股權,預計將擁有合併後實體的 ~72.4%的股份 PF未償還股份(M)43.4股價($)$10.00 PF股權價值($M)$434(-)PF淨現金($M)($35) PF企業價值($M)$399 Shares (M) % Own. Events.com Equity 31.4 72.4% SPAC贊助商7.0 16.1% SPAC公共 股東/{Br}其他 5.0 11.5% 1 2 3 1 3來源($M) Events.com 展期權益$314信託現金/管道$50總計$364使用($M) Events.com權益$314現金轉至資產負債表 賬面上$35交易 費用$15總計$364(1)假設交易前資產負債表上沒有現金或債務 ·排除某些Events.com可轉換證券對合並後公司資本的影響 ·4,340股萬形式流通股,每股普通股10.00美元 ·假設萬為5,000美元,來自延期後信託中保留的現金和籌集的融資;SPAC現金金額可能會根據信託實際賺取的利息而發生變化。 ·所有圖表均不包括540份萬保薦權證和930份萬公開認股權證;所有認股權證的執行價為每股普通股11.5美元 ·SPAC保薦人股票包括100股萬保薦人股票,將在收盤時“轉讓”給Events.com ·不包括400股萬溢價股票,如果倖存的Pubco普通股的成交量加權平均價格在任何30個連續交易日內至少20個交易日超過12.50美元、15.00美元、17.50美元和20.0美元,則這些股票將按下列價格門檻平等授予 2


風險因素 42凡提及“公司”、“Events.com”、“我們”、“我們”和“我們”時,均指Events.com,Inc.在擬議交易完成之前以及合併後的公司在擬議交易完成後 。以下所述風險是與公司業務、行業和所有權結構有關的一般風險中的一部分,並非詳盡無遺。以下名單完全受公司或第三方(包括協和收購公司II)向美國證券交易委員會提交的未來文件中所包含的披露的限制。這些風險僅在本演示文稿發表之日發佈,本公司和協和集團均未承諾更新此類披露。在未來提交給美國證券交易委員會的文件中強調的風險可能與下文列出的風險有很大不同,而且將比下面列出的風險範圍更廣。 ·我們是一家處於早期階段的公司,有虧損歷史,預計在可預見的未來會出現重大虧損。 ·我們可能無法實現預期的業務里程碑,也無法在預期的時間表上發佈產品。 ·新冠肺炎疫情對我們的業務和運營業績產生了實質性的負面影響,任何再次發生或類似的流行病都可能對我們的業務產生實質性影響。 ·我們的業務依賴於體育賽事的持續發生,音樂會和戲劇演出以及與買家、賣家和分銷合作伙伴的關係,此類事件或關係的任何變化都可能對我們的業務產生不利影響。 ·互聯網搜索引擎算法的變化或市場規則的變化可能會對我們網站的流量以及最終對我們的業務和運營結果產生負面影響。 ·我們在活動空間面臨激烈的競爭。 ·我們可能會受到非常事件的發生或影響音樂會、體育和戲劇活動的因素的不利影響。 ·我們在未來潛在的收購努力中可能不會成功,並且在將過去的收購整合到我們的業務中也可能不會成功。 ·未能留住、激勵或整合我們的任何高級管理團隊或其他技術人員可能會對我們的業務、財務狀況或運營結果產生不利影響。 ·個人數據的處理、存儲、使用和披露可能會因政府監管、相互衝突的法律要求或隱私法規的應用而產生責任。 ·不利的立法結果或我們可能涉及的法律程序的結果,可能會對我們的業務和運營業績產生不利影響。 ·系統中斷以及我們的系統和基礎設施中缺乏集成和宂餘可能會對我們的業務、財務狀況和運營結果產生不利影響。 ·網絡安全風險,數據丟失或其他網絡安全漏洞可能會對我們的業務和運營結果造成實質性損害。 ·我們可能無法充分保護或執行我們的知識產權,或者面臨潛在的責任和費用,因為法律訴訟指控我們的業務運營侵犯了第三方的知識產權。 ·我們的支付系統依賴於第三方提供商。 ·宣佈擬議的交易可能會擾亂Events.com的業務。 ·我們普通股的雙重股權結構具有與我們的聯合創始人集中投票控制權的效果。這將限制或排除您影響公司事務的能力,包括重要交易的結果,包括控制權的變更。 ·協和的董事和管理人員在建議股東投票支持擬議的交易時存在潛在的利益衝突。 ·協和的股東在擬議的交易後所有權和投票權將減少,對管理層的影響力也將減少。 ·協和的股東對大量股份行使贖回權的能力可能會在擬議的交易之前耗盡協和的信託賬户,從而減少擬議交易後合併後公司(“合併公司”)的營運資金金額。 ·擬議的交易可能無法在協和的組織文件中的業務合併截止日期之前完成,並且協和可能無法獲得業務合併截止日期的延長。 ·不能保證擬議的交易將實現公司為公司提供足夠資本的目標,如果公司需要額外的資本為其運營或預期增長提供資金,則不能保證公司能夠以有吸引力的條款或完全沒有吸引力的條款獲得此類資金。合併後的公司股東可能會因此而受到稀釋。 ·公司和協和公司已經並將承擔與擬議的交易和相關交易相關的大量成本,例如法律、會計、諮詢和財務諮詢費用。 ·雖然公司和協和公司努力完成擬議的交易,但管理層的重點和資源可能會從運營事項和其他戰略機會上轉移。 ·如果公司和協和公司沒有確定管道融資,或者如果確定了,若完成交易的條款與目前預期的條款不同,或未能完成及有足夠股東就建議交易行使贖回權 協和可能缺乏足夠資金以完成建議交易。 ·根據建議交易的合併協議條款,本公司的經營可能在建議交易懸而未決期間受到限制。 ·擬議交易的宣佈可能會擾亂公司與客户、供應商和其他人的關係,以及其整體經營業績和業務。 ·擬議交易影響的不確定性可能會影響公司留住關鍵員工和整合管理結構的能力,並可能對其管理、戰略和運營結果產生負面影響。


Create Events.com Sponsor 23 Helping organizers land the right sponsors, faster ● Keep track of prospective sponsor details ● Auto-fill proposals, agreements, and activation calendars ● Send and track proposals and agreements directly from your account ● Configure your event sponsorship offering from a robust library of templates ● Ensure a successful sponsorship with an activation calendar that includes sponsor instructions and deadlines Key Highlights


Create Events.com Promote 24 Helping organizers reach the right participants, faster ● Increase brand awareness by adding your event to our network of online calendars for free and automated event media network ● Launch automated digital marketing campaigns on 10+ channels in just a few minutes with your event listing details ● Choose your advertising budget and the social media channels where you wish to promote ● Increase ticket sales through digital marketing ads optimized for events Key Highlights Suggested Campaign Timing Optimized Campaign Spend Automated Targeting


Create Events.com Ad Exchange Media Network & Calendar 25 Fast, scalable reach from local to global ● Powered event calendars on thousands of media and entertainment websites ● Monetizable marketing inventory ● Automated event ad impressions across Google, Facebook and the Events Network ● Recurring and scalable revenue ● High-quality lead generation for Events.com platform Key Highlights


Create Events.com Execute 26 Helping organizers save time ● Check-in attendees and manage your event’s access points with a seamless mobile check-in app ● Rent tablets, chargers, backup batteries and hotspots ● Enable fast entry using QR codes or voice-recognition technology ● Get real-time reporting on check-in stats ● Sell tickets, registrations, and merchandise on-site with our Point of Sale Kit, which includes tablets, card readers, charging cables, tablet stands, receipt printers, and more Key Highlights


Create Events.com Insights 27 All the data you need at your fingertips ● Generate custom reports and access valuable insights to make better, faster decisions without spending money on additional analytics tools ● Access real-time data for your event sales ● Detailed analytics and marketing reports for calendar listings and advertising campaigns within the same platform you’re using for your event listings ● Monitor your affiliate program efforts and track comprehensive promo codes in real time Key Highlights


Events.com Discover recommends events based on our database of event goer information and by analyzing past event preferences and through friend and interest data Events.com Discover (V2 planned to launch out of stealth in 2025) • Millions of events • Curated suggestions • Participant engagement • Notifications • Interest based matching 28 The platform uses event goers’ past preferences, friends and current trends to recommend future events. *Beta launch shown


Discover Events.com Discover Is Key To Our Flywheel Opportunity 29 No one truly “owns” the event consumer Events.com has the opportunity to become the home for the event world More Event Creators Event creators know they can connect to their audience on Events.com More Events If you’re a hotel, you’re on hotels.com…if you’re an event, you’re on events.com More Event Goers Events.com - first to mind for consumers to find events


Discover UTILIZING AI & ML TO LEARN YOUR SPECIFIC INTERESTS AND CONNECT YOU WITH THE BEST EVENTS(2) Utilizing The Rapidly Evolving AI Landscape 30 The Events.com platform’s Intuitive User Interface and User Experience enables the seamless search for events based on one’s interest, past behavior and location, with 100+ event categories to explore Your Interests Events.com’s AI engine learns from each user’s individual interests, demographic, behaviors and locations 60M+ Annual Visitors(1) 200M+ Experiences(1) 7K Cities(1) Our Events Then the AI analyzes the data collected and identifies the best matches with events for every occasion (1) Source: Company data (2) V2 planned to launch out of stealth in 2025


Discover Aggregating A Robust Data Set of Experiences 31 50K+ Event Creators 60M+ Event Goers 200M+ Experiences 128 Countries Data From Over(1): Globally distributed, diverse interest matrix with millions of users & billions of data points (1) Data screen from Pick1 in partnership with IBM Watson, which was acquired by Evensi, which was acquired by Events.com (2) Forbes, October 5, 2023 (2) (1)


Historical Flow of Integrated M&A 32 Note: “ARPU” refers to average revenue per user (1) Acquisition is currently in progress Events.com is led by a highly experienced team with a multitude of acquisitions completed and planned in the industry 2013 Participant Identification & RFID 2019 Promotion & Media Network 2024 Parking Technology(1) 2024 Live Events 2024 Live Events 2022 Algorithmic Marketing & Discovery 2022 Sponsorship Technology 2022 Ticketing Technology Platform Expansion Client Growth Increase “ARPU” 2013 Registration & Event Management


Market Overview


Global Event Management is a Large Opportunity $936B $1.8T 2024E 2029E The Global Experience Economy is Massive 34 Events.com connects and powers the global experience ecosystem Large and Growing Market (1) Arizton, March 2024 (2) Markets and Markets, April 2024 (3) U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (4) Contentserv (5) Marketplace, October 19, 2023 Event Management Software is a High Growth Industry (1) (2) $95B 2023 US Live Entertainment Spending 74% Of Consumers Are Likely to Buy Based on Experiences Alone 23% Increase in Live Event Spending in 2023 (3) (4) (5) Key Trends $16B $35B 2024E 2029E


Events.com Market Position 35 Large Arena Events Pro Sports Big Name Concerts SERVING THE EXPANSIVE MID-MARKET & EXPANDING SMALL PRIVATE GET TOGETHERS WEDDING SHOWERS HOLIDAY PARTIES Festivals & Concerts Art & Leisure Charity & Causes Business & Technology Sport & Endurance Food & Drinks Nightlife & Theatre Wellness & Health


Levers for Growth 36 New Revenue Streams Innovative Marketing Expand Product Offerings Consumer Data Capitalization AI-Driven Personalization Expand Discover City-by-City Events.com has a comprehensive strategy to expand revenue velocity and customer engagement through a “buy, build, and partner” playbook Curve acceleration expected from future acquisitions


Key Business Metrics


How We Make Money We help event creators save time and make more money through a diverse set of current and future offerings Reliable, renewable, high-margin, low-maintenance revenue streams that aggregate data at scale 38 Transactions Subscription Services We charge attendees a processing fee as a % of the Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) for all transactions occurring on the platform, such as tickets, merchandise, parking, and more We charge monthly subscriptions for utilizing premium solutions, such as sponsorship management, and more We charge organizers for custom solutions and services, such as sponsor procurement, premium marketing, and more


Key Business Metrics 39 We serve a wide variety of events across diverse industries, from intimate gatherings to massive stadium spectacles Self-Serve(1) Allows event organizers to create and run their events autonomously ~$40(2) Average Ticket Price ~225 Attendees Average Event Size ~65% Percent of Events with Paid Transaction ~$7.5k Dollars Processed per Event Smaller Events More Free Events Lower Entry Price GMV / Event Managed(1) End-to-end dedicated Events.com support for event organizers ~5,500 Attendees Average Event Size ~$80(2) Average Ticket Price ~$25k Dollars Processed per Event Larger Events More Paid Events Higher Entry Price GMV / Event ~94% Percent of events with Paid Transaction (1) Does not include Discover (2) Average ticker price includes free events


Transaction Overview


SPAC Transaction Overview 41 Sources and Uses(1) Transaction Highlights(1) Pro Forma Valuation at Close(1) Pro Forma Ownership at Close(1) Valuation • $399M pro forma enterprise value of combined company • Implied pre-money market capitalization of $314M • Excludes value of 4M earnout shares available to Events.com shareholders subject to share price targets Financing • Transaction expected to provide gross proceeds of up to $50M, through a PIPE or alternative financing and Cash in Trust after final redemptions Deal Structure • Events.com shareholders rolling 100% of their equity, expected to own ~72.4% of the combined entity PF Shares Outstanding (M) 43.4 Share Price ($) $10.00 PF Equity Value ($M) $434 (-) PF Net Cash ($M) ($35) PF Enterprise Value ($M) $399 Shares (M) % Own. Events.com Equity 31.4 72.4% SPAC Sponsor 7.0 16.1% SPAC Public Shareholders / Other 5.0 11.5% 1 2 3 1 3 Sources ($M) Events.com Rollover Equity $314 Cash in Trust / PIPE $50 Total $364 Uses ($M) Equity to Events.com $314 Cash to Balance Sheet $35 Transaction Expenses $15 Total $364 (1) Assumptions: • Assumes no cash or debt on the balance sheet prior to the transaction • Excludes the impact of certain Events.com convertible securities on the capitalization of the combined company • 43.4M pro forma shares outstanding at $10.00 per common share • Assumes $50.0M from a combination of cash retained in trust post extension and financing raised; SPAC cash amount is subject to change depending on the actual interest earned in the trust. • All charts and tables exclude 5.4M sponsor warrants and 9.3M public warrants; All warrants have a strike price of $11.50 per common share • SPAC sponsor shares includes 1M sponsor shares to be “transferred” to Events.com at close • Excludes 4M earnout shares that will equally vest at each of the following price thresholds if the volume-weighted average price (“VWAP”) of the Surviving PubCo Common Stock exceeds $12.50, $15.00, $17.50, and $20.0 for at least 20 trading days during any 30 consecutive trading day period 2


Risk Factors 42 All references to the “Company,” “Events.com,” “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Events.com, Inc. prior to the consummation of the Proposed Transaction, and the combined company following the consummation of the Proposed Transaction. The risks presented below are certain of the general risks related to the Company’s business, industry and ownership structure and are not exhaustive. The list below is qualified in its entirety by disclosures contained in future filings by the Company, or by third parties (including Concord Acquisition Corp II) with respect to the Company, with the SEC. These risks speak only as of the date of this Presentation and neither the Company nor Concord makes any commitment to update such disclosures. The risks highlighted in future filings with the SEC may differ significantly from and will be more extensive than those presented below. • We are an early-stage company with a history of losses, and expect to incur significant losses for the foreseeable future. • We may not be able to achieve our expected business milestones or launch products on our anticipated timelines. • The COVID-19 pandemic has had a material negative impact on our business and operating results and any re-occurrence or similar pandemics could materially affect our business. • Our business is dependent on the continued occurrence of sporting events, concerts and theater shows and on relationships with buyers, sellers and distribution partners and any change in such occurrence or relationships could adversely affect our business. • Changes in Internet search engine algorithms or changes in marketplace rules could have a negative impact on traffic for our sites and ultimately, our business and results of operations. • We face intense competition in the event space. • If we do not continue to maintain and improve our platform and brand or develop successful new solutions and enhancements or improve existing ones, our business will suffer. • We may be adversely affected by the occurrence of extraordinary events or factors affecting concert, sporting and theater events. • We may be unsuccessful in potential future acquisition endeavors and we may not be successful in integrating past acquisitions into our business. • The failure to retain, motivate or integrate any of our senior management team or other skilled personnel could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition or results of operations. • The processing, storage, use and disclosure of personal data could give rise to liabilities as a result of governmental regulation, conflicting legal requirements or applications of privacy regulations. • Unfavorable legislative outcomes, or outcomes in legal proceedings in which we may be involved, may adversely affect our business and operating results. • System interruption and the lack of integration and redundancy in our systems and infrastructure may have an adverse impact on our business, financial condition and results of operations. • Cyber security risks, data loss or other breaches of our network security could materially harm our business and results of operations. • We may fail to adequately protect or enforce our intellectual property rights or face potential liability and expense for legal claims alleging that the operation of our business infringes intellectual property rights of third parties. • Our payments system depends on third-party providers. • The announcement of the Proposed Transaction could disrupt Events.com’s business. • The dual class structure of our Common Stock has the effect of concentrating voting control with our co-founders. This will limit or preclude your ability to influence corporate matters, including the outcome of important transactions, including a change in control. • Directors and officers of Concord have potential conflicts of interest in recommending that stockholders vote in favor of approval of the Proposed Transaction. • Concord stockholders will have a reduced ownership and voting interest after the Proposed Transaction and will exercise less influence over management. • The ability of Concord stockholders to exercise redemption rights with respect to a large number of shares could deplete Concord’s trust account prior to the Proposed Transaction and thereby diminish the amount of working capital of the combined company after the Proposed Transaction (the “Combined Company”). • Concord’s initial stockholders, directors, officers, advisors, and their affiliates may purchase shares or public warrants from public stockholders, which may reduce the public “float” of Concord’s Class A common stock. • The Proposed Transaction may not be completed by Concord’s business combination deadline in its organizational documents, as amended to date, and Concord may fail to obtain an extension of the business combination deadline. • There can be no assurance that the Proposed Transaction will achieve the Company’s objectives of providing the Company with sufficient capital, and if the Company requires additional capital to fund its operations or expected growth, there can be no assurance that the Company will be able to obtain such funds on attractive terms or at all, and the Combined Company’s stockholders may experience dilution as a result. • The Company and Concord have incurred and will incur substantial costs in connection with the Proposed Transaction and related transactions, such as legal, accounting, consulting, and financial advisory fees. • While the Company and Concord work to complete the Proposed Transaction, management’s focus and resources may be diverted from operational matters and other strategic opportunities. • If PIPE financing is not identified by the Company and Concord, or if identified, is consummated on different terms than those currently contemplated or fails to close and sufficient stockholders exercise their redemption rights in connection with the Proposed Transaction, Concord may lack sufficient funds to consummate the Proposed Transaction. • The Company’s operations may be restricted during the pendency of the Proposed Transaction pursuant to terms of the merger agreement for the Proposed Transaction. • The announcement of the Proposed Transaction could disrupt the Company’s relationships with its customers, suppliers and others, as well as its operating results and business generally. • Uncertainty about the effect of the Proposed Transaction may affect the Company’s ability to retain key employees and integrate management structures and may negatively impact its management, strategy and results of operations.


Risk Factors 43 • The consummation of the Proposed Transaction is subject to a number of conditions and if those conditions are not satisfied or waived, the merger agreement for the Proposed Transaction may be terminated in accordance with its terms and the Proposed Transaction may not be completed. • The Combined Company may incur successor liabilities due to conduct arising prior to the completion of the Proposed Transaction. • Subsequent to the completion of the Proposed Transaction, the Combined Company may be exposed to unknown or contingent liabilities and may be required to take write-downs or write-offs, restructuring and impairment or other charges that could have a significant negative effect on its financial condition, results of operations and the price of its securities. • The obligations associated with being a public company will involve significant expenses and will require significant resources and management attention, which may divert from the Combined Company’s business operations. • The Company’s management and current resources may not successfully or effectively manage the transition to a public company. • Future sales of common stock after the consummation of the Proposed Transaction may cause the market price of the Combined Company’s common stock to drop significantly, even if the Company’s business is doing well. • Following the Proposed Transaction, outstanding warrants will become exercisable for the Combined Company’s common stock, which would increase the number of shares eligible for future resale in the public market and result in dilution to the Combined Company’s stockholders. • The Combined Company does not intend to pay cash dividends for the foreseeable future. • The Combined Company may not meet the NYSE American’s initial listing criteria, and even if it does, the NYSE American may not continue to list the Combined Company’s securities on its exchange, which could limit the ability of investors in the Combined Company to make transactions in the Combined Company’s securities and subject the Combined Company to additional trading restrictions. • If the Proposed Transaction’s benefits do not meet the expectations of investors or securities analysts, the market price of Concord’s securities or, following the consummation of the Proposed Transaction, the Combined Company’s securities, may decline. • If securities or industry analysts do not publish research, or publish inaccurate or unfavorable research, about the Combined Company’s business, the price and trading volume of its securities could decline. • There has been no prior public market for the Company’s securities. The stock price of the Combined Company’s common stock may be volatile or may decline regardless of its operating performance. • Legal proceedings may be instituted against the Proposed Transaction, which could delay or prevent or otherwise adversely impact the Proposed Transaction.