
,2024年。此外,僅根據我們對歐盟委員會在http://www.sec.gov/litigation/stoporders.shtml,提供的信息的審查,我們確認歐盟委員會沒有發佈任何停止令,暫停註冊聲明的有效性。據我們所知,僅根據我們參加上述關於登記聲明的會議以及我們在http://www.sec.gov/litigation/stoporders.shtml,上審查委員會提供的信息,委員會沒有為此目的提出任何訴訟,也沒有提起訴訟或受到委員會的威脅。我們沒有義務更新或補充這封信,以反映我們今後可能注意到的關於本信函中的事項和上述陳述的任何事實或情況,包括此後可能發生的適用法律的任何變化。本信函僅為收件人的利益而投遞;因此,未經我們事先書面同意,不得引用、向任何政府當局或其他監管機構提交或以其他方式傳閲或用於任何目的。非常真誠的您,Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP作者:_抄送:B.萊利主體資本II,有限責任公司










,2024年。(3)承擔出售股東根據本招股説明書提供的所有股份的轉售。(4)b.萊利信安資本二期有限責任公司(“BRPC二期”)的營業地址是11100 Santa Monica Blvd.,Suite800,CA 90025。BRPC II的主要業務是私人投資者的業務。Daniel·施裏曼和尼克·卡普亞諾分別為BRPC II的總裁和首席投資官。BRPC II的唯一成員是b.萊利信安投資有限責任公司(“BRPI”),該公司是b.萊利金融公司(“brf”)的間接子公司。施裏曼先生是BRPI的總裁和BRF的首席投資官。Shriman先生對BRPC II直接實益擁有的證券擁有唯一投票權和唯一投資權,因此,Shriman先生可能被視為間接實益擁有由BRPC II直接實益擁有的證券。Shriman先生對BRPC II直接實益擁有的證券的唯一投票權和投資權獨立於BRF的所有其他直接和間接子公司行使,對BRF所有其他直接和間接子公司直接或間接實益擁有的證券的投票權和投資權獨立於BRPC II行使。我們被告知,BRPI和BRPC II都不是金融行業監管機構,Inc.的成員。或FINRA,或獨立經紀自營商。上述規定本身不應解釋為施里布曼先生承認直接由BRPC II實益擁有的證券的實益所有權。

B-3分配計劃(利益衝突)本招股説明書提供的A類普通股的股票由出售股東億提供。萊利信安資本II,LLC。股票可由出售股東不時直接出售或分派給一名或多名購買者,或透過經紀商、交易商或承銷商單獨以出售時的市價、與當時市價有關的價格、協定價格或可能改變的固定價格作為代理。本招股説明書提供的A類普通股的銷售可以通過以下一種或多種方式進行:普通經紀交易;涉及交叉或大宗交易的交易;通過經紀商、交易商或承銷商單獨充當代理的;“在市場上”進入我們A類普通股的現有市場的;以其他不涉及做市商或成熟業務市場的方式進行的,包括直接向買家銷售或通過代理商進行銷售;在私下協商的交易中;或上述各項的任何組合。為了遵守某些州的證券法,如果適用,股票只能通過註冊或持有執照的經紀人或交易商出售。此外,在某些州,股票不得出售,除非它們已在該州登記或獲得出售資格,或獲得並符合該州登記或資格要求的豁免。出售股票的股東是證券法第2(A)(11)條所指的“承銷商”。出售股票的股東已通知我們,它目前預計將使用億,但不是必須使用。Riley Securities,Inc.(“BRS”),註冊經紀交易商和FINRA成員及銷售股東的聯屬公司,作為經紀轉售其根據購買協議可從吾等收購的普通股(如有),並可聘請一家或多家其他註冊經紀交易商轉售其可能從吾等收購的該等普通股(如有)。此類轉售將以當時的價格和條款或與當時的市場價格相關的價格進行。每個這樣的註冊經紀交易商都將是證券法第2(A)(11)節所指的承銷商。出售股東已通知吾等,其代表其進行普通股轉售(不包括BR)的每個此類經紀交易商均可從出售股東收取佣金,以便為出售股東執行此類轉售,如果是這樣的話,此類佣金將不會超過慣例的經紀佣金。出售股東已向吾等表示,在購買協議日期前的任何時間,出售股東、其唯一股東、彼等各自的任何高級職員、或由出售股東或其唯一股東管理或控制的任何實體,以任何方式直接或間接地為其本身或其任何聯屬公司的賬户從事或達成任何賣空本公司普通股(定義見證券交易法SHO規則200)或任何套期保值交易,從而建立關於本公司普通股的淨空頭頭寸。出售股東已同意,在購買協議期限內,出售股東、其唯一成員、彼等各自的任何高級職員、或由出售股東或其唯一成員管理或控制的任何實體,將不會直接或間接為其本身或任何其他有關人士或實體的賬户訂立或達成任何前述交易。除上文所述外,據吾等所知,出售股東與任何其他股東、經紀商、交易商、承銷商或代理人之間並無與出售或分派本招股説明書所提供的普通股股份有關的現有安排。


15 [B-5在緊接上述條款或本公司與出售股東於購買協議日期前訂立的任何協議中,以電匯方式將即時可用資金電匯至出售股東指定的帳户予本公司,而就上文第(I)款所述終止購買協議而言,除非及直至本公司以現金方式向出售股東支付全部現金承諾費,否則購買協議的終止將不會生效。儘管有上述任何相反規定,如出售股東於購買協議日期後第180天或之前能夠扣留總額相等於50,000美元的現金,則扣留任何額外金額的責任應立即終止,出售股東應視為在180天截止日期前收到總計100,000美元(一次性付款50,000美元及預扣50,000美元)後履行現金承諾費要求。此外,吾等已同意向出售股東償還出售股東的法律顧問的合理法律費用及支出,金額不超過(I)於吾等簽署購買協議及登記權協議時的30,000美元及(Ii)每會計季度3,000美元,分別與購買協議及登記權協議擬進行的交易有關。根據FINRA規則5110,這些報銷的費用和開支被視為與出售股東向公眾出售我們的普通股有關的承保補償。此外,根據FINRA規則5110,我們可能根據購買協議不時要求出售股東向吾等購買普通股,在出售股東應支付的普通股購買價格中反映的我們普通股當前市場價格的3.0%固定折扣被視為出售股東向公眾出售我們的普通股時的承銷補償。我們已同意就在此提供的A類普通股的發售賠償出售股東和某些其他人士的某些責任,包括根據證券法產生的責任,或在沒有此類賠償的情況下,提供為該等責任所需支付的款項。出售股東已同意就出售股東向吾等提供的特定書面資料而產生的證券法下的責任作出賠償,以供在本招股説明書中使用,或在沒有該等賠償的情況下,提供就該等責任所需支付的款項。就根據證券法產生的責任可能允許我們的董事、高級管理人員和控制人進行的賠償而言,我們已被告知,美國證券交易委員會認為這種賠償違反了證券法中所表達的公共政策,因此,是不可執行的。我們估計,此次發行的總費用約為$]

。我們已通知出售股票的股東,其須遵守根據《交易所法案》頒佈的m規則。除某些例外情況外,規則m禁止銷售股東、任何關聯購買者、任何經紀交易商或參與分銷的其他人士競標或購買,或試圖誘使任何人競標或購買作為分銷標的的任何證券,直至整個分銷完成。條例m還禁止任何出價或購買,以穩定與證券分銷有關的證券的價格。以上所有情況都可能影響本招股説明書提供的證券的可銷售性。本次發行將於本招股説明書所提供的A類普通股的所有股份已由出售股東出售之日終止。我們的A類普通股目前在納斯達克全球精選市場上市,代碼為GREE。出售股東的一間或多間聯屬公司已提供、目前提供及/或未來可不時為吾等提供與購買協議及註冊權協議所擬進行的交易無關的各種投資銀行及其他金融服務,以及出售股東為轉售本招股章程所涉及的股份而收取的投資銀行及其他金融服務,並可繼續收取吾等的慣常費用、佣金及其他補償,此外,出售股東已收取及可能獲得與購買協議所擬進行的交易有關的任何折扣、費用及其他補償。包括(I)我們同意向出售股東支付的200,000美元現金承諾費,作為其[B-6根據購買協議,按照我們的指示向我們購買我們普通股的不可撤銷承諾,(Ii)我們可能根據購買協議不時要求出售股東為我們的普通股支付的購買價格中反映的我們普通股當前市場價格的3.0%固定折扣,及(Iii)吾等就購買協議及登記權協議擬進行的交易,於簽訂購買協議時向出售股東支付合共30,000美元的律師費,以及(就購買協議的最長三年期限而言,每會計季度最高可獲償還3,000美元)。]C-1證據C b.萊利主體資本二期有限責任公司(“BRPC二期”)的營業地址是11100 Santa Monica Blvd.,Suite800,CA 90025。BRPC II的主要業務是私人投資者的業務。Daniel·施裏曼和尼克·卡普亞諾分別為BRPC II的總裁和首席投資官。BRPC II的唯一成員是b.萊利信安投資有限責任公司(“BRPI”),該公司是b.萊利金融公司(“brf”)的間接子公司。施裏曼先生是BRPI的總裁和BRF的首席投資官。施里布曼先生對BRPC II直接實益擁有的證券擁有唯一投票權和唯一投資權,因此,施裏曼先生可能被視為間接實益擁有BRPC II直接實益擁有的證券。施裏曼先生對BRPC II直接實益擁有的證券的唯一投票權和投資權獨立於BRF的所有其他直接和間接子公司行使,對BRF所有其他直接和間接子公司直接或間接實益擁有的證券的投票權和投資權獨立於BRPC II。BRPI和BRPC II都不是金融行業監管機構(FINRA)的成員。或者是一家獨立的經紀自營商。上述規定本身不應解釋為施里布曼先生承認直接由BRPC II實益擁有的證券的實益所有權。在購買協議日期之前,BRPC II、其高級職員、其唯一成員的高級職員、或由BRPC II或其唯一成員管理或控制的任何實體以任何方式、直接或間接地為其自身或其任何關聯公司的賬户參與或實施,A類普通股的任何賣空(該術語在交易法SHO規則200中定義)或任何建立相對於A類普通股的淨空頭頭寸的套期保值交易。在購買協議期限內,BRPC II、其高級職員、其唯一成員、其唯一成員高級職員或由BRPC II或其唯一成員管理或控制的任何實體不得直接或間接地為其自身或任何其他此類個人或實體的賬户進行或實施任何前述交易。

A-1 EXHIBIT A FORM OF OPINION/NOTICE OF EFFECTIVENESS OF REGISTRATION STATEMENT [•][•][•] Re: Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. Ladies and Gentlemen: We are counsel to Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), and have represented the Company in connection with that certain Common Stock Purchase Agreement, dated as of July 30, 2024 (the “Purchase Agreement”), entered into by and among the Company and the Investor named therein (the “Holder”) pursuant to which the Company will issue to the Holder from time to time shares of the Company’s Class A common stock, par value $0.0001 per share (the “Common Stock”). Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, the Company also has entered into a Registration Rights Agreement, dated as of July 30, 2024, with the Holder (the “Registration Rights Agreement”), pursuant to which the Company agreed, among other things, to register the offer and sale by the Holder of the Registrable Securities (as defined in the Registration Rights Agreement) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”). In connection with the Company’s obligations under the Registration Rights Agreement, on July 30, 2024, the Company filed a Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-[•]) (the “Registration Statement”) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) relating to the Registrable Securities which names the Holder as an underwriter and a selling stockholder thereunder. In connection with the foregoing, based solely on our review of the Commission’s EDGAR website, we advise you that the Registration Statement became effective under the Securities Act on [•], 2024. In addition, based solely on our review of the information made available by the Commission at http://www.sec.gov/litigation/stoporders.shtml, we confirm that the Commission has not issued any stop order suspending the effectiveness of the Registration Statement. To our knowledge, based solely on our participation in the conferences mentioned above regarding the Registration Statement and our review of the information made available by the Commission at http://www.sec.gov/litigation/stoporders.shtml, no proceedings for that purpose are pending or have been instituted or threatened by the Commission. We assume no obligation to update or supplement this letter to reflect any facts or circumstances which may hereafter come to our attention with respect to the matters herein and statements expressed above, including any changes in applicable law that may hereafter occur. This letter is being delivered solely for the benefit of the person to whom it is addressed; accordingly, it may not be quoted, filed with any governmental authority or other regulatory agency or otherwise circulated or utilized for any purposes without our prior written consent. Very truly yours, OLSHAN FROME WOLOSKY LLP By: _______________________________________ cc: B. Riley Principal Capital II, LLC

B-1 EXHIBIT B SELLING STOCKHOLDER This prospectus relates to the offer and resale by the Selling Stockholder of up to [•] shares of class A common stock that may be issued and sold by us to the Selling Stockholder under the Purchase Agreement. For additional information regarding the issuance of class A common stock covered by this prospectus, see the section titled “The Committed Equity Financing” above. We are registering the shares of class A common stock included in this prospectus pursuant to the provisions of the Registration Rights Agreement we entered into with the Selling Stockholder on July 30, 2024 in order to permit the Selling Stockholder to offer the shares for resale from time to time. Except for the transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement and the Registration Rights Agreement or as otherwise disclosed in this prospectus, including the section titled “Plan of Distribution” in this prospectus, the Selling Stockholder has not had any material relationship with us within the past three years. As used in this prospectus, the term “Selling Stockholder” means B. Riley Principal Capital II, LLC. The table below presents information regarding the Selling Stockholder and the shares of class A common stock that it may offer from time to time under this prospectus. This table is prepared based on information supplied to us by the Selling Stockholder, and reflects holdings as of [•], 2024. The number of shares in the column “Maximum Number of Shares of Class A Common Stock to be Offered Pursuant to this Prospectus” represents all of the shares of class A common stock that the Selling Stockholder may offer for resale under this prospectus. The Selling Stockholder may sell some, all or none of such shares in this offering. We do not know how long the Selling Stockholder will hold the shares before selling them, and we are not aware of any existing arrangements between the Selling Stockholder and any other stockholder, broker, dealer, underwriter or agent relating to the sale or distribution of the shares of our class A common stock being offered for resale by this prospectus. Beneficial ownership is determined in accordance with Rule 13d-3(d) promulgated by the SEC under the Exchange Act, and includes shares of class A common stock with respect to which the Selling Stockholder has sole or shared voting and investment power. The percentage of shares of class A common stock beneficially owned by the Selling Stockholder prior to the offering shown in the table below is based on an aggregate of [•] shares of our class A common stock outstanding on [•], 2024. Because the purchase price of the shares of class A common stock issuable under the Purchase Agreement will be determined by reference to the VWAP of the class A common stock for the applicable VWAP Purchase Period or Intraday VWAP Purchase Period on the applicable Purchase Date with respect to each VWAP Purchase and Intraday VWAP Purchase, respectively, we elect to make under the Purchase Agreement, if any, the number of shares that may actually be sold by the Company to the Selling Stockholder under the Purchase Agreement may be may be fewer than the number of shares being offered for resale under this prospectus. The fourth column assumes the sale of all of the shares offered by the Selling Stockholder pursuant to this prospectus. Name of Selling Stockholder Number of Shares of Class A Common Stock Beneficially Owned Prior to Offering Maximum Number of Shares of Class A Common Stock to be Offered Pursuant to this Prospectus Number of Shares of Class A Common Stock Beneficially Owned After Offering Number (1) Percent (2) Number (3) Percent (2) B. Riley Principal Capital II, LLC(4) 0 — [•] 0 — (1) In accordance with Rule 13d-3(d) under the Exchange Act, we have excluded from the number of shares of class A common stock beneficially owned prior to the offering all of the shares of class A common stock that the Selling Stockholder may be required to purchase under the Purchase Agreement, because the issuance of such shares is solely at our discretion and is subject to conditions contained in the Purchase

B-2 Agreement, the satisfaction of which are entirely outside of the Selling Stockholder’s control, including the registration statement that includes this prospectus becoming and remaining effective. Furthermore, the VWAP Purchases and Intraday VWAP Purchases of class A common stock are subject to certain agreed upon maximum amount limitations set forth in the Purchase Agreement. Also, the Purchase Agreement prohibits us from issuing and selling any shares of our class A common stock to the Selling Stockholder to the extent such shares, when aggregated with all other shares of our class A common stock then beneficially owned by the Selling Stockholder, would cause the Selling Stockholder’s beneficial ownership of our class A common stock to exceed the 4.99% Beneficial Ownership Cap. The Purchase Agreement also prohibits us from issuing or selling shares of our class A common stock under the Purchase Agreement in excess of the 19.99% Exchange Cap, unless we obtain stockholder approval to do so, or unless the average price for all shares of our class A common stock purchased by the Selling Stockholder under the Purchase Agreement equals or exceeds $[●] per share, such that the Exchange Cap limitation would not apply under applicable Nasdaq rules. Neither the Beneficial Ownership Limitation nor the Exchange Cap (to the extent applicable under Nasdaq rules) may be amended or waived under the Purchase Agreement. (2) Applicable percentage ownership is based on [•] shares of our class A common stock outstanding as of [•], 2024. (3) Assumes the resale by the Selling Stockholder of all shares being offered pursuant to this prospectus. (4) The business address of B. Riley Principal Capital II, LLC (“BRPC II”) is 11100 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 800, Los Angeles, CA 90025. BRPC II’s principal business is that of a private investor. Daniel Shribman and Nick Capuano are the President and Chief Investment Officer, respectively, of BRPC II. The sole member of BRPC II is B. Riley Principal Investments, LLC (“BRPI”), which is an indirect subsidiary of B. Riley Financial, Inc. (“BRF”). Mr. Shribman is the President of BRPI and the Chief Investment Officer of BRF. Mr. Shribman has sole voting power and sole investment power over securities beneficially owned, directly, by BRPC II, and therefore Mr. Shribman may be deemed to beneficially own, indirectly, the securities beneficially owned, directly, by BRPC II. The sole voting and investment powers of Mr. Shribman over securities beneficially owned directly by BRPC II are exercised independently from all other direct and indirect subsidiaries of BRF, and the voting and investment powers over securities beneficially owned directly or indirectly by all other direct and indirect subsidiaries of BRF are exercised independently from BRPC II. We have been advised that neither BRPI nor BRPC II is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc., or FINRA, or an independent broker-dealer. The foregoing should not be construed in and of itself as an admission by Mr. Shribman as to beneficial ownership of the securities beneficially owned, directly, by BRPC II.

B-3 PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION (CONFLICT OF INTEREST) The shares of class A common stock offered by this prospectus are being offered by the Selling Stockholder, B. Riley Principal Capital II, LLC. The shares may be sold or distributed from time to time by the Selling Stockholder directly to one or more purchasers or through brokers, dealers, or underwriters who may act solely as agents at market prices prevailing at the time of sale, at prices related to the prevailing market prices, at negotiated prices, or at fixed prices, which may be changed. The sale of the shares of our class A common stock offered by this prospectus could be effected in one or more of the following methods:  ordinary brokers’ transactions;  transactions involving cross or block trades;  through brokers, dealers, or underwriters who may act solely as agents;  “at the market” into an existing market for our class A common stock;  in other ways not involving market makers or established business markets, including direct sales to purchasers or sales effected through agents;  in privately negotiated transactions; or  any combination of the foregoing. In order to comply with the securities laws of certain states, if applicable, the shares may be sold only through registered or licensed brokers or dealers. In addition, in certain states, the shares may not be sold unless they have been registered or qualified for sale in the state or an exemption from the state’s registration or qualification requirement is available and complied with. The Selling Stockholder is an “underwriter” within the meaning of Section 2(a)(11) of the Securities Act. The Selling Stockholder has informed us that it presently anticipates using, but is not required to use, B. Riley Securities, Inc. (“BRS”), a registered broker-dealer and FINRA member and an affiliate of the Selling Stockholder, as a broker to effectuate resales, if any, of our Common Stock that it may acquire from us pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, and that it may also engage one or more other registered broker-dealers to effectuate resales, if any, of such Common Stock that it may acquire from us. Such resales will be made at prices and at terms then prevailing or at prices related to the then current market price. Each such registered broker-dealer will be an underwriter within the meaning of Section 2(a)(11) of the Securities Act. The Selling Stockholder has informed us that each such broker-dealer it engages to effectuate resales of our Common Stock on its behalf, excluding BRS, may receive commissions from The Selling Stockholder for executing such resales for The Selling Stockholder and, if so, such commissions will not exceed customary brokerage commissions. The Selling Stockholder has represented to us that at no time prior to the date of the Purchase Agreement has the Selling Stockholder, its sole member, any of their respective officers, or any entity managed or controlled by the Selling Stockholder or its sole member, engaged in or effected, in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, for its own account or for the account of any of its affiliates, any short sale (as such term is defined in Rule 200 of Regulation SHO of the Exchange Act) of our Common Stock or any hedging transaction, which establishes a net short position with respect to our Common Stock. The Selling Stockholder has agreed that during the term of the Purchase Agreement, none of the Selling Stockholder, its sole member, any of their respective officers, or any entity managed or controlled by the Selling Stockholder or its sole member, will enter into or effect, directly or indirectly, any of the foregoing transactions for its own account or for the account of any other such person or entity. Except as set forth above, we know of no existing arrangements between the selling stockholder and any other stockholder, broker, dealer, underwriter or agent relating to the sale or distribution of the shares of our Common Stock offered by this prospectus.

B-4 Brokers, dealers, underwriters or agents participating in the distribution of the shares of our class A common stock offered by this prospectus may receive compensation in the form of commissions, discounts, or concessions from the purchasers, for whom the broker-dealers may act as agent, of the shares sold by the Selling Stockholder through this prospectus. The compensation paid to any such particular broker-dealer by any such purchasers of shares of our class A common stock sold by the Selling Stockholder may be less than or in excess of customary commissions. Neither we nor the Selling Stockholder can presently estimate the amount of compensation that any agent will receive from any purchasers of shares of our class A common stock sold by the Selling Stockholder. We know of no existing arrangements between the Selling Stockholder or any other stockholder, broker, dealer, underwriter or agent relating to the sale or distribution of the shares of our class A common stock offered by this prospectus. We may from time to time file with the SEC one or more supplements to this prospectus or amendments to the registration statement of which this prospectus forms a part to amend, supplement or update information contained in this prospectus, including, if and when required under the Securities Act, to disclose certain information relating to a particular sale of shares offered by this prospectus by the Selling Stockholder, including with respect to any compensation paid or payable by the Selling Stockholder to any brokers, dealers, underwriters or agents that participate in the distribution of such shares by the Selling Stockholder, and any other related information required to be disclosed under the Securities Act. We will pay the expenses incident to the registration under the Securities Act of the offer and sale of the shares of our class A common stock covered by this prospectus by the Selling Stockholder. As consideration for its irrevocable commitment to purchase shares of our class A common stock at our direction under the Purchase Agreement, we have agreed to pay the Selling Stockholder a cash commitment fee in the amount of $200,000, which is equal to 1.0% of the Selling Stockholder’s $20,000,000 total dollar amount purchase commitment under the Purchase Agreement. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the cash commitment fee, or $50,000, shall be paid by the Company to the Selling Stockholder in immediately available funds no later than the date on which either the first Intraday VWAP Purchase Notice or VWAP Purchase Notice is given under the Purchase Agreement, as applicable. The remaining seventy-five percent (75%) of the cash commitment fee will be paid by withholding cash amounts equal to 30% of the total aggregate purchase price payable by the Selling Stockholder to us in connection with each purchase of class A common stock effected under the Purchase Agreement, until such time as the Selling Stockholder shall have received from such cash withholding(s) a total aggregate amount in cash equal to $150,000. If, on the earlier of (i) the date, on or after the Commencement Date, on which notice of termination of the Purchase Agreement is given by any party and (ii) 365-days after the date of the Purchase Agreement, the aggregate amount of cash payment(s) by the Company to the Selling Stockholder from (X) cash withholding(s), if any, by the Selling Stockholder from the total aggregate VWAP Purchase Price paid or payable by the Selling Stockholder to the Company for the class A common stock purchased by the Selling Stockholder in all of the VWAP Purchases theretofore effected by the Company pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, (Y) cash withholding(s), if any, by the Selling Stockholder from the total aggregate Intraday VWAP Purchase Price paid or payable by the Selling Stockholder to the Company for the shares of class A common stock purchased by the Selling Stockholder in all of the Intraday VWAP Purchases theretofore effected by the Company pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, and (Z) cash payment(s), if any, from the Company to be applied to the cash commitment fee that do not arise from any cash withholding(s) set forth in clauses (X) and (Y) or from any agreements entered into between the Company and the Selling Stockholder prior to the date of this Agreement, in each case as contemplated in this Section 10.1(ii), is less than $150,000, the Company shall promptly upon the Selling Stockholder’s presentation to the Company of an invoice and reasonable supporting documentation (but in no event later than two (2) Trading Days thereafter), and as directed by the Selling Stockholder in writing to the Company, pay to the Selling Stockholder, in cash, the difference between (A) $150,000 and (B) the aggregate amount of cash withholding(s), if any, that have been made by the Selling Stockholder from the total aggregate VWAP Purchase Price and the total aggregate Intraday VWAP Purchase Price, as applicable, paid or payable by the Selling Stockholder to the Company for the shares of class A common stock purchased by the Selling Stockholder in all of the VWAP Purchases and Intraday VWAP Purchases, as applicable, theretofore effected by the Company pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, together with cash payment(s), if any, from the Company to be applied to the cash commitment fee that do not arise from any cash withholding(s) by the Selling Stockholder as set forth in the

B-5 immediately preceding clause or from any agreements entered into between the Company and the Selling Stockholder prior to the date of the Purchase Agreement, by wire transfer of immediately available funds to an account designated by the Selling Stockholder to the Company and, in the case of a termination of the Purchase Agreement as contemplated in clause (i) above, no termination of the Purchase Agreement shall become effective unless and until the entire cash commitment fee has been paid in cash by the Company to the Selling Stockholder. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing to the contrary, if Selling Stockholder is able to withhold an aggregate amount in cash equal to $50,000 on or prior to the date that is the 180th day after the date of the Purchase Agreement, then the obligation to withhold any additional amounts shall be immediately terminated and Selling Stockholder shall deem the cash commitment fee requirement fulfilled after receiving $100,000 in the aggregate by such 180-day deadline ($50,000 in a lump sum payment and $50,000 in withholding). In addition, we have agreed to reimburse the Selling Stockholder for the reasonable legal fees and disbursements of the Selling Stockholder’s legal counsel in an amount not to exceed (i) $30,000 upon our execution of the Purchase Agreement and Registration Rights Agreement and (ii) $3,000 per fiscal quarter, in each case in connection with the transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement and the Registration Rights Agreement. In accordance with FINRA Rule 5110, these reimbursed fees and expenses are deemed to be underwriting compensation in connection with sales of our Common Stock by the Selling Stockholder to the public. Moreover, in accordance with FINRA Rule 5110, the 3.0% fixed discount to current market prices of our Common Stock reflected in the purchase prices payable by the Selling Stockholder for our Common Stock that we may require it to purchase from us from time to time under the Purchase Agreement is deemed to be underwriting compensation in connection with sales of our Common Stock by the Selling Stockholder to the public. We have agreed to indemnify the Selling Stockholder and certain other persons against certain liabilities in connection with the offering of shares of our class A common stock offered hereby, including liabilities arising under the Securities Act or, if such indemnity is unavailable, to contribute amounts required to be paid in respect of such liabilities. The Selling Stockholder has agreed to indemnify us against liabilities under the Securities Act that may arise from certain written information furnished to us by the Selling Stockholder specifically for use in this prospectus or, if such indemnity is unavailable, to contribute amounts required to be paid in respect of such liabilities. Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities Act may be permitted to our directors, officers, and controlling persons, we have been advised that in the opinion of the SEC this indemnification is against public policy as expressed in the Securities Act and is therefore, unenforceable. We estimate that the total expenses for the offering will be approximately $[•]. We have advised the Selling Stockholder that it is required to comply with Regulation M promulgated under the Exchange Act. With certain exceptions, Regulation M precludes the Selling Stockholder, any affiliated purchasers, and any broker-dealer or other person who participates in the distribution from bidding for or purchasing, or attempting to induce any person to bid for or purchase any security which is the subject of the distribution until the entire distribution is complete. Regulation M also prohibits any bids or purchases made in order to stabilize the price of a security in connection with the distribution of that security. All of the foregoing may affect the marketability of the securities offered by this prospectus. This offering will terminate on the date that all shares of our class A common stock offered by this prospectus have been sold by the Selling Stockholder. Our class A common stock is currently listed on The Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol “GREE”. One or more affiliates of the Selling Stockholder have provided, currently provide and/or from time to time in the future may provide various investment banking and other financial services for us that are unrelated to the transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement and the Registration Rights Agreement and the offering of shares for resale by the Selling Stockholder to which this prospectus relates, for which investment banking and other financial services they have received and may continue to receive customary fees, commissions and other compensation from us, aside from any discounts, fees and other compensation that the Selling Stockholder has received and may receive in connection with the transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement, including (i) the $200,000 cash commitment fee we have agreed to pay to the Selling Stockholder as consideration for its

B-6 irrevocable commitment to purchase shares of our Common Stock from us at our direction under the Purchase Agreement, (ii) the 3.0% fixed discount to current market prices of our Common Stock reflected in the purchase prices payable by the Selling Stockholder for our Common Stock that we may require it to purchase from us from time to time under the Purchase Agreement, and (iii) our reimbursement of up to an aggregate of $30,000 of the Selling Stockholder’s legal fees upon execution of the Purchase Agreement and up to $3,000 per fiscal quarter for the maximum three-year term of the Purchase Agreement) in connection with the transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement and the Registration Rights Agreement.

C-1 EXHIBIT C The business address of B. Riley Principal Capital II, LLC (“BRPC II”) is 11100 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 800, Los Angeles, CA 90025. BRPC II’s principal business is that of a private investor. Daniel Shribman and Nick Capuano are the President and Chief Investment Officer, respectively, of BRPC II. The sole member of BRPC II is B. Riley Principal Investments, LLC (“BRPI”), which is an indirect subsidiary of B. Riley Financial, Inc. (“BRF”). Mr. Shribman is the President of BRPI and the Chief Investment Officer of BRF. Mr. Shribman has sole voting power and sole investment power over securities beneficially owned, directly, by BRPC II, and therefore Mr. Shribman may be deemed to beneficially own, indirectly, the securities beneficially owned, directly, by BRPC II. The sole voting and investment powers of Mr. Shribman over securities beneficially owned directly by BRPC II are exercised independently from all other direct and indirect subsidiaries of BRF, and the voting and investment powers over securities beneficially owned directly or indirectly by all other direct and indirect subsidiaries of BRF are exercised independently from BRPC II. Neither BRPI nor BRPC II is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc., or FINRA, or an independent broker-dealer. The foregoing should not be construed in and of itself as an admission by Mr. Shribman as to beneficial ownership of the securities beneficially owned, directly, by BRPC II. At no time prior to the date of the Purchase Agreement has BRPC II, its officers, its sole member, its sole member’s officers, or any entity managed or controlled by BRPC II or its sole member, engaged in or effected, in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, for its own account or for the account of any of its affiliates, any short sale (as such term is defined in Rule 200 of Regulation SHO of the Exchange Act) of the class A common stock or any hedging transaction that establishes a net short position with respect to the class A common stock. During the term of the Purchase Agreement, none of BRPC II, its officers, its sole member, its sole member’s officers, or any entity managed or controlled by BRPC II or its sole member, will enter into or effect, directly or indirectly, any of the foregoing transactions for its own account or for the account of any other such person or entity.