Execution Version Legal_80172604.6第1至4號修正案修訂和重述信貸協議修正案1,日期為2023年6月6日(本“修正案”),由Open Text ULC、Open Text Holdings,Inc.和Open Text Corporation作為借款人(統稱為“借款人”和各自為“借款人”)、本協議的擔保方(“擔保人”)和巴克萊銀行PLC作為行政代理和抵押品代理(“行政代理”)。W I T N E S S E T H:鑑於借款人、擔保人、每一貸款人不時與其一方(“貸款人”)和行政代理訂立了自2019年10月31日起生效的第四次修訂和重新簽署的信貸協議(經本修訂日期前不時修訂、重述、修訂和重述、補充或以其他方式修改的“現有信貸協議”)(本修訂中未另行定義的大寫術語具有與現有信貸協議相同的含義);鑑於行政代理、借款人和擔保方希望記住本修正案的條款,該修正案將於修正案生效之日(定義如下)生效;因此,考慮到前述以及其他良好和有價值的代價,茲確認所有這些條款的收據和充分性,雙方特此同意如下:第1節.對現有信貸協議的修正案。(A)自修訂生效之日起生效,現對現行信貸協議進行修訂,以增加附件A中劃線的文本(舉例説明如下:劃線文本或劃線文本),刪除附件A中劃掉的文本(舉例説明如下:刪除文本);但此項修訂不構成現有信貸協議的更新。(B)本協議附件A對歐洲美元匯率相關定義(定義見下文)的修訂和與此相關的規定,不適用於(A)在修訂生效日期之前設定或已經設定的、(B)在特定指定期間內保持不變且不按每日或基本上每天重置(不考慮天數、週末或節假日約定)、且在每種情況下產生利息的任何倫敦銀行同業拆借利率(LIBOR)。與歐洲美元匯率有關的定義和規定(在緊接本修正案規定生效之前有效)應僅為此目的而繼續有效;但就第2款Legal_1:80172604中所述的任何此類倫敦銀行同業拆借利率而言。如第(B)款所述,“與歐洲美元匯率相關的定義”是指在緊接修正案生效日期生效前生效的現有信貸協議或任何其他信貸單據(或其任何部分定義)中定義的任何術語,主要與歐洲美元匯率的確定、管理或計算有關,例如“歐洲美元匯率”、“倫敦銀行同業拆借利率”和“倫敦銀行同業拆借利率”。第2條。公告。行政代理須(根據現有信貸協議或其他規定)向借款人、任何擔保人、任何貸款人或現有信貸協議任何其他當事人發出以下通知:(I)關於歐洲美元匯率的基準過渡事件(或其他類似或類似事件)或提前選擇加入選舉(或其他類似或類似選舉);(Ii)基準更換日期(或其他類似或類似日期);(Iii)每日簡單SOFR和/或術語SOFR(各術語在本合同附件A中定義)的實施為基準替換(或其他類似或相似術語)或(Iv)與每日簡單SOFR和/或術語SOFR的採用和實施或其使用和管理相關的任何符合變更(或其他類似符合變更)的基準替換,本修訂應構成該通知(並應構成修訂通知)。第三節陳述和保證。(B)每一貸款方均擁有訂立和履行本修正案項下義務的所有必要的公司或其他權力和授權。所有必要的公司、合夥或類似行動均已正式授權各借款方簽署和交付本修正案,並履行各自在本協議項下的義務。(C)本修正案已由每一借款方正式簽署和交付,並構成該借款方的合法、有效和具有約束力的義務,根據其條款可對其強制執行,但須受有關(I)破產、資不抵債、重組、暫停或一般債權人權利的法律的任何限制;以及(Ii)一般衡平法原則,包括法院在授予衡平法救濟時可行使的酌處權。3 Legal_1:80172604.6(D)現有信貸協議第6.01節中包含的陳述和保證在本協議日期當日及截至該日在所有重要方面均屬真實和正確,但該等陳述和保證特別涉及較早日期的情況除外,在這種情況下,該等陳述和保證在該較早日期當日及截至該較早日期在所有重大方面均屬真實和正確。(E)沒有發生或正在繼續發生會構成違約或違約事件的事件。第4節修正案的生效條件第5節.對現有信用證協議和其他信用證文件的引用和影響。(A)除本文明確規定外,本修正案的執行、交付和效力不應視為放棄任何貸款人或行政代理在任何信用證文件下的任何權利、權力或補救措施,也不構成放棄任何信用證文件的任何規定。自修改生效之日起,本修改應在所有情況下構成信用證單據。(B)自修訂生效日期起,現有信貸協議中凡提及“本協議”、“本協議下”、“本協議”或類似含義的字眼,即指經本修訂修訂後的現有信貸協議。(C)經本修訂特別修訂的現行信貸協議及其他每份信貸文件,現正並將繼續具有十足效力及效力,並於此在各方面予以批准及確認。擔保中所包含的貸款方和每個擔保人的義務將保持完全的效力和作用,並由本修正案確認和延續,並可對貸款方和每個擔保人強制執行。 在不限制上述規定的情況下,任何擔保人作為擔保人之前根據擔保文件授予的所有擔保權益、質押、轉讓和其他擔保均由本修正案確認和延續,並且所有此類擔保權益、質押、轉讓和其他擔保應作為其項下所有義務的擔保保持完全有效,適用於其的優先順序不發生變化,在每種情況下,僅受信用證項下允許的負擔的限制,但在信用證項下規定的範圍內。第六節適用法律。本修正案應按照安大略省的法律和適用於該省的加拿大法律解釋並受其管轄。4 Legal_1:80172604.6第7節執行。本修正案可簽署任何數量的副本,每份副本應為原件,其效力與本修正案及其簽名在同一文書上的效力相同。通過傳真或電子傳輸(例如,“pdf”或“tif”)交付本合同的簽署副本應與人工交付本合同的副本一樣有效。第8條修訂;標題;可分割性除非借款人、擔保人、行政代理和貸款方簽署了書面文件,否則不得修改本修正案,也不得放棄本修正案的任何規定。此處使用的章節標題僅供參考,不是本修正案的一部分,不影響本修正案的解釋或在解釋本修正案時予以考慮。本修正案中任何被裁定為在任何司法管轄區無效、非法或不可執行的條款,在該司法管轄區無效、非法或不可執行的範圍內,應在不影響本修正案其餘條款的有效性、合法性和可執行性的情況下無效,而某一特定司法管轄區的某一特定條款的無效,不得使該條款在任何其他司法管轄區失效。雙方應努力通過善意談判,將無效、非法或不可執行的規定替換為經濟效果與無效、非法或不可執行的規定儘可能接近的有效規定。[故意將頁面的其餘部分留空]

[修訂和重新簽署的信貸協議第1號至第4號修正案的簽字頁]茲證明,本修正案自上述第一次寫明之日起正式生效,特此聲明。Open Text ULC,作為借款人和擔保人:名稱:標題:Open Text Corporation,作為借款人和擔保人:名稱:標題:Open Text Holdings,Inc.,作為借款人和擔保人:名稱:標題:Madhu Ranganathan總裁和司庫Madhu Ranganathan授權簽字人Madhu Ranganthan總裁和司庫[修訂和重新簽署的信貸協議第1號至第4號修正案的簽字頁]GXS,Inc.GXS國際,Inc.Open Text Canada Ltd.Open Text Inc.Open Text SA ULC Vignette Partnership,L.P.,由其普通合作伙伴Open Text Canada Ltd.Open Text加拿大國際投資ULC Open Text US Acquisition Holdings,Open Text US Investments Holdings,LLC Micro Focus LLC,各自作為擔保人:姓名:Madhu Ranganathan[修訂和重新簽署的信貸協議第1號至第4號修正案的簽字頁]開放文本(巴巴多斯)投資公司作為擔保人:姓名:標題:Daniel J.範德沃夫授權簽字人[修訂和重新簽署的信貸協議第1號至第4號修正案的簽字頁]Open Text UK Investments International Holdings Limited Open Text UK Investments International Limited Open Text UK Investments Global Holdings Limited Open Text UK Holding Limited Micro Focus International Limited Micro Focus IP Development Limited,各自作為擔保人:姓名:Christian Waida標題:董事

[修訂和重新簽署的信貸協議第1號至第4號修正案的簽字頁]開文開曼國際投資有限公司開文開曼投資有限公司,每家作為擔保人:姓名:Daniel J.範德沃夫標題:董事有限-對外巴克萊銀行行政代理:姓名:喬治·李標題:管理董事[修訂和重新簽署的信貸協議第1號至第4號修正案的簽字頁]#89331829v3 Legal_1:80172604.6附件A經修訂的信貸協議見附件。執行版本1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16美元7.5億美元第四次修訂和重述信貸協議Open Text ULC,Open Text Holdings,Inc.和Open Text Corporation作為借款人-和本合同的擔保方-以及本合同中指定的金融機構-巴克萊銀行PLC作為唯一管理代理和抵押品代理-加拿大皇家銀行作為跟單信用貸款人和巴克萊銀行資本市場1,花旗銀行,N.A.,摩根士丹利銀行,N.A.,摩根大通銀行,N.A.,美國銀行和蒙特利爾銀行作為聯合牽頭安排人和聯合簿記管理人,日期為2006年10月2日,修訂至2007年2月15日,截至2009年9月24日,截至2011年11月9日、2013年12月16日、2014年12月22日進一步修訂、截至2015年1月15日、2016年6月16日、2017年2月1日、2017年5月5日、2017年9月16日、2018年5月30日、2019年10月31日、2023年6月6日進一步修訂、重新修訂1、加拿大皇家銀行資本市場是加拿大皇家銀行投資銀行業務的營銷名稱

I 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16第1條解釋第1.01節定義了術語1第1.02節性別和編號第459節第1.03節解釋不受標題等影響459第1.04節貨幣459第1.05節某些短語,459第1.06節會計術語459第1.07節非營業日469第1.08節住宿的應課税額469第1.09節合併附表4650第1.10對股權證券的控制4650第1.11節修訂和重述的有效性4650第1.12魁北克釋義第4750節1.13利率51條款2信貸融資節2.01可用性4752第2.02節承諾和貸款限額514第2.03指定借款人515第2.04節收益的使用537第2.05節強制償還和減少承諾額537第2.06節強制性預付款547第2.07節可選的預付款和承諾額的減少558第2.08節費用558第2.09節根據本協議支付的款項558第2.10節付款和預付款的應用569第2.11節利息和費用的計算569第2.12節擔保5861第2.13現金抵押品603節2.14違約貸款人624節2.15基準重置設置66第2.16節無法確定利率;是違法的。第六十八條第三節循環信貸安排第3.01節墊款649第3.02節借款程序。649第3.03節關於墊款的轉換和選擇6570第3.04節需要浮動利率定價的情況66[已保留]70第3.05節墊款利息第3.06節週轉貸款6871第4條循環信貸安排-跟單信用證II 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16第4.01節跟單信用證第4.02節發出通知第703節跟單信用證形式713第4.04跟單信用報告714第4.05節開出跟單信用證的程序714第4.06節支取金額724第4.07條跟單信用證的風險725第4.08節償還736第4.09費用746第4.10節現有保函第5.01節生效日期前的條件第5.02節所有通融的先決條件779第5.03節不放棄789條第6條申述和擔保780第6.02節申述和擔保878第7條貸款方的契諾第7.01條有利的契諾878第7.02節消極的契諾10098第7.03節金融契約1074第8節違約的事件第8.01節違約事件第1074節第8.02節應要求的補救和違約1107第9條收益保護第9.01節增加的成本;倫敦銀行間同業拆借準備金11108第9.02條税金第1130條第9.03條減輕義務:替換貸款人1173第9.04條違法;無法確定利率第118條第10條抵銷權第10.01條抵銷權。1194條第11條貸款人分擔付款12015條第12條行政代理人追回款項III 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16第12.01條行政代理人追回1216第13條機構第13.01條委任和授權12217第13.02條作為貸款人的權利12318第13.03條免責條款12418第13.04條行政代理人的信賴12519第13.05條代理人的賠償1250第13.06條職責的委派1260 13.07條更換行政代理人或抵押品代理人1271 13.08非-依賴代理人和其他貸款人1282第13.09條貸款人的集體訴訟1282第13.10條沒有其他責任,等。第13.11條行政機關可以提交索賠的證據。電子通信第14.01條通知等第1325條第15條費用;賠償:損害豁免第15.01條費用;賠償:損害豁免13428第16條繼承人和受讓人1360第17條修正和放棄第17.01條修正和放棄14133第17.02條判決貨幣。1436第17.03節發佈。14436第十八條適用的法律;管轄權等。第18.01條適用的法律;司法管轄權等14436第19條放棄陪審團審判第19.01條放棄陪審團審判14537第20條雜項第20.01條對應方;一體化;有效性;電子執行14537第20.02條可分割性14638第20.03條付款撥備。14638第20.04條無豁免;累積補救;強制執行。14638 IV 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16第20.05節附屬活動。14739第20.06條不承擔諮詢或受託責任。1480第20.07節對歐洲經濟區金融機構自救的確認和同意。1480第20.08節承認任何受支持的QFC 1491第21條對某些信息的處理:保密性第21.01節某些信息的處理:保密性15042第22條保證第22.01節保證。15244第22.02條彌償。15244第22.03節付款和履約。1453第22.04節持續義務。1453第22.05條保證不受影響。1546第22.06條豁免。1546第22.07條保障當事人的行為權利。15547第22.08款轉讓和延期。15648第22.09節採取行動或不採取行動。15648第22.10條保障當事人的權利。15648第22.11條要求。15648第22.12條無申述。15749第22.13節保持良好狀態。15749第22.14節債權人間協議。15749第23條擔保和擔保單證的確認第23.01條確認。1580

1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16-指定借款人通知貸款安排附表與住宿有關的附表附表12附表6-附表3指定借款人-披露時間表借款通知表格附表A適用保證金/未使用貸款費用-公司的司法管轄權;股權證券;地點等。附表B附表7-循環信貸承諾/週轉貸款額度貸款人的承諾/跟單信貸承諾訴訟-附表C合規證書格式-營業地點附表D附表8-附表4商標/專利等-附表2附表E[故意遺漏]--自有不動產表格附表F附表1-附表9子公司發佈通知-附表G--轉讓和假設協議材料許可附表H-附表10重大協議附表5-附表I利率選擇通知-指定借款人請求和假設協議環境事項--附表11通知期和金額2 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16現有債務/留置權/限制豁免重要子公司附表L-公司間證券/工具附表J附表K-1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16第四次修訂和重述信貸協議,日期:2006年10月2日、2007年2月15日、2009年9月24日、2011年11月9日、2013年12月16日、2014年12月22日、2015年1月15日、2016年6月16日、2017年2月1日、2017年5月5日、2017年9月16日、2018年5月30日、2018年5月30日、2019年10月31日、6月6日2023(本《協議》),由Open Text ULC、Open Text Holdings,Inc.及本合同擔保方Open Text Corporation(統稱為“借款人”)、本合同簽字頁上所列或根據第16.01條成為本合同“借款人”的各貸款人、巴克萊銀行有限公司作為唯一行政代理和抵押品代理、加拿大皇家銀行作為跟單信用貸款人。答:借款人、擔保人、名列其中的金融機構或根據該協議成為貸款人的金融機構、行政代理和抵押品代理均為現有信貸協議的當事人。胡麻B. 除非這些陳述或本協議中另有定義,否則本文使用的大寫術語應具有第1條賦予它們的各自含義,並且就本協議和其他信用證文件而言,應受第1條規定的解釋規則管轄。 這些敍述應解釋為本協議的一部分。就收到的價值而言,雙方同意對現有信貸協議進行以下修改和重述:第1條解釋第1.01節定義術語如本協議中所使用,以下術語具有以下含義:“DAB利率”在任何一天都是指(i)最優惠利率、(ii)聯邦基金利率加每年0.50%和(iii)一個月歐洲美元利率加每年1.00%中的較高者。企業基本費率不一定是作為行政代理的分包商向其客户收取的最低費率。“DAB Advance”具有本文“Advance”定義中指定的含義。“資產負債表利率”指任何一天的年利率,等於(A)該日的聯邦基金利率(如果為負值,應視為0%)加1%的1/2,(B)該日的最優惠利率和(C)該日的調整期限SOFR(或如果-2-1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16,則該日不是下一個營業日)中最高的一個,利率為一個月加1.00%。如果行政代理機構因任何原因而無法確定聯邦基金利率(在沒有明顯錯誤的情況下,該確定應是決定性的),則應在不考慮上述(A)條款的情況下確定ABR利率,直到導致這種無法確定的情況不再存在。“ABR費率術語SOFR確定日”具有在“術語SOFR”的定義中賦予該術語的含義。“融通”係指(1)貸款人在任何借款時提供的預付款;(2)跟單信用證貸款人開立和開具跟單信用證;(3)擺動額度貸款人(每一種都是一種“類型”的融通)提供的迴旋額度預付款。“住宿通知書”指借款通知書或利率選擇通知書(視屬何情況而定)。 在確定未償貸款時,其總額應根據所有預付款的本金總額和等於任何循環信貸貸方根據第4.05條負有或有責任的所有信用證的面值的金額來確定(以及對於每個循環信貸貸方,該金額的可分攤部分)。為了確定循環信貸機制和第2.06條項下的可用借款金額

1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16名稱:Christian Waida by:標題:董事GXS Open Text UK Investments International Holdings Limited Open Text UK Investments Limited Open Text UK Holding Limited Micro Focus International Limited Micro Focus IP Development Limited,Inc.各自作為擔保人1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16名稱:託德·黑茲爾伍德by:標題:董事GXSOPEN Text Cayman International Investments Limited Open Text Cayman Investments,Inc.各自作為擔保人1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16名稱:作者:(下一頁繼續簽名)巴克萊銀行PLC,作為行政代理和抵押品代理1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16加拿大皇家銀行,作為貸款人和跟單信用證發行人:_

1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16名稱:由:標題:巴克萊銀行有限公司,AS貸款人1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16名稱:由:標題:摩根士丹利銀行,N.A.,AS貸款人名稱:名稱:標題:標題:花旗銀行加拿大分行,AS貸款人1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16按:標題:由滙豐銀行加拿大分行,AS貸款人:名稱:標題:標題:80104430.16

1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16名稱:由:標題:三菱UFG銀行有限公司,加拿大分行,作為貸款人1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16 by:標題:由:加拿大國家銀行,作為貸款人名稱:名稱:標題:標題:1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16 by:標題:出口發展加拿大,作為貸款人名稱:名稱:標題:標題:1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80441030.16名稱:按:標題:蒙特利爾銀行,作為貸款人[1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16 by:標題:作者:ICICI加拿大銀行,AS貸款人名稱:名稱:標題:1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16名稱:by:標題:美國銀行,N.A.,加拿大分行,AS貸款人1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16名稱:依據:標題:PNC銀行加拿大分行,AS貸款人1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16按:標題:豐業銀行,AS貸款人名稱:名稱:標題:]1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16 by:標題:by:加拿大帝國商業銀行,AS貸款人名稱:名稱:標題:1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16名稱:by:標題:JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.,As Layer 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16名稱:by:標題:Wells Fargo Bank,N.A.,加拿大分行,AS貸款人1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16借款通知附表1表格



在Open Text ULC、Open Text Holdings,Inc.和Open Text Corporation作為初始借款人和Open Text Corporation的某些子公司及其貸款人,巴克萊銀行作為唯一行政代理,巴克萊銀行作為抵押品代理,加拿大皇家銀行作為跟單信貸貸款人之間,根據信貸協議第3.02條,特此通知您,在這方面,下文闡述了信貸協議第3.02節所要求的與此類借款有關的信息:(A)借款的日期為營業日,為。(B)借款總額為。(C)申請的預付款類型為


倫敦銀行間同業拆借利率預付款[。簽署人謹此證明及確認:(X)信貸協議第6條所載的陳述及保證,在發出本通融通知的日期及相應的通融的日期,以及在緊接該通知生效及由此產生的任何收益的運用後,在各有關日期及截至該日期的所有重要方面均屬真實及正確,但已向]. (d) [-2-1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16根據第17.01節規定的行政代理和貸款人,以及聲明在某一日期(然後在該日期)作出的任何陳述和擔保,以及(Y)沒有發生或正在繼續的事件或條件,或將因此類通融或實施本通融通知而導致的違約或違約事件。下列簽署人進一步向各貸款人確認及證明,建議借款所得款項將只用於信貸協議所允許的用途。你的真心,]適用借款人名稱[授權簽署人PER:1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16附表2利率選擇公告格式]日期



在Open Text ULC、Open Text Holdings,Inc.和Open Text Corporation作為初始借款人以及Open Text Corporation的某些子公司和貸款人之間,巴克萊銀行作為唯一行政代理,巴克萊銀行作為抵押品代理,加拿大皇家銀行作為跟單信貸貸款人,並根據信貸協議第3.03(3)節的規定,特此通知您,







授權簽字人PER:1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16加拿大皇家銀行ICICI銀行加拿大分行$75,000,000$10,000,000$70,000,000跟單信貸承諾$35,000,000美國銀行加拿大分行$70,000,000摩根士丹利銀行加拿大分行擺動額度貸款人承諾$35,000,000$35,000,000豐業銀行$35,000,000東京三菱UFJ銀行加拿大分行加拿大分行$35,000,000$35,000,000貸款人摩根大通銀行加拿大分行$70,000,000巴克萊銀行加拿大分行,加拿大富國銀行加拿大分行,N.A.加拿大分行$35,000,000$35,000,000$70,000,000$75,000,000蒙特利爾銀行循環信貸承諾總額$750,000,000$70,000,000附表3循環信貸承諾/循環額度貸款人的承諾/跟單信貸承諾[-2-1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16附表4發佈通知格式]日期




,2019年(經不時修訂、補充、替換或重述,“信貸協議”中定義的術語在此使用,其定義與本文中定義的術語相同):Open Text ULC、Open Text Holdings,Inc.和Open Text Corporation作為初始借款人,Open Text Corporation的某些子公司和貸款人,巴克萊銀行作為獨家管理代理,Barclays Bank PLC作為抵押品代理,加拿大皇家銀行作為跟單信貸貸款人,根據信貸協議第4.02(1)節的規定,特此通知您,所簽署的人請求根據信貸協議進行發行,就此,根據信貸協議第4.02節的規定,有關該等發行(“建議發行”)的資料如下:(C)(C)發行日期為,即營業日。(D)(D)跟單信用證類型為。(E)(E)該跟單信用證的面值總額為


授權簽字人PER:1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 3個工作日3個工作日住宿類型ABR預付跟單信用證3個工作日L營業日-借款通知或出具通知(第3.02(1)節和第4.02(1)節)1個工作日附表5通知期間和金額週轉額度3個工作日相同的營業日變更(第3.03(3)節)相同的營業日相同的營業日如發生變更,還必須遵守適用於其他類型的住宿或預付款的通知期。在計算通知期時,包括髮出任何通知的日期,以及不包括指定通知的日期。LIBORSOFR預付部分2.07 3個工作日

1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16小於1.50:1.00且大於或等於1.00:1.00跟單信用證費用1.50%綜合淨槓桿率0.50%0.25%0.25%大於或等於1.50:1.00 LIBORSOFR預付款(年);跟單信用證參與費低於1.00:1.00 1.75%1.25%附表6適用保證金/未使用融資費0.25%0.75%0.15%ABR預付款(年率)0.25%0.30%0.25%貸款費1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16附表7合規證書格式





,2019年(經不時修訂、補充、取代或重述,其中定義的術語在本文中定義的術語在此定義為信貸協議):Open Text ULC、Open Text Holdings,Inc.和Open Text Corporation作為初始借款人和Open Text Corporation的某些子公司及其貸款方,巴克萊銀行作為唯一行政代理,巴克萊銀行作為抵押品代理,加拿大皇家銀行作為跟單信貸貸款人,以及金融機構方作為聯席牽頭安排人和聯席簿記管理人。本合規證書是根據截至以下日期的財政季度的信貸協議第7.01(1)(A)(Iii)節交付的





以Open Text Corporation的身份,而非親自證明:2.我是正式任命的



因此,我根據信用協議為Open Text Corporation並代表Open Text Corporation提供此證書。3.本人熟悉並已審閲信貸協議的各項規定。4.根據信貸協議第7.01(L)(A)(I)節或第7.01(L)(A)(Ii)節(視何者適用而定)最近一次呈交的財務報表,根據公認會計原則(須受一般年終調整及該等財務報表並無任何所需附註),公平地列載於該等財務報表內指定人士的財務狀況、經營業績及財務狀況變動。-2-1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 5.信貸協議第6.01節中包含的陳述和保證在所有重要方面都是真實和正確的,就像在本協議日期所做的一樣,但根據第17.01節向行政代理和貸款人披露並接受的陳述和保證以及任何陳述和保證除外。述明是在某一日期(然後是在該日期)作出的。6.截至本文所述日期,未發生任何違約或違約事件,且違約事件仍在繼續。7.截至本期間最後一天,下列比率如下:(A)綜合淨槓桿率(7.03(1)(A)):本文件附表A載有上述比率的計算詳情。日期:年月日(簽名)(姓名-請用印刷體打印)[●]標題[1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16附表9轉讓和假設本轉讓和假設(“轉讓和假設”)的生效日期如下:]插入轉讓人姓名




在Open Text ULC、Open Text Holdings,Inc.和Open Text Corporation之間,作為初始借款人以及Open Text Corporation的某些子公司和貸款人第二方選擇(如適用),2019年(經不時進一步修訂、補充、替換或重述,其中定義的術語在此使用)。

-2-1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 CUSIP編號%$$所有列數的承付款/墊款總額3%$



由_標題:[同意:7]跟單信用證貸款人名稱[由_1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16轉讓和假設的附件1轉讓和假設的標準條款和條件1.陳述和擔保。1.1轉讓人。轉讓人(A)表示並保證(I)它是轉讓權益的合法和實益所有人,(Ii)轉讓權益沒有任何留置權、產權負擔或其他不利要求,以及(Iii)它有充分的權力和權力,並已採取一切必要的行動,執行和交付這一轉讓和假設,並完成本協議中預期的交易;且(B)對以下事項不承擔任何責任:(I)在信貸協議或任何其他信貸文件中或與之相關的任何陳述、保證或陳述;(Ii)信貸文件或其下任何抵押品的籤立、合法性、有效性、可執行性、真實性、充分性或價值;(Iii)貸款方或對任何信貸文件負有義務的任何其他人的財務狀況;或(Iv)貸款方或任何其他人履行或遵守其在任何信貸文件項下的任何義務。1.2受讓人。受讓人(A)表示並保證:(I)其有完全權力及權力,並已採取一切必要行動,以執行及交付此等轉讓及假設,並已採取一切必要行動,以執行及交付此等轉讓及假設,並完成擬進行的交易,併成為信貸協議項下的貸款人;(Ii)其符合信貸協議項下合資格受讓人的所有要求(以收到信貸協議所規定的同意為準);(Iii)自生效日期起及之後,其作為貸款人須受信貸協議的條文約束,並在受讓權益的範圍內,負有貸款人的義務,(Iv)其已收到信貸協議副本,連同根據第7.01(1)節交付的最新財務報表副本(視何者適用而定),以及其認為適當的其他文件和資料,可自行作出信貸分析和決定,以作出此項轉讓和假設,並在此基礎上獨立作出該等分析和決定,而不依賴行政代理或任何其他貸款人;及(V)如果它是外國貸款人,則該轉讓和假設附有根據信貸協議條款要求其交付的任何文件。由受讓人正式填寫和籤立;和(B)同意(I)它將在不依賴行政代理、轉讓人或任何其他貸款人的情況下,根據其當時認為適當的文件和信息,繼續作出自己的信貸決定,以根據信用證文件採取或不採取行動,以及(Ii)它將根據其條款履行信用證文件條款要求其作為貸款人履行的所有義務。循環信貸機制下的每一受讓人證明其在適用範圍內遵守信貸協議第9.02(5)節。2.付款。自生效日期起及之後,行政代理應就轉讓利息向轉讓人支付在生效日期之前應計的所有款項(包括本金、利息、手續費和其他金額),並向受讓人支付自生效日期起及之後應計的款項。-2-1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 3.總則本轉讓和承擔應對本合同雙方及其各自的繼承人和允許受讓人具有約束力,並符合其利益。這一轉讓和假設可以在任何數量的對應物中執行,這些對應物共同構成一份文書。通過傳真或通過電子郵件發送掃描件的方式交付本作業和假設的簽字頁的簽約副本,應與交付手動簽署的本作業和假設的副本一樣有效。本轉讓和假設應受信貸協議的法律管轄,並根據該法律進行解釋。]1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16$指定貸款人承諾表“A”指定住宿未償還$$貸款人$1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16附表10指定借款人請求和假設協議[日期]巴克萊銀行行政代理巴克萊銀行銀行債務管理集團紐約第七大道745號,紐約10019注意:克里斯托弗·R·李投資組合經理陳文偉電話:(52499)52499-936-0732傳真:(212)220-9646電子郵件:christopher.r.lee@barclays.comwendar.chen@barclays.com女士們,先生們:請參考日期為[________],2019年(經不時修訂、補充、取代或重述,其中定義的術語在本文中定義的術語在此定義為信貸協議):Open Text ULC、Open Text Holdings,Inc.和Open Text Corporation作為初始借款人和Open Text Corporation的某些子公司及其貸款方,巴克萊銀行作為唯一行政代理,巴克萊銀行作為抵押品代理,加拿大皇家銀行作為跟單信貸貸款人,以及金融機構方作為聯席牽頭安排人和聯席簿記管理人。任何融通的收益將僅用於信貸協議允許的目的。指定借款人特此不可撤銷地指定Open Text Corporation作為其授權代理,根據信貸協議第2.03(3)節接收和交付通知。指定借款人特此同意,在有權使用信貸協議規定的信貸安排之前,行政代理和適用貸款安排下的貸款人應已收到該等佐證決議、任職證書、律師意見和其他文件或信息(包括遵守《愛國者法》所需的所有文件或資料),在每種情況下,這些文件和資料均與根據《愛國者法》規定在成交日期向借款人交付的文件和資料一致(但根據適用的當地法律可能有所不同),以及在適用貸款安排下的任何貸款人要求的範圍內由該指定借款人簽署的本票。[頁面的其餘部分故意留空][-3-1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16本指定借款人申請和假設協議以及雙方在本指定借款人請求和假設協議和信貸協議下的權利和義務應受安大略省法律和在該省適用的加拿大聯邦法律管轄,並應根據該法律進行解釋和解釋。非常真誠的您,Open Text Corporation by_名稱:標題:]指定借款人[由_名稱:標題:]1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16附表11指定借款人公告[日期]致下文提及的信貸協議的每一方貸款人,以及開放文本ULC

地址[注意:]公開文本負責人[女士們,先生們:請參考日期為#年的第四次修訂和重述的信貸協議。],2019年(經不時修訂、補充、替換或重述,其中定義的術語在本文中定義的術語在此定義為“信貸協議”),Open Text ULC、Open Text Holdings,Inc.和Open Text Corporation作為初始借款人和Open Text Corporation的某些子公司及其貸款人,巴克萊銀行作為唯一行政代理,巴克萊銀行作為抵押品代理,加拿大皇家銀行作為跟單信貸貸款人,以及金融機構方作為聯席牽頭安排人和聯席簿記管理人。請注意,根據信貸協議第2.03(2)節,Open Text Corporation特此發出通知,自20_[________]申請人借款人[就循環信貸安排下的信貸協議而言,應構成指定借款人。非常誠摯的您,巴克萊銀行作為行政代理由_名稱:標題:1808964.02A-NYCSR03A-MSW Legal_1:80104430.16附表12指定借款人Open Text ULC Open Text Corporation Open Text Holdings,Inc.]. (f) (f) The expiration date of such Documentary Credit is , which is a Business Day. - 2 - 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 (g) (g) The name and address of the Beneficiary of the Documentary Credit is . The undersigned hereby certifies and confirms that on the date of this Issue Notice and the date of the corresponding Accommodation, and immediately after giving effect thereto, (x) the representations and warranties contained in Article 6 of the Credit Agreement are true and correct in all material respects on and as of each such date, all as though made on and as of each such date, except for those changes to the representations and warranties which have been disclosed to and accepted by the Administrative Agent and the Lenders pursuant to Section 17.01 and any representation and warranty which is stated to be made as of a certain date (and then as of such date), and (y) no event or condition has occurred and is continuing, or would result from such Accommodation or giving effect to this Issue Notice, which constitutes a Default or an Event of Default. The undersigned further confirms and certifies to the Documentary Credit Lender that the Documentary Credit is being issued for a purpose permitted by the Credit Agreement. Yours truly, [NAME OF APPLICABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT BORROWER] Authorized Signatory Per: 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 3 Business Days 3 Business Days Type of Accommodation ABR Advance Documentary Credits 3 Business Days l Business Day - Borrowing Notice or Issue Notice (Sections 3.02(1) and 4.02(1)) 1 Business Day SCHEDULE 5 NOTICE PERIODS AND AMOUNTS Swing Line Advance 3 Business Days Same Business Day Change (Section 3.03(3)) Same Business Day Same Business Day In the case of change, the notice period applicable to the other Type of Accommodation or Advance into which an Accommodation is to be changed must also be observed. The day on which any notice is given is included and the day on which the specified excluded in calculating the notice period. LIBORSOFR Advance Prepayment Section 2.07 3 Business Days

1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 Less than 1.50:1.00 and greater than or equal to 1.00:1.00 Documentary Credit Fee 1.50% Consolidated Net Leverage Ratio 0.50% 0.25% 0.25% Greater than or equal to 1.50:1.00 LIBORSOFR Advances (per annum); Documentary Credit Participation Fee Less than 1.00:1.00 1.75% 1.25% SCHEDULE 6 APPLICABLE MARGINS/UNUSED FACILITY FEE 0.25% 0.75% 0.15% ABR Advances (per annum) 0.25% 0.30% 0.25% Facility Fee 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 SCHEDULE 7 FORM OF COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE [Date] Barclays Bank PLC, as Administrative Agent Barclays Bank PLC Bank Debt Management Group 745 Seventh Avenue New York, New York 10019 Attention: Christopher R. Lee, Portfolio Manager Wendar Chen Telephone: (2012) 52499-936-0732 Facsimile: (212) 220-9646 Email: christopher.r.lee@barclays.comwendar.chen@barclays.com Ladies and Gentlemen: The undersigned, [NAME OF APPLICABLE BORROWER], refers to the fourth amended and restated credit agreement dated as of [________], 2019 (as further amended, supplemented, replaced or restated from time to time, the “Credit Agreement,” the terms defined therein being used herein as therein defined) among Open Text ULC, Open Text Holdings, Inc. and Open Text Corporation, as initial borrowers and certain Subsidiaries of Open Text Corporation and Lenders party thereto, Barclays Bank PLC, as sole administrative agent, Barclays Bank PLC, as collateral agent, Royal Bank of Canada, as documentary credit lender, and the financial institutions party thereto as joint lead arrangers and joint bookrunners. This Compliance Certificate is delivered pursuant to Section 7.01(1)(a)(iii) of the Credit Agreement for the Financial Quarter ending on [] (the “Period”). I, , the [Chief Executive Officer], [Chief Financial Officer][a senior officer] of Open Text Corporation, in such capacity and not personally, hereby certify that: 2. 2. I am the duly appointed [Chief Executive Officer][Chief Financial Officer] of Open Text Corporation and as such I am providing this certificate for and on behalf of Open Text Corporation pursuant to the Credit Agreement. 3. 3. I am familiar with and have examined the provisions of the Credit Agreement. 4. 4. The financial statements most recently delivered pursuant to Section 7.01(l)(a)(i) or Section 7.01(l)(a)(ii), as applicable, of the Credit Agreement present fairly the financial position, results of operations and changes in financial position of the persons specified therein in accordance with GAAP (subject to normal year-end adjustments and the absence of any required notes to such financial statements). - 2 - 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 5. 5. The representations and warranties contained in Section 6.01 of the Credit Agreement are true and correct in all material respects as though made on the date hereof, except for those changes to the representations and warranties which have been disclosed to and accepted by the Administrative Agent and the Lenders pursuant to Section 17.01 and any representation and warranty. which is stated to be made as of a certain date (and then as of such date). 6. 6. As of the date hereof, no Default or Event of Default has occurred and is continuing. 7. 7. As at the last day of the Period, the following ratio was as follows: (a) Consolidated Net Leverage Ratio (7.03(1)(a)): Schedule A hereto sets forth details of the calculation of the above ratio. Dated this day of . (Signature) (Name – please print) [Title] 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 SCHEDULE 9 ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION This Assignment and Assumption (the “Assignment and Assumption”) is dated as of the Effective Date set forth below and is entered into by and between [Insert name of Assignor] (the “Assignor”) and [Insert name of Assignee) (the “Assignee”). Capitalized terms used but not dermed herein shall have the meanings given to them in the Credit Agreement (as defined below), receipt of a copy of which is hereby acknowledged by the Assignee. The Standard Terms and Conditions set forth in Annex 1 attached hereto are hereby agreed to and incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Assignment and Assumption as if set forth herein in full. For an agreed consideration, the Assignor hereby irrevocably sells and assigns to the Assignee, and the Assignee hereby irrevocably purchases and assumes from the Assignor, subject to and in accordance with the Standard Terms and Conditions and the Credit Agreement, as of the Effective Date inserted by the Administrative Agent as contemplated below (i) all of the Assignor’s rights and obligations in its capacity as a Lender under the Credit Agreement and any other documents or instruments delivered pursuant thereto to the extent related to the amount and percentage interest identified below of all of such outstanding rights and obligations of the Assignor under the respective facilities identified below (including any Documentary Credits and guarantees included in such facilities) and (ii) to the extent permitted to be assigned under Applicable Law, all claims, suits, causes of action and any other right of the Assignor (in its capacity as a Lender) against any Person, whether known or unknown, arising under or in connection with the Credit Agreement, any other documents or instruments delivered pursuant thereto or the loan-transactions governed thereby or in any way based on or related to any of the foregoing, including, but not limited to, contract claims, tort claims, malpractice claims, statutory claims and all other claims at law or in equity related to the rights and obligations sold and assigned pursuant to clause (i) above (the rights and obligations sold and assigned pursuant to clauses (i) and (ii) above being referred to herein collectively as, the “Assigned Interest”). Such sale and assignment is without recourse to the Assignor and, except as expressly provided in this Assignment and Assumption, without representation or warranty by the Assignor. 8. 8. Assignor: 9. 9. Assignee: [and is an Affiliate/Approved Fund of [identify Lender]2] 10. 10. Administrative Agent: , as the administrative agent under the Credit Agreement 11. 11. Credit Agreement: means the fourth amended and restated credit agreement dated as of [________], 2019 (as further amended, supplemented, replaced or restated from time to time, the “Credit Agreement,” the terms defined therein being used herein as therein defined) among Open Text ULC, Open Text Holdings, Inc. and Open Text Corporation, as initial borrowers and certain Subsidiaries of Open Text Corporation and Lenders party 2 Select as applicable.

- 2 - 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 CUSIP Number % $ $ $ Aggregate Amount of Commitment/Advances for all Lenders3 % $ [7. Trade Date: _____________]6 _________, 20___ [the “Effective Date”][TO BE INSERTED BY ADMINISTRATIVE AGENT AND WHICH SHALL BE THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF RECORDATION OF TRANSFER IN THE REGISTER THEREFOR.] The terms set forth in this Assignment and Assumption are hereby agreed to: ASSIGNOR [NAME OF ASSIGNOR] By: ______________________ Title: ASSIGNEE [NAME OF ASSIGNEE] By: ______________________ Title: Consented to: % Amount of Commitment/Advances Assigned4 thereto, Barclays Bank PLC, as sole administrative agent, Barclays Bank PLC, as collateral agent and Royal Bank of Canada, as documentary credit lender. 12. 12. Assigned Interest: Percentage Assigned of Commitment / Advances5 $ $ 3 Amount to be adjusted by the counterparties to take into account any payments or prepayments made between the Trade Date and the Effective Date. 4 Amount to be adjusted by the counterparties to take into account any payments or prepayments made between the Trade Date and the Effective Date. 5 Set forth, to at least 9 decimals, as a percentage of the Commitment/Advances of all Lenders thereunder. 6 To be completed if the Assignor and the Assignee intend that the minimum assignment amount is to be determined as of the Trade Date. - 3 - 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 [NAME OF ADMINISTRATIVE AGENT], as Administrative Agent By _______________________________ Title: Consented to: [NAME OF APPLICABLE BORROWER] By ________________________________ Title: [Consented to:7][NAME OF DOCUMENTARY CREDIT LENDER] By _________________________________ Title: 7 To be added only if the consent of the Documentary Credit Lender is required by the terms of the Credit Agreement. 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 ANNEX 1 to Assignment and Assumption STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION 1. Representations and Warranties. 1.1 Assignor. The Assignor (a) represents and warrants that (i) it is the legal and beneficial owner of the Assigned Interest, (ii) the Assigned Interest is free and clear of any lien, encumbrance or other adverse claim and (iii) it has full power and authority, and has taken all action necessary, to execute and deliver this Assignment and Assumption and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby; and (b) assumes no responsibility with respect to (i) any statements, warranties or representations made in or in connection with the Credit Agreement or any other Credit Document, (ii) the execution, legality, validity, enforceability, genuineness, sufficiency or value of the Credit Documents or any collateral thereunder, (iii) the financial condition of the Loan Parties or any other Person obligated in respect of any Credit Document or (iv) the performance or observance by the Loan Parties or any other Person of any of their respective obligations under any Credit Document. 1.2 Assignee. The Assignee (a) represents and warrants that (i) it has full power and authority, and has taken all action necessary, to execute and deliver this Assignment and Assumption and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and to become a Lender under the Credit Agreement, (ii) it meets all requirements of an Eligible Assignee under the Credit Agreement (subject to receipt of such consents as may be required under the Credit Agreement), (iii) from and after the Effective Date, it shall be bound by the provisions of the Credit Agreement as a Lender thereunder and, to the extent of the Assigned Interest, shall have the obligations of a Lender thereunder, (iv) it has received a copy of the Credit Agreement, together with copies of the most recent financial statements delivered pursuant to Section 7.01(1) thereof, as applicable, and such other documents and information as it has deemed appropriate to make its own credit analysis and decision to enter into this Assignment and Assumption and to purchase the Assigned Interest on the basis of which it has made such analysis and decision independently and without reliance on the Administrative Agent or any other Lender, and (v) if it is a Foreign Lender, attached to the Assignment and Assumption is any documentation required to be delivered by it pursuant to the terms of the Credit Agreement, duly completed and executed by the Assignee; and (b) agrees that (i) it will, independently and without reliance on the Administrative Agent, the Assignor or any other Lender, and based on such documents and information as it shall deem appropriate at the time, continue to make its own credit decisions in taking or not taking action under the Credit Documents, and (ii) it will perform in accordance with their terms all of the obligations which by the terms of the Credit Documents are required to be performed by it as a Lender. Each Assignee under the Revolving Credit Facility certifies that it complies with Section 9.02(5) of the Credit Agreement to the extent applicable. 2. Payments. From and after the Effective Date, the Administrative Agent shall make all payments in respect of the Assigned Interest (including payments of principal, interest, fees and other amounts) to the Assignor for amounts which have accrued prior to the Effective Date, and to the Assignee for amount which have accrued from and after the Effective Date. - 2 - 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 3. General Provisions. This Assignment and Assumption shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns. This Assignment and Assumption may be executed in any number of counterparts, which together shall constitute one instrument. Delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page of this Assignment and Assumption by telecopy or by sending a scanned copy by electronic mail shall be effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart of this Assignment and Assumption. This Assignment and Assumption shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law governing the Credit Agreement.

1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 $ Assigned Lender’s Commitment SCHEDULE “A”  Assigned Accommodations Outstanding $ $  Lender $ 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 SCHEDULE 10 DESIGNATED BORROWER REQUEST AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT [Date] Barclays Bank PLC, as Administrative Agent Barclays Bank PLC Bank Debt Management Group 745 Seventh Avenue New York, New York 10019 Attention: Christopher R. Lee, Portfolio ManagerWendar Chen Telephone: (2012) 52499-936-0732 Facsimile: (212) 220-9646 Email: christopher.r.lee@barclays.comwendar.chen@barclays.com Ladies and Gentlemen: Reference is made to that certain fourth amended and restated credit agreement dated as of [________], 2019 (as further amended, supplemented, replaced or restated from time to time, the “Credit Agreement,” the terms defined therein being used herein as therein defined) among Open Text ULC, Open Text Holdings, Inc. and Open Text Corporation, as initial borrowers and certain Subsidiaries of Open Text Corporation and Lenders party thereto, Barclays Bank PLC, as sole administrative agent, Barclays Bank PLC, as collateral agent, Royal Bank of Canada, as documentary credit lender, and the financial institutions party thereto as joint lead arrangers and joint bookrunners. Please be advised that, pursuant to Section 2.03(2) of the Credit Agreement, Open Text Corporation hereby designates the undersigned Subsidiary, _________, a _____ (the “Designated Borrower”), as a “Designated Borrower” in the capacity as a Revolving Credit Borrower under and for all purposes of the Credit Agreement. The Designated Borrower, in consideration of the agreement of each applicable Revolving Credit Lender to extend credit to it from time to time under, and on the terms and conditions set forth in, the Credit Agreement under the Revolving Credit Facility does hereby assume each of the obligations imposed upon a Designated Borrower and a Revolving Credit Borrower under the Credit Agreement and agrees to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of the Credit Agreement. - 2 - 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 In furtherance of the foregoing, the Designated Borrower hereby represents and warrants to the Administrative Agent and each of the applicable Revolving Credit Lenders that each of the representations and warranties set forth in Article 6 of the Credit Agreement are true and correct in all material respects as of the date hereof, except for those changes to the representations and warranties which have been disclosed to and accepted by the Administrative Agent and Lenders pursuant to Section 17.01 and any representation and warranty which is stated to be made as of a certain date (and then as of such date), and that the proceeds of any Accommodation will only be used for purposes permitted under the Credit Agreement. The Designated Borrower hereby irrevocably appoints Open Text Corporation as its authorized agent to receive and deliver notices in accordance with Section 2.03(3) of the Credit Agreement. The Designated Borrower hereby agrees that prior to becoming entitled to utilize the Credit Facilities provided for in the Credit Agreement the Administrative Agent and the Lenders under the applicable Facility or Facilities shall have received such supporting resolutions, incumbency certificates, opinions of counsel and other documents or information (including all such documents or information required to comply with the Patriot Act), in each case consistent with the documents and information required to be delivered thereunder with respect to the Borrowers on the Closing Date (but with such differences as may be appropriate in light of applicable local law), and promissory notes signed by such Designated Borrower to the extent any Lenders under the applicable Facility so require. [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank] - 3 - 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 THIS DESIGNATED BORROWER REQUEST AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT AND THE RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES UNDER THIS DESIGNATED BORROWER REQUEST AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT AND THE CREDIT AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY, AND CONSTRUED AND INTERPRETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH, THE LAW OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO AND THE FEDERAL LAWS OF CANADA APPLICABLE IN THAT PROVINCE. Very truly yours, OPEN TEXT CORPORATION By________________________ Name: Title: [THE DESIGNATED BORROWER] By________________________ Name: Title: Acknowledged and Agreed to as of the date first above written: Barclays Bank PLC, as Administrative Agent By________________________ Name: Title:

1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSWLEGAL_1:80104430.16 SCHEDULE 11 DESIGNATED BORROWER NOTICE [date] To each of the Lenders party to the Credit Agreement referred to below, and Open Text ULC [ADDRESS] Attn: [RESPONSIBLE OFFICER OF OPEN TEXT] Ladies and Gentlemen: Reference is made to that certain fourth amended and restated credit agreement dated as of [________], 2019 (as further amended, supplemented, replaced or restated from time to time, the “Credit Agreement,” the terms defined therein being used herein as therein defined) among Open Text ULC, Open Text Holdings, Inc. and Open Text Corporation, as initial borrowers and certain Subsidiaries of Open Text Corporation and Lenders party thereto, Barclays Bank PLC, as sole administrative agent, Barclays Bank PLC, as collateral agent, Royal Bank of Canada, as documentary credit lender, and the financial institutions party thereto, as joint lead arrangers and joint bookrunners. Please be advised that, pursuant to Section 2.03(2) of the Credit Agreement, Open Text Corporation hereby gives notice that as of_____________, 20__, the [Applicant Borrower] shall constitute a Designated Borrower for purposes of the Credit Agreement under the Revolving Credit Facility. Very truly yours, Barclays Bank PLC, as Administrative Agent By ______________________________ Name: Title: 1808964.02A-NYCSR03A - MSW LEGAL_1:80104430.16 SCHEDULE 12 DESIGNATED BORROWERS Open Text ULC Open Text Corporation Open Text Holdings, Inc.