錯誤000188296300-000000000018829632023-12-272023-12-270001882963AIB:Unit Each ConstingOfOneClassordinaryShareAndOneRightTo接收OneClassordinaryShareUpon ConsumationOfInitialBusinessCombinationMember2023-12-272023-12-270001882963AIB:ClassOrdinarySharesParValue0.0001 PerShareMember2023-12-272023-12-270001882963AIB:RightsEveryTen 10 RightsEntitleHolderTo接收OneClassOrdinaryShareUpon消費初始業務組合成員2023-12-272023-12-27ISO 4217:美元Xbrli:共享ISO 4217:美元Xbrli:共享



美國 美國




表格 8-K


當前 報告




報告日期 (最早報告事件的日期):2023年12月27日


AIB 收購公司



開曼羣島   001-41230   不適用




(佣金 文件號)



標識 編號)


875 第三大道,M204 A套房


(校長地址 行政辦公室)   (郵政編碼)


(212) 380-8128




(前 姓名或前地址,如果自上次報告以來已更改)


如果Form 8-K備案的目的是同時滿足註冊人根據以下任何條款的備案義務,請勾選 下面相應的框:


根據《交易法》(17 CFR 240.14a-12)規則14a-12徵集材料
根據《交易法》規則14d-2(B) (17 CFR 240.14d-2(B))進行開市前通信
根據《交易法》規則13E-4(C) (17 CFR 240.13e-4(C))進行開市前通信




每個班級的標題   交易 個符號   註冊的每個交易所的名稱
單位, 每股由一股A類普通股和一股獲得十分之一(1/10)的權利組成完成後一股A類普通股 初步業務合併的   AIBBU   納斯達克股市有限責任公司
A類普通股,每股票面價值0.0001美元   AIB   納斯達克股市有限責任公司
權利, 每十(10)項權利使持有人有權在完成初始企業合併後獲得一股A類普通股   AIBBR   納斯達克股市有限責任公司






如果 是一家新興成長型公司,請用複選標記表示註冊人是否已選擇不使用延長的過渡期來遵守根據《交易法》第13(A)節提供的任何新的或修訂的財務會計準則。☐






第 1.01項加入材料最終協議。


業務 合併協議


此 部分描述了業務合併協議(定義如下)的重要條款,但並不旨在描述其中的所有條款。以下摘要以《企業合併協議》全文為準,其副本作為附件2.1附於本協議。除非本協議另有規定,以下使用的大寫術語在《企業合併協議》中定義。




2023年12月27日,在開曼羣島註冊成立的獲豁免有限責任公司(“AIB”或“SPAC”)AIB收購公司(“AIB”或“SPAC”) 與特拉華州有限責任公司AIB LLC(在第二次合併生效前以AIB代表及AIB股東的身份(“SPAC代表”),PS國際集團有限公司,一家在開曼羣島註冊成立的獲豁免有限責任公司(“Pubco”),PSI Merge Sub I Limited, 在開曼羣島註冊成立的獲豁免有限責任公司及PUBCO的全資附屬公司(“第一合併附屬公司”)、在開曼羣島註冊成立的獲豁免有限責任公司及PSI Group Holdings利航國際控股有限公司(“本公司”或“PSI”)。


根據《企業合併協議》,在《企業合併協議》所載條款及條件的規限下,於《企業合併協議》擬進行的交易完成時(“結束”),(A)首次合併附屬公司將與 公司合併並併入 公司(“首次合併”),公司將作為 Pubco的全資附屬公司在第一次合併中倖存,公司的已發行股份將轉換為獲得Pubco股份的權利;及(B)第一次合併後的一個營業日,第二次合併附屬公司將與AIB合併並併入AIB(“第二次合併”,與第一次合併一起,稱為“合併”),而AIB在第二次合併後仍然作為Pubco的全資附屬公司,AIB的未償還證券將轉換為獲得Pubco的實質等值證券的權利(該等合併連同業務合併協議及其他附屬文件所預期的其他交易, “交易”)。






作為合併的結果,(A)緊接第一次合併生效時間前發行及發行的本公司每股普通股將註銷,並將轉換為(I)根據業務合併協議及託管協議收取相當於交換比率的Pubco該數目普通股的90%的權利,及(Ii)收取相當於交換比率的Pubco該數目普通股10%的或有權利。在緊接第二次合併生效時間前發行併發行的每股SPAC普通股將被註銷並自動轉換為 獲得一股Pubco普通股的權利。每一股已發行和已發行的SPAC權利將自動轉換為1股Pubco普通股的十分之一,前提是Pubco不會發行零碎股份以換取SPAC權利。





在交易結束前,本公司應向AIB提交一份報表(“預計結算報表”),説明公司對結算債務淨額、營運資金淨額和交易費用的估計,以及根據該估計產生的合併對價總額和公司合併股份的善意計算。Pubco、SPAC代表 和大陸股票轉讓與信託公司(或其他相互接受的託管代理AIB和公司),作為託管代理 (“託管代理”),將簽訂託管協議(“託管協議”), 據此,Pubco應安排向託管代理人交付相當於總合並對價金額10%(10%)的若干公司合併股份(連同作為股息或分派支付的或用於交換或轉換此類股份的任何股權證券,連同任何其他股息、分配或託管股份的其他收入(連同託管股份,“託管財產”),在一個單獨的 託管賬户(“託管賬户”)。在交易結束後90天內,Pubco的首席財務官將向SPAC代表提交一份聲明(“結束聲明”),列出(I)目標公司截至參考時間的綜合資產負債表和(Ii)截至參考時間的結算淨債務、淨營運資本和交易費用的善意計算,以及根據該等估計產生的合併總對價金額和公司合併股份。如果調整金額為正數,則Pubco將向 公司股東發行相當於(X)調整金額除以(Y)每股價格的額外數量的Pubco普通股, 每個公司股東將按比例獲得該等額外Pubco普通股的比例份額,最多不超過等於當時託管賬户中託管財產價值的Pubco 普通股數量(為此目的,每股Pubco普通股和託管 股票按每股價格估值)。如果調整金額為負數,則Pubco和SPAC代表 將向託管代理提供聯合書面指示,要求其向Pubco分發一定數量的託管份額(以及在分發所有託管份額後的其他託管財產),其價值等於調整金額的絕對值(每個託管份額 按每股價格估值)。Pubco將取消託管代理分配給它的任何託管股份,並將剩餘的 (如果有)分配給公司股東,每個公司股東將按比例獲得該等剩餘Pubco普通股的份額。




“調整金額”應指(X)根據業務合併協議最終確定的合併對價總額,減去(Y)根據預計結算書在結算日(包括向託管賬户)發行的合併對價總額 。




“結算 公司現金”是指截至參考時間,公司及其直接和間接子公司(“目標公司”)手頭或銀行賬户中的現金和現金等價物總額,包括在途存款,減去目標公司或其代表截至該時間開出的未付和未付支票總額。


“結清淨債務”是指,截至參考時間,(I)目標公司的所有債務總額減去(Ii) 結清的公司現金,在第(I)和(Ii)款的每一種情況下,以綜合基礎並根據會計原則確定。




“營運資本淨額”是指,截至參考時間,(I)目標公司的所有流動資產(不包括但不重複的結算公司現金)在綜合基礎上減去(Ii)目標公司的所有流動負債(不包括但不重複的負債和未支付的交易費用),並根據會計原則確定; 前提是,就本定義而言,無論下列各項是否符合會計原則,“流動資產”將不包括公司股東的任何應收賬款。





“目標 淨營運資金金額”是指相當於5,000,000美元的金額。


“交易費用”是指(I)任何目標公司、Pubco、第一合併子公司或第二合併子公司截至交易完成時發生或應付但在交易完成前未支付的所有費用和開支 ,包括由任何目標公司、Pubco、第一合併子公司或第二合併子公司或其代表保留的或代表任何目標公司、Pubco、第一合併子公司或第二合併子公司保留的任何支付給專業人士(包括投資銀行家、經紀商、發現者、律師、會計師和其他顧問和顧問)的任何款項,(Ii)控制權獎金、交易獎金、保留獎金、終止或遣散費,或與終止的期權有關的付款, 認股權證或其他股權增值,影子股權,利潤分享或類似權利,在任何情況下,根據任何協議,在交易結束時或之後,任何目標公司作為一方的任何現任 或前僱員,獨立承包商,董事或任何目標公司的高管 由於執行本協議或完成本協議預期的交易而成為應支付的(包括如果繼續受僱),以及(Iii)任何銷售,使用,真實的 財產轉讓,印花,因交易而向SPAC、Pubco、第一合併子公司、第二合併子公司或任何目標公司徵收的股份轉讓或其他類似轉讓税。


陳述 和保證


商業合併協議包含雙方在該協議日期或其他特定日期作出的多項陳述和保證,僅為商業合併協議的某些當事方的利益,在某些情況下, 受商業合併協議或根據商業合併協議的某些披露時間表提供的特定例外和重要性、重大不利影響(定義如下)、知識和其他限制條件的約束。《企業合併協議》中使用的“重大不利影響”是指對於任何指定的個人或實體,已經或合理地預期對該個人及其子公司的業務、資產、負債、經營結果或狀況(財務或其他方面)產生重大不利影響的任何事實、事件、發生、變化或影響。或該人士或其任何附屬公司是否有能力及時 完成業務合併協議或其作為一方或受其約束的附屬文件所預期的交易,或履行其在該等協議下的義務,但每種情況均須受某些慣常例外情況的規限。對於與交易類似的交易,雙方作出的陳述和保證是慣例。


在《企業合併協議》中,本公司對AIB作出了一些慣常的陳述和保證,其中包括:(1)公司事務,包括正當的組織、存在和良好信譽;(2)與簽署和交付《企業合併協議》和其他附屬文件有關的權威和約束力;(3)資本化;(4)子公司;(Br)(5)政府批准;(6)不違反;(7)財務報表;(8)未發生某些變化;(9)遵守法律; (10)公司許可證;(11)訴訟;(12)重大合同;(13)知識產權;(14)税收和回報;(15)不動產; (16)個人財產;(17)資產的所有權和充分性;(18)員工事項;(19)福利計劃;(20)環境事項; (21)與相關人士的交易;(22)保險;(23)頂級客户和供應商;(24)某些商業慣例;(25)投資 公司法;(26)發現者和經紀人;(27)提供的信息;(28)獨立調查;以及(29)陳述和擔保的排他性。


在《企業合併協議》中,AIB向公司和Pubco作出了一些慣例陳述和保證,其中包括:(1)公司事務,包括正當的組織、存在和良好信譽;(2)與簽署和交付《企業合併協議》和其他附屬文件有關的權威和約束力;(3)政府批准;(4)無違規;(5)資本化;(6)美國證券交易委員會(“美國證券交易委員會”) 備案文件、AIB財務和內部控制;(7)未發生某些變化;(8)遵守法律;(9)行動、命令和許可;(br}(10)税收和回報;(11)僱員和僱員福利計劃;(12)財產;(13)重大合同;(14)與附屬公司的交易;(15)《投資公司法》和《就業法案》;(16)尋找人和經紀人;(17)某些商業慣例;(18)保險;(19)提供的信息;(20)獨立調查;以及(21)信託賬户。













經各方同意,交易結束後,AIB信託賬户中的資金,以及Pubco或AIB從AIB或其代表直接或間接發起的任何管道投資中獲得的任何收益,在計入AIB公眾股東贖回費用後,將首先用於支付(I)AIB在交易結束時應支付的應計交易費用 ,(Ii)AIB欠其保薦人AIB LLC(“保薦人”)的任何貸款,以及(Iii)公司的未付交易費用;但是,如果上述(I)和(Ii)中所述的應付現金總額超過1,500,000美元(該超出部分,即“超額SPAC費用金額”),保薦人將承擔該超額SPAC費用金額的100%,如果保薦人在交易結束時未能支付或以其他方式清償該超額SPAC費用金額(“保薦人缺口”),保薦人將被自動視為不可撤銷地轉移到Pubco ,並且將被視為無償取消該費用。Pubco普通股的數量等於(X)保薦人差額除以 (Y)$10.00。




各方完成交易的義務受到各種條件的制約,包括各方的下列相互條件,除非放棄:(I)企業合併協議和交易及相關事項得到AIB股東的必要投票批准;(Ii)獲得實質性的監管批准;(Iii)沒有法律或命令阻止或禁止交易;(Iv)完成贖回及任何已獲資助的私人投資公共實體(PIPE)融資後,截至收市時有形資產淨值至少為5,000,001美元的AIB;(V)PUBCO股東 修訂PUBCO的組織章程大綱及章程;(Vi)註冊聲明的效力;(Vii)PUBCO收市後董事的委任;及(Viii)已符合納斯達克的上市要求。


此外,除非本公司放棄,否則本公司、Pubco、第一合併子公司和第二合併子公司完成交易的義務除滿足慣例證書和其他結算交付外,還須滿足以下結算條件:(I)AIB的陳述和擔保在交易完成時和截止時真實無誤(受重大不利影響的影響);(Ii)AIB已在所有重大方面履行其義務,並已在所有重大方面遵守其根據業務合併協議須於完成日期或之前履行或遵守的契諾及協議 ;(Iii)自業務合併協議之日起對AIB並無任何重大不利影響,而該協議仍在繼續及尚未完成;及(Iv)本公司及Pubco已收到經正式簽署及經協議其他各方批准的附屬文件。


除非AIB放棄,否則AIB完成交易的義務必須滿足以下成交條件:(I)本公司、Pubco、第一合併子公司和第二合併子公司在成交時和截至成交時的陳述和擔保是真實和正確的(受對目標公司作為整體的重大不利影響的影響);(Ii)本公司、Pubco、第一合併附屬公司及第二合併附屬公司已在各重大方面履行各自的責任,並已在所有重大方面遵守業務合併協議項下各自須於完成日期或之前履行或遵守的契諾及協議;。(Iii)自業務合併協議的日期起,對目標公司(整體而言)並無任何重大不利影響 ,而該等業務合併協議仍在繼續及尚未完成;及(Iv)AIB已收到由協議其他各方妥為簽署及批准的附屬文件。











如果 業務合併協議終止,業務合併協議下各方的所有進一步義務( 與保密、終止效力、費用和開支、信託基金豁免、雜項和上述定義相關的某些義務除外)將終止,業務合併協議的任何一方均不會對任何其他一方承擔任何進一步的責任。


信託 賬户豁免


公司、Pubco、第一次合併子公司和第二次合併子公司已同意,他們及其附屬公司將不會對AIB為其公眾股東持有的信託賬户中的任何資金擁有任何權利、 所有權、利益或任何形式的索賠,並同意 不會並放棄對信託賬户提出任何索賠的任何權利(包括從中的任何分配)。


相關的 協議和文檔




根據《企業合併協議》,PUBCO擬向美國證券交易委員會提交一份採用表格F-4格式的註冊説明書(可經修訂的《註冊説明書》),其中將包括AIB的初步委託書和與擬進行的涉及AIB、PUBCO和PSI的企業合併相關的招股説明書。最終委託書和其他相關文件 將郵寄給AIB的股東,該記錄日期將用於就AIB與PSI擬議的業務合併進行投票。建議AIB的股東和其他相關方閲讀初步委託書及其修正案,以及與AIB為批准業務合併而召開的股東特別會議 徵集委託書有關的最終委託書,因為這些文件將包含有關AIB、PSI、PUBCO和業務合併的重要信息。股東還可以在美國證券交易委員會的官方網站(www.sec.gov)上免費獲取註冊聲明和委託書/招股説明書的副本,或通過聯繫AIB首席執行官Eric Chen聯繫AIB首席執行官Eric Chen,c/o AIB Acquisition Corporation,875Third Avenue,Suite M204A New York,New York 10022,或發送電子郵件至eric.chen@americanintlban.com。




PUBCO、AIB、PSI及其各自的董事和高管可被視為與企業合併相關的向AIB股東徵集委託書的參與者。有關AIB高管和董事的信息 載於AIB於2023年3月29日提交給美國證券交易委員會的Form 10-K年度報告中。有關該等潛在參與者權益的其他信息也將包括在F-4表格的註冊説明書中(並將包含在企業合併的最終委託書/招股説明書中)和提交給美國證券交易委員會的其他相關文件中。







本8-K表格中的當前報告僅供參考,並不構成出售要約或徵求購買任何證券的要約,在根據任何此類司法管轄區的證券法進行登記或獲得資格之前,在任何司法管轄區內也不得進行任何證券出售,在該司法管轄區內,要約、招攬或出售將是非法的。除非通過符合修訂後的1933年證券法第10節要求的招股説明書,否則不得 發行證券。










發信人:   /S/埃裏克 陳
2.1*   姓名:
10.1   埃裏克·陳
10.2   標題:
10.3*   首席執行官
104   Cover Page Interactive Data File (embedded within the Inline XBRL document).


* The exhibits and schedules to this Exhibit have been omitted in accordance with Regulation S-K Item 601(b)(2). The Registrant agrees to furnish supplementally a copy of all omitted exhibits and schedules to the SEC upon its request.





Forward-Looking Statements


The information in this Current Report on Form 8-K includes “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as “estimate,” “plan,” “project,” “forecast,” “intend,” “may,” “will,” “expect,” “continue,” “should,” “would,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “seek,” “target,” “predict,” “potential,” “seem,” “future,” “outlook” or other similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters, but the absence of these words does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding estimates and forecasts of financial metrics and projections of market opportunity; references with respect to the anticipated benefits of the proposed Business Combination and the projected future financial performance of AIB and PSI’s operating companies following the proposed Business Combination; changes in the market for PSI’s products and services and expansion plans and opportunities; PSI’s ability to successfully execute its expansion plans and business initiatives; ability for PSI to raise funds to support its business; the sources and uses of cash of the proposed Business Combination; the anticipated capitalization and enterprise value of the combined company following the consummation of the proposed Business Combination; and expectations related to the terms and timing of the proposed Business Combination. These statements are based on various assumptions, whether or not identified in this Current Report on Form 8-K, and on the current expectations of PSI’s and AIB’s management and are not predictions of actual performance. These forward-looking statements are provided for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to serve as and must not be relied on by any investor as, a guarantee, an assurance, a prediction or a definitive statement of fact or probability. Actual events and circumstances are difficult or impossible to predict and will differ from assumptions. Many actual events and circumstances are beyond the control of PSI and AIB. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstances that could give rise to the termination of the Business Combination Agreement; the risk that the Business Combination disrupts current plans and operations as a result of the announcement and consummation of the transactions described herein; the inability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the Business Combination; the ability to obtain or maintain the listing of the Pubco’s securities on The Nasdaq Stock Market, following the Business Combination, including having the requisite number of shareholders; costs related to the Business Combination; changes in domestic and foreign business, market, financial, political and legal conditions; risks relating to the uncertainty of certain projected financial information with respect to PSI; PSI’s ability to successfully and timely develop and implement its growth strategy; PSI’s ability to adequately manage any logistics and supply chain risks; fluctuations in the price of cargo space and the uncertainties in supply and demand for cargo space; risks relating to PSI’s operations and business, including information technology and cybersecurity risks, failure to adequately forecast supply and demand, loss of key customers and deterioration in relationships between PSI and its employees; PSI’s ability to successfully collaborate with business partners; demand for PSI’s current and future services; risks related to increased competition; risks relating to potential disruption in the transportation and shipping infrastructure, including trade policies and export controls; risks that PSI is unable to secure or protect its intellectual property; risks of regulatory lawsuits relating to PSI’s services; risks that the post-combination company experiences difficulties managing its growth and expanding operations; the uncertain effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and certain geopolitical developments, including the military conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East; the inability of the parties to successfully or timely consummate the proposed Business Combination, including the risk that any required shareholder or regulatory approvals are not obtained, are delayed or are subject to unanticipated conditions that could adversely affect the combined company or the expected benefits of the proposed Business Combination; the outcome of any legal proceedings that may be instituted against PSI, AIB, the Pubco or others following announcement of the proposed Business Combination and transactions contemplated thereby; the ability of PSI to execute its business model, including market acceptance of its existing and planned services; technological improvements by PSI’s peers and competitors; and those risk factors discussed in documents of Pubco and AIB filed, or to be filed, with the SEC. If any of these risks materialize or our assumptions prove incorrect, actual results could differ materially from the results implied by these forward-looking statements. There may be additional risks that neither AIB nor PSI presently know or that AIB and PSI currently believe are immaterial that could also cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. In addition, forward-looking statements reflect AIB’s, the Pubco’s and PSI’s expectations, plans or forecasts of future events and views as of the date of this Current Report on Form 8-K. AIB, the Pubco and PSI anticipate that subsequent events and developments will cause AIB’s, the Pubco’s and PSI’s assessments to change. However, while AIB, the Pubco and PSI may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, AIB, the Pubco and PSI specifically disclaim any obligation to do so. Readers are referred to the most recent reports filed with the SEC by AIB. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made, and we undertake no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.





Additional Information


The Pubco intends to file with the SEC a Registration Statement on Form F-4 (as may be amended, the “Registration Statement”), which will include a preliminary proxy statement of AIB and a prospectus in connection with the proposed Business Combination involving AIB, the Pubco, and PSI, pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement. The definitive proxy statement and other relevant documents will be mailed to shareholders of AIB as of a record date to be established for voting on AIB’s proposed Business Combination with PSI. SHAREHOLDERS OF AIB AND OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES ARE URGED TO READ, WHEN AVAILABLE, THE PRELIMINARY PROXY STATEMENT, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, AND THE DEFINITIVE PROXY STATEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH AIB’S SOLICITATION OF PROXIES FOR THE SPECIAL MEETING OF ITS SHAREHOLDERS TO BE HELD TO APPROVE THE BUSINESS COMBINATION BECAUSE THESE DOCUMENTS WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT AIB, PSI, PUBCO AND THE BUSINESS COMBINATION. Shareholders will also be able to obtain copies of the Registration Statement and the proxy statement/prospectus, without charge, once available, on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov or by directing a request to AIB by contacting its Chief Executive Officer, Eric Chen, c/o AIB Acquisition Corporation, 875 Third Avenue, Suite M204A New York, New York 10022 at (212) 380-8128 or at eric.chen@americanintlbank.com.


Participants in The Solicitation


The Pubco, AIB, PSI, and their respective directors and executive officers may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from the shareholders of AIB in connection with the Business Combination. Information regarding the officers and directors of AIB is set forth in AIB’s Annual Report on Form 10-K, which was filed with the SEC on March 29, 2023. Additional information regarding the interests of such potential participants will also be included in the Registration Statement on Form F-4 (and will be included in the definitive proxy statement/prospectus for the Business Combination) and other relevant documents filed with the SEC.


No Offer or Solicitation


This Current Report on Form 8-K is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, nor shall there be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which the offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to the registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. No offering of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of Section 10 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. 







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.


  AIB Acquisition Corporation
Date: January 3, 2024 By: /s/ Eric Chen
  Name: Eric Chen
  Title: Chief Executive Officer