


我們經營一座位於阿拉戈斯工廠的鹽礦,直至2019年5月,如我們年報的“項目4.本公司-可報告部門--我們巴西部門的原材料-鹽”中所述。該礦使用井系統提鹽,沒有任何工人 暴露在礦井內部。由於該礦位於巴西,因此它不受《1977年聯邦礦山安全與健康法》或《礦產法》下的《礦山安全與健康管理局》(MSHA)的監管,我們的採礦作業也不受該法規的約束。此外,在2023財年,我們的採礦作業均未收到來自MSHA的書面通知,涉及(I)違反《礦業法》第104條或礦山經營者不遵守《礦業法》第104(D)條;(Ii)公然違反《礦業法》第110(B)(2)條;(Iii)根據《礦業法》第107(A)條發出迫在眉睫的危險命令;(Iv)根據採礦法進行的擬議評估或(V)違反強制性健康或安全標準的行為模式,而違反行為的性質可能導致礦業法第104(E)條規定的礦山健康或安全危害的前因後果,或有可能出現此類模式。

在2023財年,我們沒有發生任何與採礦有關的事故,也沒有涉及聯邦礦山安全與健康審查委員會 涉及我們的礦山或採礦作業的任何懸而未決的法律訴訟。

Braskem’s mining operations in the State of Alagoas held an environmental license issued by the State’s environmental protection agency valid through March 31, 2022, and are grounded in mining law formalized by the Mining Concession awarded by the Federal Government of Brazil. In view of the summarized report issued by the Mineral Resources Research Company (CPRM), an agency of the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy, on May 8, 2019, we voluntarily suspended the salt extraction activities at the wells that were the object of the environmental licenses on such date. On May 9, 2019, we received two separate orders to cease operations issued by the Institute for the Environment of the State of Alagoas (IMA), a state-level environmental regulatory agency, and the National Mining Agency (ANM), the Brazilian federal regulatory and oversight agency for mining activities, both of which we complied with.