附錄 99.4


19575 網易 VIF Proof 2 網易公司年度股東大會 日期:2022年6月16日見反面投票説明。 請這樣打分:x 僅使用鋼筆 在您的投票指示表上標記、簽名並註明日期。 分開您的投票説明表。 使用提供的 已付郵資信封退回您的投票説明表。 MAIL 請在穿孔處小心分開,只將這部分放在提供的信封中退回。 __________________________________________________ 請在此處簽名請上方日期 ____________________________________________________________________ 請在此處簽名請在 上方簽名-此部分必須完成 才能執行您的指令。 網易公司 年度股東大會將於2022年6月16日舉行。對於截至2022年5月17日的持有人,所有選票必須在紐約時間2022年6月8日下午5點之前收到。 網易2021年年度報告的副本可在以下網址獲得:http://ir.netease.com。如果您希望收到 網易2021年年度報告的紙質或電子郵件副本,可以發送電子郵件至 ir@service.netease.com 索取副本。 版權所有 © 2022 Mediant Communications Inc. 版權所有 活動編號 客户端 # 代理列表為 網易公司製表器 郵政信箱 8016 北卡羅來納州 CARY 27512-9903 名董事 建議 反對棄權 第 1 號提案:再次選舉以下董事 在下一次年度股東大會及其繼任者 當選並獲得正式資格,或者直到這些董事 提前死亡、破產、精神錯亂為止,辭職或 免職: 1a William Lei Ding 1b Alice Yu-Fen Cheng 1c Joseph Ze Kay Tong 1d Lun Feng 1e 樑文傑 第 2 號提案:批准 普華永道的任命中天律師事務所和 普華永道會計師事務所作為網易公司 截至2022年12月31日的財政年度的審計師,分別負責美國 財務報告和香港財務報告 。


19575 NetEase VIF Proof 2 NETEASE, INC. (the “Company”) Instructions to The Bank of New York Mellon, as Depositary (Must be received prior to 5:00 PM (New York Time) on June 8, 2022) The undersigned registered holder of American Depositary Receipts hereby requests and instructs The Bank of New York Mellon, as Depositary, to endeavor, in so far as practicable, to vote or cause to be voted the amount of shares or other deposited securities represented by such receipt(s) of NetEase, Inc. registered in the name of the undersigned on the books of the Depositary as of the close of business on May 17, 2022 at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of NetEase, Inc. to be held at 10:00 a.m. on June 16, 2022 at the Company’s offices located at No. 399 Wangshang Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, People’s Republic of China 310052, in respect of the resolutions specified on the reverse. NOTE: 1. Please direct the Depositary how it is to vote by marking X in the appropriate box opposite the resolution. It is understood that if this form is signed and returned but no instructions are indicated in the boxes, then a discretionary proxy will be given to a person designated by the Company. 2. It is understood that if this form is not signed and returned, the Depositary will deem such holder to have instructed the Depositary to give a discretionary proxy to a person designated by the Company. PROXY TABULATOR FOR NETEASE , INC. P.O. Box 8016 CARY, NC 27512-9903