附件 4.5



每個 單位的發行價為10.00美元,由一股普通股和一股權利組成。每項權利使持有人獲得一股普通股的十分之一 (1/10)。根據我們的首次公開發行,權利持有人只能行使其權利的整數 普通股。因此,持有人必須有10個權利獲得一股普通股。

普通股和組成單位的權利於2023年1月25日開始單獨交易。持有人將需要讓他們的經紀人聯繫 我們的轉讓代理,以便將單位分成普通股和權利。

私募 私募中售出的單位

除 某些有限的例外情況外,私人單位在我們最初的業務合併完成之前不可轉讓、轉讓或出售。否則,私人單位的條款及條文與我們首次公開發售時出售的單位相同。 私人單位的價格是在我們的初始股東與承銷商就我們的首次公開發行進行協商時確定的, 該等私人單位的價格是參考初始股東就特殊目的收購公司( 最近完成了首次公開發行)的該等私人單位支付的價格。


我們 目前有9,180,500股普通股將發行在外,包括:

6,900,000 公共單位的普通股;
430,500 私人單位的普通股;
1,725,000 我們最初股東持有的普通股股份;以及
125,000 EBC持有的普通股。

記錄在案的普通股股東有權就股東表決的所有事項對持有的每一股持有一票。除非 我們經修訂和重述的組織章程大綱和章程細則另有規定,或公司法的適用條款或 適用的證券交易規則要求,否則,通過我們股東投票表決的任何此類事項, 需要我們的大多數普通股的贊成票。某些行動的批准將需要一個特別決議,這是通過我們三分之二的普通股的贊成票 。我們的董事會將分為三個級別,每個級別的任期一般為三年,每年只選舉一個級別的董事。 董事選舉不存在累積投票,因此投票支持董事選舉的50%以上股份持有人可以 選舉所有董事。我們的股東有權在董事會宣佈 從合法可用的資金中獲得應課差餉股息。

由於 我們修改和重述的組織章程和章程授權發行最多200,000,000股普通股, 如果我們要進行業務合併,我們可能(取決於此類企業合併的條款)被要求 增加我們被授權發行的普通股的數量,同時我們的股東投票 我們就業務合併尋求股東批准的業務合併。

根據納斯達克公司治理要求,我們在納斯達克上市後的第一個財政年度結束後的一年內,才需要召開年度會議 。公司法沒有要求我們召開年度 股東大會任命董事。在我們召開年度股東大會之前,公眾股東可能沒有機會 與管理層討論公司事務。我們的董事會分為三個級別,每年只有一個級別的董事被任命,每個級別的董事(在我們第一次股東周年大會之前被任命的董事除外)任期為三年。此外,作為我們普通股的持有人,我們的公眾股東在完成最初的業務合併之前,將無權就董事的任命進行投票 。此外,在我們的首次業務合併之前,只有我們創始人股份的持有人 才有權就董事的任命進行投票,包括與完成我們的首次業務合併有關的任命。因此,在完成初始 業務合併之前,您可能對我們公司的管理沒有任何發言權。

We will provide our public shareholders with the opportunity to redeem all or a portion of their public shares upon the completion of our initial business combination at a per-share price, payable in cash, equal to the aggregate amount then on deposit in the trust account as of two business days prior to the consummation of our initial business combination including interest earned on the funds held in the trust account and not previously released to us to pay our taxes, divided by the number of then outstanding public shares, subject to the limitations described herein. The amount in the trust account is initially anticipated to be approximately $10.20 per public share. Our initial shareholders have entered into a letter agreement with us, pursuant to which they have agreed to waive their redemption rights with respect to any founder shares, private shares and any public shares held by them in connection with the completion of our business combination. Unlike many blank check companies that hold shareholder votes and conduct proxy solicitations in conjunction with their initial business combinations and provide for related redemptions of public shares for cash upon completion of such initial business combinations even when a vote is not required by law, if a shareholder vote is not required by law and we do not decide to hold a shareholder vote for business or other legal reasons, we will, pursuant to our amended and restated memorandum and articles of association, conduct the redemptions pursuant to the tender offer rules of the SEC, and file tender offer documents with the SEC prior to completing our initial business combination. Our amended and restated memorandum and articles of association will require these tender offer documents to contain substantially the same financial and other information about the initial business combination and the redemption rights as is required under the SEC’s proxy rules. If, however, shareholder approval of the transaction is required by law, or we decide to obtain shareholder approval for business or other legal reasons, we will, like many blank check companies, offer to redeem shares in conjunction with a proxy solicitation pursuant to the proxy rules and not pursuant to the tender offer rules. If we seek shareholder approval, we will complete our initial business combination only if a majority of the outstanding common stock voted are voted in favor of the business combination. A quorum for such meeting will consist of the holders present in person or by proxy of outstanding share of the company representing a majority of the voting power of all outstanding shares of the company entitled to vote at such meeting. However, the participation of our initial shareholders or their affiliates in privately-negotiated transactions (as described in this Form 10-K), if any, could result in the approval of our business combination even if a majority of our public shareholders vote, or indicate their intention to vote, against such business combination. For purposes of seeking approval of the majority of our outstanding common stock voted, non-votes will have no effect on the approval of our business combination once a quorum is obtained. We intend to give approximately 30 days (but not less than 10 days nor more than 60 days) prior written notice of any such meeting, if required, at which a vote shall be taken to approve our business combination. These quorum and voting thresholds, and the voting agreements of our initial shareholders, may make it more likely that we will consummate our initial business combination.

If we seek shareholder approval of our initial business combination and we do not conduct redemptions in connection with our business combination pursuant to the tender offer rules, our amended and restated memorandum and articles of association will provide that a public shareholder, together with any affiliate of such shareholder or any other person with whom such shareholder is acting in concert or as a “group” (as defined under Section 13 of the Exchange Act), will be restricted from redeeming its shares with respect to more than an aggregate of 15% of the common stock sold in our Initial Public Offering, which we refer to as the Excess Shares. However, we would not be restricting our shareholders’ ability to vote all of their shares (including Excess Shares) for or against our business combination. Our shareholders’ inability to redeem the Excess Shares will reduce their influence over our ability to complete our business combination, and such shareholders could suffer a material loss in their investment if they sell such Excess Shares on the open market. Additionally, such shareholders will not receive redemption distributions with respect to the Excess Shares if we complete the business combination. And, as a result, such shareholders will continue to hold that number of shares exceeding 15% and, in order to dispose such shares would be required to sell their share in open market transactions, potentially at a loss.

如果 我們尋求股東批准我們的業務合併,我們的初始股東已同意投票支持我們的初始業務合併 他們的創始人 股票和非公開發行股票以及在我們首次公開募股期間或之後購買的任何公開股票。因此,除了我們最初股東的創始人股票,我們需要在我們首次公開募股中出售的6,900,000股公開股票中有1,811,048股,或31.5%,才能投票支持初始業務合併,才能批准我們的初始業務合併(假設所有流通股都已投票)或(Ii)130,812,或在我們的首次公開募股和EBC方正股份中出售的6,900,000股公開股票中的1.9%,以投票支持初始業務合併,以使我們的初始業務合併獲得批准(假設只有代表法定人數的最低數量的股份進行投票)。此外,每個公開股東可選擇贖回其公開股份,無論其投票贊成或反對擬議的交易(受 上一段所述限制的約束)。

根據我們修訂和重述的組織章程大綱和章程細則,如果我們無法在首次公開募股結束後12個月 內(或根據保薦人的選擇,最多18個月,如本表格10-K所述)完成我們的業務合併,我們將(I)停止除清盤目的外的所有業務,(Ii)在合理可能的範圍內儘快但在此後不超過 個工作日,按每股價格贖回公開發行的股票,以現金支付 ,等於當時存入信託賬户的總金額,包括從信託賬户中持有的資金賺取的利息(減去最多100,000美元用於支付解散費用的利息),除以 當時已發行的公眾股票數量,根據適用的法律,贖回將完全消除公眾股東作為股東的權利 (包括獲得進一步清算分配的權利,如果有),以及(Iii)在贖回之後儘可能合理地 ,取決於我們其餘股東和我們董事會的批准,解散和清算, 在每種情況下,均須遵守我們根據開曼羣島法律規定的義務,以規定債權人的債權和其他適用法律的要求。我們的初始股東已同意,如果我們未能在首次公開募股結束後12個月內(或保薦人選擇最多18個月,如本表格10-K所述)內完成我們的業務合併,我們的初始股東將放棄從信託賬户中清算與他們持有的任何 創始人股票和私人股票有關的分配的權利。

如果 我們預計我們可能無法在12個月內完成初始業務合併,如果我們的發起人要求,我們可以通過董事會的決議 將完成初始業務合併的時間延長至 兩次,每次延長三個月(自我們首次公開募股結束後總共長達18個月),前提是 ,根據本公司修訂和重述的公司章程大綱和章程以及本公司與大陸股票轉讓公司(Continental Stock Transfer &)簽訂的信託協議的條款,信託公司於2022年12月19日,為了延長我們完成 首次業務合併的可用時間,我們的發起人或其關聯公司或指定人,在 適用截止日期之前提前五天通知後,必須向信託賬户存入690,000美元每次延期(或每股0.10美元),最多延期兩次 三個月,在適用截止日期當日或之前。我們的公眾股東將無權就任何此類延期投票或贖回其股份。

In the event that our sponsor elects to extend the time to complete a business combination, pay the additional amounts per each extension, and deposit the applicable amount of money into trust, our sponsor will receive a non-interest bearing, unsecured promissory note equal to the amount of any such deposit and payment that will not be repaid in the event that we are unable to close a business combination unless there are funds available outside the trust account to do so. In the event that we receive notice from our sponsor five days prior to the applicable deadline of their intent to effect an extension, we intend to issue a press release announcing such intention at least three days prior to the applicable deadline. In addition, we intend to issue a press release the day after the applicable deadline announcing whether or not the funds had been timely deposited. Our sponsor and its affiliates or designees are not obligated to fund the trust account to extend the time for us to complete our initial business combination. If we are unable to consummate our initial business combination within such time period, we will, as promptly as possible but not more than 10 business days thereafter, redeem 100% of our outstanding public shares for a pro rata portion of the funds held in the trust account, including a pro rata portion of any interest earned on the funds held in the trust account and not previously released to us to pay our taxes, and then seek to dissolve and liquidate. However, we may not be able to distribute such amounts as a result of claims of creditors which may take priority over the claims of our public shareholders. In the event of our dissolution and liquidation, the private units (and their underlying securities) will expire and be worthless.

如果 我們的初始股東在我們的首次公開發行期間或之後獲得了公眾股份,如果我們未能在規定的時間 內完成業務合併,他們將有權從信託賬户中獲得有關該公眾股份的分配 。

如果 在企業合併後公司發生清算、解散或清盤,我們的股東有權 在償還債務後以及為每種 優先於普通股的股份(如有)計提準備後,按比例分配給他們的所有資產。我們的股東並無優先購買權或其他認購權。 沒有適用於普通股的償債基金條款,但我們將向公眾股東提供 機會,在我們的首次業務合併完成後,將其公眾股份贖回為相當於其按比例存入信託賬户的總額中的現金 ,但須遵守此處所述的限制。


Except as described below, the founder shares, EBC founder shares and private shares underlying the private units are identical to the common stock included in the public units, and holders of founder shares, EBC founder shares, and private shares have the same shareholder rights as public shareholders, except that (i) the founder shares and private shares are subject to certain transfer restrictions, as described in more detail below; (ii) our initial shareholders have entered into a letter agreement with us, pursuant to which they have agreed (A) to waive their redemption rights with respect to any founder shares, private shares and any public shares held by them in connection with the completion of our initial business combination, (B) to waive their redemption rights with respect to their founder shares, private shares and public shares in connection with a shareholder vote to approve an amendment to our amended and restated memorandum and articles of association to (a) modify the substance or timing of our obligation to provide for the redemption of our public shares in connection with an initial business combination or to redeem 100% of our public shares if we do not complete our initial business combination within 12 months from the closing of our Initial Public Offering (or up to 18 months, if we extend the time to complete a business combination as described in this Form 10-K) or (b) with respect to any other material provisions relating to shareholders’ rights or pre-initial business combination activity, and (C) to waive their rights to liquidating distributions from the trust account with respect to any founder shares held by them if we fail to complete our initial business combination within 12 months from the closing of our Initial Public Offering (or up to 18 months, if we extend the time to complete a business combination as described in this Form 10-K), although they will be entitled to liquidating distributions from the trust account with respect to any public shares they hold if we fail to complete our initial business combination within such time period; and (iii) the founder shares, EBC founder shares and private shares are entitled to registration rights. If we submit our initial business combination to our public shareholders for a vote, our initial shareholders have agreed (and their permitted transferees will agree) pursuant to the letter agreement to vote any founder shares and private shares held by them and any public shares purchased during or after our Initial Public Offering (including in open market and privately-negotiated transactions) in favor of our initial business combination.

On December 22, 2022, the founder shares were placed into an escrow account maintained by Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company acting as escrow agent. The founder shares will not, subject to certain exceptions, be transferred, assigned, sold or released from escrow until six months after the date of the consummation of our initial business combination, or earlier, if, subsequent to our initial business combination, we consummate a subsequent liquidation, merger, stock exchange or other similar transaction which results in all of our shareholders having the right to exchange their shares for cash, securities or other property, except in each case (a) to our officers or directors, any affiliates or family members of any of our officers or directors, any members of our initial shareholders, or any affiliate of our initial shareholders; (b) in the case of an individual, by gift to a member of the individual’s immediate family, to a trust, the beneficiary of which is a member of the individual’s immediate family or an affiliate of such person, or to a charitable organization; (c) in the case of an individual, by virtue of laws of descent and distribution upon death of the individual; (d) in the case of an individual, pursuant to a qualified domestic relations order; (e) by private sales or transfers made in connection with the consummation of a business combination at prices no greater than the price at which the securities were originally purchased; (f) by virtue of the laws of the Cayman Islands or the memorandum and articles of association of our sponsor upon dissolution of our sponsor; (g) in the event of the company’s liquidation prior to the completion of a business combination; (h) to the Company for no value for cancellation in connection with the consummation of our initial business combination; or (i) in the event of our completion of a liquidation, merger, share exchange or other similar transaction which results in all of our shareholders having the right to exchange their common stock for cash, securities or other property subsequent to our completion of our initial business combination; provided, however, that in the case of clauses (a) through (f) these permitted transferees must enter into a written agreement agreeing to be bound by these transfer restrictions and the other restrictions contained in the letter agreements.

私人單位(包括基礎證券)與我們首次 公開發行中出售的單位(包括基礎證券)相同,但有限的例外情況除外。AlphaVest Holding LP和EBC已同意,在 完成我們的首次業務合併之前,不轉讓、轉讓或出售任何私人 單位或相關證券(轉讓給與創始人股份相同的許可受讓人,且受讓人同意 創始人股份的許可受讓人必須同意的相同條款和限制,每個條款和限制均如本文所述)。

2022年7月11日, 公司向EBC發行了125,000股EBC創始人股票,總收購價為1,750美元。在 首次業務合併完成之前,EBC創始人股份 不得轉讓、轉讓或出售(轉讓給與創始人股份相同的許可受讓人,且轉讓人同意 創始人股份的許可受讓人必須同意的相同條款和限制,每個條款和限制均如本文所述)。



任何人不再是成員的 日期。

根據 開曼羣島法律,本公司的股東登記冊是其中所列事項的初步證據(即,股東名冊 將提出關於上述事項的事實推定,除非被駁回),且根據開曼羣島法律,在股東名冊 中登記的股東將被視為對股東名冊 中其名稱所列股份擁有法定所有權。登記於股東名冊之股東將被視為擁有其姓名旁之股份之法定所有權。 然而,在某些有限的情況下,可以向開曼羣島法院提出申請,以確定 成員登記冊是否反映了正確的法律地位。此外,如果開曼羣島法院認為成員登記冊未反映正確的法律立場 ,則有權下令更正公司保存的成員登記冊。如果就我們的普通股提出了要求更正股東登記冊的申請,那麼 該等股份的有效性可能會受到開曼羣島法院的複審。

優先股 股

我們的 修訂和重述的組織章程大綱和細則規定,優先股可以不時以一個或 多個系列發行。我們的董事會將被授權確定適用於每個系列股票 的投票權(如有)、指定、權力、優先權、相關、 參與權、選擇權或其他特殊權利及其任何資格、限制和限制。我們的董事會將能夠在未經股東批准的情況下發行具有投票權和其他權利的優先股 ,這可能對普通股持有人的投票權和其他權利產生不利影響,並可能產生反收購效果。 我們的董事會在未經股東批准的情況下發行優先股的能力可能會導致延遲、推遲 或阻止我們控制權的變更或現有管理層的免職。於本報告日期,吾等並無發行在外之優先股。 雖然我們目前不打算髮行任何優先股,但我們不能向您保證我們將來不會這樣做。當前沒有優先股



Except in cases where we are not the surviving company in a business combination, each holder of a right will automatically receive one-tenth (1/10) of one share of common stock upon consummation of our initial business combination, even if the holder of a public right converted all common stock held by him, her or it in connection with the initial business combination or an amendment to our amended and restated memorandum and articles of association with respect to our pre-initial business combination activities. In the event we will not be the surviving company upon completion of our initial business combination, each holder of a right will be required to affirmatively convert his, her or its rights in order to receive the one-tenth (1/10) of one share of common stock underlying each right upon consummation of the business combination. No additional consideration will be required to be paid by a holder of rights in order to receive his, her or its additional common stock upon consummation of an initial business combination. The common stock issuable upon conversion of the rights will be freely tradable (except to the extent held by affiliates of ours). If we enter into a definitive agreement for a business combination in which we will not be the surviving entity, the definitive agreement will provide for the holders of rights to receive the same consideration per share of common stock the holders of the common stock will receive in the transaction on an as-converted into common stock basis.

我們 不會發行與權利交換有關的零碎普通股。分數份額將向下舍入至 最接近的整數份額。因此,您必須持有10的倍數的權利,才能在企業合併結束時獲得所有權利的普通股 。如果我們無法在規定的時間內完成初始業務合併 ,並且我們清算信託賬户中持有的資金,則權利持有人將不會收到與其權利相關的任何此類資金, 他們也不會從我們在信託賬户以外持有的與此類權利相關的資產中獲得任何分配,並且這些權利 到期時將毫無價值。此外,在完成初始業務合併時,未向權利持有人交付證券,不存在合同處罰。此外,在任何情況下,我們均無需以淨額現金結算權利。因此, 這些權利可能會過期而毫無價值。



The private rights (including the common stock issuable upon conversion of the rights) will not be transferable, assignable, or salable until the completion of our initial business combination (except as described in this Form 10-K).