

EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, with an effective date (“Effective Date”) of October 1, 2023 (the “Agreement”), is by and between Cycurion, Inc. (the “Company”), and Jeffrey T. Hunter (the “Executive”). The Company and Executive are referred to each individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.” RECITALS WHEREAS, the Company desires to employ the Executive on the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the Executive desires to be employed by the Company on such terms and conditions; and WHEREAS, the Company and its affiliates provide cybersecurity services (“Company Products and Services”); and WHEREAS, the Company has developed and will develop relationships with Customers and Prospective Customers, as well as a reputation in the cybersecurity industry, which are and will become of great importance and value to the Company in connection with its business of selling, marketing, and providing the Company Products and Services on behalf of its Customers (“Business”), and the loss of or injury to the Business will result in substantial and irreparable damage to the Company; and WHEREAS, in the course of Executive’s employment by the Company, Executive may receive, be taught or otherwise have access to items and information associated with the Business such as sales, purchasing, transportation, documentation, marketing and trading techniques, information and materials, customer and supplier lists or information, correspondence, records, financial information, pricing information, computer systems, computer software applications, business plans and other information which is confidential and proprietary; and WHEREAS, the Company has acquired and/or developed certain trade secrets and Confidential Information, as more fully described below, and has expended significant time and expense in acquiring or developing its trade secret or Confidential Information; and expends significant time and expense on an ongoing basis in supporting its employees, including Executive; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and agreements contained herein, and for such good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the Company and Executive do hereby agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. Adoption of Recitals. The Company and Executive hereto adopt the above recitals as being true and correct. DocuSign Envelope ID: DF28E932-560E-446A-9C4A-D37665CBD65D


2.聘用期。高級管理人員應受聘於本公司,任期兩年,自2023年10月1日起至2025年9月30日止(“聘用期”)。就下文第5節而言,不續簽本協議並不構成終止本協議項下的執行。本協議將自動續簽一年,除非 公司在上述僱傭期限結束前至少六十(60)天向高管發出書面不續簽通知。 3.職位和職責。 1.(A)高管應擔任公司的總裁兼首席運營官,並應 履行行政和行政職責、職能、首席運營官的職責和特權,以及公司(“董事會”)首席執行官或董事會(“董事會”)不時合理確定的其他職責。 2.(B)高管將向首席執行官(CEO)報告,除非CEO缺席,否則高管將向董事會報告。 3.(C)高管同意忠實、盡責並盡其所能為公司服務,並將其所有營業時間投入本公司(如董事會要求,亦包括本公司任何附屬公司或聯營公司)的業務及事務,以促進本公司及(如適用)本公司任何附屬公司或聯營公司的利潤、利益及優勢。高級管理人員應履行其忠誠、忠誠和忠誠的職責,始終以公司的最佳利益行事,不得做出任何損害公司業務、利益或聲譽的行為。經理的僱用須遵守公司所有可能不時修訂的政策。 4.(D)在經理受僱期間,其主要受僱地點應為弗吉尼亞州22102麥克萊恩老草甸路1749號Suite500。此外,這位高管還將在其 家庭辦公室工作。此外,行政人員承認,作為本協議規定的職責的一部分,可能需要大量的國內和國際旅行;行政人員同意承擔公司業務可能不時合理需要的旅行。 4.薪酬 1.(A)基本工資。在受僱期間,本公司應每年向高管支付175,000美元的年度基本工資 (“基本工資”),並根據公司 工資表支付,但須遵守任何適用的税收和工資扣減;然而,當公司 受經修訂的1934年證券交易法第13(A)條或第15(D)條約束(無論是否根據擬議的與西部收購風險公司的業務合併)時,高管基本工資 應增加至每年250,000美元。加薪將在年度績效考核後考慮。 高管將向公司領先的獨立董事提交一份針對第一年目標的績效自我評估,並提出下一年的方向性目標。此外,該公司將於2023年10月15日、2023年11月15日和2023年12月15日支付三(3)筆總額為24,305美元的款項,用於支付2023年5月至2023年9月期間提供的先前服務。 2.(B)股權補償。在受僱期間,公司應在受僱第一年向高管支付 100000美元的公司股票薪酬,按季度支付。 績效自我評估年度審查後將考慮增加股權薪酬。 在聘用期內,公司應根據現有的高管和董事股票激勵計劃,向高管支付 美元的公司股票股權薪酬獎勵, 自本協議之日起三(3)年內,每年平均授予此類股票,並 DocuSign信封ID:DF28E932-560E-446A-9C4A-D37665CBD65D


如果公司仍以總裁的身份聘用高管,且首席運營官符合年度績效考核標準。 3.(C)績效獎金。在聘用期內,高管有權獲得如下所述的年度獎金:高管有資格根據高管產生的業績和通過公司獲得的績效獎金 。第一年的目標績效為100,000美元,隨後幾年的績效獎金將根據未來的財務和非財務結果 增加。 4.(D)其他福利。在任職期間,高管有權參加由公司實施的員工福利計劃、計劃或安排(統稱為“計劃”),以及公司其他員工可獲得的福利計劃、計劃或安排,如醫療、視力、牙科、短期殘疾、長期殘疾和人壽保險。本公司有權根據本協議的規定,隨時以其獨有的酌情權修改和修訂提供給其高管(包括高管)的福利。 在聘用期內,公司同意根據公司當時對高級管理人員有效的政策和程序,管理人員有權 享受帶薪假期(“PTO”)。根據公司當時對其高級管理人員有效的政策,高管還應有權享受帶薪聯邦假期和授權休假(帶薪和無薪)。在任何時候, 無論出於何種原因,執行人員對PTO的使用都應與適用的工作場所政策保持一致。在高管向公司提交公司可能要求的不超過年度預算批准金額的書面證據後,公司應直接支付或補償高管因執行本協議項下的高管職責而發生的合理、慣例和必要的業務相關費用。除差旅和會議外的業務費用 需要事先得到董事會主席的批准。任何關於費用報銷資格的爭議應由公司自行決定。 7.(G)追回條款。 (I)儘管本協議中有任何其他相反的規定,根據本協議或根據任何法律、政府法規或證券交易所要求,支付給高管的任何基於激勵的或其他補償或其他協議或安排, 根據任何法律、政府法規或證券交易所的要求,將受到可能要求的追回、扣減和追回的約束。政府法規、政府規章或證券交易所要求(或公司依據任何此類法律、政府規章或證券交易所規定採取的任何政策)。 (Ii)此外,即使本協議中有任何其他相反的規定,本公司仍可撤銷行使和/或歸屬任何股權以及在行使或歸屬時交付公司普通股(“股份”),前提是標的權益(包括但不限於股票期權、限制性股票)、根據上文第4(H)(I)節的規定,該等股份的股份(包括受限制的股份單位)須予以退還。就本第4(H)條而言,“股份”一詞應包括但不限於高管因股票拆分或其他類似交易而從此類股權所涵蓋的股份中獲得的任何股份或其他財產。 如果發生任何此類追回,高管應立即將行使或授予高管股權時收到的股份返還給公司,或者,如果高管不再擁有這些股份,行政人員應向本公司支付因出售或以其他方式處置股份而實現或收到的任何收益或付款的金額(或,如果行政人員以贈與或其他方式轉讓股份而沒有對價,則支付 股份在違約或活動或行為發生之日的公平市值),淨額為 行政人員最初為股份支付的價格。付款應按公司要求的方式及條款和條件進行。公司有權從任何此類付款的金額中抵銷公司以其他方式欠高管的任何金額。 DocuSign信封ID:DF28E932-560E-446A-9C4A-D37665CBD65D


5. Termination. 1. (a) Termination upon Death. The Executive’s employment hereunder shall terminate upon the death of the Executive; provided, however, that, for purposes of this Agreement, the Date of Termination based upon the death of the Executive shall be deemed to have occurred on the last day of the month in which the death of the Executive shall have occurred. 2. (b) Termination upon Disability. If the Executive is unable to perform the essential functions of his position, with or without reasonable accommodation, for an aggregate period in excess of ninety (90) days during the previous twelve (12) months, due to a physical or mental illness, disability or condition, the Company may terminate the Executive’s employment hereunder at the end of any calendar month by giving written Notice of Termination to the Executive. Any questions as to the existence, extent or potentiality of illness or incapacity of the Executive upon which the Company and the Executive cannot agree shall be determined by a qualified independent physician mutually selected by the Parties. The determination of such physician certified in writing to the Company and to the Executive shall be final and conclusive for all purposes of this Agreement. This Subsection 5(b) of this Agreement is intended to be interpreted and applied consistent with any laws, statutes, regulations, and ordinances prohibiting discrimination, harassment and/or retaliation on the basis of a disability. 3. (c) Termination for Cause. During the Employment Period, the Company may terminate the Executive for Cause, by giving written Notice of Termination to Executive. The Date of Termination shall be specified in the Notice of Termination. For purposes hereof, “Cause” shall mean: (i) the Executive’s failure to materially perform and discharge the duties and responsibilities of the Executive under this Agreement, including, but not limited to Section 9 below; or (ii) any breach by the Executive of the provisions of Sections 6, and/or 8 hereof; or (iii) felony conviction involving the personal dishonesty or moral turpitude of the Executive; or (iv) engagement in illegal drug use or alcohol abuse which prevents the Executive from performing his duties in any manner; or (v) any misappropriation, embezzlement or conversion of the Company’s or any of its parent’s, subsidiary’s or affiliate’s property by the Executive; or (vi) willful misconduct or intentional breach of fiduciary duty by the Executive in respect of the duties or obligations of the Executive under this Agreement; or (vii) the Executive’s failure to materially perform and discharge the duties and responsibilities of the Executive with respect to goals or objectives periodically provided to the Executive by the Company. With regard to Subsections 5(c)(i), 5(c)(ii) and 5(c)(vii), “Cause” shall not have deemed to have occurred unless the Company provides written notice to the Executive of the condition constituting “Cause” (“Notice of Material Breach”) within thirty (30) days of the initial existence of the condition (or its discovery), and, allowing the Executive thirty (30) days to cure such failures, if so curable (provided, however, that after one such notice has been given to the Executive during the Employment Period, the Company is no longer required to provide time to cure subsequent failures of the same nature and of similar import with regard to the specific duty and responsibility Executive has failed to perform). Notice of Material Breach under Subsection 5(c)(i) must specify the following: (x) each and every material breach by the Executive, and (y) the factual basis for the Company’s claim that the Executive materially breached this Agreement, including when the breach occurred, how it occurred, who was involved, what happened, and why it constitutes a breach. Notice of the Material Breach and/or Notice of the Date of Termination shall be provided as defined in Section 7 below. 4. (d) Termination by the Company without Cause. Except as set forth in Section 5(c) hereof, the Company may terminate this Agreement at any time by providing a Notice of Termination which includes a Date of Termination at least thirty (30) days after delivery of the Notice of Termination. 5. (e) Termination by the Executive other than for Good Reason. The Executive may terminate this Agreement by delivering a Notice of Termination to the Company. The Date of Termination shall be specified DocuSign Envelope ID: DF28E932-560E-446A-9C4A-D37665CBD65D


但終止日期不得早於終止通知送達後六十(Br)(60)個歷日。(F)執行人有充分理由終止。行政人員可通過向公司遞交終止通知,説明終止日期,並提供完整的事實依據,使行政人員相信他有“充分理由”終止本協議,以終止本協議。 在以下情況下,“充分理由”應視為存在:(I)行政人員的職責大幅減少;或 (Ii)公司故意實質性違反本協議,但除非執行人員在條件最初存在的十五(15)天內向公司提供書面通知,説明構成“好的理由”的條件 ,且公司在收到該書面通知之日起三十(30)天內未糾正該情況,否則“好的理由”不會被視為已經發生。根據本款第(5)(F)款終止的高管應在該三十(30)天后生效。對於本公司實質性違反本協議的索賠,通知必須具體説明以下內容:(X)本公司的每一次重大違約, 和(Y)高管聲稱本公司實質性違反本協議的事實依據 ,包括違約發生的時間、發生的方式、涉及的人、發生的事情以及構成違約的原因。應提供重大違約通知和/或終止日期通知, 如下文第7節所定義。 7.(G)與控制變更相關的終止1。如果高管因下列原因而終止聘用: 1“控制權變更”應指在生效日期後發生的非自願終止: (I)通過合併、合併、購買、收購股票等(“集團”)共同行動的另一公司的任何一個人或業主團體,獲得公司股本股份的所有權,連同該個人或集團持有的股本股份,佔本公司股本股份(或本公司當時已發行的其他有投票權證券)的總公平市值或總投票權的50%(50%) 以上。然而,如果該個人或集團被認為擁有超過50%(50%)的本公司股本股份的總公平市值或總投票權,則在轉讓本公司股本股份之前已發行的股份,不應被視為導致 本公司控制權的變更;或 (Ii)任何個人或集團收購(或已在該個人或該等人士最近一次收購之日止的十二(12)個月期間內取得)持有 公司股本股份總投票權30%(30%)或以上的 公司股本股份的所有權,而該人士或集團不僅是在取得本公司的額外控制權;或 (Iii)在任何十二(12)個月的期間內,公司董事會的多數成員由董事取代,而董事的任命或選舉在任命或選舉的日期 之前未得到公司董事會多數成員(“現任董事會”)的認可,但為了確定現任董事會的多數成員是否認可任何候選人進入董事會,任何個人的首次就職是由於實際或威脅的選舉競爭,涉及董事的選舉或罷免,或公司董事會以外的個人或集團或其代表 實際或威脅徵求代理人或同意的結果;或 (Iv)任何個人或集團從公司收購(或在截至該個人或集團最近一次收購之日止的十二(12)個月期間內收購)公司的全部或基本上所有資產,其總公平市值等於或超過 DocuSign信封所有資產公平市值總額的40%(40%)ID:DF28E932-560E-446A-9C4A-D37665CBD65D


Company immediately prior to such acquisition or acquisitions. For this purpose, “gross fair market value” means the value of the assets of the Company, or the value of the assets being disposed of, determined without regard to any liabilities associated with such assets. A transfer of assets by the Company will not result in a Change of Control if the assets are transferred to: Company for any reason other than Cause, death, or Disability, or (ii) the Executive voluntarily terminates employment with the Company on account of a resignation for Good Reason, in either case that occurs (x) at the same time as, or within the twelve (12)-month period following, the consummation of a Change of Control or (y) within the sixty (60)-day period prior to the date of a Change of Control where the Change of Control was under consideration at the time of Executive’s Termination Date. (h) Obligations Upon Termination. 1. (i) Termination for Death. If employment terminates pursuant to Subsection 5(a), the Company shall, promptly upon such termination, pay the estate of Executive or the person charged with legal responsibility for the Executive’s estate or his person, an amount equal to twelve month (12) month’s Base Salary from the date of the Notice of Termination,. Any applicable death benefits that accrued prior to the Termination Date shall continue to inure to the Executive’s benefit in accordance with the applicable policy’s terms and conditions. The estate of Executive or the person charged with legal responsibility for the Executive’s estate or his person, as of the date of the Notice of Termination, shall have no further entitlement under this Agreement to any other Compensation (as set forth in Section 4 above), including, but not limited to. Base Salary and benefits (other than as described herein). The estate of Executive or the person charged with legal responsibility for the Executive’s estate or his person also shall not be entitled to receive other severance or post-termination payments (except solely such Base Salary or other payments as may have been accrued but not yet paid prior to such termination). Any outstanding stock option or other stock awards held by Executive as of the Date of Termination shall be subject to the terms of the applicable award agreements. 2. (ii) Termination for Disability. If employment terminates pursuant to Subsection 5(b), the Company shall, promptly upon such termination, pay the Executive or the person charged with legal responsibility for the Executive, an amount equal to twelve month (12) month’s Base Salary (1) a stockholder of the Company (immediately before the asset transfer) in exchange for or with respect to its stock; (2) an entity, fifty percent (50%) or more of the total value or voting power of which is owned, directly or indirectly, by the Company immediately after the transfer of assets; (3) a person or Group that owns, directly or indirectly, fifty percent (50%) or more of the total value or voting power of all the outstanding stock of the Company; or (4) an entity, at least fifty percent (50%) of the total value or voting power of which is owned directly or indirectly, by a person described in subparagraph (h)(i), above; or (v) Stockholders of the Company approve a plan of complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company. DocuSign Envelope ID: DF28E932-560E-446A-9C4A-D37665CBD65D


Notwithstanding the foregoing, if any payment or distribution event applicable hereunder is subject to the requirements of Section 409A(a)(2)(A) of the Code, the determination of the occurrence of a Change of Control shall be governed by applicable provisions of Section 409A(a)(2)(A) of the Code and regulations and rulings issued thereunder for purposes of determining whether such payment or distribution may then occur. from the date of the Notice of Termination,. Any applicable disability benefits that accrued prior to the Termination Date shall continue to inure to the Executive’s benefit in accordance with the applicable policy’s terms and conditions. The Executive, as of the date of the Notice of Termination, shall have no further entitlement under this Agreement to any other Compensation (as set forth in Section 4 above), including, but not limited to, Base Salary and benefits (other than as described herein). The Executive also shall not be entitled to receive other severance or post-termination payments (except solely such Base Salary or other payments as may have been accrued but not yet paid prior to such termination). Any outstanding stock option or other stock awards held by Executive as of the Date of Termination shall be subject to the terms of the applicable award agreements. 3. (iii) Termination for Cause. In the event that the employment of the Executive is terminated pursuant to Subsection 5(c), no Compensation (as set forth in Section 4 above), no severance or other post-termination payment shall be due or payable by the Company to the Executive (except solely such Base Salary or other payments as may have been accrued but not yet paid prior to such termination). Any outstanding stock option or other stock awards held by Executive as of the Date of Termination shall be subject to the terms of the applicable award agreements. 4. (iv) Termination by the Company Without Cause or by Executive for Good Reason. In the event that the Company terminates this Agreement pursuant to Subsection 5(d) or that the Executive terminates this Agreement pursuant to Subsection 5(f), the Company shall, notwithstanding such termination, in consideration for all of the undertakings and covenants of the Executive contained herein, continue to pay to the Executive the Base Salary in effect as of the Date of Termination for a period of twelve (12) months from the Date of Termination, provided that such termination constitutes a separation from service within the meaning of Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the “Code”). 5. (v) Termination Relating to Change of Control. In the event that Company terminates this Agreement pursuant to Subsection 5(g), the Company shall, promptly upon such termination, pay the Executive, an amount equal to twelve (12) month’s Base Salary from the date of the Notice of Termination. (i) Release Required for Severance Payments. No post-employment payments (exclusive of any stock option or other stock award) by the Company relating to termination of employment under the provisions of Section 5(g) shall commence until Executive executes and delivers a mutually agreeable release reflecting the provisions of this Agreement and waiving any and all claims against the Company other than the obligations set forth in such release or in a final severance agreement and any applicable revocation period with respect to such release has expired. With respect to any payment of Base Salary and Bonus that would otherwise be due prior to March 15 of the year following the year in which the Date of Termination occurs, such payment shall be forfeited if such release is not delivered by March 15 of the year following the year in which the Date of Termination occurs. With respect to any payment of Base Salary that would otherwise be due on or after March 15 of the year following the year in which the Date of Termination occurs, such payment shall be forfeited if such release is not delivered within ninety (90) days after the date on which such payment is due. (j) Compliance with Section 409A. The Parties to this Agreement intend that this Agreement complies with Section 409A of the Code, where applicable, and this Agreement shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with that intention. A termination of employment shall not be deemed to have occurred for purposes of any provision of this Agreement providing for the payment of any amounts or benefits upon or following a termination of employment unless such termination qualifies as a “separation from service” within the meaning of Section 409A of the Code and, for purposes DocuSign Envelope ID: DF28E932-560E-446A-9C4A-D37665CBD65D


of any such provision of this Agreement, references to a “termination,” “termination of employment” or like terms shall mean “separation from service.” Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement to the contrary, and solely to the extent necessary for compliance with Section 409A of the Code and not otherwise eligible for exclusion from the requirements of Section 409A, if, as of the date of the Executive’s separation from service from the Company, (i) the Executive is deemed to be a “specified employee” (within the meaning of Section 409A of the Code and the applicable regulations), and (ii) the Company or any member of a controlled group including the Company is publicly traded on an established securities market or otherwise, no payment or other distribution required to be made to the Executive hereunder (including any payment of cash, any transfer of property and any provision of taxable benefits) solely as a result of the Executive’s separation from service shall be made earlier than the first day of the seventh month following the date on which the Executive separates from service with the Company. Each payment of Base Salary pursuant to Subsection 5(g)(iii) shall be considered a separate payment for purposes of Section 409A of the Code. (k) Notice of Termination. A “Notice of Termination” to effectuate a termination under Section 5 shall be made in accordance with the Notice provision defined in Section 7. For purposes of this Agreement, a Notice of Termination shall mean a notice, in writing, which shall indicate the specific termination provision of this Agreement relied upon as the basis for the Termination and the Date of Termination. The Date of Termination shall not be earlier than the date such Notice of Termination is delivered (as defined above); provided, however, that the Company, at its option, may elect to have the Executive not report to work after the date of the written notice. (l) Date of Termination. “Date of Termination” means the date on which this Agreement shall terminate in accordance with the provisions of this Section 5. 6. Restrictive Covenants. 1. (a) Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information. 1. (i) During and after employment under this Agreement, the Executive shall not, directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of the Board, or a person duly authorized thereby, other than a person to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary or appropriate in connection with the performance by Executive of the duties of Executive as an employee of the Company, disclose or use for the benefit of himself or any other person, corporation, partnership, joint venture, association, or other business organization, any of the trade secrets or Confidential Information of the Company. If Executive is legally required to disclose any Confidential Information or trade secrets, Executive will notify the Company prior to doing so by providing the Company with written notice ten (10) business days in advance of the intended or compelled disclosure. (If disclosure is required sooner than ten (10) days, Executive must provide the Company with Notice immediately upon learning that disclosure is sought and before disclosure is required or compelled.) Notice shall be provided as defined in Section 7 below. 2. (ii) Notice of Immunity under the Economic Espionage Act of 1996, as amended by the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 (“DTSA”). Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Executive shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for any disclosure of a trade secret that: (A) is made (1) in confidence to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney; and (2) solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (B) is made in a complaint or other document that is filed under seal in a lawsuit or other proceeding. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if Executive files a lawsuit for retaliation by Cycurion for reporting a suspected violation of law, Executive may disclose the Cycurion’s trade secrets to Executive’s attorney and use the trade secret information in the court proceeding if Executive: (A) files any DocuSign Envelope ID: DF28E932-560E-446A-9C4A-D37665CBD65D


document containing the trade secret under seal; and (B) does not disclose the trade secret, except pursuant to court order. 2. (b) Need for Restrictions. Executive acknowledges and agrees that each of the restrictive covenants contained in this Section 6 is reasonable and necessary to protect the legitimate business interests of the Company, including, without limitation, the need to protect the Company’s trade secrets and Confidential Information and the need to protect its relationships with its customers, prospective customers, vendors and agents. 3. (c) Proprietary Rights. (i) Ownership. The Company shall own all right, title and interest in and to all documentation, manuals, materials, creative works, methods, techniques, compositions, ideas, recipes, creations, improvements, inventions, computer programs and data, system documentation, special hardware, product hardware, related software development, correspondence, letters, notes, notebooks, reports, flowcharts, proposals, know-how and other information, in any medium whatsoever (including, without limitation, any Confidential Information, trade secrets and all software, software code, processes, copyrights, patents, technologies and inventions (collectively, “Inventions”), including, without limitation, new contributions, improvements, ideas and discoveries, whether patentable or not, conceived, developed, invented or made by Executive during his employment by the Company (including his employment with the Company prior to the date hereof), provided that such Inventions grew out of Executive’s work with the Company, are related in any manner to the Business, as such term is defined in the Recitals, or are conceived or made on the Company’s time or with the use of the Company’s facilities or materials). Executive acknowledges and agrees that any of his work product created, produced, or conceived in connection with his association with the Company shall be deemed work for hire and shall be deemed owned exclusively by the Company. (ii) Executive’s Obligations. Executive shall (i) promptly disclose such Inventions to the Company; (ii) assign to the Company, without additional compensation, all patent and other rights to such Inventions for the United States and foreign countries; (iii) execute and deliver all documents required by the Company to document or perfect the Company’s proprietary rights in and to the Company’s work product; and (iv) give testimony in support of his inventorship. Executive shall deliver all Confidential Information, trade secrets and/or Inventions to the Company upon the Company’s request, and, in any event, immediately upon termination of Executive’s employment by the Company. (iii) Executive's Restrictions. Executive acknowledges that the Confidential Information, trade secrets and/or Inventions constitute valuable trade secrets of the Company. Executive shall not infringe or violate any trade secret or other proprietary right of the Company related to the Confidential Information, trade secrets and/or Inventions, and shall not own, apply for, or otherwise attempt to obtain, on behalf of Executive or others, any proprietary right in any Confidential Information, trade secrets and/or Inventions, which the Company owns or has a right to own, in which the Company has an interest and/or to which the Company has title. (d) Breach of Restrictive Covenants. In the event of a breach or threatened breach by Executive of any restrictive covenant set forth in Section 6, Executive agrees that such a breach or threatened breach would cause irreparable injury to the Company, and that, if the Company shall bring legal proceedings against Executive to enforce any restrictive covenant, the Company shall be entitled to seek all available civil remedies, at law or in equity, including, without limitation, an injunction without posting a bond, damages, attorneys’ fees, and costs. 5. (e) Successors and Assigns. The Company and its successors and assigns may enforce these restrictive covenants. 6. (f) Construction, Survival. To the extent that the covenants provided for in this Section 6 may later be deemed by a court to be too broad to be enforced with respect to its duration or with respect to any particular DocuSign Envelope ID: DF28E932-560E-446A-9C4A-D37665CBD65D


如果是在活動或地理區域內,作出這種裁決的法院應有權縮短規定的期限或範圍,並有權在規定中增加或刪除特定的詞語或短語。隨後應執行修改後的 條款。如果執行機構違反了本第6節中的任何限制,則應在執行機構違反規定的時間內對限制期限進行收費。第6條的所有規定在本協議期限和高管受僱於公司後繼續有效。 7.通知就本協議而言,本協議項下向任何一方提供的通知和所有其他通信應以書面形式進行,並在以下情況下視為已正式發出:(A)親自送達, 通過掛號信、要求或認可的隔夜遞送服務郵寄回執,以及(B)通過電子郵件發送。 如果發送給公司: Cycurion,Inc. 1749 Old Meadow Road Suite 500 McLean,弗吉尼亞22102注意:凱文·凱利電子郵件:kevin.kelly@cycurion.com 如果發送給高管: Jeffrey Hunter 9212White Chimney Lane,VA 22066(703)727-0154 jeffreythunter@gmail.com 或任何一方通過向另一方發出書面通知指定的其他地址。公司的所有產品或服務、客户通信、內部備忘錄、設計、銷售手冊、培訓手冊、項目文件、價目表、客户和供應商名單、招股説明書、報告、客户或供應商信息、銷售資料、地區打印輸出、電話簿、筆記本、教科書電子郵件和互聯網接入,以及所有其他類似信息或產品,包括高管在受僱於 公司期間獲得的此類信息或產品的所有副本、副本、複製和衍生產品,無論這些信息或產品是由高管準備的還是落入高管的手中。應為本公司的專有財產,並於本協議到期或終止後,因任何原因或應本公司行政總裁或董事會的要求,立即歸還本公司。行政人員亦應在本協議因任何原因或應本公司首席執行官或董事會的要求於本協議期滿或終止時, 立即歸還公司發放的任何財產,包括但不限於筆記本電腦、電腦、拇指驅動器、可移動媒體設備、閃存驅動器、智能手機、手機、iPad®和其他設備。無論這些項目或材料中是否包含機密信息或商業祕密,執行人員在本第8條下的義務均應存在。本協議各方應遵守所有適用法律 DocuSign信封ID:DF28E932-560E-446A-9C4A-D37665CBD65D


以及有關保留和訪問本協議以及與此相關的所有書籍、文件和記錄的規定。高管應向公司提供簽署證書,證明所有此類財產已返還,且高管未以任何形式保留此類財產、機密信息或商業祕密 。如果公司有善意的理由懷疑高管違反本規定保留了文件、財產或信息,如果提出請求,高管有義務向公司和/或其代理 提供高管的筆記本電腦(S)、外部驅動器(S)、計算機(S)、閃存驅動器(S)和/或可移動介質的訪問權限,以確保 公司或其子公司和關聯公司的所有財產已歸還。未經公司許可,高管不得保留文件或財產的副本。 9.以前的協議。 (A)高管向公司表示:(I)高管作為一方沒有任何限制、協議或諒解會阻止或非法執行本協議或本協議項下的僱用,(Ii)高管對本協議的執行和在本協議項下的僱用不應 構成違反高管為當事一方或受高管約束的任何合同、協議或諒解,以及(Iii)該高管是自由的,能夠簽署本協議並受僱於公司。高管還表示並同意,他不會攜帶、披露或 以其他方式使用從任何以前的僱主獲得的任何機密、專有或商業祕密信息,無論該信息是由高管還是其他人創建的。對於高管違反本條款或違反限制性公約或不披露機密信息的協議的書面或口頭通知或投訴,應由公司自行決定立即終止其職務並提出理由。高管還同意就公司因高管涉嫌或實際違反限制性契約或不披露保密信息的協議而提出的任何索賠而產生的任何和所有損害賠償、費用和/或律師費,全額賠償公司。 (B)雙方相互承認並同意, 與公司或任何附屬公司或子公司和高管之間的任何先前邀請函和/或僱傭協議被宣佈為無效,沒有法律效力, 和高管將不從任何此類先前協議中獲得任何好處,包括獲得任何遣散費或解僱福利的權利 。執行人員特此同意,除納入本協議的任何限制性契約外,執行人員在此重申,自雙方簽署本協議之日起,公司或任何附屬公司或子公司與執行人員之間的任何先前僱傭協議均不具有任何法律效力。 10.具體履行。雙方同意,本協議項下授予雙方的權利具有特殊和獨特的性質,如果任何一方違反本協議的任何實質性規定,另一方將無法在法律上獲得任何適當的補救。因此,各方明確同意,當事人可以通過要求具體履約和其他衡平法救濟的訴訟來強制執行本合同項下的權利,而無需當事人提交保證書, 或者,如果需要保證書,則當事人同意所允許的最低保證金就足夠了。本協議各方應簽署和交付任何和所有其他文件、文件和其他保證,並應採取與履行本協議項下義務和實現本協議各方意圖有關的任何和所有合理必要的行為和事情。 12.審閲和尋求律師的權利。高管承認,他/她已有機會就本協議的執行尋求 獨立法律顧問和税務建議,並且高管代表並向公司保證(A)他/她已就本協議的執行和擬進行的交易尋求他/她認為合適的獨立法律顧問和建議,以及(B)他/她在税務問題或本協議執行的後果方面不依賴公司的任何代表。 DocuSign信封ID:DF28E932-560E-446A-9C4A-D37665CBD65D


13. Waiver/Amendments. The waiver by the Company of a breach or threatened breach of this Agreement by Executive shall not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach by Executive. No provision of this Agreement may be modified, waived, or discharged unless such waiver, modification or discharge is approved by the Board and agreed to in writing signed by Executive and such officer as may be specifically authorized by the Board. 14. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the Parties and no agreements or representations, oral or otherwise, express or implied, with respect to the subject matter hereof have been made by either Party, which are not set forth expressly in this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes all negotiations, preliminary agreements, and all prior and contemporaneous discussions and understandings of the Parties and/or their affiliates. Executive acknowledges that he/she has not relied on any prior or contemporaneous discussions or understandings in entering into this Agreement. 15. Neutral Construction. No Party may rely on any drafts of this Agreement in any interpretation of this Agreement. Each Party to this Agreement has reviewed this Agreement and has participated in its drafting and, accordingly, no Party shall attempt to invoke the normal rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting Party in any interpretation of this Agreement. 16. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Virginia without regard to conflicts of law. 17. Consent to Personal Jurisdiction and Venue; Waiver of Service of Process. Executive hereby consents to personal jurisdiction and exclusive venue in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, if such Court can exercise jurisdiction over the matter for any action brought by the Company or Executive arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or Executive’s employment with the Company. In the event the foregoing Court lacks jurisdiction, Executive consents to personal jurisdiction and exclusive venue in the courts in Fairfax County, Virginia. For purposes of this Section 17, the term “Executive” includes any business entity owned or controlled by Executive. Each Party hereby irrevocably waives personal service of process and consents to process being served in any such suit, action or proceeding by mailing a copy thereof to such party at the address for such Notices (under Section 7) to him/her/it under this Agreement and agrees that such service shall constitute good and sufficient service of process and notice thereof. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to limit in any way any right to serve process in any manner permitted by law. 18.Headings and Captions. The titles and captions of paragraphs, sections, subparagraphs, and subsections contained in this Agreement are provided for convenience of reference only, and shall not be considered terms or conditions of this Agreement. 19. Validity. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect. 20. Survival. The provisions of this Agreement shall not survive the termination of Executive’s employment hereunder, except that the provisions of (i) Section 5 hereto relating to post-termination payment obligations; (ii) Section 6 hereto relating to the restrictive covenants; (iii) Section 8 hereto relating to return of the Company’s property; and (iv) Section 17 relating to jurisdiction, venue and waiver of personal service shall remain binding upon the Parties. 21. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Company and its successors and assigns, and Executive agrees that this Agreement may be assigned by the Company without Executive’s consent. This Agreement is not assignable by Executive. DocuSign Envelope ID: DF28E932-560E-446A-9C4A-D37665CBD65D


22. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more separate counterparts, each of which, when so executed, shall be deemed to be an original. Such counterparts shall, together, constitute and shall be one and the same instrument. This Agreement, and the counterparts thereto, may be executed by the Parties using their respective signatures transmitted via facsimile machines or via electronic mail. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on October 1, 2023. Cycurion, Inc. By: Name: Kevin Kelly Title: Chief Executive Officer ______________________ By: Name: Jeffrey T. Hunter, President and COO _______________________ DocuSign Envelope ID: DF28E932-560E-446A-9C4A-D37665CBD65D