

本文中對證券的描述概述了ParaZero Technologies Ltd.(“本公司”、“本公司”、“本公司”或“本公司”)根據1934年證券交易法第12條註冊的普通股和認股權證的主要條款和條款。


我們的法定股本包括4,000,000新謝克爾,分為200,000,000股普通股,每股票面價值0.02新謝克爾(“普通股”)。我們所有已發行的普通股均已有效發行、已繳足股款且不可評估。我們的普通股不可贖回,不受 任何優先購買權的約束。所有普通股在各方面都有相同的投票權和其他權利。











我們的董事會將指導我們的政策 並監督我們首席執行官的表現和他的行動。我們的董事會可以行使公司法或我們修訂和重述的公司章程中沒有要求我們的 股東行使或採取的所有權力。


我們的普通股將賦予其持有人 :

在我們所有的股東大會上享有平等的出席和表決的權利, 無論是年度股東大會還是特別股東大會,出席會議和參與投票的股東每股普通股有權親自或委託代表或以書面投票方式投一票;
平等參與股息分配的權利, 如果有,無論是以現金或紅股、以資產分配或任何其他分配,按每股比例分配; 以及


Pursuant to our amended and restated articles of association, each of our directors, other than the external directors, was assigned to one of three classes with staggered three-year terms. At each annual general meeting of our shareholders, the election or re-election of directors following the expiration of the term of office of the directors of that class of directors will be for a term of office that expires on the third annual general meeting following such election or re-election, such that from the annual general meeting of 2024 and after, each year the term of office of only one class of directors will expire. The term of such directors may terminate earlier, if they resign or cease to act as board members pursuant to the provisions of our amended and restated articles of association or any applicable law. Pursuant to our amended and restated articles of association, other than the external directors, for whom special election requirements apply under the Companies Law, the vote required to appoint a director is a simple majority vote of holders of our voting shares, participating and voting at the relevant meeting. In addition, our amended and restated articles of association allow our Board of Directors to appoint directors to fill vacancies and/or as an addition to the Board of Directors (subject to the maximum number of directors) to serve until the next annual general meeting, or later, until the end of the term of a director who they replaced. External directors are elected for an initial term of three years, may be elected for additional terms of three years each under certain circumstances, and may be removed from office pursuant to the terms of the Companies Law.


根據以色列法律,我們必須每歷年舉行一次年度股東大會,時間和地點由我們的董事會決定,但不遲於上次年度股東大會日期後的15個月。除股東周年大會外的所有會議均稱為股東特別大會。我們的董事會可在 認為合適的時候召開特別會議,並應持有我們 至少百分之十(10%)或更高百分比投票權的任何股東的要求。

根據《公司法》的規定 及其頒佈的法規,有權參加股東大會並在會上投票的股東是在董事會決定的日期 記錄在案的股東,作為一家在以色列境外交易所上市的公司,可以在會議日期之前的四 (4)至六十(60)天。有關下列事項的決議必須在股東大會 上通過:

如果我們的董事會無法行使其權力,並且行使其任何權力是我們的 適當管理所必需的,則通過 股東大會行使董事會的權力;
如果 股東未授權董事會確定審計師費用的權力,則審計師的任命、收費或終止;
增加或減少我們的授權股本; 和


《公司法》要求,任何 年度或特別股東大會的通知應在會議召開前至少21天提供,如果會議議程包括 任命或罷免董事、批准與官員或利害關係方或關聯方的交易 或批准合併,則必須在會議召開前至少35天提供通知。儘管有上述規定,根據我們的 修訂和重述的公司章程,股東大會通知不必發送給股東, 公司在公司網站上發佈的股東大會通知應被視為已在 發佈之日正式發送給位於以色列國的任何註冊股東,且公司在SEC EDGAR數據庫或通過互聯網類似出版物上公佈的股東大會通知,應被視為已於發佈之日 正式發送給位於以色列境外的任何註冊股東。



根據《公司法》的允許,本公司股東大會所需的法定人數 包括至少兩名股東親自出席(以委任方式、書面投票方式或以 電子投票系統方式投票),該兩名股東之間持有或代表至少25%的未行使投票權。如果在規定的股東大會時間的半小時內,沒有法定人數出席,股東大會應在下週的同一天,同一時間和同一地點延期,或延期至 股東通知中規定的其他日期、時間和地點,如果在安排的時間的半小時內沒有法定人數出席,參加會議的任何股東 ,均構成法定人數。



我們的經修訂及重列的組織章程細則 規定,除非公司法或 我們經修訂及重列的組織章程細則另有規定,否則所有股東決議案均須經簡單多數票表決。股東可以親自、委託代表或書面投票方式在股東大會上投票。


如本公司的股本於任何時間劃分為不同類別的股份,則除公司法或公司細則另有規定外,任何類別所附帶的權利可由本公司以全體股份持有人的股東大會決議作為一個類別修改或註銷,而無須 任何所需的任何類別股份的單獨決議案。





我們修訂後的 和重述的公司章程中沒有任何具體條款會延遲、推遲或阻止我們公司的控制權變更 ,或者僅適用於涉及我們(或我們的子公司)的合併、收購或公司重組。但是, 如下所述,《公司法》的某些規定可能具有這種效力。

《公司法》包括 允許合併交易的條款,並要求作為合併一方的每一家公司都必須獲得其董事會的批准,除非滿足《公司法》所述的某些要求,否則必須有 多數股東的投票,對於目標公司,還必須有其每一類別股份的多數票。就每一方的股東投票而言,除非法院另有裁決,否則如果代表出席股東大會的投票權的 多數的股份不是由合併的另一方持有(或由持有另一方25%或以上投票權或任命25%或以上董事的任何 個人或團體)投票反對,合併將不被視為批准。然而,如果合併涉及與公司自己的控股股東的合併,或者如果控股股東在合併中有個人利益,則合併必須 獲得適用於與控股股東的所有特別交易的相同的特別多數批准。應擬議合併的任何一方債權人的請求,如果法院得出結論認為存在合理的擔憂,即由於合併,尚存的公司將無法履行合併各方的任何一方的義務,則可推遲或阻止合併,並可進一步發出指令,以確保債權人的權利。如果沒有上述規定的每一類股東的單獨批准或排除某些股東的投票權,如果交易本應得到合併公司股東的批准,法院仍可在持有公司至少25%投票權的人的申請下批准合併。要批准此類申請,法院必須在考慮到合併各方的價值和向股東提供的對價後,認定合併是公平和合理的。此外,合併不得完成,除非(1)每家合併公司向以色列公司註冊處提交必要的合併批准提案之日起至少已過50天,以及(2)每家合併公司的股東批准合併之日起至少30天。


The Companies Law also provides that, subject to certain exceptions, an acquisition of shares in an Israeli public company must be made by means of a “special” tender offer if as a result of the acquisition (1) the purchaser would become a holder of 25% or more of the voting rights in the company if there is no holder of 25% or more of the voting rights in the company or (2) the purchaser would become a holder of 45% or more of the voting rights in the company, unless there is already a holder of more than 45% of the voting rights in the company. These requirements do not apply if, in general, the acquisition (1) was made in a private placement that received shareholders’ approval, subject to certain conditions, (2) was made from a holder of 25% or more of the voting rights in the company which resulted in the acquirer becoming a holder of 25% or more of the voting rights in the company, or (3) was made from a holder of more than 45% of the voting rights in the company which resulted in the acquirer becoming a holder of more than 45% of the voting rights in the company. A “special” tender offer must be extended to all shareholders. In general, a “special” tender offer may be consummated only if (1) at least 5% of the voting power attached to the company’s outstanding shares will be acquired by the offeror and (2) the offer is accepted by a majority of the offerees who notified the company of their position in connection with such offer (excluding the controlling shareholder of the offeror, holder of 25% or more of the voting rights in the company or anyone on their behalf or on behalf of the offeror, including their relatives or corporations under their control or any person having a personal interest in the acceptance of the tender offer). If a special tender offer is accepted, then the purchaser or any person or entity controlling it or under common control with the purchaser or such controlling person or entity may not make a subsequent tender offer for the purchase of shares of the target company and may not enter into a merger with the target company for a period of one year from the date of the offer, unless the purchaser or such person or entity undertook to effect such an offer or merger in the initial special tender offer.

If, as a result of an acquisition of shares, the acquirer will hold more than 90% of an Israeli company’s outstanding shares or of certain class of shares, the acquisition must be made by means of a tender offer for all of the outstanding shares, or for all of the outstanding shares of such class, as applicable. In general, if less than 5% of the outstanding shares, or of applicable class, are not tendered in the tender offer and more than half of the offerees who have no personal interest in the offer tendered their shares, all the shares that the acquirer offered to purchase will be transferred to it by operation of law. However, a tender offer will also be accepted if the shareholders who do not accept the offer hold less than 2% of the issued and outstanding share capital of the company or of the applicable class of shares. Any shareholders that was an offeree in such tender offer, whether such shareholder accepted the tender offer or not, may request, by petition to an Israeli court, (i) appraisal rights in connection with a full tender offer, and (ii) that the fair value should be paid as determined by the court, for a period of six months following the acceptance thereof. However, the acquirer is entitled to stipulate, under certain conditions, that tendering shareholders will forfeit such appraisal rights. If the full tender offer was not accepted in accordance with any of the above alternatives, the acquirer may not acquire shares of the company that will increase its holdings to more than 90% of the company’s voting rights or the company’s issued and outstanding share capital (or of the applicable class) from shareholders who accepted the tender offer. Shares purchased in contradiction to the full tender offer rules under the Companies Law will have no rights and will become dormant shares.

最後,以色列税法對待一些收購, 例如以色列公司和外國公司之間的股票對股票交易,不如美國税法優惠。例如, 以色列税法在某些情況下可能會對將其普通股交換為另一家公司的股份的股東徵税 。關於合併,以色列税法允許 在某些情況下延期納税,但延期取決於滿足多項條件,包括自交易之日起的兩年持有期 ,在此期間,參與公司的某些股份的銷售和處置受到限制 。



Our amended and restated articles of association provide that unless we consent in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the federal district courts of the United States shall be the exclusive forum for the resolution of any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the Securities Act. Section 22 of the Securities Act creates concurrent jurisdiction for federal and state courts over all such Securities Act actions. Accordingly, both U.S. state and federal courts have jurisdiction to entertain such claims. This choice of forum provision may limit a shareholder’s ability to bring a claim in a judicial forum that it finds favorable for disputes with us or our directors, officers or other employees and may increase the costs associated with such lawsuits, which may discourage such lawsuits against us and our directors, officers and employees. Further, the enforceability of similar forum provisions (including exclusive federal forum provisions for actions, suits, or proceedings asserting a cause of action arising under the Securities Act) in other companies’ organizational documents and similar agreements has been challenged in legal proceedings, and there is uncertainty as to whether courts would enforce the exclusive forum provision in our amended and restated articles of association. If a court were to find these provisions of our amended and restated articles of association are inapplicable to, or unenforceable in respect of, one or more of the specified types of actions or proceedings, we may incur additional costs associated with resolving such matters in other jurisdictions, which could adversely affect our business and financial condition. Any person or entity purchasing or otherwise acquiring any interest in our share capital shall be deemed to have notice of and to have consented to the choice of forum provisions of our amended and restated articles of association are described above. This provision would not apply to suits brought to enforce a duty or liability created by the Exchange Act or any other claim for which the U.S. federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction. Our amended and restated articles of association also provide that unless we consent in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the competent courts in Tel Aviv, Israel, shall be the exclusive forum for any derivative action or proceeding brought on behalf of our company, any action asserting a breach of a fiduciary duty owed by any of our directors, officers or other employees to our company or our shareholders or any action asserting a claim arising pursuant to any provision of the Companies Law or the Israeli Securities Law.


股東大會可經出席股東大會的股東簡單多數 表決:

通過從現有類別或股東大會決定的新類別中創建 新股,增加我們的註冊股本;
註銷尚未被任何人佔用 或同意被任何人佔用的任何註冊股本;
合併和分割我們的全部或部分股本為 面值大於我們現有股份的股份;
將我們的現有股份或其中的任何股份、我們的股本 或其中的任何股份細分為面值低於固定值的股份;以及