








定義 2
第1.01節 定義 2
第1.02節 生效日期 2
對存款協議的修訂 2
第2.01節 存款協議 2
第2.02節 對所有持有人和實益擁有人具有約束力的修正案 3
第2.03節 關於保存人費用的提及 3
第2.04節 更改保存人的費用及收費 3
對ADR格式的修訂 4
第3.01節 ADR修正案 4
第3.02節 更改保存人的費用及收費 5
對費用表的修正 6
第4.01節 修訂收費表 6
申述及保證 6
第5.01節 申述及保證 6
其他 7
第6.01節 新的ADR 7
第6.02節 致美國存託憑證持有人的修訂通知書 7
第6.03節 賠償 7
第6.04節 批准 7
第6.05節 治國理政法 8
第6.06節 同行 8




2009年6月15日,由Sify Technologies Limited(一家根據印度共和國法律組建的有限責任公司,以前稱為"Satyam Infoway Limited"(以下簡稱"公司")、花旗銀行( N.A.)、 ,根據美利堅合眾國法律組建的全國性銀行協會(以下簡稱"存管人"),以及 根據1999年10月18日的存管協議(經2000年1月6日的存管協議第1號修正案修訂),經日期為2002年9月24日的存款協議第2號修訂案進一步修訂,並經日期為2007年11月2日的補充函件協議補充。


EEAS、公司和存管人於1999年10月18日簽署了某項存款協議,該協議經日期為2000年1月6日的存款協議第1號修訂案,經日期為2002年9月24日的存款協議第2號修訂案進一步修訂,並經日期為11月2日的補充函協議補充。2007年(經如此修訂和補充,“存款協議”),以創建 代表如此存入的股份(定義見存款協議)的美國存托股份(“ADS”),以及 就憑證式美國存托股份執行和交付美國存託憑證(“ADR”);以及

股東、本公司和存託人希望 (i)修訂存託協議、目前尚未到期的美國存託憑證、存託協議附件A中所附的美國存託憑證格式 以及存託協議附件B中所附的費用表,以使存託人能夠就存託憑證收取存託服務費 ,及(ii)向所有美國存託證券持有人(定義見存款協議)發出有關通知;


因此,鑑於良好且有價值的對價( 特此確認該對價的收到和充分性),公司和存管人特此同意修改存款協議、 目前尚未到期的ADR、作為存款協議附件A的ADR格式以及作為存款協議附件 B的費用表如下:



第1.01節定義除非本修訂案中另有規定 ,本修訂案中使用但未定義的所有大寫術語均應具有存款協議 中給予此類術語的含義。

第1.02節生效日期術語“生效 日期”應指以下日期中較遲發生的日期:(i)本修正案通知未到期美國存託憑證持有人後30天到期,或(ii)美國證券交易委員會(以下簡稱“委員會”) 宣佈適用的F—6註冊聲明生效之日,本修正案的表格已提交給委員會。



第2.01節存款協議自生效日期起,存款協議 中對術語“存款協議”的所有引用應指日期為1999年10月18日的存款協議 ,該協議經本修訂案修訂並在生效日期後進一步修訂和補充。


第2.02節對所有持有人 和受益所有人具有約束力的修正。自生效日期起及之後,經本修訂案修訂的存款協議應對 生效日期已發行且尚未發行的ADS的所有持有人和受益所有人以及生效日期後發行的 ADS的所有持有人和受益所有人具有約束力。儘管本協議、存款協議或任何ADR中包含任何內容,自 生效日期起及之後,存款協議中對收據、ADR、收據或美國存託收據持有人和受益所有人的任何提及應包括,除非上下文的合理解釋另有規定,否則ADR的持有人和受益所有人。

第2.03節關於保存人費用的參考。 自生效日期起,交存協議中提及的所有存管人費用和/或收費均應指 本修訂案附件A隨附的ADR表格第(10)段和 費用表隨附作為本修訂案附件B隨附的 費用表中規定的存管人費用和收費。

第2.04節變更 保管人的費用和收費。自生效日期起及生效日期之後,通過在第5.9節第一段 後添加以下段落對存款協議進行修訂:

“Depositary fees payable upon (i) deposit of Shares against issuance of ADSs and (ii) surrender of ADSs for cancellation and withdrawal of Deposited Securities will be charged by the Depositary to the person to whom the ADSs so issued are delivered (in the case of ADS issuances) and to the person who delivers the ADSs for cancellation to the Depositary (in the case of ADS cancellations). In the case of ADSs issued by the Depositary into DTC or presented to the Depositary via DTC, the ADS issuance and cancellation fees will be payable to the Depositary by the DTC Participant(s) receiving the ADSs from the Depositary or the DTC Participant(s) surrendering the ADSs to the Depositary for cancellation, as the case may be, on behalf of the Beneficial Owner(s) and will be charged by the DTC Participant(s) to the account(s) of the applicable Beneficial Owner(s) in accordance with the procedures and practices of the DTC participant(s) as in effect at the time. Depositary fees in respect of distributions and the Depositary services fee are payable to the Depositary by Holders as of the applicable ADS Record Date established by the Depositary. In the case of distributions of cash, the amount of the applicable Depositary fees is deducted by the Depositary from the funds being distributed. In the case of distributions other than cash and the Depositary service fee, the Depositary will invoice the applicable Holders as of the ADS Record Date established by the Depositary. For ADSs held through DTC, the Depositary fees for distributions other than cash and the Depositary service fee are charged by the Depositary to the DTC Participants in accordance with the procedures and practices prescribed by DTC from time to time and the DTC Participants in turn charge the amount of such fees to the Beneficial Owners for whom they hold ADSs. The Depositary may remit to the Company all or a portion of the Depositary fees charged for the reimbursement of certain expenses incurred by the Company in respect of the ADR program established pursuant to the Deposit Agreement upon such terms and conditions as the Company and the Depositary may agree from time to time.”




第3.01節ADR修正案。 作為附件A附於存款協議的 ADR的格式以及根據存款協議條款未償還的每份ADR,自生效日期起, 特此通過以下方式進行修訂:

(a) 全部刪除第(1)款第一句,並插入以下內容取代:

"本美國存託憑證是美國存託憑證("ADR ")發行的一批 ,所有發行和將要發行的都是根據1999年10月18日的 存款協議(經2000年1月6日的存款協議第1號修正案)中規定的條款和條件發行的,日期為2002年9月24日,經日期為2007年11月2日 的補充協議書補充,並經日期為2009年6月15日的第3號修訂案進一步修訂(經如此修訂和補充,並經不時進一步修訂和補充,“存款協議”),由公司和之間,存託人和所有存託憑證持有人 和受益所有人,每一個人通過接受存託憑證將受其中所有條款和規定的約束。

(b) 第(10)款第(iv)項結尾處的期間改為分號,並添加以下內容作為第(10)款第(v)項:



(c) 添加 以下內容作為新的一個分段,以在最後一個分段之後。


“Depositary fees payable upon (i) deposit of Shares against issuance of ADSs and (ii) surrender of ADSs for cancellation and withdrawal of Deposited Securities will be charged by the Depositary to the person to whom the ADSs so issued are delivered (in the case of ADS issuances) and to the person who delivers the ADSs for cancellation to the Depositary (in the case of ADS cancellations). In the case of ADSs issued by the Depositary into DTC or presented to the Depositary via DTC, the ADS issuance and cancellation fees will be payable to the Depositary by the DTC Participant(s) receiving the ADSs from the Depositary or the DTC Participant(s) surrendering the ADSs to the Depositary for cancellation, as the case may be, on behalf of the Beneficial Owner(s) and will be charged by the DTC Participant(s) to the account(s) of the applicable Beneficial Owner(s) in accordance with the procedures and practices of the DTC participant(s) as in effect at the time. Depositary fees in respect of distributions and the Depositary services fee are payable to the Depositary by Holders as of the applicable ADS Record Date established by the Depositary. In the case of distributions of cash, the amount of the applicable Depositary fees is deducted by the Depositary from the funds being distributed. In the case of distributions other than cash and the Depositary service fee, the Depositary will invoice the applicable Holders as of the ADS Record Date established by the Depositary. For ADSs held through DTC, the Depositary fees for distributions other than cash and the Depositary service fee are charged by the Depositary to the DTC Participants in accordance with the procedures and practices prescribed by DTC from time to time and the DTC Participants in turn charge the amount of such fees to the Beneficial Owners for whom they hold ADSs. The Depositary may remit to the Company all or a portion of the Depositary fees charged for the reimbursement of certain expenses incurred by the Company in respect of the ADR program established pursuant to the Deposit Agreement upon such terms and conditions as the Company and the Depositary may agree from time to time.”

第3.02節變更 保管人的費用和收費。根據存款協議的條款,所有以ADR形式(作為附件A附於存款協議 的附件)以及截至生效日期的每項未決ADR中提及的存託人費用和/或收費,自生效日期 ,參見本修正案附件A所附ADR表格第(10)段中規定的保存人費用 以及本修訂案附件B所附的費用表。




第4.01節修改收費表。 存款協議所附費用表(附件B)特此修改,刪除全部費用表,並在本修訂中插入附件 B。



第5.01節陳述和承諾。 本公司向存管人、持有人和受益所有人聲明並保證並同意:

(a) 本 修訂案,當由公司簽署和交付時,以及本 公司簽署和交付的所有其他文件,將並已分別由公司正式有效地授權、簽署和交付, 構成公司的合法、有效和有約束力的義務,可根據各自的 條款對公司執行,受破產、無力償債、欺詐性轉讓、延期以及與 債權人權利有關或影響的一般適用法律以及一般公平原則的約束;以及

(b) 為 確保本修訂案或經修訂的交存協議 以及在印度根據本修訂案或根據本協議或根據本協議提供的其他文件的合法性、有效性、可受理性或可接受性,此類協議均不需要向印度的任何 法院或其他當局存檔或記錄,也不需要在印度就此類協議或就此類協議支付任何印花税或類似税款;以及

(c) 公司向保存人提供的所有 與本修訂有關的信息均真實、準確和正確。




第6.01節新ADR。自 生效日期起及之後,保存人應安排印製或修訂新的ADR,以反映本修訂案對ADR格式的變更 。在生效日期之後,根據本協議發佈的所有ADR,一旦此類新ADR可用,無論是在股票存放 或其他託管證券時,還是在現有ADR的轉讓、合併或分割時,均應基本上採用作為本協議附件A所附的 ADR樣本的形式。然而,在本協議日期之前或之後發行的ADR,不反映 在此生效的ADR形式的變更,無需要求進行交換,且在 持有人根據存款協議出於任何原因選擇交出ADR之前,ADR可能一直未到期。授權並指示保存人採取 認為必要的任何和所有行動以實現上述規定。


第6.03章賠償公司 同意賠償並保護存管人(及其任何及所有董事、僱員和高級管理人員),使其免受因本修訂條款和本協議所述交易而可能產生的任何及所有責任 。

第6.04條批准。除非在此明確 修改,否則原簽署的存款協議的條款、契約和條件應保持完全有效。


第6.05條適用法律。本修正案 應受紐約州法律管轄並根據其解釋,不考慮其法律選擇原則 。

第6.06節對應物。本修訂案 可簽署任意數量的副本,每份副本應視為原件,所有副本應 一起視為原件,所有副本應構成同一份文件。

特此證明,公司和保存人 已於上述日期由正式授權的代表簽署本修訂。

發信人: S/M·P·維傑·庫馬爾
姓名: M.維傑·庫馬爾
標題: 首席財務官

發信人: /s/Keith G Galfo
姓名: Keith G Galfo








編號: 客户編號:82655M107






共 個



花旗銀行,N.A.,根據美利堅合眾國法律組織和存在的全國性銀行協會 ,作為保管人(以下簡稱"保管人"),特此證明 , 是 美國存托股份(以下簡稱“ADS”),代表存托股份,包括 接收Sify Technologies Limited(一家根據印度共和國法律組建的有限責任公司,以前稱為“Satyam Infoway Limited”(以下簡稱“公司”)的股權股份(以下簡稱“股份”)的權利證據。截至存款協議(定義見本協議)日期 ,每份ADS代表根據存款協議存放於託管人(除 存款協議第5.10條所述情況外)的一股股份,託管人在執行存款協議之日為花旗銀行, 不適用。- 孟買分公司("保管人")。美國存托股份與股份的比率可根據存託協議的規定進行修改。存託人的公司代理辦事處地址為格林威治街388號,14這是 樓層,紐約,NY 10013。存託人的公司代理辦事處不同於其主要執行辦事處。其首席執行官辦公室位於399 Park Avenue,New York,NY 10043。

(1) The Deposit Agreement. This American Depositary Receipt is one of an issue of American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”), all issued and to be issued upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Deposit Agreement, dated as of October 18, 1999, as amended by Amendment No. 1 to Deposit Agreement, dated as of January 6, 2000, as amended by Amendment No. 2 to Deposit Agreement, dated as of September 24, 2002, as supplemented by the Supplemental Letter Agreement, dated as of November 2, 2007, and as further amended by Amendment No. 3, dated as of June 15, 2009 (as so amended and as further amended and supplemented from time to time, the “Deposit Agreement”), by and among the Company, the Depositary and all Holders and Beneficial Owners from time to time of ADSs, each of whom by accepting an ADS becomes bound by all the terms and provisions thereof. The Deposit Agreement sets forth the rights and obligations of Holders and Beneficial Owners of Receipts and the rights and duties of the Depositary in respect of the Shares deposited thereunder and any and all other securities, property and cash from time to time received in respect of such Shares and held thereunder (such Shares, securities, property and cash are herein called “Deposited Securities”). Copies of the Deposit Agreement are on file at the Principal Office of the Depositary and with the Custodian.


本收據正面和背面的聲明是本公司的存款協議和公司的公司章程和公司備忘錄的某些條款的摘要 (於簽署存款協議之日起生效),並符合存款協議及組織章程細則及組織章程大綱的詳細條文 ,在此參考。此處使用的所有大寫 術語(此處未另行定義)應具有存款協議中賦予的含義。存管人 對存管證券的有效性或價值不作任何陳述或保證。保存人已就 將美國存託證券接受為DTC作出安排。通過DTC持有的ADS的每個受益所有人必須依賴DTC和DTC參與者的程序 來行使並享有歸屬於該等ADS的任何權利。

(二) 交收 及存管證券的撤回。

該收據持有人(以及特此證明的ADS )應有權交付。(在託管人的指定辦事處)向他或根據他的指令,在ADS所代表的時間 在滿足以下條件後證明:(i)持有人(或持有人的正式 授權的律師)已將本證明的美國存託憑證正式交付至其主要辦事處,(以及,如適用, 本收據),以撤回其所代表的託管證券,(ii)如存管人要求,此 收據已正確地以空白形式背書,或附有正確的空白轉賬文書(包括根據證券業標準慣例的簽字擔保),(iii)如果存管人要求,美國存託憑證持有人已簽署 並向存託人提交書面指令,指示存託人促使被撤回的存託證券被交付 向或根據該訂單中指定的人員的書面訂單,以及(iv)所有適用的費用和收費以及保管人發生的開支以及所有適用的税款和政府費用(見本協議第5.9節和附件B)已經 支付, 然而,在每種情況下,本收據的條款和條件、存款協議、公司的組織章程和組織備忘錄、印度儲備銀行的任何適用法律和規則,以及任何適用法律和規則的條款和條件,以及任何適用的條款和條件,在每種情況下,都是有效的。


在滿足上述各項條件 後,存管人(i)應取消交付給其的美國存託憑證(以及,如適用,證明如此交付的ADS的收據),(ii) 應指示註冊官在為此目的保存的賬簿上記錄如此交付的ADS的取消,(三)指示保管人交付。(無不合理延誤)在託管人指定的辦事處,託管證券代表 已註銷的美國存託證券連同任何證書或其他所有權文件,或其電子 轉讓的證據(如有)(視屬何情況而定),或根據為此目的交付保存人的命令中指定的人的書面命令, 然而,在每種情況下,存款協議、本收據、 公司章程和公司備忘錄、適用法律和印度儲備銀行規則的條款和條件,以及存款證券的條款和條件,在每種情況下均有效。

The Depositary shall not accept for surrender ADSs representing less than one Share. In the case of surrender of ADSs representing other than a whole number of Shares, the Depositary shall cause ownership of the appropriate whole number of Shares to be Delivered in accordance with the terms hereof, and shall, at the discretion of the Depositary, either (i) return to the person surrendering such ADSs the number of ADSs representing any remaining fractional Share, or (ii) sell or cause to be sold the fractional Share represented by the ADS(s) so surrendered and remit the proceeds of such sale (net of (a) applicable fees and charges of, and expenses incurred by, the Depositary and (b) taxes withheld) to the person surrendering the ADSs. Notwithstanding anything else contained in this Receipt or the Deposit Agreement, the Depositary may make delivery at the Principal Office of the Depositary of (i) any cash dividends or cash distributions, or (ii) any proceeds from the sale of any distributions of shares or rights, which are at the time held by the Depositary in respect of the Deposited Securities represented by the ADSs evidenced by this Receipt. At the request, risk and expense of any Holder so surrendering ADSs, represented by this Receipt, and for the account of such Holder, the Depositary shall direct the Custodian to forward (to the extent permitted by law) any cash or other property (other than securities) held by the Custodian in respect of the Deposited Securities represented by such ADSs to the Depositary for delivery at the Principal Office of the Depositary. Such direction shall be given by letter or, at the request, risk and expense of such Holder, by cable, telex or facsimile transmission.

(3) 收款的轉移、 合併和拆分。書記官長應迅速登記本收據的轉讓(以及 所代表的ADS)在為此目的而保存的賬簿上,存管人應註銷本收據並簽署新收據,證明 與註銷時本收據所證明的ADS總數相同,應安排註冊官在該等新收據上加簽,並應將該等新收據交付給有權獲得該等收據的人或根據其命令交付該等新收據,如果滿足了以下條件 :(i)本收據已由持有人正式交付(或由持有人正式授權的代理人)向保存人 的主要辦事處,以實現其轉讓,(ii)本收據已適當背書或附有適當的轉讓文書 (包括根據證券業標準慣例的簽名擔保),(iii)此 收據已加蓋適當印章(如紐約州或美國法律有要求),及(iv)所有適用費用和收費,以及由以下方面引起的費用,保管人和所有適用的税款和政府費用(如第 5.9節和《保管協議》附件B所述)已經支付, 然而,在每種情況下,受試者,本 收據、存款協議和適用法律的條款和條件。


註冊員應立即登記本收據的分割 或合併(以及本文所代表的ADS)在為此目的而保存的賬簿上,存管人應 註銷本收據,並就所要求的ADS數量簽署新的收據,但總計不得超過存管人註銷時本收據證明的ADS數量 ,如果滿足以下條件,應促使註冊官在此類新收據上加簽,並應將此類新 收據交付給持有人或根據持有人的命令交付:(i)本收據已 由持有人正式交付(或由持有人正式授權的代理人)送達保存人的主要辦事處,以便 實現本協議的拆分或合併,及(ii)所有適用的費用和收費以及保管人產生的開支以及 所有適用的税款和政府費用(如保管協議第5.9節和附件B所述)均已支付, 但是,在每一種情況下, 本收據、存款協議和適用法律的條款和條件。

(4) 登記、轉讓等的先決條件 作為執行和交付、轉讓登記、分割、合併 或交出任何收據、交付任何分發或撤回任何已存證券的先決條件,保存人或託管人可以要求(i)股票存管人或美國存託證券提交人或收據支付足以償還 與此相關的任何税款或其他政府費用以及任何股票轉讓或登記費的款項(包括任何與存放或撤回股份有關的税款或 收費和費用)以及 在存放協議和本收據中規定的任何適用費用和費用的支付,(ii)出示令其滿意的證明,證明任何簽字或存放協議中預期的任何其他事項的身份和一致性 ,及(iii)遵守(A)與收據或美國存託證券的簽署和交付或撤回有關的任何法律或政府法規 ,以及(B)存託人和公司可能制定的與存託協議和適用法律相一致的合理法規 。

The issuance of ADSs against deposits of Shares generally or against deposits of particular Shares may be suspended, or the delivery of ADSs against the deposit of particular Shares may be withheld, or the registration of transfer of Receipts in particular instances may be refused, or the registration of transfer of outstanding Receipts generally may be suspended, during any period when the transfer books of the Company, the Depositary, a Registrar or the Share Registrar, if any, are closed or if any such action is deemed necessary or advisable by the Depositary or the Company, in good faith, at any time or from time to time because of any requirement of law, any government or governmental body or commission or any securities exchange upon which the Receipts or Shares are listed, or under any provision of the Deposit Agreement or this Receipt, or under any provision of, or governing, the Deposited Securities, or because of a meeting of shareholders of the Company or for any other reason, subject in all cases to Article (24) hereof. Notwithstanding any provision of the Deposit Agreement or this Receipt to the contrary, Holders are entitled to surrender outstanding ADSs to withdraw the Deposited Securities at any time subject only to (i) temporary delays caused by closing the transfer books of the Depositary or the Company or the deposit of Shares in connection with voting at a shareholders’ meeting or the payment of dividends, (ii) the payment of fees, taxes and similar charges, (iii) compliance with any U.S. or foreign laws or governmental regulations relating to the Receipts or to the withdrawal of the Deposited Securities, and (iv) other circumstances specifically contemplated by Section IA.(1) of the General Instructions to Form F-6 (as such General Instructions may be amended from time to time).


(5) 遵守信息請求。儘管存款協議或本收據有任何其他規定,但代表的ADS的每個持有人和受益人 同意遵守印度共和國法律、印度證券交易委員會、印度儲備銀行以及任何股票或ADS註冊或將註冊的證券交易所的規則和要求,交易 或上市或公司的組織章程和組織章程大綱,其中要求通知公司在託管證券中的利益 , 除其他外,關於股份(或股份等價物)的某些收購或處置、 該持有人或受益所有人擁有ADS(和股份,視情況而定)的身份,以及有關當時 或以前在該等ADS中擁有權益的任何其他人的身份以及該等權益的性質以及各種其他事項,無論他們在提出該請求時是否為持有人和/或 受益所有人。

(六) 所有權 限制。儘管本收據或存款協議有任何規定,但如果轉讓可能導致股份所有權超過適用法律和法規或 公司章程和公司章程大綱規定的限制,公司可以限制 股份的轉讓。如果轉讓可能導致單一持有人 或受益所有人擁有的ADS所代表的股份總數超過任何此類限制,則公司還可以以其認為適當的方式限制ADS的轉讓。本公司可自行決定,但須遵守適用法律,指示存管人 就任何持有人或受益所有人的所有權權益採取超過上一句 中規定的限額的行動,包括但不限於對美國存託證券的轉讓施加限制,取消或限制投票權 或代表持有人或受益所有人強制出售或處置由該持有人或受益所有人持有的ADS所代表的股份,超過該等限制,在適用法律和公司組織章程和組織章程大綱允許的範圍內。

(7) Liability of Holder for Taxes and Other Charges. If any tax or other governmental charge shall become payable with respect to any Receipt or any Deposited Securities or ADSs, such tax, or other governmental charge shall be payable by the Holders and Beneficial Owners to the Depositary. The Company, the Custodian and/or Depositary may withhold or deduct from any distributions made in respect of Deposited Securities and may sell for the account of Holder and/or Beneficial Owner any or all of the Deposited Securities and apply such distributions and sale proceeds in payment of such taxes (including applicable interest and penalties) or charges, the Holder and the Beneficial Owner hereof remaining liable for any deficiency. The Custodian may refuse the deposit of Shares and the Depositary may refuse to issue ADSs, to deliver Receipts, register the transfer, split-up or combination of ADRs and (subject to Article (24) hereof) the withdrawal of Deposited Securities until payment in full of such tax, charge, penalty or interest is received. Every Holder and Beneficial Owner mat be required from time to time to indemnify the Depositary, the Company, the Custodian, and any of their agents, officers, employees and Affiliates for, and to hold each of them harmless from, any claims with respect to taxes (including applicable interest and penalties thereon) arising from any tax benefit obtained for such Holder and/or Beneficial Owner.


(8) 存款人的陳述 和義務。根據存款協議存放股份的每個人應被視為代表並保證 該等股份及其每份證書有效發行且尚未發行、已繳足且不可評估,且任何優先購買權 已被有效放棄或行使,且進行該等存款的人已獲正式授權。除存款協議第2.12條所述的情況外, 每個此類人員還應被視為代表該人員存入的股份不是 限制性證券,且根據 1933年證券法,該人員存入股份或出售收據不受限制。此類聲明和保證應在股份存放和收據發行或在存管人的 記錄中進行調整後繼續有效。

(9) Filing Proofs, Certificates and Other Information. Any person presenting Shares for deposit, any Holder and any Beneficial Owner may be required by the Company or the Depositary, and every Holder and Beneficial Owner agrees, from time to time to provide to the Depositary, the Company and the Custodian such proof of citizenship or residence, taxpayer status, payment of all applicable taxes or other governmental charges, exchange control approval and approval for deposit, legal or beneficial ownership of ADSs and Deposited Securities, compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the terms of the Deposit Agreement and the provisions of, or governing, the Deposited Securities, to execute such certifications and to make such representations and warranties, and to provide such other information or documentation (or, in the case of Shares in registered form presented for deposit, such information relating to the registration of Shares on the books of the Shares Registrar) as the Depositary or the Custodian may deem necessary or proper or as the Company may reasonably require by written request to the Depositary consistent with its obligations under the Deposit Agreement. Subject to Article (24) hereof and the terms of the Deposit Agreement, the Depositary and the Registrar, as applicable, may withhold the execution or Delivery or registration of transfer of any Receipt or the distribution or sale of any dividend or other distribution of rights or of the proceeds thereof or, to the extent not limited by Article 24 hereof, the Delivery of any Deposited Securities until such proof or other information is filed or such certificates are executed, or such representations are made or such information and documentation are provided, in each case to the Depositary’s, the Registrar’s and the Company’s satisfaction.

(10) 保管人的費用 。存管人應就根據存管協議條款提供的服務收取以下費用:

(i)向任何在交存股份時發行美國存託憑證的人士,收取不超過每100份美國存託憑證(或其部分)5美元的費用 (不包括根據下文第(iii)和(iv)段的發行);



(Iii)向任何美國存託憑證持有人收取的費用不超過每100份美國存託憑證2美元(或其中一部分)為分配現金收益而持有 (即在出售權利和其他權利時);不應支付現金股利或分配費用 根據股票股息或其他自由分配股份的方式支付美國存託證券,只要該等費用為 美國存託證券上市的交易所禁止;



此外,持有人、受益所有人、 存放股份以備存的個人和交出美國存託證券以備註銷和撤回所存證券的個人將被要求 支付以下費用:








存管人 在存管協議項下的任何其他費用和開支將由本公司根據存管人與本公司達成協議支付。所有費用和收費 可隨時和不時地通過存管人和公司之間的協議進行變更、修改或免除,但 對於持有人或受益所有人應支付的費用和收費,僅以本收據第(22)條所述的方式進行。保存人 應要求向任何人免費提供其最新收費表的副本。保管人的費用和開支 由保管人單獨支付。

Depositary fees payable upon (i) deposit of Shares against issuance of ADSs and (ii) surrender of ADSs for cancellation and withdrawal of Deposited Securities will be charged by the Depositary to the person to whom the ADSs so issued are delivered (in the case of ADS issuances) and to the person who delivers the ADSs for cancellation to the Depositary (in the case of ADS cancellations). In the case of ADSs issued by the Depositary into DTC or presented to the Depositary via DTC, the ADS issuance and cancellation fees will be payable to the Depositary by the DTC Participant(s) receiving the ADSs from the Depositary or the DTC Participant(s) surrendering the ADSs to the Depositary for cancellation, as the case may be, on behalf of the Beneficial Owner(s) and will be charged by the DTC Participant(s) to the account(s) of the applicable Beneficial Owner(s) in accordance with the procedures and practices of the DTC participant(s) as in effect at the time. Depositary fees in respect of distributions and the Depositary services fee are payable to the Depositary by Holders as of the applicable ADS Record Date established by the Depositary. In the case of distributions of cash, the amount of the applicable Depositary fees is deducted by the Depositary from the funds being distributed. In the case of distributions other than cash and the Depositary service fee, the Depositary will invoice the applicable Holders as of the ADS Record Date established by the Depositary. For ADSs held through DTC, the Depositary fees for distributions other than cash and the Depositary service fee are charged by the Depositary to the DTC Participants in accordance with the procedures and practices prescribed by DTC from time to time and the DTC Participants in turn charge the amount of such fees to the Beneficial Owners for whom they hold ADSs. The Depositary may remit to the Company all or a portion of the Depositary fees charged for the reimbursement of certain expenses incurred by the Company in respect of the ADR program established pursuant to the Deposit Agreement upon such terms and conditions as the Company and the Depositary may agree from time to time.

(十一) 收據標題 。這是本收據的一個條件,且本收據的每一位繼任持有人接受或持有相同同意, 並同意,本收據(以及本收據證明的每份ADS)的所有權應按照紐約州法律下的證書證券的相同條款進行轉讓,條件是該收據已適當背書或附有適當的轉讓文書 。儘管有任何相反的通知,出於所有目的,存管人和公司都可以將本收據持有人 (即本收據以其名義登記在存管人賬簿上的人)視為和對待其絕對所有人。公司或存管人均不對本收據的任何持有人或任何受益所有人承擔任何義務或承擔任何責任,除非該持有人是本收據的登記持有人,或 在受益所有人的情況下,該受益所有人或受益所有人的代表是本收據的登記持有人。


(十二) 收據的有效性。 此收據(以及此處所代表的美國存托股份)無權享有存託協議項下的任何利益 ,也無權就任何目的對存託人或公司有效或可強制執行,除非本收據已(i)註明日期,(ii)由存託人正式授權簽字人的手工或傳真簽名簽署 ,(iii)由註冊處正式授權的簽字人手工或傳真簽名 ,以及(iv)在註冊處保存的登記冊中登記 收據的簽發和轉讓。附有保存人或 登記處正式授權簽字人傳真簽字的收據,簽字時是保存人或登記處正式授權簽字人, 應對保存人具有約束力,即使在保存人交付該收據之前,該簽字人已停止獲得授權 。

(十三) 可用 信息;報告;轉帳帳簿檢查。公司須遵守《交易所法》的定期報告要求,並相應地向委員會提交某些信息。這些報告和文件可在委員會位於100 F街的公共參考設施查閲和複製,N.E.,華盛頓特區20549存管人應在其主要辦事處提供 從 公司收到的任何報告和通信,包括任何委託書徵集材料,供持有人查閲,這些報告和通信是(a)存管人、託管人或其中任何一人作為存管 證券持有人收到的,以及(b)公司向該等存管證券持有人普遍提供的。

註冊處應保存收據的發行和轉讓的登記簿,在所有合理的時間內,該簿應開放給公司和該等收據的持有人查閲,但就註冊處所知,為了與持有人溝通 為公司業務以外的業務或對象的利益,或與 存款協議或收據有關的事項以外的利益而收取此類收據。


註冊處處長可隨時或不時在其認為有必要或明智的情況下,就履行其在本協議項下的職責,或應公司的合理書面要求,在任何情況下,根據本協議第(24)條 條的規定,關閉與收款有關的轉讓賬簿。












(14)現金、股份等的股息和分派。每當託管人確認收到任何現金紅利或任何存款證券的其他現金分派,或收到根據《存款協議》出售任何股份、權利證券或其他權利的收益時,託管人將:(I)如果在收到時,根據託管人的判斷(根據《存款協議》的條款),任何以外幣形式收到的金額都可以 兑換成可轉移到美國的美元,迅速將該等股息、分派或收益轉換為美元(根據 存託協議的條款),(Ii)如適用,根據第4.9節所述的條款建立美國存托股份備案日期,以及(Iii)迅速 將收到的金額(扣除 存託協議規定的託管人適用的費用和支出以及(B)預扣的税款)分配給截至美國存托股份備案日期有權享有的持有人,比例與截至美國存托股份備案日期時持有的美國存托股份賬户數量的比例。然而,託管人只能分配可以分配的金額,而不會將1美分的零頭分配給任何持有人,任何未如此分配的餘額應由託管人持有(不承擔利息責任),並應添加到託管人收到的下一筆款項中,併成為其一部分,分配給當時未償還的美國存託憑證持有人。 如果公司、託管人或託管人被要求扣留並從任何已存款證券的任何現金股息或其他現金分配中扣留一筆金額 ,在代表該等存款證券的美國存託憑證上分配給 持有人的金額應相應減少。扣留的金額應由公司、託管人或託管人轉交給有關政府當局。

如任何存放證券的任何分派包括股份股息或免費分派,本公司應或安排將該等股份存放於託管人 ,並以託管人、託管人或其各自代名人的名義登記(視屬何情況而定)。在收到託管人對此類存款的確認後,託管人應根據《託管協議》建立美國存托股份記錄 日期,且(I)託管機構應於美國存托股份備案日按持有的美國存託憑證數量的比例向持有人分發額外的美國存託憑證,代表作為此類股息收到的股份總數的額外美國存託憑證,或免費分配, 受《存託協議》條款的約束(包括但不限於(A)適用的費用和收費以及發生的費用),(Ii)如未有額外的美國存託憑證派發,則在法律許可的範圍內,美國存托股份記錄日期後發行而尚未發行的每股美國存托股份股份亦應代表就其所代表的託管證券而分派的額外整數數目股份的權利及權益(扣除託管協議所規定的適用費用及 收費及由此產生的開支後的淨額)。為代替交付零碎的美國存託憑證,託管機構應按該等零碎股份或美國存託憑證的總數出售股份或美國存託憑證(視情況而定),並按存款協議所載條款分配所得款項淨額。


如果託管人確定 財產(包括股份)的任何分配需要繳納託管人有義務扣繳的任何税收或其他政府費用,或者如果公司在履行《存款協議》下的義務時提供了 美國律師的意見,確定股票必須根據證券法或其他法律登記才能分發給持有人(並且 沒有宣佈此類登記聲明有效),託管人可按託管人認為必要及可行的金額及方式(包括公開或私下出售)處置全部或部分該等財產(包括股份及認購權),而託管人須將任何該等出售所得款項(扣除(A)税 及(B)費用及收費及託管人所發生的開支)分配予根據《託管協議》條款有權享有的持有人。 託管人應根據《託管協議》的規定持有及/或分配該等財產的任何未售出餘額。

Upon timely receipt of a notice indicating that the Company wishes an elective distribution to be made available to Holders upon the terms described in the Deposit Agreement, the Company and the Depositary shall determine whether such distribution is lawful and reasonably practicable. If so, the Depositary shall, to the extent permitted by law and subject to the terms and conditions of the Deposit Agreement, distribute either (x) cash as in the case of a cash distribution or (y) additional ADSs representing such additional Shares as in the case of a distribution of Shares. In either case, the Depositary shall, subject to the terms and conditions of the Deposit Agreement, establish and ADS record date according to paragraph (16) and establish procedures to enable the Holder hereof to elect to receive the proposed distribution in cash or in additional ADSs. If a Holder elects to receive the distribution in cash, the dividend shall be distributed as in the case of a distribution in cash. If the Holder hereof elects to receive the distribution in additional ADSs, the distribution shall be distributed as in the case of a distribution in Shares. Nothing herein or in the Deposit Agreement shall obligate the Depositary to make available to the Holder hereof a method to receive the elective distribution in Shares (rather than ADSs). There can be no assurance that the Holder hereof will be given the opportunity to receive elective distributions on the same terms and conditions as the holders of Shares.


Upon timely receipt by the Depositary of a notice indicating that the Company wishes rights to subscribe for additional Shares to be made available to Holders of ADSs, the Depositary upon consultation with the Company, shall determine, whether it is lawful and reasonably practicable to make such rights available to the Holders. The Depositary shall make such rights available to any Holders only if (i) the Company shall have requested that such rights be made available to Holders, (ii) the Depositary shall have received the documentation contemplated in the Deposit Agreement, and (iii) the Depositary shall have determined, in consultation with the Company, that such distribution of rights is reasonably practicable. If such conditions are not satisfied, the Depositary shall sell the rights as described below. In the event all conditions set forth above are satisfied, the Depositary shall establish an ADS Record Date (upon the terms described in the Deposit Agreement) and establish procedures (x) to distribute rights to purchase additional ADSs (by means of warrants or otherwise), (y) to enable the Holders to exercise the rights (upon payment of the subscription price and of the applicable (a) fees and charges of, and expenses incurred by, the Depositary as provided in the Deposit Agreement and (b) taxes), and (z) to deliver ADSs upon the valid exercise of such rights. Nothing herein or in the Deposit Agreement shall obligate the Depositary to make available to the Holders a method to exercise rights to subscribe for Shares (rather than ADSs). If (i) the Company does not request the Depositary to make the rights available to Holders or if the Company requests that the rights not be made available to Holders, (ii) the Depositary fails to receive the documentation required by the Deposit Agreement or determines in consultation with the Company, that it is not reasonably practicable to make the rights available to Holders, or (iii) any rights made available are not exercised and appear to be about to lapse, the Depositary shall determine whether it is lawful and reasonably practicable to sell such rights, in a riskless principal capacity, at such place and upon such terms (including public or private sale) as it may deem proper. The Depositary shall, upon such sale, convert and distribute proceeds of such sale (net of applicable fees and charges of, and expenses incurred by, the Depositary and taxes) upon the terms hereof and of the Deposit Agreement. If the Depositary is unable to make any rights available to Holders or to arrange for the sale of the rights upon the terms described above, the Depositary shall allow such rights to lapse. The Depositary shall not be responsible for (i) any failure to determine that it may be practicable to make such rights available to Holders in general or any Holders in particular, (ii) any foreign exchange exposure or loss incurred in connection with such sale or exercise, or (iii) the content of any materials forwarded to the ADR Holders on behalf of the Company in connection with the rights distribution.

儘管本協議或保證金協議中有任何相反規定,但如果需要註冊(根據證券法或任何其他適用法律)與權利有關的權利或證券,公司才能向持有人提供該權利或證券,並出售該權利代表的證券。託管人不會將該等權利分配給持有人:(I)除非及直至涵蓋該項發售的《證券法》(或其他適用法律)下的登記聲明生效,或(Ii)除非本公司提供本公司在美國的律師及本公司在任何其他適用國家的律師的保管意見(S) ,而在該等國家/地區內的權利將獲分配給託管人, 大意是,向持有人及實益擁有人發售及出售該等證券可獲豁免,或不需要根據,證券法或任何其他適用法律的規定。如果公司、託管人或託管人因税收或其他政府收費而被要求從財產(包括權利)的任何分配中扣留或確實扣留金額,則分配給代表該等已交存證券的美國存託憑證持有人的金額應相應減少。如果託管人確定財產上的任何分配(包括股份和認購權)需要繳納託管人有義務扣繳的任何税款或其他政府費用,託管人可以按託管人認為支付任何 此類税費或費用所需和切實可行的金額和方式,處置全部或部分財產(包括股份和認購權) 。



在收到通知表示本公司希望將現金、股份或購買額外股份的權利以外的財產轉讓給美國存託憑證持有人後,託管銀行應確定此類分配給持有人是否合法和合理可行。託管人不得進行此類分配,除非(I) 公司已要求託管人向持有人進行此類分發,(Ii)託管人已收到《託管協議》中設想的文件,以及(Iii)託管人已確定此種分發合理可行。 在滿足上述條件後,託管人應將收到的財產在美國存托股份備案日起分發給記錄持有人,按其各自持有的美國存託憑證數量的比例,並以託管人認為可行的方式進行分配:(I)在收到付款或扣除託管人的適用費用和收費及支出後,以及(Ii)扣除任何預扣的税金後。託管人可以按託管人認為可行或必要的方式(包括公開或私下出售)處置如此分配和存放的全部或部分財產,以滿足適用於分配的任何 税(包括適用的利息和罰款)或其他政府收費。

如果上述條件不符合,託管銀行應按其認為適當的一個或多個地點,按其認為適當的條款,以公開或私下方式出售或出售該財產,並應(I)將出售所得收益(如有)兑換成美元,以及(Ii)根據本協議和存款協議的條款,將託管銀行收到的此類轉換所得收益(扣除適用於託管銀行的費用和收費以及由此產生的支出)分配給持有人。如果保管人無法 出售這種財產,保管人可以在這種情況下以其認為合理可行的任何方式處置這種財產。

(15)贖回。 在及時收到本公司通知表示擬就任何已交存的證券行使贖回權,以及大律師的滿意意見,以及在確定建議贖回切實可行後,託管人應 (在可行範圍內)向每名持有人郵寄通知,列明本公司擬行使贖回權的意向及本公司向託管人發出的通知內所載的任何其他詳情。於接獲已贖回及已收到相當於贖回價格的款項的確認後,託管人將根據存款協議的條款,於持有人交付該等美國存託憑證時,轉換、轉移及分配所得款項(扣除適用的(A)託管費用及支出、 及(B)税項)、註銷美國存託憑證及註銷美國存託憑證。如果贖回不足全部未贖回的存入證券,將按批次或按比例選擇要註銷的美國存託憑證,這可能由託管機構決定。每個美國存托股份的贖回價格應為:託管人在贖回以美國存托股份為代表的證券時收到的每股美元金額(受《存託協議》的條款以及託管人的適用費用和收費以及由此產生的費用和税費的限制)乘以每個贖回的美國存托股份所代表的證券單位數或已存放的證券數量。


(16)固定美國存托股份錄製日期 。每當託管人收到本公司為確定有權收到任何分發(無論是現金、股票、權利或其他分發)的已存放證券持有人而確定記錄日期的通知時,或當 託管人因任何原因導致每個美國存托股份所代表的股份數量發生變化時,或每當託管人應 收到股份或其他已託管證券持有人的任何會議或徵求其同意或委託書的通知時,或每當 託管人認為有必要或方便地發出任何通知時,在徵求任何同意或任何其他 事項時,託管銀行應確定一個記錄日期(“美國存托股份記錄日期”),以供收據持有人確定,他們有權 收到有關分發、就在任何有關會議上行使投票權作出指示、給予或拒絕同意、或接收有關通知或徵求意見或以其他方式採取行動,或行使持有人對各美國存托股份所代表的該等變更股份數目的權利。在符合適用法律以及本收據 和存款協議的條款和條件的情況下,只有在美國存托股份記錄日期當日紐約交易結束時持有收據的人才有權 接收此類分發、發出此類指示、接收此類通知或徵求意見,或採取其他行動。

(17)對存入證券的表決。在收到股份持有人有權投票的任何會議的通知,或股份或其他託管證券持有人徵求同意或委託書的通知後,託管銀行應在切實可行範圍內儘快確定有關該會議或徵求同意或委託書的美國存托股份記錄日期。託管人應(如本公司及時提出書面要求,費用由本公司承擔,且在美國法律不禁止的情況下)向持有人郵寄:(A) 該會議或徵求同意或委託書的通知,(B)一份聲明,聲明截至美國存托股份記錄日期,持有人將有權, 在任何適用法律、本公司的組織章程細則和章程大綱以及 已交存證券的規定或管轄下(如有規定,本公司應在相關部分彙總),指示託管人 行使與該持有人的美國存托股份所代表的股份或其他已存放證券有關的投票權(如有) 及(C)有關發出該等指示的方式的簡短陳述。在美國存托股份記錄日期按託管人指定的方式及時收到美國存託憑證持有人的表決指示後,託管人應在可行的範圍內努力 並根據適用法律允許《存託協議》、《公司章程細則》和《公司章程大綱》以及已交存證券的規定投票表決或促使託管人表決該持有人所持有的美國存託憑證所代表的股份和/或其他已交存證券,無論是舉手錶決,在這種情況下,託管人應被指示 按照已向託管人發出指示的大多數美國存托股份持有人的指示投票,或在投票表決時,在這種情況下,託管人應被指示按照從發出指示的持有人那裏收到的指示投票。


本公司的組織章程細則及組織章程大綱規定,持有(A)有權就決議案投票的總股份至少10%或(B)總實收資本至少為50,000盧比的股份的一名或多名持有人可於任何股東大會上要求以投票方式表決。因此,除非得到持有(A)至少總股份10%(由有權就決議案投票的持有人(S)‘ 美國存托股份)或(B)股份(由該持有人(S)’美國存托股份)代表)且總繳足資本至少50,000盧比的一名或多名持有人特別指示,否則託管人按託管人的指示代表持有人行事, 不得加入要求投票表決。本公司的組織章程細則及組織章程大綱(於本章程日期 生效)進一步規定,在出現平局的情況下,本公司董事會主席將投下決定性一票。

Neither the Depositary nor the Custodian shall, under any circumstances exercise any discretion as to voting and neither the Depositary nor the Custodian shall vote, attempt to exercise the right to vote, or in any way make use of, the Shares or other Deposited Securities represented by ADS except pursuant to and in accordance with such written instructions from Holders. If voting instructions are received by the Depositary from any Holder on or before the date established by the Depositary for the receipt of such instructions, which are signed but without further indication as to specific instructions, the Depositary will deem such Holder to have instructed the Depositary to vote in favor of the items set forth in such instructions. Shares or other Deposited Securities represented by ADS for which no specific voting instructions are received by the Depositary from the Holder shall not be voted. Notwithstanding anything else contained in the Deposit Agreement or this Receipt, the Depositary shall not have any obligation to take any action with respect to any meeting, or solicitation or consents or proxies, of holders of Shares or other Deposited Securities if the taking of such action would violate U.S. laws. The Company agrees to take any and all actions reasonably necessary to enable Holders and Beneficial Owners to exercise the voting rights accruing to the Shares or other Deposited Securities and to deliver to the Depositary an opinion of U.S. counsel addressing any actions requested to be taken if so requested by the Depositary. There can be no assurance that Holders generally or any Holder in particular will receive the notice described above with sufficient time to enable the Holder to return voting instructions to the Depositary in a timely manner.

(18)影響存款證券的變更 。當存款證券的面值或面值發生任何變化、拆分、註銷、合併或任何其他重新分類時,或在影響本公司或其為一方的資產的任何資本重組、重組、合併或合併或出售時,託管人或託管人應收到的任何證券,在法律允許的範圍內,應被視為根據存款協議新存放的證券,且在符合《存款協議》和適用法律的規定的情況下,託管人或託管人應收到該等存款證券的交換、轉換、替換或其他方面的證券。 代表有權獲得此類額外證券的美國存託憑證。在獲得本公司批准的情況下,託管人可簽署及交付額外收據,或要求退還未付收據以換取新收據(如為新存入股份),以及在新存入股份的情況下,對存入協議附件A所載的收據格式作出必要的 修改,並特別説明該等新存入的證券或公司變更,但須遵守存入協議的條款及收到按存入協議預期的令人滿意的文件。儘管如上所述,如果任何如此收到的證券可能不能合法地分發給部分或所有持有人,託管機構可以在公司批准的情況下,並且如果公司要求,在收到存款協議中預期的令人滿意的法律文件的情況下,在其認為適當的一個或多個地點以公開或私下銷售的方式出售該等證券,並可分配此類銷售的淨收益(扣除(A)費用和收費以及由此產生的費用)。(B)向持有該等證券的其他有權 的持有人的賬户繳税),並在實際可行的範圍內分配所得款項淨額,一如根據《存款協議》以 現金進行分配的情況。保管人對以下情況不負責任:(I)未能確定向一般持有人或特別是任何持有人提供此類證券是否合法或可行;(Ii)因出售此類證券而產生的任何外匯風險或損失;或(Iii)對此類證券購買者的任何責任。


(19)免責。 保管人和公司均無義務作出或執行任何與《保證金協議》的規定不一致的行為,也沒有義務向任何持有人或實益所有人承擔任何責任:(I)如果保管人或公司因《保證金協議》和本收據的條款所要求的任何行為或事情而被阻止或禁止,或受到任何民事或刑事處罰或限制,或因此收據的任何規定而受到民事或刑事處罰或限制,則本收據,印度共和國或任何其他國家,或任何其他政府當局或監管當局或證券交易所, 或由於可能的刑事或民事處罰或限制,或由於公司組織章程和組織章程大綱的任何規定、現在或未來的任何規定或任何託管證券的任何規定,或由於 任何天災、戰爭或其他超出其控制範圍的情況(包括但不限於國有化、徵收、貨幣限制、停工、罷工、內亂、革命、叛亂、爆炸和電腦故障),(Ii)因行使或未能行使本存款協議或本公司組織章程細則及備忘錄所規定的任何酌情決定權,或因行使或未能行使本公司組織章程細則及章程大綱所規定的任何酌情決定權,或(Iii)根據法律顧問、會計師、任何提交股份以供存放的人、任何持有人、任何實益擁有人或獲授權的代表,或本公司真誠相信有能力提供該等意見或資料的任何其他人士的意見或資料而採取任何行動或不採取任何行動,(Iv)對於 持有人或實益擁有人無法從向存款證券持有人提供但根據本存款協議條款不向美國存托股份持有人提供的任何分發、要約、權利或其他利益中受益的情況,或(V)因違反本存款協議條款而產生的任何後果性或懲罰性賠償。託管人、其控制人、其代理人、任何託管人及本公司、其控制人及代理人在執行其認為真實且已由適當一方或多方簽署或出示的任何書面通知、請求或其他文件時,可信賴並應受到保護。《存款協議》或本收據的任何條款均無意提供《證券法》下的責任免責聲明。

(20) Standard of Care. The Company and its agents assume no obligation and shall not be subject to any liability under this Deposit Agreement or the Receipts to Holders or Beneficial Owners or other persons, except that the Company and its agents agree to perform their obligations specifically set forth in this Deposit Agreement without negligence or bad faith. The Depositary and its agents assume no obligation and shall not be subject to any liability under this Deposit Agreement or the Receipts to Holders or Beneficial Owners or other persons, except that the Depositary and its agents agree to perform their obligations specifically set forth in this Deposit Agreement without negligence or bad faith. The Depositary and its agents shall not be liable for any failure to carry out any instructions to vote any of the Deposited Securities, or for the manner in which any vote is cast or the effect of any vote, provided that any such action or omission is in good faith and in accordance with the terms of this Deposit Agreement. The Depositary shall not incur any liability for any failure to determine that any distribution or action may be lawful or reasonably practicable, for the content of any information submitted to it by the Company for distribution to the Holders or for any inaccuracy of any translation thereof, for any investment risk associated with acquiring an interest in the Deposited Securities, for the validity or worth of the Deposited Securities or for any tax consequences that may result from the ownership of ADSs, Shares or Deposited Securities, for the credit-worthiness of any third party, for allowing any rights to lapse upon the terms of this Deposit Agreement or for the failure or timeliness of any notice from the Company.


(21) Resignation and Removal of the Depositary; Appointment of Successor Depositary. The Depositary may at any time resign as Depositary under the Deposit Agreement by written notice of resignation delivered to the Company, such resignation to be effective on the earlier of (i) the 90th day after delivery thereof to the Company, or (ii) upon the appointment by the Company of a successor depositary and its acceptance of such appointment as provided in the Deposit Agreement. The Depositary may at any time be removed by the Company by written notice of such removal which notice shall be effective on the earlier of (i) the 90th day after delivery thereof to the Depositary, or (ii) upon the appointment of a successor depositary and its acceptance of such appointment as provided in the Deposit Agreement. In case at any time the Depositary acting hereunder shall resign or be removed, the Company shall use its best efforts to appoint a successor depositary, which shall be a bank or trust company having an office in the Borough of Manhattan, the City of New York. Every successor depositary shall execute and deliver to its predecessor and to the Company an instrument in writing accepting its appointment hereunder, and thereupon such successor depositary, without any further act or deed (except as required by applicable law), shall become fully vested with all the rights, powers, duties and obligations of its predecessor. The predecessor depositary, upon payment of all sums due it and on the written request of the Company, shall (i) execute and deliver an instrument transferring to such successor all rights and powers of such predecessor hereunder (other than as contemplated in the Deposit Agreement), (ii) duly assign, transfer and deliver all right, title and interest to the Deposited Securities to such successor, and (iii) deliver to such successor a list of the Holders of all outstanding Receipts and such other information relating to Receipts and Holders thereof as the successor may reasonably request. Any such successor depositary shall promptly mail notice of its appointment to such Holders. Any corporation into or with which the Depositary may be merged or consolidated shall be the successor of the Depositary without the execution or filing of any document or any further act.


(22)修訂/補充。 本收據及存款協議的任何條文可隨時及不時由本公司與保管人就其認為必要或適宜的任何方面的書面協議作出修訂或補充,而無需持有人或實益擁有人的事先書面同意。任何修訂或補充,如將徵收或增加任何費用或收費(與外匯管理條例有關的收費、税項及其他政府收費、交割及其他此類開支除外),或以其他方式實質損害持有人或實益擁有人現有的任何重大權利,則在收到有關修訂或補充的通知後30天屆滿前,不得對未付收據生效 。雙方同意,(I)為(A)美國存託憑證根據證券法在表格F-6中登記或(B)美國存託憑證僅以電子簿記形式進行交易及(Ii)在上述兩種情況下均不徵收或增加持有人承擔的任何費用或收費而作出的任何修訂或補充(由本公司及託管銀行同意),將被視為不會對持有人或實益擁有人的任何重大權利造成重大損害。於任何修訂或補充生效時,每名持有人 及實益擁有人因繼續持有美國存托股份(S)而被視為同意及同意該等修訂或補充,並受經修訂或補充的《存款協議》約束。在任何情況下,任何修改或補充都不應損害持有人交出收據並從中收取所代表的存款證券的權利,除非為了遵守適用法律的強制性規定。儘管有上述規定,如果任何政府 機構應採用新的法律、規則或法規,要求修訂或補充存款協議以確保遵守 ,本公司和託管銀行可根據 該等修改後的法律、規則或法規,隨時修訂或補充存款協議和本收據。在這種情況下,對《存款協議》的修改或補充可在向持有人發出修改或補充通知之前或在遵守此類法律、規則或法規所需的任何其他期限內生效 。


(23) Termination. The Depositary shall, at any time at the written direction of the Company, terminate the Deposit Agreement by mailing notice of such termination to the Holders of all Receipts then outstanding at least 30 days prior to the date fixed in such notice for such termination. If 90 days shall have expired after (i) the Depositary shall have delivered to the Company a written notice of its election to resign, or (ii) the Company shall have delivered to the Depositary a written notice of the removal of the Depositary, and in either case a successor depositary shall not have been appointed and accepted its appointment as provided in herein and in the Deposit Agreement, the Depositary may terminate the Deposit Agreement by mailing notice of such termination to the Holders of all Receipts then outstanding at least 30 days prior to the date fixed for such termination. On and after the date of termination of the Deposit Agreement, the Holder will, upon surrender of such Holders’ Receipt(s) at the Principal Office of the Depositary, upon the payment of the charges of the Depositary for the surrender of ADSs referred to in Article (2) hereof and in the Deposit Agreement and subject to the conditions and restrictions therein set forth, and upon payment of any applicable taxes or governmental charges, be entitled to Delivery, to him or upon his order, of the amount of Deposited Securities represented by such Receipt. If any Receipts shall remain outstanding after the date of termination of the Deposit Agreement, the Registrar thereafter shall discontinue the registration of transfers of Receipts, and the Depositary shall suspend the distribution of dividends to the Holders thereof, and shall not give any further notices or perform any further acts under the Deposit Agreement, except that the Depositary shall continue to collect dividends and other distributions pertaining to Deposited Securities, shall sell rights as provided in the Deposit Agreement, and shall continue to deliver Deposited Securities, subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth in the Deposit Agreement, together with any dividends or other distributions received with respect thereto and the net proceeds of the sale of any rights or other property, in exchange for Receipts surrendered to the Depositary (after deducting, or charging, as the case may be, in each case the charges of the Depositary for the surrender of a Receipt, any expenses for the account of the Holder in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Deposit Agreement and any applicable taxes or governmental charges or assessments). At any time after the expiration of six months from the date of termination of the Deposit Agreement, the Depositary may sell the Deposited Securities then held hereunder and may thereafter hold uninvested the net proceeds of any such sale, together with any other cash then held by it hereunder, in an unsegregated account, without liability for interest for the pro rata benefit of the Holders whose Receipts have not theretofore been surrendered. After making such sale, the Depositary shall be discharged from all obligations under the Deposit Agreement with respect to the Receipts and the Shares, the Deposited Securities and the ADSs, except to account for such net proceeds and other cash (after deducting, or charging, as the case may be, in each case the charges of the Depositary for the surrender of a Receipt, any expenses for the account of the Holder in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Deposit Agreement and any applicable taxes or governmental charges or assessments). Upon the termination of the Deposit Agreement, the Company shall be discharged from all obligations under the Deposit Agreement except as set forth in the Deposit Agreement.

(24) 遵守美國證券法。儘管本收據或存款協議中有任何相反的規定,除非第I. A節允許,否則本公司或存管人不得暫停存管證券的提取或交付。(l) 根據1933年《證券法》不時修訂的《F—6表格登記聲明》的一般説明。


(25) Certain Rights of the Depositary; Limitations. Subject to the further terms and provisions of this Article (25), the Depositary, its Affiliates and their agents, on their own behalf and on behalf of their clients, may own and deal in any class of securities of the Company and its Affiliates and in ADSs. The Depositary may issue ADSs against evidence of rights to receive Shares from the Company, any agent of the Company or any custodian, registrar, transfer agent, clearing agency or other entity involved in ownership or transaction records in respect of the Shares. Such evidence of rights shall consist of written blanket or specific guarantees of ownership of Shares. In its capacity as Depositary, the Depositary shall not lend Shares or ADSs; provided, however, that the Depositary may (i) issue ADSs prior to the receipt of Shares pursuant to Section 2.3 of the Deposit Agreement and (ii) deliver Shares prior to the receipt of ADSs for withdrawal of Deposited Securities pursuant to Section 2.7 of the Deposit Agreement, including ADSs which were issued under (i) above but for which Shares may not have been received (each such transaction a “Pre-Release Transaction”). The Depositary may receive ADSs in lieu of Shares under (i) above and receive Shares in lieu of ADSs under (ii) above. Each such Pre-Release Transaction will be (a) accompanied by or subject to a written agreement whereby the person or entity (the “Applicant”) to whom ADSs or Shares are to be delivered (w) represents that at the time of the Pre-Release Transaction the Applicant or its customer owns the Shares or ADSs that are to be delivered by the Applicant under such Pre-Release Transaction, (x) agrees to indicate the Depositary as owner of such Shares or ADSs in its records and to hold such Shares or ADSs in trust for the Depositary until such Shares or ADSs are delivered to the Depositary or the Custodian, (y) unconditionally guarantees to deliver to the Depositary or the Custodian, as applicable, such Shares or ADSs and (z) agrees to any additional restrictions or requirements that the Depositary deems appropriate, (b) at all times fully collateralized with cash, U.S. government securities or such other collateral as the Depositary deems appropriate, (c) terminable by the Depositary on not more than five (5) business days notice and (d) subject to such further indemnities and credit regulations as the Depositary deems appropriate. The Depositary will normally limit the number of ADSs and Shares involved in such Pre-Release Transactions at any one time to thirty percent (30%) of the ADSs outstanding (without giving effect to ADSs outstanding under (i) above), provided, however, that the Depositary reserves the right to change or disregard such limit from time to time as it deems appropriate. The Depositary may also set limits with respect to the number of ADSs and Shares involved in Pre-Release Transactions with any one person on a case by case basis as it deems appropriate. The Depositary may retain for its own account any compensation received by it in conjunction with the foregoing. Collateral provided pursuant to (b) above, but not earnings thereon, shall be held for the benefit of the Holders (other than the Applicant).



對於收到的價值,以下籤署的持有人特此出售、轉讓和轉讓給 其納税人識別號為 ,其地址(包括郵政編碼)為 , 內的收據及其項下的所有權利,特此不可撤銷地構成和指定 事實上的律師將上述收據轉移到保存人的賬簿上,並在處所內具有完全的替換權。





[就部分權益 美國存托股份發行的收據應在收據正面註明以下圖例:"此收據證明美國存託 股票代表'部分權利'股權股份(“股份”),因此不賦予其持有人與其他股份相同的每股權利,(即“完全權利”股份) 在此期間已發行且尚未發行。本收據所代表的美國存托股份應使持有人有權獲得分配 和與其他



[本證書代表根據存款協議(定義見下文)第2.12節的條款發行的“受限美國存託憑證”。除非根據修訂後的1933年《證券法》 為此類證券提供有效的登記聲明,或者除非該等證券可根據上述法令獲得登記豁免,否則不得出售或以其他方式轉讓本證書和此處所示的受限美國存託憑證。]





此處使用但未另行定義的所有大寫術語應 具有《存款協議》中賦予此類術語的含義。



服務 費率 由誰付款
(1)存入股份後發行美國存託憑證(不包括下文第(4)款所指的發行)。 每發行100份美國存託憑證(或其一小部分)最高可達5美元。 接受存款的人或接受美國存託憑證的一方。
(2)交回美國存託憑證時交付存放的證券、財產及現金。 每100份存託證券(或其不足部分)最高可獲5美元。 交出美國存託憑證或撤回的人。
(三)分配現金股利或者其他現金分配(即,出售權利和其他權利)。 每持有100份ADS(或其一小部分)最高可達2美元。 接受分配的人。
(4) 根據(i)股票股息或其他免費分派,或(ii)行使權利的分派美國存託憑證。 每發行100份美國存託憑證(或其一小部分)最高可達2美元。 接受分配的人。
(5) 存管服務。 每100張(或不足100張)美國存託憑證(不足100張)最高5.00美元。 在託管人建立的適用記錄日期持有美國存託憑證的人員。


持有人、受益所有人、存放 股票以備存的人員以及交出ADS以備註銷和撤回已存證券的人員應負責 以下費用:













致代表本公司已交存證券的美國存托股份(“ADS”)持有人 。

公司: Sify Technologies Limited是一家根據印度共和國法律成立的有限責任公司。
寄存人: 北卡羅來納州花旗銀行
保管人: 花旗銀行,北卡羅來納州-孟買分行
存款證券: 本公司的股權(以下簡稱“股份”)。
美國存托股份CUSIP.編號: 82655 M 10 7.
股票與美國存托股份的比率: 一(1)個共享到一(1)個美國存托股份。
存款協議: 經日期為二零零零年一月六日的存款協議第一號修正案修訂,並經日期為二零零二年九月二十四日的存款協議第二號修正案進一步修訂,並經日期為二零零七年十一月二日的補充函件協議(經如此修訂及補充的“存款協議”)補充,由本公司、受託保管人及所有美國存託憑證持有人及實益擁有人之間訂立,並建議經存款協議第三號修正案(“修訂”)進一步修訂的存款協議。
生效日期: 後者發生在(I)自本合同之日起30天屆滿之日和(Ii)美國證券交易委員會宣佈適用的表格F-6註冊聲明生效之日。

根據存管協議第6.1條,本公司與 存管人已同意修訂存管協議、存管協議附件A所附的ADR格式,以及所有已發行 及尚未發行的ADR,以允許存管人就ADS收取額外費用。本通知附有保存人新修訂的費用表。

通過在生效日期之後繼續持有根據存款協議 發行的任何未償還美國存託憑證,您將被視為已同意受經修訂修訂案修訂的存款協議約束。 保存人應安排印製新的ADR,以反映本修正案所產生的變更。如果您持有在 生效日期之前發行的ADR,則無需交出ADR進行兑換。如果您持有非證書形式的ADS,則無需 採取任何操作。

該修正案的草案已於2009年5月11日提交給SEC,其封面是F—6表格的註冊聲明(註冊號333—159114)。存管協議副本和修正案 的格式可從SEC網站www.example.com和存管人辦公室(地址:388 Greenwich Street,New York,New York 10013)獲取。

如果您對修訂案有任何疑問,請致電花旗銀行, 不適用。- ADS持有人服務電話:1—877—248—4237。

