







本應收税款協議 (本“協議”)於2024年3月13日由Zeo Energy Corp.(f/k/a ESGEN Acquisition Corporation)、特拉華州公司(以下簡稱“PubCo”)、TRA持有人和代理人簽署。


ESGEAS,Pubco是ESGEN OpCo,LLC的管理 成員,ESGEN OpCo,LLC是一家特拉華州有限責任公司(連同任何繼承實體,簡稱"OpCo"),是一家被美國聯邦所得税分類為合夥企業的實體,目前持有OpCo的成員權益;

EEAS、運營公司及其 直接和間接子公司(就美國聯邦所得税而言,被視為合夥企業)將在發生贖回的每個應納税年度實際上根據《守則》第754條進行選擇 ;

此外,在業務合併結束後 ,TRA持有人將持有單位,並可在一次或多次贖回中轉讓全部或部分該等單位, 且,由於該等贖回,企業納税人預計將獲得或有權享受本文進一步 所述的某些税務優惠;

除此之外,本協議 旨在闡明本協議雙方之間關於分享公司納税人因贖回而實現的税收優惠的協議;

鑑於 上述內容以及本協議中規定的相應契約和協議,並打算受本協議的法律約束,本協議雙方 達成如下協議:

第一條 定義

第1.1節定義。 如本協議所用,本第一條所述術語應具有以下含義(這些含義同樣適用於所定義術語的單數和複數形式)。

“應計金額” 具有本協議第3.1(B)節規定的含義。

"實際税務責任" 指,就任何應納税年度而言,(i)企業納税人,以及(ii)運營公司及其任何子公司的美國聯邦所得税的實際責任(不重複 ),這些子公司被視為美國聯邦所得税目的的合夥企業,但僅適用於 對運營公司及其子公司徵收的、可分配給企業納税人的税款;條件是,企業納税人對美國聯邦所得税的實際責任 應在假定扣除州和地方所得税(及其他影響)和特許經營税的情況下計算。

“關聯公司” 就任何人而言,指直接或間接通過一個或多箇中間人控制、受第一人控制或與第一人共同控制的任何其他人。

"代理人"指Timothy Bridgewater或根據第7.6(b)條指定的其他人員。

"協議利率" 指每年SOFR加100個基點的利率。

“協議” 具有本協議序言中規定的含義。

“修訂後的時間表” 具有本協議第2.3(B)節規定的含義。

"假定 州和地方税率"是指,就任何應納税年度而言,(i)運營公司所在的每個州和地方 司法管轄區的下列金額之和(或其任何直接或間接子公司,被視為合夥企業或被忽略的實體) 或企業納税人提交相關應納税年度的所得税或特許權税申報表:(A)適用州或地方司法管轄區的企業納税人收入 和特許經營税分攤係數乘以(B)適用州或地方司法管轄區的最高企業收入 和特許經營税税率,減去(ii)(A)相關應納税年度適用於公司納税人的最高美國聯邦所得税邊際税率的乘積(根據有關應課税年度的假設 税務責任的計算而釐定)及(B)根據第(i)條計算的總税率。


“歸屬” 具有本協議第3.1(B)節中規定的含義。

"基準調整" 是指因贖回和根據本協議就該贖回支付而對參考資產的税基進行的任何調整 (根據本協議第2.1條計算),包括但不限於:(i)根據《守則》第734(b)、743(b)和754條(包括在贖回後,運營公司仍為 美國聯邦所得税目的分類為合夥企業的情況);及(ii)根據《守則》第732(b)、第734(b)、第737和第1012條(當由於 一次或多次贖回,運營公司成為一個實體,而就美國聯邦所得税而言,該實體被視為與其所有者分開而不予考慮)。 儘管本協議有任何其他規定,因贖回單位而產生的任何基準調整的金額應 在不考慮贖回前歸屬於該單位的任何第743(b)條調整的情況下確定,此外,根據本協議作出的付款 不應視為導致基準調整,只要該等付款被視為推定利息。

“董事會” 指公司納税人的董事會。

“業務合併” 指ESGEN收購公司、 Sunergy Renewables,LLC、賣方方、OpCo、ESGEN LLC和Timothy Bridgewater(作為賣方代表)於2023年4月19日根據業務合併協議完成的交易,經修訂。

"工作日" 指每週的星期一至星期五,但美利堅合眾國政府、 紐約州或德克薩斯州達拉斯市政府承認的法定假日不應視為工作日。

“控制權變更” 指在生效日期後發生下列任何事件或一系列相關事件:

(i)任何人(不包括(A)任何合資格所有人或任何合資格所有人團體, 將構成《交易法》第13(d)條的目的的"團體",以及(B)直接或間接擁有的公司或其他實體,由公司納税人的股東以與其對公司納税人的 股票的所有權基本相同的比例持有)是或成為"直接或間接持有公司納税人證券的受益所有人”(定義見根據 《交易法》頒佈的規則第13d—3條),該證券佔公司納税人當時尚未行使的表決權證券的總表決權的50%以上;或

(Ii)公司納税人與任何其他公司或 其他實體的合併或合併完成,並且,在合併或合併完成後,(A)合併或合併前的董事會成員不構成合並或合併存續的公司董事會成員的至少多數,或者,如果存在的公司是子公司,則其最終母公司。或(B)所有 各自的"受益所有人"(定義見上文)公司納税人在合併或合併之前的表決權證券的受益人不繼續擁有超過50%的當時未行使的合併表決權 該人因該合併或合併而產生的有表決權的證券,或者,如果該存續公司是子公司,則其最終 母公司;或者



儘管有上述規定, 除上文第(二)(A)款外,"控制權變更"不應被視為由於完成任何交易或一系列綜合交易而發生,且在該交易或一系列交易之前,公司納税人股份的記錄持有人繼續擁有基本上相同的所有權比例 直接或通過子公司擁有公司納税人的全部或全部資產的實體,並擁有該實體的幾乎全部股份。

“A類股” 是指公司納税人的A類普通股。


"控制" 指直接或間接擁有指導或導致指導某人管理和政策的權力,無論 是通過擁有表決權證券、合同或其他方式。

“企業納税人”指PubCo和任何繼承公司,應包括PubCo是其成員的任何税務合併集團的任何其他成員。 為免生疑問,“董事會”和“控制權變更”定義中使用的該術語僅指 PubCo和任何繼承公司。


應納税年度的"累計淨已實現 税收優惠"是指企業納税人所有應納税年度(包括該應納税年度)已實現税收優惠的累計金額(但不小於零),減去 同期已實現税收優惠的累計金額。每個應納税年度的已實現税收優惠和已實現税收損失應根據確定時存在的最新 税收優惠支付計劃或經修訂的計劃(如有)確定。

"違約率" 是指每年SOFR加500個基點的利率。

"確定" 具有法典第1313(a)條中該術語或任何其他事件(包括執行IRS表格870—AD)中賦予的含義, 最終確定了任何税務責任的金額。

“爭議” 具有本協議第7.9(A)節規定的含義。

“提前終止” 具有本協議第4.1節規定的含義。

"提前終止 日期"指提前終止通知的日期,或根據第4.2條或第4.3條被視為已 交付的日期,以確定提前終止付款。

“提前終止 生效日期”具有本協議第4.4節規定的含義。


“提前終止 付款”具有本協議第4.5(B)節規定的含義。

"提前終止 利率"是指每年SOFR加150個基點的利率。

“提前終止 時間表”具有本協議第4.4節中規定的含義。

"生效日期" 指業務合併的結束日期。

"交易法" 指1934年的《證券交易法》及其頒佈的規則和條例,其可不時修改 (或後續法律的任何相應條款)。


"專家" 是指企業納税人和 代理人可以接受的、在特定爭議領域的國家認可的專家。

"假設 税務責任"是指,就任何應納税年度而言,(i)公司 納税人,以及(ii)運營公司及其任何子公司的美國聯邦所得税責任(不重複),這些子公司被視為美國聯邦所得税的合夥企業 ,但僅限於向運營公司和此類子公司徵收的可分配給企業納税人的税款 (使用與相關公司 納税人申報表相同的方法、選擇、慣例、美國聯邦所得税率和類似做法),但不考慮(A)任何基準調整,(B) 應納税年度的推定利息的任何扣除,及(C)任何生效日期後TRA利益。為免生疑問,在確定假設税務責任時, 不考慮 可歸因於任何基準調整、估算利息或任何生效日期後TRA利益的任何美國聯邦所得税項目(或其部分)的結轉或結轉。此外,假設税 負債應假設扣除州和地方收入(及其他影響), 不包括特許經營税。

"推定利息" 是指根據第1272、1274或483條或《法典》其他條款,就本協議項下企業納税人 支付義務而推定的任何利息。

“IRS”指 美國國税局。

“大多數TRA持有人” 是指在任何決定時,有權獲得超過應向所有TRA持有人支付的提前終止付款總額百分之五十(50%)的TRA持有人(使用企業納税人合理估計的提前終止付款的計算方法確定)如果企業納税人已在該日期行使其提前終止的權利。

"強制交換權 "指企業納税人根據運營公司有限責任公司協議第11.1(b)條和第11.1(c)條的規定進行強制交換(定義見運營公司有限責任公司協議)的權利,包括根據運營公司有限責任公司協議第11.9條直接與 企業納税人進行的任何強制交換。

“市值” 指A類股份在適用贖回日在全國證券交易所或交易商間報價系統上的收盤價,該等A類股份隨後交易或上市,如Bloomberg L.P.所報告;前提是,如果Bloomberg L.P.未報告適用贖回日期的收盤價 ,則市值指緊接贖回日期前一個營業日A類股份在全國證券交易所或交易商間報價系統 的收盤價,該等A類股份隨後交易或上市,如Bloomberg L.P.報告的;此外,如果A類股票 當時未在全國性證券交易所或交易商間報價系統上市,則"市值"指董事會善意確定的A類股票的公平市值 。

"重大異議 通知"具有本協議第4.4條所述的含義。

“淨税收優惠” 具有本協議第3.1(b)條中規定的含義。

"異議通知" 具有本協議第2.3(a)條所述的含義。

“運營公司”具有 本協議序言中規定的含義。


運營公司 LLC協議"指運營公司的有限責任公司協議,並不時修訂。

“付款日期” 是指根據本協議要求付款的任何日期。

"個人" 指任何個人、公司、公司、合夥企業、合資企業、有限責任公司、房地產、信託、商業協會、組織、 政府實體或其他實體。

"生效後 TRA"指任何應收税款協議(或類似協議)由企業納税人或其任何子公司 在本協議日期後簽訂,根據該協議,企業納税人或其任何子公司有義務支付因任何税基增加而產生的税收優惠的金額 ,公司 納税人或其任何子公司在生效日期後因交易(贖回除外)而有權享有的淨經營虧損或其他税務屬性。

"生效日期後 TRA利益"指因税基、淨經營虧損或其他税務屬性增加而產生的任何税收利益, 公司納税人或其任何子公司根據生效日期後TRA有義務支付相關款項。

"合資格所有人" 是指(i)任何TRA持有人,(ii)任何TRA持有人管理的任何附屬基金、投資工具或特殊目的實體,(iii) 上文第(i)或(ii)款 所述任何人士的任何普通合夥人、管理成員、唯一成員、負責人或董事總經理,及(iv)上文第(i)—(iii)款 所述任何人士的任何關聯方交易(定義見運營公司有限責任公司協議)。

"已實現税收優惠" 是指應納税年度的(i)假設納税額超過實際納税額的差額(如有)和(ii) 州和地方税收優惠的總和。如果應納税年度的全部或部分實際納税責任是由於 税務機關對任何應納税年度的審計而產生的,則在確定 已實現税收優惠時,不應包括此類責任和相應的假設性納税責任,除非且直至已確定該實際納税責任。

"已實現的税收損失" 是指應納税年度的(i)實際納税額超過假設納税額的差額(如有)和(ii) 州和地方税收損失之和。如果應納税年度的全部或部分實際納税責任是由於税務機關對任何應納税年度的審計 而產生的,則在確定 已實現的税務損失時,不應包括此類責任和相應的假設性納税責任,除非並直至已確定了有關此類實際納税責任的確定。

“和解爭議” 具有本協議第7.10條中所述的含義。

"核對程序" 指本協議第7.10條所述的程序。

“贖回” 指TRA持有人或該TRA持有人的允許受讓人(根據運營公司有限責任公司協議確定) 根據贖回權或強制交換權(如適用)向運營公司或企業納税人轉讓單位。

“贖回日期” 指贖回發生的每個日期。

“贖回通知” 具有運營公司有限責任公司協議中“贖回通知”一詞的含義。

“贖回權利” 指單位持有人根據OpCo LLC協議第11.1(A)條 作出選擇性交換(定義見OpCo LLC協議)的權利,包括根據OpCo LLC協議第11.9條直接與公司納税人進行的任何選擇性交換。

“參考 資產”就任何贖回而言,是指在贖回時由OpCo或其任何直接或間接子公司持有的資產(現金或現金等價物除外),在贖回時被視為合夥企業或被視為美國聯邦所得税目的被忽視的實體(但僅限於這些子公司不是通過任何被視為美國聯邦所得税目的的公司的實體持有)。參考資產亦包括根據守則第7701(A)(42)節就參考資產而言屬“替代基礎財產”的任何資產。



“時間表” 指下列任何一項:(I)納税屬性時間表、(Ii)税收優惠付款時間表或(Iii)提前終止時間表。

“優先義務” 具有本協議第5.1節規定的含義。

“SOFR”是指, 在任何期間內,年利率等於(A)0.25%和(B)《華爾街日報》在該期間第一天前兩個工作日報告的有擔保隔夜融資利率 兩者中較大者(或者,如果《華爾街日報》停止報告該利率,則由該市場利率的任何其他公開來源報告)。如果擔保隔夜融資利率停止公佈或無法獲得 ,公司納税人將在與代理人協商後,選擇一個具有類似特徵的替代基準 ,該基準適當考慮當時美國確定利率的現行市場慣例。


“州和地方税 損害”是指在一個課税年度,實際納税義務超過假設納税義務的部分(如果有的話);但為了確定州和地方納税損害,每個實際納税義務和假設納税義務應使用假定的州和地方税率計算,而不是適用於美國聯邦所得税的税率。

“附屬公司” 就任何人士而言,指在任何決定日期,該人士直接或間接擁有或以其他方式控制超過50%投票權或其他類似權益或該人士的唯一普通合夥人權益或管理成員 或類似權益的任何其他人士。

“税務屬性明細表” 具有本協議第2.1節中規定的含義。

“税收優惠支付” 具有本協議第3.1(B)節規定的含義。


“税務程序” 具有本協議第6.1節中規定的含義。

“應收税金協議” 指本協議和任何生效日期後的TRA。

“納税申報表”(Tax Return) 指須就税務(包括任何所附附表)提交的任何報税表、聲明、報告或類似報表, 包括但不限於任何資料申報單、退款申索、經修訂的申報單及估計税款申報單。

“應課税年度” 指守則第441(B)節所界定的公司納税人的應課税年度(為免生疑問,可包括少於十二(12)個月的報税期),在生效日期或之後結束。

“税金” 是指任何和所有美國聯邦、州和地方税、評税或類似的費用,這些税費是基於或以淨收入或利潤計算的,包括特許經營税,以及根據適用法律就此類税收徵收的任何利息。


“TRA持有人” 指附表A所列的每一人及其各自的繼承人和根據第(Br)7.6(A)節獲得許可的受讓人。


“財政條例”是指在有關課税年度有效的《守則》下的最終、臨時和(在可信賴的範圍內)擬議的條例 (包括相應的規定和後續規定)。

“單位” 具有OpCo LLC協議中規定的含義。

"估值假設" 是指自提前終止日期起,以下假設:

(i) 在 每個應納税年度內,在提前終止日期或之後,企業納税人將有足夠的應納税收入,以充分 使用該應納税年度或未來應納税年度內所有基準調整和估算利息產生的扣除(為免生疑問,根據估值假設支付的未來税收優惠付款將導致的基準調整和估算利息 ,進一步假設此類未來税收優惠付款將在提交適用應納税年度的企業納税人申報表的到期日支付,且不會延期),在該日期內,此類扣除將成為可用的;

(二) 任何 因扣減或任何基準調整或估算利息產生的損失而產生的任何損失或信貸結轉(包括本協議項下付款產生的任何此類 基準調整和估算利息)將由公司納税人在五個應納税年度內的每個應納税年度按比例使用 項下的付款 從包括提前終止日期在內的應課税年度開始;條件是,在企業納税人根據《法典》第382條或第383條被阻止充分利用任何淨經營虧損或信貸結轉的任何年度(或任何後續 條款),為本規定目的使用的金額不得超過本法典第382條或第383條規定的使用金額(或任何後續條款)和本條(ii)所述的五個應納税年度期間應就該淨經營虧損或信貸結轉延長 至十個應納税年度;

㈢ 在提前終止日期或之後結束的每個應納税年度生效的美國聯邦、州和地方所得税和特許經營税税率將是在提前終止日期生效的《守則》和其他法律為每個應納税年度規定的税率, 該應納税年度的此類税率的任何變更已經頒佈為法律的情況除外;

㈣ 任何 不受攤銷、損耗、折舊或 任何基準調整可歸屬的其他成本回收扣除的 參考資產(第(v)條中所述參考資產除外)將在美國的完全應課税交易中處置, 在提前終止日期五週年之際繳納聯邦所得税,金額足以充分利用基準 有關該參考資產的調整;前提是,如果發生控制權變更,其中包括該參考資產的應税銷售 (包括出售被分類為合夥企業或被忽略實體的實體的所有股權 直接或間接擁有該參考資產),則該參考資產應被視為在 控制權變更時被出售;

(五) 任何 參考資產是(A)運營公司子公司的股票或任何其他股權,該子公司在美國聯邦所得税中被視為公司 ,或(B)商譽或持續經營價值(每項均在《守則》第197(d)(1)條和相關 財政部條例的含義內),並受第197(f)(9)條的約束除非在應税銷售中實際直接處置(或為美國聯邦所得税目的被視為實際直接處置),否則不得視為已處置;以及

㈥ 如果 在提前終止日期,有單位(企業納税人或其子公司持有的單位除外)尚未在贖回中 轉讓,則所有該等單位應被視為根據在提前終止日期生效的贖回權轉讓。


Section 1.2 Other Definitional and Interpretative Provisions. The words “hereof,” “herein” and “hereunder” and words of like import used in this Agreement shall refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular provision of this Agreement. References to Articles, Sections, Exhibits and Schedules are to Articles, Sections, Exhibits and Schedules of this Agreement unless otherwise specified. All Exhibits and Schedules annexed hereto or referred to herein are hereby incorporated in and made a part of this Agreement as if set forth in full herein. Any capitalized terms used in any Exhibit or Schedule but not otherwise defined therein shall have the meaning as defined in this Agreement. Any singular term in this Agreement shall be deemed to include the plural, and any plural term the singular. Whenever the words “include,” “includes” or “including” are used in this Agreement, they shall be deemed to be followed by the words “without limitation,” whether or not they are in fact followed by those words or words of like import. “Writing,” “written” and comparable terms refer to printing, typing and other means of reproducing words (including electronic media) in a visible form. References to any agreement or contract are to that agreement or contract as amended, modified or supplemented from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof. References to any Person include the successors and permitted assigns of that Person. References from or through any date mean, unless otherwise specified, from and including or through and including, respectively.



第2.1節税收屬性 附表。在每個課税年度的相關公司納税人報税表提交後九十(90)個日曆日內,公司納税人應向代理人提交一份附表(“税務屬性表”),其中合理詳細地顯示執行本協議要求的計算所需的 ,包括就每個適用的TRA持有人而言,(I)因該TRA持有人在該課税年度進行贖回而對參考資產進行的調整基數 和(Ii)可攤銷和/或可折舊的基數調整的一個或多個期間。

第2.2節税收優惠 付款明細表。


(B)為計算任何課税年度的已實現税務優惠或已實現税務虧損,可歸因於基數調整、推算利息和任何生效日期TRA福利的任何美國聯邦所得税項目的結轉或結轉應被視為 受守則和財政部條例(視適用情況而定)的規則約束,以管理相關類型結轉或結轉的使用、限制和到期 。如果任何美國聯邦所得税項目的結轉或結轉包括可歸因於任何基數調整、計入利息或生效日期TRA福利的部分,以及另一部分不能歸因於此的部分,則應考慮按照“有無”方法使用這些相應的 部分,因此, 不屬於基數調整、計入利息或生效日期TRA福利的部分被視為首先使用。雙方同意 (I)根據本協議支付的任何款項(在法律允許的範圍內,除計入推算利息的金額外)將被視為隨後上調相關單位的購買價,並將產生為支付年度的公司納税人的參考資產創造額外的 基數調整的效果,以及(Ii)因此,該等額外的基數調整 將視情況納入本年度的計算和未來年度的計算。




(b) The applicable Schedule for any Taxable Year may be amended from time to time by the Corporate Taxpayer (i) in connection with a Determination affecting such Schedule, (ii) to correct inaccuracies in the Schedule identified as a result of the receipt of additional factual information relating to a Taxable Year after the date the Schedule was provided to the Agent, (iii) to comply with the Expert’s determination under the Reconciliation Procedures, (iv) to reflect a change in the Realized Tax Benefit or Realized Tax Detriment for such Taxable Year attributable to a carryback or carryforward of a loss or other Tax item to such Taxable Year, (v) to reflect a change in the Realized Tax Benefit or Realized Tax Detriment for such Taxable Year attributable to an amended Corporate Taxpayer Return filed for such Taxable Year or (vi) to adjust a Tax Attribute Schedule to take into account payments made pursuant to this Agreement (any such Schedule, an “Amended Schedule”). The Corporate Taxpayer shall provide an Amended Schedule to the Agent within sixty (60) calendar days of the occurrence of an event referenced in clauses (i) through (vi) of the preceding sentence and shall, at the reasonable request of the Agent, provide any other work papers relating to such Amended Schedule. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event a Schedule is amended after such Schedule becomes final pursuant to Section 2.3(a), the Amended Schedule shall not be taken into account in calculating any Tax Benefit Payment in the Taxable Year to which the amendment relates but instead shall be taken into account in calculating the Cumulative Net Realized Tax Benefit for the Taxable Year in which the amendment actually occurs.

第754節選舉作為運營公司的唯一管理成員,企業納税人將(i)確保,在本協議 之日及之後,並在本協議的整個有效期內繼續,運營公司及其任何符合條件的子公司實際上將根據《守則》第754條進行選擇 (以及根據適用的美國州或當地法律的任何類似規定)和(ii)在商業上 合理努力確保,在本協議之日及之後,並在本協議的整個期限內繼續, 運營公司在其中持有直接或間接權益的任何實體,如果在美國聯邦所得税目的上被視為合夥企業,且不符合 此處"子公司"的定義,則實際上將根據《法典》第754條(以及根據適用的美國州或地方法律的任何 類似條款)進行選擇。




(A)在根據第2.3(A)節提交給代理商的税收優惠支付時間表最終確定後五(5) 個工作日內,公司納税人應向每個TRA持有人支付根據第 3.1(B)節確定的該納税年度該TRA持有人的税收優惠付款。每筆此類付款應以支票或電匯方式將立即可用的資金匯入TRA持有人以前指定給公司納税人的銀行賬户,或經公司納税人和TRA持有人另行商定。為免生疑問,本公司不會就預計税款支付支付任何税項優惠,包括但不限於美國聯邦或州的估計所得税付款。


(B)就TRA持有人而言,在一個課税年度的“税務利益支付”是指不少於零的數額,該數額等於可歸因於該TRA持有人的淨税收利益部分及其應計金額的總和。應課税年度的“税收優惠淨額”應等於截至該納税年度結束時累計已實現税收淨額的85%的超額部分(如果有),超過(I)以前根據本條3.1款支付的總金額(不包括可歸因於應計金額的支付)和(Ii)之前根據任何後生效日期TRA的相應撥備支付的税收優惠總額之和;但為免生疑問,不要求TRA持有人退還任何以前支付的税收優惠的任何部分。在第3.3節的規限下,應課税年度“歸屬”於TRA持有人的税項淨額 是指(X)在相關贖回時可歸因於公司納税人在由該TRA持有人或與該TRA持有人進行的贖回中取得或被視為 取得的單位的任何基準調整,或(Y)與支付給該TRA持有人的税項利益有關的任何計入利息。有關 税收優惠淨額的任何部分的“應計金額”,應與按商定税率計算的應課税 年度税收優惠淨額的利息相同,從提交該應納税 年度的公司納税人報税表的到期日(不得延期)起至支付日為止。為免生疑問,除法律另有規定外,應計款項不應被視為利息,而應被視為在贖回中收購單位的額外對價。

(C)公司納税人和TRA持有人在此承認並同意,截至本協議之日和任何未來贖回之日,無法合理確定美國聯邦(以及適用的州和 地方)所得税的税收優惠支付的合計價值。儘管本協議有任何相反的規定,對於任何贖回,TRA持有人 可以選擇在就該贖回提供贖回通知的到期日或之前以書面通知公司納税人,將就該贖回向該TRA持有人支付的税收優惠總額限制為(I)50%, 或該TRA持有人在其書面通知中選擇申請的其他百分比,(Ii)金額等於(A)任何現金, 不包括任何税收優惠付款,(B)該TRA持有人於該等贖回中收到的A類股份的總市值,及(B)該TRA持有人於該等贖回中收到的A類股份的總市值,但為免生疑問,該數額不得包括與該等贖回有關的任何估計利息。TRA持有人根據第3.1(C)款作出的選擇不得被撤銷。 儘管本協議有任何其他規定,但該第3.1(C)款不適用於TRA持有人,除非該TRA持有人 按照本協議的規定選擇適用第3.1(C)款的規定。

第3.2節不得重複付款 。本協議的規定不會導致重複支付應收税金協議所要求的任何金額(包括利息) 。此外,根據應收税項協議的規定,應收税項協議的條款將產生累計已實現税項利益淨額的85%及其應計金額的85%支付給根據應收税項協議應支付給的人士。應以適當方式解釋本協議的條款,以實現這些基本的 結果。

第3.3節按比例支付; 利益與其他應收税金協議的協調。

(a) 儘管 第3.1條中有任何相反的規定,但如果公司納税人在特定應納税年度內沒有足夠的 應納税收入來充分利用可用扣除額和其他屬性, 公司納税人的税收優惠限制應按以下方式分配:(i)在任何生效日期後的貿易協定中,(以及所有有資格按照該等生效日期後的貿易協議中規定的方式獲得 項下付款的人士)和(ii)在適用第(i)款後,公司納税人的税收利益的任何剩餘限制範圍內,在所有有資格獲得本協議項下付款的人員中,按相應的淨税收優惠金額的比例 ,如果企業納税人有足夠的 ,則根據本協議確定應納税所得,因此不存在這種限制。

(b) 在考慮第3.3(a)條後,如果由於任何原因,企業納税人未完全履行其支付義務, 就特定應納税年度根據應收税款協議支付所有應納税優惠付款,則(i)公司 納税人將向根據本協議應支付的每個人支付相同比例的每筆税收優惠付款,(前提是 ,在之前所有應納税年度的税收優惠付款全部支付之前, 不得就任何應納税年度支付任何税收優惠付款)和(ii)在履行本第3.3(b)條第(i)款規定的義務後,然後,公司 納税人將支付該應納税年度根據任何生效日期後TRA應付的所有款項(前提是,在 全部支付之前,不得就任何應納税年度支付 税款福利。)


(c) To the extent the Corporate Taxpayer makes a payment to a TRA Holder in respect of a particular Taxable Year under Section 3.1(a) of this Agreement (taking into account Section 3.3(a) and Section 3.3(b), but excluding payments attributable to Accrued Amounts) in an amount in excess of the amount of such payment that should have been made to such TRA Holder in respect of such Taxable Year, then (i) such TRA Holder shall not receive further payments under Section 3.1(a) until such TRA Holder has foregone an amount of payments equal to such excess and any Accrued Amount attributable to such excess and (ii) the Corporate Taxpayer will pay the amount of such TRA Holder’s foregone payments (other than any foregone payments in respect of Accrued Amounts) to the other Persons to whom a payment is due under the Tax Receivable Agreements (or if no such payments are due, shall retain such amounts for future payments when they become due) in a manner such that each such Person to whom a payment is due under the Tax Receivable Agreements, to the maximum extent possible, receives aggregate payments under Section 3.1(a) or the comparable section of the other Tax Receivable Agreement(s), as applicable (in each case, taking into account Section 3.3(a) and Section 3.3(b) or the comparable section of the other Tax Receivable Agreement(s), but excluding payments attributable to Accrued Amounts) in the amount it would have received if there had been no excess payment to such TRA Holder.


第4.1節提前終止 選擇企業納税人。企業納税人可隨時終止本協議,方式是 根據第4.5(b)條向各TRA持有人支付應支付的提前終止金(此類終止,稱為"提前終止"); 條件是,企業納税人可在 支付提前終止金之前撤回根據本第4.1條行使其終止權的任何通知。 企業納税人向每個TRA持有人支付提前終止付款後,企業納税人在本協議項下不再承擔任何付款義務,除(a) 公司納税人和該TRA持有人約定的到期應付但截至提前終止 通知尚未支付的任何税收優惠付款外,以及(b)除非提前終止付款或本第4.1條(a)款所述的付款, 在提前終止日期之前、提前終止日期當天或包括提前終止日期之前結束的任何應納税年度到期的任何税收優惠付款。在支付本第4.1條規定的所有金額後,本協議即告終止。

第4.2節控制權變更時提前終止 。在發生控制權變更的情況下,應加速履行本協議項下的所有付款義務,且此類義務 的計算方式應如同在控制權變更的截止日期發出提前終止通知一樣,其中應包括, 但不限於以下內容:(i)提前終止付款的支付,其計算方式應如同在控制權變更的截止日期 已送達提前終止通知,(ii) 公司納税人和該TRA持有人商定的、到期應付但截至視為提前終止通知尚未支付的任何税收優惠付款的支付,以及(iii) 提前終止付款中包括的或作為本第4.2條第(ii)款下的付款,支付在控制權變更結束日期之前、當天或包括當天結束的任何應納税年度到期的任何税收 福利付款。在 控制權變更的情況下,應使用估值假設計算提前終止付款,並在每種情況下 將"控制權變更的截止日期"替換為"提前終止日期"。應適用與 第4.4節程序類似的程序, 如作必要修改,根據本第42條確定公司納税人應支付的金額。


(a) In the event that the Corporate Taxpayer (i) breaches any of its material obligations under this Agreement, whether as a result of failure to make any payment within three (3) months of the date when due, as a result of the failure to honor any other material obligation required hereunder, or by operation of law as a result of the rejection of this Agreement in a case commenced under the United States Bankruptcy Code or otherwise or (ii) (A) shall commence any case, proceeding or other action (1) under any existing or future law of any jurisdiction, domestic or foreign, relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or relief of debtors, seeking to have an order for relief entered with respect to it, or seeking to adjudicate it bankrupt or insolvent, or seeking reorganization, arrangement, adjustment, winding-up, liquidation, dissolution, composition or other relief with respect to it or its debts or (2) seeking an appointment of a receiver, trustee, custodian, conservator or other similar official for it or for all or any substantial part of its assets, or it shall make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors or (B) there shall be commenced against the Corporate Taxpayer any case, proceeding or other action of the nature referred to in clause (A) above that remains undismissed or undischarged for a period of sixty (60) calendar days, all obligations hereunder shall be automatically accelerated and shall be immediately due and payable, and such obligations shall be calculated as if an Early Termination Notice had been delivered on the date of such breach. Procedures similar to the procedures of Section 4.4 shall apply, 如作必要修改,根據本 4.3(a)節確定企業納税人應支付的金額。儘管有上述規定,但如果公司納税人違反本協議,代理人應有權 代表所有TRA持有人選擇這些TRA持有人收取本第4.3(a)條所述的金額或尋求 本協議條款的具體履行。


(b) The parties agree that the failure of the Corporate Taxpayer to make any payment due pursuant to this Agreement within three (3) months of the date such payment is due shall be deemed to be a breach of a material obligation under this Agreement for all purposes of this Agreement, and that it shall not be considered to be a breach of a material obligation under this Agreement to make a payment due pursuant to this Agreement within three (3) months of the date such payment is due. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, except in the case of an Early Termination Payment or any payment treated as an Early Termination Payment, it shall not be a breach of a material obligation under this Agreement if the Corporate Taxpayer fails to make any Tax Benefit Payment when due to the extent that the Corporate Taxpayer has insufficient funds to make, or to the extent that the Corporate Taxpayer is contractually constrained from making, such payment in the Corporate Taxpayer’s sole judgement exercised in good faith; provided that the interest provisions of Section 5.2 shall apply to such late payment (unless the Corporate Taxpayer does not have sufficient cash to make such payment as a result of limitations imposed by any credit agreement to which OpCo or any Subsidiary of OpCo is a party, in which case Section 5.2 shall apply, but the Default Rate shall be replaced by the Agreed Rate); provided further that it shall be a breach of a material obligation under this Agreement, and the provisions of Section 4.3(a) shall apply as of the original due date of the Tax Benefit Payment, if the Corporate Taxpayer makes any distribution of cash or other property (other than Class A Shares or other equity interests of the Corporate Taxpayer) to its stockholders while any Tax Benefit Payment is due and payable but unpaid.

Section 4.4 Early Termination Notice. If the Corporate Taxpayer chooses to exercise its right of early termination under Section 4.1 above, the Corporate Taxpayer shall deliver to the Agent notice of such intention to exercise such right (the “Early Termination Notice”). Upon delivery of the Early Termination Notice or the occurrence of an event described in Section 4.2 or Section 4.3(a), the Corporate Taxpayer shall deliver (i) a schedule showing in reasonable detail the calculation of the Early Termination Payment (the “Early Termination Schedule”) and (ii) any other work papers related to the calculation of the Early Termination Payment reasonably requested by the Agent. In addition, the Corporate Taxpayer shall allow the Agent reasonable access at no cost to the appropriate representatives of the Corporate Taxpayer in connection with a review of such Early Termination Schedule; provided that, in the event of a dispute governed by Section 7.9 or Section 7.10, any such costs shall be borne as set forth in such sections. The Early Termination Schedule shall become final and binding on all parties thirty (30) calendar days from the first date on which the Agent has received such Schedule or amendment thereto unless (x) the Agent, within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving the Early Termination Schedule, provides the Corporate Taxpayer with notice of a material objection to such Schedule made in good faith (“Material Objection Notice”) or (y) the Agent provides a written waiver of such right of a Material Objection Notice within the period described in clause (x) above, in which case such Schedule becomes binding on the date the waiver from the Agent has been received by the Corporate Taxpayer (the “Early Termination Effective Date”). If the Corporate Taxpayer and the Agent, for any reason, are unable to successfully resolve the issues raised in such notice within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt by the Corporate Taxpayer of the Material Objection Notice, the Corporate Taxpayer and the Agent shall employ the Reconciliation Procedures under Section 7.10 or Resolution of Disputes Procedures under Section 7.9, as applicable.

第4.5節 提前終止時的付款。

(a) 根據第4.1條的規定,公司納税人有權撤回任何提前終止通知,在提前終止 生效日期後的三(3)個工作日內,公司納税人應向每個TRA持有人支付提前終止付款。每筆此類付款應 通過電匯立即可用資金到TRA持有人指定的一個或多個銀行賬户,或按照公司納税人和TRA持有人另行約定 的方式進行。

(b) TRA持有人截至提前終止日期的"提前終止付款",對於該TRA 持有人而言,應等於自提前終止日期起, 公司納税人將要求向該TRA持有人支付的所有税收優惠付款的現值(按提前終止日期的提前終止利率貼現),並假設 估值假設已適用。




Section 5.1 Subordination and Subsequent Agreements. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, any payment due under this Agreement shall rank subordinate and junior in right of payment to any principal, interest or other amounts due and payable in respect of any obligations in respect of indebtedness for borrowed money of the Corporate Taxpayer and its Subsidiaries (such obligations, “Senior Obligations”) and shall rank pari passu in right of payment with all current or future unsecured obligations of the Corporate Taxpayer and its Subsidiaries that are not Senior Obligations. For the avoidance of doubt, notwithstanding the above, the determination of whether it is a breach of a material obligation under this Agreement if the Corporate Taxpayer fails to make any Tax Benefit Payment or other payment under this Agreement when due is governed by Section 4.3(b). To the extent that any payment under this Agreement is not permitted to be made at the time such payment is due as a result of this Section 5.1 and the terms of the agreements governing Senior Obligations, such payment obligation nevertheless shall accrue for the benefit of the TRA Holders, and the Corporate Taxpayer shall make such payments at the first opportunity that such payments are permitted to be made in accordance with the terms of the Senior Obligations. The Corporate Taxpayer shall use (and cause its Affiliates to use) commercially reasonable efforts to ensure any new credit or similar agreement of the Corporate Taxpayer or any of its Subsidiaries expressly permits any payment due under this Agreement.

第5.2節公司納税人的逾期付款 。根據本協議條款未向任何TRA持有人支付的全部或任何部分任何税收優惠付款、提前終止付款或本協議項下任何其他付款 ,無論是由於第5.1條和優先債務條款或其他原因,均應連同利息一起支付,按違約利率計算 (或者,如果第4.3(b)條有規定,則按約定的利率),自該等税收優惠付款、提前 終止付款或本協議項下的任何其他付款到期之日起至實際付款之日止。



Section 6.1 Participation in the Corporate Taxpayer’s and OpCo’s Tax Matters. Except as otherwise provided herein or in the OpCo LLC Agreement, the Corporate Taxpayer shall have full responsibility for, and sole discretion over, all Tax matters concerning the Corporate Taxpayer and OpCo, including without limitation preparing, filing or amending any Tax Return and defending, contesting or settling any issue pertaining to Taxes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corporate Taxpayer shall (a) notify the Agent of, and keep the Agent reasonably informed with respect to, the portion of any audit, examination, or any other administrative or judicial proceeding of the Corporate Taxpayer or OpCo by a Taxing Authority the outcome of which is reasonably expected to materially affect the rights of, or the amount or timing of payments to, the TRA Holders under this Agreement (a “Tax Proceeding”), (b) provide the Agent with reasonable opportunity to provide information and other input to the Corporate Taxpayer, OpCo and their respective advisors concerning the conduct of any such portion of a Tax Proceeding, and (c) not, without the consent of the Agent (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed), settle or otherwise resolve any part of a Tax Proceeding in a manner that could reasonably be expected to materially and adversely affect any TRA Holders’ rights or obligations under this Agreement; provided, however, that the Corporate Taxpayer and OpCo shall not be required to take any action, or refrain from taking any action, that is inconsistent with any provision of the OpCo LLC Agreement.

第6.2節一致性。 除非公司納税人和運營公司合理接受的法律顧問或國家 認可的税務顧問作出裁決或書面意見,否則公司納税人和每個TRA持有人同意為所有美國聯邦、州和地方税務目的以及財務報告目的,並促使其各自的 子公司報告所有税務相關項目(包括, 但不限於,基準調整和每項税收優惠付款),但出於財務報告目的,僅限於本協議條款未明確描述為"視為"或以類似方式描述的項目 ,以 與本文中任何税務特徵描述一致的方式(包括第2.2(b)條和第3.1(b)條所述,以及 根據本協議要求由公司納税人或代表公司納税人提供的任何附表,最終根據 第2.3條確定)。

第6.3節合作。 各TRA持有人(一方)和企業納税人(另一方)應(i)及時向另一方提供該TRA持有人或企業納税人合理要求的信息、文件和其他材料,以進行 本協議項下任何必要或適當的確定或計算,準備任何納税申報表,或對任何 税務訴訟程序或税務機關的其他行政或司法程序提出異議或辯護,(ii)向另一方當事人提供服務,其代表提供文件和材料的解釋以及此類TRA持有人或公司的其他信息 納税人及其各自的代表可以合理要求就上述第(i)款所述的任何事項、 和(iii)款所述的任何事項進行合理合作。公司納税人(如果是請求方)應 向另一方償還根據本第6.3條產生的任何合理的第三方成本和開支。



第7.1節通知。 本協議項下的所有通知、請求、索賠、要求和其他通信,如果以書面形式、 英文和親自交付,在所有方面都是充分的(如簽收),以美國核證或掛號郵件(郵資預付,要求回執 ),由國家認可的隔夜快遞服務公司次日送達,通過傳真傳輸或通過電子郵件傳輸 (在通過回覆電子郵件適當確認收到後,包括自動確認收到)和 應被視為已作出,接收方應負責通知,收到時,但如果在工作日下午5:00( 收件人時區)之後收到,或如果在非工作日收到,則此類通知、請求或通信 將在下一個工作日之前生效。本協議項下的所有通知應按照以下規定或 根據接收該等通知的一方可能以書面形式指定的其他指示發送:

如果是公司納税人, 是:

Zeo Energy Corp.


Orem,UT 84097

收件人:Tim Bridgewater


將副本(不應 構成對公司納税人的通知)發送至:

Eversheds Sutherland(US)LLP

西門羅街227號,套房 6000

芝加哥,IL 60606

收件人:Craig T.奧爾康




Orem,UT 84097

收件人:Tim Bridgewater



Eversheds Sutherland(US)LLP

西門羅街227號,套房 6000

芝加哥,IL 60606

收件人:Craig T.奧爾康


如果向TRA持有人( 代理人除外,即目前或曾經是運營公司的合夥人):

運營公司 記錄中列出的地址。

任何一方都可以按照上述方式向另一方發出新地址或傳真號碼的書面通知,更改其地址 或傳真號碼。


第7.2節對應物。 本協議可簽署一份或多份副本,所有副本均應視為同一份協議,並在各方簽署一份或多份副本並交付給其他各方時 生效,雙方應理解 所有各方無需簽署同一副本。通過傳真傳輸 或其他方式(包括電子簽署的簽名頁)交付本協議的簽署頁應與交付本協議的手動簽署副本具有同等效力 。

第7.3節整個協議; 無第三方受益人。本協議構成全部協議,並取代雙方先前就本協議標的達成的所有書面和口頭協議和諒解。本協議應對本協議各方及其各自繼承人和許可受讓人具有約束力,且 僅對本協議各方及其各自繼承人和允許受讓人的利益具有約束力,且本協議中的任何內容(明示或暗示) 均不打算或不應授予任何其他人根據本協議或因本協議而具有任何性質的任何權利、利益或補救措施。

第7.4條適用法律。 本協議以及雙方在本協議項下的權利和義務應受特拉華州法律的管轄,並根據其解釋 ,不考慮其中的法律衝突原則,這些法律衝突將強制適用 其他司法管轄區的法律。

第7.5節可分割性。 如果本協議的任何條款或其他條款無效、非法或無法根據任何法律或公共政策強制執行,則本協議的所有其他 條款和條款仍應保持完全效力,只要 本協議預期交易的經濟或法律實質不受任何方式的影響,對任何一方造成重大不利影響。一旦確定任何條款 或其他條款無效、非法或無法執行,本協議雙方應真誠協商修改本 協議,以便以可接受的方式儘可能接近雙方的原始意圖,從而儘可能完成本協議中考慮的交易 最大程度地按照最初的設想完成。

第7.6節繼承人; 分配。

(a) 未經公司納税人 事先書面同意,任何 TRA持有人不得轉讓、出售、質押或以其他方式轉讓或轉讓其在本協議中的權益給任何人;但條件是:

(i) 在單位根據運營公司有限責任公司協議的條款轉讓的情況下,轉讓TRA持有人應有權 選擇將轉讓TRA持有人在本協議下對該等單位的轉讓人的權利轉讓給該等單位的受讓人,而無需公司納税人事先書面同意,條件是,該受讓人已簽署並 交付,或,與此類轉讓有關,簽署並交付本協議的加入,其形式和內容均符合公司納税人的合理要求,同意成為本協議所有目的的“TRA持有人”。為免生疑問,如果TRA持有人轉讓單位,但未向該單位受讓人轉讓 本協議項下該TRA持有人對該等已轉讓單位的權利,則該TRA持有人應繼續有權收取與該等單位相關的税務優惠付款( 如有),包括隨後贖回該等單位而產生的任何税務優惠付款。

(ii)根據本協議, 接收任何及所有應付款項的權利(一旦發生贖回, 就在該贖回中轉讓的單位產生)可轉讓給任何人或多個人(或多個人),且事先獲得企業納税人書面 同意(不得無理拒絕、附加條件或延遲)只要任何該等人士已簽署並交付,或就該等轉讓而言,簽署並交付本協議的一份合併,在形式和實質上 公司納税人合理滿意,同意受第7.13條約束;但前提是如果受讓人是關聯方轉讓人,則根據本第7.6(a)(ii)條進行的任何轉讓不需要獲得公司納税人的同意 (定義見運營公司有限責任公司協議)。

除非本協議第7.6(a)(i)條或第7.6(a)(ii)條另有允許,TRA持有人對 本協議權益的任何轉讓、出售、質押、轉讓或其他轉讓均為無效 從頭開始。


(b) 只有 主要TRA持有人有權(經事先書面同意)替換本協議項下指定為代理人的人員; 但是,大多數TRA持有人指定為替換代理人的任何人員均應得到 公司納税人的批准(不得無理拒絕、附加條件或延遲批准)。如果在任何時候沒有任命代理 (由於辭職或其他原因),代理的權力將由大多數TRA持有人行使, 作必要的變通。

(c) 除 本協議另有明確規定外,本協議的所有條款和規定應對本協議各方及其各自的繼承人、受讓人、繼承人、執行人、管理人和 法定代表人具有約束力,並應符合其利益,並可由其執行。企業納税人應促使企業納税人全部或基本上全部業務或資產的任何直接或間接繼承人(無論是通過購買、合併、合併 或其他方式),通過書面協議,明確承擔 並同意履行本協議,其方式和程度與企業納税人在沒有發生此類繼承時所需履行的相同。

第7.7節修正; 放棄。除非公司納税人 和代理人以書面形式批准,否則不得對本協議的任何條款進行任何修改;但是,如果此類修改會對某些TRA持有人根據本協議將或可能收到的付款產生不成比例的影響,則此類修改無效,除非所有此類受不成比例的TRA持有人以書面形式同意此類修改 。本協議的任何條款不得放棄,除非此類放棄是書面形式並由代理人簽署, 條款與代理人有關,或任何其他條款的情況下,由放棄對其生效的一方簽署。

第7.8節標題和字幕 本協議各章節的標題僅為方便參考而設,在簽署 本協議時不予以考慮。

第7.9節 爭議的解決。

(a) Any and all disputes which are not governed by Section 7.10, including any ancillary claims of any party, arising out of, relating to or in connection with the validity, negotiation, execution, interpretation, performance or non-performance of this Agreement (including the validity, scope and enforceability of this Section 7.9 and Section 7.10) (each a “Dispute”) shall be governed by this Section 7.9. The parties hereto shall attempt in good faith to resolve all Disputes by negotiation. If a Dispute between the parties hereto cannot be resolved in such manner, such Dispute shall be finally settled by arbitration conducted by a single arbitrator in accordance with the then-existing rules of arbitration of the American Arbitration Association. If the parties to the Dispute fail to agree on the selection of an arbitrator within ten (10) calendar days of the receipt of the request for arbitration, the American Arbitration Association shall make the appointment. The arbitrator shall be a lawyer admitted to the practice of law in a U.S. state, or a nationally recognized expert in the relevant subject matter, and shall conduct the proceedings in the English language. Performance under this Agreement shall continue if reasonably possible during any arbitration proceedings. In addition to monetary damages, the arbitrator shall be empowered to award equitable relief, including an injunction and specific performance of any obligation under this Agreement. The arbitrator is not empowered to award damages in excess of compensatory damages, and each party hereby irrevocably waives any right to recover punitive, exemplary or similar damages with respect to any Dispute. The award shall be the sole and exclusive remedy between the parties regarding any claims, counterclaims, issues, or accounting presented to the arbitral tribunal. Judgment upon any award may be entered and enforced in any court having jurisdiction over a party or any of its assets. The parties involved in any Dispute shall each bear their own costs and expenses of such Dispute unless, in the event of an arbitration, otherwise determined by the arbitrator in accordance with the then-existing rules of arbitration of the American Arbitration Association.

(b) 儘管有 第7.9(a)條的規定,各TRA持有人和企業納税人可以向任何有管轄權的法院提起 訴訟或特別程序,目的是迫使一方當事人進行仲裁,尋求臨時 或初步救濟以協助本協議項下的仲裁,和/或執行仲裁裁決,就本 第7.9(b)條而言,本協議的每一方(i)明確同意第7.9(c)條適用於任何此類行動或程序, (ii)同意不需要證明因違反本協議條款而造成的金錢損害將難以 計算且法律上的補救措施不足,以及(iii)不可否認地同意以第7.1條規定的方式通過通知方式送達法律程序。


(c) 各方在此不可撤銷地向位於特拉華州的任何法院提出的司法程序, 根據本第7.9條第(B)段的規定,或任何與本協議相關的仲裁或 爭議仲裁有關的司法程序。此類輔助司法程序包括任何訴訟、 訴訟或程序,以強制仲裁,獲得臨時或初步司法救濟以協助仲裁,或確認 仲裁裁決。雙方確認本第7.9(c)條指定的論壇與本協議 以及雙方之間的關係存在合理關係。

(d) 當事人特此在適用法律允許的最大範圍內放棄他們現在或以後可能對 第7.9(c)節中提到的任何法院提起的任何此類附屬訴訟、訴訟或程序的地點的任何異議, 當事人特此放棄,且當事人同意不抗辯或主張同樣的異議。

Section 7.10 Reconciliation. In the event that the Agent and the Corporate Taxpayer are unable to resolve a disagreement with respect to the calculations required to produce the schedules described in Section 2.3, Section 4.4 and Section 6.2 (but not, for the avoidance doubt, with respect to any legal interpretation with respect to such provisions or schedules) within the relevant period designated in this Agreement (“Reconciliation Dispute”), the Reconciliation Dispute shall be submitted for determination to the Expert. The Expert shall be a partner or principal in a nationally recognized accounting or law firm, and unless the Corporate Taxpayer and the Agent agree otherwise, the Expert shall not, and the firm that employs the Expert shall not, have any material relationship with the Corporate Taxpayer or the Agent or other actual or potential conflict of interest. If the parties are unable to agree on an Expert within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt by the respondent(s) of written notice of a Reconciliation Dispute, the Expert shall be appointed by the American Arbitration Association. The Expert shall resolve (a) any matter relating to the Tax Attribute Schedule or an amendment thereto or the Early Termination Schedule or an amendment thereto within thirty (30) calendar days, (b) any matter relating to a Tax Benefit Payment Schedule or an amendment thereto within fifteen (15) calendar days, and (c) any matter related to treatment of any tax-related item as contemplated in Section 6.2 within fifteen (15) calendar days, or, in each case, as soon thereafter as is reasonably practicable after such matter has been submitted to the Expert for resolution. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, if the matter is not resolved before any payment that is the subject of a disagreement would be due (in the absence of such disagreement) or any Tax Return reflecting the subject of a disagreement is due, any portion of such payment that is not under dispute shall be paid on the date prescribed by this Agreement and such Tax Return may be filed as prepared by the Corporate Taxpayer, subject to adjustment or amendment upon resolution. The costs and expenses relating to the engagement of such Expert or amending any Tax Return shall be borne by the Corporate Taxpayer except as provided in the next sentence. The Corporate Taxpayer shall bear its own costs and expenses of such proceeding, and the TRA Holders (severally) shall (x) bear their own costs and expenses of such proceeding and (y) bear and advance to the Agent the Agent’s costs and expenses of such proceeding, unless (i) the Expert adopts the Agent’s position (as determined by the Expert), in which case, the Corporate Taxpayer shall reimburse the TRA Holders for any of their and the Agent’s reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses in such proceeding, or (ii) the Expert adopts the Corporate Taxpayer’s position (as determined by the Expert), in which case, the TRA Holders shall reimburse the Corporate Taxpayer, pro rata (based on the relative amounts of Early Termination Payments that such TRA Holders would be entitled, as of the date of determination, if the Corporate Taxpayer had exercised its right of early termination under Section 4.1), for any of the Corporate Taxpayer’s reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses in such proceeding. Any dispute as to whether a dispute is a Reconciliation Dispute within the meaning of this Section 7.10 shall be decided by the Expert. The Expert shall finally determine any Reconciliation Dispute and the determinations of the Expert pursuant to this Section 7.10 shall be binding on the Corporate Taxpayer and its Subsidiaries, the Agent, and the TRA Holders and may be entered and enforced in any court having jurisdiction.


Section 7.11 Withholding. The Corporate Taxpayer and any other applicable withholding agent shall be entitled to deduct and withhold from any payment payable pursuant to this Agreement such amounts as the Corporate Taxpayer is required to deduct and withhold with respect to the making of such payment under the Code or any provision of U.S. federal, state, local or non-U.S. tax law; provided, that the Corporate Taxpayer shall (i) use its commercially reasonable efforts prior to effecting any withholding with respect to a TRA Holder to minimize any withholding tax imposed on any amounts payable hereunder to a TRA Holder and (ii) shall reasonably cooperate with any TRA Holder with respect to such TRA Holder’s efforts to obtain necessary and available information for such TRA Holder to make filings, applications or elections to obtain any exemption, exclusion, credit or refund associated with taxation (including withholding tax) on any amounts payable by the Corporate Taxpayer to such TRA Holder. To the extent that amounts are so deducted or withheld and paid over to the appropriate Taxing Authority by the Corporate Taxpayer, such amounts shall be treated for all purposes of this Agreement as having been paid to the relevant TRA Holder. Upon a TRA Holder’s request, the Corporate Taxpayer shall provide evidence of any such payment to such TRA Holder. Each TRA Holder shall promptly provide the Corporate Taxpayer or other applicable withholding agent with any applicable tax forms and certifications reasonably requested by the Corporate Taxpayer or such withholding agent in connection with determining whether any such deductions and withholdings are required under the Code or any provision of U.S. state, local or foreign tax law, including under Sections 1441, 1442, 1445 or 1446 of the Code.

第7.12節允許 公司納税人加入合併集團;公司資產的轉讓。

(a) 如果 公司納税人是或成為附屬或合併公司集團的成員,該集團公司根據第1501節及其後條款提交合並所得税申報表。本《守則》或美國州或地方税法的任何相應條款,則 在控制權變更時應用估值假設的前提下:(i)本協議的條款應適用於 整個集團;(二)税收優惠付款,提前終止付款及本協議項下的其他適用項目應參照集團整體的合併應納税收入計算 。

(b) 如果 公司納税人(或第7.12(a)條所述集團的任何成員)將任何單位或任何 參考資產轉讓或視為轉讓給在美國聯邦所得税目的上被視為公司的受讓人(第7.12(a)條所述集團的成員除外)在交易中,受讓人,其在所獲得財產中的基準全部或部分參照轉讓人在該財產中的基準確定,則企業納税人應促使受讓人 承擔就與 相關的適用基準調整或估算利息進行付款的義務受讓人(或其關聯公司之一)實際實現了 基準調整或推定利息(如適用)的税收優惠時,以與本協議條款一致的方式(直接或間接)在此類轉讓中獲得的任何參考資產或其中的權益(考慮到 交易中確認的任何收益)。

(c) While OpCo is treated as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes, if OpCo (or any of OpCo’s direct or indirect Subsidiaries that is treated as a partnership or disregarded entity for U.S. federal income tax purposes (but only to the extent such Subsidiaries are not held through any entity treated as a corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes)) transfers (or is deemed to transfer for U.S. federal income tax purposes) any Reference Asset to a transferee that is treated as a corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes (other than a member of a group described in Section 7.12(a)) in a transaction in which the transferee’s basis in the property acquired is determined in whole or in part by reference to such transferor’s basis in such property, OpCo (or such direct or indirect Subsidiary) shall be treated as having disposed of the Reference Asset in a wholly taxable transaction. The consideration deemed to be received by OpCo (or such direct or indirect Subsidiary) in a transaction contemplated in the prior sentence shall be equal to the fair market value of the Reference Asset, plus, without duplication, (i) the amount of debt to which any such Reference Asset is subject, in the case of a transfer of an encumbered Reference Asset, or (ii) the amount of debt allocated to any such Reference Asset, in the case of a transfer of a partnership interest.

(d) 如果 第7.12(a)條所述集團中直接或間接擁有運營公司任何單位或其他股權的任何成員不再是該集團的成員(或公司納税人出於美國聯邦所得税目的從該集團取消合併),則 企業納税人應促使該成員(或合併集團的母公司,如果公司納税人從集團中取消合併 )承擔就適用的基準調整和估算利息進行付款的義務 成員 (或其關聯公司之一)實際實現了基準調整或推定利息(如適用)的税收優惠,以符合本協議條款的方式與其擁有的任何參考資產(直接或間接)相關。

(e) 就本第7.12條而言,除非(i)企業納税人或第7.12(a)條所述集團的任何成員向該集團的另一成員轉讓,或(ii)第7.12(b)條所述轉讓,合夥權益的轉讓應視為轉讓人在該合夥的各項資產和負債中所佔份額的轉讓。

(f) 如果 受讓人或第7.12(a)條所述集團的成員根據 第7.12(b)或(d)條承擔了支付本協議項下款項的義務,則初始債務人免除了所承擔的義務。



(a) The Agent, each TRA Holder and each of such TRA Holder’s assignees acknowledges and agrees that the information of the Corporate Taxpayer is confidential and, except in the course of performing any duties as necessary for the Corporate Taxpayer and its Affiliates, as required by law or legal process or to enforce the terms of this Agreement, such Person shall keep and retain in the strictest confidence and not disclose to any Person any confidential matters, acquired pursuant to this Agreement, of the Corporate Taxpayer and its Affiliates and successors, concerning OpCo and its Affiliates and successors or the TRA Holders, learned by the Agent or any TRA Holder heretofore or hereafter; provided that, for the avoidance of doubt, the Agent may disclose information received by it in the ordinary course of its duties as Agent to the TRA Holder(s). This Section 7.13 shall not apply to (i) any information that has been made publicly available by the Corporate Taxpayer or any of its Affiliates, becomes public knowledge (except as a result of an act of the Agent or a TRA Holder in violation of this Agreement) or is generally known to the business community and (ii) the disclosure of information (A) as may be proper in the course of performing such TRA Holder’s obligations, or monitoring or enforcing such TRA Holder’s rights, under this Agreement, (B) as part of such TRA Holder’s normal reporting, rating or review procedure (including normal credit rating and pricing process), or in connection with such TRA Holder’s or such TRA Holder’s Affiliates’ normal fund raising, financing, marketing, informational or reporting activities, or to such TRA Holder’s (or any of its Affiliates’) or its direct or indirect owners or Affiliates, auditors, accountants, employees, attorneys or other agents, (C) to any bona fide prospective assignee of such TRA Holder’s rights under this Agreement, or prospective merger or other business combination partner of such TRA Holder, provided that such assignee or merger partner agrees to be bound by the provisions of this Section 7.13, (D) as is required to be disclosed by order of a court of competent jurisdiction, administrative body or governmental body, or by subpoena, summons or legal process, or by law, rule or regulation; provided that any TRA Holder required to make any such disclosure to the extent legally permissible shall provide the Corporate Taxpayer prompt notice of such disclosure, or to regulatory authorities or similar examiners conducting regulatory reviews or examinations (without any such notice to the Corporate Taxpayer), or (E) to the extent necessary for a TRA Holder or its direct or indirect owners to prepare and file its Tax Returns, to respond to any inquiries regarding such Tax Returns from any Taxing Authority or to prosecute or defend any Tax Proceeding with respect to such Tax Returns. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the Agent (and each employee, representative or other agent of the Agent or its assignees, as applicable) and each TRA Holder and each of its assignees (and each employee, representative or other agent of such TRA Holder or its assignees, as applicable) may disclose to any and all Persons, without limitation of any kind, the Tax treatment and Tax structure of the Corporate Taxpayer, OpCo, the Agent, the TRA Holders and their Affiliates, and any of their transactions, and all materials of any kind (including opinions or other Tax analyses) that are provided to the Agent or any TRA Holder relating to such Tax treatment and Tax structure.

(b)如果代理人或 受讓人或TRA持有人或受讓人違反或威脅違反本節 7.13的任何規定,公司納税人應有權和救濟,要求任何具有管轄權的法院通過禁令救濟或其他方式具體執行本第7.13條的規定,而無需提交任何保證金或其他 安全,並承認並同意,任何此類違約或威脅違約將對公司 納税人或其任何子公司或TRA持有人造成不可彌補的損害,且僅金錢損害不足以為此類 人員提供充分的補救。此類權利和補救措施應是對法律或 衡平法上可用的任何其他權利和補救措施的補充,而不是替代。

第7.14節不再優惠 條款。企業納税人或其任何子公司均不得簽訂任何附加協議,向任何人提供與本協議類似的權利 (包括企業納税人有義務支付 因税基增加而產生的税收優惠的任何協議,淨經營虧損或企業納税人 因交易而有權享有的其他税務屬性)如果該協議提供的條款比根據本協議提供給TRA持有人的條款更有利於交易對手;但前提是,如果本協議經修訂以向TRA持有人提供更優惠的條款,則企業納税人(或其任何子公司) 可簽訂此類協議。

Section 7.15 Change in Law. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, if, in connection with an actual or proposed change in law, a TRA Holder reasonably believes that the existence of this Agreement (a) could cause income (other than income arising from receipt of a payment under this Agreement) recognized by such TRA Holder upon any Redemption that as of the date of this Agreement would be treated as capital gain to instead be treated as ordinary income or to be otherwise taxed at ordinary income rates for U.S. federal income tax purposes or (b) would have other material adverse tax consequences to such TRA Holder and/or its direct or indirect owners, then, in either case, at the written election of such TRA Holder and to the extent specified by such TRA Holder, this Agreement (i) shall cease to have further effect with respect to such TRA Holder, (ii) shall not apply to a Redemption by such TRA Holder occurring after a date specified by it, or (iii) shall otherwise be amended in a manner determined by such TRA Holder to waive any benefits to which such TRA Holder would otherwise be entitled under this Agreement, provided that such amendment shall not result in an increase in or acceleration of payments under this Agreement at any time as compared to the amounts and times of payments that would have been due in the absence of such amendment. Further, notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, any TRA Holder may, at any time, elect for this Agreement to cease to have further effect in its entirety with respect to such TRA Holder, and the Corporate Taxpayer shall cease to have any further obligations in respect of such TRA Holder, in each case from and after the date specified by such TRA Holder.



特此證明,公司納税人、 代理人和TRA持有人已於上文首寫之日正式簽署本協議。

發信人: /S/蒂莫西·布里奇沃特
姓名: 蒂莫西·布里奇沃特
標題: 授權簽字人
發信人: /S/蒂莫西·布里奇沃特

[TRA 持有人的簽名附在附表A中。]


Sun Managers,LLC
發信人: /S/蒂莫西·布里奇沃特
姓名: 蒂莫西·布里奇沃特
標題: 經理
發信人: 撰稿S/安東·赫魯比
姓名: 安東·赫魯比
標題: 總裁
發信人: /S/吉安盧卡·蓋伊
姓名: 吉安盧卡·蓋伊
標題: 物主
JKae Holdings,LLC
發信人: 撰稿S/卡倫·拉森
姓名: 卡倫·拉森
標題: 首席運營官
Clarke Capital,LLC
發信人: /S/布蘭登·布里奇沃特
姓名: 布蘭登·布里奇沃特
標題: 首席銷售官
發信人: /S/蒂莫西·布里奇沃特
姓名: 蒂莫西·布里奇沃特
標題: 受託人
發信人: 撰稿S/艾麗莎·哈羅爾德
姓名: 阿麗莎·哈羅爾德
標題: 經理
發信人: 撰稿S/埃利奧特·哈羅爾德
姓名: 埃利奧特·哈羅爾德
標題: 經理
