


本保密協商離職協議 和一般版本2023年3月13日(以下簡稱“協議和一般釋放”)由Bryan Bullett(地址為326 Allen Street,Hudson,New York 12534)及其繼承人、遺囑執行人、管理人、繼承人和受讓人簽署( 在本協議和一般版本中統稱為"執行人員")和比特數字公司,一家開曼羣島公司, 其主要營業地點位於33 Irving Place,New York,New York 10003(以下簡稱“公司”)及其關聯公司、 母公司、保險公司、子公司、部門、前任、繼任者、受讓人及其現任和前任僱員、高級職員、董事、 股東、代理人和律師同意:



在簽署本協議和 一般性聲明以及關於執行人員從公司辭職的新聞稿協議後,EASEAS,執行人員 將於2023年3月31日辭去本公司首席執行官的職務,並受以下條款 的約束;以及

除此之外,雙方 都認為友好解決雙方之間的任何問題符合他們的最佳利益。

因此,考慮到 本協議和一般發佈中規定的相互承諾和諒解,以及其他良好和有價值的考慮, 特此確認,

特此聲明, 如下:

1.回覆:執行人員應簽署並提交作為附件A的辭職信,並在本協議 和一般發佈後,向本公司提交作為附件B的新聞稿。公司和行政人員應簽署於該日期簽訂的諮詢服務協議,並作為 附件C附於本協議。

2.考慮:考慮到執行 本協議和總放行,並遵守本協議中做出的承諾,且如果執行人員已提交 作為附件A隨附的辭職信,且未在適用的 七(7)天內撤銷其執行本協議和總放行,雙方達成如下協議:

a.第 第9(c)條(“第9(c)條”)特此通過引用的方式納入本協議和 總版本,且公司同意並確認,自生效日期起,(定義見下文第4條)和 一般釋放,公司應向執行人員支付所有金額並提供第9條(c)中所述的所有利益,包括但不限於, 總金額為一百萬($1,000,000.00)美元,該金額應在生效日期(不遲於 2023年3月31日)一次性支付,其中不包括任何未償還的應計和未使用的假期和病假,並代替其僱傭協議項下的任何現金獎金 。

3.受限制股票單位:根據二零二一年綜合股權激勵計劃的條款及條件,行政人員獲授受限制股票單位,包括授予行政人員作為顧問的受限制股票單位。根據 二零二一年第二期綜合股權激勵計劃的條款及條件,行政人員獲授額外受限制股份單位。在執行 本協議和全面解除後,所有尚未行使的RSU(如果尚未歸屬)應加速並立即 歸屬和行使。公司特此解除執行人員對交易公司 證券的任何及所有明示或暗示的禁售或限制。在生效日期後的任何時候,如果高管被視為內幕人士,公司應至少每季度一次向高管提供一個開放的交易窗口,並採取任何和所有必要的行動,允許高管自由、合法地交易 公司證券。

4.撤銷:如第7段中更全面的規定,行政人員可在其簽署本協議之日起七(7)天內撤銷其 本協議的執行和全面解除。本協議在行政人員簽署後第八天(以下簡稱“生效日期”)後才生效。

如果執行人員 撤銷本協議和通用版本,本協議和全面免除應在撤銷之日 全部無效,且行政人員無權根據本協議和全面免除獲得上文第2段所述的任何付款、利益或權利,但根據僱傭協議或其他規定除外。

5.終止福利:除根據COBRA、 紐約州延續保險範圍、《僱員退休收入保障法》("ERISA")規定的任何權利外,以及除本協議 (包括第2段)規定的情況外,所有其他福利將在本協議和《通用條款》簽署之日終止。執行人員 可以選擇保留公司以其名義購買的任何人壽保險單。根據僱傭協議第5(f)條(以引用方式納入本協議),本公司應支付或償還人壽保險單的任何及所有保費,直至 2023年3月31日,此後,不再支付或償還該等保單的費用。如果執行人員選擇保留任何公司擁有的政策,應向公司提供建議。根據《僱傭協議》第9(c)(ii)條,公司應在2023年3月31日起的二十四(24)個月內,為執行人員提供公司團體健康計劃(或類似 保險)的持續醫療保險,費用由公司承擔。

6.General Release of Claims by Executive: In consideration of the payments and other considerations to Executive set forth in paragraph 2 of this Agreement and General Release, without affecting Executive’s right to enforce this Agreement and General Release or the Indemnification Agreement, and except for the specific covenants elsewhere in this Agreement, and to the extent consistent with law, Executive, knowingly and voluntarily, for Executive, Executive’s children, heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns (hereinafter “Releasors”), to the extent consistent with law, hereby fully and forever releases, acquits, discharges and promises not to sue the Company and its past, present and future parent and/or subsidiary entities, divisions, affiliates and any past, present or future partners, owners, joint venturers, stockholders, predecessors, successors, officers, directors, administrators, employees, agents, representatives, attorneys, heirs, executors, assigns, retirement plans and/or their trustees and any other person, firm or corporation with whom any of them is now or may hereafter be affiliated (hereinafter “Releasees”), over any and all claims, demands, obligations, losses, causes of action, costs, expenses, attorney’s fees, liabilities and indemnities of any nature whatsoever, whether negligent or intentional, whether now known or unknown, discovered now or in the future, whether based on race, age, disability, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status, protected activity, compensation and benefits from employment, including stock, stock options, stock option agreements and retirement plans, whether based on contract, tort, defamation, statute or other legal or equitable theory of recovery, whether mature or to mature in the future, which from the beginning of time of the world to the Effective Date Executive had, now has or claims to have against the Company or any other person or entity described above. The Executive’s rights under Indemnification Agreement are not affected by the terms and conditions of this Section 6.


在不限制前述規定的情況下,本協議 和一般豁免適用於截至本協議日期,在訴訟或任何州或聯邦法院 已經或可能已經提出的任何和所有事項,具體包括但不限於:

根據《同工同酬法》、經修正的《國家勞動關係法》、經修正的《1964年民權法》第七章、經修正的《內戰後重建法》(42 U.S.C.§ § § 1981—1988)、1967年《就業年齡歧視法》("ADEA")(經修訂)、1990年《美國殘疾人法》、1973年《康復法》(經修訂)、1974年《僱員退休收入保障法》(經修訂)、1991年《民權法》、《懷孕歧視法》(經修訂)、任何其他聯邦法規,任何州民權法案、任何州法定工資索賠,如 內華達州修訂法令第608章中所載的索賠、任何其他法定索賠、任何不當解僱索賠、任何侵權或合同索賠、任何尋求 宣告性、禁令性或衡平救濟的索賠,或任何其他因任何州普通法而產生的任何類型的索賠;儘管 有上述規定,本條款不適用於受《紐約州勞動法》第18條(失業 補償)管轄的任何權利、義務或索賠。


任何其他聯邦、州或地方民事或人權法律、當地僱傭關係法律或福利 法律,或任何其他地方、州或聯邦法律、法規或條例,並根據任何其他義務或索賠,在不限制本協議和一般豁免的一般性的情況下,或因合同、準合同、侵權行為、誹謗或誹謗、誹謗、隱私權利、公共政策、法律或公平、精神和/或精神痛苦、補償性損害賠償、拖欠工資、預付工資、假期工資、利潤分享貢獻、獎金、收入損失而產生的 。幷包括工資、通知、代通知金和離職工資的所有索賠,直至(包括)本協議簽署和全面發佈之日為止。


本第6款並不放棄在本協議 簽署之日之後根據ADEA可能產生的任何權利或索賠。


7.釋放年齡索賠:高管明確放棄並免除公司的所有索賠 截至高管簽署本協議之日,高管可能擁有關於根據修訂後的1967年《就業歧視法》而產生的索賠或權利的一般豁免 《美國法典》第29篇第621節(“ADEA”).

A.本第7款並不 放棄在執行人員簽署本協議和全面放行之日之後根據ADEA可能產生的權利或索賠。

B.行政人員 進一步同意:


(Ii)執行 理解本協議和一般放行的條款;




(Vi)管理人員 意識到,在管理人員執行本協議和全面釋放後,管理人員有七(7)天的時間通過書面通知公司撤銷本協議和全面釋放,以及


C.執行人員根據上一段所作的任何撤銷必須以書面形式提交給公司並聲明:“我在此 撤銷我根據分離協議中包含的就業年齡歧視法案所享有的權利,並在Bit數字公司之間發佈。還有我。“撤銷必須親自遞交給公司的律師Davidoff Hutcher&Citron LLP,第三大道605號,15號THFloor,New York,New York 10158,收信人:Elliot H.Lutzker。如果通過郵寄方式發送,撤銷必須在本協議簽署和正式發佈後七(7)天內加蓋郵戳。



8.Release of Claims by the Company; Indemnification: In consideration of the obligations and other considerations made to the Company as set forth in this Agreement and General Release, the Company knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally: (i) hereby fully and forever releases, acquits and discharges the Executive and his children, spouse, successors, assigns, estate, heirs, executors, administrators and Wellington Park Inc. (“Wellington”) to the full extent permitted by law from any and all claims, demands, obligations, losses, causes of action, costs, expenses, attorney’s fees, liabilities and indemnities of any nature whatsoever, whether negligent or intentional, whether now known or unknown, discovered now or in the future, asserted and non-asserted, whether based on contract, tort, defamation, statute or other legal or equitable theory of recovery, whether mature or to mature in the future, which from the beginning of time of the world to the Effective Date the Company had, now has or claims to have against Executive or any other person or entity described above; and (ii) agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Executive and Wellington to the fullest extent of the law under the Company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association and Cayman Island corporate law from and against any and all loss, liability, damage, or expense (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) arising from any claim or threatened claim by or through a third party with respect to the Company, this Agreement or Executive’s or Wellington’s services to the Company including as a consultant and as a director of any Company subsidiary or affiliate. Without limiting the foregoing, this Agreement and General Release applies to any and all matters that have been or which could have been asserted in a lawsuit or in any state, federal or foreign court, up to the date of this Agreement. The Indemnification Agreement dated as of March 31, 2021 by and between the Company and the Executive (the “Indemnification Agreement”) is incorporated by reference herein and remains in full force and effect. In the event of a conflict between the Indemnification Agreement and this Agreement and General Release, the Indemnification Agreement shall control.

9.訴訟、起訴權和參與調查權:除非下文另有説明 ,執行人員和公司均同意並承諾不會就任何索賠、要求,因執行人員在公司任職或離職而引起或可能引起的任何事項的責任或 義務,他通過惠靈頓從事諮詢工作,或他擔任任何公司子公司或 關聯公司的董事。行政人員理解,本協議和《通用免責聲明》中的任何內容均不得解釋為禁止其向平等就業機會委員會、國家勞動關係委員會和/或任何聯邦、州或地方機構提出指控,或參與其根據包括《國家勞動關係法》第7條在內的任何和所有法律進行的任何調查或訴訟。 管理人員提出指控和參與調查的權利不受本協議任何條款的限制,包括但不限於與保密、不起訴的約定和關於先前索賠的陳述有關的條款, 管理人員在賠償協議下的權利也不受本第9條條款和條件的影響。

儘管有上述規定, 行政人員放棄就他或其他人代表 提起的任何指控、投訴或訴訟中的任何和所有金錢損害賠償的權利。執行人員進一步理解,本協議中的任何內容均不得解釋為禁止其質疑公司 未能遵守其提供本協議和一般性發布第2段所述對價的承諾。如果 公司通過起訴或啟動訴訟程序違反本協議和《一般豁免》,除上述規定外,他應支付公司與對訴訟或訴訟進行辯護有關的所有費用 和開支,包括合理的律師費。如果公司 違反了本協議和《通用條款》(包括第2款和第8款)的規定,執行人員 應有權提起訴訟以強制執行本協議和《通用條款》的規定。如果行政人員被要求起訴以執行第2、8和/或本協議和通用版本的規定, 或如果公司以其他方式違反本協議和通用版本,則公司應支付行政人員與此相關的所有費用和開支,包括合理的律師費。

10.歸還財產:執行人員確認,他已將其擁有的所有公司財產返還給公司,但根據該日期簽訂的 諮詢服務協議,公司可能允許他作為顧問工作的情況除外。


11.不申請再就業:執行人員確認他不再希望在公司就業、 復職或再就業,並同意他不會在未來的任何時候以任何理由尋求在公司就業、復職或再就業,除非在此日期簽署的諮詢服務協議(附件C)中規定的情況 。管理人員同意,如果他違反本段的任何規定,公司將有權拒絕他的 就業、復職或再就業申請。雙方同意,本段不是且不應被視為公司對高管進行報復的證據 。



a.機密信息。《僱傭協議》第6(a)條以引用方式併入本文 。公司同意並承認,在諮詢服務協議的期限內以及可能之後,執行人員 和公司可能就與加密貨幣資產、採礦和/或賭注相關的資金、公司、實體、資產、基礎設施和/或設施的融資、投資、所有權、運營和/或管理相關的新企業進行合作(每一個, 一個"新企業"),公司特此授權管理人員使用與 新企業有關的機密信息。本授權構成公司根據本第13條和 僱傭協議第6(a)條的書面授權,日期為2021年3月31日。

b.工作的所有權。儘管本協議和總髮布中有任何相反的規定, 執行人員有權使用與其工作有關的工作成果、知識產權和材料,或使用與新合資企業有關的公司設施,並且不會因執行人員將此類材料納入新合資企業而受到限制或欠任何版税或 其他補償。如果 諮詢服務協議(包括其項下的所有活動)與本協議和通用版本之間發生衝突,應以諮詢服務協議 為準。

i Work Product. Executive hereby agrees that any and all work created, conceived, or otherwise developed during the Executive’s term as CEO of the Company and certain works and related intellectual property, as all of such relates to the Company, including without limitation, original works of authorship, inventions, ideas, products, processes, apparatuses, articles of manufacture, programs, routines, object and source codes, specifications, discoveries, designs, technology, embodiments, whether or not patentable, trademarks (including service marks and trade dress), copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights (hereinafter “Work Product”) shall be deemed a “Work Made for Hire” as that phrase is defined in 17 U.S.C. § 101 and used throughout the Copyright Act of 1976. To the extent any works of authorship embodied in the Work Product are not considered a “Work Made for Hire,” as that phrase is defined in 17 U.S.C. § 101, Executive hereby assigns to the Company all right, title, and interest in and to any copyright of such works of authorship embodied in the Work Product. If Executive has any rights to the Work Product that cannot be assigned to the Company, Executive unconditionally and irrevocably (i) waives the enforcement of such rights, and (ii) grants to the Company during the term of such rights, an exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, fully paid-up, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, have used, copy, have copied, modify, have modified, create derivative works of, distribute, have distributed, publicly perform and publicly display such Work Product, by all means now known or later developed, with the right to sublicense and assign such rights.


II 派任在 行政人員所知的範圍內,行政人員特此將其 在任何工作產品中可能擁有的任何及所有權利、所有權和利益(不包括新企業)以及其中的所有知識產權轉讓給公司。執行人員將為公司的費用提供所有常規和合理的協助,但不向執行人員提供任何額外的補償 ,包括但不限於執行和交付公司合理要求的任何文件,以確保、完善、 登記和執行工作成果中的所有此類權利。

III 知識產權。公司擁有或可能擁有各種版權、專利、商標、服務商標、互聯網 網站、專有軟件(包括目標代碼和源代碼)、信息系統、發明(無論是否可申請專利)、概念、 設計、模型、配方、數據庫和其他數據、技術和其他商業祕密,(連同其所有衍生產品、續訂和/或 擴展,統稱為"知識產權"),在本協議日期之前,執行人員在履行其服務過程中 之前可能已經訪問過。知識產權的所有權是公司的專有財產, (如適用),在任何時候,管理人員均未擁有任何相關權利。執行人員特此放棄在本協議日期之後可能已經或將要用於公司網站或服務的 工作產品的所有權利、所有權和利益。


i Non-Compete. During the Time Limit (as defined below), Executive shall not, without the written consent of the Company which shall not be unreasonably withheld, directly or indirectly, (i) become associated with, render services to, invest in, represent, advise or otherwise participate in as an officer, employee, director, majority stockholder, managing partner, managing member, promoter, agent of, or otherwise, any business which is conducted in North America and which is competitive with the business conducted by the Company as of the date Executive’s resignation which for purposes of this Section 13 shall not include any business which does not derive at least ninety (90%) percent of its revenues from the self-mining of bitcoin (each, a “Non-Direct Competitor”); or (ii) for Executive’s own account or for the account of any other person or entity (A) interfere with the Company’ relationship with any of its suppliers, customers, accounts, brokers, representatives or agents or (B) transact any business (which provides products or service that directly compete with the Company’s bitcoin self-mining business) with any customer, account or supplier of the Company which transacted business with the Company at any time during the Executive’s term as CEO of the Company other than a Non-Direct Competitor; or (iii) employ or otherwise engage, or solicit, entice or induce on behalf of Executive or any other person or entity, the services, retention or employment of any person who has been a principal, partner, stockholder, sales representative, trainee or employee of the Company within one year of the date of such offer or solicitation. Notwithstanding any provisions in this Section 13 to the contrary, (1) this Subsection (c) shall not prohibit Executive from purchasing or owning up to three percent (3%) of the outstanding capital stock of a company which has a class of securities registered under Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; (2) this Subsection (c) shall not prohibit Executive from engaging in any and all activities related to the New Venture; and (3) Executive may engage in charitable or civic activities which do not interfere with Executive’s performance of his or his duties hereunder. In the event of any conflict between the Advisory Services Agreement, inclusive of all activities contemplated or performed thereunder, and this Agreement and General Release, the Advisory Services Agreement shall control.


d.期限術語"期限"應指(A)自本協議和全面發佈之日起 一(1)年或(B)諮詢服務協議不再有效之日中較早者。如果 有管轄權的法院確定本協議的時間限制過於寬泛,則雙方同意將此類 限制減少至生效日期後的六(6)個月。

14.Injunctive Relief: The parties acknowledge and agree that the provisions of paragraphs 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 13, are a material inducement for each party to enter into this Agreement and General Release. Executive recognizes and agrees that any violation of the covenants in these paragraphs will cause irreparable and continuing damage to the Company. Accordingly, the Company shall be entitled to injunctive or other equitable relief, including an order restraining any further violation, without the necessity of showing any actual damages or irreparable harm or posting any bond or security. In addition, the Company, to the extent allowable by law, shall have the right to immediately cease any and all compensation still outstanding to Executive, and that such injunctive relief shall be cumulative and in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Company may be entitled. The Company recognizes and agrees that any violation of the Company’s obligation to Executive under this Agreement will cause irreparable and continuing damage to Executive. Accordingly, Executive shall be entitled to compensation and other injunctive and equitable relief, including an order restraining any failure violation without the necessity of showing any actual damages or irreparable harm or posting any bond or security. Such injunctive relief shall be cumulative and in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Executive may be entitled. The prevailing party in any injunctive action shall pay the other party the costs it incurs, including reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses, in bringing and prosecuting any proceeding to enforce the terms of this Agreement and General Release, provided the non-prevailing party is ultimately found by a court of competent jurisdiction to have breached the terms of this Agreement and General Release.

15.未來合作:高管同意在所有交易事項上與公司充分合作 。這應包括但不限於執行人員將公司的所有文件和其他財產轉回 ,以及從公司所有銀行賬户中刪除執行人員的姓名和權限。 諮詢服務協議的條款和條件,將與本協議和一般版本一起簽署,以引用的方式納入本協議。

16.本協議各方面應受中華人民共和國大陸地區法律的管轄。本協議各方面應受中華人民共和國大陸地區法律的管轄。如果本協議的任何條款 被任何有管轄權的法院宣佈為非法或不可執行,並且不能修改 為可執行,但第7和8款除外,該條款應立即無效,本協議的其餘部分和一般釋放具有完全效力和可執行性。


雙方進一步同意 為執行本協議和一般豁免任何條款而提起的任何訴訟將提交紐約州紐約市有管轄權的任何聯邦或州法院 。


(a)本 協議和一般授權是Executive個人的,未經公司事先書面同意,Executive不得轉讓,除非根據遺囑或血統和分配法。本協議和一般發佈應符合執行官的法定代表的利益, 並由執行官的法定代表執行。

(b)本協議應 對公司及其繼承人和受讓人的利益並具有約束力。

(c)公司將要求 所有或幾乎所有業務的任何繼任者(無論是直接還是間接,通過購買所有權權益,合併,合併 或以其他方式和/或購買本公司資產)明確承諾並同意履行本協議和 中的一般條款與本公司在沒有發生該等繼承時須履行的相同方式及相同程度。

18.ADEA Waiver. Under the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act of 1990, EXECUTIVE acknowledges that he is knowingly and voluntarily waiving and releasing any rights he may have under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (“ADEA’’) (“ADEA Waiver”). He also acknowledges that the consideration given for the ADEA Waiver is in addition to anything of value to which he is already entitled. He further acknowledges that he has been advised by this writing, as required by the ADEA, that: (a) his ADEA Waiver does not apply to any rights or claims that arise after the date he signs this Agreement and General Release; (b) he should consult with an attorney prior to signing this Agreement and General Release; (c) he will have twenty-one (21) days to consider this Agreement and General Release (although he may choose to voluntarily sign it sooner but such Agreement shall not be binding until after such twenty one day period has expired) (the “Execution Date”); (d) he has seven (7) days following the Execution Date to revoke it, which revocation to be effective only if he delivers written notice of revocation via letter, email or facsimile to the addressee set forth in the Preamble to this Agreement and General Release within the seven (7)-day period; and (e) this Agreement will not be effective or enforceable until that revocation period has expired (“Effective Date”). If Executive exercises his right to revoke his waiver and release under the ADEA, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect, except that the amount of his compensation in Section 2 shall be reduced by $5,000 which Executive agrees that the remaining compensation constitutes adequate and sufficient consideration to continue to bind him to all provisions of this Agreement and his obligations hereunder.



20.放棄執行人員或公司未能堅持嚴格遵守本協議的任何條款,或未能主張執行人員或公司在本協議項下可能享有的任何權利,不應視為 放棄該等條款或權利或本協議和一般豁免的任何其他條款或權利。

21.不允許做錯事。雙方同意,本協議和 一般豁免,以及本協議和一般豁免的對價的提供,在任何時候都不得為 任何目的被視為或解釋為任何一方承認任何責任或任何類型的非法或錯誤行為。

22.修正案:本協議和通用版本 不得修改、更改或變更,除非雙方明確書面同意,其中特別提及本協議和通用版本。

23.標題:本協議和一般版本中的標題僅為方便起見, 不得用於解釋或解釋其條款。

24.完整協議:本協議和通用版本構成本協議雙方之間的全部協議 ,並完全取代雙方先前對對方的任何義務。雙方承認,他們 沒有依賴於與各自決定接受 本協議和一般豁免有關的任何陳述、承諾或協議,但本協議和一般豁免中規定的除外。

25.對應部分:本協議和通用版本可簽署兩份或多份副本, 每份副本應視為原件,但所有副本一起構成同一份協議。

特此通知執行人員 ,他最多有二十一(21)個日曆日審查本機密協商的分離協議和一般釋放,並 在執行本機密協商的分離協議和一般釋放之前諮詢律師。

進一步通知執行人員 ,他可以在簽署之日後的七(7)天內撤銷本機密協議和一般性釋放,並且直到簽署之日後的第八天(“簽署日期”)才生效和執行 。

執行人員保證,對本機密協議和一般性發布所做的任何 修改(材料或其他)不會重新開始或 以任何方式影響最初的二十一(21)日曆日審議期。

已選擇執行 本機密協商的分離協議和一般釋放,履行承諾,並接受上文 第2段中的金額和利益,在經過考慮後,並在與其選擇的律師協商後, 簽署本機密協商的分離協議和一般釋放,並打算放棄,解決並解除他對公司提出的或可能對公司提出的所有索賠。


特此證明, 雙方在知情和自願的情況下,於下列日期 簽署了本保密協商和解協議和全面放行:

日期:2023年3月13日 /s/Bryan Bullett


日期:2023年3月13日 發信人: /s/Erke Huang




致:Bit Digital Inc.

我特此辭去Bit Digital Inc.的工作。 及其子公司的所有職位,自2023年3月31日起生效。

/s/Bryan Bullett






