附錄 99.1

Fresh2 集團有限公司宣佈收購跨境食品電子商務 平臺 Youfood Group Inc.

紐約州紐約,2024年1月4日/PRNewswire/ — 餐飲和食品行業的B2B電子商務和供應鏈管理公司Fresh2 Group Ltd. (納斯達克股票代碼:FRES)(“Fresh2” 或 “公司”)今天宣佈,它已通過其子公司Fresh2 Technology Inc.簽署了收購Youfood Group Inc.的最終股票 協議(SPA)。,一個企業對客户的跨境電子商務食品平臺, 它將把亞洲和南美的食品資源與北美的客户聯繫起來。此次收購預計將增強 獲得新客户羣的機會。


Fresh2首席執行官徐浩涵表示:“我們致力於餐飲服務行業的可持續發展,並不斷為北美消費者提供多樣化的高質量食品。此次 收購為我們提供了整合和增強我們能力的絕佳機會,從而提高了績效並擴大 我們的食品供應鏈生態系統。”

關於 Fresh2 集團有限公司

Fresh2 集團有限公司從事企業間電子商務 和供應鏈領域。Fresh2 致力於幫助餐廳降低採購成本和提高效率,採用先進的 供應鏈管理系統。通過應用戰略數字技術和創新的商業模式,Fresh2 正在推動餐廳供應行業的在線 轉型。Fresh2 旨在完善餐廳運營,為食品行業增加顯著價值, 並在數字時代建立全球餐廳老闆網絡。欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問:https://fresh2.co/investors。


This announcement contains forward-looking statements as defined under Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, formulated in accordance with the 'safe harbor' provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements, reflecting the Company's projections about its future financial and operational performance, employ terms like 'believes,' 'estimates,' 'anticipates,' 'expects,' 'plans,' 'projects,' 'intends,' 'potential,' 'target,' 'aim,' 'predict,' 'outlook,' 'seek,' 'goal,' 'objective,' 'assume,' 'contemplate,' 'continue,' 'positioned,' 'forecast,' 'likely,' 'may,' 'could,' 'might,' 'will,' 'should,' 'approximately,' and similar expressions to convey the uncertainty of future events or outcomes. These forward-looking statements are based on the Company's current expectations, assumptions, and projections, involving judgments about future economic conditions, competitive landscapes, market dynamics, and business decisions, many of which are inherently challenging to predict accurately and are largely beyond the Company's control. Additionally, these statements are subject to a multitude of known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other variables that could significantly diverge the Company's actual results from those depicted in any forward-looking statement. These factors include, but are not limited to, varying economic conditions, competitive pressures, and regulatory changes. Because of these and other risks, uncertainties and assumptions, undue reliance should not be placed on these forward-looking statements. In addition, these statements speak only as of the date of this press release and, except as may be required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update publicly any forward-looking statements for any reason.