

本安全協議(本 "安全協議")於2022年10月3日由IMMUNOGENX,INC.,特拉華州 公司("借款人"),以及MATRRESS EIDATORS,INC.,科羅拉多州公司及其繼承人和受讓人 (“註冊”)。


A.根據借款人與借款人之間的某項信貸協議(可進行修訂、補充、修訂和重述,或不時修改, "信貸協議"),借款人與借款人之間於本協議同日簽署,借款人同意按照其中規定的條款和條件向借款人提供某些貸款。          

B.請注意,本擔保協議是信用證條款所要求的 協議

因此,鑑於這些前提和其他良好和有價對價, 特此確認,雙方同意如下:


(a)          除非 本文另有規定,否則本文使用的大寫術語應具有信貸協議中此類術語的含義, 以下術語在本文中定義如下:帳户、帳户債務人、帳户、 所有權證書、動產文件、商業侵權索賠、商品帳户、商品合同、商品中介、存款 帳户、文件,設備、固定裝置、一般無形資產、貨物、工具、庫存、投資財產、信用證 權利、收益、證券、證券權益、證券賬户、證券中介、軟件和支持債務。

(b)           此外,下列術語應具有以下含義:"抵押品”在第2節中定義。

控制" 是指(i)對於每個存款賬户而言,"控制"的定義見《統一商業法典》第9—104節,(ii)對於任何證券權利而言,"控制"的定義見《統一商業法典》第8—106節,和(iii)對於任何商品合同而言,"控制"作為此類術語的定義見 《統一商法典》第9—106節。


留置權" 指與任何財產有關的任何抵押、留置權、擔保權益、質押、押記或任何種類的擔保。

有擔保的債務 "是指(a)借款人根據貸款文件承擔的所有債務,包括在各種情況下以何種方式證明、產生、產生或獲得的債務,無論是主要的、次要的、直接的或或有的,還是共同的和個別的,以及(b)借款人根據信貸協議或與信貸協議有關的任何未來債務或其他金融便利, 任何貸款文件或借款人與貸款人之間的任何後續協議(如該協議可能不時修訂),以及(c)貸款人在收取或執行任何此類義務或實現 或保護任何此類擔保時產生的所有 合理費用和費用,無論是法律費用還是其他費用,包括以下所提供的擔保。

統一 商業代碼"應指經修正的科羅拉多州統一商法典第9條及其任何後續法規。但是,如果由於任何適用法律, 任何抵押品上的擔保人留置權的任何附加、完善、優先權或補救措施受在 以外的司法管轄區頒佈和生效的《統一商法典》管轄,術語"統一商法典"指頒佈和生效的《統一商法典》 在該其他司法管轄區,僅為與該附加、完善、優先權或補救有關的規定的目的。

2.授予抵押品的擔保權益。          為確保及時支付並在到期時全額履行擔保債務,無論是由於時間流逝、 加速、強制提前或其他原因,借款人特此授予借款人在 可轉讓的最大限度內對借款人在 借款人所有資產中的任何及所有權利、所有權和權益的持續留置權和抵銷權,包括但不限於,以下,無論是現在擁有或存在,還是擁有、獲得或以後產生 (統稱為“抵押品”):





(e)借款人的所有存款賬户,以及任何替代或後續賬户 與之相關的;


(g)所有設備(包括所有軟件,無論 或不構成嵌入式軟件,用於其操作);



(j)所有一般無形資產,包括所有税款 退款、註冊和未註冊專利、商標、服務商標、版權、貿易 名稱、商業祕密、客户名單和許可證);



(m)所有投資物業,包括所有商品 賬户、商品合同、證券、證券權益和證券賬户;



(p)所有賬簿、記錄、分類帳卡、檔案, 通信、計算機程序、磁帶、磁盤和相關數據處理軟件(擁有 借款人或借款人擁有權益),在任何時候都能證明或包含信息 與任何抵押品有關,或在收集抵押品或實現抵押品時以其他方式合理必要或有幫助的 ;


(q)在不包括的範圍內,所有加入、收益和產品 所有上述的一切。

Borrower also hereby collaterally assigns to Lender all of Borrower’s rights under and interests in every policy of insurance covering the Collateral. Borrower and Lender hereby acknowledge and agree that the Lien created hereby in the Collateral constitutes continuing collateral security for all of the Secured Obligations, whether now existing or hereafter arising. Any of the foregoing to the contrary notwithstanding, the “Collateral” shall not include, and the Lien granted herein shall not attach to, any asset subject to a rule of law, statute or regulation or of a lease agreement or any General intangible (including a contract, permit, license or franchise) or a Lien permitted under the Loan Documents (“Permitted Lien”), where the grant of such Lien would invalidate or constitute a breach or violation of any such rule of law, statute, regulation, lease agreement or General intangible or agreement or agreements creating or giving rise to such Permitted Lien, provided that the limitation set forth in this sentence shall (i) exist only for so long as such rule of law, statute, regulation, lease agreement or General intangible or agreement and the Permitted Lien created therein continue to be effective (and, upon the cessation, termination, expiration of such rule of law, statute, regulation, lease agreement or General intangible or Permitted Lien, or if any such rule of law, statute or regulation is no longer applicable, the Lien granted herein shall be deemed to have automatically attached to such asset), and (ii) not apply with respect to any asset if and to the extent that the prohibition or restriction on the Lien in and to such asset granted in this Security Agreement is rendered ineffective under Sections 9-406, 9-407, 9-408, or 9-409 of the Uniform Commercial Code.

3.陳述 和義務。          借款人特此聲明並保證,在所有擔保債務全部償還之前:

(a)          所有制 借款人是其抵押品的合法受益所有人,有權質押、出售、轉讓或轉讓該抵押品。

(b)          安全 利息/優先級。本擔保協議為擔保物中的受讓人創造了有效的留置權,當通過備案或受讓人獲得該擔保物的控制權而適當完善 時,應構成有效的第一優先權(除 受許可留置權約束的抵押物外),在該抵押物中的完善留置權,在該留置權可以通過提交或通過 根據《統一商法典》的控制而完善的範圍內,除此之外,所有人都是自由的,都是自由的。

(c)          同意。 僅受許可留置權的限制,並且除了提交或記錄統一商法典終止聲明、統一商法典 融資聲明或獲得控制權以完善本擔保協議創建的留置權(可通過提交統一商法典融資聲明或獲得控制權來完善)外,不同意或授權、提交或其他 行為,任何仲裁員或政府機構,且未經任何其他人同意(包括但不限於借款人的任何股東或債權人),(除非已正式取得、作出或給予且完全有效和 )(i)借款人授予本協議授予的抵押品中的留置權,或借款人簽署、交付或履行本擔保協議,或(ii)為完善該留置權或由承租人行使本擔保協議規定的權利和救濟 。

(d)          Accounts. With respect to Borrower’s Accounts: (i) the Goods sold, rented or leased, licensed, or assigned or services furnished giving rise to each Account are not subject to any Lien except the first priority, perfected Lien granted to Lender herein and except for Permitted Liens; (ii) each Account and the papers and Documents of Borrower relating thereto are genuine and in all material respects what they purport to be; (iii) each Account arises out of a bona fide transaction for Goods sold and delivered (or in the process of being delivered), leased, licensed, or assigned by Borrower or for services actually rendered by Borrower, which transaction was conducted in the ordinary course of Borrower’s business and was completed in all material respects in accordance with the terms of any Documents, Instruments or agreements pertaining thereto; (iv) no Account is evidenced by any Instrument unless such Instrument has been endorsed over and delivered to, or submitted to the Control of Lender; (v) the amount of each Account as shown on Borrower’s books and records, and on all invoices and statements which may be delivered to Lender with respect thereto, is due and payable to Borrower; (vi) to Borrower’s knowledge, the Account debtor with respect to each Account has the capacity to contract; (vii) to Borrower’s knowledge, there are no proceedings or actions that are threatened or pending against any Account debtor whose business is material to Borrower that are reasonably likely to have a Material Adverse Effect, and (viii) no surety bond was required or given in connection with any Account or the contracts or purchase orders out of which they arose.


(e)          設備 和庫存。截至截止日期,所有設備和庫存(如有)均位於借款人指定的地點, 或可能不時指定的地點,以書面形式確認。截至截止日期,且除非在每個借款人的正常業務過程中另行披露,否則借款人以外的人根據委託、 銷售或退貨、經批准銷售或類似安排持有庫存。

(f)          文件 和工具。據借款人所知,所有文件和文書均完整、有效和真實。

4.可卡因。           借款人承諾,在所有擔保債務全部清償之前,借款人應:

(a)          其他 留置權。採取商業上合理的努力,為抵押品辯護,使其免受所有其他聲稱權益的當事方的索賠和要求,並保持抵押品不受任何留置權的限制,許可留置權除外。借款人不得出售、交換、轉讓、 轉讓、租賃或以其他方式處置任何抵押品或其中的任何權益,除非信貸協議、 本擔保協議或其他貸款文件允許,但在日常業務過程中出售或使用庫存品,以及在日常業務過程中處置或轉讓過時和磨損的物品除外—庫存和設備;但前提是, 公司間轉移不得被視為發生在借款人的正常業務過程中。

(b)          抵押品的保存。採取商業上合理的努力,使抵押品在所有材料方面保持良好的秩序、狀況和維修 (合理損耗除外);不得在任何重大方面違反本擔保協議的規定使用抵押品; 不得在任何重大方面使用抵押品,違反與抵押品有關的任何其他協議或為 抵押品投保的任何政策或任何適用法規,法律、附例、規則、規章或條例;並且不允許任何抵押物成為或成為不動產的固定物或對其他非動產的附加物,除非抵押物具有有效的、完善的和優先的留置權( 關於受許可留置權的抵押物除外),以使該財產的受益人受益。

(c)          擁有 或控制某些抵押品。如果(i)根據或與 任何抵押品有關的任何金額超過25,000美元應支付給借款人的任何金額應由或成為任何文書或支持義務證明,或(ii)如果任何抵押品應根據文件儲存或運輸,則借款人應立即通知監理人存在該抵押品,並應監理人的要求,交付該文書,根據本擔保協議,以令擔保人滿意的方式正式背書的支持義務或擔保文件, 將作為擔保物持有。如果任何抵押品由存款賬户組成,則借款人應簽署 ,並根據借款人的要求,向借款人提交借款人合理 的所有控制協議、轉讓書、文書或其他文件,以獲得和維持對該抵押品的控制權。


(d)          實體結構或位置的更改 。在未事先向德勤提供書面通知且未確認德勤已 德勤可能要求的對任何先前提交的融資報表進行修改的情況下,不得(i)改變其公司存在,或在一次 交易或一系列交易中合併或合併任何其他實體,或出售其全部或幾乎全部資產, (ii)改變其註冊或組織狀態,(iii)更改其註冊名稱,(iv)更改其首席執行官辦公室和主要營業地點(以及其賬簿和記錄)的所在地,或(v)除非信貸協議另有允許, 在書面指定地點以外的任何地點保存任何設備或庫存。

(e)          檢查 允許分包商或其代表按照《信貸協議》的規定訪問和檢查抵押品。

(f)          Perfection of Security Interest. Borrower hereby authorizes Lender to prepare and file such financing statements and notices (including renewal statements) or amendments thereof or supplements thereto or other instruments as Lender may from time to time deem necessary or appropriate to perfect and maintain the Liens granted hereunder in accordance with the Uniform Commercial Code and, subject only to Permitted Liens, to ensure the first priority of such Liens. Any financing statement filed by Lender may contain a general description of the Collateral covered thereby, as permitted by the Uniform Commercial Code, which states that the Lien attaches to all personal Property or to all assets of the debtor. Borrower shall from time to time upon request by Lender also execute and deliver to Lender such agreements, assignments or instruments (including affidavits, notices, reaffirmations and amendments and restatements of existing documents, as Lender may reasonably request) and do all such other things as Lender may reasonably deem necessary or appropriate (i) to assure Lender that its Liens hereunder are perfected and, subject only to Permitted Liens, of the first priority, including, without limitation, such financing statements (including renewal statements) or amendments thereof or supplements thereto or other instruments as Lender may from time to time reasonably request in order to perfect and maintain the Liens granted hereunder and to ensure the first priority (subject only to Permitted Liens) thereof in accordance with the Uniform Commercial Code, (ii) to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby, and (iii) to otherwise protect and assure Lender of its rights and interests hereunder. In the event for any reason the law of any jurisdiction other than Colorado becomes or is applicable to the Collateral or any part thereof, or to any of the Secured Obligations, Borrower agrees from time to time upon request of Lender to execute and deliver all such instruments and to do all such other things as Lender in its reasonable discretion deems reasonably necessary or appropriate to preserve, protect and enforce the Liens of Lender and the first priority thereof (subject only to Permitted Liens) under the law of such other jurisdiction (and, if Borrower shall fail to do so promptly upon the request of Lender, then Lender may execute any and all such requested documents on behalf of Borrower pursuant to the power of attorney granted herein below). Borrower agrees to notate in its books and records to reflect the Lien of Lender in the Collateral (notes in Borrower’s financial statements shall be deemed a sufficient notation).

(g)          Treatment of Accounts. (i) Comply in all material respects with all reporting requirements set forth in the Credit Agreement with respect to Accounts, (i) not grant or extend the time for payment of any Account, or compromise or settle any Account for less than the full amount thereof, or release any Person or Property, in whole or in part, from payment thereof, or allow any credit or discount thereon, in each case other than as is normal and customary in the ordinary course of Borrower’s business, (iii) maintain at its principal place of business a record of Accounts consistent with its customary business practices, or (vi) upon the occurrence and during the continuation of any Event of Default, set aside and hold as trustee for Lender any merchandise that is returned by a customer or Account debtor or otherwise recovered. Unless and until an Event of Default occurs and is continuing, Borrower may settle and adjust disputes and claims with its customers and Account debtors, and grant discounts, credits and allowances in the ordinary course of its business as presently conducted and otherwise for amounts and on terms which Borrower in good faith considers advisable. However, upon the occurrence of any Event of Default and during the continuation thereof, if so instructed by Lender, Borrower shall settle and adjust disputes and claims, at no expense to Lender, but no discount, credit or allowance other than on normal trade terms in the ordinary course of business shall be granted to any customer or Account debtor. Lender may (but shall not be required to), at all times upon the occurrence of any Event of Default and during the continuation thereof, settle or adjust disputes and claims directly with customers or Account debtors for amounts and upon terms which Lender considers advisable.


(h)           與庫存相關的附件。借款人應:(i)按照信貸協議的規定,採取商業上合理的努力,自行承擔成本和費用,維護、保持和保存其庫存 處於良好的可銷售狀態,但可能會過時; 和(ii)遵守信貸協議中關於庫存的所有報告要求。

(i)          銀行 賬户/投資物業。在任何此類存款賬户以及與之相關的任何替換或後續賬户中的所有存款金額均應受本協議項下的留置權的約束。應買方要求,借款人應獲得買方合理接受的形式 控制協議,以建立對持有或存放在任何證券中介或其他第三方的證券賬户、證券權益和存款賬户 的控制。

(j)          保險 按照貸款文件的規定,對借款人的抵押品進行保險、修理和更換。所有保險收益均受 項下的留置權約束。

(k)          書籍 和記錄。在任何時候,遵守有關維護業務記錄和電子數據的適用法律。在收到 借款人的違約事件通知後,借款人應立即停止銷燬任何及所有紙質和電子文件 和記錄,並應保存在違約事件通知後生成的任何新紙質或電子信息("文件 保存和保存")。借款人關於文件保存和保存的義務應延伸至所有形式的 電子通信,包括但不限於電子郵件、文字處理文件、電子表格、文本消息、語音消息、互聯網 使用文件以及以任何電子形式和任何格式存儲的信息。借款人遵守本文件的義務 持有和保存應持續到借款人收到通知為止。

5. 與帳户有關的特殊規定。          儘管本協議有任何相反的規定,本協議的任何內容均不免除借款人 在每個賬户下遵守和履行所有條件和義務的義務,所有這些條件和義務都符合產生每個賬户的任何協議的條款。在任何帳户下,客户不承擔任何義務 或責任(或任何由此產生的協議),或借款人根據本協議收到 與該賬户有關的任何付款,借款人也沒有義務以任何方式履行借款人根據任何賬户承擔的 義務,(或任何產生此等款項的協議)、作出任何付款、就其收到的任何付款的性質或充分性或任何一方在任何 帳户下的任何履約行為的充分性進行任何查詢(或任何導致其產生的協議)、提出或提交任何申索、採取任何行動強制執行任何履約或收取 可能已轉讓給其或其可能在任何時間或時間有權獲得的任何款項的付款。

6.關於存貨的特殊規定。          儘管本擔保協議中有任何相反規定,除非 且直至違約事件發生且持續,且未經 的進一步同意或批准,借款人可在其當前正常業務過程中使用、消費、出售、出租、租賃和交換庫存,因此, 在此類銷售或交換的情況下,在如此出售或交換的存貨中(但不包括在此類出售或交換產生的任何收益中)由此產生的擔保權益應立即終止,而賣方方面無需採取任何進一步行動。


7.          Performance of Obligations; Advances by Lender. Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default and upon the failure of Borrower to perform any of the covenants and agreements contained herein, Lender may, in its reasonable discretion, perform or cause to be performed the same and in so doing may (but shall have no obligation to do so) expend such sums as Lender may reasonably deem advisable in the performance thereof, including, without limitation, the payment of any Insurance premiums, the payment of any taxes, a payment to obtain a release of a Lien or potential Lien (other than a Permitted Lien), expenditures made in defending against any materially adverse claim (other than a Permitted Lien) and all other expenditures which Lender may make for the protection of the Lien hereof or may be compelled to make by operation of law. All such sums and amounts so expended shall be repayable by Borrower as provided in the Credit Agreement, shall constitute additional Secured Obligations and shall bear interest from the date said amounts are expended at the Default Rate as set forth in the Credit Agreement. No such performance of any covenant or agreement by Lender on behalf of Borrower, and no such advance or expenditure therefor, shall relieve Borrower of any default under the terms of this Security Agreement or any of the other Loan Documents. Lender may make any payment hereby authorized in accordance with any bill, statement or estimate procured from the appropriate public office or holder of the claim to be discharged without inquiry into the accuracy of such bill, statement or estimate or into the validity of any tax assessment, sale, forfeiture, tax Lien, title or claim except to the extent such payment is being contested in good faith by Borrower in appropriate proceedings as permitted under the terms of the Loan Documents.

8.違約事件 。          下列任何一項或多項事件的發生均構成本協議項下的違約事件:

(a)           信貸協議中定義的"違約事件"發生並持續超過任何適用的寬限期或補救期;

(b)          如果借款人違反本擔保協議的任何條款或條件,且在所有適用的寬限期或補救期(如有)到期後仍持續存在,或在沒有此類補救期的情況下,則如果此類違約因其性質可以得到補救,則只要 優先權,本擔保協議或任何其他貸款文件所產生的留置權的有效性和可轉讓性以及抵押品的 價值未受到損害、威脅或危害,借款人有一段時間(“修復期”)(i)借款人授權代表首次實際瞭解此類違約行為的日期 或(ii)收到此類違約行為的書面通知,且在修復期內不應視為存在違約事件 ,且 違約事件;但前提是,如果此類違約因其性質無法通過支付一筆款項而得到補救,或者 在補救期內無法合理地得到補救,則只要借款人在補救期內開始補救此類違約, 並努力並真誠地試圖實現這種補救,治療期應再延長三十(30)天, 但在任何情況下,治療期合計不得超過六十(60)天;或

(c)          借款人或代表借款人根據本擔保協議或與本擔保協議有關的任何 聲明或保證,在任何 重大方面被證明是不真實的。



(a)          General Remedies.  Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default and during the continuation thereof, Lender shall have, in addition to the rights and remedies provided herein, in the Loan Documents, or by law (including, but not limited to, levy of attachment, garnishment and the rights and remedies set forth in the Uniform Commercial Code of the jurisdiction applicable to the affected Collateral), the rights and remedies of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code (regardless of whether the Uniform Commercial Code is the law of the jurisdiction where the rights and remedies are asserted and regardless of whether the Uniform Commercial Code applies to the affected Collateral), and further, Lender may, with or without judicial process or the aid and assistance of others, (i) enter on any premises on which any of the Collateral may be located and, without resistance or interference by Borrower, take possession of the Collateral, (ii) dispose of any Collateral on any such premises, (iii) require Borrower to assemble and make available to Lender at the expense of Borrower any Collateral at any place and time designated by Lender which is reasonably convenient to both parties, (iv) remove any Collateral from any such premises for the purpose of effecting sale or other disposition thereof, (v) at any place and time or times, sell and deliver any or all Collateral held by or for it at public or private sale, by one or more contracts, in one or more parcels, for cash, upon credit or otherwise, at such prices and upon such terms as Lender deems advisable, in its sole discretion, (vi) seek the ex parte appointment of a receiver for all or any part of the Collateral and other Property and businesses of Borrower, or (vii) without notice to Borrower except as may be required by law and at any time or from time to time, charge, set off and otherwise apply all or part of the Secured Obligations against any funds held by Lender. Borrower agrees that it shall not assert that any action taken by Lender in compliance with any applicable state or federal law in the conduct of such sale, nor in disclaiming any warranties relating to the Collateral, made such sale not commercially reasonable. In addition to all other sums due Lender with respect to the Secured Obligations, Borrower shall pay Lender all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by Lender, including, but not limited to, reasonable Attorney’s Fees and Costs, in obtaining or liquidating the Collateral, in enforcing payment of the Secured Obligations, or in the prosecution or defense of any action or proceeding by or against Lender or Borrower concerning any matter arising out of or connected with this Security Agreement, any Collateral or the Secured Obligations, including, without limitation, any of the foregoing arising in, arising under or related to a case under any bankruptcy, insolvency or similar law. To the extent the rights of notice cannot be legally waived hereunder, Borrower agrees that any requirement of reasonable notice shall be met if such notice is personally served on or mailed, postage prepaid, to Borrower in accordance with the notice provisions of the Credit Agreement at least ten (10) days before the time of sale or other event giving rise to the requirement of such notice. Lender shall not be obligated to make any sale or other disposition of the Collateral regardless of notice having been given. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Lender may be a purchaser at any such sale. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Borrower hereby waives all of its rights of redemption with respect to any such sale. Subject to the provisions of applicable law, Lender may postpone or cause the postponement of the sale of all or any portion of the Collateral by announcement at the time and place of such sale, and such sale may, without further notice, to the extent permitted by applicable law, be made at the time and place to which the sale was postponed, or Lender may further postpone such sale by announcement made at such time and place.

(b)          Remedies Relating to Accounts. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default and during the continuation thereof, whether or not Lender has exercised any or all of its rights and remedies hereunder, Lender shall have the right to (i) enforce Borrower’s rights against any Account debtors on Borrower’s Accounts (ii) notify (or cause its designee to notify) Borrower’s customers and Account debtors that the Accounts of Borrower have been assigned to Lender or of Lender’s Lien therein, (iii) (either in its own name or in the name of Borrower or both) demand, collect, receive, take receipt for, sell, sue for, compound, settle, compromise and give acquittance for any and all amounts due or to become due on any Account, and (iv) in Lender’s reasonable discretion, file any claim or take any other action or proceeding to protect and realize upon the Lien of Lender in the Accounts. Borrower acknowledges and agrees that, after the occurrence and during the continuance of any Event of Default, the Proceeds of its Accounts remitted to or on behalf of Lender in accordance with the provisions hereof shall be solely for Lender’s own convenience and that Borrower shall not have any right, title or interest in such Proceeds or in any such other amounts except as expressly provided herein. Lender shall not have any liability or responsibility to Borrower for acceptance of a check, draft or other order for payment of money bearing the legend “payment in full” or words of similar import or any other restrictive legend or endorsement or be responsible for determining the correctness of any remittance. Furthermore, during the continuation of an Event of Default, (x) Lender shall have the right, but not the obligation, to make test verifications of the Accounts in any manner and through any medium that it reasonably considers advisable, and each Borrower shall furnish all such assistance and information as Lender may require in connection with such test verifications, (y) upon Lender’s request and at the expense of Borrower, Borrower shall cause independent public accountants or others satisfactory to Lender to furnish to Lender reports showing reconciliations, aging and test verifications of, and trial balances for, the Accounts and (z) Lender in its own name or in the name of others may communicate with Account debtors on the Accounts to verify with them to Lender’s satisfaction the existence, amount and terms of any Accounts.


(c)          access. 除本協議項下的權利和補救措施外,在發生違約事件時以及在違約事件持續期間, 僅受許可留置權和適用法律的約束,(i)借款人應有權進入並停留在借款人的各個場所, ,無需支付費用或費用,並使用該場所,以及材料、用品,借款人的賬簿和記錄,用於 收集和清算抵押品,或準備出售和進行抵押品的銷售,無論 是通過止贖、拍賣或其他方式,(ii)借款人可以將抵押品或其任何部分從該場所或與其相關的任何記錄中移除, ,為了有效地收取或清算該等抵押品,以及(iii)如果抵押品行使其對抵押品的佔有權,借款人還應自費執行抵押品合理要求的任何和所有其他步驟,以保留 和保護在抵押品中授予的留置權,例如放置和維護表明抵押品留置權的標誌,任命 監理人。

(d)          非排他性 補救措施的性質。如果賣方未能行使本擔保協議、任何其他貸款文件、 或法律規定的任何權利、補救或選擇權,或賣方延遲行使這些權利、補救或選擇權,則不應視為對任何該等權利、補救或選擇權的放棄。 除非以書面形式簽署,且由尋求執行該等放棄的一方簽署,否則本協議項下的放棄無效 ,且僅限於明確規定的範圍,在發生違約的情況下,僅應按照本協議的規定予以批准。在法律允許的範圍內, ,代理人或代理代理人的任何一方均不對本協議項下的任何作為或不作為或 任何判斷錯誤或事實或法律錯誤負責,但其在本協議項下的重大過失、惡意或故意不當行為除外。本擔保協議項下的 代理人的權利和救濟應是累積的,且不排除 代理人可能擁有的任何其他權利或救濟。

(e)          抵押品保留 。除本協議項下的權利和救濟措施外,在違約事件持續期間,根據 《統一商法典》第9—620和9—621條的規定,或根據相關 管轄區適用法律的要求,擔保人可以接受或保留擔保物,以全部或部分清償擔保債務。但是,除非和直到經紀人 提供了此類通知,否則經紀人不得因任何原因而保留任何抵押品以履行任何擔保債務 。

(f)          缺陷。 如果任何銷售、收款或變現的收益不足以支付借款人依法享有的所有款項 ,借款人應對該差額承擔責任,並承擔按信貸協議中規定的違約利率計算的利息 ,以及收款費用和合理的律師費和費用,以及任何律師的費用,以收取該等不足之處。全部支付和清償擔保債務後剩餘的任何盈餘應返還給借款人,或返還給具有管轄權的法院確定有權返還的任何人。

(g)          其他 安全性。在任何擔保債務現在或以後由擔保物以外的財產擔保的範圍內,(包括, 但不限於借款人擁有的不動產和個人財產),或任何其他人的擔保、背書或財產,則 借款人應有權在任何違約事件發生時和持續期間對該其他財產、擔保或背書提起訴訟 ,且承租人有權自行斟酌決定承租人 應在任何時候追求、放棄、服從、修改或採取哪些權利、擔保、留置權或補救措施,而不會以任何方式修改或影響承租人在本擔保協議下的任何權利或擔保義務,或承租人在任何其他貸款文件下的任何權利或擔保義務。



(a)          授權書 。借款人特此指定並任命借款人及其指定人或代理人為借款人的代理人, 具有不可撤銷的替代權,有權在任何違約事件發生時和 持續期間採取以下任何或所有行動:

(i)           要求、收集、結算、妥協、調整,並給予排放和釋放,所有這些都由代理商合理確定;

(ii)           在任何法院開始並提起任何訴訟,以收集任何抵押品並執行有關抵押品的任何其他權利 ;

(iii)           為提起的任何訴訟、訴訟或程序進行辯護、和解、調整或妥協,並就此給予代理人認為合理適當的解除或免除 ;

(iv)           代表借款人並以借款人的名義接收、打開和處置寄往借款人的郵件,並在支票、票據、匯票、承兑匯票、提單、 倉庫收據或其他證明支付、裝運或存儲產生擔保物的單據或文件上背書, 或擔保或與該擔保物有關的擔保物;

(v)           僅在許可留置權的前提下,就任何抵押品或由此產生的商品或服務出售、轉讓、轉讓、訂立任何協議,或以其他方式處理或行使其相關權利,就所有目的而言,應充分和完全地,就其 而言,就其絕對所有人而言;


(vii)           簽署和交付所有轉讓、保證書、財務報表、續融資報表、擔保協議、 確認書、通知和其他協議、文書和文件,這些文書和文件是您認為為完善和 在本擔保協議中授予的留置權以及為了充分完成本協議中預期的所有交易所必需的;


(ix)           簽署和背書與抵押品有關的任何草稿、轉讓書、委託書、股票授權書、驗證書、通知和其他文件;

(x)           支付或免除對抵押品徵收或設置或威脅對抵押品的税款、留置權或其他擔保;


(xi)           指示負責與任何抵押品有關的任何付款的任何一方支付任何及所有應付款項,並根據該款項直接向承租人支付,或按照承租人的指示,

(xii)           接收任何及所有款項、索賠和其他到期款項的付款和收據,以及任何抵押品的相關款項、索賠和其他款項,或 因任何抵押品而在任何時候到期;以及


本授權書是一份附有利息的授權書,在所有擔保債務全部付清之前,該授權書不可撤銷。代理人沒有義務行使 或拒絕行使本擔保協議 中明確或暗示授予代理人的任何權利、權力、特權和選擇權,且不對任何未能履行或延遲履行責任。律師事務所不對任何作為或不作為 或任何判斷錯誤或任何事實或法律錯誤負責,但由於其嚴重疏忽、惡意或故意不當行為導致的作為或不作為。本授權書僅授予 以保護、維護和實現其在抵押品中的留置權。

(b)          分配 由指定。根據信貸協議的條款,受讓人可不時轉讓擔保債務及其任何部分 或抵押品及其任何部分,受讓人應有權獲得受讓人在 本擔保協議項下與其相關的所有權利和救濟。

(c)          #24440;的責任,照顧。除行使合理謹慎以確保擔保品的安全保管外,擔保品不應承擔任何責任或責任來維護與擔保品相關的權利,雙方理解並同意,借款人 應負責維護擔保品中的所有權利,且在向借款人交出抵押品或向借款人交出抵押品時,承租人應免除對抵押品的所有責任。如果抵押品得到的待遇實質上等同於抵押品 給予其自身財產的待遇,應被視為在保管和保存抵押品時已採取了合理的謹慎態度, 雙方理解,分包商不應負責採取任何必要步驟來維護針對任何當事人的權利, 任何抵押品。如果根據本擔保協議公開或私下出售抵押品,則分包商沒有義務清理、修理或以其他方式準備抵押品以供出售。

11.收益的運用。          除信貸協議另有規定外,在 違約事件發生和持續期間,當擔保債務的任何付款和抵押品的任何收益(當擔保債務以現金或 等價物形式收到時)將按照信貸協議中規定的順序用於減少擔保債務,且借款人不可避免地 放棄指導使用該等付款和收益的權利,並承認並同意,承租人應擁有持續的 和獨家權利,以承租人自行決定使用和重新使用任何及所有該等付款和收益,即使在其任何賬簿和記錄上有任何相反的記載。

12.          的律師費 。如果在此後的任何時間,無論是否發生違約事件,貸款人聘請律師準備 或考慮對本擔保協議的修訂、豁免或同意,或在或與 就與本擔保協議有關或與抵押品有關的任何法律或仲裁程序採取行動或作出迴應,或保護擔保品 或行使本擔保協議或抵押品的任何權利或補救措施,則借款人同意根據信貸協議立即支付貸款人的任何和所有合理的律師費和費用,所有這些都應構成本協議項下的擔保債務。



(A)          本《擔保協議》在各方面均為持續協議,在所有擔保債務以現金或立即可用資金全額償付之前,一直保持完全效力和效力。在以全額現金或立即可用資金償還所有擔保債務、借款人履行和遵守所有擔保債務並履行所有擔保債務,並且有證據表明貸款人根據貸款或與借款人的任何其他安排提供墊款的承諾已經終止時,本擔保協議應自動終止,貸款人應應要求並由借款人承擔費用,立即解除其在本協議項下的所有留置權,如有必要,應執行並交付借款人合理要求的所有《統一商法典》終止聲明或其他證明該終止的文件。儘管有上述規定,本擔保協議終止後,本擔保協議或信貸協議中規定的所有免除和賠償仍將繼續有效。

(B)          本擔保協議應繼續有效或自動恢復(視情況而定),如果在任何時間,任何擔保債務的付款全部或部分被撤銷,或必須由貸款人根據任何破產、破產或類似法律、欺詐性轉讓或其他方式以其他方式恢復或歸還,所有這些都應視為沒有支付;但條件是,如果全部或部分擔保債務的付款被撤銷或必須恢復或退還,貸款人為辯護和強制執行擔保債務而產生的所有合理的 費用和支出(包括但不限於任何合理的法律費用和支出)應被視為包括在擔保債務的一部分。

14.修正; 放棄;修改。          本擔保協議及其條款不得修改、放棄、修改、變更、解除 或終止,除非信貸協議另有規定。

15.利益繼承人 。          本擔保協議應在抵押品中建立持續留置權,並應對本協議各方 及其各自的繼承人和受讓人具有約束力,並應與本協議各方 及其各自的允許繼承人和受讓人的所有權利和補救措施一起生效。未經借款人事先 書面同意,借款人不得轉讓或轉讓本擔保協議,任何此類轉讓或轉讓均無效。

16.通知。           本擔保協議要求或允許發出的所有通知均應符合 信貸協議的通知規定。

17.對應機構。           本擔保協議可簽署任意數量的副本,並可由本協議的不同當事方簽署單獨的副本 頁,每份副本應構成一份原件,但所有副本合在一起應構成一份合同。 通過電子郵件(例如"pdf"或"tiff") 或傳真交付本擔保協議簽名頁的已執行副本應與交付本擔保協議手動執行副本一樣有效。每一方均應立即將 每份副本的原件發送給賣方,但任何未發送的情況均不應影響本擔保協議的有效性、可執行性和約束力 。

18.標題。           本協議各章節和小節的標題僅為方便起見,不得以任何方式影響本擔保協議任何條款的含義、解釋 或解釋。


19.法律和地點的選擇。          本擔保協議以及本協議各方的權利和義務應根據科羅拉多州的內部法律進行解釋和確定。對於因本擔保協議、其他貸款文件或本擔保協議或本協議或本協議所述交易而引起或相關的所有法律程序,雙方特此服從美國科羅拉多特區地方法院和位於科羅拉多州博爾德縣的任何科羅拉多州法院的專屬管轄權;但上述規定不應限制律師在任何其他適當司法管轄區以其不受限制的酌情決定權提起任何法律訴訟或訴訟的權利。借款人並在法律允許的最大範圍內,不可撤銷地放棄 他們現在或以後可能對在此類法院提起的任何此類訴訟的地點提出的任何異議,以及任何關於在此類法院提起的 此類訴訟是在不方便的法院提起的任何主張。

20.放棄陪審團審判。          借款人和貸款人,經律師代表,在任何訴訟或程序中,均知情且自願放棄由陪審團審判的權利 ,以執行或捍衞(a)本擔保協議或任何貸款文件或 任何修訂案、文書,與本 安全協議相關的文件或協議或(b)因與本擔保協議有關的任何銀行關係而產生,並保證 任何此類行動或訴訟將在法院審理,而不是在陪審團審理。借款人保證,其不會根據本擔保協議或任何其他貸款文件,就特殊、間接、後果性、附帶 或懲罰性損害賠償責任理論對借款人提出任何索賠。

21.可分割性。           本擔保協議的任何條款在任何司法管轄區不可強制執行, 對於該司法管轄區而言,在不使本協議的其餘條款無效或影響該條款在任何其他司法管轄區的有效性或可執行性的情況下 。本擔保協議中規定的所有權利、救濟和權力只能 在行使這些權利、救濟和權力不違反任何適用的強制性法律規定的情況下,且本擔保協議的所有條款 均應受所有適用的強制性法律條款的約束,這些法律條款可能是控制性的,並僅限於 在必要的範圍內,他們不會使本擔保協議無效或不可執行。

22.可持續發展。           本擔保協議和其他貸款文件代表本協議雙方的全部協議,並取代 之前的所有口頭或書面協議和諒解(如有),包括與 貸款文件或本協議和其中預期交易有關的任何承諾函或通信。

23.生存。           借款人在本擔保協議和 其他貸款文件的簽署和交付、票據的交付和信貸協議項下貸款的發放後,所有聲明和保證均應繼續有效。

24.          編組。 貸款人沒有義務為借款人或任何其他人的利益而編組任何財產,或以任何或全部擔保債務為抵押品或以此作為抵押品。借款人在合法可能的範圍內同意,其不會援引與抵押品整理有關的任何法律,該法律可能會導致延遲或阻礙貸款人根據本擔保協議、任何其他貸款文件或根據任何其他文書創建或證明任何擔保債務,或根據任何擔保債務未清償、任何擔保債務得到擔保或以其他方式保證付款的抵押品的權利和補救措施的執行,並且,在其合法允許的範圍內,借款人在此不可撤銷地放棄所有此類法律的利益。


25.          解釋。 本文中任何以男性、女性或中性性別表達的詞語應被視為包括男性、女性和中性性別。本文中以單數或複數表示的任何詞語,只要上下文適當,應視為包括單數和複數。在本安全協議中使用的“本協議”、“本協議”和“本協議”以及類似進口的術語應指本安全協議的整體,而不是指本安全協議的任何特定條款。除非使用的上下文另有明確要求,在每份貸款單據中,“或”具有短語“和/或”所代表的包容性含義,而“應當”和“將”具有與“必須”相同的含義和效力,並表示一項要求或義務。除非另有特別説明,否則使用“包括”一詞應指“包括但不限於”。由每個借款人的任何授權代表 作出的所有證明或提供的所有簽名應由任何該等人員以官員身份作出和給予,且 不得以任何個人或個人身份作出或給予。本文中提及的所有時間均指科羅拉多州丹佛市時間,除非另有明確規定。本擔保協議或任何其他貸款文件中對(A)序言或任何部分的所有提及,除文意另有所指外,是指本擔保協議的序言或部分,或(B)經全部或部分修訂、修改、編纂、替換或重新頒佈的任何法律、規則、法規、命令、指令或解釋手段,包括在確定日期生效的規則和條例。

26.          進一步保證 。借款人在此承諾並同意應要求籤署並交付給貸款人,並支付其準備費用, 遵守或完成本擔保協議或任何其他貸款文件中的契諾和協議的所有其他和其他文件、協議和文書 。借款人應不時簽署、交付、背書和授權 貸款人可能合理要求的任何文書、文件、轉讓書、轉讓、擔保協議、融資聲明、控制協議和 其他協議的備案,或使貸款人的名字在任何有標題的設備的所有權證書上註明為擔保方,以確保、保護、完善或執行貸款人對任何抵押品的留置權或任何貸款文件項下的貸款人權利(但任何未能要求或保證借款人執行、交付、背書或授權備案任何此類項目不應影響或損害任何貸款文件或貸款人對抵押品的留置權的有效性、充分性或可執行性, 無論此類項目是否在類似情況下或在之前的情況下執行、交付或背書)。



茲證明,本《擔保協議》已由雙方各自授權的人員於上述日期和 年簽署,特此證明。

發信人: /S/傑克·A·賽奇

[ 擔保協議的借款人簽名頁]

Mattress Didators,INC.,
發信人: /發稿S/David多蘭

[將簽名頁複製到 安全協議]