UST Form 11-MOR(12/01/2021)1美國特拉華州破產法院地區法院Amyris清潔美容公司債務人§ § §案件編號23-11134牽頭案件編號23 - 11131共同管理的每月經營報告第11章報告期結束日期:2023年12月31日呈請日期:2023年08月09日未決月份:5行業分類:3 2 5 4報告方法:應計制現金制債務人的全職員工(當前):99債務人的全職員工(截至濟助令發出之日):181份證明文件(勾選所有附件):(對於共同管理的債務人,必須在非合併的基礎上為每個債務人提供任何所需的附表)現金收支表載有資產彙總和明細的資產負債表,負債及股本(淨值)或赤字(損益表)應收賬款賬齡申請後負債賬齡資本資產報表專業人員付款明細表內部人員付款明細表報告期內所有銀行對賬單和銀行對賬説明出售或轉讓的資產以及出售或轉讓的條款責任方簽名責任方印刷體姓名日期地址/s/ James E. O'Neill 02/27/2024 James E.奧尼爾919 N.市場街,17樓,Wilmington,DE 19801聲明:本定期報告與一個未決破產案件有關;因此,文書工作減少法豁免5 C.F.R. § 1320.4(a)(2)適用。案件23-11131-TMH 1290號文件 已提交02/27/24 頁1的12

UST Form 11-MOR(12/01/2021)2債務人名稱Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.案件編號23-11134第1部分:現金收支當月累計a。月初現金餘額9,798,245美元總收入(扣除帳户間轉帳)$9 349 700 $41 756 741 c.付款總額(賬户間轉賬淨額)月底現金結餘(a+b-c)3 234 926美元e第三方為遺產的利益而支付的款項0美元。季度費用計算的總支出(c+e)$15,913,019 $40,072,217第2部分:本月資產負債狀況(一般不適用於個人債務人。參見説明。)a.應收賬款(扣除備抵後的總額)1 442 421美元b未清超過90天的應收賬款(扣除備抵)1 812 393美元c。庫存((附上説明))圖書市場其他22 497 419美元d流動資產共計60 840 344美元e資產總額-370 029 332 f申請後應付款(不含税)9,632,950 g。逾期的申請後應付款(不含税)$4,619,772 h。申請後應繳税款0元。申請後税款逾期0美元j.申請後債務總額(f+h)9,632,950 k。申請前擔保債務0美元。申請前優先債務749.83億美元。申請前無擔保債務$39,672,009 n.負債總額(債務)(j+k+l+m)49 379 942美元期末權益/淨值(e-n)$-419,409,274第3部分:出售或轉讓的資產當月累計a。普通資產以外出售/轉讓資產的現金銷售價格總額 業務流程$0 $0 B.因出售/轉讓資產而向第三方支付的款項共計 在正常業務過程之外,0美元0 c。出售╱轉讓普通股以外資產所得現金淨額 業務過程(a-b)$0 $0第4部分:損益表(營運報表)當月累計(一般不適用於個別債務人。參見説明。)a.總收入/銷售額(扣除退貨和折讓)8,724,092美元b。銷貨成本(如適用,包括折舊)$6,191,413 c.毛利潤(a-b)$2,532,679 d.銷售費用$7,173,519 e.一般和行政費用555,491美元f.其他費用19,729,710 g。折舊和/或攤銷(不包括在4 b)$-760,311 h.利息$15,998 i.税收(地方,州和聯邦)$-113,649 j.重組項目$0 k。利潤(虧損)$-24,068,079 $-63,271,321案例23-11131-TMH 1290號文件 已提交02/27/24 第2頁,共12頁

UST Form 11-MOR(12/01/2021)3債務人名稱Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.第23-11134號案件第5部分:專業費用和開支 已批准當月已批准累計已付當月已付累計a。債務人的專業費用和開支(破產) 總計$0 $0 $0 $0按公司名稱公司角色i分類細目$0 $0 $0 $0 ii iii iv v vi ****iii ix xi xii xiii xiv xvi xvii xviii xix xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxxiv xxxv xxxvi個案23-11131-TMH 1290號文件 已提交02/27/24 第3頁,共12頁

UST Form 11-MOR(12/01/2021)4債務人名稱Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.案件號23-11134 xxxvii xxxix xl xli xlii xliii xliv xlv xlvi xlvii xlviii xlix l li lii liii liv lv lvi lvii lviii lix lx lxi lxii lxiii lxv lxvi lxvii lxviii lxix lxx lxxi lxxii lxxiii lxxiv lxxv lxxvi lxxvii lxxvii 1290號文件 已提交02/27/24 第4頁,共12頁

UST Form 11-MOR(12/01/2021)5債務人名稱Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.案件號23-11134 lxxix lxxx lxxxi lxxxii lxxxii lxxxiv lxxxv lxxxvi lxxxvi lxxxix xc xci xciii xciv xcvi xcvii xcviii xcix c ci 已核準當月已核準累計已付當月已付累計b.債務人的專業費用和開支(非破產) 總計$0 $0 $0 $0按公司名稱公司角色分類i無報告$0 $0 $0 ii iii iv v vi ****iii ix x Xi xii xiii xiv個案23-11131-TMH 1290號文件 已提交02/27/24 第5頁,共12頁

UST表格11-MOR(12/01/2021年)6債務人姓名Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.案件編號23-11134 XV XVI xvii xviii xix xx xxi xxii xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix xxx xxxi XXXII XXXIII XXXIV XXXV XXXVI XXXVII XXXIX XL XLI XLII XLIII XLIV XLVI XLIV XLIV XLIX XLIX L LIII LIV LV LVI 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290 2/27/24第6頁存檔

UST Form 11-MOR(12/01/2021年)7債務人姓名Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.案件編號23-11134 Lvii Lviii Lx Lx Lxi Lxii lxiii lxiv LXV lxvi Lxvii LXIX Lxix Lxxi lxxii LXXIII lxxiv lxxv lxxvii lxxvii lxxix lxxx lxxvii lxxxiv lxxx lxxxv xxxxv xxxcii xciv xcv xcxvii xcii xciv xcv xcxvii xcivii xcivii lxxvii 1xxvii 1xxvii 1290/27/24第7頁,共12頁

UST Form 11-MOR(12/01/2021年)8債務人的姓名Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.案件編號23-11134 xcix c.所有專業費用和支出(債務人和委員會)$0$0$0第6部分:請願後税費當前月累計a.請願後所得税累計(地方、州和聯邦)$0$0 b.請願後繳納的所得税(地方、州和聯邦)$0$0 c.請願後僱主工資税累計0$458,978 d.請願後僱主工資税支付$0$866,514 e.請願後財產税支付$0$0 f.請願後其他應計税(地方、州和聯邦)$0$0 c.請願後繳納的其他税款(地方、州和聯邦)$-113,649$357,955第7部分:調查問卷--在本報告所述期間:a.請願前是否支付了任何債務?(如有,請參閲説明書)是否b.是否在未經法院批准的情況下,在正常業務過程之外支付任何款項?(如果是,請參閲説明)c.是否向內部人士或代表內部人士支付任何款項?D.是的,沒有,你目前正在處理請願後的納税申報單嗎?是的,沒有,你目前是關於請願後估計的税款支付嗎?是否所有信託基金税都是按現滙方式匯出的?是,不是,是,除了貿易信貸,還有沒有請願後的借款?(如果是,請參閲説明)h.支付給專業人員或代表專業人員的所有款項是否都得到了法院的批准?是的,沒有。你們有沒有:工傷保險?是否如果是,您的保費是現行的嗎?是否N/A(如果否,請參閲説明)意外傷害/財產保險?是否如果是,您的保費是現行的嗎?是否N/A(如果否,請參閲説明)一般責任保險?是否如果是,您的保費是現行的嗎?是否N/A(如果否,請參閲説明)j.是否已向法院提交了重組計劃?是,不是,k.是否已向法院提交了披露聲明?是,不是,L。你目前有沒有按照《美國法典》第28編第1930節規定的季度美國託管費?YES No Case 23-11131-TMH Document 1290備案於2004年02月27日第8頁,共12頁

UST Form 11-MOR(12/01/2021)9債務人姓名Amyris Clean Beauty,公司案例編號23-11134第8部分:個人破產法第11章債務人(僅限)a.工資和工資的總收入(收據)$0.自營職業的毛收入(收據)$0 c.所有其他來源的毛收入$0.報告期內的總收入(a+b+c)$0.工資扣除$0 f.與自僱有關的費用$0 g.生活費用$0 h.所有其他費用$0.報告期內的總費用(e+f+g+h)$0 j.總收入與總支出之間的差額(d-i)$0 k.在所有逾期的請願後債務中,L為0美元。您是否需要支付美國法典第11編第101條第(14)款所界定的任何國內扶養義務?是否m。是否N/A如果是,您是否已支付所有國內支持義務付款?《隱私法聲明》第28篇《美國法典》第589b節授權收集這些信息,根據第11篇《美國法典》第704、1106和1107節,提供這些信息是強制性的。美國受託人將根據《美國法典》第28編第1930(A)(6)節使用這些信息來計算法定費用評估。美國受託人還將利用這些信息來評估第11章債務人通過破產製度的進展情況,包括重組計劃得到確認的可能性以及案件是否正在善意地被起訴。當需要這些信息來履行受託人或審查員的職責時,可以向破產受託人或審查員披露這些信息,或者當這些信息表明違反或可能違反法律時,可以向適當的聯邦、州、地方、監管、部落或外國執法機構披露這些信息。其他披露可能是出於常規目的。有關可能進行的常規披露類型的討論,您可以諮詢美國受託人記錄系統執行辦公室通知,UST-001,“破產案件文件和相關記錄”。參見71 FED。註冊59,818及以下(2006年10月11日)。通知的副本可通過以下鏈接獲得未能提供此信息可能會導致您的破產案件被駁回或轉換,或由美國受託人採取其他行動。《美國法典》第11編第1112(B)(4)(F)條。在作偽證的處罰下,我聲明上述月度運營報告及其支持文件是真實和正確的,我已被授權代表遺產簽署本報告。/S/韓基費滕貝爾德簽署責任方臨時首席執行官兼首席財務官2024年2月27日印刷體責任方姓名韓基費滕貝爾德案23-11131-TMH1290號文件提交日期02/27/24第9頁,共12頁

UST Form 11-MOR(12/01/2021年)10債務人姓名Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.案件編號23-11134 PageOnePartOne PageOne Part2 PageTwoPartOne PagePart2 Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290備案2月27日24頁12頁

UST Form 11-MOR(12/01/2021年)11債務人姓名Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.案件編號23-11134 Bankruptcy51至100 Non Bankruptcy1to50 Non Bankruptcy51 to 100 Bankruptcy1 to 50 Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290備案日期為02/27/24第11頁,共12頁

UST Form 11-MOR(12/01/2021)12債務人姓名Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.案件編號23-11134四頁三個案件23-11131-TMH Docum1290 2/27/24第12頁,共12頁

美國特拉華州地區破產法院8頁第1頁,Re:Amyris,Inc.等人,Debtors第11章案件編號23-11131(TMH)(共同管理)2023年12月月度營運報告摘要於2023年8月9日(“原呈請日期”)若干債務人(“原債務人”)根據《破產法》第11章向破產法院提出自願要求濟助的呈請。於2023年8月21日(“補充呈請日期”,連同原來的呈請日期(視何者適用而定,“呈請日期”),若干債務人(“額外的債務人”)根據《破產法》第11章向破產法院提出自願的濟助呈請。債務人根據《破產法》第1107(A)和1108條,作為佔有的債務人經營他們的企業和管理他們的財產。2023年8月11日,一項命令[案卷編號50]指導原債務人第11章案件的程序合併和聯合管理,並於2023年8月23日發佈命令[案卷第125號]指導原破產管理人第11章案件的程序合併和聯合管理,以及補充破產管理人第11章案件(統稱為“第11章案件”)。儘管出於程序目的對債務人的案件進行聯合管理,但每個債務人都提交了自己的月度業務報告。除另有説明外,此處提供的信息是自適用的請願書日期起報告的。在審查本月度運營報告(“MOR”)時,應參考和參考以下説明、限制聲明和免責聲明。1.引言。本財務報告未經審核,並無聲稱代表根據美國公認會計原則(“公認會計原則”)編制的財務報表,亦無意與債務人編制的綜合財務報表完全一致。本MOR中包含的信息源自債務人的賬簿和記錄,但並不反映在任何情況下用於通用會計準則或美國證券交易委員會報告目的的列報方式。因此,為了履行他們在這些第11章案件中提供MORS的義務,債務人使用他們目前可以獲得的最佳信息來準備本MOR,這些信息是根據1收集、維護和準備的。最初的債務人是Amyris,Inc.,AB Technologies LLC,Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.,Amyris Fuels,LLC,Amyris-olika,LLC,Aprint nova,LLC,Onda Beauty Inc.和Upland1 LLC。其他債務人是Clean Beauty Collaborative,Inc.,Clean Beauty 4U Holdings,LLC和Clean Beauty 4U LLC。案例23-11131-TMH Document 1290-1於2004年2月27日提交第1頁,共8頁

第2頁(共8頁)介紹他們的歷史會計慣例。因此,根據目前可用的數據,就債務人的知識、信息和信念而言,這一MOR是真實和準確的。本文件所載經營業績及財務狀況並不一定代表除本部所涵蓋期間以外的任何期間的預期業績,亦未必反映債務人未來的綜合經營業績及財務狀況。2.保留權利。這份MOR的範圍有限,除非另有説明,否則涵蓋從2023年12月1日至2023年12月31日止的期間,並僅為遵守債務人第11章案件的月度報告要求而編制。未經審計的財務信息來自債務人的賬簿和記錄。根據美國公認會計原則,本文提供的信息並不適用於通常適用於財務信息的所有程序。在應用這些程序後,債務人認為財務信息可能會發生重大變化。本財務報告中提供的信息包括正常的經常性調整,但不包括根據公認會計原則列報的中期財務信息通常需要進行的所有調整。鑑於債務人業務的複雜性,可能會出現無意中的錯誤或遺漏。因此,債務人特此保留對本MOR中規定的任何索賠金額、協議、陳述或其他陳述的性質、有效性、地位、可執行性或可執行性提出異議的所有權利。此外,債務人保留在必要時修改或補充本《條例》的權利,但沒有義務這樣做。3.陳述依據。儘管債務人一般是在合併的基礎上編制財務報表,但財政部是在逐個實體的基礎上編制財務報表的(不包括大多數公司間的沖銷)。本文所包含的財務信息未經審計,範圍有限,涵蓋的時間有限,僅為遵守科技大學發佈的第11章債務人的月度報告要求而編制。本MOR報告的金額為截至2023年12月31日,也就是債務人報告期結束時的金額。本MOR涵蓋自2023年12月1日起至2023年12月30日止的期間。4.會計原則。債務人根據公認會計準則保存其財務記錄,然而,財政部並不聲稱代表根據公認會計準則編制的財務報表,也不打算與債務人的財務報表完全對賬。債務人一般在合併的基礎上編制財務報表。如果個別債務人的資產餘額為負,如2003年2月27日提交的案例23-11131-TMH Docume1290-1,共8頁

第三頁應收賬款和流動資產,可能是由於公司間的某些沖銷交易或每個特定債務人的賬簿和記錄中的調整。到本報告提交時,並非該期間的所有税務分錄都已完成。如果個別債務人的負債餘額為負數,如請願前的無擔保負債,則預計一旦分析和完成所有相關的税務分錄和調整,這些負債餘額就會得到解決。2023年8月11日,破產法院批准了債務人的動議,批准債務人進行佔有融資[案卷第19號]在Re:Amyris,Inc.等人案件編號:23-11131(臺灣省)報告期:2023年12月1日-2023年12月31日債務人/法人案件編號機構名稱賬户類型賬户最後4位數字沒有銀行對賬單參考Amyris,Inc.23-11131 JP摩根大通銀行,N.A.薪資賬户2799 JPM-Bank-Statement-2799 JP摩根大通銀行,N.A.MMDA8876 JPM-銀行對賬單-8876 JP摩根大通銀行,N.A.集中賬户2591 JPM-Bank-Statement-2591 JP摩根大通銀行,N.A.支付賬户2898 JPM-Bank-Statement-2898 Amyris,Inc.北美收入賬户2708JPM-銀行-報表-2708Amyris,Inc.23-11131 BOTW銀行報表-靈活支出7193 BOTW銀行報表Amyris,Inc.23-11131 BOTW銀行報表-應收賬款3583BOTW銀行報表清潔美容合作,23-11224 JP摩根大通銀行,N.A.運營賬户Clean Beauty Collaborty,Inc.3987JPM-銀行報表-3987清潔美容4U有限責任公司23-11225 JP摩根大通銀行,N.A.清潔美麗4U LLC 23-11225 JP摩根大通銀行-銀行-報表-9050 Aprint nova,LC 23-11137摩根大通銀行A.Aprint nova LLC 5193 JPM-Bank-Statement-5193 JPM-Bank-Statement-5193 Aprint nova,LLC 23-11137美國銀行運營賬户Aprint nova,LLC 2314美國銀行報表Aprint nova,LLC 23-11137美國銀行運營賬户Aprint nova,LLC 0628-Amyris-olika,LLC 23-11133 JP Morgan Chase Bank,N.A.運營賬户為Amyris-olika,LLC 8202 JPM-Bank-Statement-8202 Amyris Fuels,LLC 23-11136 JP Morgan Chase Bank,N.A.零餘額賬户3615 JPM-Bank-Statement-3615 Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.MeonLabs 5255 JPM-Bank-Statement-5255 Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.23-11134 JP摩根大通銀行,N.A.Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.-EcoFab 1596 JPM-Bank-Statement-1596 Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.23-11134 JP摩根大通銀行,N.A.Amyris Clean Beauty,Inc.運營賬户3839JPM-Bank-Statement-3839附件4b:銀行賬户表23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-2備案日期[在Re:Amyris,Inc.等人案例編號:23-11131報告期:12/1/2023-12/31/2023年12月28日出售或轉讓的資產描述出售或轉讓的資產銷售總價$20,000,000從出售收益中支付給第三方或由第三方支付$0代表遺產收到的淨銷售收益*$20,000,000附件5:出售或轉讓的資產參考文獻編號#1023關於結束出售Biossance品牌資產的通知案例23-11131-TMH Docc1290-2提交的02/27/24第6頁]在Re:Amyris,Inc.等人案例編號:23-11131報告期:12/1/2023-12/31/2023年12月29日出售或轉讓的資產描述Menolabs資產銷售總價$3,000,000從出售收益中向第三方或由第三方支付$0代表遺產收到的淨銷售收益*$3,000,000附件5:出售或轉讓的資產參考文獻編號#1063關於MenoLabs品牌資產銷售結束的通知案例23-11131-TMH Docc1290-2[在Re:Amyris,Inc.等人案例編號:23-11131(臺灣省)報告期:2023年12月1日S/韓基費滕貝爾德2024年2月27日授權個人簽字韓基費滕貝爾德臨時首席執行官和首席財務官授權個人姓名印刷體授權個人頭銜附件6a:認證再保險保單債務人現提交關於保單的聲明。破產管理人的保險單是當期支付的,而且信譽良好。附件6b所附的是經部分編輯的保單編號的債務人保險單清單。根據美利堅合眾國法律規定的偽證罪,我聲明上述情況屬實且正確。案例23-11131-TMH Document 1290-2於2004年2月27日提交第8頁,共9頁]在Re:Amyris,Inc.等人案件編號:23-11131報告期:12/1/2023-12/31/2023承保類型保險人債務人保單編號(最後四個)期間就業實踐責任旅行者艾米里斯公司3548 9/17-22-12/31/23受託責任旅行者艾米里斯公司3548 9/17-22-12/31綁架,贖金和勒索Hiscox Amyris Inc.81.21 9/17-21-9/17/24 D&O初級(A/B/C側)AIG Amyris Inc.41-08 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O第一超額(A/B/C側)白金Amyris Inc.5001 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O第二超額(A/B/C側)Husdon Amyris Inc.8860 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O第三超額(A/B/C側C)Old Republic Amyris Inc.2616 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O第四超額(A/B/C側)BHSI/應用Amyris Inc.98_02 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O引線A側過剩/DIC BHSI Amyris Inc.89-01 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O第一超額A側DIC AIG Amyris Inc.01-72 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O第二超額A側DIC AWAC Amyris Inc.0677 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O第三超額A方DIC Old Republic Amyris Inc.2617 9/17-22-12/31/23包裹-不包括負債產品,國際轎車,國際WC,國際汽車除外產品,國際責任,WC和汽車聯邦INS。公司Amyris Inc.3734 9/17/23-9/17/24 Package International Casualty(工人補償和汽車)聯邦Ins.公司Amyris Inc.3734 9/17/23-9/17/24物業不包括庫存$7500萬限制Starr剩餘線路。Co Amyris Inc.9888 9/17/23-9/17/24 Lloyd‘s London Amyris Inc.0325 9/17/23-9/17/24產品責任1000萬聯邦Ins。公司Amyris Inc.9201 9/17/23-9/17/24 Automobile Federal Ins公司Amyris Inc.0501 9/17/23-9/17/24銷售線索1,000萬UMB(不包括產品)聯邦INS。公司Amyris Inc.9855 9/17/23-9/17/24第一超額負債-500萬美元xs$1000萬(Chubb Products&Umbrella Exc.產品)珠穆朗瑪峯賠償公司。公司Amyris Inc.3231 9/17/23-9/17/24工人補償聯邦統計局。公司Amyris Inc.7562 9/17/23-9/17/24國際責任-巴西GL&EL(當地政策)Chubb Seguros巴西S.A.Amyris Inc.0328 9/17/23-9/17/24附件6b:保險單案例23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-2提交02/27/24第9頁,共9頁[Docket No. 558] (the “Final DIP Order”), approving relief with respect to the DIP Motion on a final basis. As a result, the Debtors’ cash position reflects additional receipts totaling $37 million in proceeds under the debtor in possession credit facility authorized by the Final DIP Order during the month of October. During the month of November 2023, the Debtor’s received additional receipts totaling $20 million in proceeds under the debtor in possession credit facility which was authorized by the Final DIP Order during the month of October. Finally, during December 2023, the Debtor received $15 million in secured debt, DIP Financing. The financing is to be utilized for continued operations during and post- emergence of bankruptcy through FY’24. 5. Currency. Unless otherwise indicated, all amounts in the MOR are reflected in U.S. dollars. 6. Consolidated Entity Accounts Payable and Disbursement Systems. Cash is received and disbursed by the Debtors as described in the Motion for Entry of Interim and Final Orders Authorizing the Debtors to (A) Continue Operating Cash Management System, (B) Honor Certain Prepetition Obligations Related Thereto, (C) Maintain Existing Business Forms, and (D) Granting Related Relief [Docket No. 16] (the “Cash Management Motion”) and the Debtors’ receipt and disbursement of cash is consistent with the Debtors’ historical cash management practices. Due to the consolidated cash Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-1 Filed 02/27/24 Page 3 of 8

Page 4 of 8 management reporting system, certain cash payments may be paid out of a legal entity that is different than the legal entity at which the expenses were incurred. Also, certain cash receipts may be received in a different legal entity than the legal entity at which the accounts receivable is recorded. Disbursements attributed to each entity represent the entity on behalf of which payments were made, on a proportional allocated basis, from the consolidated cash management system. 7. Supporting Documentation. At the direction of the U.S. Trustee, the following schedules are attached to the MORs: (i) Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements; (ii) Balance Sheet; and (iii) Income Statement (profit or loss statement), (iv) Attestations relating to Bank Statements and Bank Reconciliations, (v) Description of assets sold or transferred, and (vi) Attestations relating to insurance policies. Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements. Based on guidance received from the Office of the United States Trustee in connection with the completion of UST Form 11- MOR Part 1, Cash Receipts and Disbursements, reported cash receipts and disbursements should exclude intercompany and debtor-to-debtor transactions. As a result, for those debtors with net intercompany cash outflows or inflows during the reporting period, the ending cash balances reported on Form 11-MOR Part 1 may not match the ending cash balances per the Debtors’ bank statements or the Debtors’ books and records. The Company maintains a separate restricted money market cash account, which, for the purposes of financial reporting is categorized as an “other” asset and not included in the cash balance. Accordingly, the MOR excludes this account and account balance from the beginning Petition Date balance as it relates to Part 1. For additional information on the money market bank account see Attachment 4b to the MOR. Balance Sheet. The amounts reported in this MOR reflect the Debtors financial statements for the period of December 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. All asset and liability amounts disclosed herein, unless otherwise noted, are stated as of December 31, 2023. The MOR is limited in scope and has been prepared to report only certain amounts from the balance sheet. In addition, certain liabilities such as accruals made by the Debtors may appear on the consolidated balance sheet attachment (Attachment 2), however, are not included in MOR Part 2. Further, a number of legal entities owned and controlled by the company, and the related assets, liabilities and operating results of such entities are excluded from presentation in the balance sheet and MOR as they are Non-Debtor entities. Liabilities Subject to Compromise (“LSTC”): LSTC represent the Debtors’ estimate of prepetition claims to be resolved in connection with the chapter 11 cases. As a result of the chapter 11 filings, the payment of prepetition liabilities are subject to compromise or other treatment under a plan of reorganization. The determination of how such liabilities will ultimately be settled or treated cannot be made until the Court approves a chapter 11 plan of reorganization. Accordingly, the ultimate amount of such liabilities Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-1 Filed 02/27/24 Page 4 of 8

Page 5 of 8 is not determinable at this time. Prepetition liabilities that are subject to compromise under ASC 852 are preliminary and may be subject to, among other things, future adjustments depending on Court actions, further developments with respect to disputed claims, determinations of the secured status of certain claims, the values of any collateral securing such claims, rejection of executory contracts, continued reconciliation or other events. As noted, although the Debtors generally prepare financial statements on a consolidated basis, these MORs are prepared on an entity-by-entity basis. The Debtors maintain separate balance sheets in their books and records for the following entities: Amyris, Inc., Onda Beauty, Inc., Clean Beauty Collaborative, Inc., Clean Beauty 4U LLC, Aprinnova, LLC, Amyris Fuels, LLC, and Amyris Clean Beauty, Inc.. The Debtors, however, do not maintain separate balance sheets in their books and records for the following debtor entities: Upland 1 LLC, Clean Beauty 4U Holdings, LLC, Amyris-Olika, LLC, and AB Technologies. Consequently, the balance sheets included in the MOR for these non- operating Debtor entities reflect no balances. Values in the balance sheet(s) attached hereto represent rounded numbers. Accordingly, subtotals may not agree to the summation of the rounded numbers presented. Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-1 Filed 02/27/24 Page 5 of 8

Page 6 of 8 Income Statement. The amounts reported in this MOR reflect the Debtors financial statements for the period of December 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. As noted, although the Debtors generally prepare financial statements on a consolidated basis, these MORs are prepared on an entity-by-entity basis. The Debtors maintain separate income statements in their books and records for the following entities: Amyris, Inc., Onda Beauty, Inc., Clean Beauty Collaborative, Inc., Clean Beauty 4U LLC, Aprinnova, LLC, Amyris Fuels, LLC, and Amyris Clean Beauty, Inc.. The Debtors, however, do not maintain separate income statements for the following Debtor entities: Upland 1 LLC, Clean Beauty 4U Holdings, LLC, Amyris-Olika, LLC, and AB Technologies. Consequently, the income statements included in the MOR for these non- operating Debtor entities reflect no income. Part 1, Cash Receipts and Disbursements. Amounts reported for cash receipts and disbursements exclude interbank transfers. Additional information on cash receipts and disbursements is included in Attachment 1. Part 2: Asset and Liability Status. Asset values are reported as of December 31, 2023. Prepetition liabilities reflect liabilities included in Liabilities Subject to Compromise on the Debtors’ balance sheets, as well as other liabilities which may be uncompromised pursuant to the relief granted via the Debtors’ various final first day orders. Prepetition and post-petition balances of uncompromised liabilities are reported to the best of the Debtor’s knowledge. The amounts reported in the accounts receivable over 90 days outstanding (net of allowance) for Aprinnova, LLC include significant receivables from Givaudan International SA. Although the amount of receivables is significant and a large portion of the balance is aged over 90 days, no additional reserve has been recorded relating to this amount. This is due to the nature of the agreement between Aprinnova, LLC and Givaudan and the intent to collect the full balance outstanding. Part 3: Assets Sold or Transferred. The Debtors, on December 28, 2023, closed on the sale of Biossance for a purchase price totaling $20,000,000. The estimated loss on the sale of this business is $8,005,162. The Debtors, on December 29, 2023, closed on the sale of MenoLabs for a purchase price totaling $3,000,000. The estimated loss on the sale of this business is $13,372,100. The Debtors recorded both of these transactions during the monthly close for the period ending December 31, 2023 and thus is reflected on the financial statements submitted herein. Part 4: Income Statement. The amounts reported in Part 4 include the full month of December 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Several significant entries recorded in December 2023 impacted the income statement: Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-1 Filed 02/27/24 Page 6 of 8

Page 7 of 8 • Reorganization charges recorded during the month, consisting primarily of: o $28,296,458 of restructuring expense recorded at Amyris, Inc. in relation to Olika goodwill/intangible impairment. o $5,850,230 of restructuring expense at Amyris, Inc. for professional fees relating to the bankruptcy and brand sales. • Loss on sales of assets of $993,117 was recorded at Onda Beauty Inc. in relation to final reversal of Onda leasehold improvements, and reversal of $37,241 in associated accrued amortization. • The fourth quarter stock compensation of $1,417,550 was recorded as a result of RSU/Options vesting at quarter end within the SG&A expense account. Part 5: Professional Fees and Expenses. For purposes of the MORs, bankruptcy professional fees are considered approved if the applicable monthly fee statement has been served and the objection deadline with regard to such monthly fee statement has expired prior to the end date of the MOR period. The Debtors will pay retained professionals in accordance with the Order (I) Establishing Procedures for Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Retained Professionals and (II) Granting Related Relief [Docket No. 279]. Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-1 Filed 02/27/24 Page 7 of 8

Page 8 of 8 Part 7 Questionnaire. 7a. Were any payments made on prepetition debt? Pursuant to certain orders of the Bankruptcy Court entered in the Debtors’ chapter 11 cases (the “First Day Orders”), the Debtors were authorized (but not directed) to pay, among other things, certain prepetition claims of their employees, taxing authorities, insurers, critical vendors, and certain other prepetition creditors. 7c. Were any payments made to or on behalf of insiders? With respect to insiders, all cash payments were made on account of ordinary course salaries and authorized travel and expense reimbursements. No non-cash transfers were made to insiders during this reporting period. 7d. Are you current on postpetition tax return filings? In the ordinary course of business, the Debtors’ tax filings may extend past the normal deadlines and become late in some instances. When this happens, the Debtors arrange to complete the filings and address any related fines and/or penalties. There are no tax filings that are currently late where the Debtors are not also in dialog with the related taxing authority to become compliant. 7g. Was there any postpetition borrowing, other than trade credit? All postpetition borrowings since the inception of the case, other than trade credit, are borrowings made under the DIP Facility and pursuant to the applicable interim orders. Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-1 Filed 02/27/24 Page 8 of 8

In re: Amyris, Inc et al. Case Number: 23-11131 (TMH) Debtor: Amyris, Inc. Reporting Period: 12/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 MOR-1: 12/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 Schedule of Cash Receipts and Disbursements Amyris, Inc. Amyris Fuels, LLC Aprinnova, LLC Amyris Clean Beauty, Inc. Onda Beauty Inc. Clean Beauty Collaborative, Inc. Clean Beauty 4U LLC Upland 1 LLC Clean Beauty 4U Holdings, LLC Amyris-Olika, LLC AB Technologies Total $ in actuals 23-11131 23-11136 23-11137 23-11134 23-11138 23-11224 23-11225 23-11139 23-11226 23-11133 23-11132 Receipts Third Party 3,914,002 - 30,294 9,349,700 - 711,374 26,823 - - - - 14,032,193 DIP Financing 15,000,000 - - - - - - - - - - 15,000,000 Intercompany 10,009,393 - 400,000 - - 21,528 400,000 - - - - 10,830,921 Total Receipts 28,923,395 - 430,294 9,349,700 - 732,902 426,823 - - - - 39,863,114 Disbursements Third Party 17,101,652 - 905,871 5,913,019 - 450,219 435,229 - - - - 24,805,991 Intercompany (including transfers to non-debtor entities) 12,250,245 - - 10,000,000 - - - - - - - 22,250,245 Total Disbursements 29,351,898 - 905,871 15,913,019 - 450,219 435,229 - - - - 47,056,236 Net Cash Flow (428,503) - (475,577) (6,563,320) - 282,683 (8,405) - - - - (7,193,122) Cash Balance at Beginning of Month 17,551,405 859,730 9,798,245 723 886,466 321,295 29,417,864 Net Cash Flow (428,503) - (475,577) (6,563,320) - 282,683 (8,405) (7,193,122) Cash Balance at End of Month 17,122,902 - 384,153 3,234,925 723 1,169,149 312,890 - - - - 22,224,742 Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-2 Filed 02/27/24 Page 1 of 9

In re: Amyris, Inc et al. Case Number: 23-11131 (TMH) Reporting Period: 12/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 Amyris, Inc. Amyris Fuels, LLC Aprinnova, LLC Amyris Clean Beauty, Inc. Onda Beauty Inc. Clean Beauty Collaborative, Inc. Clean Beauty 4U LLC Upland 1 LLC Clean Beauty 4U Holdings, LLC Amyris-Olika, LLC AB Technologies $ in actuals 23-11131 23-11136 23-11137 23-11134 23-11138 23-11224 23-11225 23-11139 23-11226 23-11133 23-11132 Cash and cash equivalents 17,015,238 - 383,688 2,913,895 - 1,119,148 84,328 - - - - Restricted cash 68,711 - - - - - - - - - - Short-term investments - - - - - - - - - - - Accounts receivable, net 9,863,112 - 21,200,835 1,591,875 - 1,716,490 362,590 - - - - Contract assets (48) - (50,447) 2,572,463 - 128,933 11,423 - - - - Inventories 16,385,987 - 6,310,425 22,497,419 - 14,705,629 2,145,233 - - - - Deferred cost of revenue - - - - - - - - - - - Prepaid expenses and other current asset 96,892,486 - 5,406,664 31,264,692 - 187,829 74,790 - - - - Total current assets 140,225,486 - 33,251,165 60,840,344 - 17,858,029 2,678,364 - - - - Property, plant and equipment, net 22,384,401 - 2,884,553 71,412 - 79,472 - - - - - Restricted cash, non-current 6,296,609 - - - - - - - - - - Intercompany 538,403,901 439,912 180,656,642 (431,853,813) (1,003,738) (38,940,872) (9,289,387) - - - - Equity and loans in affiliates 66,492,389 - - - - - - - - - - Other assets, non-current 8,597,658 - - 257,725 - - - - - - - Investment in Subsidiaries 200,010 - - 655,000 - - - - - - - Goodwill, Intangible assets,net - - 22,026,054 - - - - - - - - Total assets 782,600,454 439,912 238,818,414 (370,029,332) (1,003,738) (21,003,371) (6,611,023) - - - - Trade AP (2,933,689) - (152,775) (6,126,728) - (75,944) (632,212) - - - - Accrued AP (1,945,720) - (157,918) (4,177,540) - 315,847 (104,321) - - - - Other AP 250,046 - - - - - - - - - - Accounts payable (4,629,364) - (310,693) (10,304,268) - 239,903 (736,533) - - - - Accrued and other current liabilities (67,523,016) - (224,506) (955,395) (6,462,745) 51,366 (80) - - - - Capital lease obligation current portion (1,522,245) - (111,144) - - - - - - - - Contract liability, current portion (265,488) - (12,896,177) (173,325) - - - - - - - Debt, current portion (14,503,817) - - (359,289) - - - - - - - Pre-petition priority debt (taxes) (83,846) - (12,016) (74,983) - (66,745) (17,804) - - - - Pre-petition unsecured debt, current portion (54,779,601) - (1,528,065) (39,672,009) (291,028) (6,483,161) (1,938,602) - - - - Pre-petition secured debt, current principal (259,409,408) - - - - - - - - - - Related party debt discount, current 11,386,035 - - - - - - - - - - Post-petition secured debt, DIP Financing (165,000,000) - - - - - - - - - Total current liabilities (556,330,749) - (15,082,602) (51,539,269) (6,753,773) (6,258,638) (2,693,019) - - - - Deferred revenue long-term - - - - - - - - - - - Capital lease obligation, net of current (57,358,501) - (246,356) - - - - - - - - Pre-petition unsecured debt, non-current (690,000,000) - - - - - - - - - - Long-term debt, net of current 2,402,797 - - - - - - - - - - Pre-petition secured debt, non-current principal (81,596,906) - - - - - - - - - - Pre-petition secured debt, non-current Interest (33,869,760) - - - - Related party debt discount, non-current 113,522 - - - - - - - - - - Derivative liabilities, net of current (4,139,690) - - - - - - - - - - Deferred rent, net of current - - - - - - - - - - - Other liabilities, non current (4,000,000) - - - - - - - - - - Total liabilities 1 (1,424,779,289) - (15,328,957) (51,539,269) (6,753,773) (6,258,638) (2,693,019) - - - - Common stock 81,412,359 (12,200,001) - (10) - (51,900,920) - - - - - Additional paid-in capital, common stock (2,326,903,332) - (20,402,629) (200,000) - - - - - - - Accumulated other comprehensive income 35,275,530 - - (238) - - - - - - - Previous year retained earnings 2,458,215,868 11,760,089 (30,867,216) 289,591,441 (59,919) 57,513,710 2,388,988 - - - - Current year earnings 389,491,523 - (172,219,612) 132,177,408 7,817,430 21,649,218 6,915,055 Non controlling interest 4,686,887 - - - - - - - - - - Total stockholders' deficit 642,178,835 (439,912) (223,489,456) 421,568,602 7,757,511 27,262,009 9,304,042 - - - - Total liab., min. interest, conv. pref. (782,600,454) (439,912) (238,818,414) 370,029,332 1,003,738 21,003,371 6,611,023 - - - - 1 The December balance sheet does not reflect $1.7m in debtor-in-possession post-petition interest expense. These amounts will be recorded as an adjustment in January 2024, and be reflected in the January 2024 Monthly Operating Report. Attachment 2: Balance Sheet Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-2 Filed 02/27/24 Page 2 of 9

In re: Amyris, Inc et al. Case Number: 23-11131 (TMH) Reporting Period: 12/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 Attachment 3: Statement of Operations Amyris, Inc. 1 Amyris Fuels, LLC Aprinnova, LLC Amyris Clean Beauty, Inc. 2 Onda Beauty Inc. Clean Beauty Collaborative, Inc. Clean Beauty 4U LLC Upland 1 LLC Clean Beauty 4U Holdings, LLC Amyris-Olika, LLC AB Technologies $ in actuals 23-11131 23-11136 23-11137 23-11134 23-11138 23-11224 23-11225 23-11139 23-11226 23-11133 23-11132 Total revenue 3,421,907 - 3,686,305 8,724,092 - 762,417 164,945 - - - - Cost of products sold 3,627,402 - 6,568,554 5,756,925 - 498,312 120,212 - - - - Cost of services - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of products/services sold - Other (13,801) - 943,892 1,834,513 - (119,033) 124,528 Cost of products sold 3,613,601 - 7,512,445 7,591,438 - 379,279 244,740 - - - - Research and development 6,826,978 - - - - - - - - - - Sales, general and administrative 20,966,699 - 262,279 5,192,836 (37,076) 2,002,383 820,516 - - - - Total operating expenses 27,793,677 - 262,279 5,192,836 (37,076) 2,002,383 820,516 - - - - Total costs and expenses 31,407,278 - 7,774,725 12,784,274 (37,076) 2,381,662 1,065,256 - - - - Loss from operations (27,985,371) - (4,088,419) (4,060,183) 37,076 (1,619,245) (900,311) - - - - Interest income (270,856) - - - - - - - - - - Interest expense 3 2,952,588 - 72,561 15,998 - 15,998 - - - - - Other (income) expense, net 72,732 - - (118,270) - 13,225 - - - - - Restructuring expenses 36,238,119 - - 20,110,168 993,117 49,995 30,394 - - - - Change in FV of derivatives - - - - - - - - - - - Other (income) expense 38,992,583 - 72,561 20,007,896 993,117 79,219 30,394 - - - - Loss before inc taxes & min interest (66,977,954) - (4,160,981) (24,068,079) (956,041) (1,698,464) (930,704) - - - - Income taxes - - - - - - - - - - - Minority Interest 184,854 - - - - - - - - - - Net gain/(loss) (67,162,808) - (4,160,981) (24,068,079) (956,041) (1,698,464) (930,704) - - - - 1 Significant driver of "Sales, general and administrative" expense related to accrual for the Lavaan settlement in the amount of $15.2m 2 Significant driver of "Other (income) expense relates to the loss recognized on the sale of Biossance and MenoLabs assets. 3 The December income statement does not reflect $1.7m in debtor-in-possession post-petition interest expense. These amounts will be recorded as an adjustment in January 2024, and be reflected in the January 2024 Monthly Operating Report. Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-2 Filed 02/27/24 Page 3 of 9

In re: Amyris, Inc. et al. Case Number: 23-11131 (TMH) Reporting Period: 12/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 /s/ Han Kieftenbeld 2/27/2024 Signature of Authorized Individual Date Han Kieftenbeld Interim Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer Printed Name of Authorized Individual Title of Authorized Individual Attachment 4a: Attestation re Bank Reconciliations The Debtors hereby submit this declaration regarding bank account reconciliations in lieu of providing copies of bank statements and copies of all account reconciliations. The Debtors have, on a timely basis, performed all bank account reconciliation in the ordinary course of its business. Copies of bank account statements and reconciliations are available for inspection upon request by the United States Trustee’s Office. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-2 Filed 02/27/24 Page 4 of 9

In re: Amyris, Inc. et al. Case Number: 23-11131 (TMH) Reporting Period: 12/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 Debtor/Legal Entity Case No. Name of Institution Type of Account Last 4 Digits of Account No Bank Statement Reference Amyris, Inc. 23-11131 JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Payroll Account 2799 JPM-Bank-Statement-2799 Amyris, Inc. 23-11131 JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. MMDA 8876 JPM-Bank-Statement-8876 Amyris, Inc. 23-11131 JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Concentration Account 2591 JPM-Bank-Statement-2591 Amyris, Inc. 23-11131 JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Disbursement Account 2898 JPM-Bank-Statement-2898 Amyris, Inc. 23-11131 JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Revenue Account 2708 JPM-Bank-Statement-2708 Amyris, Inc. 23-11131 Bank of the West BOTW Amyris - Flexible Spending 7193 BOTW Bank Statements Amyris, Inc. 23-11131 Bank of the West BOTW Amyris - Accounts Receivable 3583 BOTW Bank Statements Clean Beauty Collaborative, 23-11224 JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Operations Account for Clean Beauty Collaborative, Inc. 3987 JPM-Bank-Statement-3987 Clean Beauty 4U LLC 23-11225 JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Operations Account for Clean Beauty 4U LLC 9050 JPM-Bank-Statement-9050 Aprinnova, LLC 23-11137 JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Aprinnova LLC 5193 JPM-Bank-Statement-5193 Aprinnova, LLC 23-11137 US Bank Operations Account for Aprinnova, LLC 2314 US Bank Statements Aprinnova, LLC 23-11137 US Bank Operations Account for Aprinnova, LLC 0628 - Amyris-Olika, LLC 23-11133 JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Operations Account for Amyris-Olika, LLC 8202 JPM-Bank-Statement-8202 Amyris Fuels, LLC 23-11136 JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Zero Balance Account 3615 JPM-Bank-Statement-3615 Amyris Clean Beauty, Inc. 23-11134 JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Amyris Clean Beauty, Inc.- MenoLabs 5255 JPM-Bank-Statement-5255 Amyris Clean Beauty, Inc. 23-11134 JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Amyris Clean Beauty, Inc.- EcoFab 1596 JPM-Bank-Statement-1596 Amyris Clean Beauty, Inc. 23-11134 JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Operations Account for Amyris Clean Beauty, Inc. 3839 JPM-Bank-Statement-3839 Attachment 4b: Schedule of Bank Accounts Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-2 Filed 02/27/24 Page 5 of 9

In re: Amyris, Inc. et al. Case Number: 23-11131 (TMH) Reporting Period: 12/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 Date of sale or transfer December 28, 2023 Description of the assets sold or transferred Biossance Asset Sale Gross sales price $20,000,000 Payments made from the sale proceeds to or by third parties $0 Net sale proceeds received on behalf of the estate* $20,000,000 Attachment 5: Assets Sold or Transferred Reference Docket #1023 for the Notice of Closing of the Sale of Biossance Brand Assets Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-2 Filed 02/27/24 Page 6 of 9

In re: Amyris, Inc. et al. Case Number: 23-11131 (TMH) Reporting Period: 12/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 Date of sale or transfer December 29, 2023 Description of the asset sold or transferred Menolabs Asset Sale Gross sales price $3,000,000 Payments made from the sale proceeds to or by third parties $0 Net sale proceeds received on behalf of the estate* $3,000,000 Attachment 5: Assets Sold or Transferred Reference Docket #1063 for the Notice of Closing of the Sales of MenoLabs Brand Assets Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-2 Filed 02/27/24 Page 7 of 9

In re: Amyris, Inc. et al. Case Number: 23-11131 (TMH) Reporting Period: 12/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 /s/ Han Kieftenbeld 2/27/2024 Signature of Authorized Individual Date Han Kieftenbeld Interim Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer Printed Name of Authorized Individual Title of Authorized Individual Attachment 6a: Attestation re Insurance Policies The Debtors hereby submit this declaration regarding Insurance Policies. The Debtors’ Insurance Policies are paid current and in good standing. Attached hereto as Attachment 6b is a list of the Debtors’ Insurance Policies with partially redacted policy numbers. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-2 Filed 02/27/24 Page 8 of 9

In re: Amyris, Inc. et al. Case Number: 23-11131 (TMH) Reporting Period: 12/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 Type of Coverage Insurer Debtor Policy Number (last four) Period Employment Practices Liability Travelers Amyris Inc. 3548 9/17/22-12/31/23 Fiduciary Liability Travelers Amyris Inc. 3548 9/17/22-12/31/23 Crime Travelers Amyris Inc. 3548 9/17/22-12/31/23 Kidnap, Ransom & Extortion Hiscox Amyris Inc. 81.21 9/17/21-9/17/24 D&O Primary (Side A/B/C) AIG Amyris Inc. 41-08 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O 1st Excess (Side A/B/C) Platinum Amyris Inc. 5001 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O 2nd Excess (Side A/B/C) Husdon Amyris Inc. 8860 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O 3rd Excess (Side A/B/C) Old Republic Amyris Inc. 2616 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O 4th Excess (Side A/B/C) BHSI/Applied Amyris Inc. 98_02 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O Lead Side A Excess/DIC BHSI Amyris Inc. 89-01 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O 1st Excess Side A DIC AIG Amyris Inc. 01-72 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O 2nd Excess Side A DIC AWAC Amyris Inc. 0677 9/17/22-12/31/23 D&O 3rd Excess Side A DIC Old Republic Amyris Inc. 2617 9/17/22-12/31/23 Package – Liability Excl. Products, Intl Liab, Intl WC, & Intl Auto Excl. Products, Intl Liability, WC & Auto Federal Ins. Co. Amyris Inc. 3734 9/17/23 - 9/17/24 Package International Casualty (workers comp and auto) Federal Ins. Co. Amyris Inc. 3734 9/17/23 - 9/17/24 Property Excl.Inventory $75M Limit Starr Surplus Lines Ins. Co Amyris Inc. 9888 9/17/23 - 9/17/24 Stockthru Put (Inventory) Under- writers at Lloyd’s London Amyris Inc. 0325 9/17/23 - 9/17/24 Products Liability $10m Federal Ins. Co. Amyris Inc. 9201 9/17/23 - 9/17/24 Automobile Federal Ins. Co. Amyris Inc. 0501 9/17/23 - 9/17/24 Lead $10M Umb (Excl. Products) Federal Ins. Co. Amyris Inc. 9855 9/17/23 - 9/17/24 1st Excess Liability - $5M xs $10M (Chubb Products & Umbrella Excl. Products) Everest Indemnity Ins. Co. Amyris Inc. 3231 9/17/23 - 9/17/24 Workers Compensation Federal Ins. Co. Amyris Inc. 7562 9/17/23 - 9/17/24 International Liability - Brazil GL & EL (Local Policy) Chubb Seguros Brazil S.A. Amyris Inc. 0328 9/17/23 - 9/17/24 Attachment 6b: Insurance Policies Case 23-11131-TMH Doc 1290-2 Filed 02/27/24 Page 9 of 9