

我,, (S) 名稱:日期 標題: 報告發行人名稱: 上一財政年度結束日期: 報告發行人類型: 最高交易市場: (參考OSC規則13-502費用中對“最高交易市場”的定義) 上市或報價證券市值: (以加元為單位-參考OSC規則13-502費用第7.1節) 股票代碼 第一個指定交易 指定交易期(dd/mm/yy) (參見OSC 規則13-502Fees)該類別或系列證券在指定交易期的最後一個交易日的收盤價(dd/mm/yy) 在該證券在最高交易市場上市或報價的最後一個交易日的1/1/2023年1/1/2023年至3/31/2023年收盤價$1.470(I) 該類別或系列證券中未償還的證券數量在 的最後一個交易日結束時 指定交易期835,381,534(Ii) 該類別或系列證券的市值(I)x(Ii)=$1,228,010,854.98(A) 第二個 指定交易期(dd/mm/yy) (參閲OSC 規則13-502費用中“指定交易期”的定義)2023年4月1日至2023年6月30日該類別或系列證券上市或報價的最後一個交易日的收盤價 最高交易市場$1.660(Iii) 在指定交易期的最後一個交易日結束時未償還的此類證券類別或系列中的證券數量 指定交易期835,787,520(Iv) 類別或系列的市值(Iii)x(Iv)=$1,387,407,283.20(B) 第三 指定交易期(dd/mm/yy) (參閲OSC 規則13-502費用)7/1/2023年至9/30/2023年在指定交易期的最後 證券在最高交易市場上市或報價的 證券類別或系列證券的收市價$2.230(V) 在指定交易期851,532,538(Vi) 類別或系列證券的最後一個交易日結束時未償還的證券類別或系列的證券數量(V)x(Vi)=$1,898,917,559.74(C) Denison Mines Corp.}DML 安大略省證券委員會 表格13-502F1 1級和3B級報告發行人-參與費 阿曼達·威利特 “阿曼達·威利特” 以下所述報告發行人的一名官員已審查了提交給安大略省證券委員會的本表格13-502F1(表格),並證明據我所知,經盡合理努力,表中提供的信息完整、準確。 管理層認證 總裁副法律和公司祕書 阿曼達·威利特 2024年2月29日多倫多證券交易所 1類報告發行人3B類報告發行人


4th Specified Trading Period (dd/mm/yy) (refer to the definition of “specified trading period” under OSC Rule 13-502 Fees ) 10/1/2023 to 12/31/2023 Closing price of the security in the class or series on the last trading day of the specified trading period in which such security was listed or quoted on the highest trading marketplace $2.320 (vii) 0.7 Number of securities in the class or series of such security outstanding at the end of the last trading day of the specified trading period 890,970,371 (viii) Market value of class or series (vii) x (viii) = $2,067,051,260.72 (D) 5th Specified Trading Period (dd/mm/yy) (refer to the definition of “specified trading period” under OSC Rule 13-502 Fees ) n/a to Closing price of the security in the class or series on the last trading day of the specified trading period in which such security was listed or quoted on the highest trading marketplace (ix) Number of securities in the class or series of such security outstanding at the end of the last trading day of the specified trading period (x) Market value of class or series (ix) x (x) = $0.00 (E) Average Market Value of Class or Series (Calculate the simple average of the market value of the class or (series of security for each applicable specified trading period (i.e. A through E above)) $1,645,346,739.66 (1) Fair value of outstanding debt securities: (See paragraph 2.8(1)(b), and if applicable, paragraph 2.8(1)(c) (of OSC Rule 13-502 Fees) $0.00 (2) (Provide details of how value was determined) Capitalization for the previous financial year (1) + (2) $1,645,346,739.66 Participation Fee (For Class 1 reporting issuers, from Appendix A of OSC $59,350 Rule 13-502 Fees, select the participation fee) (For Class 3B reporting issuers, from Appendix A.1 of $0 OSC Rule 13-502 Fees, select the participation fee) Late Fee, if applicable $0.00 (As determined under section 2.7 of OSC Rule 13-502 Fees ) Total Fee Payable $59,350.00 (Participation Fee plus Late Fee) April 16, 2015 - Rule 13-502 Fees (Form 13-502F1) (Repeat the above calculation for each other class or series of equity securities of the reporting issuer (and a subsidiary pursuant to paragraph 2.8(1)(c) of OSC Rule 13-502 Fees, if applicable) that was listed or quoted on a marketplace at the end of the previous financial year)