18.5.1如果賣方根據第20條的規定終止本協議,而該飛機在終止日期之前已全部或任何部分安裝了BFE,則賣方有權(但不是必需的)移除所有可在不損壞飛機的情況下移除的BFE項目,並採取商業上合理的努力促進向其他客户銷售該等BFE項目,保留和運用銷售所得收益以減少賣方因終止而造成的損害。18.5.2買方將根據第18.5.1條與賣方合作促進BFE的銷售,並將負責賣方因移除和促進該等BFE的銷售而產生的所有費用。買方*。18.5.3賣方將根據上述18.5.1條通知買方賣方未出售的BFE項目,並在賣方要求下,買方承諾在通知之日*內將該等項目從賣方的設施中移走。買方不會就在該期限內從飛機上移走或未移出賣方設施的任何BFE物品的損壞、遺失或銷燬向賣方提出索賠。18.5.4買方不會就在從飛機上移走過程中損壞或銷燬的任何BFE物品向賣方索賠,前提是賣方在移走過程中將採取合理的謹慎措施。18.5.5買方將授予賣方任何BFE項目的所有權,這些項目不能在不對飛機造成損害或使飛機中的任何系統無法使用的情況下從飛機上移除。18.6*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司-專有和保密的81 19-賠償和保險賣方和買方各自將對各自董事、高級管理人員、代理人或僱員在行使本協議項下的權利和履行其義務期間或在履行本協議項下的義務期間或附帶發生的作為或不作為造成的損失(定義如下)負責,但第19.1和19.2條規定的除外。19.1賣方的賠償除買方及其董事、高級職員、代理人和/或僱員的嚴重疏忽或故意不當行為外,賣方將對買方、其關聯公司及其各自的董事、高級職員、代理人、僱員和保險公司因下列原因而產生的一切損失、責任、索賠、損害、成本和開支,包括法庭費用和合理的律師費(“損失”)負全部責任,並賠償買方、其關聯方及其各自的董事、高級職員、代理人、僱員和保險公司不受損害的所有損失、責任、索賠、損害、費用和開支(“損失”):(A)對賣方的董事、高級職員、代理人或僱員的傷害或死亡、損失或損害的索賠,在任何一方行使本協議項下的任何權利或履行本協議項下的任何義務期間或因履行本協議項下的任何義務而發生此類損失時,賣方或其僱員的財產;以及(B)在技術驗收飛行期間或附帶發生的第三方受傷或死亡、第三方財產損失或損壞的索賠。19.CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密82 19.3索賠的通知和抗辯如果根據本條款第19條有權獲得賠償的一方或實體(“被補償方”)就損害賠償向另一方(“被補償方”)提出任何索賠或提起訴訟,而另一方(“被賠償方”)已根據該條款承擔責任,則被補償方應立即向補償方發出通知,而被補償方(除非被補償方另有要求)將承擔並進行其認為審慎的此類索賠或訴訟的辯護或和解。索賠或訴訟的通知將附有受賠人合理獲得的與該事項有關的所有信息,並將在受賠人或其律師可能合理要求的情況下進行合作,費用由賠付人承擔。如果賠償人未能或拒絕承擔根據第19條通知給它的任何索賠或訴訟的抗辯,則被賠償人有權在其認為審慎的情況下繼續對該索賠或訴訟進行辯護或和解,並有權就任何判決、和解、費用或開支向賠償人索賠,包括合理的律師費。此外,在這種情況下,基於任何和解的合理性,賠償人將被視為放棄了對被賠償人索賠的任何反對或抗辯。19.4在第19條規定的買方承諾的範圍內,為所有飛機培訓服務投保。任何適用的免賠額將由買方承擔。買方應在任何飛機培訓服務開始前,向賣方提供不少於*的英文保險證書,證明責任範圍和保險期限,由買方的保險經紀人(S)以賣方可以接受的格式提供,證明此類保單已背書如下:CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂的A350-900購買協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密83(I)根據全面航空法律責任保險,買方的保單是賣方所維持的任何保險的主要和非分攤的,(Ii)該保險只能通過提前不少於三十(30)天(但七(7)天或關於戰爭險和聯合危險的通常可獲得的較短期限)書面通知賣方而取消或實質性更改,以及(Iii)在任何此類保險下,針對賣方、其關聯公司、其分包商及其各自董事的所有代位權,官員、代理人、僱員和保險公司都被免除了。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密84

20-終止20.1終止事件20.1.1下列各項均構成本協議項下的“終止事件”,買方在得知買方發生終止事件後,應立即以書面形式並通過快遞或電傳通知賣方,但買方未能通知賣方的任何情況不得損害賣方在本協議項下的權利:(1)買方或其任何關聯公司或任何其他當事人應在任何司法管轄區就買方或其任何關聯公司提起與破產、無力償債、重組、重組或其他訴訟有關的任何案件、程序或其他訴訟債務的免除、債務的安排、清盤、清盤、解散或其他債務的濟助,而該案件、法律程序或其他訴訟*仍未擱置、未撤銷或未解除。(2)已展開一宗訴訟,尋求為買方或其任何相聯者就其全部或實質所有資產委任接管人、受託人、保管人或其他相類的人員,而該等訴訟就*而言仍未被擱置、不被駁回或未獲解除,或買方或其任何相聯者為其債權人的利益而作出一般轉讓。(3)針對買方或其任何關聯公司的訴訟展開,要求對其全部或任何相當部分資產發出扣押令、執行令、扣押令或類似的法律程序,而該訴訟仍未擱置、未被駁回或*未解除。(4)買方或其任何關聯公司一般不能在其債務到期時予以償付。(5)買方開始與其重要債權人談判,準備根據《美國破產法》提出“預先打包”的破產申請。1.1第(1)、(2)、(3)或(4)款。(7)買方或其任何關聯公司未能支付(I)根據本協議或買方或其任何關聯公司與賣方或其任何關聯公司之間的任何其他重大協議到期須支付的任何款項;(Ii)根據本協議規定須支付的任何交貨前付款;或(Iii)根據本協議第5條規定須支付的全部或部分最終合同價款。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密85(8)“違約事件”(該術語(或任何類似術語)在管理相關交易的相關交易文件中定義)應根據(I)買方或買方(“借款人”)的任何關聯公司與(Ii)賣方或其任何關聯公司之間不時訂立的任何購買、服務*、擔保或其他重大協議的條款而發生。(9)“失責事件”(在管限有關交易的有關交易文件中所界定的該詞(或任何類似的詞))應根據借款人不時作為當事一方的任何重大融資、租賃或擔保協議的條款而發生。(10)*(11)買方應拒絕履行本協議。(12)買方應不履行本協議第9.2條所規定的收取飛機的義務。(13)買方應違反本協議,或在遵守或履行本協議或買方與賣方之間的任何其他實質性協議中所包含的任何其他契諾、承諾或義務方面存在重大違約(包括但不限於買方通知賣方本協議項下存在終止事件的義務,但只有在這種不通知本身損害賣方在《購買協議》下或其他方面的權利的情況下),*。(14)終止事件或違約事件(定義見相關協議)應根據買方或其任何關聯公司與賣方或其任何關聯公司之間的任何其他重大協議發生,前提是該等協議與本協議預期的交易有關。(15)雙方以書面約定的任何其他事件構成本協議項下的終止事件。20.2*20.3就本條款20而言,術語“受影響的飛機”、“適用日期”和“上調價格”的定義如下:(I)“受影響的飛機”--賣方根據第20.2(1)(Iv)條、CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版空客S.A.S.和聯合航空公司已取消或終止本協議的任何或所有飛機。2(3)。(Iii)“升價”--指(I)飛機的基本價格和(Ii)在本協議日期後簽訂的SCN和MSCN的基本價格的總和,均已根據第4條的規定升至適用日期。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司。美國聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的87 21-轉讓和轉讓21.1轉讓除下文另有規定外,未經另一方事先書面同意,任何一方不得將其在本協議項下的權利或義務出售、轉讓、轉讓或轉讓給任何人,但賣方未經買方同意,可將其在本協議項下的權利或義務出售、轉讓、轉讓或轉讓給任何附屬公司。21.2出售、合併或合併轉讓買方有權在任何時候因合併、合併或出售其全部或幾乎所有資產而轉讓其在本協議項下的權利,前提是買方首先獲得賣方的書面同意。如果買方希望賣方提供這種同意,買方將向賣方提供*通知。在下列情況下,賣方應表示同意:(1)尚存或收購實體是根據美國法律組織和存在的;(2)尚存或收購實體已簽署一份假定協議,其形式和實質為賣方合理接受,同意承擔買方在本協議項下的所有義務;(3)在合併、合併或出售完成後,沒有違約事件存在或將會發生且仍在繼續;(4)關於尚存或收購實體,不存在終止事件的依據;尚存或收購實體是持有FAA當時並緊隨該等出售、合併或合併完成後頒發的營運證書的航空公司;而在出售、合併或合併後,尚存實體的財務狀況至少與買方在執行《協議》時的財務狀況相同。21.CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密88

儘管有這樣的指定,賣方仍將最終負責履行賣方在本協議中承擔的所有義務。21.4重組時權利和義務的轉移如果賣方接受公司重組,其目的是將其全部或大部分資產、負債、權利和義務(包括本協議項下存在的資產、負債、權利和義務)轉移或繼承給重組時賣方的關聯人(“繼承人”),以便繼承人在重組時經營賣方經營的業務,則在賣方書面通知買方後,該重組將在沒有買方同意的情況下完成。買方承認,根據發生繼承的法律有效的法律實施對本協議繼承人的繼承將對買方具有約束力。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密89 22-雜項規定22.1數據檢索根據賣方的合理要求,買方將向賣方提供買方通常彙編的與飛機運行有關的所有必要數據,以協助賣方對所有可靠性、維護、運行和成本數據進行有效和協調的調查,以期提高飛機的安全性、可用性和運行成本。22.任何該等通知或要求以面交方式送達的日期,或如該等通知或要求是以商業快遞、掛號航空郵件或傳真發出,則該通知或要求的發出日期將被視為該通知或要求的生效日期。注意:高級副總裁合同電話:33(0)5 61 93 43 85傳真:33(0)5 61 93 47 27買方地址:聯合航空公司芝加哥南瓦克路233號,伊利諾伊州60606注意:機隊規劃部負責人電話:1(1)9978000電子郵件:fleet.plan@United有時,收到通知或請求的一方可以指定另一個地址或另一個人。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的90 22.3放棄任何一方未能在任何時間執行本協議的任何條款,沒有行使本協議規定的任何權利,或要求另一方在任何時間履行本協議的任何條款,均不得解釋為現在或未來放棄此類條款,也不得以任何方式影響本協議或本協議任何部分的有效性,或另一方此後執行每一項此類條款的權利。任何一方對本協議任何條款、條件或要求的明示放棄,不構成對未來遵守該條款、條件或要求的任何義務的放棄。22.4國際供應合同買方和賣方承認本協議是一項經過討論和談判的國際供應合同,雙方完全理解本協議的所有條款和條件,本協議中所列飛機的規格和價格以及雙方達成的其他相互協議,除其他外,特別考慮了本協議的所有規定,包括買方在本協議中提出的所有豁免、放行和報酬。22.5當事人的某些陳述22.5。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密91 22.5.2賣方的陳述賣方代表買方並向買方保證:(I)賣方根據法蘭西共和國的法律組織和存在,並具有訂立和履行協議項下義務的法人權力和授權;(Ii)賣方簽署和交付本協議,或賣方完成本協議所規定的任何交易,或賣方履行本協議項下的義務,均不構成違反賣方是當事一方或其資產受其約束的任何協議;(Iii)本協議已由賣方正式授權、簽署和交付,並構成賣方根據其條款可對賣方強制執行的法律、有效和具有約束力的義務。22.6解釋和法律本協議將受到紐約州法律的管轄和解釋,其履行將根據紐約州的法律確定,而不會影響其可能導致適用任何其他司法管轄區法律的法律衝突條款。雙方特此同意,《聯合國國際貨物銷售合同公約》不適用於此次交易。22.6.1買方本人及其繼承人和受讓人特此指定並指定不時正式選出的買方祕書為其法定代理人和事實代理人,買方在根據第22.6條提交司法管轄權的任何事項的任何訴訟、訴訟或訴訟中針對買方的所有法律程序均可送達,其效力與CT1706024修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司的效力相同。-專有和保密92

買方是根據紐約州法律成立的公司,並且在紐約州合法地接受了這種程序,但有一項理解是,這種指定和指定將在其祕書不採取進一步行動的情況下生效。賣方及其繼承人和受讓人特此指定並指定CT公司為其法定代理人和事實代理人,CT公司位於紐約第八大道111號,NY 10011郵編10011,賣方根據第22.6條提交司法管轄的任何事項的訴訟、訴訟或法律程序中針對賣方的所有法律程序均可送達給賣方,其效力與賣方是根據紐約州法律成立的公司並已在該州合法獲得該程序的效力相同。22.6.2第22.6.1條中為完成送達程序而作出的假設,不影響本協議任何一方在紐約聯邦法院提起訴訟或以多樣性為基礎尋求移交給紐約聯邦法院時對多樣性的任何主張。22.6.3就賣方或買方已根據第22條提交司法管轄權的任何事宜,在任何訴訟、訴訟或法律程序中送達法律程序文件。22.6.4標題本協議中的所有標題僅供參考,不構成本協議的一部分。22.7放棄陪審團審判本協議的每一方均放棄在因本協議而引起或與本協議有關的任何訴訟以及其中的任何反索賠或交叉索賠中接受陪審團審判的權利。22.8在任何情況下,任何一方均不得根據本協議要求或接受附帶或間接損害賠償。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密93 22.9本協議以外的任何陳述雙方聲明,在本協議簽署之前,他們在各自律師的建議下,向自己通報了足夠的相關數據,以便他們可以明智地行使自己的判斷,決定是否簽署本協議和決定本協議的內容。每一方進一步聲明,其執行本協議的決定不以任何其他人、任何一方或任何上述個人或一方的任何利益的前任、繼任者、受讓人、高級管理人員、董事、僱員、代理人或律師的任何聲明或陳述為依據或受其影響,除非本協議另有規定。本協議由本協議所有各方的律師參與協商而成,本協議中的任何條款都不會被解釋或解釋為根據本協議或任何相關原則對任何一方不利。22.10在遵守任何法律或政府披露要求的前提下,雙方(為此目的將包括其員工和法律顧問)將嚴格遵守本協議的條款和條件以及根據本協議提供的任何報告或其他數據,包括但不限於飛機定價(“機密信息”)。關於任何公開披露或備案,買方同意向賣方提交一份擬提交或披露的文件的副本,並將給賣方一段合理的時間來審查該文件。買賣雙方在公開披露或提交本協議或本協議條款和條件所允許的任何文件之前,將相互協商。本條款第22.10條的規定在本協議終止後繼續有效。22.11根據任何有管轄權的法院適用的適用法律,被認定為非法或不可執行的本協議的任何條款,在該法律要求的範圍內,應被視為與本協議分離,並儘可能在不修改其餘條款的情況下失效。然而,任何此類適用法律的條款可以是CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司。美國聯合航空公司。-放棄專有和保密94,本協議各方特此在法律允許的最大範圍內放棄這些條款,從而使本協議的條款有效、具有約束力,並可根據其條款強制執行。雙方同意,在可行的情況下,將任何被禁止、非法或不可執行的條款替換為另一條與被替換的條款具有基本相同效力(在法律和商業內容上)但不被禁止、非法或不可執行的條款。本協議任何條款的全部或部分無效不應使任何其他條款無效或影響其有效性。22.12整個協議本協議包含雙方關於本協議標的及其內容的完整協議,並取代任何先前的諒解、承諾或陳述,無論是口頭的還是書面的。除非雙方或其完全授權的代表以書面形式簽署本協議,否則不得對本協議進行修訂或修改。22.13如果本協議的條款與(I)本規範或(Ii)任何其他附件中包含的條款有任何不一致之處,在每種情況下,本協議的條款將優先於本規範或任何其他附件的條款。就本條款第22.13條而言,術語協議不包括本説明書或本協議的任何其他證據。22.14與本協議有關的所有通信、文件和任何其他書面事項均應使用英語。22.15副本本協議一式兩(2)份。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密95特此證明,這份修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議是在上面第一次寫下的日期簽訂的。空中客車,S.A.S.作者:S/Kiran Rao標題:聯合航空公司首席運營官客户代表戰略執行副總裁作者:/S/傑拉爾德·拉德曼標題:高級副總裁財務、採購和財務主管CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-專有和保密

附件A標準規格附件A-1:A350-900標準規格附件A-2:A350-1000標準規格CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和機密1附件A-1 A350-900標準規格A350-900標準規格包含在單獨的文件夾中。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的1份附件A-2 A350-1000標準規格A350-1000標準規格包含在單獨的文件夾中。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的1份附件B規格更改通知附件B-1:規格更改通知的格式附件B-2:規格更改通知列表第1部分:A350-900 SCN預算第2部分:A350-1000 SCN預算第3部分:A350-900 ULR SCN預算第4部分:A350-900*SCN第5部分:A350-1000*SCNS第6部分:A350-900 ULR*SCN附件B-3:製造商的規格更改通知的格式CT1706024-已修訂和重新説明A350-900採購協議-簽署版空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司,Inc.-專有和保密1

規格更改通知(SCN)日期為SCN編號問題的附件B-1頁標題:説明備註/參考本SCN更改的規範本SCN要求事先或同時接受以下SCN(S):每架飛機的價格美元:在交付條件下:此更改將在N°及以後的飛機上生效。如果買方批准賣方批准日期:SCN號規格更改通知(SCN)日期頁規格影響:在與重量、性能、交貨等有關的合同協議後,規範措辭的指定部分將如下所示:SCN號規範更改通知(SCN)日期頁更改範圍(僅供參考)附件B-2 SCN列出第1部分:A350-900 SCN預算第2部分:A350-1000 SCN預算第3部分:A350-900 ULR SCN預算第4部分:A350-900*SCN第5部分:A350-1000*SCN第6部分:A350-900 ULR*SCN CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司,Inc.-專有和保密1

附件B-2第1部分:A350-900 SCN預算*CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和機密2附件B-2第2部分:A350-1000 SCN預算*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和機密3附件B-2第3部分:A350-900 ULR SCN預算*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和機密4證據B-2第4部分:A350-900*SCN**CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和機密5

附件B-2第5部分:A350-1000*SCNS*CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和機密6證據B-2第6部分:A350-900 ULR*SCN*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的7製造商的規格更改通知(MSCN)附件B-3日期為MSCN編號的問題第頁標題:描述:對重量的影響製造商的重量空更改:操作重量空更改:允許的有效載荷更改:備註/參考規範由此MSCN更改每架飛機的價格美元:在交付條件下:此更改將在N°及以後的飛機上生效。如果MSCN未被買方批准賣方批准日期:製造商的規格更改通知(MSCN)MSCN編號發佈日期頁規格反響:








在法國圖盧茲。上述飛機的接收和驗收已確認美國聯合航空公司。名稱:標題:簽名:CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-專有的和保密的1份銷售提單形式所有人都知道,根據法國法律存在的法國興業銀行訴訟簡化公司,其主要辦事處位於2,Rond-Point Emile Dewoitine,31700 Blagnac,法國(“賣方”),是這樣的








不包括買方提供的設備(“BFE”),[在本合同生效之日裝入、安裝或安裝的機身(以下簡稱“部件”):][發動機/推進系統][空中客車A3型]填寫發動機或推進系統製造商名稱[•]型號[•]製造商的序列號:[•]發動機序列號:1H:[RH:], [登記號碼:]和[有][對BFE的所有權,其從][插入BFE的供應商名稱]依據日期為#年的賣據[月份]年[(“BFE賣單”)]。機身,[發動機/推進系統], [這些部件以下統稱為“飛機”。賣家做了這一天的交易]月份[年]、出售、轉讓和交付對航空器的上述所有權利、所有權和權益[•]-[•][和BFE]致下列實體及其繼承人和受讓人,永遠,表示飛機[•]和BFE[•]成為其財產:[•]插入買方姓名/地址[•](“買方”)賣方特此向買方、其繼承人和受讓人保證:(I)賣方有良好和合法的權利將飛機所有權出售、交付和轉讓給買方,(Ii)向買方傳達了良好、合法和有效的飛機所有權,沒有任何留置權、索賠、收費、產權負擔和其他人的權利;(Iii)賣方將保證並永遠捍衞該所有權,不受任何索賠和要求[•][以及(Iv)賣方擁有賣方從其獲得的BFE的所有權[插入BFE的供應商名稱]根據BFE銷售單[。本銷售法案受紐約州法律管轄,並按紐約州法律解釋。茲證明,下列簽署人已安排本文書於年月日由其正式授權的代表籤立]月份[年][在……裏面]布拉格納克/漢堡]。空中客車公司名稱:標題:簽字:CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-專有和保密1[展品F S E R V I C E L I F E P O L I C Y L I S T O F I T E M S CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有性和保密性1附件F賣方使用壽命政策1根據第12.2條規定的使用壽命政策涵蓋的項目是以下所述的主要和輔助結構的賣方項目。*CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的2份附件G技術數據索引CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署了A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的1份附件G技術數據索引買賣雙方特此確認,本附件G中表示的飛機技術數據為*,此類更新後的技術數據應自動併入本協議,作為參考,並構成本協議的附件G。在適用的情況下,數據將按照由ASD(歐洲航空航天和國防工業協會)、AIA(航空航天工業協會)和ATA(美國航空運輸協會)共同定義的ATA iSpecification 2200和/或S1000D規範(如適用)建立,除非本附件G另有明確規定,否則所有技術數據應通過空中客車客户門户網站“空中客車世界”上的相關服務在線獲得。以下索引確定了為支持飛機而提供的技術數據。對該表的解釋如下:術語不言自明。相關技術數據格式簡稱:高級諮詢工具包括相關技術數據和用於瀏覽數據的高級諮詢和導航軟件。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和機密2]附件G具體格式指的是技術數據,既不是“高級諮詢工具”中的數據,也不是作為XML原始數據發佈的。此類技術數據可以是:·可移植文件格式(PDF),用於數據諮詢,或·辦公自動化格式,如XLS和/或富文本格式(Word RTF)或超文本標記語言(HTML),用於諮詢和信息更新,或·任務結構數據文件(TSDF)。XML原始數據1/維護、規劃、結構、大修、工程數據S1000D兼容的原始數據,供買方數據處理。如果買方在本附件G中選擇了可擴展標記語言,則只有在買方明確要求時才能進行有效交付。2/飛行操作數據XML標準尚未定義。C型定製。指適用於個別空中客車客户/運營商機隊或飛機的手冊。一般的。指適用於所有空中客車飛機型號/型號/系列的手冊。E信封。指的是適用於一整組空客客户的特定機型/型號/系列的手冊。數量/數量自解釋交付(DelIV)交付是指預定交付日期,以第一架飛機交付前相應天數表示,或以零(0)表示相應飛機的交付日期。指定的天數應向上舍入到下一個定期版本發佈日期。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的3份附件G*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署了A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的4附件H進入和使用空中客車世界的一般條款和條件進入和使用空中客車世界/在線服務的安全區域的一般條款和條件(經不時修訂和補充)包含在單獨的文件夾中。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-自2017年9月1日起,修改和重述A350-900採購協議的專有和保密1號信函協議。伊利諾伊州芝加哥南瓦克路233號60606美國Re:備件採購尊敬的女士們先生們,聯合航空公司。(“買方”)和空中客車公司(“賣方”)簽訂了一份日期為本協議日期的經修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議(“該協議”),其中包括賣方根據該協議規定的條款和條件出售和購買某些飛機。買方和賣方已同意在本《第1號函件協議》(以下簡稱《函件協議》)中列出有關飛機銷售的某些附加條款和條件。此處使用的大寫術語和本信函協議中未另行定義的術語將具有本協議中賦予的含義。術語“本協議”、“本協議”和“本協議”以及類似含義的詞語指的是本函件協議。雙方同意,本函件協議將構成本函件協議不可分割的組成部分,本函件協議的條款在此作為參考納入本函件協議,且本函件協議的規定適用於本函件協議的規定,但如果本協議書和本函件協議有不一致的具體規定,則以本函件協議中包含的具體規定為準。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA1-1[內容第1段-一般2-初始供應3-保修4-交貨期5-交貨狀態6-材料消耗數據7-其他材料支持8-商業條件9-標題10-終止11-不一致12-轉讓13-終止14-轉讓CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的La1-2 1.一般1.1物質支持範圍1.1.1本函件協議僅在以下方面規定了賣方向買方提供的僅與飛機有關的支持服務的條款和條件:*1.1.2本函件協議各段應參考本函件協議的各段。除非另有説明。1.1.3就本函件協議而言,術語“供應商”應指提供下文第1.2.1段所列任何材料的任何供應商(供應商提供的每一項材料均為“供應商部件”)。1.1.4儘管截至本協議之日買方和賣方之間關於空中客車飛機備件採購的任何其他有效協議,本函件協議應是買方和賣方之間管理適用於A350備件採購的條款和條件的唯一協議。1.2材料1.2.1“材料”將包括以下內容:*1.3術語*1.4倉庫*1.4.3其他裝運點*1.4.4客户訂單服務枱*1.5備件代表1.5.1備件代表服務*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的La1-3 1.6買方的承諾*1.7買方製造材料*2初始供應和補充2.1初始供應2.1.1期間*2.1.2預供應會議*2.1.3初始供應會議*2.1.4初始供應數據*2.1.5供應商提供的數據***2.1.6補充數據*2.1.7某些材料的商業報價*2.1.8初始供應材料的交付*CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司,Inc.-專有和保密La1-4 3.賣方保修3.1保修性質*3.2例外*3.3保修期限*3.4保修限制*3.6重複補救*4.交貨期*4.3加快服務*5.交貨狀態*5.1短缺、超量、訂單不符合*5.1.4包裝*5.1.5停止交貨*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA1-5][6.材料消耗數據*7其他材料支持*7.1.1一般*7.1.2標題*7.1.3保修*保修和通知期*暫停和運輸成本*7.2工具和地面支持設備*8商業條件8.1價格8.1.1全部材料交貨報價:*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司,Inc.-專有和保密的La1-6 8.2付款程序和條件*8.3全額付款*9.標題買方應始終保持至少等於賣方在任何給定時間未收到的材料發票總額的材料價值,沒有任何留置權、債權證、擔保權益或其他類似的利息費用或以任何第三方為受益人的索賠。10.終止備件採購承諾根據本協定的條款終止本協定應*。賣方可以,但不應被要求*。11.如*本函件協議有任何不一致之處,應以該等不一致之處為準。12.轉讓本函件協議及雙方的權利和義務須受本協議第21條的規定所規限。13.保密本函件協議受本協議第22.10條的條款和條件的約束。14.本函件協議的副本可由雙方分別簽署,每份副本在簽署和交付時將是正本,但所有此類副本將共同構成一份相同的文書。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA1-7如果上述內容正確闡述了您的理解,請在下面提供的空白處簽署正本和一(1)份副本,並將副本退還給賣方。非常真誠的您,空中客車公司。作者:/S/Kiran Rao ITS:首席運營官客户代理執行副總裁產品戰略接受並同意聯合航空公司。作者:/S/傑拉爾德·拉德曼ITS:高級副總裁財務、採購和財務主管CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-專有和保密的La1-8第7.1.1段附錄“A”*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署了A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA1-9]截至2017年9月1日,修改和重述的A350-900採購協議的第2號信函協議。伊利諾伊州芝加哥南瓦克路233號,60606美國Re:預付款尊敬的女士們,先生們,聯合航空公司。(“買方”)和空中客車公司(“賣方”)簽訂了一份日期為本協議日期的經修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議(“該協議”),其中包括賣方根據該協議規定的條款和條件出售和購買某些飛機。買方和賣方已同意在本函件協議第2號(以下簡稱“函件協議”)中列出有關飛機銷售的某些附加條款和條件。此處使用的大寫術語和本信函協議中未另行定義的術語將具有本協議中賦予的含義。術語“本協議”、“本協議”和“本協議”以及類似含義的詞語指的是本函件協議。雙方同意,本函件協議將構成本函件協議不可分割的組成部分,本函件協議的條款在此作為參考納入本函件協議,且本函件協議的規定適用於本函件協議的規定,但如果本協議書和本函件協議有不一致的具體規定,則以本函件協議中包含的具體規定為準。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA2-1 1.預付款本協議第5條全部刪除,代之以以下引文:報價5-付款條件5.1賣方的賬户買方應將交付前付款、飛機最終價格的餘額和本協議項下的任何其他應付金額以美元立即支付給:*,或賣方以書面形式指定給買方的其他賬户。5.2預交款5.2.1*5.2.2將在公曆年T交付的飛機的預交款參考價是按照以下公式確定的:*5.2.3預交款將按照以下時間表支付。*對於四十五(45)架A350-900飛機的初始確定訂單:付款日期交付前付款參考價格的百分比*交付前的總付款*%儘管有上述規定,但雙方同意,關於飛機*。*:CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA2-2付款日期交付前付款參考價格百分比*交付前付款總額*%改裝公司飛機:付款日期交付前付款參考價格百分比*交付前付款總額*%儘管有上述規定,但就飛機而言*。*5.5飛機最終價格餘額的支付*5.6税*“税”是指任何政府當局或其任何政治分區或税務當局現在或以後徵收、徵收、扣繳或評估的任何現在或未來的税、印花税或其他税、徵費、附加費、收費、費用、扣除或扣繳。5.7儘管賣方在合同或法律上享有任何其他權利,買方和賣方在此同意,如果買方或買方的直接或間接附屬公司與賣方或賣方的任何關聯公司之間的任何其他協議規定的任何金額(無論是根據本協議或買方的直接或間接附屬公司與賣方或賣方的任何關聯公司之間的任何其他協議)到期並由買方或買方的關聯公司支付,*CT1706024-修訂和重新啟動的A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA2-3 5.9逾期預交貨付款如果賣方在買方和賣方商定的一個或多個日期沒有收到任何應付給賣方的預交貨付款,賣方將有權向買方索賠,買方將在收到此類索賠後立即向賣方支付*利率的利息。賣方獲得此類利息的權利是賣方根據本合同或法律享有的任何其他權利之外的權利。***。5.10儘管法律有任何相反的規定,買方不會因本協議所載的任何規定(包括但不限於本協議項下的任何*或交付前付款,或賣方將某架飛機指定或識別為本協議任何條文所指的飛機)而取得本協議所規定的任何飛機的任何所有權、保險或其他權益。5.11全額支付*5.12其他費用*2.轉讓本函件協議及雙方的權利和義務受本協議第21條的規定約束。3.保密本函件協議受本協議第22.10條的條款和條件的約束。4.本函件協議的副本可由本協議雙方分別簽署,每份副本在簽署和交付時將是正本,但所有此類副本將共同構成一份相同的文書。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA2-4[如果上述內容正確闡述了您的理解,請在下面提供的空白處簽署本合同正本和一(1)份副本,並將副本退還給賣方。非常真誠的您,空中客車S.A.S.作者:/S/Kiran Roa ITS:首席運營官客户代理執行副總裁產品戰略接受並同意聯合航空公司。作者:/S/傑拉爾德·拉德曼ITS:高級副總裁財務、採購和財務主管CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-自2017年9月1日起,修改和重述的A350-900採購協議的專有和保密LA2-5信函協議第3號。伊利諾伊州芝加哥南瓦克路233號60606美國Re:信用問題尊敬的女士們先生們,聯合航空公司。(“買方”)和空中客車公司(“賣方”)簽訂了一份日期為本協議日期的經修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議(“該協議”),其中包括賣方根據該協議規定的條款和條件出售和購買某些飛機。買賣雙方已同意在本函件協議第3號(以下簡稱“函件協議”)中列出有關飛機銷售的某些附加條款和條件。此處使用的大寫術語和本信函協議中未另行定義的術語將具有本協議中賦予的含義。術語“本協議”、“本協議”和“本協議”以及類似含義的詞語指的是本函件協議。雙方同意,本函件協議將構成本函件協議不可分割的組成部分,本函件協議的條款在此作為參考納入本函件協議,且本函件協議的規定適用於本函件協議的規定,但如果本協議書和本函件協議有不一致的具體規定,則以本函件協議中包含的具體規定為準。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA3-1 1.*適用於所有A型飛機*7.轉讓本函件協議以及各方的權利和義務將受該協議第21條的規定所規限。8.保密本函件協議受本協議第22.10條的條款和條件的約束。9.本函件協議的副本可由本協議雙方分別簽署,每份副本在簽署和交付時將是正本,但所有此類副本將共同構成一份相同的文書。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA3-2如果上述內容正確闡述了您的理解,請在下面提供的空白處簽署正本和一(1)份副本,並將副本退還給賣方。非常真誠的您,空中客車公司。作者:/S/Kiran Rao ITS:首席運營官客户代理執行副總裁產品戰略接受並同意聯合航空公司。作者:/S/傑拉爾德·拉德曼ITS:高級副總裁財務、採購和財務主管CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA3-3]截至2017年9月1日,修改和重述的A350-900採購協議的第4號信函協議。伊利諾伊州芝加哥南瓦克路233號,郵編:60606美國Re:*尊敬的女士們,先生們,美國聯合航空公司(“買方”)和空中客車公司(“賣方”)簽訂了一份日期為本協議日期的經修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議(“該協議”),其中包括賣方根據該協議規定的條款和條件出售和購買某些飛機。買方和賣方已同意在第4號函件協議(“函件協議”)中列出有關飛機銷售的某些附加條款和條件。此處使用的大寫術語和本信函協議中未另行定義的術語將具有本協議中賦予的含義。術語“本協議”、“本協議”和“本協議”以及類似含義的詞語指的是本函件協議。雙方同意,本函件協議將構成本函件協議不可分割的組成部分,本函件協議的條款在此作為參考納入本函件協議,且本函件協議的規定適用於本函件協議的規定,但如果本協議書和本函件協議有不一致的具體規定,則以本函件協議中包含的具體規定為準。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA4-1 1.修改本協議第0條的定義,以便在“報價”和“非報價”之間修改或增加以下已定義的術語:報價*A350XWB飛機-具有第3.1段所給出的含義*飛機-具有第3.1段所給出的含義*A350-900 ULR飛機-具有第3.1段所給出的含義*A350-1000飛機-具有第3段所給出的含義.1*飛機--具有第3.1段所述含義*A350-900*飛機--具有第3.1段所述含義*A350-900 ULR*飛機-具有第3.1段所述含義*A350-1000*飛機-具有第2.1段所述含義。A350-900*飛機-具有第2.1段所述的含義。A350-1000*飛機-具有第2.1款中所述的含義。*費用-具有第2.1款規定的含義。引用*2.2。*該書面通知將包括每架*飛機所要求的(I)交付年月和(Ii)*飛機類型。*CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA4-2 6.故意留空7.轉讓本函件協議及各方的權利和義務應受本協議第21條的規定約束。8.保密本函件協議受本協議第22.10條的條款和條件的約束。9.本函件協議的副本可由本協議雙方分別簽署,每份副本在簽署和交付時將是正本,但所有此類副本將共同構成一份相同的文書。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA4-3如果上述內容正確闡述了您的理解,請在下面提供的空白處簽署正本和一(1)份副本,並將副本退還給賣方。非常真誠的您,空中客車公司。作者:/S/Kiran Rao ITS:首席運營官客户代理執行副總裁產品戰略接受並同意聯合航空公司。作者:/S/傑拉爾德·拉德曼ITS:高級副總裁財務、採購和財務主管CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA4-4[截至2017年9月1日,修改和重述的A350-900採購協議的第5號信函協議。伊利諾伊州芝加哥南瓦克路233號60606美國Re:產品支持事宜尊敬的女士們先生們,聯合航空公司。(“買方”)和空中客車公司(“賣方”)簽訂了一份日期為本協議日期的經修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議(“該協議”),其中包括賣方根據該協議規定的條款和條件出售和購買某些飛機。買方和賣方已同意在本函件第5號協議(“函件協議”)中列出有關出售飛機的某些附加條款和條件。此處使用的大寫術語和本信函協議中未另行定義的術語將具有本協議中賦予的含義。術語“本協議”、“本協議”和“本協議”以及類似含義的詞語指的是本函件協議。雙方同意,本函件協議將構成本函件協議不可分割的組成部分,本函件協議的條款在此作為參考納入本函件協議,且本函件協議的規定適用於本函件協議的規定,但如果本協議書和本函件協議有不一致的具體規定,則以本函件協議中包含的具體規定為準。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-1目錄1.空中客車世界3 2.第14條-技術數據4 3.第15條-賣方代表服務11 3.1客户支持代表(S)11 3.2買方支持11 3.3賣方代表11 4.第16條-培訓支持和服務12 5.第17條-設備供應商產品支持23 6.*24 7.分配25 8.保密25 9.對應25 CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司,Inc.-專有和保密的LA5-2 1.空中客車世界儘管附件H中有任何規定,買方將有權完全進入空中客車世界*。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-3 2.第14條-技術數據本協議第14條全部刪除,代之以以下引文:報價14-技術數據14.1範圍本第14條涵蓋賣方提供支持飛機運行所需的技術數據(“技術數據”)的條款和條件。***。14.1.1技術數據應使用常用的航空術語以英語提供。14.1.2按照第14.4條的規定,所有技術數據應在線提供。本協議項下提供的在線技術數據的範圍、類型、格式和交付時間表在本協議附件G中概述。14.2飛機識別技術數據14.2.1對於為買方飛機定製的技術數據,買方同意以從001到999之間選擇的編號塊的形式分配機隊序列號(“機隊序列號”)。14.2.2除非選擇了兩(2)個不同的推進系統或兩(2)個不同的飛機型號,否則順序不應中斷。14.2.3買方應向賣方表明與第9.1條規定的交付時間表相對應的每架飛機的機隊序列號。指定該機隊序列號或隨後將該機隊序列號分配給製造商序列號以產生特定的定製技術數據,均不構成買方在本協議規定的任何飛機交付之前對該飛機的任何財產、保險或其他利益。受此影響的定製技術數據如下:·飛機維護手冊、·圖解部件目錄、·故障排除手冊、CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-4]·飛機佈線手冊、·飛機原理圖手冊、·飛機佈線表。14.3設備數據的集成14.3.1供應商部件信息,包括與交付時或之後通過空中客車服務公告安裝在飛機上的供應商部件有關的信息,將在理解受影響系統所需的範圍內引入定製的技術數據,不向買方收取額外費用。14.3.2買方提供的設備14.3.2.1賣方應將賣方在飛機上安裝的設備的相關數據(“BFE數據”)引入定製的技術數據中,不向買方收取首次交付時提供的技術數據的額外費用,前提是此類BFE數據是按照第14.3.2.2至14.3.2.6條規定的條件提供的。買方應至少在第一架飛機預定交付月份前六(6)個月向賣方提供BFE數據。 BFE數據應以英語提供,並應符合由ASD(歐洲航空航天和國防工業協會)、AIA(航空航天工業協會)和ATA(美國航空運輸協會)共同定義的當時適用的ATA iSpecification 2200和/或S1000D規範修訂版。買賣雙方應就向賣方提供BFE數據以進行“飛機上維護”的要求達成一致,例如但不限於向賣方提供BFE數據的時間框架、媒體和格式,以便以高效、快速和經濟的方式管理BFE數據集成過程。 BFE數據應按照買方和賣方的約定,以數字格式(SGML或XML原始數據)和/或可移植文檔格式(PDF)交付。與向賣方交付適用的BFE數據相關的所有費用應由買方承擔。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S。A.S.和聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA5-5 14.4供應品14.4.1除附件G另有規定外,所有技術數據應根據本協議附件H中描述的條款和條件,通過賣方客户門户網站空中客車世界(“空中客車世界”)上的相關服務在線提供。14.4.2技術數據應按照與飛機交付相對應的*時間表交付。買方在要求更改交貨時間表時,應提供不少於六十(60)天的通知。14.4.3買方有責任*。應買方航空當局的請求,應允許此類航空當局在線訪問買方的技術數據。14.5修訂服務對於本協議涵蓋的每一架已確定訂購的飛機,應提供技術數據的修訂服務*(每個修訂服務期限為一段時間)。此後,應根據賣方當時的現行客户服務目錄中規定的條款和條件提供修訂服務。14.6服務公告(SB)在任何修訂的服務期內,如果買方提出要求,賣方的服務公告信息應被納入技術數據中,前提是買方通過空中客車世界“服務公告報告”服務通知賣方它打算完成該服務公告,之後應顯示服務後公告狀態。***。14.7技術數據熟悉根據買方的要求,賣方應在賣方或買方的設施中提供最多*次的技術數據熟悉培訓。基本熟悉課程是為維護和工程人員量身定做的。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-6 14.8客户發起的更改(COC)如果買方希望將買方發起的數據(“COC數據”)引入賣方當時的當前客户服務目錄中有資格納入的任何定製技術數據中,買方應將此意圖通知賣方。任何COC數據的合併應按照用於實現此類介紹的方法和工具以及賣方當時的當前客户服務目錄中指定的條件進行。14.9高級諮詢工具14.9.1部分技術數據應通過第14.9.2段所列的多個域提供,並應通過高級諮詢工具在線提供,該工具應包括必要的導航軟件和瀏覽技術數據的查看器(統稱為“高級諮詢工具”)。14.9.2高級諮詢工具包括以下領域:·AirN@v/Line Maintenance、·AirN@v/Planning、·AirN@v/Engineering、·AirN@v/Associated Data。14.9.3關於此類高級諮詢工具中包含的技術數據的詳細信息見附件G.14.9.4。14.9.4雙方同意在交付此類高級諮詢工具之前,但不遲於本協議簽署之日起六(6)個月內,本着善意協商有關使用高級諮詢工具軟件的許可條款。14.9.5在相應的修訂服務期內,高級諮詢工具的修訂服務和使用許可應為*。在修訂服務期結束時,應根據賣方當時的現行客户服務目錄中規定的商業條件,向買方提供高級諮詢工具的年度修訂服務和相關許可費。14.10在線訪問技術數據14.10.1訪問空中客車世界應遵守附件H.CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.中所述的“訪問和使用空中客車世界的一般條款和條件”(下稱“GTC”)。&聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA5-7 14.10.2訪問空中客車世界應是買方用户(包括*買方管理人員)的*,以獲取與應由買方操作的飛機相關的技術數據。14.10.3如果空中客車世界以軟件格式提供對技術數據的訪問,則此類軟件的使用應進一步受*的限制。14.11放棄、放棄和放棄賣方保證技術數據是按照其構思之日的技術狀態編制的。如果賣方準備的任何技術數據包含任何不合格或缺陷,賣方唯一和唯一的責任應是更正該技術數據。儘管有上述規定,對於客户發起的更改,不應提供任何形式的擔保。本第14條規定的賣方的擔保、義務和責任(如下所述)和買方的補救措施是排他性的,並且是替代的,買方特此放棄、免除和放棄賣方的所有其他擔保、義務和責任以及買方因法律、合同或其他原因而對賣方提出的任何明示或默示的不符合或缺陷的權利、索賠和補救措施,包括但不限於:a.針對隱藏缺陷的任何擔保;B.對適銷性或適合性的任何默示保證;C.因履行過程、交易過程或使用或交易而產生的任何默示保證;D.合同或侵權中的任何義務、責任、權利、索賠或補救措施,不論是否源於賣方的實際或推定的疏忽;以及E.A.S.和聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA5-8[但如果上述任何條款因任何原因被認定為非法或無效,本協議的其餘部分將繼續完全有效。*就本第14條而言,“賣方”應理解為包括賣方、其任何供應商和分包商、其關聯公司及其各自的任何保險人。14.12所有權14.12.1與技術數據有關的所有所有權,包括但不限於專利、外觀設計和版權,應保留給賣方和/或其附屬公司,視具體情況而定。這些專有權也應適用於買方可能已經或導致執行的翻譯成一種或多種語言或媒體的任何翻譯。14.12.2當本協議和/或任何技術數據規定由買方製造時,賣方的同意不應被解釋為以任何方式對買方或製成品的明示或默示的批准。技術數據的提供不應被解釋為買方設計或製造任何飛機或其部件或備件的任何進一步權利。14.13性能工程師計劃14.13.1除根據第14條提供的技術數據外,賣方還應向買方提供軟件服務,其中應包括本協議所涵蓋機型的性能工程師計劃(“PEP”)。這樣的PEP由軟件組件和數據庫組成。雙方同意在PEP交付之前,但不遲於本協議簽署之日起六(6)個月內,真誠協商使用PEP的許可條款。14.13.2 PEP的使用應限於*在買方的計算機上用於計算性能工程數據。PEP僅供地面使用,不得安裝在飛機上。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-9 14.13.3使用PEP和修訂服務的許可證應在第14.5條規定的相應修訂服務期內*提供。14.13.4在修訂服務期結束時,應根據賣方當時的現行客户服務目錄中規定的商業條件向買方提供PEP。14.14*引用CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-10 3.本協議第15條--賣方代表服務本協議第15條修改如下:3.1本協議的客户支持代表(S)完全刪除本協議的第15.1.3條,代之以下列引文:報價15.1.3賣方應向買方提供一份年度書面帳目,列明本第15條附錄A所定義的津貼中所消耗的人月數和任何剩餘的人月餘額。除非賣方在收到此類帳目後*內收到買方的書面反對,否則此類帳目應視為最終帳目併為買方所接受。未報價3.2買方支持3.2.1本協議的第15.2.2條被全部刪除,代之以下列引文:報價15.2.2買方應*賣方代表*到他們的轉讓地和法國圖盧茲。取消引文3.2.2*,改為引文如下:引文15.2。3故意留空。未報價3.3本協議第15條附錄A第1段全部刪除,代之以以下引文:報價*未報價CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-11 4.第16條-培訓支持和服務本協議第16條全部刪除,代之以以下引述文本:報價16-培訓支持和服務16.1一般16.1.1本第16條規定了為買方人員提供培訓支持和服務以支持飛機運行的條款和條件。16.1.2本協議項下提供的培訓的範圍、數量和有效性*見本條款第16條的附錄A。16.1.3附錄A所涵蓋的培訓課程的安排應在*的培訓會議(“培訓會議”)期間雙方商定。16.2培訓地點16.2.1賣方應在其位於法國布拉尼亞克和/或德國漢堡的培訓中心提供培訓,或在美國邁阿密或北京指定一個附屬培訓中心中國(各為“賣方培訓中心”)。16.2.2如果由於設施不可用或進度安排困難,導致賣方在賣方培訓中心進行培訓不切實際,賣方應確保買方在賣方指定的另一個地點接受此類培訓。16.2.3應買方要求,賣方也可根據雙方商定的條款和條件,在賣方實際可行的情況下,在賣方培訓中心以外的地點,包括買方基地之一,提供某些培訓。在這種情況下,第16.5.2和16.5.3條中所列的所有額外*費用應由買方承擔。16.2.4如果買方要求在第16.2.3條規定的地點進行培訓,並要求此類培訓為空中客車認可的課程,買方承諾培訓設施應在實施此類培訓之前獲得批准。買方應在必要和適當的時候,在進行此類培訓之前,向賣方和主管航空管理局的代表提供使用第16.2.3條規定的培訓設施的機會,以獲得此類設施的批准。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-12]16.3培訓課程16.3.1培訓課程應按照賣方客户服務目錄(《賣方客户服務目錄》)中的説明進行。賣方的客户服務目錄還規定了每門課程的最低和最高受訓人數。***。在培訓會議之外提出的所有培訓請求或培訓課程變更應由買方提交,並至少提前*通知。16.3.2以下條款和條件適用於賣方進行的培訓:(I)培訓課程應為賣方在執行本課程時有效的《客户服務目錄》中所述的賣方標準課程。賣方應負責組織培訓課程所需的所有培訓課程大綱、培訓教具和培訓設備;出於進行培訓的目的,此類培訓設備不包括飛機。(Ii)用於培訓飛行、機艙和維修人員的培訓設備和培訓課程不應完全定製,但應進行配置,以獲得相關航空管理局的批准,並支持賣方的培訓計劃。(3)應提供在賣方培訓中心接受培訓的學員的培訓數據和文件*。培訓數據和文件應標明“僅供培訓”,並僅為培訓的明確目的而提供;賣方不得提供對培訓數據和文件的修訂。16.3.3當賣方的培訓課程由賣方的講師(每一位“講師”)提供時,賣方應在任何此類培訓課程結束時交付認可證書或課程結業證書(每一證書)或證明(視情況而定)。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S。A.S.和聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA5-13如果培訓課程由賣方選擇的培訓機構提供,如第16.2.2條所述,賣方應促使該培訓機構提供證書或證明,該證書或證明不代表任何航空管理局的授權或資格,但可提交給該航空管理局以獲得相關的正式資格。16.3.4如果買方希望*16.3.5買方不使用或僅使用根據第16條提供的培訓的一部分,則不應提供任何性質的補償或信貸。16.3.6如果買方決定全部或部分取消或重新安排培訓課程,無論培訓地點在哪裏,至少需要在相關培訓課程開始日期前*提前通知。16.3.7如果通知發生在此類培訓之前*,則*應酌情從附錄A中定義的培訓津貼中扣除,或按賣方當時適用的價格開具發票,*。16.3.8如果通知發生在此類培訓之前*,則*應酌情從本條款第16條附錄A中定義的培訓津貼中扣除,或按賣方當時適用的價格開具發票,*。*16.4先決條件和條件16.4.1培訓應以英語進行,培訓期間使用的所有培訓教具應使用通用航空術語以英語編寫。16.4.2買方特此確認,根據本條款第16條開展的所有培訓課程均為“標準過渡培訓課程”,而非“從頭開始培訓課程”。16.4.3受訓人員應具備賣方客户服務目錄中規定的每門課程的必備知識和經驗。買方應負責挑選受訓人員,並對受訓人員的入職知識水平承擔任何責任。賣方保留對受訓人員的熟練程度和以前的專業經驗進行核實的權利。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-14賣方應在培訓會議期間向買方提供《空中客車培訓前調查》,由買方為每名受訓人員填寫。買方應在預訂培訓課程時,且在任何情況下不得遲於培訓課程開始前*,向賣方提供每一課程的受訓人員出席名單,以及每名受訓人員的有效資格。買方應同時交還已完成的空中客車培訓前調查,詳細説明受訓人員的相關背景。如果賣方通過空中客車培訓前調查確定受訓人員不符合賣方客户服務目錄中規定的先決條件,在與買方協商後,該受訓人員應退出計劃或通過相關的入門級別培訓(ELT)計劃進行指導,費用由買方承擔。*如果賣方在培訓期間的任何時間合理地確定受訓人員不具備所需資格,在與買方協商後,該受訓人員應退出培訓計劃。應買方要求,賣方將推薦具體的額外培訓,費用由買方承擔。16.4.5賣方在任何情況下均不保證或以其他方式對受訓人員因所提供的任何培訓而取得的表現承擔任何責任。16.5物流16.5.1受訓人員16.5.1.1買方受訓人員的生活費和旅費應為*。買方有責任就買方受訓人員參加本合同規定的培訓課程所需的授權、許可和/或簽證作出一切必要安排。由於買方未能獲得任何此類授權、許可和/或簽證而重新安排或取消課程,應遵守第16.3.5.1至16.3.5.3條的規定。16.5.2外部地點培訓-賣方指導員16.5.2.1如果應賣方要求在賣方培訓中心以外的任何地點提供培訓,如第16.2.2條所規定,賣方指導員的費用將由賣方直接承擔。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-15如果在買方的要求下,賣方的教員(S)在賣方培訓中心以外的任何地點提供了與賣方教員的分配及其履行上述職責有關的培訓*。除第16條規定外的生活費。5.2.1上述*除上文第16.5.2.1條另有規定外,買方*往返買方指定的培訓地點和賣方培訓中心。*16.5.3培訓材料和設備的可用性--除賣方培訓中心或賣方選擇的培訓機構的設施外,在任何地點執行課程所需的外部培訓培訓材料和設備應由買方根據賣方的規格自費提供。儘管有上述規定,但如果買方根據第16.2.3.1條的規定要求在另一地點進行培訓,賣方可應買方的要求提供培訓材料和設備,以便實施該培訓。該條款應由買方承擔費用。16.6飛行操作培訓賣方應為買方的飛行操作人員提供培訓,詳見本第16條附錄A,包括本第16.6條所述的課程。*16.6.1機組人員培訓賣方應為買方機組人員提供機組培訓課程,每名機組人員應由兩(2)名機組人員組成,他們應是機長(S)或副駕駛(S)。16.6.2基礎飛行培訓16.6.2.1買方應自費提供其交付的飛機或其運營的任何其他飛機用於任何基礎飛行培訓,該培訓應由每名飛行員*組成,按照相關的空中客車培訓課程定義(“基礎飛行培訓”)進行。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-16[如果需要將買方交付的飛機運送到進行基地飛行訓練的地點,則不得從基地飛行訓練時間中扣除從基地飛行訓練場和/或從基地飛行訓練場進行渡輪飛行所需的額外飛行時間。如果基礎飛行訓練是在賣方通常進行基礎飛行訓練的區域以外進行的,則應由賣方和/或買方合格飛行員組成的機組人員按照相關航空管理局關於基礎飛行訓練地點的規定,進行到基礎飛行訓練地點的渡輪飛行。16.6.3機組初期運營經驗為協助買方在首架飛機交付後獲得初步運營經驗,賣方應向買方提供本條款第16條附錄A所述的飛行員指導員(S)。如果經賣方同意,買方要求該等飛行員指導員在機組初期運營期間執行任何其他飛行支持,例如但不限於航線協助、示範飛行(S)、渡輪飛行(S)或買方在飛機投入使用期間要求的任何飛行(S),雙方理解,該次飛行(S)應從本條款第16條附錄A中規定的機組人員初始操作經驗津貼中扣除。雙方特此理解,賣方的飛行員教練員只能在他們具有相關資格的範圍內執行上述飛行支持服務。16.6.4特定類型空乘人員培訓課程賣方應在第16.2.1條規定的地點之一為空乘人員提供特定類型的培訓。16.6.5在按照第16.6條進行的任何和所有飛行期間,買方應對進行飛行的飛機承擔全部責任,包括但不限於任何必要的維護、所有費用,如燃油、機油或着陸費,以及按照第16.13條提供的保險。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。--專有和保密的LA5-17如有必要,買方應協助賣方獲得進行基地飛行訓練的賣方飛行員的執照確認或飛機註冊地航空管理局的初步操作經驗。16.7績效/操作課程賣方應按照本條款第16條附錄A的規定為買方人員提供績效/操作培訓。可用課程應列於本課程當時的賣方客户服務目錄中。16.8維護培訓16.8.1賣方應為買方地面人員提供維護培訓,如本條款第16條附錄A中進一步規定的那樣。可提供的課程應與培訓時賣方的客户服務目錄中所列內容一致。*維修培訓框架中提供的實踐培訓應在賣方培訓中心使用的培訓設備上進行。16.8.2儘管有上文第16.8.1條的規定,但在買方提出要求時,賣方可為執行飛機上的實際培訓(“實際培訓”)提供指導員。無論在何處進行培訓,買方都應自費提供一架飛機進行實際培訓。如果買方要求賣方的指導員在買方選定的設施中提供實踐培訓,則此類培訓應事先得到賣方的批准。與此類實際培訓有關的所有費用,包括但不限於賣方對設施的批准,*。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-18實際培訓的賣方講師應從第16條附錄A中定義的實習生日津貼中扣除,但須符合本條款第3.3.4段中詳細説明的條件。16.9供應商和推進系統製造商培訓根據買方的要求,賣方應向買方提供主要供應商和推進系統製造商就各自產品提供的維護和大修培訓課程清單。16.10所有權與賣方的培訓數據和文件有關的所有所有權,包括但不限於專利、設計和版權,應保留給賣方和/或其附屬公司和/或其供應商,視情況而定。這些專有權也應適用於買方可能已經或導致執行的翻譯成一種或多種語言或媒體的任何翻譯。16.11培訓材料的使用*CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-19第16條培訓津貼附錄“A”以下所示的所有數量均為買方已確定訂購的整個機隊的總數量,除非另有説明,且截至本合同日期買方已就該飛機使用的任何津貼除外。應提供本附錄A規定的合同培訓課程*。除EIS培訓(定義如下)外,本附錄A中每架已確定訂購的飛機所授予的飛行操作培訓課程應由賣方提供*對培訓交付時間表的任何偏離將由買方和賣方商定。1.飛行操作培訓1.1機組人員培訓(標準過渡課程)賣方應為買方根據本協議確定訂購併交付的每一架飛機*提供機組人員培訓(標準過渡課程)。1.2雙引擎飛機操作(ETOPS)培訓的擴展航程賣方應為買方根據本協議確定訂購併交付的每一架飛機提供*ETOPS培訓。1.3低能見度操作培訓賣方應為買方根據本協議確定訂購併交付的每一架飛機提供*低能見度操作培訓。1.除非在培訓會議期間另有協議,否則為了遵守飛機交付時間表,任何一次到場的飛行員教員的最大人數應限於*名飛行員教員。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-20[1.5特定類型的乘務人員培訓課程賣方應向買方提供*針對*買方空乘指導員、乘務員或乘務員的*特定類型的乘務人員培訓。1.6空中客車飛行員教官課程賣方應向買方提供過渡空中客車飛行員教官課程(S),用於飛行和綜合教學,*買方飛行教官*。APIC課程應以*名學員為一組進行。2.績效/操作課程(S)賣方應為買方人員提供*見習日的績效/操作培訓*。3.維修培訓3.1賣方應為買方人員提供*實習生日的維修培訓*。3.2賣方應向買方提供*發動機助跑課程,每個課程最多包括*名受訓人員。4.見習天數會計見習天數:4.1賣方培訓中心授課:*見習天數等於*見習天數。在課程開始時最初註冊的學員人數應算作已參加該課程的學員人數。4.2.在賣方培訓中心外授課:*賣方指導員授課日等於參加該課程的實際學員人數或*,不包括結構維修培訓課程(S)。4.3.對於賣方培訓中心(S)以外的結構維修培訓課程,*賣方講師授課的天數等於參加該課程的實際學員人數或賣方《客户服務目錄》中註明的學員*。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-21 4.4對於實際培訓,無論是在培訓設備上還是在飛機上,*賣方教員的授課天數等於參加課程的實際學員人數或*。不引用CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-22 5.第17條-設備供應商產品支持本協議第17.1.2條的第(Ii)款全部刪除,代之以以下引文:報價(Ii)*非報價CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-23 6.*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署了A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-24]7.轉讓本函件協議及雙方的權利和義務應受本協議第21條的規定的約束。8.保密本函件協議受本協議第22.10條的條款和條件的約束。9.本函件協議的副本可由本協議雙方分別簽署,每份副本在簽署和交付時將是正本,但所有此類副本將共同構成一份相同的文書。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA5-25如果上述內容正確闡述了您的理解,請在下面提供的空白處簽署本協議的正本和一(1)份副本,並將副本退還給賣方。非常真誠的您,空中客車公司。作者:/S/Kiran Rao ITS:首席運營官客户代理執行副總裁產品戰略接受並同意聯合航空公司。作者:/S/傑拉爾德·拉德曼ITS:高級副總裁財務、採購和財務主管CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-自2017年9月1日起,修改和重述的A350-900採購協議的專有和保密LA5-26信函協議編號6。伊利諾伊州芝加哥南瓦克路233號60606美國Re:規格重要尊敬的女士們先生們,聯合航空公司。(“買方”)和空中客車公司(“賣方”)簽訂了一份日期為本協議日期的經修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議(“該協議”),其中包括賣方根據該協議規定的條款和條件出售和購買某些飛機。買方和賣方已同意在第6號函件協議(“函件協議”)中列出有關飛機銷售的某些附加條款和條件。此處使用的大寫術語和本信函協議中未另行定義的術語將具有本協議中賦予的含義。術語“本協議”、“本協議”和“本協議”以及類似含義的詞語指的是本函件協議。雙方同意,本函件協議將構成本函件協議不可分割的組成部分,本函件協議的條款在此作為參考納入本函件協議,且本函件協議的規定適用於本函件協議的規定,但如果本協議書和本函件協議有不一致的具體規定,則以本函件協議中包含的具體規定為準。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA6-1 1.本協議的規範第2條被全部刪除,代之以以下引文:引號*非引號2.故意留空3.故意留空*8.轉讓本函件協議及各方的權利和義務受本協議第21條的規定約束。9.保密本函件協議受本協議第22.10條的條款和條件的約束。10.本函件協議的副本可由雙方分別簽署,每份副本在簽署和交付時將是正本,但所有此類副本將共同構成一份相同的文書。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA6-2]如果上述內容正確闡述了您的理解,請在下面提供的空白處簽署本合同正本和一(1)份副本,並將副本退還給賣方。非常真誠的您,空中客車公司。作者:/S/Kiran Rao ITS:首席運營官客户代理執行副總裁產品戰略接受並同意聯合航空公司。作者:/S/傑拉爾德·拉德曼ITS:高級副總裁財務、採購和財務主管CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-自2017年9月1日起,修改和重述的A350-900採購協議的專有和保密LA6-3信函協議編號7。伊利諾伊州芝加哥南瓦克路233號,郵編:60606美國Re:*尊敬的女士們,先生們,美國聯合航空公司(“買方”)和空中客車公司(“賣方”)簽訂了一份日期為本協議日期的經修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議(“該協議”),其中包括賣方根據該協議規定的條款和條件出售和購買某些飛機。買方和賣方已同意在第7號函件協議(“函件協議”)中列出有關飛機銷售的某些附加條款和條件。此處使用的大寫術語和本信函協議中未另行定義的術語將具有本協議中賦予的含義。術語“本協議”、“本協議”和“本協議”以及類似含義的詞語指的是本函件協議。雙方同意,本函件協議將構成本函件協議不可分割的組成部分,本函件協議的條款在此作為參考納入本函件協議,且本函件協議的規定適用於本函件協議的規定,但如果本協議書和本函件協議有不一致的具體規定,則以本函件協議中包含的具體規定為準。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密LA7-1*12.保密13.同行CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的La7-2*11.轉讓本函件協議以及各方的權利和義務應受該協議第21條的規定的約束。12.保密性本函件協議及雙方的權利和義務受本協議第22.10條的規定所限。13.本函件協議的副本可由雙方分別簽署,每份副本在簽署和交付時將是正本,但所有此類副本將共同構成一份相同的文書。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的La7-3[如果上述內容正確闡述了您的理解,請在下面提供的空白處簽署本合同正本和一(1)份副本,並將副本退還給賣方。非常真誠的您,空中客車公司。作者:/S/Kiran Rao ITS:首席運營官客户代理執行副總裁產品戰略接受並同意聯合航空公司。作者:/S/傑拉爾德·拉德曼ITS:高級副總裁財務、採購和財務主管CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-專有和保密的La7-4第7*CT1706024號信函協議第1部分附錄A-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-自2017年9月1日起,修改和重述的A350-900採購協議的第8號專有和保密的La7-5信函協議。60606美國伊利諾伊州芝加哥瓦克路233號Re:A350-900*尊敬的女士們先生們,美國聯合航空公司(“買方”)和空中客車公司(“賣方”)簽訂了一份日期為本協議日期的經修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議(“該協議”),其中包括賣方根據該協議規定的條款和條件出售和購買某些飛機。買方和賣方已同意在第8號函件協議(“函件協議”)中列出有關飛機銷售的某些附加條款和條件。此處使用的大寫術語和本信函協議中未另行定義的術語將具有本協議中賦予的含義。術語“本協議”、“本協議”和“本協議”以及類似含義的詞語指的是本函件協議。雙方同意,本函件協議將構成本函件協議不可分割的組成部分,本函件協議的條款在此作為參考納入本函件協議,且本函件協議的規定適用於本函件協議的規定,但如果本協議書和本函件協議有不一致的具體規定,則以本函件協議中包含的具體規定為準。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA8-1 1.引言*3買方的義務3.1*將視買方是否履行下列義務而定:*買方如不履行第3.1款規定的義務,將導致*自*起未履行此類義務的*,在未履行此類義務的期間內。*6補救措施-對賬*1.買賣雙方將共同調查原因(S)*買方提供所有相關信息、數據和記錄。2.如果本函件協議中包含的所有條件都得到滿足,則在期限結束時,賣方將*。3.賣方將盡合理努力提供*。7終止*8成本分配*11本函件協議及其雙方的權利和義務受本協議第21條的規定的約束。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA8-2], [12保密本函件協議及雙方的權利和義務以本協議第22.10條的規定為準。13本函件協議可由雙方分別簽署,每份副本在簽署和交付時將是原件,但所有此類副本將共同構成一份相同的文書。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA8-3如果上述內容正確闡述了您的理解,請在下面提供的空白處簽署正本和一(1)份副本,並將副本退還給賣方。非常真誠的您,空中客車公司。作者:/S/Kiran Rao ITS:首席運營官客户代理執行副總裁產品戰略接受並同意聯合航空公司。作者:/S/傑拉爾德·拉德曼ITS:高級副總裁財務、採購和財務主管CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA8-4附錄A-A350-900XWB交付時間表飛機1架飛機2架飛機3架飛機4架飛機5架飛機6架飛機7架飛機8架飛機9架飛機10架飛機11架飛機12架飛機13架飛機14架飛機15架飛機16架*飛機17飛機18飛機19飛機20飛機21飛機22飛機23飛機24飛機25飛機26飛機27飛機28飛機29飛機30飛機31飛機32飛機33飛機33飛機34飛機35飛機36飛機37*飛機38*飛機39*飛機40**飛機41**飛機42*飛機43*飛機44*飛機45*2027 CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司,Inc.-專有和保密的LA8-5附錄B-機身維護實踐*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署了A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA8-6]附錄C-*CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-自2017年9月1日起,修改和重述的A350-900採購協議的專有和保密LA8-7信函協議編號9。伊利諾伊州芝加哥南瓦克路233號60606美國回覆:其他事宜尊敬的女士們先生們,聯合航空公司。(“買方”)和空中客車公司(“賣方”)簽訂了一份日期為本協議日期的經修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議(“該協議”),其中包括賣方根據該協議規定的條款和條件出售和購買某些飛機。買方和賣方已同意在第9號函件協議(“函件協議”)中列出有關飛機銷售的某些附加條款和條件。此處使用的大寫術語和本信函協議中未另行定義的術語將具有本協議中賦予的含義。術語“本協議”、“本協議”和“本協議”以及類似含義的詞語指的是本函件協議。雙方同意,本函件協議將構成本函件協議不可分割的組成部分,本函件協議的條款在此作為參考納入本函件協議,且本函件協議的規定適用於本函件協議的規定,但如果本協議書和本函件協議有不一致的具體規定,則以本函件協議中包含的具體規定為準。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-1目錄0。總則3 0.1定義3 0.2總則3 1.第6條-製造程序-檢驗4 2.第7條-認證5 3.第8條-技術驗收7 4.第9條-交付9.5.第10條-可原諒的延遲10 6.第11條-不可原諒的延遲和完全損失13 7.第13條-專利和版權賠償158.第18條-買方提供設備18 9第19條-賠償和保險19 10第20條-終止22 11第21條-轉讓和轉讓24 12第22條-保密25 13轉讓26 14 15.對應26 CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司,Inc.-專有和保密的LA9-2 0。對協議的第0條定義進行了修改,增加了以下引文:引用*非引用0.2一般聲明*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-3[1.第6條-製造程序-檢驗本協議第6.3條全部刪除,代之以以下引文:報價6.3賣方為買方檢驗員提供的服務(S)*不報價CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-4 2.本協議第7條-認證條款7全部刪除,代之以以下引文:報價7.認證除本條款7所述外,賣方不需要獲得與飛機有關的任何證書或批准。7.1飛機已根據EASA運輸類別的聯合認證程序獲得類型認證。賣方將獲得或促使獲得FAA類型證書(“類型證書”),以允許簽發出口適航證書。7.2出口適航證書根據第7.3條的規定,如果飛機在法國圖盧茲交付,則飛機將與DGAC頒發的出口適航證書一起交付給買方,條件是買方(或當時適用法律下的合格人員)在交付時能夠獲得根據美國聯邦航空法規第21部分頒發的標準適航證書和由食品和藥物管理局美國公共衞生服務部門頒發的衞生結構證書。然而,賣方將沒有義務製造,也不會對為使此類飛機符合美國聯邦航空局或美國聯邦航空局的要求而改裝或改裝的任何費用負責。美國運輸部對買方航線上的具體操作的要求,無論是在任何飛機交付之前、交付時還是之後。如果FAA在簽發出口適航證書之前需要補充或修改數據,賣方應提供此類數據或對數據進行所需的修改,在任何一種情況下,*。7.3飛機準備交付之前的規格更改7.3.1如果在飛機準備交付之日之前的任何時間,任何法律、規則或法規已經頒佈、頒佈、生效和/或EASA發佈了對任何法律、規則或法規的解釋,要求對規格進行任何更改以獲得上文7.2所述的出口適航證書或標準適航證書(“法律變更”),賣方將進行所需的修改,合同各方將簽署SCN。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-5 7.3.2賣方將在實際可行的情況下,在不損害第7.3.3(Ii)條的前提下,全權酌情考慮其可獲得的關於任何擬議的法律、規則或法規或解釋的信息,以最大限度地減少因此類擬議的法律、法規或解釋在適用飛機準備交付之前生效而對規範進行更改的成本。7.3.3實施第7.3.1條所述所需修改的成本將為:*7.3.4儘管第7.3.3條另有規定,但如果法律變更涉及BFE或推進系統,則相關費用將根據買方與BFE或推進系統(視情況而定)製造商之間單獨作出的安排承擔,賣方對此不承擔任何義務。7.4飛機準備交付後的規格更改第7.3條中的任何規定都不要求賣方在第7.3條所指的任何法律或法規的遵守日期之前對任何準備交付的飛機進行任何更改或修改,或對其進行任何付款或採取任何其他行動。在飛機準備交付後對其進行的任何此類更改或修改都將在*進行。不引用CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密LA9-6 3.第8條-技術驗收本協議第8條被全部刪除,代之以以下引文:報價8-技術驗收8.1技術驗收流程8。1.1在交付之前,飛機將經過賣方制定的技術驗收程序(“技術驗收程序”)。技術驗收過程的完成將證明飛機的功能令人滿意,並將被視為符合規範。賣方將有權在不受買方阻礙的情況下進行任何必要的更改,並在此後在切實可行的情況下儘快將飛機重新提交至必要的進一步技術驗收程序,以證明已消除任何不符合規定的情況。*8.1.2技術驗收程序將:(I)在賣方通知買方的日期不遲於*開始;(Ii)在交貨地點進行;(Iii)由賣方人員進行;以及(Iv)包括不超過*的技術驗收飛行。8.2買方出席8.2.1買方有權參加技術驗收過程。8.2.2如果買方選擇參加技術驗收程序,買方:(I)將遵守賣方的合理要求,並打算在*內完成技術驗收程序,以及(Ii)最多可有*名其代表(在任何時候可進入駕駛艙的*人)陪同賣方代表登上技術驗收航班,在此期間買方代表將服從賣方代表的指示。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-7]8.2.3如果買方*不出席或買方在技術驗收過程中不配合,賣方將有權完成技術驗收過程,買方將被視為已接受技術驗收過程已完成的所有方面*。8.3驗收證書在技術驗收過程成功完成後,買方將在交付日或之前簽署並以附件D(“驗收證書”)的形式向賣方交付飛機的驗收證書。*8.4買方簽署飛機驗收證書*,將構成買方放棄根據紐約州通過的《統一商法典》或其他任何理由撤銷對飛機的驗收的任何權利,無論買方在驗收時知道還是不知道。8.5飛機使用賣方有權在交付前使用飛機,無需付款或承擔其他責任*。這種使用不會限制買方接受本合同項下交貨的義務。*引用CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-8 4.第9條-交付本協議的第9.3條全部刪除,代之以以下引文:報價9.3 Flyaway 9.3。1買方和賣方將合作獲得交付地航空局為出口航空器而可能需要的任何許可證,*。9.3.2交付後飛機從交付地點起飛或與之相關的所有費用將由買方承擔。*買方與供應公司就所有交付後飛行所需的燃料和油作出安排。不引用CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-9 5.第10條-可原諒的延遲本協議第10條被全部刪除,代之以以下引文:報價10.可原諒的延遲和完全損失10。10.2可原諒的延遲的後果10.2.1如果發生可原諒的延遲,賣方應:(I)在意識到此類可原諒的延遲後,儘快通知買方;CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.&聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA9-10(Ii)不因此類可原諒的延遲而被視為違約履行其在本協議項下的義務;(Iii)不對買方遭受或發生的此類可原諒的延遲所引起的或與之相關的任何損害負責;(Iv)在消除此類可原諒的延遲的原因後,儘快恢復履行其在本協議項下的義務,特別是將通知買方修訂的預定交付月份。10.3如果賣方根據第10.2.1(Iv)條在其通知中通知買方修改後的預定交付月份將延遲交付超過*的飛機,則可原諒延遲終止10.3.1**10.3.2。如果本協議*。賣方將在第10.3.1條或第10.3.2條所述的*之後通知買方新的預定交付月,該新預定交付月將被視為對第9.1.1條中適用的預定交付月的修正。10.4完全滅失、毀壞或損壞如果任何航空器在交付前*丟失、毀壞,或者賣方合理地認為損壞超出了經濟上的修理範圍(“全損”),賣方應將此*通知買方。賣方將在上述通知中(或在賣方獲得此類信息後儘快)列入與賣方的其他承諾和生產能力一致的最早日期,即可向買方交付替換飛機的飛機,並按照賣方通知中的規定延長預定交付月,以適應更換飛機的交付;但是,如果預定交付月為*:(1)買方通知賣方*;(2)雙方簽署本協議修正案,記錄預定交付月份的變化。如果製造和交付替換飛機需要重新啟動包括該飛機的型號或系列飛機的生產線,則本協議的任何規定都不要求賣方製造和交付該飛機。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-11

10.5終止權專有*,此類終止將履行雙方在本協議項下關於受影響飛機和未交付材料、服務、數據或其他適用於該飛機和根據本協議提供的物品的所有義務和責任。10.6補救措施第10條規定了買方對延遲交貨或未能交貨的唯一和排他性補救,但第11條所涵蓋的延遲除外,買方特此放棄因此而有權享有的所有權利,包括但不限於獲得附帶和間接損害或特定履行的任何權利。如果第10條所指的延誤是由買方或其代表的疏忽或過失造成的,買方將無權要求獲得第10條所規定的補救措施和利益。不引用CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-12 6.第11條--不可原諒的延遲和完全損失本協議第11條被全部刪除,代之以以下引文:報價11.不可原諒的延遲和完全損失11.1違約金如果飛機沒有準備好交付*可以根據第2、7或10條進行更改(“交貨期”),並且此類延遲不是由於第10.4條中定義的可原諒的延遲或完全損失,則此類延遲將被稱為“不可原諒的延遲”。自預定交付月份最後一天之後*日開始延遲交付的每一天。在任何情況下,違約金的總額都不會*。如在*日期之後的任何時間。在任何情況下,違約金的總額都不會*。11.2*11.3如果由於不可原諒的延誤,交付沒有在交貨期最後一天後六(6)個月內發生,買方有權在*期間向賣方發出書面通知,要求賣方就受影響飛機的預定交付月份進行重新談判。除非賣方和買方在重新談判期間另有協議,否則重新談判不會損害買方根據第11.1條獲得違約金的權利。11.4終止如果由於*不可原諒的延誤,交貨沒有在*內發生,並且雙方沒有根據第11.3條重新協商預定的交貨月份,則雙方都有權在*之間以書面通知另一方的方式行使權利。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-13 11.5補救措施第11條規定了買方對延遲交貨或未能交貨的唯一和排他性補救措施,但第10條所涵蓋的延遲除外,買方特此放棄因此而有權享有的所有權利,包括但不限於任何附帶和間接損害或特定履行的權利。如果第11條所指的延誤是由於買方或其代表的疏忽或過失造成的,則買方無權要求獲得第11條所規定的補救措施和利益。不引用CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密LA9-14 7.第13條-專利和版權賠償協議第13條全文被刪除,代之以以下引述文本:報價13-專利和版權賠償13.1交付時的賠償13.1.1根據第13.3.3條的規定,賣方將賠償買方任何損害、費用和費用(包括合理的律師費,但不包括損害、費用、費用、(I)任何英國、法國、德國、西班牙或美國專利交付時,因機身或其中安裝的任何部件或軟件的任何侵權或侵權索賠而造成的利潤損失和其他責任;及(Ii)根據買方可合法操作該飛機的任何其他國家的法律發出的任何專利,但自該機身或在交付時安裝在該機身內的任何部件或軟件的設計之時起,直至侵權申索獲得解決為止,專利國及飛機的船旗國均為以下公約的締約雙方:(1)1944年12月7日的《芝加哥國際民用航空公約》,並各自完全有權享有該公約第27條的一切利益;或(2)1883年3月20日的《國際保護工業產權公約》(《巴黎公約》);和(Iii)對於飛機上安裝的計算機軟件,任何版權,但賣方的賠償義務僅限於在提出設計和侵權索賠時是伯爾尼聯盟成員國並承認計算機軟件是《伯爾尼公約》所規定的“作品”的國家的侵權行為。13.1.2第13.1.1條不適用於:(I)買方提供的設備;CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-15

(Ii)推進系統;(Iii)供應商部件,*;或(Iv)非賣方開發的軟件。13.1.3如果買方因第13.1.1條所述情況而被阻止使用飛機(無論是通過有管轄權的法院的有效判決,還是通過索賠人、賣方和買方之間達成的和解),賣方將*自費:(I)為買方獲得免費使用受影響的機身、部件或軟件的權利;或(Ii)將侵權部件或軟件更換為非侵權替代品*。13.2*13.3專利和版權賠償索賠13.3.1如果買方收到書面索賠,或因第13.1條所述的專利或版權侵權而威脅或開始對買方提起訴訟,買方將(I)立即通知賣方,並提供詳情;(Ii)向賣方提供買方控制或擁有的與該專利或索賠有關的所有數據、文件和記錄;(Iii)不承認任何責任或支付任何款項,或承擔任何費用、損害賠償、費用或特許權使用費,或以其他方式採取有損於抗辯或否認訴訟或索賠的方式,雙方同意,第13.2.1(Iii)條中的任何規定均不會阻止買方支付為獲得放行飛機而可能需要的款項,只要付款伴隨着否認責任並且是在不損害的情況下進行的;(Iv)*,與賣方充分合作,並向賣方提供與抗辯或駁回訴訟或索賠有關的一切協助;以及(V)採取行動*減輕損害和/或減少可能支付的版税金額,並將成本和支出降至最低。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.-專有和保密的LA9-16 13.3.2賣方有權以自己的名義或代表買方與聲稱侵權的一方或多方進行談判,並可以賣方認為適當的方式承擔和進行任何訴訟或索賠的抗辯或和解,*。13.3.3賣方在本合同項下的責任將以買方嚴格和及時遵守本條款第13條的條款為條件,並取代賣方因任何專利或版權侵權或侵權索賠而在法律上可能對買方承擔的任何其他責任,無論是明示的還是默示的。13.4*13.5本第13條規定的賠償和本第13條規定的賣方的義務和責任是唯一的,並且買方特此放棄、免除和放棄賣方的所有其他賠償、保證、義務、擔保和責任,以及買方因法律或其他原因(包括但不限於因失去使用或收入或後果性損害而引起或與之有關的任何義務、責任、權利、索賠或補救)而對賣方提出的任何明示或默示的權利、索賠和補救。在交付時安裝在其中的部件或軟件,或任何技術數據、提供商部件或培訓材料,或其使用或銷售,只要上述條款中的任何一項因任何原因被認定為非法或無效,本條款的其餘部分將保持完全有效。除非由賣方和買方簽署的書面文件,否則不得延長、更改或更改針對專利和版權侵權行為的賠償。A.S.和聯合航空公司-專有和保密LA9-17 8.第18條-買方提供的設備8.1故意留空8.2本協議的第18.3.2條全部刪除,代之以以下引文:報價18。3.2此外,在上述18.3.1中提到的任何延遲或故障的情況下,賣方應:*:(I)*;或(Ii)如果BFE延遲超過第18.1.2.2條規定的日期*,或未在第18.1.2.2條規定的日期*內獲得批准。未報價8.3本協議的第18.5.5條被全部刪除,代之以以下引文:報價18.5.5*。不引用CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有及保密的法律9-18 9第19條-彌償及保險1本協議第19.3條已全部刪除,並由以下引文取代:報價19-賠償和保險賣方和買方各自將對各自董事、高級管理人員、代理人或僱員在行使本協議項下的權利和履行其義務期間或附帶發生的損失(定義如下)負責,但第19.1和19.2條規定的除外。19.1賣方的賠償除買方及其董事、高級職員、代理人和/或僱員的嚴重疏忽或故意不當行為外,賣方將對買方、其關聯公司及其各自的董事、高級職員、代理人、僱員和保險公司因下列原因而產生的一切損失、責任、索賠、損害、成本和開支,包括法庭費用和合理的律師費(“損失”)負全部責任,並賠償買方、其關聯方及其各自的董事、高級職員、代理人、僱員和保險公司不受損害的所有損失、責任、索賠、損害、費用和開支(“損失”):(A)對賣方的董事、高級職員、代理人或僱員的傷害或死亡、損失或損害的索賠,在任何一方行使本協議項下的任何權利或履行本協議項下的任何義務期間或因履行本協議項下的任何義務而發生此類損失時,賣方或其僱員的財產;以及(B)在技術驗收飛行期間或附帶發生的第三方受傷或死亡、第三方財產損失或損壞的索賠。19.A.S.和聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA9-19

(B)在(I)根據第15條提供賣方代表服務,或(Ii)*,或(Iii)向買方提供飛機培訓服務期間或附帶發生的第三方傷亡或第三方財產滅失或損壞的索賠。19.3通知和索賠抗辯如果根據本條款第19條有權獲得賠償的一方或實體(“被補償方”)就損害賠償向另一方(“被補償方”)提出索賠或提起訴訟,而另一方(“被補償方”)已根據該條款承擔責任,則被補償方應立即向補償方發出通知,並且(除非被補償方另有要求)將承擔並進行賠償或訴訟的抗辯或和解,因為該索賠或訴訟是補償方認為審慎的,*。索賠或訴訟的通知將附有受賠人合理獲得的與該事項有關的所有信息,並將在受賠人或其律師可能合理要求的情況下進行合作,費用由賠付人承擔。如果賠償人未能或拒絕承擔根據第19條通知給它的任何索賠或訴訟的抗辯,則被賠償人有權在其認為審慎的情況下繼續對該索賠或訴訟進行辯護或和解,並有權就任何判決、和解、費用或開支向賠償人索賠,包括合理的律師費。此外,在這種情況下,基於任何和解的合理性,賠償人將被視為放棄了對被賠償人索賠的任何反對或抗辯。19.4在第19條規定的買方承諾的範圍內,為所有飛機培訓服務投保。A.S.和聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA9-20(B)關於買方船體一切險和船體戰爭險和*危險險,致使買方船體保險單的保險人放棄對賣方、其關聯公司、其分包商及其各自的董事、高級管理人員、代理人、僱員和保險人的所有代位權,*。任何適用的免賠額將由買方承擔。買方應在任何飛機培訓服務開始前不少於七(7)個工作日向賣方提交英文保險證書,證明責任限額和保險期限由買方的保險經紀人(S)以賣方可以接受的形式提供,證明此類保單已背書如下:(I)在綜合航空法律責任保險中,買方的保單是賣方所投保的任何保險的主要保單,且不承擔任何費用;(Ii)必須提前不少於三十(30)天(但就戰爭險和*危險而言,七(7)天或通常可獲得的較短期限)書面通知賣方,才能取消或實質性更改此類保險,並且(Iii)在任何此類保險下,已放棄針對賣方、其關聯方、其分包商及其各自的董事、高級管理人員、代理人、僱員和保險人的所有代位權。不引用CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-21 10.第20條-終止本協議第20條被全部刪除,代之以以下引述文本:報價20-終止20.1終止事件-買方和賣方20.1.1在知道*發生終止事件後,立即根據本協議構成“終止事件”。(1)*須就買方展開任何案件、法律程序或其他訴訟,或在*在任何司法管轄區展開與破產、無力償債、重組、免除債務人、債務安排、清盤、清盤、解散或其他濟助*債務有關的案件、法律程序或其他訴訟,而該等案件、法律程序或其他訴訟仍未因*而擱置、撤銷或解除。(2)一宗訴訟展開,尋求為買方或*就買方的全部或幾乎所有資產委任接管人、受託人、保管人或其他相類的人員,而該訴訟仍未為*而擱置、不撤銷或未解除,或買方或*為其債權人的利益而作出一般轉讓。(3)針對買方*其資產的任何重要部分展開訴訟,而該訴訟因*而仍未擱置、未撤銷或未解除。(4)*買方或*一般不能在到期時償付其債務。20.2終止事件-買方*20.5定義就本條款第20條而言,術語“受影響的飛機”、“適用日期”、“升級價格”和“升級”的定義如下:CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-22(I)“受影響的飛機”是指賣方*已根據第20.4條取消或終止本協議的任何或所有飛機。4.2、(Ii)“適用日期”是指任何受影響的飛機在賣方根據第20.4.2(2)條交付的違約金的通知和支付違約金的要求中規定的終止事件的日期,(Iii)“遞增價格”是指(A)飛機的基本價格和(B)在本協議日期之後簽訂的SCN和MSCN的基本價格的總和,根據第4條的規定升級到適用日期。(IV)*引用CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-23

11.第21條-轉讓和轉讓本協議第21條全部刪除,由以下引文取代:報價21-轉讓和轉讓21.1轉讓除下文另有規定外,任何一方未經另一方事先書面同意,不得將其在本協議項下的權利或義務出售、轉讓或轉讓給任何人,但賣方未經買方同意,不得將其在本協議項下的權利或義務出售、轉讓或轉讓給任何關聯公司。*21.2關於出售、合併或合併的轉讓21.2.1*(A)*;(B)尚存或收購實體以賣方合理接受的形式和實質簽署了一份假設協議,同意承擔買方在本協議項下的所有義務;(C)在合併、合併或出售完成時並在緊接着完成合並、合併或出售後,不存在或將發生任何終止事件並將繼續發生;(D)對於尚存或收購實體而言,不存在終止事件的依據;*21.3賣方可隨時向買方發出通知,指定AAC或賣方的任何其他附屬機構的設施或人員,在這些設施或人員中,將提供本協議項下的服務。儘管有這樣的指定,賣方仍將最終負責履行賣方在本協議中承擔的所有義務。不引用CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密LA9-24 12.本協議第22條-保密條款22.10被全部刪除,並被以下引文取代:報價22.10保密*22.10.8本條款22.10的規定在本協議終止後繼續有效。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-25 13.轉讓本函件協議以及各方的權利和義務應受該協議第21條的規定的約束。14.保密本函件協議受本協議第22.10條的條款和條件的約束。15.本函件協議的副本可由雙方分別簽署,每份副本在簽署和交付時將是正本,但所有此類副本將共同構成一份相同的文書。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA9-26如果上述內容正確闡述了您的理解,請在下面提供的空白處簽署本協議的正本和一(1)份副本,並將副本退還給賣方。非常真誠的您,空中客車公司。作者:/S/Kiran Rao ITS:首席運營官客户代理執行副總裁產品戰略接受並同意聯合航空公司。作者:/S/傑拉爾德·拉德曼ITS:高級副總裁財務、採購和財務主管CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA9-27

截至2017年9月1日,修改和重述的A350-900採購協議的第10號信函協議。伊利諾伊州芝加哥南瓦克路233號,郵編:60606美國Re:*尊敬的女士們,先生們,美國聯合航空公司(“買方”)和空中客車公司(“賣方”)簽訂了一份日期為本協議日期的經修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議(“該協議”),其中包括賣方根據該協議規定的條款和條件出售和購買某些飛機。買方和賣方已同意在第10號函件協議(“函件協議”)中列出有關飛機銷售的某些附加條款和條件。此處使用的大寫術語和本信函協議中未另行定義的術語將具有本協議中賦予的含義。術語“本協議”、“本協議”和“本協議”以及類似含義的詞語指的是本函件協議。雙方同意,本函件協議將構成本函件協議不可分割的組成部分,本函件協議的條款在此作為參考納入本函件協議,且本函件協議的規定適用於本函件協議的規定,但如果本協議書和本函件協議有不一致的具體規定,則以本函件協議中包含的具體規定為準。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA10-1 1.*2.轉讓本函件協議及各方的權利和義務應受該協議第21條的規定的約束。3.保密本函件協議受本協議第22.10條的條款和條件的約束。4本函件協議可由雙方分別簽署,每份副本在簽署和交付時將是原件,但所有此類副本將共同構成一份相同的文書。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA10-2如果上述內容正確闡述了您的理解,請在下面提供的空白處簽署正本和一(1)份副本,並將副本退還給賣方。非常真誠的您,空中客車公司。作者:/S/Kiran Rao ITS:首席運營官客户代理執行副總裁產品戰略接受並同意聯合航空公司。作者:/S/傑拉爾德·拉德曼ITS:高級副總裁財務、採購和財務主管CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-自2017年9月1日起,修改和重述的A350-900採購協議的專有和保密LA10-3信函協議編號11。伊利諾伊州芝加哥南瓦克路233號,郵編:60606美國Re:*尊敬的女士們,先生們,美國聯合航空公司(“買方”)和空中客車公司(“賣方”)簽訂了日期為本協議之日起經修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議(“該協議”),其中包括賣方根據該協議規定的條款和條件出售和購買某些飛機。買方和賣方已同意在第11號函件協議(“函件協議”)中列出有關飛機銷售的某些附加條款和條件。此處使用的大寫術語和本信函協議中未另行定義的術語將具有本協議中賦予的含義。術語“本協議”、“本協議”和“本協議”以及類似含義的詞語指的是本函件協議。雙方同意,本函件協議將構成本函件協議不可分割的組成部分,本函件協議的條款在此作為參考納入本函件協議,且本函件協議的規定適用於本函件協議的規定,但如果本協議書和本函件協議有不一致的具體規定,則以本函件協議中包含的具體規定為準。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA11-1

0。引言*1.定義和解釋1.1本信函協議中使用的未在本協議中定義的大寫詞語和術語應具有本協議中賦予的含義。1.2“本協議”、“本協議”和“本協議”以及類似含義的詞語指的是本函件協議。1.3下列詞語應具有以下含義:*2.*成本*3.調整*4.會計和報告*6.對賬和補救*7*10.3*的條件。儘管有上述規定,本協議中的任何條款都不會削弱或修改第12條規定的買方權利和補救措施。CT1706024-修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA11-2 11重複補救措施除第10.3款規定外,根據本擔保提供給買方的補救措施不是根據協議中包含的任何其他保證或保證提供給買方的任何其他補救措施的累積,買方無權就任何單一缺陷或因任何單一缺陷而產生的成本獲得重複補救措施。12轉讓本函件協議及雙方的權利和義務以本協議第21條的規定為準。13保密本函件協議受本協議第22.10條的條款和條件的約束。14本函件協議可由雙方分別簽署,每份副本在簽署和交付時將是原件,但所有此類副本將共同構成一份相同的文書。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA11-3如果上述內容正確闡述了您的理解,請在下面提供的空白處簽署正本和一(1)份副本,並將副本退還給賣方。非常真誠的您,空中客車公司。作者:/S/Kiran Rao ITS:首席運營官客户代理執行副總裁產品戰略接受並同意聯合航空公司。作者:/S/傑拉爾德·拉德曼ITS:高級副總裁財務、採購和財務主管CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA11-4附錄1-假設*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA11-5


0。引言*1.定義和解釋1.1本信函協議中使用的未在本協議中定義的大寫詞語和術語應具有本協議中賦予的含義。1.2“本協議”、“本協議”和“本協議”以及類似含義的詞語指的是本函件協議。1.3下列詞語應具有以下含義:*3.調整*4.報告*12轉讓本函件協議及各方的權利和義務受本協議第21條的規定所限。13保密本函件協議及雙方的權利和義務以本協議第22.10條的規定為準。14本函件協議可由雙方分別簽署,每份副本在簽署和交付時將是原件,但所有此類副本將共同構成一份相同的文書。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA12-2如果上述內容正確闡述了您的理解,請在下面提供的空白處簽署正本和一(1)份副本,並將副本退還給賣方。非常真誠的您,空中客車公司。作者:/S/Kiran Rao ITS:首席運營官客户代理執行副總裁產品戰略接受並同意聯合航空公司。作者:/S/傑拉爾德·拉德曼ITS:高級副總裁財務、採購和財務主管CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA12-3附錄1-假設*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA12-4附錄2-由於下列任何原因的排除*被明確排除在*之外:*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA12-5


(I)就本第12.1條而言,賣方在飛機上安裝該等物品的任何工藝缺陷,包括賣方未能遵守該等物品製造商的安裝指示,使該製造商的任何適用保證失效,將構成工藝缺陷,並受第12.1.1(Ii)條規定的保證所涵蓋;及(Ii)考慮到該設計之日的技術水平,賣方在該裝置的設計中所固有的任何缺陷,就本條款第12.1條而言,損害此類物品的使用將構成設計缺陷,並受第12.1.1(Iii)條規定的保修所涵蓋。12.1.3保修期第12.1.1和12.1.2款中所述的保修僅限於在*內明顯出現的缺陷。12.1.4保修限制12.1.4。1第12.1.1條和第12.1.2條規定的買方補救措施以及賣方的義務和責任僅限於對任何有缺陷的保修部件進行維修、更換或更正(就軟件而言,包括提供具有同等功能的可比產品),費用和選擇權由賣方承擔。賣方可以選擇通過提供旨在糾正缺陷的改裝配件包來實施此類修理、更換或糾正,或向買方提供信用,以便在未來購買等同於買方有權更換有缺陷的保修件的價格的貨物和服務(不包括飛機)。如果賣方糾正了第12.1.1(Iii)條所涵蓋的在保修期內變得明顯的缺陷,則應買方的書面要求,賣方將糾正尚未交付買方的任何飛機上的任何此類相同類型的缺陷。在履行本協議方面,賣方將不對任何飛機延遲交付或其他原因承擔責任,也不被視為違約,原因是賣方承諾進行此類更正。或者,買方和賣方可以約定交付此類飛機,隨後由買方自費糾正缺陷,或者買方可以選擇接受交付,然後提出保修索賠,就好像缺陷在這種飛機交付後立即變得明顯一樣。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA13-3 12.1.5檢查成本除第12.1.4.1條和第12.1.4.2條規定的補救措施外,賣方還應補償買方為確定保修期內任何保修部件是否存在缺陷而對飛機進行檢查時產生的直接人工成本:(I)賣方服務公告建議在保修期內進行此類檢查;(Ii)此類檢查不能代替賣方在檢查日期之前提供的糾正措施;(Iii)補償的人工費率為內部保修人工費率,以及(Iv)用於確定此類補償的工時不會超過賣方對此類檢查所需的*工時的估計。12.1.6本第12條規定的保修索賠要求買方的補救措施以及賣方的義務和責任。1.11或任何第三方的任何作為或不作為;(Iv)買方在實際可行的情況下儘快將聲稱有缺陷的保修部件退還給賣方指定的維修機構,除非買方選擇按照第12.1.8條的規定修理有缺陷的保修部件;以及CT1706024-修訂和重新啟動A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA13-4(V)賣方收到符合第12.1.7(V)條規定的保修索賠。12.1.7保修管理本條款第12.1條規定的保修將按以下規定執行:(I)賣方對任何保修部件中任何聲稱的缺陷是否為有效保修的索賠確定將由賣方採取合理行動,並將基於索賠細節、賣方區域代表的報告、歷史數據記錄、檢查、測試、維修發現、缺陷分析和其他相關文件和信息。賣方應在提交第12.1.7(V)條所要求的所有信息後三十(30)個工作日內作出合理的決定。(Ii)運輸費用聲稱有缺陷的保修部件運輸到賣方指定的設施的費用將由賣方承擔,*。(Iii)賣方在飛機上的工作如果(A)賣方確定符合第12.1條的缺陷需要賣方派遣工作小組到買方的設施,通過實施一個或多個賣方服務公告來修理或糾正該缺陷,或(B)賣方接受飛機退回以進行或已經進行維修或糾正,則此類飛機上工作的人工成本將由賣方按內部保修人工費率承擔。只有在賣方認為需要賣方技術專長的情況下,賣方才會進行飛機上的工作。在這種情況下,賣方和買方將就工作的時間表和地點達成一致。*買方向賣方交付飛機並將其歸還買方設施的費用由買方承擔。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA13-5(V)保修索賠證實對於本條款第12.1條下的每項索賠,買方應向賣方發出書面通知(“保修索賠”),其中至少包含下列與飛機或保修部件有關的數據(視情況而定)。買方應提交保修索賠*,即發現引起買方根據第12條提出索賠的每個缺陷。應提供的最低數據如下:(A)缺陷和採取的任何行動的描述,(B)事故和/或拆除的日期,(C)聲稱有缺陷的保修部件的描述,(D)部件號,(E)序列號(如果適用),(F)飛機上的位置,根據圖解部件目錄、部件維護手冊或結構維修手冊(視情況而定)的目錄序號,(G)*,缺陷出現之日起的總飛行小時數或運行日期(視情況而定);(H)缺陷出現前最後一次到店的時間;(I)飛機的製造商序列號或“MSN”及其註冊號;(J)*;缺陷出現之日飛機的總飛行小時數和/或降落次數;(K)索賠編號;(L)索賠日期;和(M)飛機交付給買方的日期。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA13-6

保修索賠應處理如下:空中客車客户服務局保修管理Rond-point Maurice BELLONTE B.P.33 F-31707 Blagnac CEDEX France或通過空中客車世界使用合同和保修管理工具以電子方式提出。(6)更換的部件、設備、配件或部件將成為賣方的財產。買方退還給賣方的任何航空器、部件、配件、設備或部件的所有權和損失風險始終由買方承擔,但下列情況除外:(I)當賣方擁有買方擁有所有權的返還的航空器、部件、配件、設備或部件時,賣方對此負有法律應向受託保管人收取的租賃責任,但賣方將不對失去使用承擔責任;以及(Ii)返還的部件、配件、設備或部件的所有權和丟失風險,賣方提供給買方的任何替代設備或部件,在賣方裝運給買方時,將移交給賣方。賣方根據第12.1條向買方發運賣方提供的任何替換部件、附件、設備或部件後,該替換部件、附件、設備或部件的所有權和丟失風險將轉移到買方。(Vii)拒絕在保修索賠被拒絕的情況下,賣方將提供合理的書面證明。買方將向賣方支付賣方因調查和處理被拒絕的保修索賠而產生的合理檢驗和測試費用。(Viii)檢查如果根據第12.1條提出任何索賠,賣方有權檢查受影響的飛機及其相關文件和其他記錄。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司。&聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA13-7 12.1.8內部保修(I)授權買方根據本條款第12.1條的規定維修保修部件。8(“內部保修”)。*當內部保修維修的估計成本*時,買方應通知常駐客户支持代表其在開始此類維修之前執行任何內部維修的決定。*買方的通知將包括關於缺陷、估計工時和材料的足夠細節,以使賣方能夠確定估計的合理性。賣方將盡合理努力確保及時響應,不會無理拒絕授權。(Ii)授權條件買方將有權享受第12.1.8條規定的維修保修部件的利益:(A)如果買方遵守第12.1.8(I)條的條款;(B)如果買方有足夠的設施和合格的人員可用。(C)根據適用技術資料中賣方的書面指示進行維修,以及(D)僅在賣方指定的範圍內,或在賣方未指定的情況下,根據第12.1.10條規定的標準,在糾正缺陷的合理必要範圍內進行維修。(Iii)賣方權利賣方有權要求向賣方退還聲稱有缺陷的任何保修部件或從保修部件中移除的任何部件,如果賣方認為所稱缺陷的性質需要進行技術調查。此類交付應遵守第12.1.7(Ii)條的規定。賣方有權在拆卸、檢查和測試任何聲稱有缺陷的保修部件時派代表在場。1.6(V),此外還將包括:(A)關於缺陷的技術發現報告,CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA13-8(B)用於修復缺陷所需的部件:(C)部件號、序列號(如果適用)、部件描述、部件數量、部件單價、相關賣方或第三方發票的副本(如果適用)、部件總價(D)詳細工時數、(E)內部保修人工費率和(F)總索賠價值。(V)貸記買方的唯一補救辦法,賣方在內部保修索賠方面的唯一義務和責任將貸記買方的賬户。此抵免將等於執行此類維修所花費的直接人工成本的總和,加上維修中包含的材料的直接成本。此類費用將按以下規定確定。(A)為了確定直接人工成本,只計算從飛機上拆卸、檢查、修理、重新組裝和最終檢查和測試保修部件並將其重新安裝在飛機上所花費的工時。同時在飛機或其他保修部件上進行的維護工作所需的時間將不包括在內。(B)上文第12.1.8(V)(A)條規定的工時將被視為代表買方支付給買方僱員或買方已授權進行維修的第三方的綜合平均每小時勞動率(不包括所有附帶福利、保費時間津貼、社會保障費用、營業税和類似項目),在這兩種情況下,買方僱員或第三方的工作與維修工作直接相關。內部保修人工費率受賣方價格修訂公式中定義的人工指數*的調整。(C)直接材料成本由買方獲得此類材料時的價格決定,不包括賣方免費提供的用於大修的任何部件和材料。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S.A.S.&聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA13-9(Vi)信用限制如果任何保修部件的維修成本(人工或材料)超過*更換有缺陷的保修部件的費用,買方在任何情況下都不會被計入該保修部件的維修費用(人工或材料),前提是該更換部件可供購買。如買方提出合理要求,賣方將以書面形式證明賣方的此類費用。(Vii)報廢材料經賣方常駐客户支持代表同意,買方可報廢超出經濟維修範圍且不需要進行技術評估的任何有缺陷的保修部件。如果買方沒有得到賣方常駐客户支持代表的同意,立即報廢保修部件,買方將在維修期間保留該保修部件和從保修部件中取出的任何缺陷部件,期限為維修完成之日*之後或提交與此相關的內部保修信用索賠後*,以較長的時間為準。這些部件將在收到賣方在保留期內提出的要求後*退還給賣方。經買方授權代表認證的報廢保修件的記錄將至少在保修期內保存在買方的檔案中。(Viii)賣方對買方維修的責任免責賣方將不對任何第三方因買方根據第12.1.8條承擔的任何擔保部件的維修或買方根據本第12.1條採取的任何其他行動而引起或與之相關的任何缺陷、不合格或任何類型的問題造成的損失負責,買方將賠償賣方的索賠。12.1.9保修可轉讓性儘管有第21.1條的規定,但如果任何航空公司因買方與該航空公司之間的彙集協議而歸該航空公司所有,並且符合前述保修的限制和排除以及適用的法律或法規,則第12.1條規定的任何保修部件的保修將對買方以外的任何航空公司的收益服務產生好處。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA13-10對已更正、更換或更換的保修部件的保修只要包含賣方根據本條款第12.1條應承擔責任的缺陷的任何保修部件已根據本條款的條款被更正、修理或更換,賣方對該已更正、修理或更換的保修部件的保修期將為該已更正、維修或更換的保修部件的原始保修的剩餘部分或十二(12)個月,以較長的時間為準。如果缺陷歸因於買方有缺陷的維修或更換,則針對該缺陷的保修索賠將被駁回,即使隨後進行了任何糾正或維修,也將立即終止第12.1條下針對受影響保修部件的剩餘保修。12.1.10良好的航空公司運營-正常磨損買方在本條款第12.1條項下的權利受制於飛機及其每個部件、設備、附件和部件的維護、檢修、維修和操作符合良好的商業航空實踐、賣方、供應商或推進系統製造商發佈的所有技術文件和任何其他指示,以及相關航空當局的所有適用規則、法規和指令。賣方在第12條項下的責任。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA13-11 12.2服務壽命政策12.2.1範圍和定義除第12.1條規定的保證外,賣方同意,如果任何項目發生故障(這些術語定義如下),則在符合第12.2.4條規定的一般條件和限制的情況下,適用第12.2條的規定。就本條款第12.2條而言:(I)“項目”是指在第12.2.2條規定的使用壽命保單有效期內的任何時間安裝在飛機上的附件F所列賣方部件、設備、附件或部件。(Ii)“故障”是指對物件的使用或安全造成重大損害的物件的任何損壞或缺陷,但條件是:(A)該物件的任何該等損壞或缺陷並非因任何其他航空器部件或部件的任何損壞或缺陷或任何其他外力所致,及(B)已發生或可合理地預期會在重複或機隊範圍內發生。賣方在第12.1.2條項下的義務被稱為“使用壽命保單”。12.2.2在符合第12.2.4條規定的一般條件和限制的前提下,賣方同意,如果在安裝該物品的飛機交付後十五(15)年內該物品發生故障,賣方將在實際可行的情況下,以反映賣方資金參與的價格為依據,在實際可行的情況下儘快作出決定。(I)設計並向買方提供該項目的改正,並提供該改正所需的任何部件(包括賣方設計的標準部件,但不包括行業標準部件),或(Ii)更換該項目。12.2.3*根據本服務壽命政策,賣方必須向買方提供的任何部件或物件或部件將在*提供給買方,這將根據以下公式確定:*CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA13-12 12.2.4一般條件和限制12.2.4.1儘管本條款12.2有任何規定,但在保修期內,所有項目將由本協議第12.1條的條款覆蓋,而不受本第12.2條的條款覆蓋。買方的補救措施以及賣方在本保單項下的義務和責任須受以下條件的約束:(I)買方保存有關每件物品的航海日誌和其他歷史記錄,足以使賣方能夠確定所稱的故障是否在本保單的承保範圍內,如果是,則根據第12條確定賣方應承擔的費用部分。2.3.(Ii)買方遵守第12.1.11條的條件。(Iii)買方為監測目的實施賣方可能不時制定的特定結構檢查計劃。此類項目應儘可能符合買方的運營要求,並將由買方承擔費用,並定期向賣方提供與此相關的報告。(Iv)買方在物品的任何損壞或缺陷變得明顯後*內以書面形式向賣方報告任何損壞或缺陷,而不論該損壞或缺陷是否可以合理地預期發生在任何其他飛機上,並且買方向賣方提供有關該損壞或缺陷的足夠詳細資料,以使賣方能夠確定該損壞或缺陷是否受本使用壽命保險單的約束。除本第12.2條另有規定外,本保單下的任何索賠將按照第12.1.6條的規定進行管理,並受第12.1.6條的條款和條件約束。本保單下的所有索賠將包括買方可合理獲得的與相關飛機相關的重大事故的所有信息。12.2.4。4如果賣方發佈了適用於航空器的維修公告,其目的是避免故障,賣方可以選擇免費提供必要的改裝套件,或根據賣方確定的按比例公式提供。如果此類配件提供給買方,則對於此類故障和隨之而來的任何故障,賣方根據第12.2條作出的承諾的有效性取決於買方在合理時間內按照賣方的指示將此類改裝納入相關飛機。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA13-13本使用壽命政策既不是保修、性能保證,也不是修改任何飛機或機身部件以符合機身設計和製造技術的新發展的協議。根據第12.2條,賣方的義務是僅對第12.2條所規定的項目進行更正或提供替換。買方對賣方在本保單項下或因本保單而產生的任何義務或責任不履行的唯一補救和救濟將是貨物和服務的信用,限於買方為購買本保單所涵蓋的故障且與該不履行相關的任何物品進行糾正或更換而合理花費的金額,減去買方根據本條款第12.2條本應就該經糾正或更換的物品支付的金額。在不限制第12條所述保證的排他性和一般責任限制的情況下。12.3供應商保修和服務期限政策12.3.1賣方的支持在第一架飛機交付之前,賣方應向買方提供賣方根據供應商產品支持協議獲得的保修和服務期限政策。12.3.2供應商違約12.3.2.1*如果第12.3.1條所指的任何供應商服務壽命保單下的任何供應商違約,並且(I)買方已盡其*努力執行其在該保單下的權利,以及(Ii)買方在合理時間內向賣方提交了該違約已經發生的合理證據,則本協議第12.2條將適用於該等部件、設備、附件或部件已列在本合同附件F中,只要賣方能夠合理履行供應商的使用壽命政策。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA13-14在賣方的要求下,買方將把買方對相關供應商的所有權利轉讓給賣方,並由賣方代為行使,買方將提供合理的協助,使賣方能夠執行所轉讓的權利。12.4接口承諾12.4.1接口問題如果買方在飛機或其系統的運行中由於故障而遇到任何技術問題,其原因經過適當和合理的調查後,買方不容易確定,但買方合理地認為可歸因於飛機的一個或多個部件的設計特點(“接口問題”),如果買方提出要求,賣方將不向買方收取額外費用,但*將賣方或其指定人員運送到買方設施的費用除外:及時對該問題進行調查和分析,以確定問題的一個或多個原因,並建議可能可行的糾正措施。買方將向賣方提供買方擁有的與接口問題有關的所有數據和信息,並將配合賣方進行賣方的調查和可能需要的測試。在調查結束時,賣方應立即以書面形式通知買方賣方對接口問題的一個或多個原因的意見以及賣方對糾正措施的建議。12.4.2賣方的責任如果賣方確定接口問題主要歸因於保修部件的設計,如果買方要求,賣方應根據第12條的條款和條件更正該保修部件的設計。12.4.3供應商的責任如果賣方確定接口問題主要歸咎於任何供應商部件的設計,賣方將應買方的要求,承擔解決接口問題的管理工作,並做出合理的努力,以找到買方滿意的解決方案。12.4.4共同責任如果賣方確定接口問題部分歸因於保修部件的設計,部分歸因於任何供應商部件的設計,則如果買方提出要求,賣方將*。賣方將立即通知CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車S.A.S.和聯合航空公司。-賣方和任何此類供應商提出的任何糾正行動的專有和保密的LA13-15買方。該建議書將與賣方在本合同項下的任何現有義務以及任何此類供應商對買方的義務相一致。除非買方合理拒絕,否則此類糾正行動將構成買方就此類接口問題向賣方或任何此類供應商提出的任何索賠的完全滿足。12.4.5總則12.4.5.1本條款12.4項下的所有請求將同時發送給賣方和受影響的供應商。除本第12條特別規定外。4.本第12.4條不被視為對賣方施加本協議其他地方未明確規定的任何義務。賣方根據第12.4條向買方提供的所有報告、建議、數據和其他文件將被視為根據本協議交付,並受第12條和第22.10條規定的條款、契諾和條件的約束。12.5保證的排他性本條款第12條規定了賣方的排他性保證、排他性責任和排他性義務,以及買方可獲得的排他性補救措施,無論是根據本協議還是以其他方式,因賣方根據本協議交付的任何飛機、部件、設備、附件、部件、軟件、數據或服務中的任何類型的缺陷或不符合項或問題。買方承認,第12條中的權利、保證和補救措施足以保護買方不受本協議項下提供的貨物和服務中的任何缺陷、不合格或任何類型的問題的影響。對於賣方根據本協議交付的任何飛機、部件、設備、配件、部件、軟件、數據或服務中的任何不符合項或任何類型的缺陷或問題,買方特此放棄、免除和放棄賣方的所有其他擔保、義務和責任,以及買方對賣方的所有其他權利、索賠和補救措施,無論是合同、侵權行為或成文法明示或默示的,包括但不限於:CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。除非由買賣雙方簽署書面文件,否則不得延長、更改或更改本協議提供的保修和使用期限政策。如果本第12條的任何規定因任何原因被裁定為非法或以其他方式不可執行,則本第12條的其餘部分將保持完全有效。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車S。A.S.和聯合航空公司-如果且僅限於賣方作為飛機設計者或製造商的活動引起的分擔索賠,買方對賣方提出的專有和保密的LA13-17索賠不包括在本第12.5條中,因為分擔給買方的人身傷害或財產損失索賠。就本第12.5條而言,“賣方”應理解為包括賣方、賣方關聯公司和供應商。12.6重複補救根據第12.1條和第12.2條就飛機或其任何部分的任何缺陷向買方提供的補救措施是相互排斥的,而不是累積的。買方將有權獲得為其提供最大利益的補救措施,根據第12條的條款和條件,買方可根據第12條的條款和條件,為任何特定缺陷選擇補救措施,但前提是買方無權同時根據第12.1條和第12.2條選擇同一缺陷的補救措施。買方對賣方因這些保證而產生的任何義務或責任的不履行而享有的權利和補救措施將以金錢損害賠償為限,以買方為受本條款第12條所涵蓋的缺陷或不履行的任何承保部件進行更正或更換所花費的金額為限,買方將無權要求賣方具體履行義務。12.CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA13-18

本函件協議及雙方的權利和義務以本協議第21條的規定為準。3保密本函件協議受本協議第22.10條的條款和條件的約束。4本函件協議可由雙方分別簽署,每份副本在簽署和交付時將是原件,但所有此類副本將共同構成一份相同的文書。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA13-19如果上述內容正確闡述了您的理解,請在下面提供的空白處簽署本協議的正本和一(1)份副本,並將副本退還給賣方。非常真誠的您,空中客車公司。作者:/S/Kiran Rao ITS:首席運營官客户代理執行副總裁產品戰略接受並同意聯合航空公司。作者:/S/傑拉爾德·拉德曼ITS:高級副總裁財務、採購和財務主管CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-自2017年9月1日起,修改和重述的A350-900採購協議的第14號專有和保密LA13-20信函協議。伊利諾伊州芝加哥南瓦克路233號60606美國再保險公司:飛機訂單問題尊敬的女士們,先生們,聯合航空公司。(“買方”)和空中客車公司(“賣方”)簽訂了一份日期為本協議日期的經修訂和重新修訂的A350-900採購協議(“該協議”),其中包括賣方根據該協議規定的條款和條件出售和購買某些飛機。買方和賣方已同意在第14號函件協議(“函件協議”)中列出有關飛機銷售的某些附加條款和條件。此處使用的大寫術語和本信函協議中未另行定義的術語將具有本協議中賦予的含義。術語“本協議”、“本協議”和“本協議”以及類似含義的詞語指的是本函件協議。雙方同意,本函件協議將構成本函件協議不可分割的組成部分,本函件協議的條款在此作為參考納入本函件協議,且本函件協議的規定適用於本函件協議的規定,但如果本協議書和本函件協議有不一致的具體規定,則以本函件協議中包含的具體規定為準。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA14-1 1.*1.1賣方向買方提供協議項下的*某些飛機(“*”),但須遵守下列條款和條件:(I)*僅向買方授予*包括在買方的*45架飛機訂單中的*飛機,如下(每架飛機“*”):a.飛機*,b.*預定交付的飛機*,C.預定交付的飛機*,d.預定交付的飛機*,例如預定交付的飛機*,f.預定交付的飛機*,g.預定交付的飛機*。(2)買方將在*和*(“決定窗口”)之間的日期*一次性發出書面通知,表明其希望*。該通知應標明買方希望*與之有關的所有*。(Iii)買方已根據本條第1條所列條件行使其*權力的任何*,須稱為“*”,而該特定飛機的訂單將視為*,而第1及3條的條款亦適用。買方在本條款1所列條件下*獲得的任何*應仍為本協議項下的飛機,買方關於該飛機的*應失效。(Iv)如果買方沒有根據本條款行使其*,買方的*將對所有*、買方和*失效。1.2如果買方對*行使其*,在這種情況下應為飛機*,則:(I)*由買方就*和CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司製造。-專有和保密的LA14-2

(Ii)在*根據本合同偶數日*(該等術語在該融資函件協議中定義)*項下墊付的*應*。1.3如果買方就*行使其*,則買方就任何此類*作出的*。2.*2.1賣方向買方提供*代替*放棄其*和*本協議項下的*的確定訂單,但須遵守下列條款和條件:(I)*僅就*授予買方,且*為*,即*。(2)買方應在決定窗口期內的某一日期一次性向賣方發出書面通知,告知其希望行使其*代替其*。該通知應指明買方希望對其行使其*的所有*。然後,買方和賣方應以購買協議(“*”)的方式正式確定*的確定訂單,符合第2.2條的規定。(Iii)買方就*行使其*。(Iv)買方已根據本條款2中規定的條件行使其*權利的任何*飛機應被稱為“*飛機”,並將*並根據*進行訂購,但須滿足以下第2.2條的條件。如不符合該等條件,該*飛機應被視為*,並適用本條例第1條及第3條的條款及條件。買方未在本條款2中規定的條件下行使其*的任何*應仍為本協議項下的飛機,買方關於該飛機的*應失效。(V)如果買方沒有根據本條款行使其*,買方的*將失效,買方和賣方將不再有關於*的權利或義務。2.2*應滿足以下條件:(I)*應不遲於*全面生效,CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署的A350-900採購協議-執行版空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA14-3(Ii)*應包括買方和賣方就賣方出售和買方購買飛機*商定的適用商業條件,以及*3.A350*3.1如果買方在任何時間和任何原因,根據協議*擁有的飛機*少於*,則除賣方根據協議可獲得的任何其他補救措施外,*4.*如果買方根據本信函協議對任何*飛機行使其*或*,則所有*基於*A350-900飛機機隊規模的*應以方法一致的方式進行調整,以反映修訂後的機隊規模。5.轉讓本函件協議及其雙方的權利和義務應受本協議第21條的規定的約束。6.保密本函件協議受本協議第22.10條的條款和條件的約束。7.本函件協議的副本可由本協議雙方分別簽署,每份副本在簽署和交付時將是正本,但所有此類副本將共同構成一份相同的文書。CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司。-專有和保密的LA14-4如果上述內容正確闡述了您的理解,請在下面提供的空白處簽署正本和一(1)份副本,並將副本退還給賣方。非常真誠的您,空中客車公司。作者:/S/Kiran Rao ITS:首席運營官客户代理執行副總裁產品戰略接受並同意聯合航空公司。作者:/S/傑拉爾德·拉德曼ITS:高級副總裁財務、採購和財務主管CT1706024-修訂和重新簽署A350-900採購協議-執行版本空中客車公司和聯合航空公司-專有和保密的LA14-5

If the foregoing correctly sets forth your understanding, please execute the original and one (1) copy hereof in the space provided below and return a copy to the Seller. Very truly yours, AIRBUS S.A.S. By: /s/ Kiran Rao Its: Deputy to COO Customers EVP Product Strategy Accepted and Agreed UNITED AIRLINES, INC. By: /s/ Gerald Laderman Its: Senior Vice President Finance, Procurement and Treasurer CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA7-4 APPENDIX A TO PART 1 OF LETTER AGREEMENT NO. 7 *** CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA7-5 LETTER AGREEMENT NO. 8 TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED A350-900 PURCHASE AGREEMENT As of 1 September 2017 UNITED AIRLINES, INC. 233 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 USA Re: A350-900 *** Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, UNITED AIRLINES, INC. (the “Buyer”), and AIRBUS S.A.S. (the “Seller”), have entered into an Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the “Agreement”), which covers, among other things, the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of certain Aircraft, under the terms and conditions set forth in said Agreement. The Buyer and the Seller have agreed to set forth in this Letter Agreement No. 8 (the “Letter Agreement”) certain additional terms and conditions regarding the sale of the Aircraft. Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement will have the meanings assigned thereto in the Agreement. The terms “herein,” “hereof” and “hereunder” and words of similar import refer to this Letter Agreement. Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement will constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Agreement, that the provisions of said Agreement are hereby incorporated herein by reference, and that this Letter Agreement will be governed by the provisions of said Agreement, except that if the Agreement and this Letter Agreement have specific provisions which are inconsistent, the specific provisions contained in this Letter Agreement will govern. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA8-1 1. INTRODUCTION *** 3 BUYER’S OBLIGATIONS 3.1 The *** will be contingent upon the fulfilment by the Buyer of the following obligations: *** Any failure by the Buyer to comply with the obligations set forth in Paragraph 3.1 will result in *** with respect to which such obligations are not met from the ***, for the period of time during which such obligations are not met. *** 6 REMEDIES - RECONCILIATION *** 1. The Buyer and the Seller will jointly investigate the cause(s) *** with the Buyer providing all pertinent information, data and records. 2. Provided that all conditions contained in this Letter Agreement are satisfied, at the end of the Term, the Seller will ***. 3. The Seller will make reasonable efforts to provide ***. 7 TERMINATION *** 8 COST ALLOCATION *** 11 ASSIGNMENT This Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties will be subject to the provisions of Clause 21 of the Agreement. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA8-2

12 CONFIDENTIALITY This Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties will be subject to the provisions of Clause 22.10 of the Agreement. 13 COUNTERPARTS This Letter Agreement may be executed by the parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered will be an original, but all such counterparts will together constitute but one and the same instrument. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA8-3 If the foregoing correctly sets forth your understanding, please execute the original and one (1) copy hereof in the space provided below and return a copy to the Seller. Very truly yours, AIRBUS S.A.S. By: /s/ Kiran Rao Its: Deputy to COO Customers EVP Product Strategy Accepted and Agreed UNITED AIRLINES, INC. By: /s/ Gerald Laderman Its: Senior Vice President Finance, Procurement and Treasurer CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA8-4 APPENDIX A – A350-900XWB DELIVERY SCHEDULE Aircraft 1 *** 2022 Aircraft 2 *** Aircraft 3 *** Aircraft 4 *** Aircraft 5 *** Aircraft 6 *** Aircraft 7 *** Aircraft 8 *** Aircraft 9 *** Aircraft 10 *** Aircraft 11 *** Aircraft 12 *** Aircraft 13 *** Aircraft 14 *** Aircraft 15 *** Aircraft 16 *** Aircraft 17 *** Aircraft 18 *** Aircraft 19 *** Aircraft 20 *** Aircraft 21 *** Aircraft 22 *** Aircraft 23 *** Aircraft 24 *** Aircraft 25 *** Aircraft 26 *** Aircraft 27 *** Aircraft 28 *** Aircraft 29 *** Aircraft 30 *** Aircraft 31 *** Aircraft 32 *** Aircraft 33 *** Aircraft 34 *** Aircraft 35 *** Aircraft 36 *** Aircraft 37 *** Aircraft 38 *** Aircraft 39 *** Aircraft 40 *** Aircraft 41 *** Aircraft 42 *** Aircraft 43 *** Aircraft 44 *** Aircraft 45 *** 2027 CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA8-5 APPENDIX B – AIRFRAME MAINTENANCE PRACTICES *** CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA8-6

APPENDIX C – *** *** CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA8-7 LETTER AGREEMENT NO. 9 TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED A350-900 PURCHASE AGREEMENT As of 1 September 2017 UNITED AIRLINES, INC. 233 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 USA Re: MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, UNITED AIRLINES, INC. (the “Buyer”), and AIRBUS S.A.S. (the “Seller”), have entered into an Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the “Agreement”), which covers, among other things, the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of certain Aircraft, under the terms and conditions set forth in said Agreement. The Buyer and the Seller have agreed to set forth in this Letter Agreement No. 9 (the “Letter Agreement”) certain additional terms and conditions regarding the sale of the Aircraft. Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement will have the meanings assigned thereto in the Agreement. The terms “herein,” “hereof” and “hereunder” and words of similar import refer to this Letter Agreement. Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement will constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Agreement, that the provisions of said Agreement are hereby incorporated herein by reference, and that this Letter Agreement will be governed by the provisions of said Agreement, except that if the Agreement and this Letter Agreement have specific provisions which are inconsistent, the specific provisions contained in this Letter Agreement will govern. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 0. GENERAL 3 0.1 DEFINITIONS 3 0.2 GENERAL STATEMENT 3 1. CLAUSE 6 – MANUFACTURE PROCEDURE – INSPECTION 4 2. CLAUSE 7 – CERTIFICATION 5 3. CLAUSE 8 – TECHNICAL ACCEPTANCE 7 4. CLAUSE 9 – DELIVERY 9 5. CLAUSE 10 – EXCUSABLE DELAY 10 6. CLAUSE 11 – INEXCUSABLE DELAY AND TOTAL LOSS 13 7. CLAUSE 13 – PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNITY 15 8. CLAUSE 18 – BUYER FURNISHED EQUIPMENT 18 9. CLAUSE 19 – INDEMNITIES AND INSURANCE 19 10. CLAUSE 20 – TERMINATION 22 11. CLAUSE 21 – ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS 24 12. CLAUSE 22 – CONFIDENTIALITY 25 13. ASSIGNMENT 26 14. CONFIDENTIALITY 26 15. COUNTERPARTS 26 CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-2 0. GENERAL 0.1 Definitions Clause 0 of the Agreement is amended to add the following quoted text: QUOTE *** UNQUOTE 0.2 General Statement *** CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-3

1. CLAUSE 6 – MANUFACTURE PROCEDURE – INSPECTION Clause 6.3 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following quoted text: QUOTE 6.3 Seller’s Service for Buyer’s Inspector(s) *** UNQUOTE CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-4 2. CLAUSE 7 – CERTIFICATION Clause 7 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following quoted text: QUOTE 7. CERTIFICATION Except as set forth in this Clause 7, the Seller will not be required to obtain any certificate or approval with respect to the Aircraft. 7.1 Type Certification The Aircraft have been type certificated under EASA procedures for joint certification in the transport category. The Seller will obtain or cause to be obtained an FAA type certificate (the “Type Certificate”) to allow the issuance of the Export Certificate of Airworthiness. 7.2 Export Certificate of Airworthiness Subject to the provisions of Clause 7.3, the Aircraft will be delivered to the Buyer with an Export Certificate of Airworthiness issued by the DGAC if Delivery occurs in Toulouse, France and in a condition enabling the Buyer (or an eligible person under then applicable law) to obtain at the time of Delivery a Standard Airworthiness Certificate issued pursuant to Part 21 of the US Federal Aviation Regulations and a Certificate of Sanitary Construction issued by the U.S. Public Health Service of the Food and Drug Administration. However, the Seller will have no obligation to make and will not be responsible for any costs of alterations or modifications to such Aircraft to enable such Aircraft to meet FAA or U.S. Department of Transportation requirements for specific operation on the Buyer’s routes, whether before, at or after Delivery of any Aircraft. If the FAA requires additional or modified data before the issuance of the Export Certificate of Airworthiness, the Seller will provide such data or implement the required modification to the data, in either case, ***. 7.3 Specification Changes before Aircraft Ready for Delivery 7.3.1 If, any time before the date on which the Aircraft is Ready for Delivery, any law, rule or regulation is enacted, promulgated, becomes effective and/or an interpretation of any law, rule or regulation is issued by the EASA that requires any change to the Specification for the purposes of obtaining the Export Certificate of Airworthiness or the Standard Airworthiness Certificate referred to in 7.2 above (a “Change in Law”), the Seller will make the required modification and the parties hereto will sign an SCN. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-5 7.3.2 The Seller will as far as practicable, but at its sole discretion and without prejudice to Clause 7.3.3(ii), take into account the information available to it concerning any proposed law, rule or regulation or interpretation that could become a Change in Law, in order to minimize the costs of changes to the Specification as a result of such proposed law, regulation or interpretation becoming effective before the applicable Aircraft is Ready for Delivery. 7.3.3 The cost of implementing the required modifications referred to in Clause 7.3.1 will be: *** 7.3.4 Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 7.3.3, if a Change in Law relates to an item of BFE or to the Propulsion Systems the costs related thereto will be borne in accordance with such arrangements as may be made separately between the Buyer and the manufacturer of the BFE or the Propulsion Systems, as applicable, and the Seller will have no obligation with respect thereto. 7.4 Specification Changes after Aircraft Ready For Delivery Nothing in Clause 7.3 will require the Seller to make any changes or modifications to, or to make any payments or take any other action with respect to, any Aircraft that is Ready for Delivery before the compliance date of any law or regulation referred to in Clause 7.3. Any such changes or modifications made to an Aircraft after it is Ready for Delivery will be at the ***. UNQUOTE CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-6 3. CLAUSE 8 – TECHNICAL ACCEPTANCE Clause 8 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following quoted text: QUOTE 8 - TECHNICAL ACCEPTANCE 8.1 Technical Acceptance Process 8.1.1 Prior to Delivery, the Aircraft will undergo a technical acceptance process developed by the Seller (the “Technical Acceptance Process”). Completion of the Technical Acceptance Process will demonstrate the satisfactory functioning of the Aircraft and will be deemed to demonstrate compliance with the Specification. The Seller will without hindrance from the Buyer be entitled to carry out any necessary changes and, as soon as practicable thereafter, resubmit the Aircraft to such further Technical Acceptance Process as is necessary to demonstrate the elimination of any non-compliance. *** 8.1.2 The Technical Acceptance Process will: (i) commence on a date notified by the Seller to the Buyer by no less than ***, (ii) take place at the Delivery Location, (iii) be carried out by the personnel of the Seller, and (iv) include a technical acceptance flight (the “Technical Acceptance Flight”) that will not exceed ***. 8.2 Buyer’s Attendance 8.2.1 The Buyer is entitled to attend the Technical Acceptance Process. 8.2.2 If the Buyer elects to attend the Technical Acceptance Process, the Buyer: (i) will comply with the reasonable requirements of the Seller, with the intention of completing the Technical Acceptance Process within ***, and (ii) may have a maximum of *** of its representatives (no more than *** of whom will have access to the cockpit at any one time) accompany the Seller’s representatives on the Technical Acceptance Flight, during which the Buyer’s representatives will comply with the instructions of the Seller’s representatives. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-7

8.2.3 If the Buyer, ***, does not attend or if the Buyer fails to cooperate in the Technical Acceptance Process, the Seller will be entitled to complete the Technical Acceptance Process and the Buyer will be deemed to have accepted that the Technical Acceptance Process has been completed, in all respects ***. 8.3 Certificate of Acceptance Upon successful completion of the Technical Acceptance Process, the Buyer will, on or before the Delivery Date, sign and deliver to the Seller a certificate of acceptance in respect of the Aircraft in the form of Exhibit D (the “Certificate of Acceptance”). *** 8.4 Finality of Acceptance The Buyer’s signature of the Certificate of Acceptance for the Aircraft, ***, will constitute waiver by the Buyer of any right it may have, under the Uniform Commercial Code as adopted by the State of New York or otherwise, to revoke acceptance of the Aircraft for any reason, whether known or unknown to the Buyer at the time of acceptance. 8.5 Aircraft Utilization The Seller will, without payment or other liability, be entitled to use the Aircraft before Delivery ***. Such use will not limit the Buyer’s obligation to accept Delivery hereunder. *** UNQUOTE CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-8 4. CLAUSE 9 – DELIVERY Clause 9.3 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following quoted text: QUOTE 9.3 Flyaway 9.3.1 The Buyer and the Seller will cooperate to obtain any licenses that may be required by the Aviation Authority of the Delivery Location for the purpose of exporting the Aircraft, ***. 9.3.2 All expenses of, or connected with, flying the Aircraft from the Delivery Location after Delivery will be borne by the Buyer. The *** Buyer to make arrangements with the supplying companies for the fuel and oil required for all post- Delivery flights. UNQUOTE CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-9 5. CLAUSE 10 – EXCUSABLE DELAY Clause 10 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following quoted text: QUOTE 10. EXCUSABLE DELAY AND TOTAL LOSS 10.1 Scope of Excusable Delay Neither the Seller nor any Affiliate of the Seller, will be responsible for or be deemed to be in default on account of delays in delivery of the Aircraft or failure to deliver or otherwise in the performance of this Agreement or any part hereof due to causes beyond the Seller’s, or any Affiliate’s control or not occasioned by the Seller’s, fault or negligence (“Excusable Delay”), including, but not limited to: (i) acts of God or the public enemy, natural disasters, fires, floods, storms beyond ordinary strength, explosions or earthquakes; epidemics or quarantine restrictions; serious accidents; any law, decision, regulation, directive or other act (whether or not having the force of law) of any government or of the Council of the European Community or the Commission of the European Community or of any national, Federal, State, municipal or other governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency, court or instrumentality, domestic or foreign; governmental priorities, regulations or orders affecting allocation of materials, facilities or a completed Aircraft; war, civil war or warlike operations, terrorism, insurrection or riots; failure of transportation; strikes or labor troubles causing cessation, slow down or interruption of work; delay in obtaining any airworthiness or type certification, ***; inability after due and timely diligence to procure materials, accessories, equipment or parts; failure of a subcontractor or Supplier to furnish materials, components, accessories, equipment or parts, ***, (ii) any delay caused directly by the action or inaction of the Buyer; and (iii) delay in delivery or otherwise in the performance of this Agreement by the Seller due in whole or in part to any delay in or failure of the delivery of, or any other event or circumstance relating to, the Propulsion Systems or Buyer Furnished Equipment. 10.2 Consequences of Excusable Delay 10.2.1 If an Excusable Delay occurs the Seller will: (i) notify the Buyer of such Excusable Delay as soon as practicable after becoming aware of the same; CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-10 (ii) not be deemed to be in default in the performance of its obligations hereunder as a result of such Excusable Delay; (iii) not be responsible for any damages arising from or in connection with such Excusable Delay suffered or incurred by the Buyer; (iv) as soon as practicable after the removal of the cause of such Excusable Delay resume performance of its obligations under this Agreement and in particular will notify the Buyer of the revised Scheduled Delivery Month. 10.3 Termination on Excusable Delay 10.3.1 *** 10.3.2 If the Seller advises the Buyer in its notice of a revised Scheduled Delivery Month pursuant to Clause 10.2.1(iv) that there will be a delay in Delivery of an Aircraft of more than ***. If this Agreement ***. The Seller will notify the Buyer of the new Scheduled Delivery Month after *** referred to in Clause 10.3.1 or 10.3.2, and this new Scheduled Delivery Month will be deemed to be an amendment to the applicable Scheduled Delivery Month in Clause 9.1.1. 10.4 Total Loss, Destruction or Damage If, prior to Delivery, ***, any Aircraft is lost, destroyed or in the reasonable opinion of the Seller is damaged beyond economic repair (“Total Loss”), the Seller will notify the Buyer to this ***. The Seller will include in said notification (or as soon after the issue of the notice as such information becomes available to the Seller) the earliest date consistent with the Seller’s other commitments and production capabilities that an aircraft to replace the Aircraft may be delivered to the Buyer and the Scheduled Delivery Month will be extended as specified in the Seller’s notice to accommodate the delivery of the replacement aircraft; provided, however, that if the Scheduled Delivery Month is ***: (i) the Buyer notifies the Seller ***; and (ii) the parties execute an amendment to this Agreement recording the change in the Scheduled Delivery Month. Nothing herein will require the Seller to manufacture and deliver a replacement aircraft if such manufacture would require the reactivation of its production line for the model or series of aircraft that includes the Aircraft. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-11

10.5 Termination Rights Exclusive ***, such termination will discharge all obligations and liabilities of the parties hereunder with respect to such affected Aircraft and undelivered material, services, data or other items applicable thereto and to be furnished under the Agreement. 10.6 Remedies THIS CLAUSE 10 SETS FORTH THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE BUYER FOR DELAYS IN DELIVERY OR FAILURE TO DELIVER, OTHER THAN SUCH DELAYS AS ARE COVERED BY CLAUSE 11, AND THE BUYER HEREBY WAIVES ALL RIGHTS TO WHICH IT WOULD OTHERWISE BE ENTITLED IN RESPECT THEREOF, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY RIGHTS TO INCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. THE BUYER WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO CLAIM THE REMEDIES AND RECEIVE THE BENEFITS PROVIDED IN THIS CLAUSE 10 WHERE THE DELAY REFERRED TO IN THIS CLAUSE 10 IS CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OR FAULT OF THE BUYER OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES. UNQUOTE CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-12 6. CLAUSE 11 – INEXCUSABLE DELAY AND TOTAL LOSS Clause 11 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following quoted text: QUOTE 11. INEXCUSABLE DELAY AND TOTAL LOSS 11.1 Liquidated Damages Should an Aircraft not be Ready for Delivery *** may be changed pursuant to Clauses 2, 7 or 10) (the “Delivery Period”) and such delay is not as a result of an Excusable Delay or Total Loss as defined in Clause 10.4, then such delay will be termed an “Inexcusable Delay.” ***, for each day of delay in the Delivery starting on the date which is *** after the last day of the Scheduled Delivery Month. In no event will the total amount of liquidated damages ***. If at any time after the date which is ***. In no event will the total amount of liquidated damages ***. 11.2 *** 11.3 Renegotiation If, as a result of an Inexcusable Delay, the Delivery does not occur within six (6) months after the last day of the Delivery Period the Buyer will have the right, exercisable by written notice to the Seller given between ***, to require from the Seller a renegotiation of the Scheduled Delivery Month for the affected Aircraft. Unless otherwise agreed between the Seller and the Buyer during such renegotiation, the said renegotiation will not prejudice the Buyer’s right to receive liquidated damages in accordance with Clause 11.1. 11.4 Termination If, as a result of *** Inexcusable Delays, the Delivery does not occur within an *** and the parties have not renegotiated the Scheduled Delivery Month pursuant to Clause 11.3, then both parties will have the right exercisable by written notice to the other party, given between ***. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-13 11.5 Remedies THIS CLAUSE 11 SETS FORTH THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE BUYER FOR DELAYS IN DELIVERY OR FAILURE TO DELIVER, OTHER THAN SUCH DELAYS AS ARE COVERED BY CLAUSE 10, AND THE BUYER HEREBY WAIVES ALL RIGHTS TO WHICH IT WOULD OTHERWISE BE ENTITLED IN RESPECT THEREOF, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY RIGHTS TO INCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. THE BUYER WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO CLAIM THE REMEDIES AND RECEIVE THE BENEFITS PROVIDED IN THIS CLAUSE 11 WHERE THE DELAY REFERRED TO IN THIS CLAUSE 11 IS CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OR FAULT OF THE BUYER OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES. UNQUOTE CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-14 7. CLAUSE 13 – PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNITY Clause 13 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following quoted text: QUOTE 13 - PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNITY 13.1 Indemnities at Delivery 13.1.1 Subject to the provisions of Clause 13.3.3, the Seller will indemnify the Buyer from and against any damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees but excluding damages, costs, expenses, loss of profits and other liabilities in respect of or resulting from loss of use of the Aircraft) resulting from any infringement or claim of infringement by the Airframe or any part or software installed therein at Delivery of: (i) any British, French, German, Spanish or U.S. patent; and (ii) any patent issued under the laws of any other country in which the Buyer may lawfully operate the Aircraft, provided that from the time of design of such Airframe or any part or software installed therein at Delivery and until infringement claims are resolved, the country of the patent and the flag country of the Aircraft are both parties to: (1) the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation of December 7, 1944, and are each fully entitled to all benefits of Article 27 thereof, or, (2) the International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of March 20, 1883 (the “Paris Convention”); and (iii) in respect of computer software installed on the Aircraft, any copyright, provided that the Seller’s obligation to indemnify will be limited to infringements in countries which, at the time of design versus infringement claim are members of The Berne Union and recognize computer software as a “work” under the Berne Convention. 13.1.2 Clause 13.1.1 will not apply to: (i) Buyer Furnished Equipment; CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-15

(ii) the Propulsion Systems; (iii) Supplier Parts, ***; or (iv) software not developed by the Seller. 13.1.3 If the Buyer, due to circumstances contemplated in Clause 13.1.1, is prevented from using the Aircraft (whether by a valid judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction or by a settlement arrived at among the claimant, the Seller and the Buyer), the Seller will *** at its expense either: (i) procure for the Buyer the right to use the affected Airframe, part or software free of charge; or (ii) replace the infringing part or software with a non-infringing substitute ***. 13.2 *** 13.3 Administration of Patent and Copyright Indemnity Claims 13.3.1 If the Buyer receives a written claim or a suit is threatened or begun against the Buyer for infringement of a patent or copyright referred to in Clause 13.1, the Buyer will (i) forthwith notify the Seller, giving particulars thereof; (ii) furnish to the Seller all data, papers and records within the Buyer’s control or possession relating to such patent or claim; (iii) refrain from admitting any liability or making any payment, or assuming any expenses, damages, costs or royalties, or otherwise acting in a manner prejudicial to the defense or denial of the suit or claim, it being agreed that nothing in this Clause 13.2.1(iii) will prevent the Buyer from paying the sums that may be required to obtain the release of the Aircraft, provided that payment is accompanied by a denial of liability and is made without prejudice; (iv) ***, fully cooperate with, and render all assistance to, the Seller as may be pertinent to the defense or denial of the suit or claim; and (v) act to *** mitigate damages and/or to reduce the amount of royalties that may be payable, and minimize costs and expenses. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-16 13.3.2 The Seller will be entitled either in its own name or on behalf of the Buyer to conduct negotiations with the party or parties alleging infringement and may assume and conduct the defense or settlement of any suit or claim in the manner that, in the Seller’s opinion, it deems proper, ***. 13.3.3 The Seller’s liability hereunder will be conditioned on the strict and timely compliance by the Buyer with the terms of this Clause 13 and is in lieu of any other liability to the Buyer, whether express or implied, which the Seller might incur at law as a result of any infringement or claim of infringement of any patent or copyright. 13.4 *** 13.5 THE INDEMNITY PROVIDED IN THIS CLAUSE 13 AND THE OBLIGATIONS AND LIABILITIES OF THE SELLER UNDER THIS CLAUSE 13 ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN SUBSTITUTION FOR, AND THE BUYER HEREBY WAIVES, RELEASES AND RENOUNCES ALL OTHER INDEMNITIES, WARRANTIES, OBLIGATIONS, GUARANTEES AND LIABILITIES ON THE PART OF THE SELLER AND RIGHTS, CLAIMS AND REMEDIES OF THE BUYER AGAINST THE SELLER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARISING BY LAW OR OTHERWISE (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY OBLIGATION, LIABILITY, RIGHT, CLAIM OR REMEDY ARISING FROM OR WITH RESPECT TO LOSS OF USE OR REVENUE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES), WITH RESPECT TO ANY ACTUAL OR ALLEGED PATENT INFRINGEMENT OR THE LIKE BY ANY AIRFRAME, PART OR SOFTWARE INSTALLED THEREIN AT DELIVERY, OR BY ANY TECHNICAL DATA, SUPPLIER PART OR TRAINING MATERIAL, OR THE USE OR SALE THEREOF, PROVIDED THAT, IN THE EVENT THAT ANY OF THE AFORESAID PROVISIONS SHOULD FOR ANY REASON BE HELD UNLAWFUL OR OTHERWISE INEFFECTIVE, THE REMAINDER OF THIS CLAUSE WILL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. THIS INDEMNITY AGAINST PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENTS WILL NOT BE EXTENDED, ALTERED OR VARIED EXCEPT BY A WRITTEN INSTRUMENT SIGNED BY THE SELLER AND THE BUYER. UNQUOTE CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-17 8. CLAUSE 18 – BUYER FURNISHED EQUIPMENT 8.1 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 8.2 Clause 18.3.2 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following quoted text: QUOTE 18.3.2 In addition, in the event of any delay or failure mentioned in 18.3.1 above, the Seller, ***: (i) ***; or (ii) if the BFE is delayed by more than *** beyond, or is not approved within *** of the dates specified in Clause, ***. UNQUOTE 8.3 Clause 18.5.5 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following quoted text: QUOTE 18.5.5 ***. UNQUOTE CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-18 9. CLAUSE 19 – INDEMNITIES AND INSURANCE 9.1 Clause 19.3 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following quoted text: QUOTE 19 - INDEMNITIES AND INSURANCE The Seller and the Buyer will each be liable for Losses (as defined below) arising from the acts or omissions of their respective directors, officers, agents or employees occurring during or incidental to such party’s exercise of its rights and performance of its obligations under this Agreement, except as provided in Clauses 19.1 and 19.2. 19.1 Seller’s Indemnities The Seller will, except in the case of gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Buyer, its directors, officers, agents and/or employees, be solely liable for and will indemnify and hold the Buyer, its Affiliates and each of their respective directors, officers, agents, employees and insurers harmless against all losses, liabilities, claims, damages, costs and expenses, including court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees (“Losses”), arising from: (a) claims for injuries to, or death of, the Seller’s directors, officers, agents or employees, or loss of, or damage to, property of the Seller or its employees when such Losses occur during or are incidental to either party’s exercise of any right or performance of any obligation under this Agreement, and (b) claims for injuries to, or death of, third parties, or loss of, or damage to, property of third parties, occurring during or incidental to the Technical Acceptance Flights. 19.2 Buyer’s Indemnities The Buyer will, except in the case of gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Seller, its directors, officers, agents and/or employees, be solely liable for and will indemnify and hold the Seller, its Affiliates, its subcontractors, and each of their respective directors, officers, agents, employees and insurers, harmless against all Losses arising from: (a) claims for injuries to, or death of, the Buyer’s directors, officers, agents or employees, or loss of, or damage to, property of the Buyer or its employees, when such Losses occur during or are incidental to either party’s exercise of any right or performance of any obligation under this Agreement, and CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-19

(b) claims for injuries to, or death of, third parties, or loss of, or damage to, property of third parties, occurring during or incidental to (i) the provision of Seller Representatives services under Clause 15, or (ii) ***, or (iii) the provision of Aircraft Training Services to the Buyer. 19.3 Notice and Defense of Claims If any claim is made or suit is brought against a party or entity entitled to indemnification under this Clause 19 (the “Indemnitee”) for damages for which liability has been assumed by the other party under this Clause 19 (the “Indemnitor”), the Indemnitee will promptly give notice to the Indemnitor and the Indemnitor (unless otherwise requested by the Indemnitee) will assume and conduct the defense, or settlement, of such claim or suit, as the Indemnitor will deem prudent, ***. Notice of the claim or suit will be accompanied by all information pertinent to the matter as is reasonably available to the Indemnitee and will be followed by such cooperation by the Indemnitee as the Indemnitor or its counsel may reasonably request, at the expense of the Indemnitor. If the Indemnitor fails or refuses to assume the defense of any claim or suit notified to it under this Clause 19, the Indemnitee will have the right to proceed with the defense or settlement of the claim or suit as it deems prudent and will have a claim against the Indemnitor for any judgments, settlements, costs or expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees. Further, in such event, the Indemnitor will be deemed to have waived any objection or defense to the Indemnitee’s claim based on the reasonableness of any settlement. 19.4 Insurance For all Aircraft Training Services, to the extent of the Buyer’s undertaking set forth in Clause 19.2, the Buyer will: (a) cause the Seller, its Affiliates, its subcontractors and each of their respective directors, officers, agents and employees to be named as additional insured under the Buyer’s Comprehensive Aviation Legal Liability insurance policies, including War Risks and *** Perils (such insurance to include the AVN 52E Extended Coverage Endorsement Aviation Liabilities or any further Endorsement replacing AVN 52E, or equivalent coverages, as may be available as well as any excess coverage in respect of War and *** Perils Third Parties Legal Liabilities Insurance), and CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-20 (b) with respect to the Buyer’s Hull All Risks and Hull War Risk and *** Perils insurance, cause the insurers of the Buyer’s hull insurance policies to waive all rights of subrogation against the Seller, its Affiliates, its subcontractors and each of their respective directors, officers, agents, employees and insurers, ***. Any applicable deductible will be borne by the Buyer. The Buyer will furnish to the Seller, not less than seven (7) working days prior to the start of any Aircraft Training Services, certificates of insurance, in English, evidencing the limits of liability cover and period of insurance coverage in a form acceptable to the Seller from the Buyer’s insurance broker(s), certifying that such policies have been endorsed as follows: (i) under the Comprehensive Aviation Legal Liability Insurances, the Buyer’s policies are primary and non- contributory to any insurance maintained by the Seller, (ii) such insurance can only be cancelled or materially altered by the giving of not less than thirty (30) days (but seven (7) days or such lesser period as may be customarily available in respect of War Risks and *** Perils) prior written notice thereof to the Seller, and (iii) under any such cover, all rights of subrogation against the Seller, its Affiliates, its subcontractors and each of their respective directors, officers, agents, employees and insurers have been waived. UNQUOTE CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-21 10. CLAUSE 20 – TERMINATION Clause 20 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following quoted text: QUOTE 20 - TERMINATION 20.1 Termination Events – Buyer and Seller 20.1.1 Each of the following shall constitute a “Termination Event” under this Agreement and promptly upon the knowledge of the occurrence of a Termination Event by the ***. (1) *** shall commence any case, proceeding or other action with respect to the Buyer or *** in any jurisdiction relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, relief from debtors, an arrangement, winding-up, liquidation, dissolution or other relief *** debts and such case, proceeding or other action remains unstayed, undismissed or undischarged for ***. (2) An action is commenced seeking the appointment of a receiver, trustee, custodian or other similar official for the Buyer or *** for all or substantially all of its assets, and such action remains unstayed, undismissed or undischarged for ***, or the Buyer or ***, makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors. (3) An action is commenced against the Buyer *** any substantial part of its assets, and such action remains unstayed, undismissed or undischarged for ***. (4) *** Buyer or *** is unable to generally pay its debts as they become due. 20.2 Termination Events – Buyer *** 20.5 Definitions For purposes of this Clause 20, the terms “Affected Aircraft”, “Applicable Date”, “Escalated Price” and “Escalation” are defined as follows: CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-22 (i) “Affected Aircraft” means any or all Aircraft with respect to which the Seller *** has cancelled or terminated this Agreement pursuant to Clause 20.4.1 or 20.4.2, (ii) “Applicable Date” means for any Affected Aircraft the date of the Termination Event specified in the Seller’s notice and demand for payment of liquidated damages delivered under Clause 20.4.2(2), (iii) “Escalated Price” means the sum of (a) the Base Price of the Aircraft and (b) the Base Price of SCNs and MSCNs entered into after the date of this Agreement, all as escalated to the Applicable Date in accordance with the provisions of Clause 4. (iv) *** UNQUOTE CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-23

11. CLAUSE 21 – ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS Clause 21 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following quoted text: QUOTE 21 - ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS 21.1 Assignments Except as hereinafter provided, neither party may sell, assign or transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement to any person without the prior written consent of the other, except that the Seller may sell, assign, or transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement to any Affiliate without the Buyer’s consent. *** 21.2 Assignments on Sale, Merger or Consolidation 21.2.1 *** (a) ***; (b) the surviving or acquiring entity has executed an assumption agreement, in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the Seller, agreeing to assume all of the Buyer’s obligations under this Agreement; (c) at the time, and immediately following the consummation of the merger, consolidation or sale, no Termination Event exists or will have occurred and be continuing; (d) there exists with respect to the surviving or acquiring entity no basis for a Termination Event; *** 21.3 Designations by Seller The Seller may at any time by notice to the Buyer designate facilities or personnel of AACS or any other Affiliate of the Seller at which or by whom the services to be performed under this Agreement will be performed. Notwithstanding such designation, the Seller will remain ultimately responsible for fulfillment of all obligations undertaken by the Seller in this Agreement. UNQUOTE CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-24 12. CLAUSE 22 – CONFIDENTIALITY Clause 22.10 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following quoted text: QUOTE 22.10 Confidentiality *** 22.10.8 The provisions of this Clause 22.10 will survive termination of the Agreement. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-25 13. ASSIGNMENT This Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties will be subject to the provisions of Clause 21 of the Agreement. 14. CONFIDENTIALITY This Letter Agreement is subject to the terms and conditions of Clause 22.10 of the Agreement. 15. COUNTERPARTS This Letter Agreement may be executed by the parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered will be an original, but all such counterparts will together constitute but one and the same instrument. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-26 If the foregoing correctly sets forth your understanding, please execute the original and one (1) copy hereof in the space provided below and return a copy to the Seller. Very truly yours, AIRBUS S.A.S. By: /s/ Kiran Rao Its: Deputy to COO Customers EVP Product Strategy Accepted and Agreed UNITED AIRLINES, INC. By: /s/ Gerald Laderman Its: Senior Vice President Finance, Procurement and Treasurer CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA9-27

LETTER AGREEMENT NO. 10 TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED A350-900 PURCHASE AGREEMENT As of 1 September 2017 UNITED AIRLINES, INC. 233 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 USA Re: *** Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, UNITED AIRLINES, INC. (the “Buyer”), and AIRBUS S.A.S. (the “Seller”), have entered into an Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the “Agreement”), which covers, among other things, the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of certain Aircraft, under the terms and conditions set forth in said Agreement. The Buyer and the Seller have agreed to set forth in this Letter Agreement No. 10 (the “Letter Agreement”) certain additional terms and conditions regarding the sale of the Aircraft. Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement will have the meanings assigned thereto in the Agreement. The terms “herein,” “hereof” and “hereunder” and words of similar import refer to this Letter Agreement. Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement will constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Agreement, that the provisions of said Agreement are hereby incorporated herein by reference, and that this Letter Agreement will be governed by the provisions of said Agreement, except that if the Agreement and this Letter Agreement have specific provisions which are inconsistent, the specific provisions contained in this Letter Agreement will govern. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA10-1 1. *** 2. ASSIGNMENT This Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties will be subject to the provisions of Clause 21 of the Agreement. 3. CONFIDENTIALITY This Letter Agreement is subject to the terms and conditions of Clause 22.10 of the Agreement. 4 COUNTERPARTS This Letter Agreement may be executed by the parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered will be an original, but all such counterparts will together constitute but one and the same instrument. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA10-2 If the foregoing correctly sets forth your understanding, please execute the original and one (1) copy hereof in the space provided below and return a copy to the Seller. Very truly yours, AIRBUS S.A.S. By: /s/ Kiran Rao Its: Deputy to COO Customers EVP Product Strategy Accepted and Agreed UNITED AIRLINES, INC. By: /s/ Gerald Laderman Its: Senior Vice President Finance, Procurement and Treasurer CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA10-3 LETTER AGREEMENT NO. 11 TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED A350-900 PURCHASE AGREEMENT As of 1 September 2017 UNITED AIRLINES, INC. 233 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 USA Re: *** Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, UNITED AIRLINES, INC. (the “Buyer”), and AIRBUS S.A.S. (the “Seller”), have entered into an Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement dated as of even date herewith (the “Agreement”), which covers, among other things, the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of certain Aircraft, under the terms and conditions set forth in said Agreement. The Buyer and the Seller have agreed to set forth in this Letter Agreement No. 11 (the “Letter Agreement”) certain additional terms and conditions regarding the sale of the Aircraft. Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement will have the meanings assigned thereto in the Agreement. The terms “herein,” “hereof” and “hereunder” and words of similar import refer to this Letter Agreement. Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement will constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Agreement, that the provisions of said Agreement are hereby incorporated herein by reference, and that this Letter Agreement will be governed by the provisions of said Agreement, except that if the Agreement and this Letter Agreement have specific provisions which are inconsistent, the specific provisions contained in this Letter Agreement will govern. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA11-1

0. INTRODUCTION *** 1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 1.1 Capitalized words and terms used in this Letter Agreement that are not defined herein shall have the meaning assigned thereto in the Agreement. 1.2 The terms “herein”, “hereof” and “hereunder” and words of similar import refer to this Letter Agreement. 1.3 The following words and terms shall have the following meanings: *** 2. *** COSTS *** 3. ADJUSTMENTS *** 4. ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING *** 6. RECONCILIATION AND REMEDIES *** 7 CONDITIONS OF *** *** 10.3 ***. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein will operate to diminish or modify the Buyer’s rights and remedies under Clause 12. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA11-2 11 DUPLICATE REMEDIES Except as provided in Paragraph 10.3, the remedies provided to the Buyer under this Guarantee are not cumulative of any other remedies provided to the Buyer under any other warranty or guarantee contained in the Agreement and the Buyer will not be entitled to duplicate remedies with respect to any single defect or costs incurred for any single defect. 12 ASSIGNMENT This Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties will be subject to the provisions of Clause 21 of the Agreement. 13 CONFIDENTIALITY This Letter Agreement is subject to the terms and conditions of Clause 22.10 of the Agreement. 14 COUNTERPARTS This Letter Agreement may be executed by the parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered will be an original, but all such counterparts will together constitute but one and the same instrument. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA11-3 If the foregoing correctly sets forth your understanding, please execute the original and one (1) copy hereof in the space provided below and return a copy to the Seller. Very truly yours, AIRBUS S.A.S. By: /s/ Kiran Rao Its: Deputy to COO Customers EVP Product Strategy Accepted and Agreed UNITED AIRLINES, INC. By: /s/ Gerald Laderman Its: Senior Vice President Finance, Procurement and Treasurer CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA11-4 APPENDIX 1 – ASSUMPTIONS *** CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA11-5

APPENDIX 2 – EXCLUSIONS The following items are specifically excluded from the *** CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA11-6 APPENDIX 3 - FORMULAS *** CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA11-7 APPENDIX 4 –*** *** CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA11-8 LETTER AGREEMENT NO. 12 TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED A350-900 PURCHASE AGREEMENT As of 1 September 2017 UNITED AIRLINES, INC. 233 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 USA Re: *** Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, UNITED AIRLINES, INC. (the “Buyer”), and AIRBUS S.A.S. (the “Seller”), have entered into an Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the “Agreement”), which covers, among other things, the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of certain Aircraft, under the terms and conditions set forth in said Agreement. The Buyer and the Seller have agreed to set forth in this Letter Agreement No. 12 (the “Letter Agreement”) certain additional terms and conditions regarding the sale of the Aircraft. Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement will have the meanings assigned thereto in the Agreement. The terms “herein,” “hereof” and “hereunder” and words of similar import refer to this Letter Agreement. Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement will constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Agreement, that the provisions of said Agreement are hereby incorporated herein by reference, and that this Letter Agreement will be governed by the provisions of said Agreement, except that if the Agreement and this Letter Agreement have specific provisions which are inconsistent, the specific provisions contained in this Letter Agreement will govern. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA12-1

0. INTRODUCTION *** 1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 1.1 Capitalized words and terms used in this Letter Agreement that are not defined herein shall have the meaning assigned thereto in the Agreement. 1.2 The terms “herein”, “hereof” and “hereunder” and words of similar import refer to this Letter Agreement. 1.3 The following words and terms shall have the following meanings: *** 3. ADJUSTMENTS *** 4. REPORTING *** 12 ASSIGNMENT This Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties will be subject to the provisions of Clause 21 of the Agreement. 13 CONFIDENTIALITY This Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties will be subject to the provisions of Clause 22.10 of the Agreement. 14 COUNTERPARTS This Letter Agreement may be executed by the parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered will be an original, but all such counterparts will together constitute but one and the same instrument. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA12-2 If the foregoing correctly sets forth your understanding, please execute the original and one (1) copy hereof in the space provided below and return a copy to the Seller. Very truly yours, AIRBUS S.A.S. By: /s/ Kiran Rao Its: Deputy to COO Customers EVP Product Strategy Accepted and Agreed UNITED AIRLINES, INC. By: /s/ Gerald Laderman Its: Senior Vice President Finance, Procurement and Treasurer CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA12-3 APPENDIX 1 – ASSUMPTIONS *** CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA12-4 APPENDIX 2 – EXCLUSIONS *** due to any of the following reasons are specifically excluded from the ***: *** CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA12-5

APPENDIX 3 - FORMULAS *** CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA12-6 APPENDIX 4 – *** *** CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA12-7 LETTER AGREEMENT NO. 13 TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED A350-900 PURCHASE AGREEMENT As of 1 September 2017 UNITED AIRLINES, INC. 233 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 USA Re: WARRANTIES AND SERVICE LIFE POLICY Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, UNITED AIRLINES, INC. (the “Buyer”), and AIRBUS S.A.S. (the “Seller”), have entered into an Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the “Agreement”), which covers, among other things, the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of certain Aircraft, under the terms and conditions set forth in said Agreement. The Buyer and the Seller have agreed to set forth in this Letter Agreement No. 13 (the “Letter Agreement”) certain additional terms and conditions regarding the sale of the Aircraft. Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement will have the meanings assigned thereto in the Agreement. The terms “herein,” “hereof” and “hereunder” and words of similar import refer to this Letter Agreement. Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement will constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Agreement, that the provisions of said Agreement are hereby incorporated herein by reference, and that this Letter Agreement will be governed by the provisions of said Agreement, except that if the Agreement and this Letter Agreement have specific provisions which are inconsistent, the specific provisions contained in this Letter Agreement will govern. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-1 1. WARRANTIES AND SERVICE LIFE POLICY Clause 12 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following quoted text: QUOTE 12 - WARRANTIES AND SERVICE LIFE POLICY 12.1 Warranty 12.1.1 Nature of Warranty Subject to the limitations and conditions hereinafter provided, and except as provided in Clause 12.1.2, the Seller warrants to the Buyer that the Aircraft and each Warranted Part will at the time of Delivery to the Buyer be free from defects: (i) in material, (ii) in workmanship, including, without limitation, processes of manufacture, (iii) in design (including, without limitation, selection of materials) having regard to the State of the Art at the date of such design, and (iv) arising from failure to conform to the Specification, except as to those portions of the Specification that are expressly stated in the Specification to be estimates or approximations or design aims. For the purpose of this Agreement, the term “Warranted Part” will mean any Seller proprietary component, equipment, software, or part, that (a) is installed on an Aircraft at Delivery, (b) is manufactured to the detail design of the Seller or a subcontractor of the Seller and (c) bears a Seller’s part number at the time of Delivery. 12.1.2 Exclusions The warranties set forth in Clause 12.1.1 will not apply to Buyer Furnished Equipment, Propulsion Systems, or to any component, accessory, equipment or part purchased by the Buyer that is not a Warranted Part, provided, however, that: CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-2

(i) any defect in the Seller’s workmanship in respect of the installation of such items in the Aircraft, including any failure by the Seller to conform to the installation instructions of the manufacturers of such items that invalidates any applicable warranty from such manufacturers, will constitute a defect in workmanship for the purpose of this Clause 12.1 and be covered by the warranty set forth in Clause 12.1.1(ii), and (ii) any defect inherent in the Seller’s design of the installation, considering the state of the art at the date of such design, that impairs the use of such items will constitute a defect in design for the purposes of this Clause 12.1 and be covered by the warranty set forth in Clause 12.1.1(iii). 12.1.3 Warranty Periods The warranties described in Clauses 12.1.1 and 12.1.2 will be limited to those defects that become apparent within ***. 12.1.4 Limitations of Warranty The Buyer’s remedy and the Seller’s obligation and liability under Clauses 12.1.1 and 12.1.2 are limited to, at the Seller’s expense and option, the repair, replacement or correction (to include, in the case of software, supply of a comparable product with equivalent function) of any defective Warranted Part. The Seller may elect to effect such repair, replacement or correction by supplying modification kits designed to rectify the defect or by furnishing a credit to the Buyer for the future purchase of goods and services (not including Aircraft) equal to the price at which the Buyer is then entitled to acquire a replacement for the defective Warranted Part. If the Seller corrects a defect covered by Clause 12.1.1(iii) that becomes apparent within the Warranty Period, on the Buyer’s written request the Seller will correct any such defect of the same type in any Aircraft that has not already been delivered to the Buyer. The Seller will not be responsible for, nor deemed to be in default on account of any delay in Delivery of any Aircraft or otherwise, in respect of performance of this Agreement, due to the Seller’s undertaking to make such correction. Alternatively, the Buyer and the Seller may agree to deliver such Aircraft with subsequent correction of the defect by the Buyer at the Seller’s expense, or the Buyer may elect to accept Delivery and thereafter file a Warranty Claim as though the defect had become apparent immediately after Delivery of such Aircraft. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-3 12.1.5 Cost of Inspection In addition to the remedies set forth in Clauses and, the Seller will reimburse the direct labor costs incurred by the Buyer in performing inspections of the Aircraft that are conducted to determine whether or not a defect exists in any Warranted Part within the Warranty Period subject to the following conditions: (i) Such inspections are recommended in a Seller Service Bulletin to be performed within the Warranty Period; (ii) Such inspections are not performed in lieu of corrective action that has been provided by the Seller prior to the dates of such inspection; (iii) the labor rate for the reimbursements will be the In-house Warranty Labor Rate, and (iv) the manhours used to determine such reimbursement will not exceed the Seller’s *** estimate of the *** manhours required for such inspections. 12.1.6 Warranty Claim Requirements The Buyer’s remedy and the Seller’s obligation and liability under this Clause 12.1 with respect to each claimed defect are subject to the following conditions: (i) the defect has becomes apparent within the Warranty Period, (ii) the Buyer has filed a Warranty Claim *** of a defect becoming apparent, except where the Seller has issued a Service Bulletin intended to provide a Remedy for such a defect, in which case the Warranty Claim must be filed no later than *** following embodiment of the Seller Service Bulletin in the Aircraft; (iii) the Buyer has submitted to the Seller evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Seller that (i) the claimed defect is due to a matter covered under the provisions of this Clause 12, and (ii) that such defect did not result from any act or omission of the Buyer (except when such act or omission is in accordance with the Seller’s instructions), including but not limited to, any failure to operate and maintain the affected Aircraft or part thereof in accordance with the standards set forth in Clause 12.1.11 or from any act or omission of any third party; (iv) the Buyer returns the Warranted Part claimed to be defective to the repair facilities designated by the Seller as soon as practicable, unless the Buyer elects to repair a defective Warranted Part in accordance with the provisions of Clause 12.1.8; and CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-4 (v) the Seller’s receives a Warranty Claim complying with the provisions of Clause 12.1.7(v). 12.1.7 Warranty Administration The warranties set forth in this Clause 12.1 will be administered as hereinafter provided: (i) Claim Determination Determination by the Seller as to whether any claimed defect in any Warranted Part is a valid Warranty Claim will be made by the Seller, acting reasonably, and will be based on claim details, reports from the Seller’s regional representative, historical data logs, inspections, tests, findings during repair, defect analysis and other relevant documents and information. The Seller will make reasonable efforts to make such determination within thirty (30) Business Days of the submission of all information required by Clause 12.1.7(v). (ii) Transportation Costs The cost of transporting a Warranted Part claimed to be defective to the facilities designated by the Seller will be borne by the Seller, ***. (iii) On-Aircraft Work by the Seller If either (a) the Seller determines that a defect subject to this Clause 12.1 requires the dispatch by the Seller of a Seller’s working team to the Buyer’s facilities, to repair or correct such defect through implementation of one or more Seller’s Service Bulletins, or (b) the Seller accepts the return of an Aircraft to perform or have performed a repair or correction, then, the labor costs for such on-Aircraft work will be borne by the Seller at the In-House Warranty Labor Rate. On-Aircraft work by the Seller will be undertaken only if, in the Seller’s opinion, the work requires the Seller’s technical expertise. In such case, the Seller and the Buyer will agree on a schedule and place for the work to be performed. (iv) Return of an Aircraft If the Buyer desires to return an Aircraft to the Seller for consideration of a Warranty Claim, the Buyer will notify the Seller of its intention to do so, and the Seller will, prior to such return, have the right to inspect such Aircraft, and without prejudice to the Seller’s rights hereunder, to repair such Aircraft either at the Buyer’s facilities or at another place acceptable to the Seller. *** Aircraft by the Buyer to the Seller and return of such Aircraft to the Buyer’s facilities will be at the Buyer’s expense. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-5 (v) Warranty Claim Substantiation For each claim under this Clause 12.1 the Buyer will give written notice (a “Warranty Claim”) to the Seller that contains at least the data listed below with respect to an Aircraft or Warranted Part, as applicable. The Buyer will deliver the Warranty Claim *** of discovering each defect giving rise to a claim by the Buyer under this Clause 12. The minimum data to be supplied are as follows: (a) Description of the defect and any action taken, (b) Date of incident and/or removal, (c) Description of the Warranted Part claimed to be defective, (d) Part number, (e) Serial number (if applicable), (f) Position on Aircraft, according to Catalog Sequence Number of the Illustrated Parts Catalog, Component Maintenance Manual or Structural Repair Manual as applicable, (g) ***, total flying hours or dates operated, as applicable, at the date of appearance of a defect, (h) Time since last shop visit before appearance of the defect, (i) Manufacturer’s serial number or “MSN” of the Aircraft and/or its registration number, (j) ***, Aircraft total flying hours and/or number of landings at the date of appearance of defect, (k) Claim number, (l) Date of claim and (m) Date of Delivery of an Aircraft to the Buyer. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-6

Warranty Claims are to be addressed as follows: AIRBUS CUSTOMER SERVICES DIRECTORATE WARRANTY ADMINISTRATION ROND-POINT MAURICE BELLONTE B.P. 33 F-31707 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE Or electronically through Airbus World, using the contracts and warranty administration tool. (vi) Replacements Replaced components, equipment, accessories or parts will become the Seller’s property. Title to and risk of loss of any Aircraft, component, accessory, equipment or part returned by the Buyer to the Seller will at all times remain with the Buyer, except that (i) when the Seller has possession of a returned Aircraft, component, accessory, equipment or part to which the Buyer has title, the Seller will have such responsibility therefor as is chargeable by law to a bailee for hire, but the Seller will not be liable for loss of use, and (ii) title to and risk of loss of a returned component, accessory, equipment or part will pass to the Seller on shipment by the Seller to the Buyer of any item furnished by the Seller to the Buyer as a replacement therefor. Upon the Seller’s shipment to the Buyer of any replacement component, accessory, equipment or part provided by the Seller pursuant to this Clause 12.1, title to and risk of loss of such replacement component, accessory, equipment or part will pass to the Buyer. (vii) Rejection The Seller will provide reasonable written substantiation in case of rejection of a Warranty Claim. The Buyer will pay to the Seller reasonable inspection and test charges incurred by the Seller in connection with the investigation and processing of a rejected Warranty Claim. (viii) Inspection The Seller will have the right to inspect the affected Aircraft and documents and other records relating thereto in the event of any claim under this Clause 12.1. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-7 12.1.8 In-house Warranty (i) Authorization The Buyer is hereby authorized to repair Warranted Parts, subject to the terms of this Clause 12.1.8 (“In-house Warranty Repair”). ***, when the estimated cost of an In-house Warranty Repair ***, the Buyer will notify the Resident Customer Support Representative, of its decision to perform any in-house repairs before such repairs are commenced. *** the Buyer’s notice will include sufficient detail regarding the defect, estimated labor hours and material to allow the Seller to ascertain the reasonableness of the estimate. The Seller will use reasonable efforts to ensure a prompt response and will not unreasonably withhold authorization. (ii) Conditions of Authorization The Buyer will be entitled to the benefits under this Clause 12.1.8 for repair of Warranted Parts: (a) if the Buyer complies with the terms of Clause 12.1.8(i); (b) if adequate facilities and qualified personnel are available to the Buyer. (c) provided that repairs are to be performed in accordance with the Seller’s written instructions set forth in applicable Technical Data and (d) only to the extent specified by the Seller, or, in the absence of the Seller’s specifying, to the extent reasonably necessary to correct the defect, in accordance with the standards set forth in Clause 12.1.10. (iii) Seller’s Rights The Seller will have the right to require the return to Seller of any Warranted Part, or any part removed therefrom, that is claimed to be defective, if, in the Seller’s judgment, the nature of the claimed defect requires technical investigation. Such delivery will be subject to the provisions of Clause 12.1.7(ii). The Seller will have the right to have a representative present during the disassembly, inspection and testing of any Warranted Part claimed to be defective. (iv) In-house Warranty Claim Substantiation Claims for In-house Warranty Repair credit must be submitted to the Seller no later than *** after completion of such In-house Warranty Repair, and will comply with the requirements for Warranty Claims under Clause 12.1.6(v) and in addition will include: (a) a report of technical findings with respect to the defect, CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-8 (b) for parts required to remedy the defect: (c) part numbers, serial numbers (if applicable), description of the parts, quantity of parts, unit price of parts, copies of related Seller’s or third party’s invoices (if applicable), total price of parts (d) detailed number of labor hours, (e) In-house Warranty Labor Rate, and (f) total claim value. (v) Credit The Buyer’s sole remedy, and the Seller’s sole obligation and liability, in respect of In-house Warranty Repair claims, will be a credit to the Buyer’s account. Such credit will be equal to the sum of the direct labor cost expended in performing such repair, plus the direct cost of materials incorporated in the repair. Such costs will be determined as set forth below. (a) To determine direct labor costs, only the man-hours spent on removal from the Aircraft disassembly, inspection, repair, reassembly, and final inspection and test of the Warranted Part, and reinstallation thereof on the Aircraft will be counted. The hours required for maintenance work concurrently being carried out on the Aircraft or other Warranted Part will not be included. (b) The hours counted as set forth in Clause 12.1.8 (v)(a) above will be ***, which is deemed to represent the Buyer’s composite average hourly labor rate (excluding all fringe benefits, premium time allowances, social security charges, business taxes and similar items) paid to the Buyer’s employees or to a third party that the Buyer has authorized to perform the repair, whose jobs, in both cases, are directly related to the performance of the repair. This labor rate is *** (the “In- house Warranty Labor Rate”). The In-house Warranty Labor Rate is subject to adjustment *** Labor Index defined in the Seller Price Revision Formula. (c) Direct material costs are determined by the prices at which the Buyer acquired such material, excluding any parts and materials used for overhaul furnished free of charge by the Seller. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-9 (vi) Limitation on Credit The Buyer will in no event be credited for repair costs (labor or material) for any Warranted Part to the extent such repair costs exceed in the *** for a replacement of such defective Warranted Part provided such replacement part is available for purchase. The Seller will substantiate such Seller costs in writing on reasonable request by the Buyer. (vii) Scrapped Material The Buyer may, with the agreement of the Seller’s Resident Customer Support Representative, scrap any defective Warranted Parts that are beyond economic repair and not required for technical evaluation. If the Buyer does not obtain the agreement of the Seller’s Resident Customer Support Representative to scrap a Warranted Part immediately, the Buyer will retain such Warranted Part and any defective part removed from a Warranted Part during repair for a period of either *** after the date of completion of repair or *** after submission of a claim for In-house Warranty Repair credit relating thereto, whichever is longer. Such parts will be returned to the Seller *** of receipt of the Seller’s request therefor, made within such retention periods. A record of scrapped Warranted Parts, certified by an authorized representative of the Buyer, will be kept in the Buyer’s file for at least the duration of the Warranty Period. (viii) DISCLAIMER OF SELLER LIABILITY FOR BUYER’S REPAIR THE SELLER WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR, AND THE BUYER WILL INDEMNIFY THE SELLER AGAINST, THE CLAIMS OF ANY THIRD PARTIES FOR LOSSES DUE TO ANY DEFECT, NONCONFORMANCE OR PROBLEM OF ANY KIND, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY REPAIR OF WARRANTED PARTS UNDERTAKEN BY THE BUYER UNDER THIS CLAUSE 12.1.8 OR ANY OTHER ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN BY THE BUYER UNDER THIS CLAUSE 12.1.8, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS ASSERTED IN CONTRACT OR IN TORT, OR IS PREMISED ON ALLEGED, ACTUAL, IMPUTED, ORDINARY OR INTENTIONAL ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF THE BUYER OR THE SELLER, ***. 12.1.9 Warranty Transferability Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 21.1, the warranties provided for in this Clause 12.1 for any Warranted Part will accrue to the benefit of any airline in revenue service other than the Buyer, if the Warranted Part enters into the possession of any such airline as a result of a pooling agreement between such airline and the Buyer, in accordance with the terms and subject to the limitations and exclusions of the foregoing warranties and to applicable laws or regulations. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-10 Warranty for Corrected, Replacement or Repaired Warranted Parts Whenever any Warranted Part that contains a defect for which the Seller is liable under this Clause 12.1 has been corrected, repaired or replaced pursuant to the terms hereof, the period of the Seller’s warranty with respect to such corrected, repaired or replacement Warranted Part, will be the remaining portion of the original warranty in respect of such corrected, repaired or replaced Warranted Part or twelve (12) months, whichever is longer. If a defect is attributable to a defective repair or replacement by the Buyer, a Warranty Claim with respect to such defect will be rejected, notwithstanding any subsequent correction or repair, and will immediately terminate the remaining warranties under this Clause 12.1 in respect of the affected Warranted Part. 12.1.10 Good Airline Operation - Normal Wear and Tear The Buyer’s rights under this Clause 12.1 are subject to the Aircraft and each component, equipment, accessory and part thereof being maintained, overhauled, repaired and operated in accordance with good commercial airline practice, all technical documentation and any other instructions issued by the Seller, the Suppliers or the Propulsion Systems Manufacturer and all applicable rules, regulations and directives of the relevant Aviation Authorities. The Seller’s liability under this Clause 12.1 will not extend to normal wear and tear or to (i) any Aircraft or component, equipment, accessory or part thereof that has been repaired, altered or modified after Delivery in a manner other than that approved by the Seller; (ii) any Aircraft or component, equipment, accessory or part thereof that has been operated in a damaged state; or (iii) any component, equipment, accessory or part from which the trademark, trade name, part or serial number or other identification marks have been removed, ****. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-11 12.2 Service Life Policy 12.2.1 Scope and Definitions In addition to the warranties set forth in Clause 12.1, the Seller agrees that should a Failure occur in any Item (as these terms are defined below), then, subject to the general conditions and limitations set forth in Clause 12.2.4, the provisions of this Clause 12.2 will apply. For the purposes of this Clause 12.2: (i) “Item” means any of the Seller components, equipment, accessories or parts listed in Exhibit F that are installed on an Aircraft at any time during the period of effectiveness of the Service Life Policy specified in Clause 12.2.2. (ii) “Failure” means any breakage of, or defect in, an Item that materially impairs the utility or safety of the Item, provided that (a) any such breakage of, or defect in, such Item did not result from any breakage or defect in any other Aircraft part or component or from any other extrinsic force and (b) has occurred or can reasonably be expected to occur on a repetitive or fleetwide basis. The Seller’s obligations under this Clause 12.1.2 are referred to as the “Service Life Policy.” 12.2.2 Periods and Seller’s Undertaking Subject to the general conditions and limitations set forth in Clause 12.2.4, the Seller agrees that if a Failure occurs in an Item within fifteen (15) years after the Delivery of the Aircraft in which such Item is installed, the Seller will, at its discretion, as promptly as practicable and for a price that reflects the Seller’s financial participation as hereinafter provided, either: (i) design and furnish to the Buyer a correction for such Item and provide any parts required for such correction (including Seller designed standard parts but excluding industry standard parts), or (ii) replace such Item. 12.2.3 *** Any part or Item or part that the Seller is required to furnish to the Buyer under this Service Life Policy will be furnished to the Buyer at the ***, which will be determined in accordance with the following formula: *** CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-12 12.2.4 General Conditions and Limitations Notwithstanding any provision of this Clause 12.2, during the Warranty Period, all Items will be covered by the provisions of Clause 12.1 of this Agreement and not by the provisions of this Clause 12.2. The Buyer’s remedies and the Seller’s obligations and liabilities under this Service Life Policy are subject to the following conditions: (i) The Buyer maintains log books and other historical records with respect to each Item adequate to enable the Seller to determine whether the alleged Failure is covered by this Service Life Policy and, if so, to define the portion of the cost to be borne by the Seller in accordance with Clause 12.2.3. (ii) The Buyer complies with the conditions of Clause 12.1.11. (iii) The Buyer implements specific structural inspection programs for monitoring purposes as may be established from time to time by the Seller. Such programs will be, to the extent possible, compatible with the Buyer’s operational requirements and will be carried out at the Buyer’s expense, reports relating thereto to be regularly furnished to the Seller. (iv) The Buyer reports in writing any breakage or defect to the Seller within *** after any breakage or defect in an Item becomes apparent, whether or not the breakage or defect can reasonably be expected to occur in any other Aircraft, and the Buyer provides the Seller with sufficient detail about the breakage or defect to enable the Seller to determine whether said breakage or defect is subject to this Service Life Policy. Except as otherwise provided in this Clause 12.2, any claim under this Service Life Policy will be administered as provided in, and will be subject to the terms and conditions of, Clause 12.1.6. All claims under this Service Life Policy will include all information reasonably available to the Buyer regarding significant incidents relating to the relevant Aircraft. If the Seller has issued a service bulletin modification applicable to an Aircraft, the purpose of which is to avoid a Failure, the Seller may elect to supply the necessary modification kit free of charge or under a pro rata formula established by the Seller. If such a kit is so offered to the Buyer, then, in respect of such Failure and any Failures that could ensue therefrom, the validity of the Seller’s commitment under this Clause 12.2 will be subject to the Buyer’s incorporating such modification in the relevant Aircraft, within a reasonable time, in accordance with the Seller’s instructions. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-13 THIS SERVICE LIFE POLICY IS NEITHER A WARRANTY, PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE, NOR AN AGREEMENT TO MODIFY ANY AIRCRAFT OR AIRFRAME COMPONENTS TO CONFORM TO NEW DEVELOPMENTS OCCURRING IN THE STATE OF AIRFRAME DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING ART. THE SELLER’S OBLIGATION UNDER THIS CLAUSE 12.2 IS TO MAKE ONLY THOSE CORRECTIONS TO THE ITEMS OR FURNISH REPLACEMENTS THEREFOR AS PROVIDED IN THIS CLAUSE 12.2. THE BUYER’S SOLE REMEDY AND RELIEF FOR THE NONPERFORMANCE OF ANY OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF THE SELLER ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF THIS SERVICE LIFE POLICY WILL BE IN A CREDIT FOR GOODS AND SERVICES, LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT THE BUYER REASONABLY EXPENDS IN PROCURING A CORRECTION OR REPLACEMENT FOR ANY ITEM THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF A FAILURE COVERED BY THIS SERVICE LIFE POLICY AND TO WHICH SUCH NONPERFORMANCE IS RELATED, LESS THE AMOUNT THAT THE BUYER OTHERWISE WOULD HAVE BEEN REQUIRED TO PAY UNDER THIS CLAUSE 12.2 IN RESPECT OF SUCH CORRECTED OR REPLACEMENT ITEM. WITHOUT LIMITING THE EXCLUSIVITY OF WARRANTIES AND GENERAL LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY PROVISIONS SET FORTH IN CLAUSE 12.5, THE BUYER HEREBY WAIVES, RELEASES AND RENOUNCES ALL CLAIMS TO ANY FURTHER DIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS AND ALL OTHER RIGHTS, CLAIMS AND REMEDIES, ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF THIS SERVICE LIFE POLICY. 12.3 Supplier Warranties and Service Life Policies 12.3.1 Seller’s Support Before Delivery of the first Aircraft, the Seller will provide the Buyer with the warranties and service life policies that the Seller has obtained pursuant to the Supplier Product Support Agreements. 12.3.2 Supplier’s Default *** If any Supplier under any Supplier service life policy referred to in to Clause 12.3.1 defaults in the performance of any material obligation under such service life policy, and (i) the Buyer has used its *** efforts to enforce its rights under such service life policy, and (ii) the Buyer submits within reasonable time to the Seller reasonable evidence that such default has occurred, then Clause 12.2 of this Agreement will apply to the extent the same would have applied had such component, equipment, accessory or part been listed in Exhibit F hereto, to the extent that the Seller can reasonably perform said Supplier’s service life policy. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-14 At the Seller’s request, the Buyer will assign to the Seller, and the Seller will be subrogated to, all of the Buyer’s rights against the relevant Supplier with respect to, and arising by reason of, such default and the Buyer will provide reasonable assistance to enable the Seller to enforce the rights so assigned. 12.4 Interface Commitment 12.4.1 Interface Problem If the Buyer experiences any technical problem in the operation of an Aircraft or its systems due to a malfunction, the cause of which, after due and reasonable investigation, is not readily identifiable by the Buyer, but which the Buyer reasonably believes to be attributable to the design characteristics of one or more components of the Aircraft (an “Interface Problem”), the Seller will, if requested by the Buyer, and without additional charge to the Buyer, except for *** transportation of the Seller’s or its designee’s personnel to the Buyer’s facilities, promptly conduct or have conducted an investigation and analysis of such problem to determine, if possible, the cause or causes of the problem and to recommend such corrective action as may be feasible. The Buyer will furnish to the Seller all data and information in the Buyer’s possession relevant to the Interface Problem and will cooperate with the Seller in the conduct of the Seller’s investigations and such tests as may be required. At the conclusion of such investigation the Seller will promptly advise the Buyer in writing of the Seller’s opinion as to the cause or causes of the Interface Problem and the Seller’s recommendations as to corrective action. 12.4.2 Seller’s Responsibility If the Seller determines that the Interface Problem is primarily attributable to the design of a Warranted Part, the Seller will, if requested by the Buyer, correct the design of such Warranted Part pursuant to the terms and conditions of Clause 12.1. 12.4.3 Supplier’s Responsibility If the Seller determines that the Interface Problem is primarily attributable to the design of any Supplier Part, the Seller will at the Buyer’s request, assume the management of the resolution of the interface problem and make reasonable efforts to find a solution satisfactory to the Buyer. 12.4.4 Joint Responsibility If the Seller determines that the Interface Problem is attributable partially to the design of a Warranted Part and partially to the design of any Supplier Part, the Seller will, if requested by the Buyer, ***. The Seller will promptly advise the CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-15 Buyer of any corrective action proposed by the Seller and any such Supplier. Such proposal will be consistent with any then existing obligations of the Seller hereunder and of any such Supplier to the Buyer. Such corrective action, unless reasonably rejected by the Buyer, will constitute full satisfaction of any claim the Buyer may have against either the Seller or any such Supplier with respect to such Interface Problem. 12.4.5 General All requests under this Clause 12.4 will be directed both to the Seller and to the affected Suppliers. Except as specifically set forth in this Clause 12.4, this Clause 12.4 will not be deemed to impose on the Seller any obligations not expressly set forth elsewhere in this Agreement. All reports, recommendations, data and other documents furnished by the Seller to the Buyer pursuant to this Clause 12.4 will be deemed to be delivered under this Agreement and will be subject to the terms, covenants and conditions set forth in this Clause 12 and in Clause 22.10. 12.5 Exclusivity of Warranties THIS CLAUSE 12 SETS FORTH THE EXCLUSIVE WARRANTIES, EXCLUSIVE LIABILITIES AND EXCLUSIVE OBLIGATIONS OF THE SELLER, AND THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO THE BUYER, WHETHER UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM ANY DEFECT OR NONCONFORMITY OR PROBLEM OF ANY KIND IN ANY AIRCRAFT, COMPONENT, EQUIPMENT, ACCESSORY, PART, SOFTWARE, DATA OR SERVICE DELIVERED BY THE SELLER UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. THE BUYER RECOGNIZES THAT THE RIGHTS, WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES IN THIS CLAUSE 12 ARE ADEQUATE AND SUFFICIENT TO PROTECT THE BUYER FROM ANY DEFECT OR NONCONFORMITY OR PROBLEM OF ANY KIND IN THE GOODS AND SERVICES SUPPLIED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. THE BUYER HEREBY WAIVES, RELEASES AND RENOUNCES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, OBLIGATIONS AND LIABILITIES OF THE SELLER AND ALL OTHER RIGHTS, CLAIMS AND REMEDIES OF THE BUYER AGAINST THE SELLER, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BY CONTRACT, TORT, OR STATUTORY LAW OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO ANY NONCONFORMITY OR DEFECT OR PROBLEM OF ANY KIND IN ANY AIRCRAFT, COMPONENT, EQUIPMENT, ACCESSORY, PART, SOFTWARE, DATA OR SERVICE DELIVERED BY THE SELLER UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-16 ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR ANY GENERAL OR PARTICULAR PURPOSE; ANY IMPLIED OR EXPRESS WARRANTY ARISING FROM COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE; ANY RIGHT, CLAIM OR REMEDY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT; ANY RIGHT, CLAIM OR REMEDY FOR TORT, UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, HOWEVER ALLEGED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ACTIONS AND/OR CLAIMS FOR NEGLIGENCE, GROSS NEGLIGENCE, INTENTIONAL ACTS, WILLFUL DISREGARD, IMPLIED WARRANTY, PRODUCT LIABILITY, STRICT LIABILITY OR FAILURE TO WARN; ANY RIGHT, CLAIM OR REMEDY ARISING UNDER THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE OR ANY OTHER STATE OR FEDERAL STATUTE; ANY RIGHT, CLAIM OR REMEDY ARISING UNDER ANY REGULATIONS OR STANDARDS IMPOSED BY ANY INTERNATIONAL, NATIONAL, STATE OR LOCAL STATUTE OR AGENCY; ANY RIGHT, CLAIM OR REMEDY TO RECOVER OR BE COMPENSATED FOR: LOSS OF USE OR REPLACEMENT OF ANY AIRCRAFT, COMPONENT, EQUIPMENT, ACCESSORY OR PART PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT; (I) LOSS OF, OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND TO, ANY AIRCRAFT, COMPONENT, EQUIPMENT, ACCESSORY OR PART PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT; (II) LOSS OF PROFITS AND/OR REVENUES; (III) ANY OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE. THE WARRANTIES AND SERVICE LIFE POLICY PROVIDED BY THIS AGREEMENT WILL NOT BE EXTENDED, ALTERED OR VARIED EXCEPT BY A WRITTEN INSTRUMENT SIGNED BY THE SELLER AND THE BUYER. IN THE EVENT THAT ANY PROVISION OF THIS CLAUSE 12 SHOULD FOR ANY REASON BE HELD UNLAWFUL, OR OTHERWISE UNENFORCEABLE, THE REMAINDER OF THIS CLAUSE 12 WILL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-17 CLAIMS BY THE BUYER AGAINST THE SELLER FOR CONTRIBUTION TO THIRD PARTY CLAIMS BROUGHT AGAINST THE BUYER FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ARE EXCLUDED FROM THIS CLAUSE 12.5 IF, AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT, SUCH CONTRIBUTION CLAIMS ARISE OUT OF THE SELLER’S ACTIVITIES AS DESIGNER OR MANUFACTURER OF THE AIRCRAFT. FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS CLAUSE 12.5, “SELLER” WILL BE UNDERSTOOD TO INCLUDE THE SELLER, Seller AFFILIATES AND SUPPLIERS. 12.6 Duplicate Remedies The remedies provided to the Buyer under Clause 12.1 and Clause 12.2 as to any defect in respect of the Aircraft or any part thereof are mutually exclusive and not cumulative. The Buyer will be entitled to the remedy that provides the maximum benefit to it, as the Buyer may elect, pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Clause 12 for any particular defect for which remedies are provided under this Clause 12; provided, however, that the Buyer will not be entitled to elect a remedy under both Clause 12.1 and Clause 12.2 for the same defect. The Buyer’s rights and remedies herein for the nonperformance of any obligations or liabilities of the Seller arising under these warranties will be in monetary damages limited to the amount the Buyer expends in procuring a correction or replacement for any covered part subject to a defect or nonperformance covered by this Clause 12, and the Buyer will not have any right to require specific performance by the Seller. 12.8 Negotiated Agreement The Parties each acknowledge that: (i) the Specification has been agreed upon after careful consideration by the Buyer using its judgment as a professional operator of, and maintenance provider with respect to, aircraft used in public transportation and as such is a professional within the same industry as the Seller; (ii) this Agreement, and in particular this Clause 12, has been the subject of discussion and negotiation and is fully understood by the Buyer; and (iii) the price of the Aircraft and the other mutual agreements of the Buyer set forth in this Agreement were arrived at in consideration of, inter alia, the provisions of this Clause 12, specifically including the Exclusivity of Warranties set forth in Clause 12. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-18

UNQUOTE 2 ASSIGNMENT This Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties will be subject to the provisions of Clause 21 of the Agreement. 3 CONFIDENTIALITY This Letter Agreement is subject to the terms and conditions of Clause 22.10 of the Agreement. 4 COUNTERPARTS This Letter Agreement may be executed by the parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered will be an original, but all such counterparts will together constitute but one and the same instrument. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-19 If the foregoing correctly sets forth your understanding, please execute the original and one (1) copy hereof in the space provided below and return a copy to the Seller. Very truly yours, AIRBUS S.A.S. By: /s/ Kiran Rao Its: Deputy to COO Customers EVP Product Strategy Accepted and Agreed UNITED AIRLINES, INC. By: /s/ Gerald Laderman Its: Senior Vice President Finance, Procurement and Treasurer CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA13-20 LETTER AGREEMENT NO. 14 TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED A350-900 PURCHASE AGREEMENT As of 1 September 2017 UNITED AIRLINES, INC. 233 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 USA Re: AIRCRAFT ORDER MATTERS Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, UNITED AIRLINES, INC. (the “Buyer”), and AIRBUS S.A.S. (the “Seller”), have entered into an Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement dated as of the date hereof (the “Agreement”), which covers, among other things, the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of certain Aircraft, under the terms and conditions set forth in said Agreement. The Buyer and the Seller have agreed to set forth in this Letter Agreement No. 14 (the “Letter Agreement”) certain additional terms and conditions regarding the sale of the Aircraft. Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined in this Letter Agreement will have the meanings assigned thereto in the Agreement. The terms “herein,” “hereof” and “hereunder” and words of similar import refer to this Letter Agreement. Both parties agree that this Letter Agreement will constitute an integral, nonseverable part of said Agreement, that the provisions of said Agreement are hereby incorporated herein by reference, and that this Letter Agreement will be governed by the provisions of said Agreement, except that if the Agreement and this Letter Agreement have specific provisions which are inconsistent, the specific provisions contained in this Letter Agreement will govern. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA14-1 1. *** 1.1 The Seller offers the Buyer the *** certain Aircraft under the Agreement (the “***”), subject to the following terms and conditions: (i) The *** is only granted to the Buyer for *** of the Aircraft which are included in the Buyer’s *** order of forty-five (45) Aircraft, as follows (each a “***”): a. Aircraft ***, b. *** Aircraft with a Scheduled Delivery ***, c. *** Aircraft with a Scheduled Delivery ***, d. *** Aircraft with a Scheduled Delivery ***, e. *** Aircraft with a Scheduled Delivery ***, f. *** Aircraft with a Scheduled Delivery ***, g. *** Aircraft with a Scheduled Delivery ***. (ii) The Buyer will give *** a one-time written notice of its desire to *** on a date falling between *** and *** (the “Decision Window”). Such notice shall identify all of the *** with respect to which the Buyer wishes to ***. (iii) Any *** for which the Buyer has exercised its *** under the conditions set out in this Clause 1 shall be referred to as “***” and the order for such particular Aircraft will be deemed ***, and the terms of Clauses 1 and 3 hereof shall apply. Any *** for which the Buyer has *** under the conditions set out in this Clause 1 shall remain an Aircraft under the Agreement, and the Buyer’s *** with respect to such Aircraft shall lapse. (iv) Should the Buyer not exercise its *** pursuant to this Clause, the Buyer’s *** will lapse with respect to all ***, and the Buyer and ***. 1.2 Should the Buyer exercise its *** with respect to ***, which shall in such case be Aircraft ***, then: (i) *** made by the Buyer with respect to such ***, and CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA14-2

(ii) the *** advanced under the *** of even date hereof at the *** (as such terms are defined in such Financing Letter Agreement) shall ***. 1.3 Should the Buyer exercise its *** with respect to ***, then *** made by the Buyer with respect to any such ***. 2. *** 2.1 The Seller offers the Buyer the ***, in lieu of the ***, to renounce its *** and *** its firm order for the *** under this Agreement ***, subject to the following terms and conditions: (i) The *** is only granted to the Buyer with respect to the ***, and for a number of *** that is ***. (ii) The Buyer will give the Seller a one-time written notice of its desire to exercise its *** in lieu of its ***, on a date falling during the Decision Window. Such notice shall identify all of the *** with respect to which the Buyer wishes to exercise its ***. The Buyer and the Seller shall then formalize the firm order for the *** by way of a purchase agreement (the “***”), subject to Clause 2.2. (iii) Exercise by the Buyer of its *** with respect to ***. (iv) Any *** for which the Buyer has exercised its *** under the conditions set out in this Clause 2 shall be referred to as a “*** Aircraft” and will be *** and ordered under the ***, subject to the conditions of Clause 2.2 below being met. Should such conditions not be met, the *** Aircraft shall be deemed to be a ***, and the terms and conditions of Clauses 1 and 3 hereof shall apply. Any *** for which the Buyer has not exercised its *** under the conditions set out in this Clause 2 shall remain an Aircraft under the Agreement, and the Buyer’s *** with respect to such Aircraft shall lapse. (v) Should the Buyer not exercise its *** pursuant to this Clause, the Buyer’s *** will lapse with respect to ***, and the Buyer and the Seller will have no more rights or obligations with respect to the ***. 2.2 The *** shall meet the following conditions: (i) The *** shall enter in full force and effect no later than on ***, and CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA14-3 (ii) The *** shall include applicable commercial conditions agreed between the Buyer and the Seller with respect to the sale by the Seller and the purchase by the Buyer of the ***, and *** 3. A350 *** 3.1 Should the Buyer, at any time and for any reason, have less than *** Aircraft *** under the Agreement *** then, in addition to any other remedies available to Seller under the Agreement, *** 4. *** Should the Buyer exercise its *** or its *** with respect to any of the *** in accordance with this Letter Agreement, then all *** based on a fleet size of *** A350-900 Aircraft shall be adjusted to reflect the revised fleet size, in a methodologically consistent manner. 5. ASSIGNMENT This Letter Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties will be subject to the provisions of Clause 21 of the Agreement. 6. CONFIDENTIALITY This Letter Agreement is subject to the terms and conditions of Clause 22.10 of the Agreement. 7. COUNTERPARTS This Letter Agreement may be executed by the parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered will be an original, but all such counterparts will together constitute but one and the same instrument. CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA14-4 If the foregoing correctly sets forth your understanding, please execute the original and one (1) copy hereof in the space provided below and return a copy to the Seller. Very truly yours, AIRBUS S.A.S. By: /s/ Kiran Rao Its: Deputy to COO Customers EVP Product Strategy Accepted and Agreed UNITED AIRLINES, INC. By: /s/ Gerald Laderman Its: Senior Vice President Finance, Procurement and Treasurer CT1706024 – Amended and Restated A350-900 Purchase Agreement – execution version AIRBUS S.A.S. & UNITED AIRLINES, INC. – PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL LA14-5