必要性零售房地產投資信託基金公司 股東特別大會 2023年9月8日下午1點Et 本委託書應馬裏蘭州公司Nessence Retail REIT,Inc.(以下簡稱“公司”)的董事會徵集 簽署的股東(S),特此委任(S)Jason F.Doyle和Edward M.Weil,Jr.作為下文簽名者的代理人,並各自擁有充分的替代權,出席將於網上 www.cesonlineservices.com/rtl23sm_vm舉行的公司股東特別大會。自美國東部時間2023年9月8日下午1時起, 簽署人有權在該特別會議及任何及所有延期或延會上代表下文簽署人投下聯名者有權投下的所有票,及 以其他方式代表下文簽署人出席該特別會議及所有延期或延會,而下文簽署人所擁有的一切權力,猶如親自出席 ,並有權酌情就提交特別 會議處理的事項投票。以下籤署人(S)確認(S)已收到股東特別大會通知 及隨附的委託書,並撤銷迄今就該等特別會議發出的任何委託書。 當本委託書籤立妥當後,簽署的 股東有權投票的方式將按背面指示的方式投票。如果本委託書已籤立,但未發出任何指示,則以下籤署的股東有權投出的選票將 投給提案1、2和3,具體如委託書 聲明中所述。 (繼續並在Reverse side) P R O X Y C A R D ▼上簽名並註明郵寄投票日期,請在此處分開,在代理卡上簽名並註明日期,並在▼提供的郵資已付信封中返回 請今天投票! 請參閲背面 瞭解三種簡單的投票方式。 |
1. To approve the merger of RTL and GNL, which will be effected through a merger of RTL with and into Osmosis Sub I, LLC (“REIT Merger Sub”), a wholly owned subsidiary of GNL. 2. To approve, by advisory (non-binding) vote, certain compensation arrangements for RTL’s named executive officers in connection with the Proposed Transactions discussed under the section titled “The Companies — The Combined Company — Potential Conflicts of Interest of Officers and Directors of GNL and RTL” beginning on page 50. 3. To approve the adjournment of the RTL Special Meeting one or more times if necessary or appropriate to permit, among other things, further solicitation of proxies in favor of the RTL Merger Proposal (the “RTL Adjournment Proposal”). X Please mark vote as in this sample Date: , 2023 Signature Signature (if jointly held) Title(s) Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) hereon. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, or other fiduciary, please give full title as such. Joint owners should each sign personally. All holders must sign. If a corporation or partnership, please sign in full corporate or partnership name by authorized officer. The Necessity Retail REIT, Inc. YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT. Please take a moment now to vote your shares of The Necessity Retail REIT, Inc. common stock for the upcoming Special Meeting of Stockholders. YOU CAN VOTE TODAY USING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS: Submit your proxy by Internet Please access www.fcrvote.com/RTL Then, simply follow the easy instructions on the voting site. You will be required to provide the unique Control Number printed below. Submit your proxy by Telephone Please call toll-free from the U.S. or Canada at 866-402-3905 on a touch-tone telephone. Then, simply follow the easy voice prompts. You will be required to provide the unique Control Number printed below. CONTROL NUMBER: Submit your proxy by Mail If you do not have access to a touch-tone telephone or to the Internet, please complete, sign, date and return the proxy card in the postage paid envelope provided to: The Necessity Retail REIT, Inc., c/o First Coast Results, Inc., 200 Business Park Circle, Suite 112, Saint Augustine, FL 32095. ▼ TO VOTE BY MAIL, PLEASE DETACH HERE, SIGN AND DATE PROXY CARD, AND RETURN IN THE POSTAGE-PAID ENVELOPE PROVIDED ▼ You may submit your proxy by telephone or Internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your telephone or Internet vote authorizes the Proxyholder(s) to vote your shares in the same manner as if you had marked, signed and returned a proxy card. The Board of Directors recommends you vote FOR the following proposals: FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN FOR AGAINST ABSTAIN |