附錄 99.2


2023 年第一季度收益亮點我們的團隊又取得了一個季度的強勁業績我們的首席執行官和市場份額的增長得益於我們在基於需求的服務 FITZPATRICK 類別中的 差異化 JONATHAN 客户價值主張。我們久經考驗的業務手冊、執行記錄和新門店增長渠道為未來的增長提供了堅實的視野。我們正在 利用這種規模和我們在多元化平臺上的網絡優勢來利用業務的持續勢頭。第一季度重點收入淨收入每股收益5.62億美元調整後息税折舊攤銷前利潤0.17美元 調整後每股收益1.28億美元調整後每股收益4.25億美元第一季度,我們的收入增長了20%,調整後的息税折舊攤銷前利潤增長了8%,大致符合我們的預期。全系統銷售額持續增長9%,淨門店增長7%,新門店增長15億美元,使全系統銷售額比上年增長19%。全系統總銷售額淨新店增長同店銷售額 +21 +13% 維護維護 +5 -11%* CAR WASH CAR WASH +31 +14% PAINT, COLLISION AND GLASS PAINT, COLLISION AND GLASS +2 -5% PLATFORM SERVICES PLATFORM SERVICES DB TOTAL DB +59 TOTAL +9% * Foreign exchange rate movement had a 230 basis point negative impact. SEGMENT MIX 6% 9% 10% 30% MAINTENANCE % % SYSTEM- 22% % 21% SEGMENT- 41% CAR WASH WIDE REVENUE ADJUSTED 43% PAINT, COLLISION AND GLASS SALES EBITDA 54% 10% PLATFORM SERVICES 28% 26% 2023 GUIDANCE Reaffirms guidance following strong +15% +15% FLAT quarter in line with expectations. ADJUSTED ADJUSTED REVENUE EBITDA EPS This document contains Non-GAAP financial measures. For full financial data and Non-GAAP reconciliations, please refer to the associated press release dated May 3, 2023, available at investors.drivenbrands.com. This document may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which are not based on historical facts but instead represent our current expectations and assumptions regarding our business, the economy and other future conditions. For risks and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from expectations, refer to the risk factors described in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which are available on its website at www.sec.gov.