2022年第四季度電話會議888-346-0688|ID-EastGroup 2023年2月8日上午11:00東部時間網絡直播可在Eastgroup.net補充信息400 W.Parkway Place,Suite100,Ridgeland,MS 39157上觀看|電話:6013543555|傳真:6013521441|Eastgroup.net 2022年12月31日

第2頁(共24頁)目錄財務信息:綜合資產負債表................................................................................3綜合損益表及全面損益表4將公認會計準則調整為非公認會計準則計量.................................................5現金流量表合併報表................................................................7同一物業投資組合分析...........................................................................8其他財務信息.............................................................................9金融統計數據.................................................................................................10資本部署:開發和增值物業摘要................................................11.轉移到房地產的開發和增值物業.....12個收購和處置.................................................................................13房地產改善和租賃成本.......................................................14物業信息:租賃統計和入住率摘要.........................................................15核心市場運營統計...........................................................................16租賃期滿摘要....................................................................................17按年化基本租金.........................................................排名前10的客户18資本化:債務和股權市值...................................................................19持續普通股計劃....................................................................20債務與息税前利潤比率.......................................................................................21其他信息:2023年....................................................................................................展望22房地產投資信託基金術語彙編........................................................................................23本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述、陳述和某些其他信息, 這可以通過使用前瞻性術語來識別,這些前瞻性術語包括:“可能”、“將”、“尋求”、“期望”、“預期”、“相信”、“目標”、“打算”、“應該”、“估計”、“可能”、“繼續”、“假設”、“項目”、“目標”或“計劃”,以及這些詞語或類似表達的變體或這些詞語的否定,根據修訂後的1933年《證券法》第27A條和修訂後的1934年《證券交易法》第21E條的規定,前瞻性陳述構成“前瞻性陳述”,並受由此產生的避風港的約束。這些前瞻性陳述反映了EastGroup Properties,Inc.(“公司”或“EastGroup”)對其計劃、意圖、預期、戰略和前景的當前看法,這些看法是基於公司目前掌握的信息和所做的假設。儘管公司相信這些前瞻性陳述所反映或暗示的計劃、意圖、期望、戰略和前景是合理的,但公司不能保證這些計劃、意圖、期望或戰略一定會實現或實現。此外,這些前瞻性陳述應被視為受制於公司運營和商業環境中存在的許多風險和不確定因素。這種風險和不確定性可能導致實際結果與預期結果大相徑庭。這些不確定性包括但不限於:國際、國家、區域和地方經濟狀況;供應鏈和交付鏈中斷;由於通貨膨脹影響房地產開發成本,建築成本可能增加;融資和資本的可獲得性、利率的提高以及以有吸引力的條件籌集股本的能力;融資風險。, 包括我們的經營現金流可能不足以支付所需的本金和利息,以及我們可能無法在到期時為現有債務進行再融資或以有吸引力的條款獲得新的融資,或根本無法獲得新的融資;我們保持信用機構評級的能力;我們遵守適用金融契約的能力;公司運營的競爭環境;入住率或租金的波動;租户可能違約(包括破產或破產)或不續簽租約,或我們以當前或預期租金租賃空間的能力,特別是在通脹的影響下;法律或政府法規的潛在變化以及對這些法律法規的解釋,包括房地產法律或房地產投資信託基金或公司所得税法律的變化,以及房地產税率可能增加;我們保持房地產投資信託基金資格的能力;收購和開發風險,包括此類收購和開發項目未能按照預測執行;自然災害,如火災、洪水、龍捲風、颶風和地震;流行病、流行病或其他突發公共衞生事件,如冠狀病毒大流行;影響我們的政府法規的條款以及對這些法規的解釋,包括遵守這些法規的成本、房地產和區劃法律的變化以及房地產税率的提高;我們的利率掉期交易對手不履行義務時的信用風險;倫敦銀行間同業拆借利率的中斷;保險金額的缺乏或不足;訴訟,包括與起訴或辯護索賠相關的費用以及任何不利結果;我們吸引和留住關鍵人員的能力;與失敗相關的風險, 我們的數據安全系統和流程不充分或中斷;潛在的災難性事件,如戰爭行為、內亂和恐怖主義;環境責任,包括因對我們目前擁有或以前擁有的財產的污染進行必要的補救而可能產生的成本、罰款或罰款。所有前瞻性陳述均應根據第一部分第1A項中確定的風險進行閲讀。本公司截至2021年12月31日的Form 10-K年度報告以及隨後的Form 10-Q季度報告中的風險因素。公司沒有義務公開更新任何前瞻性陳述,包括其2023年展望,無論是由於新信息、未來事件或其他原因。

Page 3 of 24 Consolidated Balance Sheets (In thousands, except share and per share data) (Unaudited) December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 ASSETS Real estate properties 4,395,972$ 3,546,711 Development and value-add properties 538,449 504,614 4,934,421 4,051,325 Less accumulated depreciation (1,150,814) (1,035,617) 3,783,607 3,015,708 Real estate assets held for sale - 5,695 Unconsolidated investment 7,230 7,320 Cash 56 4,393 Other assets 244,944 182,220 TOTAL ASSETS 4,035,837$ 3,215,336 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY LIABILITIES Unsecured bank credit facilities, net of debt issuance costs 168,454$ 207,066 Unsecured debt, net of debt issuance costs 1,691,259 1,242,570 Secured debt, net of debt issuance costs 2,031 2,142 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 136,988 109,760 Other liabilities 83,666 82,338 Total Liabilities 2,082,398 1,643,876 EQUITY Stockholders' Equity: Common shares; $0.0001 par value; 70,000,000 shares authorized; 43,575,539 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2022 and 41,268,846 at December 31, 2021 4 4 Excess shares; $0.0001 par value; 30,000,000 shares authorized; zero shares issued - - Additional paid-in capital 2,251,521 1,886,820 Distributions in excess of earnings (334,898) (318,056) Accumulated other comprehensive income 36,371 1,302 Total Stockholders' Equity 1,952,998 1,570,070 Noncontrolling interest in joint ventures 441 1,390 Total Equity 1,953,439 1,571,460 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 4,035,837$ 3,215,336

Page 4 of 24 Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income (In thousands, except per share data) (Unaudited) 2022 2021 2022 2021 REVENUES Income from real estate operations 129,797$ 107,349 486,817 409,412 Other revenue 43 23 208 63 129,840 107,372 487,025 409,475 EXPENSES Expenses from real estate operations 35,272 29,557 133,915 115,078 Depreciation and amortization 40,559 33,174 153,638 127,099 General and administrative 3,859 3,623 16,362 15,704 Indirect leasing costs 136 103 546 700 79,826 66,457 304,461 258,581 OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) Interest expense (11,648) (8,072) (38,499) (32,945) Gain on sales of real estate investments - 38,859 40,999 38,859 Other 322 209 1,210 830 NET INCOME 38,688 71,911 186,274 157,638 Net income attributable to noncontrolling interest in joint ventures (17) (22) (92) (81) NET INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO EASTGROUP PROPERTIES, INC. COMMON STOCKHOLDERS 38,671 71,889 186,182 157,557 Other comprehensive income (loss) - interest rate swaps (4,757) 3,778 35,069 12,054 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 33,914$ 75,667 221,251 169,611 BASIC PER COMMON SHARE DATA FOR NET INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO EASTGROUP PROPERTIES, INC. COMMON STOCKHOLDERS Net income attributable to common stockholders 0.89$ 1.76 4.37 3.91 Weighted average shares outstanding 43,472 40,844 42,599 40,255 DILUTED PER COMMON SHARE DATA FOR NET INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO EASTGROUP PROPERTIES, INC. COMMON STOCKHOLDERS Net income attributable to common stockholders 0.89$ 1.75 4.36 3.90 Weighted average shares outstanding 43,593 41,011 42,712 40,377 Twelve Months Ended December 31,December 31, Three Months Ended

第5頁(共24頁)將GAAP調整為非GAAP計量(以千計,每股數據除外)(未經審計)2022 2021 2022 2021 EastGroup Property,Inc.普通股股東38,671美元71,889 186,182,157,557折舊和攤銷40,559 33,174 153,638 127,099公司來自未合併投資的折舊份額31 34 124 136非控制權益折舊和攤銷(3)-(17)-房地產投資銷售收益-(38,859)(40,(38,859)(38,859)普通股股東的運營資金*79,258美元66,238 298,928 245,933淨收益38,688美元71,911 186,274 157,638利息支出(1)11,648 8,072 38,499 32,945折舊和攤銷40,559 33,174 153,638 127,099公司未合併投資折舊份額31 34 124 136息税折舊及攤銷前收益(“EBITDA”)90,926 113,191 378,535 317,818房地產投資銷售收益-(38,859)(40,999)(38,859)房地產EBITDA(“EBITDARE”)*90,926美元74,332,337,536,278,959稀釋後每股普通股收益EastGroup物業淨收益數據, 公司普通股股東應佔普通股股東的淨收入0.89$1.75 4.36 3.90普通股股東應佔FFO*1.82$1.62 7.00 6.09每股收益和FFO加權平均流通股43,593 41,011 42,712 40,377 12 31,*這是一項非公認會計準則的財務指標。請參閲房地產投資信託基金詞彙。截至12月31日止三個月,截至(1)截至2022年及2021年12月31日止三個月的淨資本利息分別為3,878美元及2,342美元;截至2022年及2021年12月31日止十二個月的淨資本利息分別為12,393美元及9,028美元。

Page 6 of 24 Reconciliations of GAAP to Non-GAAP Measures (Continued) (In thousands) (Unaudited) 2022 2021 2022 2021 NET INCOME 38,688$ 71,911 186,274 157,638 Gain on sales of real estate investments - (38,859) (40,999) (38,859) Interest income (58) - (100) (6) Other revenue (43) (23) (208) (63) Indirect leasing costs 136 103 546 700 Depreciation and amortization 40,559 33,174 153,638 127,099 Company's share of depreciation from unconsolidated investment 31 34 124 136 Interest expense (1) 11,648 8,072 38,499 32,945 General and administrative expense (2) 3,859 3,623 16,362 15,704 Noncontrolling interest in PNOI of consolidated joint ventures (21) (15) (105) (61) PROPERTY NET OPERATING INCOME ("PNOI")* 94,799 78,020 354,031 295,233 PNOI from 2021 and 2022 acquisitions (5,712) (1,514) (17,146) (2,252) PNOI from 2021 and 2022 development and value-add properties (12,306) (3,830) (37,329) (9,937) PNOI from 2021 and 2022 operating property dispositions - (678) (237) (3,263) Other PNOI 102 (57) 323 (223) SAME PNOI (Straight-Line Basis)* 76,883 71,941 299,642 279,558 Net lease termination fee income from same properties (311) (464) (1,426) (1,411) SAME PNOI EXCLUDING INCOME FROM LEASE TERMINATIONS (Straight-Line Basis)* 76,572 71,477 298,216 278,147 Straight-line rent adjustments for same properties (362) (1,331) (1,926) (5,744) Acquired leases — market rent adjustment amortization for same properties (106) (121) (437) (662) SAME PNOI EXCLUDING INCOME FROM LEASE TERMINATIONS (Cash Basis)* 76,104$ 70,025 295,853 271,741 * This is a non-GAAP financial measure. Please refer to Glossary of REIT Terms. Twelve Months Ended December 31, December 31, (1) Net of capitalized interest of $3,878 and $2,342 for the three months ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively; and $12,393 and $9,028 for the twelve months ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. (2) Net of capitalized development costs of $2,511 and $2,402 for the three months ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively; and $9,985 and $7,713 for the twelve months ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. Three Months Ended

Page 7 of 24 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (In thousands) (Unaudited) 2022 2021 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net income 186,274$ 157,638 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 153,638 127,099 Stock-based compensation expense 8,292 7,511 Gain on sales of real estate investments (40,999) (38,859) Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Accrued income and other assets (9,291) (11,572) Accounts payable, accrued expenses and prepaid rent 17,176 13,298 Other 1,411 1,377 NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES 316,501 256,492 INVESTING ACTIVITIES Development and value-add properties (494,073) (418,855) Purchases of real estate (2,049) (108,149) Real estate improvements (40,851) (36,665) Net proceeds from sales of real estate investments 51,006 44,260 Leasing commissions (37,272) (33,301) Changes in accrued development costs 4,211 21,678 Changes in other assets and other liabilities (2,120) 1,769 NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES (521,148) (529,263) FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from unsecured bank credit facilities 942,173 625,520 Repayments on unsecured bank credit facilities (981,383) (541,310) Proceeds from unsecured debt 525,000 175,000 Repayments on unsecured debt (75,000) (40,000) Repayments on secured debt (60,096) (76,920) Debt issuance costs (2,067) (2,678) Distributions paid to stockholders (not including dividends accrued) (193,936) (131,759) Proceeds from common stock offerings 75,622 273,409 Common stock offering related costs (247) (312) Other (29,756) (3,807) NET CASH PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES 200,310 277,143 INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (4,337) 4,372 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 4,393 21 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR 56$ 4,393 SUPPLEMENTAL CASH FLOW INFORMATION Cash paid for interest, net of amounts capitalized of $12,393 and $9,028 for 2022 and 2021, respectively 34,110$ 31,658 Cash paid for operating lease liabilities 1,793 1,707 Common stock issued in the purchase of real estate 303,682 - Debt assumed in the purchase of real estate 60,000 - NON-CASH OPERATING ACTIVITY Operating lease liabilities arising from obtaining right of use assets 559$ 13,056 Twelve Months Ended December 31,

2022 2021%變動2022 2021%變動相同物業組合(1)截至期末43,349 43,349 43,349 43,349 43,349 43,349 43,349平均佔有率98.5%98.1%0.4%98.2%97.5%0.7%期末佔有率98.4%98.3%0.1%98.4%98.3%0.1%同一物業組合分析(直線基礎)(1)*房地產業務收入105,830美元99,166 6.7%414,129美元388,253 6.7%租賃終止收到的現金減少6.7%(311)(544)(1,426)(1,631)終止租賃增加直線租金註銷-80-220不含租賃終止收入105,519 98,702 6.9%412,703 386,842 6.7%房地產運營支出(28,947)(27,225)6.3%(114,487)(108,695)5.3%PNOI不包括租賃終止收入76,572$71,477 7.1%298,216$278,147 7.2%相同財產組合分析(收付實現制)(1)*房地產運營收入105,362$97,794 7.7%411,766$382,067不包括租賃終止收入的收入105,051 97,250 8.0%410,340 380,436 7.9%房地產運營支出(28,947)(27,225)6.3%(114,487)(108,695)5.3%不包括租賃終止收入的PNOI 76,104$70,025 8.7%295,853$271,741 8.9%(1)在1/1/21至12/31/22整個期間。*這是一項非公認會計準則的財務指標。請參閲房地產投資信託基金詞彙。12月31日截至12月31日止三個月

Page 9 of 24 Additional Financial Information (In thousands) (Unaudited) 2022 2021 2022 2021 Straight-line rent income adjustment 3,337$ 2,187 9,991 8,698 Recoveries (reserves) of uncollectible straight-line rent (17) 73 (170) 518 Net straight-line rent adjustment 3,320 2,260 9,821 9,216 Cash received for lease terminations 311 544 2,708 1,631 Less straight-line rent write-offs - (80) - (220) Net lease termination fee income 311 464 2,708 1,411 Recoveries (reserves) of uncollectible cash rent 7 56 32 (43) Stock-based compensation expense (1,762) (1,671) (8,292) (7,511) Debt issuance costs amortization (380) (334) (1,358) (1,296) Indirect leasing costs (136) (103) (546) (700) Acquired leases - market rent adjustment amortization 608 344 2,565 1,048 2022 2021 2022 2021 WEIGHTED AVERAGE COMMON SHARES Weighted average common shares 43,472 40,844 42,599 40,255 BASIC SHARES FOR EARNINGS PER SHARE ("EPS") 43,472 40,844 42,599 40,255 Potential common shares: Unvested restricted stock 121 167 113 122 DILUTED SHARES FOR EPS AND FFO 43,593 41,011 42,712 40,377 December 31, Three Months Ended Three Months Ended December 31, Twelve Months Ended December 31, Twelve Months Ended December 31, SELECTED INCOME STATEMENT INFORMATION (Items below represent increases or (decreases) in FFO)

第10頁24財務統計(千美元,每股數據除外)(未經審計)2022 2021 2020 2019 2019資產/市值資產4,035,837美元3,215,3362,720,8032,546,078 2,131,705股權市值6,451,7949,403,107 5,477,7835,164,3063,348,269總市值(債務及股權)(1)8,318,835 10,859,4736,791,879 6,350,438 4,458,037未償還股份-普通股43,575,539 41,268,846 39,676,828 38,925,953 36,501,每股價格148.06$227.85 138.06 132.67 91.73FFO變動*稀釋後每股FFO(2)7.00$6.09 5.38 4.98 4.66較上年同期變動14.9%13.2%8.0%6.9%9.6%普通股派息率*股息分配4.7美元3.58 3.08 2.94 2.72稀釋後每股FFO(2)7.00 6.09 5.38 4.98 4.66股息支付率67%59%57%59%58%普通股股息收益率股息分配4.70$3.58 3.08 2.94 2.72每股價格148.06 227.85 138.06 132.67 91.73股息收益率3.17%1.57%2.23%2.22%2.97%FFO倍數*稀釋後每股FFO(2)7.00$6.09 5.38 4.98 4.66每股價格148.06 227.85 138.06 132.67 91.73倍數21.15 37.41 25.66 26.64 19.68利息和固定費用覆蓋比率*息税前利潤337,536$278,959 245,669 221,517 200,788利息支出38,499 32,945 33,927 34,463 35,106利息和固定費用覆蓋率8.77 8.47 7.24 6.43 5.72債務與EBITDAR比率*債務1,861,744$1,451,7781,310,895 1,182,6021,105,787 EBITDARE 337,536 278,959 245,669 221,517 200, 788債務與EBITDARE比率5.52 5.20 5.34 5.34 5.51調整後債務與形式EBITDARE比率4.48 3.83 4.43 3.92 4.73債務與總市值之比(1)22.4%13.4%19.3%18.7%24.9%發行人評級(3)發行人評級展望穆迪投資者服務Baa2穩定(1)扣除未攤銷債務發行成本。(3)證券評級並非買賣或持有證券的建議,並可隨時由轉讓評級機構修訂或撤回。*這是一項非公認會計準則的財務指標。請參閲房地產投資信託基金詞彙。(2)就本公司採納NAREIT Funds from Operations白皮書-2018年重述而言,本公司在FFO中剔除出售非經營性房地產及本公司業務附帶資產的損益,因此調整了前幾年的業績,以符合FFO的最新定義。截止的年數

Page 11 of 24 Development and Value-Add Properties Summary ($ in thousands) (Unaudited) Cumulative Anticipated Costs at Projected Conversion % Leased Square Feet (SF) 12/31/22 Total Costs Date (1) 2/6/23 Lease-Up Cypress Preserve 1 & 2 (2) Houston, TX 516,000 54,081$ 57,800 03/23 50% Grand West Crossing 1 Houston, TX 121,000 13,037 15,700 04/23 100% Zephyr (2) San Francisco, CA 82,000 29,028 29,800 04/23 42% Access Point 3 (2) Greenville, SC 299,000 22,632 25,400 07/23 72% McKinney 3 & 4 Dallas, TX 212,000 24,152 27,000 07/23 100% Grand Oaks 75 4 Tampa, FL 185,000 16,015 17,900 09/23 0% Total Lease-up 1,415,000 158,945 173,600 60% Wgt Avg % Under Construction SunCoast 11 Fort Myers, FL 79,000 9,175 9,900 04/23 100% Arlington Tech 3 Fort Worth, TX 77,000 8,400 10,300 02/24 0% Gateway 2 Miami, FL 133,000 18,188 23,700 02/24 36% Hillside 1 Greenville, SC 122,000 9,478 11,600 02/24 0% I-20 West Business Center Atlanta, GA 155,000 13,139 15,500 02/24 68% LakePort 4 & 5 Dallas, TX 177,000 18,705 24,000 02/24 89% Horizon West 1 Orlando, FL 97,000 9,569 13,200 03/24 0% Steele Creek 11 & 12 Charlotte, NC 241,000 16,780 25,900 04/24 87% Springwood 1 & 2 Houston, TX 292,000 22,973 33,300 05/24 0% Stonefield 35 1-3 Austin, TX 274,000 16,319 35,300 06/24 19% SunCoast 10 Fort Myers, FL 100,000 2,968 13,600 06/24 0% Baswood 3-5 Fort Worth, TX 351,000 8,362 45,000 08/24 0% McKinney 1 & 2 Dallas, TX 172,000 6,501 27,300 08/24 0% Cass White 1 & 2 Atlanta, GA 296,000 5,329 31,900 10/24 0% Total Under Construction 2,566,000 165,886 320,500 25% Wgt Avg % Total Lease-Up and Under Construction 3,981,000 324,831$ 494,100 38% Wgt Avg % Projected Stabilized Yields (3) Yield Lease-Up 5.8% Under Construction 6.5% Development 6.5% Value-Add 5.2% Prospective Development Acres Projected SF Phoenix, AZ 50 655,000 15,395$ Sacramento, CA 7 82,000 3,130 San Francisco, CA 4 65,000 3,561 Fort Myers, FL 28 364,000 7,843 Miami, FL 36 510,000 24,317 Orlando, FL 86 1,053,000 24,670 Tampa, FL 2 32,000 825 Atlanta, GA 143 1,490,000 14,713 Jackson, MS 3 28,000 706 Charlotte, NC 158 1,146,000 13,722 Greenville, SC 71 476,000 6,457 Austin, TX 132 1,557,000 46,851 Dallas, TX 12 - 4,594 Fort Worth, TX 18 313,000 7,247 Houston, TX 108 1,536,000 30,696 San Antonio, TX 35 423,000 8,891 Total Prospective Development 893 9,730,000 213,618 Total Development and Value-Add Properties 893 13,711,000 538,449$ (1) Development properties will transfer to the operating portfolio at the earlier of 90% occupancy or one year after shell completion. Value-add properties will transfer at the earlier of 90% occupancy or one year after acquisition. (2) Represents value-add acquisitions. (3) Weighted average yield based on projected stabilized annual property net operating income on a straight-line basis at 100% occupancy divided by projected total costs.

Page 12 of 24 Development and Value-Add Properties Transferred to Real Estate Properties ($ in thousands) (Unaudited) Cumulative Costs at Conversion % Leased Square Feet (SF) 12/31/22 Date 2/6/23 1st Quarter Access Point 1 (1) Greenville, SC 156,000 13,046$ 01/22 100% Speed Distribution Center San Diego, CA 519,000 72,428 03/22 100% 675,000 85,474 2nd Quarter Access Point 2 (1) Greenville, SC 159,000 12,336 05/22 100% Grand Oaks 75 3 Tampa, FL 136,000 11,644 06/22 100% Siempre Viva 3-6 (1) San Diego, CA 547,000 133,246 06/22 100% 842,000 157,226 3rd Quarter Steele Creek 8 Charlotte, NC 72,000 8,291 07/22 100% CreekView 9 & 10 Dallas, TX 145,000 16,176 08/22 100% Gateway 3 Miami, FL 133,000 18,456 08/22 100% Ridgeview 3 San Antonio, TX 88,000 9,400 08/22 100% Americas Ten 2 El Paso, TX 169,000 14,403 09/22 100% Horizon West 2 & 3 Orlando, FL 210,000 18,860 09/22 83% 817,000 85,586 4th Quarter Mesa Gateway (1) Phoenix, AZ 147,000 18,946 11/22 100% World Houston 47 Houston, TX 139,000 17,263 11/22 100% 45 Crossing Austin, TX 177,000 25,302 12/22 100% Basswood 1 & 2 Fort Worth, TX 237,000 23,980 12/22 100% Horizon West 4 Orlando, FL 295,000 25,308 12/22 100% SunCoast 12 Fort Myers, FL 79,000 8,335 12/22 100% Tri-County Crossing 5 San Antonio, TX 106,000 11,151 12/22 100% Tri-County Crossing 6 San Antonio, TX 124,000 10,373 12/22 100% 1,304,000 140,658 Total Transferred to Real Estate Properties 3,638,000 468,944$ Projected Stabilized Yield (2) 7.1% 99% Wgt Avg % (1) Represents value-add acquisitions. (2) Weighted average yield based on projected stabilized annual property net operating income on a straight-line basis at 100% occupancy divided by projected total costs.

截至2022年12月31日的24項收購和處置的第13頁(以千美元為單位)(未經審計)日期物業名稱地點大小購買價格(1)第一季度2/14/22門户互通土地鳳凰城,亞利桑那州50.2英畝13,588美元03/28/22柏樹保護區1&2休斯頓,德克薩斯州516,000 SF 54,462(2)第二季度各種(3)柏樹保護區休斯頓,德克薩斯州45.7英畝14724 04/08/22澤菲爾配送中心舊金山,加利福尼亞州82,000 SF 29,017(2)04/15/22梅薩門户商業中心菲尼克斯,AZ 147,000 SF 18,315(2)04/29/22 Homestead Commerce Park Land Miami,FL 28.1英畝15,790 Cebrian配送中心和Reed(4)配送中心6街商務中心,Benicia配送中心1-5,(4)埃蒂商務中心、勞拉·愛麗絲商務中心、普雷斯頓配送中心、辛克萊配送中心、運輸配送中心和惠普爾商務中心,加利福尼亞州薩克拉門託裏德土地3,040英畝3,040(4)06/01/22大力神土地舊金山,加州3.9英畝3,561(4)06/30/22布拉塞爾頓1&2土地亞特蘭大,GA 43.0英畝4,048第三季度7/12/22接入點3格林維爾,南卡羅來納州299,000 SF 21,127(2)07/20/22艾森豪爾點10-12土地聖安東尼奧,德克薩斯州17.8英畝4,894 07/22/22山坡4,南卡羅來納州33.2英畝1,280 08/04/22布拉塞爾頓3土地亞特蘭大,GA 13.1英畝1,德克薩斯州425 8/24/22遺產林地奧斯汀,德克薩斯州44.4英畝15,295第四季度10/14/22亞特蘭大綠道,佐治亞州60.9英畝5,785 10/26/22卡梅隆土地奧斯汀,德克薩斯州87.5英畝30,776 10/27/22速度配送中心聖迭戈,加利福尼亞州N/A 18, 599(5)12/09/22艾森豪爾點13-14土地聖安東尼奧,德克薩斯州11.2英畝2,742 12/09/22 MCO物流中心土地奧蘭多,佛羅裏達州10.7英畝6,769 2,750,000 SF總收購456.3英畝624,367$日期物業名稱地點大小第一季度銷售總價1/06/22大都會商業園鳳凰城,亞利桑那州189,000 SF 33,510美元26,971(6)03/31/22佛羅裏達州勞德代爾堡柏樹溪商業園56,000 SF 5,600 3,381(6)第二季度05/11/22世界休斯頓15東休斯頓,德克薩斯州42,000 SF 13,300 10,647(6)第三季度無第四季度無總資產287,000 SF 52,410美元40,999(3)柏樹保護區在2022年第二季度分三次在不同日期進行交易。(6)計入綜合損益表和綜合收益表的房地產投資銷售收益;不計入FFO。6/01/22加州薩克拉門託329,000 SF 49,726 06/01/22(5)代表公司收購該物業1%的非控股權益;EastGroup現在擁有100%。(2)增值物業收購;計入綜合資產負債表上的發展物業和增值物業。(1)代表收購價格加成交成本。已實現收益處置收購加利福尼亞州舊金山1,377,000 SF 309,404(4)公司於2022年6月1日收購Tulloch Corporation時收購了這些物業。

Page 14 of 24 Real Estate Improvements and Leasing Costs (In thousands) (Unaudited) REAL ESTATE IMPROVEMENTS 2022 2021 2022 2021 Upgrade on acquisitions 160$ 969 618 1,337 Tenant improvements: New tenants 3,449 5,087 13,224 13,603 Renewal tenants 1,210 1,142 3,687 3,935 Other: Building improvements 1,927 3,119 9,853 8,044 Roofs 946 263 6,611 8,007 Parking lots 1,884 700 3,482 1,570 Other 571 546 1,969 1,399 TOTAL REAL ESTATE IMPROVEMENTS (1) 10,147$ 11,826 39,444 37,895 CAPITALIZED LEASING COSTS (Principally Commissions) Development and value-add 3,944$ 3,352 14,366 12,280 New tenants 1,838 1,762 10,392 10,990 Renewal tenants 2,316 3,615 12,095 10,111 TOTAL CAPITALIZED LEASING COSTS (2)(3) 8,098$ 8,729 36,853 33,381 (1) Reconciliation of Total Real Estate Improvements to Real Estate Improvements on the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows: 2022 2021 Total Real Estate Improvements 39,444$ 37,895 Change in real estate property payables 197 (26) Change in construction in progress 1,210 (1,204) 40,851$ 36,665 (2) Included in Other Assets on the Consolidated Balance Sheets. (3) Reconciliation of Total Capitalized Leasing Costs to Leasing Commissions on the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows: 2022 2021 Total Capitalized Leasing Costs 36,853$ 33,381 Change in leasing commissions payables 419 (80) 37,272$ 33,301 Twelve Months Ended December 31, Twelve Months EndedThree Months Ended December 31, Twelve Months Ended December 31, Leasing Commissions on the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows December 31, Real Estate Improvements on the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

第15頁(共24頁)租賃統計和入住率摘要(未經審計)截至3個月平方英尺加權租金變化租金變化PSF租户PSF租賃PSF合計12月31日,2022年簽訂的租約平均期限直線基礎現金基礎改善(1)佣金(1)租賃成本(1)(千)(年)新租約(2)29 509 4.6 56.1%39.6%2.98$3.62$6.60$續期租約551,407 4.3 46.2%31.9%1.26 1.65 2.91總計/加權平均數84 1、916 4.4 49.2%34.3%1.71$2.17$3.88$每年0.39$0.49$0.88$加權平均保留率(3)75.8%12個月加權租金變動PSF租户PSF租賃PSF總數12月31日2022年簽約平均年期直線基礎現金基礎改善(1)佣金(1)租賃成本(1)(千)(年)新租約(2)139 2,903 5.5 41.4%28.5%4.78$3.59$8.37$續期租約233 6317 4.6 37.7%22.7%0.85 1.82 2.67總計/加權平均數372 9, 220 4.9 39.0%24.7%2.09$2.38$4.47$每年0.42$0.49$0.91$加權平均保留率(3)73.8%12/31/22 09/30/22 06/30/22 03/31/22 12/31/21百分比98.7%99.0%99.1%98.8%98.7%已佔用百分比98.3%98.5%98.5%每平方英尺(PSF)金額表示租約有效期內的總金額,除每年的金額另有説明外。(2)不包括年期少於12個月的租約和第一代空間的租約。(3)以季度內簽訂的續期租約平方英尺/季度內到期的租約(不包括提前終止或破產)計算。

Page 16 of 24 Core Market Operating Statistics December 31, 2022 (Unaudited) Total % of Total Square Feet Annualized % % Straight-Line Cash Straight-Line Cash Straight-Line Cash Straight-Line Cash of Properties Base Rent (1) Leased Occupied 2023 (2) 2024 Basis Basis (4) Basis Basis (4) Basis Basis (4) Basis Basis (4) Florida Tampa 4,348,000 7.8% 99.7% 99.4% 454,000 688,000 8.6% 9.2% 4.9% 5.1% 53.3% 37.3% 51.6% 33.6% Orlando 4,191,000 7.4% 99.1% 98.8% 517,000 676,000 10.0% 2.2% 4.8% 2.9% 27.8% 23.8% 38.0% 21.9% Jacksonville 2,273,000 3.2% 100.0% 100.0% 166,000 530,000 12.8% 10.0% 8.8% 7.9% 57.9% 38.2% 48.7% 31.3% Miami/Fort Lauderdale 1,733,000 3.8% 92.2% 92.2% 250,000 349,000 -7.0% -4.8% 1.6% 5.4% N/A N/A 47.1% 32.4% Fort Myers 705,000 1.4% 100.0% 100.0% 130,000 102,000 -1.3% 0.2% -0.5% 1.2% 24.8% 8.5% 22.3% 8.2% 13,250,000 23.6% 98.6% 98.4% 1,517,000 2,345,000 6.9% 4.5% 4.7% 4.6% 51.0% 34.7% 44.7% 27.8% Texas Houston 6,231,000 10.7% 97.1% 96.3% 654,000 946,000 2.8% 7.7% 1.9% 3.9% 26.7% 11.8% 22.8% 7.4% Dallas 4,862,000 8.9% 100.0% 99.4% 586,000 777,000 3.1% 7.4% 5.0% 9.0% 47.5% 48.2% 33.7% 39.4% San Antonio 4,411,000 8.4% 97.9% 97.6% 455,000 632,000 3.5% 3.9% 5.3% 5.4% 25.3% 15.9% 24.8% 14.8% Austin 1,322,000 2.8% 97.8% 95.7% 109,000 275,000 1.5% 4.5% 1.2% 2.9% N/A N/A 53.2% 33.6% El Paso 1,126,000 1.7% 100.0% 100.0% 120,000 194,000 4.1% 5.7% 4.7% 5.9% 64.1% 45.6% 60.7% 42.9% Fort Worth 1,031,000 1.6% 100.0% 100.0% 109,000 81,000 -8.5% 0.2% 12.8% 23.7% 47.2% 22.0% 49.7% 26.2% 18,983,000 34.1% 98.4% 97.8% 2,033,000 2,905,000 2.4% 5.9% 4.0% 6.3% 34.0% 23.4% 30.5% 19.6% California Los Angeles (5) 2,484,000 7.2% 100.0% 100.0% 149,000 141,000 17.8% 15.6% 19.4% 21.7% 273.4% 192.6% 61.6% 41.9% San Francisco 2,421,000 6.5% 94.1% 92.3% 164,000 360,000 18.2% 19.2% 17.9% 17.2% 41.2% 30.0% 81.0% 56.0% San Diego (5) 1,933,000 5.7% 100.0% 100.0% 123,000 59,000 4.4% 42.6% 23.9% 53.9% N/A N/A 27.3% 21.6% Fresno 398,000 0.6% 100.0% 98.5% 124,000 42,000 14.6% 12.8% 16.1% 15.3% 27.6% 11.7% 22.1% 12.7% Sacramento 329,000 0.7% 100.0% 100.0% - 10,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7,565,000 20.7% 98.1% 97.5% 560,000 612,000 14.8% 21.0% 19.8% 25.6% 109.5% 81.6% 61.0% 42.6% Arizona Phoenix 3,000,000 5.6% 100.0% 100.0% 359,000 294,000 6.6% 8.4% 6.8% 9.3% 122.2% 91.7% 43.2% 28.8% Tucson 848,000 1.5% 100.0% 100.0% 16,000 101,000 0.2% 2.3% 1.9% 7.8% 38.1% 23.9% 44.6% 29.1% 3,848,000 7.1% 100.0% 100.0% 375,000 395,000 5.0% 6.9% 5.6% 8.9% 92.4% 68.3% 43.6% 28.9% Other Core Charlotte 3,642,000 5.8% 100.0% 99.0% 423,000 679,000 8.2% 5.8% 6.1% 2.4% 58.3% 38.3% 34.6% 17.0% Atlanta 1,312,000 2.2% 100.0% 100.0% 30,000 376,000 4.7% 6.2% 4.1% 11.8% 47.9% 34.8% 33.0% 26.4% Denver 886,000 2.0% 99.0% 99.0% 25,000 62,000 17.3% 17.1% 10.4% 10.2% 37.7% 22.7% 21.6% 12.1% Las Vegas 754,000 1.9% 98.4% 98.4% 182,000 66,000 13.9% 20.5% 16.8% 20.0% N/A N/A 66.3% 45.6% 6,594,000 11.9% 99.7% 99.1% 660,000 1,183,000 10.2% 10.0% 8.3% 7.9% 52.3% 34.2% 35.7% 20.3% Total Core Markets 50,240,000 97.4% 98.7% 98.3% 5,145,000 7,440,000 6.8% 8.4% 7.2% 8.9% 50.0% 35.0% 39.3% 25.0% Total Other Markets 1,763,000 2.6% 100.0% 100.0% 154,000 465,000 21.0% 21.8% 6.7% 8.3% 17.1% 4.9% 22.1% 11.1% Total Operating Properties 52,003,000 100.0% 98.7% 98.3% 5,299,000 7,905,000 7.1% 8.7% 7.2% 8.9% 49.2% 34.3% 39.0% 24.7% (1) Based on the Annualized Base Rent as of the reporting period for occupied square feet (without S/L Rent). (2) Includes month-to-month leases. (3) Does not include leases with terms less than 12 months and leases for first generation space. (4) Excludes straight-line rent adjustments and amortization of above/below market rent intangibles. (5) Includes the Company's share of its less-than-wholly-owned real estate investments. * This is a non-GAAP financial measure. Please refer to Glossary of REIT Terms. YTD Same PNOI Change* Rental Change (excluding income from lease terminations) New and Renewal Leases (3) in Square Feet Lease Expirations QTR YTD QTR

Page 17 of 24 Lease Expiration Summary - Total Square Feet of Operating Properties Based on Leases Signed Through December 31, 2022 ($ in thousands) (Unaudited) Annualized Current % of Total Base Rent of Base Rent of Square Footage of % of Leases Expiring Leases Expiring LEASE EXPIRATION Leases Expiring Total SF (without S/L Rent) (without S/L Rent) Vacancy 657,000 1.3% -$ 0.0% 2023 (1) 5,299,000 10.2% 38,289 10.3% 2024 7,905,000 15.2% 55,420 14.9% 2025 8,073,000 15.5% 60,176 16.2% 2026 8,800,000 16.9% 67,607 18.2% 2027 8,461,000 16.3% 66,376 17.9% 2028 3,728,000 7.2% 25,752 6.9% 2029 2,695,000 5.2% 19,518 5.3% 2030 1,592,000 3.0% 8,779 2.4% 2031 934,000 1.8% 8,559 2.3% 2032 and beyond 3,859,000 7.4% 20,602 5.6% TOTAL 52,003,000 100.0% 371,078$ 100.0% (1) Includes month-to-month leases.

Page 18 of 24 Top 10 Customers by Annualized Base Rent As of December 31, 2022 (Unaudited) % of Total # of % of Total Annualized Customer Leases Location Portfolio Base Rent (1) 1 Amazon 2 San Diego, CA 710,000 1 San Antonio, TX 57,000 1 Tucson, AZ 10,000 1.5% 2.1% 2 REPET, Inc. 1 Los Angeles, CA 300,000 0.6% 0.9% 3 Starship Logistics LLC 1 Los Angeles, CA 262,000 0.5% 0.9% 4 Consolidated Electrical Distributors 2 San Antonio, TX 145,000 2 Orlando, FL 91,000 1 San Francisco, CA 84,000 1 Charlotte, NC 28,000 0.7% 0.8% 5 FedEx Corp. 1 Dallas, TX 157,000 1 Fort Myers, FL 63,000 1 San Diego, CA 51,000 1 Fort Lauderdale, FL 50,000 1 Jackson, MS 6,000 0.6% 0.8% 6 The Chamberlain Group 2 Tucson, AZ 350,000 1 Charlotte, NC 11,000 0.7% 0.7% 7 Novolex Holdings, LLC 1 Los Angeles, CA 286,000 0.5% 0.6% 8 Essendant Co. 1 Orlando, FL 404,000 0.8% 0.6% 9 Kuehne & Nagel, Inc. 2 Houston, TX 172,000 1 Charlotte, NC 71,000 1 San Diego, CA 42,000 0.5% 0.6% 10 Lowes Home Centers LLC 1 Miami, FL 97,000 1 Tampa, FL 75,000 1 Orlando, FL 70,000 1 Pheonix, AZ 59,000 0.6% 0.6% 30 3,651,000 7.0% 8.6% (1) Calculation: Customer Annualized Base Rent as of 12/31/22 (without S/L Rent) / Total Annualized Base Rent (without S/L Rent). Leased Total SF

第24頁債務和股權市值2022年12月31日(千美元,(未經審計)2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028及以上無抵押債務(固定利率)(1)115,000美元170,000 145,000 140,000 175,000 95,000 1,695,000 5.8加權平均利率2.96%3.65%3.12%2.57%2.74%3.44%3.26%有擔保債務(固定利率)119 122 1,672---2,041 3.4加權平均利率3.85%3.85%3.85%--3.85%無擔保債務及有擔保債務總額115,119$170,122 145,128 141,672 175,000 95,000 1,697,041 5.8加權平均利率2.96%3.65%3.12%2.58%2.74%3.44%3.26%債務和擔保債務(固定利率)1,697,041美元無擔保銀行信貸安排(可變利率)$50 mm Line-5.167%-到期7/30-$425 MM Line-5.146%-到期7/30/2025(2)170,000債務賬面總額1,867,041$未攤銷債務發行成本總額(5,297)債務總額,扣除未攤銷債務發行成本1,861,744美元流通股--普通股43,575,539季度末每股價格148.06$總股本6,451,794美元總市值(債務和股本)(3)8,318,835美元總債務/總市值(3)22.4%(1)由於利率互換,這些貸款的利率是固定的或實際上是固定的。(2)於2023年1月,於年終後,本公司簽訂經修訂及重訂的信貸協議第五修正案,將產能由4.25億美元增至6.25億美元。(三)扣除未攤銷債務發行成本前。

截至2022年12月31日的24個持續普通股計劃的第20頁(千美元,除每股數據外)(未經審計)已發行和出售的股份(1)平均售價(每股)總收益與發售有關的費用和開支淨收益第一季度385,538 194.53$75,000$(821)$74,179$第二季度---第三季度6,368179.18 1,141(131)1,010第四季1,500 163.33 245(59)186合計2022年393,406 194.17$76,386$(1,011)$75,375$(1)2022年,公司向美國證券交易委員會提交了一份招股説明書附錄,與建立新的持續股權發行計劃有關,根據該計劃,公司可以不時在市場上發行或某些其他交易中出售總髮行價高達7.5億美元的普通股股票。這一新計劃旨在取代本公司以前的持續股權發行計劃,根據該計劃,上表所列股票是根據該計劃發行和出售的。

Page 21 of 24 Debt-to-EBITDAre Ratios ($ in thousands) (Unaudited) Quarter Ended December 31, 2022 (1) 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Debt 1,861,744$ 1,861,744$ 1,451,778 1,310,895 1,182,602 1,105,787 EBITDAre* 90,926 337,536 278,959 245,669 221,517 200,788 DEBT-TO-EBITDAre RATIO* 5.12 5.52 5.20 5.34 5.34 5.51 Debt 1,861,744$ 1,861,744$ 1,451,778 1,310,895 1,182,602 1,105,787 Subtract development and value-add properties in lease-up or under construction (324,831) (324,831) (376,611) (225,964) (315,794) (149,860) Adjusted Debt* 1,536,913$ 1,536,913$ 1,075,167 1,084,931 866,808 955,927 EBITDAre* 90,926$ 337,536$ 278,959 245,669 221,517 200,788 Adjust for acquisitions as if owned for entire period 5 6,900 4,213 1,906 5,590 1,909 Adjust for development and value-add properties in lease-up or under construction (438) (857) (700) (1,327) (2,072) (304) Adjust for properties sold during the period - (235) (1,517) (1,081) (3,812) (474) Pro Forma EBITDAre* 90,493$ 343,344$ 280,955 245,167 221,223 201,919 ADJUSTED DEBT-TO-PRO FORMA EBITDAre RATIO* 4.25 4.48 3.83 4.43 3.92 4.73 (1) Quarterly calculations annualize EBITDAre for the quarter. (2) Yearly calculations use EBITDAre for the 12-month period. * This is a non-GAAP financial measure. Please refer to Glossary of REIT Terms. Years Ended December 31, (2)

2023年第一季度2023年第一季度2023年第二季度普通股股東應佔淨收益33,789美元141,496 37,279 150,276折舊和攤銷42,466 179,162 42,466 179,162普通股股東運營資金*76,255$320,658 79,745 329,438稀釋股43,628 43,902 43,628 43,每股902數據(稀釋):普通股股東淨收益0.77$3.22 0.85 3.42普通股股東運營資金1.75 7.30 1.83 7.50*這是一項非公認會計準則的財務指標。請參閲房地產投資信託基金詞彙。中點採用了以下假設:指標每股FFO$7.30-$7.50$7.00每股FFO比上年增長5.7%(2)8.9%相同的PNOI增長:現金基礎(1)5.5%-6.5%(2)8.9%平均月末入住率-經營組合96.7%-97.7%98.0%租賃終止費收入100萬美元270萬無法收回的租金準備金(目前沒有發現2023年的壞賬)200萬美元138美元, 000個開發項目啟動:平方英尺270萬270萬預計總投資3.3億美元3.29億增值物業收購(預計總投資)無1.35億美元運營物業收購5000萬美元3.78億運營物業處置(處置的潛在收益未包括在預測中)7000萬美元5200萬無擔保債務在此期間結束3.5億美元,加權平均利率5.00%加權平均利率5.25億美元3.82%加權平均利率普通股發行1億美元7500萬美元一般和行政費用1740萬美元1640萬美元低檔高端(以千為單位,2022年實際2022年的2023年初步指導(2)包括自22年1月1日以來一直在經營組合中,並預計到2023年12月31日在經營組合中的物業;包括46,583,000平方英尺。(1)不包括直線租金調整、已取得租賃的市值租金無形資產攤銷和終止租賃的收入。

以下是房地產投資信託基金(“REIT”)行業常用術語的定義。有關REITs的更多信息,請參閲全國房地產投資信託協會(“NAREIT”)網站www.reit.com。調整後債務與預計EBITDARE比率:公司調整後債務除以預計EBITDARE計算得出的比率。債務的調整是減去開發成本和租賃或在建增值物業的成本。對EBITDARE作進一步調整,加入重大收購的NOI估計,猶如收購物業在整個期間擁有一樣,並從開發物業、租賃或在建物業以及在期內出售的物業減去NOI。調整後債務與形式息税前利潤比率是一種非公認會計準則財務指標,用於在調整後的基礎上分析公司相對於槓桿的財務狀況和經營業績, 從而使期內物業變動正常化和年化。收付實現制:該公司調整其GAAP報告,以排除直線租金調整和已獲得租賃的市場租金無形資產的攤銷。收付實現制是本公司在列報期間向客户收取的租金的指標,有助於分析本公司投資組合中的內含租金增長。債務與息税前利潤比率:公司債務除以息税前利潤的比率;這一非公認會計準則的衡量標準用於分析公司相對於槓桿的財務狀況和經營業績。債務與總市值的比率:用公司債務除以公司股本(按市值)和債務總額計算的比率。房地產息税折舊及攤銷前收益(EBITDARE):根據NAREIT制定的標準,EBITDARE的計算方法為淨收益,不包括房地產投資和非經營性房地產銷售的收益或虧損,外加利息、税項、折舊和攤銷。EBITDARE是一種非公認會計準則財務指標,用於衡量公司的經營業績及其在非槓桿基礎上履行利息支付義務和支付季度股票股息的能力。運營資金(FFO):FFO是最被接受的REIT運營業績報告指標,公司根據NAREIT在NAREIT運營資金白皮書-2018年重述中建立的標準來計算FFO。它等於房地產投資信託基金按照公認會計原則(“公認會計原則”)計算的普通股股東應佔淨收益(虧損)。, 不包括房地產銷售的損益(包括本公司業務附帶的其他資產)和減值損失,經房地產相關折舊和攤銷調整後,以及未合併的合夥企業和合資企業調整後的減值損失。FFO是一種非公認會計準則的財務指標,用於評估公司在房地產資產投資的表現及其經營業績。不包括傷亡和非自願轉換收益的FFO:一種以FFO(如上定義)計算的報告衡量標準,調整後不包括傷亡和非自願轉換收益。該公司認為,不包括傷亡和非自願轉換的收益,對經營業績進行了更有意義的比較。利息和固定費用覆蓋率:非公認會計準則的財務指標,計算方法是將公司的息税前利潤除以利息支出。我們相信這一比率對投資者是有用的,因為它為分析公司的槓桿率、經營業績及其償還到期債務的利息的能力提供了基礎。工業特性:通常由四面混凝土牆組成,傾斜在水泥板上。然後添加內部辦公室組件。業務用途包括倉儲、配送、輕工製造和組裝、研發、陳列室、辦公室, 或上述部分或全部的組合。即將到期的租約和即將到期的平方英尺簽訂的續訂租約:包括在期內和期末之後開始的續期。經營性土地:沒有建築物或改善設施的土地,從與租户的租賃中獲得收入;計入綜合資產負債表上的房地產。經營物業:公司經營資產組合中穩定的房地產(土地包括建築物和裝修);包括在綜合資產負債表上的房地產。

24 REIT術語表第24頁(續)租賃百分比:截至報告期結束時,已簽署租約(包括按月租賃)的可租賃總面積的百分比。租約簽訂後,空間即被視為租賃。佔用百分比:截至本報告所述期間結束時,租期已開始的可出租總面積的百分比。物業淨營業收入(“PNOI”):指房地產業務收入減去房地產業務費用(包括以市場為基礎的內部管理費支出)加上公司非全資房地產投資應佔收入和物業運營費用的份額。PNOI是一種非GAAP的物業層面的補充業績衡量指標,用於評估公司在房地產資產投資的業績及其經營結果。房地產投資信託基金(REIT):一家擁有並在大多數情況下經營創收房地產的公司,如公寓、購物中心、寫字樓、酒店和倉庫。一些REITs還從事房地產融資。大多數REITs的股票都是自由交易的,通常是在一個主要的證券交易所。要符合REIT的資格,公司必須每年將至少90%的應税收入分配給股東。符合房地產投資信託基金資格的公司可以從公司應納税所得額中扣除支付給股東的股息。結果, 大多數房地產投資信託基金至少將其應納税所得額的100%匯給股東,因此不需要繳納公司聯邦所得税。股東根據收到的股息繳納税款。大多數州都尊重這種聯邦待遇,也不要求房地產投資信託基金繳納州所得税。新租約和續簽租約的租金變動:租金變動按平方英尺計算,新租期第一個月到期的年化基本租金與前一個租期最後一個月到期的年化基本租金之間的差額。如果給出了免費租金,則使用第一個正的全租金值。租金金額不包括基本停靠點金額、滯留租金和溢價或折扣租金金額。此計算不包括租期少於12個月的租約及EastGroup收購或發展物業的第一代空間租約。相同物業:在整個本年度和上一年度報告期內擁有的經營性物業。在本年度和上一年度報告期的經營組合中持有之前,不包括已開發或收購的物業。本年度或上一年度報告期內售出的物業不包括在內。同一物業池包括從2021年1月1日至2022年12月31日整個期間包括在運營組合中的物業。相同物業淨營業收入(“相同PNOI”):指在本年度和上一年度報告期內,公司擁有的同一物業的房地產運營收入減去房地產運營支出(包括以市場為基礎的內部管理費支出),加上公司非全資房地產投資的收入和物業運營支出份額。相同的PNOI是非GAAP, 物業層面的業績補充衡量指標,用於評估公司在同一物業基礎上對房地產資產投資的業績及其經營結果。不包括租賃終止收入的相同PNOI:相同PNOI(如上定義),調整後不包括租賃終止收入。本公司認為,以直線和現金方式評估不包括租賃終止收入在內的相同PNOI是有用的。直線基礎是通過平均客户在租賃期間的租金支付來計算的;公認會計原則要求在直線基礎上確認租金收入。現金收付制不包括對已收購租賃的直線租金和市場租金無形資產攤銷的調整;現金收付制是本公司在列報期間向客户收取的租金的指標,有助於分析本公司投資組合中的嵌入租金增長。直線法:在租賃期內平均支付客户租金的過程。《公認會計原則》要求房地產公司在租金上保持直線。總回報:股票在某一特定期間內的股息收入加上資本增值/折舊,佔該期間開始時股票價格的百分比。增值物業:既可以獲得但不穩定的物業,也可以轉換為更高更好的用途的物業。滿足以下兩個條件之一的已收購物業被視為增值物業:(1)於收購日期入住率少於75%(或根據短期租約於收購日期起一年內入住率將低於75%),或(2)收購成本的20%或以上將用於重新開發物業。