
Markets,Inc.任命新的 董事

香港,2021年12月2日電/美通社/--納斯達克(以下簡稱“本公司”)今天宣佈,本公司董事會 已委任戴米安·瑟恩希爾先生(“瑟恩希爾先生”)為本公司董事,自2021年12月1日起 接替已通知辭去董事會職務的馬克·倫納德·譚先生(“陳先生”),自2021年12月1日起生效。譚先生表示,他的辭職是出於個人原因,而不是由於與公司的任何分歧。

現年44歲的瑟恩希爾先生在構建、管理和運營高性能信息技術系統和業務方面擁有20多年的經驗 。2019年5月,瑟恩希爾創立了一家原料藥諮詢公司Apiguru Pty Ltd.,並從那時起擔任董事。阿皮古魯私人有限公司目前是軍隊股份有限公司的全資子公司 。2019年7月至2021年6月,Apiguru Pty Ltd.被谷歌聘請為API顧問。它通過API幫助其企業客户 在全球構建和擴展其數字產品和平臺。2018年4月至2018年10月,瑟恩希爾先生在澳大利亞的 谷歌工作。2015年5月至2017年12月,瑟恩希爾先生在澳大利亞最大的國際投資銀行之一麥格理銀行(Macquarie Bank)擔任API平臺交付主管和產品負責人。瑟恩希爾先生使銀行能夠為其客户提供高度個性化的數字銀行體驗,並使他們能夠管理自己的數據使用。2006年4月至2015年3月,瑟恩希爾先生為瑞士最大的電信服務提供商瑞士電信 工作。他領導了應用程序編程接口(API)項目 ,該項目通過提高效率和創造數百萬美元的新收入,幫助瑞士電信節省了數百萬美元。瑟恩希爾 先生擁有ODEC瑞士高等教育畢業生協會的經濟計算機科學學士學位。

本公司行政總裁劉國雄先生評論説:“我們歡迎瑟恩希爾先生加入部隊董事會。我們相信,隨着本公司繼續拓展其在網上平臺開發、營運和管理方面的地位,他雄厚的專業背景和行業專長將會證明是有價值的。該平臺是一個專門提供一站式金融技術解決方案和服務以及提供IT諮詢和支持服務的在線平臺。我也要感謝陳先生在他任職期間所做的貢獻。 我們歡迎瑟恩希爾先生加入部隊董事會。我們相信,隨着公司在開發、運營和管理網上平臺方面的不斷擴大,他的專業背景和行業專長將被證明是有價值的。我也要感謝陳先生在任職期間所做的貢獻


軍隊, 公司是一家總部設在香港的各種業務的綜合集團。本集團主要從事 (A)在香港的放債業務,為優質目標借款人提供按揭貸款;(B)物業投資以創造額外租金收入;及(C)發展、營運及管理一個提供 一站式金融科技解決方案(包括利用人工智能、大數據及區塊鏈及雲端 計算(SaaS))的網上金融市場。該集團的願景是作為一家企業集團運營,在其自身的可持續生態系統內建立協同效應,從而為其股東創造價值。有關部隊的更多信息,請訪問我們的投資者關係網站:



This announcement contains "forward-looking" statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, including, without limitation, those with respect to the objectives, plans and strategies of the Company set forth herein and those preceded by or that include the words "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "future," "will," "intend," "plan," "estimate" or similar expressions, are "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements in this release include, without limitation, the effectiveness of the Company's multiple-brand, multiple channel strategy and the transitioning of its product development and sales focus and to a "light-asset" model. Although the Company's management believes that such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot guarantee that such expectations are, or will be, correct. These forward looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties, which could cause the Company's future results to differ materially from those anticipated. These forward-looking statements can change as a result of many possible events or factors not all of which are known to the Company, which may include, without limitation, our ability to have effective internal control over financial reporting; our success in designing and distributing products under brands licensed from others; management of sales trend and client mix; possibility of securing loans and other financing without efficient fixed assets as collaterals; changes in government policy in China; China's overall economic conditions and local market economic conditions; our ability to expand through strategic acquisitions and establishment of new locations; compliance with government regulations; legislation or regulatory environments; geopolitical events, and other events and/or risks outlined in TROOPS 's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its annual report on Form 20-F and other filings. All information provided in this press release and in the attachments is as of the date of the issuance, and TROOPS does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required under applicable law.