




本プロトコルの日付および発効時間において、添付表3.1のすべてのコンテンツは、その時間および現在までに行われたように、真および正確であるべきである(極めて小さい不正確を除いて)。(Iii)本プロトコルに規定されているYamanaの他のすべての陳述および保証(X)は、本プロトコルの日付のすべての態様において真実で正確であり、(Y)発効時間のすべての態様は、この時間に行われているようなものである(本条項6.2(A)(Iii)(Y)項の目的については、このような陳述または保証に含まれる任意の重要性またはYamanaの実質的な悪影響の制限は考慮されていない)。しかし、前述の条項(I)、(Ii)および(Iii)項のいずれかの陳述および保証は、本合意日または別の日までの場合、その日付は、前述の第(Iii)(Y)条の個別および全体がすべての態様でこのように真実かつ正確でない限り、Yamanaの実質的な悪影響を構成しない限り、様々な態様で真実かつ正しいものでなければならない。また、Yamanaは、Yamanaの2人の高官の証明書(Yamanaを代表し、個人的な責任を負わない)をGold Fields 63に提供し、上記の発効日を証明しなければならない。(B)Yamanaは、すべての実質的な側面において、その合意における約束を遵守し、Yamanaは、(Yamanaを代表して個人的な責任を負わない)有効日にそのような約束を遵守することを証明するために、Yamanaの2人の上級管理者の証明書をGold Fieldsに提供しなければならない。(C)いかなる政府実体又は他の者も、その外部の法律顧問と協議した後、任意の法律手続が金田の手配又は買収又はYamanaの株式の所有又はその全ての所有権を行使する能力に重大な制限を加える可能性があると心から考えている場合は、いかなる政府実体又は他の人の法的手続きが保留されていても、又は書面で脅威を与えてはならない。(D)本合意の日から、Yamanaは、治癒されていないYamanaの重大な悪影響が発生または開示されてはならない(以前に公衆に開示されていない場合)、Yamanaは、Gold FieldsにYamanaの2人の上級管理者の証明を提供しなければならない(Yamanaを代表し、個人的な責任を負わない)、および(E)発行されたYamana株式の5%を超えて行使してはならない(または行使された場合、異議を撤回しないことを維持してはならない)。6.3 Yamana義務の追加条件Yamanaが手配を完了する義務は、発効時間または発効時間の前に以下の各追加条件を満たすことに依存する(各追加条件は、Yamanaの固有の利益のためであり、Yamanaが所有し得る任意の他の権利を損なうことなく、任意の時間にすべてまたは一部の条件を完全に適宜放棄することができる):(A)(I)(A)(A)節に規定されたGold Fieldsの陳述および保証









また、(C)本協定が発効した日から、未治癒の重大な悪影響が発生または開示されてはならない(以前に公衆に開示されていなければ)、Gold FieldsはYamanaに(Gold Fieldsを代表し、個人的な責任を負わない)ことを示す金田2人の上級管理者の証明書を提供しなければならない。6.4条件を満たす6.1節、6.2節、および6.3節で規定された事前条件は、最終的に発効時間に満たされ、放棄または解除されたとみなされるべきである。確実性を向上させ、かつ、双方とホスト機関との間で締結された任意のホスト手配の条項にかかわらず、ホスト機関は、本条項第2.13節に従ってホスト方式で保有している対価格株式を、誰もさらなる行動や手続きを行うことなく、発効時にホストを解除しなければならない。6.5通知および修復条項(A)各当事者は、本プロトコルの発効日から発効日までの任意の時間に、発生または発生していない任意のイベントまたは事実状態(任意の場合、実際、予想、予想、または当業者に知られている脅威)を他方に迅速に通知しなければならない:(I)本プロトコルに記載されている任意の当事者の任意の陳述または保証が、任意の重大な態様で本合意日または発効日において真実でない、誤解されているか、または不正確であることをもたらす;または(Ii)は、いずれかの当事者が有効日の前に、または有効日に任意のチノ、条件、または合意を遵守または満たすことができないことをもたらす。(B)本第6.5条に従って提供される通知は、当事者の陳述、保証、契約、条件、合意または義務(またはそれに関連する救済措置)または当事者が本合意項目の下で義務する条件に影響を与えない。(C)金鉱は,第7.2(A)(Iii)(D)条に従って本協定を終了する権利を行使することを選択してはならない


また,Yamanaは,本プロトコルを終了する権利を第7.2(A)(Iv)(D)条に従って行使することを選択してはならない[金田は陳述、保証、または契約に違反しています], (b) [本プロトコルの終了を求める一方(“終了側”)が他方(“違約側”)に書面通知(“終了通知”)を発行していない限り、契約違反、陳述、保証に違反するすべての行為を合理的に詳細に説明し、または終了側が終了根拠となる他の事項を主張する。終了通知が交付された後、違約者がその事項を処理しようと努力しており、その事項が外部日前に解決されることができる場合、停止者は、(I)外部日;および(Ii)違約者が終了通知を受信してから10営業日以内の日付(その事項がその日までに解決されていない場合)まで、停止権を行使することができないが、任意の事項が外部日前に解決されなかった場合、終了者は、適用された停止権を直ちに行使することができる。6.6項の挫折金田およびYamanaは、いずれも、6.1節、6.2節または6.3節(場合に応じて)に規定された任意の条件に依存してはならず、この条件が満たされていない場合、その条件が満たされていない場合は、当業者が任意の実質的な点で本合意の任意の規定に違反しているか、または当業者が要求する努力基準を使用して本合意で予期される取引を完了できなかったためである。第七条期間、終了、修正及び放棄7.1期限本協定は、本協定の発効時期が早い者まで、本合意の日から発効し、本合意の条項に従って終了する。7.2終了(A)本プロトコルは、発効時間前の任意の時間に終了することができる:(I)YamanaおよびGold Fieldの両方による書面プロトコル;(Ii):(A)有効時間が外部日または前に発生してはならないが、いずれか一方が本プロトコルの下でのいかなる義務を履行していないか、または本プロトコル項の下でのいかなる陳述および保証に違反している場合、(A)有効時間は外部日に発生してはならないこと、(A)有効時間は外部日に発生してはならないこと、(A)有効時間が外部日に発生してはならないこと、を条件として、(A)有効時間が外部日に発生してはならない場合。(B)この日の後、YamanaまたはGold Fieldsの完了スケジュールを無効にするか、または他の方法でYamanaまたはGold Fieldsの完了を禁止または禁止する、依然として有効な適用可能な法律または命令を制定または作成すべきであり、この法律、命令または命令は最終的かつ控訴できないものとなっている]66(C)Yamana株主承認は、いずれか一方が本合意の下でのいかなる義務を履行できなかったか、又は本合意の下でのいかなる陳述及び保証がYamana株主の承認を得られなかった理由又は結果であるかに違反しない限り、本第7.2(A)(Ii)(C)条に従って本合意を終了する権利を得ることができない。または(D)黄金場株主総会では、当該黄金場決議案が正式に承認されていないが、いずれか一方が本協定の下でのいかなる義務を履行していないか、又は本合意項の下でのいかなる陳述及び保証に違反している場合には、本7.2(A)(Ii)(D)条に従って本合意を終了する権利を有してはならず、これらの権利は、金鉱場株主の承認を得られなかった原因又は結果である。(Iii)金田:(A)Yamana提案が変化した場合、および/またはYamanaまたはその任意の子会社が許可を受け、承認し、署名または締結した場合、(B)Yamanaは任意の重大な点で第5.8条に違反し、(C)Yamanaは外部の日までに治癒できない重大な悪影響を発生させる。または(D)Yamana側は、本プロトコルに規定されている任意の陳述または保証または任意の契約または契約を履行できないことに違反し、6.2(A)節または6.2(B)節に規定された条件を満たすことができず、これらの条件を外部日前に満たすことができない。(IV)(A)Gold Fields勧告が変化した場合、および/またはGold Fieldsまたはその任意の子会社が許可、署名、または許可買収協定を受け入れ、または締結した場合、(B)Gold Fieldsは、任意の重大な点で第5.9節に違反した場合、(C)Gold Fieldsは、外部日前に治癒できない重大な悪影響が発生した。または(D)本プロトコルに規定されている任意の陳述または保証に違反したり、本プロトコルに規定されている任意の約束または合意を履行できなかったりすると、第6.3(A)節または第6.3(B)節に規定された条件が満たされず、これらの条件が外部日前に満たされないことになる。67(B)本第7.2条(第7.2(A)(I)条を除く)に従って本プロトコルを終了する一方は、他方に本プロトコルを終了する書面通知を発行し、当該当事者がその停止権を行使する根拠を合理的に詳細に説明しなければならない。(C)本プロトコルが7.1節または7.2節に従って終了した場合、本プロトコルは失効すべきであり、もはや効力または効力を有さず、いずれか一方(またはその当事者の任意の株主、役員、従業員、代理人、コンサルタントまたは代表)が本プロトコルの他の当事者に責任を負わない限り、(I)発効時間の発生により7.1節に従って終了した場合、本7.2(C)節および第5.11、5.12節の規定。8.2および8.9および1.1節で規定されたすべての関連定義は、その後6年間有効であり、第2.15節は無期限に有効であるべきである。(Ii)7.2節に従って終了した場合、7.2(C)節および5.10(B)、7.3、8.2、8.3、8.5、8.6および8.8節の規定、および第1.1節に記載されたすべての関連定義およびセキュリティプロトコルの規定は、7.2節に従って終了したときも有効であり、第2.15節は無期限に終了し、(Iii)いずれも、本プロトコルのいかなる規定に故意に違反することにより、任意の責任または損害を免除または免除してはならない。7.3終了料(A)本プロトコルに別途規定があることに加えて、本プロトコルおよび手配計画に関連するすべての費用、コスト、および支出は、そのような費用、コスト、または支出を生成する側によって支払われなければなりません。(B)本プロトコルの場合、“Yamana終了料イベント”とは、本プロトコルの終了を意味する:(I)金田により7.2(A)(Iii)(A)条により終了する[Yamanaは推薦を変更します](Ii)金鉱より7.2(A)(Iii)(B)[Yamanaは非招待書条項に実質的に違反している](Iii)いずれか一方は第7.2(A)(Ii)(C)条に基づく[Yamana株主の承認を得られなかった]Yamanaの変更勧告および/またはYamanaまたはその任意の子会社が許可買収契約を受け入れ、承認し、署名または締結した後、または(Iv)のいずれか一方が第7.2(A)(Ii)(A)条に基づく[発効時間は外部期日までではありません], (b) [又は第七百二十二条第一項(イ)(ハ)条]Yamana株主の承認を得られなかった[又は第7.2(A)(Iii)(D)条に従って金鉱を通過する]Yamanaは陳述、保証、またはキノに違反します[しかし、これらの終了事件において、(X)終了前に、誰(金田およびその関連会社を除く)が善意のYamana買収提案を提出し、公開しなければならず、Yamana買収提案は、Yamana会議日の少なくとも5営業日前および(Y)終了日後12ヶ月以内に撤回されないことを前提としている。(A)Yamana又はその1つ以上の子会社がYamana買収提案について契約を締結する(68守秘契約を除く)(Yamana買収提案が上記(X)項に記載のYamana買収提案と同じか否かにかかわらず)、かつYamana買収提案が後に完了したか否か(終了後12ヶ月以内であるか否かにかかわらず)、又は(B)Yamana買収提案が完了したものとする(Yamana買収提案が上記(X)項に記載のYamana買収提案と同じか否かにかかわらず)、ただし、本節7.3(B)(Iv)節の目的である。“Yamana買収提案”という言葉は、1.1節でこの用語に付与された意味を持つべきであるが、その中で言及された“20%”は“50%”への言及とみなされるべきである。Yamana停止費事件が発生した場合、Yamanaは、電気為替を介して直ちに利用可能な資金をGold FieldsにYamana停止費を支払うべきであり、具体的には、(A)Yamana停止費が第7.3(B)(I)条に従って支払われる場合、終了後2営業日以内に支払うべきであり、(B)第7.3(B)(Ii)条に基づいてYamana停止料が支払われる場合、終了後2営業日以内に終了料を支払わなければならない。(C)(B)(Ii)条に基づいてYamana終了料を支払わなければならない場合、(I)Yamanaが本プロトコルを終了しながら本プロトコルを終了し、(Ii)Gold Fieldsが本プロトコルを終了した場合、終了後2営業日以内に終了費用を支払わなければならない場合、または(D)第7.3(B)(Iv)条に従ってYamana終了料を支払わなければならない場合、その中で示されるYamana買収提案が完了したときに終了費用を同時に支払わなければならない。(C)本プロトコルの場合、“金メダル停止費イベント”とは、本プロトコルの終了を意味する:(I)Yamanaによって7.2(A)(Iv)(A)条に従って終了する:]黄金分野の推薦面での変化[(Ii)Yamanaは第7.2(A)(Iv)(B)条に基づく]金鉱場は実質的に非募集条項に違反している[(Iii)いずれか一方は第7.2(A)(Ii)(D)条に基づく]金田株主の承認を得られませんでした[変更後および/またはGold Fieldsまたはその任意の子会社が許可買収協定を受け入れ、承認し、署名または締結することを提案する。または(Iv)のいずれか一方は、第7.2(A)(Ii)(A)条に従って]発効時間は外部期日までではありません

又は第七百二十二条第一項第一号(D)[3.1-4(Iii)任意の優先購入権または最初の契約権を生成し、任意の制御権条項の変更または任意の制限または制限をトリガするか、またはYamanaの任意の重大な契約または許可に基づいて任意の同意または他の行動をとることを任意の者に要求するか、またはYamanaの任意の資産またはYamanaの任意の付属会社またはYamanaに知られているYamanaの重大な共同事業体の任意の資産に任意の留置権を適用することをもたらすが、個別または全体的にYamanaの重大な悪影響を与えないものを除外する。承認、トロント証券取引所、ニューヨーク証券取引所、ロンドン証券取引所および/またはFCA、一時命令および最終命令、一時命令および最終命令の適用規則および政策によって要求されるこのような届出および承認に加えて、Yamanaまたはその任意の子会社またはYamana重大合弁エンティティは、許可またはそれに関連する他の行動を必要とせず、または任意の政府エンティティに記録、記録、登録または発行を準備し、またはYamanaが本合意項目の下での手配に関連する義務または完了を履行するために任意の政府エンティティに通知するが、この手配の許可および届出を取得または完了できなかったことを除く。単独でも全体的にも、Yamanaに実質的な悪影響を及ぼすだろう。(D)付属会社。(I)Yamana材料付属会社を除いて、Yamanaには他の重要な付属会社はない。現在、Yamana材料子会社またはYamana材料合営実体は、直接または間接的にYamana材料合営実体に任意の配当金を支払うことができず、Yamana材料子会社またはYamana材料合営実体の株について任意の他の割り当てを行い、Yamana材料子会社またはYamana材料合営実体の任意のローンまたは下敷きをYamanaに返済することができない。(Ii)日付において、Yamana開示書簡第3.1(D)(Ii)節には、Yamana材料付属会社およびYamana材料共同事業体に関する以下の資料が正確に記載されている:(I)その名称、(Ii)Yamanaが所有する持分率、および(Iii)その登録成立、組織または成立の司法管轄権。(Iii)Yamanaの直接又は間接は、以下の登録及び実益所有者である:(A)各Yamana重大付属会社については、そのすべての発行及び未償還証券、及び(B)各Yamana重大合営会社の実体については、Yamana公開書類に記載されている所有権の割合は、各場合においていかなる留置権もなく(留置権の許可を除く)、及びYamana材料付属会社及びYamanaの知っている限り、Yamana Material合営会社のすべての発行及び未償還証券は正式及び有効な許可及び発行を受けており、かつ配当金を十分に納付しており、当該エンティティが会社である場合は評価することができない。Yamana Material子会社またはYamanaによれば、Yamana Material合弁エンティティの任意の証券は、いかなる法律または優先購入権または同様の権利発行にも違反していない。Yamana重大付属会社またはYamana重大共同経営エンティティに知られている限り、未償還オプション、権利、権利、了解または承諾(またはあるまたは有)は、任意の証券または他の所有権3.1~5の権利を取得する権利に関連していない。(E)法律と条件文書を遵守する。(I)Yamana及びその子会社の業務は、Yamanaの知る限り、Yamana JVエンティティは、2020年1月1日から各司法管轄区域のすべての法律を実質的に遵守しており、これらの法律は、過去及び現在、Yamana、その任意の子会社及び任意のYamana合弁実体の業務に適用されており、Yamana又はその任意の子会社又はYamanaによれば、Yamana JVのいかなるエンティティも、このような法律違反の疑いのあるいかなる通知も受けていないが、合理的に予想されない不遵守又は違反行為を除外している。単独でも全体的にも、Yamanaに実質的な悪影響を及ぼすだろう。(Ii)Yamana又はその任意の付属会社又はYamana共同経営会社は、その定款又は細則又は同等の組織文書に基づいて違反、失責又は違反していない。このような違反又は無責任行為が個別又は全体にYamanaに重大な悪影響を与えない限り。(F)許可。Yamanaおよびその付属会社およびYamanaの知る限り、Yamana共同経営エンティティは、Yamana、その付属会社およびYamana共同経営エンティティの資産を所有、運営および使用するために、または他の方法でYamana、その付属会社およびYamana共同経営エンティティの業務および運営を行い、すべての適用法律を遵守するために必要な許可を取得しており、これらのような許可が得られない限り、個別または全体的にYamanaに大きな悪影響を与えない。このような許可は完全に効果的であり、その条項に基づいて機能する。Yamanaとその付属会社およびYamanaの知る限り、Yamana共同経営会社の実体はこれらのすべての許可を全面的に遵守し、遵守しているが、個別または全体がYamanaに重大な悪影響を与えない不遵守の場合は除外する。そのような許可に関する行動、調査、または手続きは決定されておらず、Yamanaによれば、これらの許可が成功すれば、Yamanaに実質的な悪影響を及ぼすことになる。Yamanaまたはその任意の子会社、またはYamana JVの任意のエンティティまたはそのそれぞれの高級管理者または取締役は、撤回、更新またはそのような許可の重大な修正に関する書面または口頭の通知を受けていないか、またはそのような許可の継続を撤回、拒否するか、または任意のそのような許可を実質的に修正する通知を受けていないが、いずれの場合も、撤回、更新または修正は、単独または全体的にYamanaに実質的な悪影響を与えることはなく、Yamanaの知っている限り、Yamanaおよびその子会社およびYamanaに知られているすべての許可を除く。Yamana合弁会社実体は、Yamana、その子会社、Yamana合弁会社実体が現在の方法でそれぞれの業務を継続するように、引き続き有効である。Yamanaによれば、Yamanaまたはその全額付属会社を除いて、Yamanaまたはその全額付属会社のいかなる許可も持っていないか、またはYamanaまたはその全額付属会社の任意の許可において任意の所有権、財務または他の利益(直接または間接)を所有している。3.1-6(G)大文字である.(I)Yamanaの法定株式は、数量を問わないYamana株式からなる。本契約日までに、(A)961,039,283株のYamana発行および発行済み株式、(B)Yamana購入株式なし、(C)Yamana RSUは、帰属時に最大2,428,903株のYamana株を発行し、および(D)Yamana株式承認株式は、行使時に最大340,166株のYamana株を発行することになる。また,本プロトコルの日までに,(A)3,321,591個のYamana多用途単位が不明,(B)5,247,958個のYamanaが複数不明であった.発行されたすべてのYamana株式は発行されており、Yamana RSUおよびYamana株式承認証に基づいてその条項に従って行使または帰属権利に基づいて発行可能なすべてのYamana株式は正式に許可されており、発行時にYamanaの配当金および評価不可株式として有効に発行され、いかなる優先引受権の制限を受けないか、またはいかなる優先引受権に違反することなく発行される。本文およびYamana開示書簡第3.1(G)(I)節で述べたことに加えて、Yamana、その任意の付属会社またはYamana合弁会社の任意のエンティティは、Yamana資本の任意の株式、その任意の付属会社の株式、共同権益または他の株式を発行または売却していない、または変換することができる。Yamanaは、Yamana株中の任意の株式またはその任意の付属会社の株式、共同権益または他の持分の権利または義務を交換または引受することができ、またはその価値は、Yamanaまたはその任意の付属会社の証券価値に基づいており、Yamana奨励計画に加えて、Yamanaは、持分または証券に基づくいかなる補償手配も維持していない。(Ii)Yamana開示書簡の第3.1(G)(Ii)節には、本合意日まで、適用範囲内でYamana RSU、Yamana DSU、Yamana PSUおよびYamana引受権証の所有者に提供されるすべての未完了付与のスケジュール、ならびにそのスケジュールの数、行使価格、付与日、満期日、授与スケジュール、性能基準、および別のイベントまたはイベントと共に帰属または行使を加速することができるかどうかが示されている。(Iii)本報告日に、Yamanaまたはその任意の付属会社、またはYamanaの知られているように、Yamana重大共同会社の任意のエンティティは、責任を履行していないか、償還していないか、または他の方法でYamanaの株式またはその任意の付属会社またはYamanaの重大な共同会社の実体の任意の株式を買収し、または共同権益または他の持分、またはカナダまたは他の場所で公開流通証券を公開する資格を満たしているか、またはYamana、その任意の付属会社またはYamanaの重大な共同会社の実体の任意の証券について投票または処分する。Yamanaの知る限り、Yamanaのいかなる子会社またはYamana合弁会社のいかなる実体もYamanaのいかなる株式も所有していない。3.1-7(Iv)Yamanaのすべての未償還証券の発行は、すべての適用可能な法律およびそのような証券に適用される任意の優先購入権または同様の権利に実質的に適合する。(V)Yamana報酬計画およびそのような計画下の証券発行(すべての未償還Yamana RSU、Yamana DSU、Yamana PSUを含む)は、国際財務報告基準に従ってYamanaの財務諸表に記録されており、このような贈与は、“バックトラック”、“長期”、“ばね負荷”または同様の方法には関連しない。(Vi)(A)Yamana高級手形、(B)Yamanaの2つ以上の付属企業間またはYamanaとその1つまたは複数の付属会社との間の会社間融資、(C)Yamana財務諸表の開示、または(D)Yamana開示の開示に加えて、または(D)Yamana開示書簡第3.1(G)(Vi)節に記載されており、Yamana、その付属会社またはYamana、Yamana共同事業体に知られている発行、償還または許可されていない債券、債権証または他の債務証拠、または(Yamana、Yamana共同経営実体に知られている)任意の他のタイプの未償還合意、手配、約束、直接、または間接、任意の関係者に、任意の他のタイプの未償還合意、手配、承諾、直接、または間接的、任意の間接的、または他の債務証拠を与える。Yamana株主と任意の事項について投票する権利(又は投票権を有する証券の投票権を転換又は行使することができる)。(Vii)本プロトコルが発行された日まで、Yamanaが発表または許可したすべての配当金または証券割り当ては、全額支払われた。(Viii)Yamanaの証券は、そのいかなる付属会社またはYamana合弁会社のいかなるエンティティによっても所有されていない。(H)株主プロトコルと類似プロトコル.Yamana開示書簡第3.1(H)節に記載されていることに加えて、Yamanaまたはその任意の付属会社、またはYamanaの知る限り、Yamana共同経営会社の任意のエンティティは、Yamana、その任意の付属会社またはYamana共同経営会社のエンティティの資本において発行および発行された株式に関連する任意の株主、集合、議決権信託または他の同様の合意または手配の一方ではなく、またはそのような合意または手配に基づいて、任意の人々は、Yamana、その任意の付属会社またはYamana共同経営会社の実体の任意の既存または過去の持分について任意の権利または申索を有することができる。そしてYamanaは株主権利計画や他の似たような計画や合意を採択していない。(I)発行者状況と証券取引所コンプライアンス状況を報告する。(I)本稿の発行日まで、Yamanaは報告発行者(又は同等発行者)であり、カナダ証券法によれば、当該発行者はカナダ各省及び地域で違約行為がなく、適用されるカナダ証券法をすべて厳格に遵守する。Yamanaのいかなる証券を退市したり、取引を一時停止したりすることは命令されていない。Yamanaの株はトロント証券取引所に上場し、看板取引を行い、ニューヨーク証券取引所とロンドン証券取引所に上場し、トロント証券取引所、ニューヨーク証券取引所、ロンドン証券取引所を除いて、どの市場にも上場しておらず、Yamanaはすべての重大な点でトロント証券取引所、ニューヨーク証券取引所、ロンドン証券取引所に適用される上場とコーポレートガバナンス規則及び法規に適合している]3.1-8(Ii)Yamanaは、どの省または地域においても報告発行者としての行動を停止せず、主要規制機関であるオンタリオ州証券委員会またはカナダのある省または地域の任意の他の適用可能な証券委員会または証券監督機関がYamanaの報告発行者の地位の廃止を要求する通知を受けていない。Yamanaの任意の証券の退市、取引停止または取引停止または他の命令または制限が保留されており、実際に脅威にさらされているか、またはYamanaによれば、実施または行われないことが予想され、Yamanaは、そのような命令または制限に関連するいかなる正式または非公式審査、照会、調査、または他の手続きも受け入れない。(J)U。アメリカ証券法は重要です。(I)Yamana株は、米国法第12条(B)に基づいて登録されている。“外国プライベート発行者”として、Yamanaは“外国プライベート発行者”としての報告義務を実質的に遵守しており、これは米国取引所法案下の規則3 b-4で定義され、米国証券取引法13条に適合している。“取引所法案”。(Ii)Yamana株を除いて、Yamanaは米国取引所法案に基づいて登録された任意の種類の株式証券を有さず、Yamanaは現在も米国証券取引法第15条(D)に基づくいかなる報告義務にも拘束されていない。“アメリカ取引法”。(Iii)Yamanaは、米国の法律に基づいて登録または登録を要求する投資会社ではない。1940年に“投資会社法”が改正された。(Iv)Yamanaは、2020年1月1日以来そうではなく、発効日にも“シェル社”ではない(定義は米国証券法第405条参照)。(K)レポート。Yamanaは2020年1月1日以降、カナダ証券法および米国証券法の規定に基づき、カナダ証券法および米国証券法に基づいて提出または提供されなければならないすべての文書を速やかに提出または提供しているが、Yamanaに実質的な悪影響を与えない文書を単独または全体的に提出することはできなかった。当時提出されたYamana Public文書によれば、(I)何の非現実的陳述も含まれていない、(Ii)重大な事実の不真実な陳述は含まれていない、あるいは陳述の漏れは、その中で陳述またはその中で陳述するために必要な重大な事実を含まなければならず、これらの陳述の状況に応じて、誤解性を持たず、(Iii)すべての重大な点で適用されるカナダ証券法および米国証券法の要件に適合する。Yamana公共文書に対するいかなる修正も適用された政府エンティティにタイムリーに提出された。Yamanaはどの政府エンティティにも秘密に関する重大な変更報告書を提出しておらず、カナダ証券法またはいかなる政府エンティティにも他の秘密文書を提出していない。3.1-9(L)財務諸表。(I)Yamana財務諸表(関連管理層の議論および分析を含む)およびYamanaが、発効日前の任意の後続期間について公開伝播されたすべてのYamana財務諸表(任意の付記および関連管理層の議論および分析を含む)は、以前の期間と一致した上で適用されるIFRSに従って作成され(IFRSが変更されない限り、新しい会計基準はその後の期間に施行される)、およびすべての重要な側面において資産、負債(応算、絶対、または他のいずれか)を公平に記載する。Yamana及びその子会社は、それぞれの日までの総合財務状況及びその財務業績、並びにそれぞれに係る期間の経営業績及びキャッシュフローを提供する。(Ii)Yamanaまたはその任意の付属会社またはYamanaによれば、Yamanaと未合併エンティティまたは他の人々との間には、表外取引、手配、債務(または債務を含む)または他の関係はなく、Yamana財務諸表には、そのような取引、手配、債務(または債務を含む)または他の関係は反映されていない。(3)Yamanaおよびその各子会社の財務帳簿、記録および勘定:(A)すべての重要な側面において“国際財務報告基準”に従って保存されている、(B)すべての重要な側面におけるYamanaの財務諸表基礎を正確かつ公平に反映する。(Iv)Yamana管理層は、Yamanaがその年間文書、一時文書、または適用法律に従って政府エンティティによって提出または提出された他の報告において開示を要求する情報が、その政府エンティティによって適用された法律によって規定された時間内に記録、処理、集約および報告されることを保証するために、国家文書52-109-発行者年次および中間文書における開示認証において定義された情報開示制御およびプログラムシステムのセットを確立し、維持している。このような開示制御および手続きは、適切な法律に従って提出または提出された他の報告書においてYamanaがその年間文書、一時文書または政府エンティティが開示を要求する情報が蓄積され、そのCEOおよび最高財務官(または同様の機能を果たす者)を含むYamanaの管理職に適宜伝達され、必要な開示情報をタイムリーに決定することを保証することを含む。(V)Yamanaは、財務報告に対して内部統制を維持する(この用語は、国家文書52-109-発行者年間および中期文書における開示証明書で定義される)。財務報告のこのような内部統制は、財務報告の信頼性と“国際財務報告基準”に基づいて外部目的の財務諸表の作成に合理的な保証を提供し、(A)Yamanaおよびその子会社の資産の取引および処分を3.1-10の合理的な詳細で正確かつ公平に反映した記録の保存に関連する政策および手順、(B)IFRSに基づいて財務諸表を作成するために必要な合理的な保証を提供する、Yamanaおよびその子会社の収入および支出は、Yamanaおよびその子会社の管理層および取締役の許可を得た後にのみ行うことができる。(C)Yamanaまたはその子会社の財務諸表に重大な影響を及ぼす可能性のある不正な買収、使用または処分資産の防止またはタイムリーな発見について合理的な保証を提供する。Yamanaの知る限り、本合意日までに、(X)Yamana財務報告の内部統制の設計および実施または維持に大きな欠陥はなく、Yamanaの財務情報を記録、処理、まとめ、報告する能力に悪影響を及ぼす可能性があり、(Y)重大な詐欺行為の有無にかかわらず、管理層またはYamana財務報告内部統制において重要な役割を果たす他の従業員に関する詐欺行為は存在しない。(Vi)Yamana、その任意の付属会社、または上記のいずれかの会社の任意の取締役、上級管理者、従業員、監査師、会計士または代表は、Yamanaまたはその任意の付属会社またはそのそれぞれの内部会計制御に関する会計または監査実務、プログラム、方法または方法に関する任意の書面または口頭の重大なクレーム、言及、断言または申立を完全に受信していないか、または他の方法で知っているか、または他の方法で書面または口頭で知っているか、または、Yamanaまたはその任意の付属会社が問題のある会計または監査行為に従事している任意の重大なクレーム、言及、断言または主張を含み、これらのクレーム、言及、断言、または申告は、Yamana取締役会を満足させる監査委員会にまだ解決されていない。(M)不開示の負債。Yamanaが第3.1(M)節に開示したものを開示する者を除いて、Yamana及びその任意の付属会社、又はYamanaの知る限り、Yamanaの任意の主要共同経営実体にはいかなる性質の重大な負債又は義務もなく、計算すべきか、あるか、絶対的、すでに決定されたか、終了可能又はその他にかかわらず、(I)Yamanaの2022年3月31日までの審査されていない簡明総合貸借対照表(“Yamana貸借対照表”)に明確に記載されているか、又はその付記に開示されている負債及び義務は除外される。(Ii)Yamana貸借対照表の日から通常業務中に発生し、従来の慣例に適合した費用、および(Iii)本プロトコルの実行により発生した費用。(N)サバンズ-オキシリー法案を遵守する。Yamanaの各最高経営責任者および最高財務責任者(またはYamanaの各元最高経営責任者および各元最高経営責任者は、状況に応じて)は、米国取引所法案規則13 a−14または15 d−14およびサバンズ-オクスリ法第302および906条に基づいて、Yamana共通文書についてすべての要求の認証を行い、これらの証明書に含まれるYamana共通文書に含まれる日付は、すべての重要な点で真実で正確である。本合意に関しては、“最高経営責任者”および“最高財務責任者”は、サバンズ-オキシリー法案がこれらの用語に与える意味を持たなければならない。Yamanaまたはその任意の子会社は完了していない(“サバンズ-オキシリー法案”の公布以来、手配または修正されていない)3.1-11取締役または幹部(米国“サバンズ-オキシリー法案”第3 b-7条参照)へのクレジット延期(“サバンズ-オキシリー法案”第402条の意味を満たす)。Yamanaまたはその任意の子会社の)。Yamanaはサバンズ-オキシリー法案のすべての適用条項およびニューヨーク証券取引所に適用される上場とコーポレートガバナンス規則を実質的に遵守している。(O)所有権。Yamana及びその子会社、Yamanaの知る限り、Yamana合弁会社の実体:(I)その不動産権益に対して良好かつ十分な所有権を有し、不動産の簡単な不動産、賃貸、地役権、通行権、Yamana、その子会社またはYamana合弁会社の実体が土地の土地所有者または当局の許可証または許可証を適宜使用して、Yamanaが現在所有しており、すべての実質的な面で業務を展開するために必要な(総称して“Yamana不動産権益”と総称する)を含む。及び(Ii)鉱物特許権、申立権、借地権、許可証、許可証、アクセス権及び探査、開発、採掘、生産、加工又は精製鉱物、精鉱又は鉱石を開発用途に必要な他の権利及び権益(総称して“Yamana鉱業権”と呼ぶ)を保有し、いかなる留置権も有していない(留置許可権を除く)。(P)賃貸借契約とプロトコルで違約はない.(I)Yamanaまたはその任意の付属会社、またはYamanaの知られているように、Yamanaの任意の共同経営会社は、Yamana、その任意の付属会社またはYamana Material共同事業会社が約一方の賃貸借契約および他の業権および運営書類として、またはYamana不動産権益またはYamana鉱業権に関連する任意の他の合意または文書項目の下でのいかなる違約通知を受信していないか、またはYamanaおよびその任意の付属会社またはYamana Material共同経営会社の任意のエンティティが、Yamanaまたはこれらのいかなる資産に拘束されているか、またはそのような違約がYamanaに重大な悪影響を及ぼすことが予期されていない限り、Yamanaまたはその任意の付属会社またはYamana Material共同経営会社としてのいかなるエンティティも、Yamana不動産権益またはYamana鉱業権に関連する任意の他の合意または文書項目の下でのいかなる違約通知も受信していない。(Ii)(A)Yamana、その付属会社及びYamanaの知る限り、Yamana実質共同経営実体は、すべての場合に信用が良好であり、いかなる場合においても責任を失うことがない;及び(B)Yamanaの知っている限り、いかなる現行の状況、状況又は事項構成又は任意のテナント及び他の所有権及び運営書類、又はYamana不動産権益及びYamana鉱業権に関連する任意の他の合意及び文書の下で構成又は違約を構成することができないか、Yamanaの知る限り、Yamana不動産権益及びYamana鉱業権、又はYamanaはそれ又はその等の資産に対して拘束力又は規制を有する。すべての当該等の租約、業権及び運営文書及びその他の協議及び文書はすべて信用が良好であり、十分な効力と作用を持っているが、このような租約、業権及び運営文書及びその他の合意及び文書の相手側は違約がなく、このような違約が及ばない限り、Yamanaの個別或いは全体に重大な不利な影響を与えることが合理的に予想されない[3.1-12(Q)徴収。Yamana不動産権益またはYamana鉱業権の規定の下で、Yamanaまたはその付属会社またはYamanaが知っているYamana共同経営会社の実体の財産または資産は、いかなる政府実体にも引き継がれたり流用されていないし、これについていかなる通知や法律手続きも発行または展開されておらず、Yamanaの知っている限りでは、そのような通知を出したり、そのような法律手続きを展開したりする意図もない。(R)Yamana鉱物埋蔵量および資源。(I)ヤコブ·ビナ採鉱総合体、El Penon鉱、およびカナダマラティック鉱は、NI 43-101に従ってYamanaが規定する唯一の物質財産(“Yamana材料財産”)である。(2)NI 43-101に従って提出されたYamana材料特性に関連する各技術報告書は、提出時にすべての重要な点でNI 43-101の要件に適合する。(3)Yamana Material Propertiesの鉱物埋蔵量と鉱物資源推定数は、すべての実質的な面で合理的な採鉱、工事、地球科学および他の適用される業界標準とやり方に基づいて作成され、NI 43-101を含む適用法律の要求に従って作成された。正常生産活動を除いて,Yamanaの推定鉱物資源や鉱物埋蔵量総額は,Yamana公共文書に規定されている額と比較して実質的な減少は見られなかった。Yamana材料属性に関するすべての情報は、法的に開示される必要があるすべての掘削結果、技術報告、および研究を含み、本日または以前にYamana共通文書に開示されている。(S)納付済み特許権使用料及びレンタル料。すべての賃貸料、特許権使用料(法定または契約にかかわらず)、最も重要な特許権使用料権益、支払い、純利益、利益、分流プロトコル、金属事前支払いまたは同様の合意、利息負担、支払いおよび債務(分流、前払いおよび同様の手配を含むがこれらに限定されないが含まれる)、満期対応または履行可能な(場合によっては)正式に支払われている:(I)正式に支払われた:(I)本合意に基づく適切な支払い、または本合意の下での任意の直接または間接資産、またはYamanaおよびその子会社の任意の直接的または間接資産、またはYamana、Yamanaの材料合資実体による適切な支払い;(Ii)適切な履行;または(Iii)この契約日前に行われた規定は、そのような不払い、不履行、または提供が合理的に個別または合計してYamanaの重大な悪影響を生じない限りである。(T)環境問題。(I)Yamanaおよびその付属会社、およびYamanaの知る限り、Yamana Material合弁エンティティは、2020年1月1日からすべての環境法を遵守しているが、これらの違反は、Yamanaに重大な悪影響を及ぼすことがまだまたは合理的に予想されていない。3.1-13(Ii)Yamana、その付属会社、またはYamanaに知られているYamana Material JVエンティティの現在または以前の所有権、所有権または制御権の範囲内では、環境法に違反する免除はなく、任意の環境法によってYamana、その任意の付属会社またはYamanaに知られている任意のYamanaの重大な共同事業体に生じるクレーム、通知、クレーム、罰金、起訴または任意の他の司法または行政訴訟をもたらすことが合理的に予想され、これらの法律は、Yamanaの任意の個別または全体に重大な悪影響を及ぼすことが予想される。(Iii)任意の環境法のためにYamanaまたはその任意の付属会社、またはYamanaに知られているように、Yamanaの主な共同会社の任意のエンティティは、決定された請求、通知、クレーム、処罰、起訴または任意の他の司法または行政手続きを提起していないが、Yamanaに重大な悪影響を与えないことがまだまたは合理的に予想されていないこれらの請求は除外されている。(Iv)Yamanaによれば、(A)環境法に関連し、個別または全体がYamanaに重大な悪影響を及ぼすことが合理的に予想される任意の書面命令、または(B)Yamana、その任意の付属会社またはYamana Material共同経営実体に適用される任意の環境法の重大な違反事項について、まだ処理されていない任意の書面要件または通知は、個別または全体がYamanaに重大な悪影響を及ぼすことがない限り、または合理的に予想されていない。(U)知的財産権。Yamanaおよびその子会社は、現在経営されている業務を展開するために必要な知的財産権を使用または他の方法で利用するのに十分な権利を有しており、係属中の訴訟手続は存在しないか、またはYamanaに知られている限り、Yamanaまたはその子会社が現在経営している業務を展開するためにYamanaまたはその子会社に記載されている知的財産権に挑戦する権利はなく、ない限り、Yamana単独または全体に実質的な悪影響を及ぼすことが合理的に予想されない。Yamanaの知る限り、現在Yamana公共文書に規定されている業務行為は、知的財産権の使用を含み、いかなる実質的な側面でも誰の知的財産権を侵害することもなく、ない限り、Yamanaに実質的な悪影響を及ぼすことが合理的に予想されていない。Yamanaの知る限り、Yamanaの個別または全体に重大な悪影響を及ぼすことは、ない限り、Yamanaまたはその子会社が所有する知的財産権をいかなる重大な面でも侵害する者はいない。(V)雇用問題。(I)本プロトコルおよび3の署名、交付および履行は、Yamana開示書簡第3.1(V)(I)節に記載された場合、または本プロトコルまたは計画計画が予期される場合を除いて、署名、交付および履行される。1-14手配の完了は、(A)Yamana取締役、上級職員または従業員への任意の支払いまたは対応(ボーナス、黄金パラシュート、退職、解散費、失業補償または他の福祉を含む)、または1人以上の役員が終了または辞任時にこれらのお金を得る権利があり、(B)任意のYamana取締役、上級職員または従業員への補償または福祉を増加させること、または(C)支払い時間を加速させること、(2)援助または(3)任意のYamana福祉計画に従って得ることができる任意の福祉または権利を付与することをもたらすことはない。(Ii)“Yamana公開状”第3.1(V)(Ii)節に記載されているほか、Yamana、その任意の子会社、またはYamanaの知る限り、Yamanaの任意の実質的な共同経営エンティティ(A)は、任意のYamana従業員または任意の従業員協会との任意の契約の任意の集団交渉合意の当事者ではなく、または(B)いかなる認証申請を受けていないか(Yamanaの知る限り、集団交渉合意の範囲内にない従業員に対する脅威または明らかな労働組合組織運動)でもなく、労働組合、労働組合理事会、または(Yamanaの知る限り、集団交渉合意の範囲内にない従業員に対する脅威または明らかな組合組織運動)でもない。従業員交渉機関または付属交渉エージェントは、認証、一時認証、自発的承認または継承権の方法で、Yamanaの任意の従業員に対して交渉権を有する。Yamana Public文書が開示されている者を除いて、労働スト、紛争、仕事の減速または停止または関連はなく、またはYamanaによれば、Yamana、その任意の付属会社またはYamanaによれば、Yamanaおよびその任意の付属会社またはYamanaの重大な共同経営会社の任意の実体が脅かされており、過去2年間このような事件は発生していない。(Iii)Yamana、その任意の付属会社、またはYamanaによれば、その任意のエンティティは、いかなる不公平な労働行為に従事していないか、および公正な労働行為の苦情、訴えまたは仲裁手続きが解決されていないか、またはYamanaに知られているように、Yamana、その任意の付属会社またはYamana Material JVエンティティに脅威となっている。(4)Yamana、その任意の子会社またはYamana Material合弁会社が事業を展開する任意の司法管轄区域において、Yamana、その任意の子会社、またはYamanaに知られている任意のYamana Material合弁会社の実体が労働関係法(オンタリオ省)または同様の立法に従って共同または関連雇用者を発表させることを申請するいかなる組合もない。(V)Yamana、その任意の付属会社、またはYamanaによれば、Yamanaエンティティ共同経営会社の任意のエンティティは、不当な解雇、推定解雇、または従業員または独立請負業者の雇用または雇用の終了に関連する任意の他の侵害行為によって、任意の現行、保留、またはYamanaに知られている脅威申索、クレームまたは法的手続きの制約を受けないが、雇用および労働に関する任意の適用法下の通常の福祉申索は、Yamanaの個別または全体に重大な悪影響を及ぼすことがまだまたは不合理に予想されない限り除外される。3.1-15(Vi)Yamanaおよびその子会社Yamanaの知る限り、Yamanaの実質的な合弁エンティティは、2020年1月1日からすべての雇用条項および条件、および雇用および労働に関するすべての適用法を遵守しており、雇用および労働基準、職業健康および安全、労働者補償、人権、労使関係およびプライバシーを含み、現在、未解決のもの、またはYamanaの知る限り、ここに列挙された任意の分野について任意の裁判所、取締役会または仲裁廷で行われる実質的な訴訟、または任意の裁判所、取締役会または仲裁廷で実質的な訴訟を行うことを合理的に期待していない。単独でも全体的にも、Yamanaに実質的な悪影響を及ぼすだろう。(Vii)すべてのYamana福祉プログラムの真のコピーおよび完全なコピーをGold Fieldsに提供した。(W)何らかの変化やイベントはない.二零二年一月一日以来、(I)Yamana及びその付属会社及びYamanaによれば、Yamana Material JVエンティティは、正常な業務過程においてのみそれぞれの業務を経営している。(Ii)Yamanaは、何の重大な悪影響もなく、及び(Iii)Yamana及びその付属会社は何の行動も取っていないか、又は何の行動も行われておらず、本合意日後に任意の行動をとる場合は、第5節に違反することになる。1.(X)訴訟。Yamanaまたはその付属会社、またはYamanaの知る限り、Yamana共同経営会社の任意の実体または彼などの任意の保留財産または資産、またはYamanaによれば、いかなる事件も発生していないが、Yamanaによれば、合理的な予想が任意の法的手続きをもたらす事件は発生していないが、いずれの場合も、不利な決定があれば、Yamanaに重大な悪影響を与えることが合理的に予想されるか、またはYamanaが関連する手配を完了する能力を著しく阻害するであろう。(Y)税金。“Yamana公開手紙”第3.1(Y)節に開示された場合を除いて、(I)Yamana、その子会社、およびYamanaの知る限り、Yamana合弁会社の各エンティティは、その提出または準備を要求するすべての重要な納税申告書をタイムリーに、タイムリーに、またはタイムリーに準備し、適切な政府エンティティに、その提出を要求するすべての重要な納税申告書をタイムリーに、タイムリーに、または準備し、すべての重要な態様で完全かつ正確である。(2)Yamana、その子会社、およびYamanaに知られているYamana共同経営エンティティは、適切な政府エンティティによって評価されるか否かにかかわらず、法律の要件を適用する本年度の分割払いを含む納付および対応するすべての税金を支払っており、Yamanaが最近公表した財務諸表に基づくIFRSは、Yamana、その各子会社、およびYamanaに知られているYamana合営エンティティの任意の税金項目に十分な課税項目を提供しており、これらの財務諸表に含まれる期間は支払われておらず、どの納税申告書に満期として表示されているかにかかわらず、すべての場合に限り、そうしない限り、個別または個別を合理的に期待することはできない]3.1~16の凝集体は、Yamanaに実質的に悪影響を及ぼす。個別または全体が公表日からYamanaに重大な悪影響を及ぼすことが合理的に予想されないことを除いて、通常の業務プロセスにおいて、これらの報告書に反映されていない、または他の方法で提案された税金項目に関連するいかなる負債も、評価、提案評価、生成、または累積されていない。(3)Yamana、その子会社、およびYamanaの知る限り、Yamana共同経営エンティティは、適切にそのような不足点がYamanaに実質的な悪影響を与えないことが予想されない限り、Yamanaの帳簿上で計算され、または最終的に解決されるべきすべての税金不足点を全額支払っている。(4)Yamana、その子会社、およびYamanaの知る限り、Yamana共同事業体は、任意の従業員、独立請負業者、仕入先、債権者、株主、非住民または他の第三者に関連する任意の金(支払いまたは貸記または任意の人の利益のための支払いまたは貸記とみなされる任意の金について支払うべき税金を含む)を適時に納付し、適切な政府エンティティによって免除されるべき税金または他の金額を適切な政府エンティティにタイムリーに送金すべきであると法律で規定されている。そうしない限り、個別であっても全体的であっても、Yamanaに実質的な悪影響を及ぼすことが合理的に期待されない限り、(V)Yamana、その子会社、およびYamanaの知る限り、Yamana共同経営エンティティは、貨物および労務税、統一販売税、省および地域販売税、および州および地方税を含むが、合理的に単独または全体的にYamana実質的な悪影響を生じない限り、法律が徴収することを要求する任意の販売税、使用税または譲渡税を直ちに法的に徴収しているが、これらに限定されない。(6)Yamana、その子会社、またはYamanaによれば、Yamana合弁会社の任意のエンティティは、政府エンティティといかなる合意にも達していないか、または任意の実質的な納税申告書の提出または評価税または他の方法で任意の実質的な税額を納付する時間を延長しておらず、そのようなエンティティは、任意の実質的な税額に関連する訴訟時効を延長または免除していない。(Vii)現在、Yamana、その付属会社、またはYamanaの知る限り、Yamana共同経営会社の実体に関連する訴訟、調査、監査、または請求請求はなく、税務に関連する事項は、上記の任意の事項が個別または合計がYamanaに重大な悪影響を与えないことが合理的に予想されない限り、任意の政府エンティティと議論され、監査または控訴されていることもなく、3.1-17(Viii)Yamanaおよびその任意の付属会社は、その獲得権のない任意の新冠肺炎補助金金額を受けていない。Yamanaおよびその任意の子会社は、行政減免として政府実体によって公布、公布または提供される新しい冠肺炎関連措置によって許可されていない任意の賃金税義務を繰延していない;(Ix)税法および任意の他の関連税金の目的:(A)Yamanaは、カナダに居住し、他のどの国にも居住していない“納税すべきカナダ会社”である。(B)Yamanaの各子会社およびYamanaに知られているYamana共同経営実体は、他のいかなる国にも居住するのではなく、その成立または継続して存在する管轄区域(またはこのような管轄区は政治的区画である国)内に居住する。(C)Yamanaの知る限り、Yamanaおよびその任意の子会社、またはYamanaの知る限り、Yamana合弁会社の任意のエンティティは、(1)常設機関を有さない、または(2)いずれの場合も、その組織が存在する国以外の司法管轄区域内で貿易または商業に従事する(または米国以外の任意の司法管轄区域は、同様の非米国基準を基準とする)。(D)Yamana、その任意の子会社、またはYamanaに知られているYamana共同経営会社の任意のエンティティが納税申告書を提出していない司法管轄区域内では、どの政府エンティティも、その実体が当該司法管轄区域によって納税されなければならないか、またはその管轄区域によって税金を納付しなければならないと書面で主張していない;(X)Yamana、その子会社またはYamanaの知る限り、Yamana共同経営会社のいかなるエンティティも、本規則第7701(A)(30)節で示される“米国人”ではない。Yamanaの知る限り、Yamana、その子会社またはYamana合弁会社のどのエンティティも規則第7874(A)(2)(B)節で指す“外国代理会社”ではなく、米国企業ともみなされない。(Xi)Yamana、その子会社、またはYamanaによれば、そのいかなるエンティティも、規則957(A)節に示される“制御された外国会社”ではなく、規則958(B)(4)節の廃止を考慮せず、(Xii)Yamana、その子会社、またはYamanaに知られている限り、規則897(I)節に従って選択されていない。(Xiii)2020年1月1日以来、規則第355節に規定される取引の全部または一部が管轄されることが予定されている場合、Yamana、その付属会社、またはYamanaの知る限り、Yamana合弁会社のいずれのエンティティも、規則355節で示される“流通会社”または“制御会社”ではない。3.1-18(Xiv)Yamana、その子会社、またはYamanaによれば、Yamana合弁会社のどのエンティティも、税金分配または共有に関する任意の合意、了解または手配に関する当事者ではない(通常の業務中に締結された主な主題は税金の習慣的な商業協定を含まない)。(Xv)Yamana、その任意の付属会社、またはYamanaによれば、Yamana共同経営会社の任意の財産または資産には留置権がない(留置権を除く)(A)満期および対処されていない税金に関連しており、Yamana年度財務諸表に含まれる最新の資産負債表に十分な準備金が記録されており、(B)個別または合計がYamanaに大きな悪影響を与えないことが合理的に予想される。(Xvi)Yamana、その付属会社、およびYamanaによれば、Yamana共同経営会社の各エンティティは一度もなく、税法または任意の他の税法について、公平な市価コスト以外の方法(税法で示される)で取引されていない者とのいかなる取引または手配ともみなされない。Yamanaまたはその任意の付属会社またはYamana共同経営エンティティとYamana、その任意の付属会社またはYamana共同経営エンティティとの間のすべての取引については、一方、Yamana、その任意の付属会社またはYamana共同経営エンティティとの間には、税法上一定の距離を置いて取引される任意の非住民者はなく、一方、Yamana、その付属会社またはYamanaの知る限り、Yamana共同経営エンティティ(場合によっては)は、税法第247(4)(A)~(C)段落に規定する記録または文書を作成または取得している。Yamana、その子会社、およびYamanaの知る限り、Yamana合弁エンティティは、譲渡定価に関するすべての適用税法を遵守しているが、遵守できない場合には、単独または全体的にYamanaに実質的な悪影響を与えないことが合理的に予想される。(Xvii)税法第17節、第78節、第79節、または第80~80.04節(または任意の省または任意の他の司法管轄区域の税金立法を引き起こす可能性のある任意の同等条項)が、Yamana、その子会社、およびYamanaに知られているYamana合弁実体に適用される場合;および(Xviii)(A)Yamana、その付属会社、またはYamanaによれば、Yamanaの任意の共同経営会社は、規則368(A)節に示される“再構成”の資格に適合することを阻止するために、またはいかなる行動をとるかを取らない、または同意しない、および(B)Yamanaは、規則368(A)節に示される“再構成”に適合する資格を阻止するために、任意の合意、計画または他の状況があることを知らない。(Z)書籍と記録。Yamanaの知る限り、Yamanaとその子会社およびYamana Material合弁会社の実体の会社記録と議事録は現在、適用法に基づいて保存されており、すべての重要な点で完全かつ正確である。3.1-19(AA)保険。発効した保険証券指定Yamana(Yamanaの子会社)、またはYamanaの知る限り、Yamanaおよびその子会社およびYamana Material JVエンティティは、すべての実質的な面でこのような保険証に関するすべての要求に適合しており、被保険者は、Yamanaおよびその子会社およびYamana Material JV実体が運営する業界企業が通常保険を受けているすべてのリスクである。Yamanaは、Yamanaデータ室において、Yamanaに重要なすべてのこのような保険書の要約リスト(取締役および上級管理職責任政策に関連するより多くの詳細を含む)を開示している。このようなすべての保険証書は、本プロトコルで予想される取引によってキャンセルまたは終了されることなく、完全な効力および効力(保険市場条件および製品および業界慣行の影響を受ける)を維持しなければならない。Yamanaの知る限り、Yamana、その子会社またはYamana Material合弁会社の実体は、このような保険証書に基づいて迅速にいかなる通知を出したり、いかなる重大なクレームを出したりしていない。(Bb)不公平な取引。Yamana公開文書の開示者および日常業務中に締結された雇用または補償協定に加えて、取締役、その任意の付属会社、またはその任意の付属会社の高級職員、従業員、代理人または独立契約者、またはYamanaの5%以上の株式を保有または保有する任意の記録保持者またはその共同経営会社、または任意の関係する高級職員、取締役または実益所有者は、Yamanaまたはその任意の付属会社との任意の融資、保証、契約、手配または了解、または他の取引に参加または利益を受けない。(Cc)福祉計画。(I)各Yamana福祉計画は、すべての実質的な態様において、その条項及び法律を適用し、その条項、そのようなYamana福祉計画を支援する重要な文書の条項、並びにYamana及びその子会社とYamana福祉計画のメンバー又は受益者との間の合意条項に従っており、一方、すべての実質的な側面及び各Yamana福祉計画の下で行わなければならない任意の貢献のために設立、登録、改訂、援助、管理及び投資されている。Yamana福祉計画の条項および適用法に基づいてタイムリーに作成され、Yamana福祉計画に関連するすべての債務が適切に計算され、Yamana年度財務諸表に反映されている。Yamana福祉計画の条項およびすべての実質的な法律によると、すべては、Yamana福祉計画またはそれに関連する雇用主および従業員の支払い、支払いおよび保険料がタイムリーに支払われたか、または送金されなければならない。Yamanaの知る限り、政府エンティティは何の調査も行わず、Yamana福祉計画またはその資産の未解決または脅威に関連する重大なクレーム(福祉支払いの定例クレームを除く)もなく、合理的な予想がこのような調査命令または実質的なクレームを引き起こす事実も存在しない(福祉支払いの定例クレームは除く)[3.1-20(Ii)不合理な予想がYamanaに重大な悪影響を与えない限り、(A)Yamana福祉計画に関するすべての現在の義務が履行され、(B)Yamana福祉計画の適用法またはYamana福祉計画に基づく条項に基づいて、Yamanaが支払わなければならないすべての供出金、保険料または税金は、適用法およびYamana福祉計画の条項に従ってタイムリーに支払われた。(Iii)Yamana開示書簡第3.1(Cc)節に開示されている以外に、Yamanaまたはその任意の付属会社は、退職金または退職収入計画を有していない。(4)Yamana福祉計画に資金を提供する費用は、すべての実質的な面でYamana財務諸表に反映される。(V)Yamana福祉計画に関連するいかなる事件も発生せず、誰(Yamanaの同意なし)がYamana福祉計画の全部または一部を終了または終了する権利があるようにする。(Vi)Yamanaによれば、Yamana、その任意の付属会社、またはYamanaの主要な共同事業体は、Yamana福祉計画によって提供される任意の従業員参加、保証範囲、または福祉について、計画を維持する支出が最近の財政年度の支出レベルよりも大幅に増加するように、どのような修正、公告、または変更も行わない。(Vii)年金福祉、年金福祉または退職貯蓄を提供する任意のYamana福祉計画については、税法で定義されている任意の“登録年金計画”、または任意の補充年金計画(持続的に経営されている資金支援のない負債、支払能力欠陥または清算欠陥を含む)、資金支援のない負債は存在しない。(Viii)任意のYamana福祉計画下の任意の障害従業員に関連する責任または義務は、Yamanaの個別または全体に重大な悪影響を及ぼすことが合理的に予想されない。(Ix)Yamana福祉計画またはそれに関連する任意の保険契約は、Yamana福祉計画またはそれに関連する任意の保険契約の終了時にさかのぼって保険料または支払いを増加させることを要求または許可しない。(X)Yamanaまたはその代理人によって所有または制御される各材料を管理するために必要なすべての材料データ。(Dd)業務活動の制限。Yamanaまたはその任意の子会社、またはYamanaによれば、任意のYamana Material JVエンティティは、禁止、制限または重大な損害Yamana、その任意の子会社またはYamana 3.1-21 Material JVエンティティの業務行為を禁止、制限または重大な損害を有する業務行為の効果をすでにまたは合理的に予想することができ、またはYamana、その任意の子会社またはYamana 3.1-21 Material JVエンティティが現在行われている(本合意で予想される取引の後を含む)事業展開について、Yamana以外に個別的または全体的に合理的に予想することもできない。Yamanaに実質的な悪影響がある。(Ee)材料契約。Yamana資料室は、Yamana材料契約の真の完全コピー(Yamana材料合弁実体に属する実体を除く)を開示し、Yamana資料合弁エンティティが参加するYamana材料契約の真の完全コピーがYamanaデータ室で開示されていることが知られている。Yamanaおよびその付属会社およびYamana Material JVエンティティは、各重大な面でYamana材料契約項の下で彼などがそれぞれ履行すべきすべての責任を履行しており、Yamanaまたはその任意の付属会社またはYamana Material JVエンティティは、契約者またはその制約された任意のYamana材料契約としての重大な違約または違約は一切行われていない。Yamanaの知る限り、Yamanaの他のいずれの当事者もこのようなYamana材料契約の下で実質的な違約や違約は発生していない。すべてのYamana実質的契約は、合法的で、有効で、拘束力があり、完全に有効であり、場合によっては、Yamana(またはYamanaの子会社、場合に応じて)によって、それぞれの条項(破産、破産、および他の一般的に債権者の権利に影響を与える適用法および平衡法一般原則の制約を受ける)によって強制的に実行されることができる。Yamanaはまだ書面通知を受けていないか、またはYamana材料契約のいずれか一方がYamanaまたはその任意の子会社との関係をキャンセル、終了、または他の方法で修正または継続することを意図しており、Yamanaの知っている限りでは、そのような行動をとることを脅かしていない。(Ff)反腐敗。(I)Yamana、その付属会社、またはYamana共同経営エンティティ、またはその任意の取締役、高官、従業員、代理人または代表は、Yamana、その付属会社またはYamana共同経営エンティティを直接または間接的に代表したことはなく、そのような任意の要約、承諾、合意、支払いまたは許可を推進するために、任意の政府エンティティの任意の役人、その任意の政党または官僚、または任意の政治職候補者に提供、承諾、同意、支払い、許可、付与または任意の役割を与えるために、または間接的に任意の政府エンティティの任意の役人、その任意の政党または官僚、または任意の政治職候補に提供、承諾、同意、支払い、許可、付与または任意の役割をとる。(A)業務中に利益を取得または保留するために、その人の公職を履行しないことを決定することを含む、公職としての当該人の任意の行動または決定に影響を与える。(B)Yamana、その付属会社またはYamana合弁会社の1つのエンティティが誰であるか、または誰と業務を取得または保持しているか、または他の方法で業務中に利益を取得または保持するために、Yamana、その付属会社またはYamana合弁会社のいずれかのエンティティの影響力、またはその政府エンティティの任意の行動または決定に影響を与えるか、または影響を与えるように誘導させること;または3.1-22(C)Yamana、その子会社またはYamana共同経営会社のうちの1つは、任意の人のための取得または保留業務を支援するか、または賄賂、リベート、支払い、影響支払い、リベートまたは不法または不当な支払いによって、誰のために業務を取得または保留するかを支援するが、Yamanaの個別または全体に重大な悪影響を与えないと合理的に予想されていない行為は除外される。(2)Yamana、その子会社またはYamanaの知る限り、Yamana共同経営実体またはその任意の役員、高級職員、従業員、代理人または代表は、Yamana、その子会社またはYamana共同経営実体のうちの1つに抵触または禁止する行動を取っていないか、またはYamana、その付属会社またはYamana共同経営実体のうちの1つが“外国公職者腐敗法”(カナダ)、“1977年外国腐敗行為法”(米国)またはその事業を展開することを禁止している任意の司法管轄区域内で腐敗、賄賂、マネーロンダリングを行うことを禁止する任意の同様の立法を行うことができる。1つの付属会社やYamana共同経営会社の1つおよび他の誰もがこれらの法律を遵守しているが,Yamanaに大きな悪影響を与えないことはまだまたは合理的に期待されていない行為は除外されている。2020年1月1日以来、Yamana、その子会社、およびYamanaの知る限り、Yamana合弁会社の実体は、腐敗、賄賂、マネーロンダリングを禁止する法律に違反する行為を防止し、発見するために、それらのそれぞれの役員、高級管理者、従業員、代理人および代表に適用される適切な政策および手続きを維持している。(Iii)Yamana、その付属会社、またはYamanaによれば、Yamana共同経営会社またはその任意の取締役、高級職員、従業員、代理人または代表は、(A)Yamana、その付属会社またはYamana共同経営会社の実体またはそれらのそれぞれの取締役、高級職員、従業員、代理人または代表が、汚職、賄賂またはマネーロンダリングを禁止する法律に違反しているかどうか、またはその法律に基づいて任意の不正行為を行うかどうか、または(B)任意に、直接または非自発的に、反汚職、反賄賂およびマネーロンダリング法の実行を担当する任意の政府エンティティに開示されているかどうかを決定するために、または開始されていない。各事件において、任意のそのような法律に準拠しているか、または遵守していないことに関連する任意の疑惑のものとして、またはしない場合、または誰からの通知、請求、または引用を受けたかについては、そのような法律は遵守されていないが、単独または全体的にYamanaに実質的な悪影響をもたらすことが合理的に予想されていないか、またはそのような行為は除外される。(4)Yamana、その子会社及びYamanaの知る限り、Yamana合弁会社は、“外国公職者腐敗法”(カナダ)、1977年“反海外腐敗法”(米国)又は腐敗、賄賂、マネーロンダリングを禁止する任意の類似法の遵守を確保するために内部統制制度を維持する。3.1-23(Gg)制裁。(I)Yamana、その任意の付属会社または合弁企業、またはそれらのそれぞれの取締役、高級職員または従業員、またはYamanaによれば、彼らを代表する任意の代理人または者:(A)制限された当事者であるか、または(B)制裁当局がそれに対して提起した任意のクレーム、訴訟または調査に関する任意の書面通知を受けたか、または任意のクレーム、訴訟、訴訟または調査を知っている。(Ii)Yamana、その任意の子会社、Yamanaによれば、Yamanaまたはその任意の子会社の任意の取締役、高級管理者、従業員または代理人は、以下の者または以下の者によって所有または制御されている者ではない:(A)任意の制裁対象/目標、または(B)クリミア、キューバ、イラン、朝鮮およびシリアを含む制裁対象の国または地域に位置し、組織または居住している)。(Iii)Yamana、その付属会社及びそのそれぞれの役員、高級職員及び従業員、並びにYamanaの知る限り、Yamana及びその付属会社の代理人は、すべての重大な面ですべての適用された制裁を遵守する。Yamanaとその子会社は、制裁の適用を確保するための政策と手続きを制定し、維持した。(Iv)Yamanaは、過去3年間、Yamanaまたはその任意の子会社、またはYamanaの知っているように、Yamanaの任意の取締役、高級管理者、従業員または代理人が一度もいないこと、または現在、制限された者または制裁違反との任意の取引または取引に従事するか、または従事することを保証し、保証する。(Hh)原住民請求項。Yamana、その付属会社又はYamanaの知る限り、Yamana Material JVエンティティは、Yamana不動産権益又はYamana鉱業権又はそのそれぞれの運営及び業務に関連する土着請求の書面通知を一切受けていないが、個別又は全体がYamanaに重大な悪影響を与えることのない土着請求を除外する。原住民集団とYamana、その子会社またはYamana Material合弁実体との間の影響利益または他の実質的な合意については、どの土着集団とも交渉が行われているか、または完成していない交渉が行われている。(Ii)コミュニティ.Yamanaの知る限り、(I)Yamana Material Propertiesの近くの任意のコミュニティの許可法律代表は、(A)そのような財産の経営を継続する条件として、(A)そのコミュニティの同意を得るための条件として、または(B)Yamanaまたはその任意の付属会社が任意のコミュニティ開発または社会的枠組みまたは同様の合意に従って支払うべき賠償金を大幅に増加させる条件として、Yamanaまたはその任意の子会社に書面を発行していない]3.1-24(Ii)Yamana開示書簡の第3.1(Ii)節に開示されたことに加えて、コミュニティ団体とYamana、その付属会社、およびYamanaに知られているYamana実質共同体との間には、個別または全体がYamanaに重大な悪影響を与えない限り、論争または書面による脅威はない。(Jj)仲買;支出。Canaccel Genuity Corp.,Stifel Nicolaus Canada Inc.,Scotia Capital Inc.およびScotia Capital Inc.に支払われた費用に加えて、Yamana、その任意の子会社およびそれらのそれぞれの任意の高級管理者、取締役または従業員は、任意の仲介人、発見者、投資銀行家、財務コンサルタントまたは他の人を雇用していないか、または本合意に予期される取引に関連する任意のブローカー費用、手数料、発見者費用、財務相談費、または他の同様の費用について任意の責任を負う。(KK)公平な意見。本文の発表日まで:(I)Yamana取締役会の財務顧問Cancord Genuity Corp.とScotia Capital Inc.はいずれもYamana取締役会にYamana公平性意見を提出した。その意見発表日まで、その中で規定された仮定と制限を満たした場合、Yamana株主がこの手配に基づいて受け取った対価格は財務的にYamana株主に公平であり、(Ii)YamanaはCanaccel Genity社の許可を得た。そしてScotia Capital Inc.はYamana公平意見とその提案法をYamana通告に含めることを許可しているが、その審査と承認を経なければならない。(Ll)文化事業。Yamanaはカナダ投資法が指す“文化企業”ではない。(Mm)“利益付き”はない.Yamanaの知る限り,Yamanaの関連先(MI 61-101が指す)とその関連エンティティには実益所有や制御や指揮の1%以上の発行済みYamana株式はないが,本プロトコルで意図した取引によって“付帯利益”(その文書の意味で)を得ることはない関連側は除外される.高速鉄道法案ですYamanaとその子会社は保有せず,合意終了時に1.01億ドルを超える米国に位置する資産を保有することもなく,Yamanaとその子会社は米国や米国に販売されておらず,Yamanaの最近の財政年度では販売総額は1.01億ドルを超えている。付表4.1この別表に定義されている用語であり、大書用語は、2020年12月31日および2021年12月31日までの各財政年度の監査された金鉱総合財務諸表(付記および監査役報告を含む)を意味する意味を有し、“金鉱年度財務諸表”は、2022年3月31日に証券取引委員会の20−F表に提出された金鉱年度報告書に含まれる。“金鉱場貸借対照表”は、本付表4.1(N)節で与えられた意味を有し、“金鉱場合弁実体”は、金鉱場またはその任意の子会社が20%以上の株式または持分を直接所有する任意の会社または実体であり、他の態様では子会社ではない(より明確にするために、金鉱場材料合弁実体を含む)ことを意味し、“金鉱場材料合弁実体”とは、金鉱場開示書簡4.1(D)(Ii)節で金鉱場材料合弁実体とされた実体を意味する。“金鉱材料特性”は,4節で与えた意味を持つ.1(S)(I);“金田材料子会社”とは、金田開示状4.1(D)(Ii)節で金田材料子会社とされた実体を意味し、“金田鉱業権”は本付表4.1(P)(Ii)節で与えられた意味を有し、“金田不動産権益”は付表4.1(P)(I)節で与えられた意味を有し、“金田株主承認”とは金田株主が金田会議で金田決議を承認したことを意味する。“制限者”とは、(1)任意の制裁リストに列名を有する者、又は(直接又は間接)列名の者又は列名を代表する者によって行動する者、(2)制裁の対象となる国又は地域に位置する者、又はその法律により成立した者、又はその所有又は(直接又は間接)制御された者、又はそれを代表して行動する者、又は(3)他の方法で制裁対象となる者をいう。制裁とは、以下の機関によって実施、公布または実行される経済制裁の法律、法規、禁輸または制限措置を意味する:(1)米国政府、(2)国連、(3)欧州連合、(4)連合王国、(5)カナダまたは(6)上記のいずれかの国のそれぞれの政府機関および機関を含む。1-2に限定されるものではないが、米国財務省外国資産規制弁公室(“OFAC”)、米国国務省、カナダグローバル事務部(“GAC”)、英国財務省(“HMT”)または任意の他の関連制裁機関(総称して“制裁機関”)に限定されない。“制裁リスト”とは、OFACが維持する“国民および障害者を特定する”リスト、カナダ自治総合制裁リスト、金融制裁目標総合リスト、およびHMTによって維持される投資禁止リスト、または任意の制裁当局によって維持される、または任意の制裁当局によって公開されて発表される制裁によって指定される任意の類似リストを意味し、“S-K 1300”は、米国S-K条例第1300条を意味する。証券法です。金鉱の陳述と(A)組織と資格を保証する。Gold Fields及び各Gold Fields材料付属会社及びGold Fieldsによると、Gold Fields材料合営会社はその登録によって設立、継続又は設立されたすべての適用法律に基づいて正式に登録成立及び有効に存在する会社又は実体であり、すべての会社の権力及び能力を有し、その現在所有及び経営する資産及びその業務を経営する。金田、各金田材料付属会社及び金田の知る限り、各金田材料合営会社の実体はすべて資格に合わせて業務を経営しており、その資産及び物件(所有、レンタル、特許、その他の方式で保有しているにかかわらず)の各管轄区は良好な信用を持っており、あるいはその活動性質がこのような資格を必要としているが、このように登録されていない場合や信用が良好であれば、Gold Fieldsの個別或いは全体に重大な悪影響を与えない場合は例外である。金鉱場資料室はすでに真実で完全な金鉱場恒常文書のコピーを開示し、このような金鉱場恒常文書を修正或いは代替するためのいかなる行動も取らなかった。(B)本協定に関連する権力。Gold Fieldsは,本プロトコルおよび本プロトコルの下で締結されるプロトコルや他の文書を締結するために必要な会社権力および権限を持ち,Gold Fields株主の承認を得た後,本プロトコルおよび本プロトコル項の下での責任を果たす.本プロトコル、手配及びプロトコル及びその他の文書の署名及び交付及び履行、及び本プロトコルによって締結された手配及び合意及びその他の文書、及びGold Fieldsによる本プロトコル及び本プロトコルに従って行われる取引を完了することは、Gold Fields取締役会の正式な許可を得ており、Gold Fields取締役会の承認及びGold Fields株主の承認を得ない限り、本プロトコル及び本プロトコルの下で締結される合意及びその他の書類又は完成手配を許可する必要がなく、他の会社の訴訟を行う。本協定はすでにGold Fieldsによって正式に署名と交付され、有効かつ拘束力のあるGold Fields義務を構成し、Yamanaがその条項に基づいてGold Fieldsに対して強制的に実行することができるが、その実行は破産、資本不履行、その他の債権者の権利執行に影響する適用法律の制限を受ける可能性があり、管轄権を持つ裁判所の適宜決定権の下でのみ衡平法救済の制限を与えることができる。4.1-3(C)競合がない;届出と同意を要求する。Gold Fieldsは、本プロトコルに署名し、交付し、本プロトコル項の下の義務を履行し、本プロトコル項の下の手配および他の取引を完了し、通知を出すことも、時間の経過または両方を兼ねているか、または任意の他の事件または条件を発生しないこともない:(I)違反、衝突、または違反または違約を招く:(A)金田またはその任意の子会社または金田の知る限り、任意の金田材料合弁実体の定款、定款または他の一定文書または共同協定の任意の規定;(B)任意の金鉱場材料契約または許可、金鉱場またはその任意の付属会社、または金鉱場所によれば、任意の金鉱場材料共同事業体はその一方であるか、または金鉱場またはその任意の付属会社に拘束力を有するが、個別または全体が金鉱場に重大な悪影響を与えない場合は例外である。あるいは(C)金田またはその付属会社あるいは金田の知られている任意の金田材料の共同経営実体がその制約を受けている任意の法律、あるいは金田あるいはその付属会社あるいは金田の知っている任意の金田材料の共同経営実体がその制約を受けているいかなる法律であっても、個別または全体が金田に重大な悪影響を与えない限り、(Ii)任意の権利を行使することを可能にする任意の終了権利を生成するか、または終了、キャンセル、加速または他の方法でGold Fieldsに従ってGold Fieldsまたはその付属会社またはGold Fieldsによって知られている任意のGold Fields材料共同エンティティが一方である任意のGold Fields材料契約または許可の下で権利を有する任意の権利または義務を変更するか、または個別または全体がGold Fieldsに重大な悪影響を与えない限り、任意の利益を失うことを可能にする。または(Iii)任意の優先購入権または最初の要約権利を生成し、任意の制御権変更条項または任意の制限または制限をトリガするか、または任意の人に任意の他の行動を同意または要求するか、またはGold Fieldsの任意の資産またはGold Fieldsの任意の付属会社または(Gold Fieldsに知られている)任意のGold Fields材料共同事業体の資産に任意の留置権を適用することをもたらし、Gold Fieldsの任意の個別または全体に重大な悪影響を与えない限り、任意の留置権を与える。Gold Fieldまたはその任意の子会社またはGold Fieldは、許可、JSEおよびNYSEの適用規則および政策、一時的命令および最終命令によって要求されるそのような届出および承認に加えて、いかなる政府エンティティまたはそれに関連する他の行動を許可する必要がないか、または任意の政府エンティティに提出、記録、登録または通知する必要がない[4.1-4本プロトコルの下の手配に関連する義務をGold Fieldsに履行するか、または手配を完了して承認または提出する材料共同事業体であるが、これらの許可および文書がGold Fieldsに大きな悪影響を与えない場合を除いて、単独または全体的に取得または提出できなかった場合を除く。(D)付属会社。(I)Gold Fields Gold Fields材料付属会社以外に重大な付属会社はありません。(Ii)黄金場開示書簡第4.1(D)(Ii)節に記載されている者を除いて、黄金場は、以下の各項目の登録及び実益所有者である:(A)金田材料付属会社及びそのすべての発行及び未償還証券について、及び(B)各金田材料合営会社の実体については、いずれの場合も、いかなる留置権もなく、いかなる留置権もない(留置権を除く)金田公開文書に記載されている所有権の割合、及び金田材料付属会社及び金田材料付属会社及び金田材付属会社の所有権の割合、及び金田材料付属会社及び金田材料合営会社の実体については、いずれの場合も、いずれの場合も、金田材付属会社及び金田材付属会社が登録及び実益所有者である。黄金田材料合営会社の実体はすでに正式と有効な許可と発行を受け、そしてすでに数の支払いを知っており、このような実体が会社であれば、評価する必要はない。金田材料付属会社や金田材料合営会社は、いかなる法律や優先引受権や同様の権利に違反して証券を発行することもない。任意のGold Fields材料付属会社の任意の証券または他の所有権権益の買収に関する権利、またはGold Fields材料共同経営会社に知られている任意の未償還オプション、権利、了解または承諾(または有または有)はない。(E)法律と条件文書を遵守する。(I)金田及びその付属会社及び金田の知る限り、金田合営実体は2020年1月1日から各司法管区のすべての法律を厳格に遵守しているが、この等の法律は過去及び現在は金田、その任意の付属会社及び任意の金田共同経営実体の経営に適用されているが、金田又はその付属会社又は金田の知る限り、金田合営実体はいかなる当該等の法律違反の疑いのある通知も受けていない。個別または合計がGold Fieldsに重大な悪影響を及ぼすことがまだまたは合理的に予想されていない不遵守または違反を除いて。(Ii)Gold Fieldsまたはその任意の付属会社またはGold Fields共同経営会社は、そのような違反または無責任行為が個別または全体がGold Fieldsに重大な悪影響を与えない限り、その定款または細則または同等の組織文書に基づいたり、違反したり、違反したり、違約したりしていない。(F)許可。黄金場及びその付属会社及び金場所によると、金の場合の経営実体はすでにすべての必要な重大な許可4.1-5を取得し、所有、運営及び使用黄金場、その付属会社及び金の場合の経営実体の資産、或いはその他の場合はすべての適用法律に従って黄金場を経営し、その付属会社及び金鉱の場合の経営実体の業務及び運営は、いかなる当該等の許可を得られない限り、黄金場に個別或いは全体の重大な不利な影響を与えない。このような許可は完全に効果的であり、その条項に基づいて機能する。金田とその付属会社および金田の知る限り、金田の共同経営実体は、このような許可を完全に遵守し、遵守している。現在、このような許可に関するいかなる行動も、調査や法律手続きは決定されていない、あるいはGold Fieldsに知られているように、このような許可が成功すれば、Gold Fieldsの個別または全体に重大な悪影響を与える。金田又はその付属会社、又は金田の知る限り、いかなる金田共同経営実体又はそのそれぞれの主管又は取締役はいずれも書面又は口頭通知を受けておらず、撤回又は継続又は当該等の許可に対して重大な改正を行うことを表明しているか、又は継続を意図しているか又は継続を拒否しているか、又は当該等の許可に対して重大な改正を行うことを意図しているが、個別又は全体的に金田に重大な悪影響を与えることのない撤回、継続又は改訂、並びに金田及びその付属会社及び金田について知られているすべての許可を除く。金田合営実体は、金田、その付属会社、金田共同経営実体が現在のようにそれぞれの業務を経営し続けることができるように、引き続き有効に運営される。Gold Fieldsによって知られているように、Gold Fieldsまたはその完全資本付属会社を除いて、Gold Fieldsまたはその全額付属会社の任意の許可において、任意の独自、財務、または他の権益(直接または間接)を所有または所有する者はない。(G)大文字。(I)Gold Fieldsの法定株式は2,000,000,000株のGold Fields株からなる。本契約日には,(A)891,377,583株の有効発行及び発行の黄金場株式,及び(B)(1)2,647,041株の黄金場履行株式及び(2)90,013株の黄金場配給株式がある。すべてのGold Fields株式は発行されており、その条項に従ってGold Fields株式の購入権を帰属または行使することができるすべての購入時に発行可能なGold Fields株式は正式に許可され、発行時にGold Fieldsの払込配当金および評価不能税株式として有効に発行され、いかなる優先購入権に制限されないか、または優先購入権に違反する方法で発行されることはない。この節(G)(I)に記載されている金田株式を購入するオプションを除いて、本合意日には、発行された、未償還または許可されたオプション、株式承認証、転換特権、催促または優先、償還、買い戻し、株式増価または他の権利、株主権利計画、合意、手配、承諾または義務はなく、金田、その任意の付属会社または任意の金田合営実体の任意の株式を発行または売却する。3.その任意の付属会社または任意の金田共同経営会社エンティティの共同権益または他の持分、または変換可能、交換可能、または金田または株式株式の任意の株式を買収または引受する権利または義務を有する任意の種類の証券または義務。1-6その任意の付属会社または任意のGold Fields共同経営エンティティの共同権益または他の持分、またはその価値がGold Fieldsまたはその任意の付属会社または任意のGold Fields共同実体の証券価値に基づく共同権益または他の持分、かつGold Fields二零一二年株式計画を除いて、Gold Fieldsは持分または証券に基づく補償手配を維持しない。(Ii)すべての未発行金鉱場証券の発行は、すべての適用法律およびその証券に適用される任意の優先引受権または同様の権利に適合する。(Iii)発行された、償還されていない、または許可された債券、債権証、またはGold Fields、その付属会社またはGold Fields重大共同会社の実体負債に関する他のいかなる証拠、または任意の他の任意のタイプの未償還合意、手配、文書または約束は、任意の事項についてGold Fields株主と投票する(または投票する権利がある証券について交換または行使可能である)任意の者に直接または間接的に与えられる権利はない。(Iv)発効時間に発行される対価株式は、Gold Fieldsによって正式に発行され、Gold Fieldの払込配当金および非評価税株式として、いかなる留置権もない。(H)株主プロトコルと類似プロトコル.Gold Fieldsまたはその任意の付属会社、またはGold Fieldsに知られているように、任意のGold Fields材料共同経営会社のエンティティは、任意の株主、集約、投票権信託または他の同様の合意または手配に関与していないが、これらのプロトコルまたは手配は、Gold Fields、その任意の付属会社または任意のGold Fields材料と共同経営会社の株式において発行され、発行された株式に関連しており、Gold Fieldsは、Gold Fields、その任意の付属会社またはGold Fields材料共同会社の任意の既存または過去の持分について任意の権利または権利を所有しており、Gold Fieldsは、株主権利計画または他の同様の計画または合意を採択することができない。(I)証券取引所のコンプライアンス。金田証券には、いかなる証券の売買を一時停止、停止する命令もない。Gold Fieldsの株は日本証券取引所に上場して取引され、Gold Fieldsの米国預託証券はニューヨーク証券取引所に上場している。Gold Fields株式及びGold Fieldsアメリカ預託証明書は日本証券取引所及びニューヨーク証券取引所以外のいかなる取引所にも上場しておらず、しかもGold Fieldsはすべての重大な面で日本証券取引所及びニューヨーク証券取引所に適用される上場規則及び規定に符合している。(J)アメリカ証券法は重要だ。(I)Gold Fields株およびGold Fields米国預託証明書は、米国取引所法案第12条(B)条に基づいて登録されており、Gold Fieldsは、米国証券取引法13条による報告義務を実質的に遵守している。“アメリカ取引法”。(Ii)Gold Fields株式およびGold Fields米国預託証券以外に、Gold Fieldsは米国に登録されている権益証券は何もない。現在,米国取引所法案第15条(D)によると,Gold Fieldsも何の報告義務も制約されていない。4.1-7(Iii)Gold Fieldsは、改正された“1940年米国投資会社法”に基づいて登録または登録を要求した投資会社ではありません。(K)南アフリカ証券法が重要である。Gold Fieldsの株式はインターボードでの上場と取引が許可されている。(L)レポート。2020年1月1日からアメリカによると証券法では,単独または全体的に文書を提出できなかったがGold Fieldsに実質的な悪影響を与えない文書は除外した.当時提出されたGold Fields公共文書(I)はいかなる重大な不実陳述も含まれておらず,(Ii)重大な事実に対するいかなる不真実な陳述も含まれていない,あるいはこれらの陳述を行う場合には,陳述しなければならないあるいは陳述するために必要な重大な事実を見落としておらず,(Iii)すべての重大な点で適用される米国証券法の要求に適合している.米国証券法によると、金鉱場の公共文書のいかなる改正も適時に提出された。Gold Fieldsはどの政府エンティティにも秘密の材料変更報告書を提出しておらず,この報告書は本報告が発行された日にも機密であり,米国政府の規定に基づいて他の秘密文書も提出されていない.アメリカ証券法やどんな政府の実体でも。(M)財務諸表。(I)発効日前に、金分野が任意の後続期間について公開されたすべての金分野財務諸表(その任意の付記を含む)は、国際財務報告基準に従って作成され、以前の期間と一致した上で適用される国際財務報告基準に従って作成され(国際財務報告基準が変更されない限り、新しい会計基準はその後の期間に発効する)およびすべての適用可能な法律は、すべての重要な点で資産、負債(課税、絶対、または有にかかわらず)に公平に報告される。金田及びその付属会社は、それぞれの日付の総合財務状況及び経営実績、及びそれぞれがカバーしている期間の経営実績及びキャッシュフローを有している。(Ii)金鉱場管理層は、“開示制御及びプログラム”(米国取引所法案第13 a-15(E)及び15 d-15(E)条参照)を含む開示制御及びプログラム制度を確立し、合理的な保証を提供し、金鉱場が適用法律に基づいて提出又は提出された年間文書、中期文書又は他の報告に必要な開示資料を確保し、当該等の政府実体が実施する法律に規定された時間内に記録、処理、総括及び報告を行うことを目的としている。このような開示制御およびプログラムは、政府エンティティによって実施される適用法律に基づいて提出または提出された年間文書、一時文書または他の証券文書のうち、金田開示を要求する情報が蓄積され、金田の経営陣に伝達されることを保証するための制御およびプログラムを含む]4.1-8(または同様の機能を履行する者)は、必要な開示についてタイムリーに決定するために使用される。(Iii)Gold Fieldsは、(米国ルール13 a-15(F)および15 d-15(F)によって定義されたように、“財務報告内部制御”を含む財務報告の内部制御を維持する。“取引所法案”)。このような財務報告の内部統制は、財務報告の信頼性と“国際財務報告基準”に基づいて外部目的で財務諸表を作成するために合理的な保証を提供し、以下の政策と手続きを含む:(A)金田及びその子会社の資産を合理的かつ正確かつ公平に反映する取引と処分に関する記録の保存、(B)国際財務報告基準に基づいて財務諸表を作成するために取引が必要であること、金田及びその子会社の収入と支出は金田及びその子会社の管理層と取締役の許可を得た後にのみ行うことができる。および(C)は、その財務諸表に重大な影響を与える可能性のある無許可買収、Gold Fieldsまたはその付属会社の資産の使用または販売を防止またはタイムリーに発見することについて合理的な保証を提供する。Gold Fieldsによると、本合意日には、(X)Gold Field財務報告に関する内部制御を設計及び実施或いは維持する上で重大な弱点がなく、合理的にGold Fields記録、処理、総括及び財務資料を報告する能力に悪影響を与える可能性がある;及び(Y)重大であるか否かにかかわらず、管理層又は他の従業員がGold Field財務報告の内部制御において重大な役割を担うことに関連する。(Iv)Gold Fieldsまたはその任意の付属会社は、非合併エンティティまたは他の者と表外取引、手配、債務(または債務を含む)または他の関係を有さず、これらの取引、手配、債務(または債務を含む)または他の関係は、Gold Fields財務諸表に反映されていない。(V)Gold Fields及び各付属会社及びGold Fieldsによると、各Gold Fields材料共同経営実体の財務帳簿、記録及び勘定:(A)すべての重大な方面で国際財務報告基準に基づいて保存された;及び(B)すべての重大な面でGold Fieldsの財務諸表基準を正確かつ公平に反映する。(Vi)金田、その任意の付属会社または上記のいずれかの会社の任意の取締役、上級管理者、従業員、監査師、会計士または代表は、金田またはその任意の付属会社またはそれらのそれぞれの内部会計制御に関する会計または監査慣例、プログラム、方法または方法の書面または口頭のいかなる重大なクレーム、言及、断言またはクレームを受信していないか、または他の方法で知っているか、金田またはその任意の付属会社が問題のある会計または監査実務に従事しているかに関する任意の重大な苦情、言及、断言または主張を含む。この問題は金鉱取締役会監査委員会が満足できるように解決されていない。4.1-9(N)不開示の負債。金田およびその付属会社あるいは金田の知る限り、いかなる金田材料の合営実体にはいかなる性質の重大な負債や責任もなく、計算すべきか、あるか、絶対的、決定可能性またはその他にかかわらず、(I)審査簡明総合貸借対照表(“金田貸借対照表”)二零二一年十二月三十一日に記載された負債及び義務を除く。(Ii)金田貸借対照表の日付から正常業務過程で発生し、従来の慣例に適合した支出;及び(Iii)本合意の実行による支出。(O)サバンズ-オキシリー法案を遵守する。Gold Fieldsの各最高経営責任者および最高財務責任者(または各元最高経営責任者および各元財務責任者は、場合に応じて)は、米国法規第13 a-14または15 d-14条に要求されるすべての認証を取得している。取引所法案及びサバンズ-オキシリー法案第302及び906条金田年度財務諸表及び同等の証明書に記載されている本等の金田年度財務諸表に記載されている日付は各重大な面で真実かつ正確である。本合意に関しては、“最高経営責任者”および“最高財務責任者”は、サバンズ-オキシリー法案がこれらの用語に与える意味を持たなければならない。Gold Fieldsおよびその任意の子会社は完了していない(“サバンズ-オクスリ法案”公布以来)の取締役または幹部(米国“サバンズ-オキシリー法案”第3 b-7条参照)に提供される任意(“サバンズ-オクスリー法案”第402条に示される)“クレジット拡張”を提供する。取引所法案)またはその任意の付属会社。Gold Fieldsはサバンズ-オキシリー法案のすべての適用条項とニューヨーク証券取引所に適用される上場規則を実質的に遵守している。(P)ヘッダ.Gold Fields、その付属会社及びGold Fieldsによると、Gold Fields共同経営実体:(I)その不動産権益に対して良好かつ十分な所有権を持ち、不動産の簡単な不動産、賃貸、地権、通行権、土地所有者或いは当局の許可証或いは許可証を含み、Gold Fields、その付属会社或いはGold Fields共同経営実体(誰に適用されるかによって決まる)の土地使用を許可し、Gold Fieldsが現在所有及びすべての重大な方面で経営業務(“Gold Fields Real Property Interest”)を許可する。及び(Ii)はその物件に鉱物特許権、申索権、レンタル権、許可証、許可証、アクセス権及び探査、開発、採掘、生産、加工又は精製鉱物、精鉱又は鉱石の開発用途に必要な他の権利及び権益(総称して“金鉱鉱業権”と呼ぶ)を保有し、いかなる留置権も有していない(留置許可権を除く)。(Q)賃貸借契約と契約に違約はありません。(I)金田、その任意の付属会社又は金田の知られている限り、いかなる金田共同経営実体は、金田、その任意の付属会社又は任意の金田合営実体が立約側又は制約として金田又は任意の当該等の資産を拘束する任意のレンタル及びその他の業権及び運営書類又は任意の他の合意又は文書項目の下でいかなる違約通知を受けていないか、当該等の違約がまだ又は個別又は全体的に合理的に予想されていない限り、発生することがない。金田には実質的な悪影響がある。(Ii)(A)金田、その付属会社及び金田の知る限り、金田共同経営実体はすべての場合に信用が良好であり、かつ任意の場合に責任を失うことがなく、及び(B)現在いかなる状況、状況又は事項構成又は任意の賃貸借及び他の業権及び運営文書又は任意の他の合意及び文書の下で構成又は責任を構成することができ、当該等の租約及びその他の業権及び運営文書又は任意の他の金田不動産権益及び金田鉱業権に関連する合意及び文書はそれ又は当該等の資産に対して拘束力又は規限を有し、並びに、Gold Fieldsによると、このようなすべての賃借、業権及び運営文書及びその他の合意及び文書はすべて信頼性が良好であり、十分な効力と作用を持っているが、このような租約、業権及び運営文書及びその他の合意及び文書の相手側は当該などの条項に基づいて違約しておらず、このような違約がGold Fieldsの個別或いは全体に重大な不利な影響を与えることが期待されていない限り、Gold Fieldsの個別或いは全体に重大な不利な影響を与えることが予想されている。(R)徴収する.金田不動産権益或いは金田鉱業権の規定以外に、いかなる政府実体もいかなる政府実体或いはその付属会社の物件或いは資産を受けたり使用したりしていないか、あるいは金田の知っている金田材料共同経営実体も、これについていかなる通知或いは法律手続きを発行したり展開したりしていないが、金田の知っている限り、いかなる意図や提案もいかなる関係通知を出したり、いかなる関連法律手続きを展開したりすることもなく、合理的に金田に重大な悪影響を与えない限り、いかなる関係法律手続きを展開することもない。(S)金鉱、鉱物埋蔵量、資源。(I)S-K 1300の場合、金鉱の材料特性は、金鉱の唯一の材料特性である。(Ii)S-K 1300に従って提出された金鉱材料特性に関連する各技術報告要約は、提出時にすべての重要な点でS-K 1300の要件に適合する。(Iii)金鉱鉱業権の鉱物埋蔵量と鉱物資源はすべての重要な面で合理的な採鉱、工事、地球科学とその他の適用される業界標準とやり方、及びS-K 1300を含む適用法律の要求に従って作成された。正常な生産活動による以外、金鉱の推定鉱物資源或いは鉱物埋蔵量の総額は金鉱公開文書に掲載された金額より大幅に減少していない。金鉱不動産権益或いは金鉱鉱業権に関するすべての重大な情報は、すべての掘削結果を含む、3。1-11法律で開示されなければならない技術的報告および研究は、本契約の日または以前に金鉱公共文書に開示されている。(T)支払いされた特許使用料とレンタル料。すべてのレンタル料、特許権使用料、最高特許権使用料権益、生産支払い、純利益、利息負担、満期対応または履行可能な義務(どのような状況に応じて決定されるか)は、本合意の日または前に、Gold Fieldおよびその付属会社およびGold Fieldに知られているGold Field共同経営会社の任意の直接または間接資産に関連しているか、またはそのような直接または間接資産のために支払われる:(I)支払いが妥当であり、(Ii)履行が妥当である。または(Iii)このような支払い、不履行、または不履行または不履行が個別または合計がGold Fieldsに重大な悪影響を及ぼすことが合理的に予想されない限り、本プロトコルの日前に行われる準備。(U)いくつかの変化やイベントはない.二零二一年十二月三十一日以来、(I)Gold Fields及びその付属会社は正常な業務過程においてのみそれぞれの業務を経営しており、(Ii)Gold Fieldsに重大な悪影響はなく、及び(Iii)Gold Fields及びその付属会社は何の行動も行われておらず、本合意日後に採用された場合は5.2節に違反することになる。(V)訴訟。4節で述べたものを除く.金鉱場開示書簡第1(V)条によると、金鉱場或いはその付属会社或いは(金鉱場所によれば)任意の金鉱場の経営実体又はその任意の保留物件又は資産に対して法律手続きを提起することは一切なく、又は(金鉱場所知によれば)いかなる合理的な予想がいかなる法律手続きを招く事件も発生しておらず、各状況について、不利な決定があれば、金鉱場に重大な悪影響を与えることを合理的に予想し、又は重大な阻害又は重大な遅延を阻止し、又は金鉱場の関連手配を完了する能力を防止することができる。(W)環境面.金鉱場公開文書及び金鉱場開示書簡第4.1(W)節に開示された者を除いて、個別或いは全体が金鉱場に重大な不利な影響を与えることがまだ或いは合理的に期待されていない限り、金鉱場及び各付属会社の運営はすべての重大な面で環境保護法律に符合する。(X)雇用問題。黄金場開示書簡第4.1(X)節で述べた或いは黄金場公開文書に開示されている者以外に、労働スト、紛争、仕事の減速或いは停止の懸案又は関連は一切なく、又は金場所によれば、黄金場、その任意の付属会社又は(金場所に知られている)任意の黄金場材料共同経営実体を脅かす任意の黄金場材料共同経営会社であり、過去2年以内にこのような事件は発生しなかった。(Y)Yamana株式会社の所有権。Gold Fieldsまたはその任意の付属会社または共同経営会社、または本プロトコルで意図された取引についてそれと共同または一致して行動する任意の者は、Yamanaの任意の証券を所有または制御または指揮することは一切ない。(Z)税金。“金鉱開示手紙”第4.1(Z)節で開示された場合を除いて:[4.1-12(I)各金田及びその付属会社はすでに適時かつ適時にその作成或いは準備しなければならないすべての重要な納税表を作成し、そして適時及び適時に適切な政府実体に提出しなければならないすべての重要な納税表を提出したが、すべてのこの等の納税表は各重大な方面で完全かつ正確である。(Ii)各金田及びその付属会社は、当該等の財務諸表がカバーしている期間未納のすべての税金について、法律で規定されている当年納付すべき税金分割払いを含み、適切な政府実体及び金田が国際財務報告基準に基づいて評価しているか否かにかかわらず、当該等の財務諸表がカバーする期間について十分な課税項目を提供し、どの納税表に未納であるか否かにかかわらず、個別又は合計が不合理に予想されて納付できない場合は、この限りではない。金田には実質的な悪影響がある。この公表日から合理的に個別または合計がGold Fieldsに重大な悪影響を与えないことが予想されない限り、通常の業務プロセスの内外を除いて、評価、提案評価、招くまたは累積は、そのような報告書に反映されていない、または他の方法で計算された税金項目に関連する負債はない。(Iii)各金田およびその付属会社は、その源泉徴収しなければならないすべての税金を適時に源泉徴収し、その支払または貸記または誰に支払われたか、または誰の利益のために支払うかまたは融資した任意の金について源泉徴収しなければならない税金を含み、法律で規定されている税金または他の金を適切な政府エンティティに適時に送金しなければならないが、そうできなければ、金田に個別または全体の重大な悪影響を与えないことを合理的に予想する。(Iv)金田およびその付属会社は、法律の規定によって徴収された任意の販売税、使用税または譲渡税(商品やサービス、協調販売、省と地域販売税および州と地方税を含むがこれらに限定されない)のすべてのお金を直ちに徴収し、法律の規定に従って適切な政府実体にこの法律の送金を適時に送金したが、そうしなければ、金田に個別または全体的な重大な悪影響を与えないことが合理的に予想される。(V)現在、Gold Fieldsまたはその任意の付属会社に対するいかなる税項目の重大な法律手続き、調査、監査、または書面申請についても決定されておらず、いかなる政府実体と議論、監査または控訴することもないが、上記の任意の事項が個別または全体がGold Fieldsに重大な悪影響を与えることが合理的に予想されない場合は例外である。(Vi)規則第355条の規定の全部または一部が管理される取引については、Gold Fieldsまたはその任意の付属会社は、規則355節に示す“流通会社”または“制御された会社”ではない。(Vii)金田又はその付属会社の任意の物件又は資産にはいかなる税項留置権もない(留置権を除く)が、(A)まだ満期及び対応していない税項に関連し、金田年度財務諸表に含まれる最新の貸借対照表に十分な準備金が記録されており、(B)個別又は全体が金田に重大な悪影響を与えないことが合理的に予想される。(Viii)“税法”および任意の他の関連税務目的については、金田およびその各付属会社は、他のいかなる国にも居住するのではなく、その成立または継続された司法管轄区(または司法管轄区が政治区画に属する国)内に住んでいる。並びに(Ix)(A)金田、その付属会社又は金田の知っている限り、その任意の連属会社は、当該手配が規則第368(A)条に示す“再編”の資格に適合することを阻止するために、いかなる行動をとることに同意していないか、及び(B)金田がいかなる合意、計画又はその他の状況があることを知らない場合は、当該手配が規則第368(A)条に示す“再編”の資格に適合することを阻止する。(Aa)帳簿および記録。Gold Fields及びその付属会社の会社記録と議事録は現在すべて適用法律によって保存され、そしてすべての重要な方面で完全かつ正確である。(Bb)保険。Gold Fields、その付属会社及びGold Fieldsの知るところによると、Gold Fields材料共同経営会社の実体はすでに合理と慎重な保険証書を締結し、Gold Fields、その付属会社及びGold Fields材料合営会社が経営する業界業務は通常保証されるすべてのリスクを保証するのに十分であるが、Gold Fields及びその付属会社及びGold Fields材料合営会社実体はすべての重大な方面でこのなどの保証書に関するすべての規定を遵守している。(Cc)不公平な取引。金鉱場公開書類の開示者及び日常業務過程で締結された雇用又は補償協定を除いて、取締役、その任意の付属会社、記録所有者又は5%以上の金田株式を保有する実益所有者、又は任意の高級管理者、取締役又は実益所有者に関する任意の融資、担保、契約、手配又は了解又は金田又はその任意の付属会社との他の取引の受益者は、金田又はその任意の付属会社との任意の融資、担保、契約、手配又は了解又は他の取引から利益を得ることができる。(Dd)業務活動の制限。Gold Fieldsまたはその任意の付属会社、またはGold Fieldsに知られている限り、任意のGold Fields材料共同経営エンティティは、Gold Fieldsまたはその任意の付属会社または任意のGold Fields共同経営エンティティの任意の業務通常またはその業務を禁止、制限または重大な損害を禁止、制限または重大に行うことができ、Gold Fieldsまたはその任意の付属会社に対して拘束力のある黄金場材料契約または注文は一切行われない。1-14現在(本プロトコルに従って行われる取引を含む)に行われている付属会社または任意のGold Fields材料共同事業体であるが、個別または全体がGold Fields材料に悪影響を及ぼすことが合理的に予想されていないGold Fields材料契約または注文は除外されている。(Ee)材料契約。金鉱材料契約の真および完全なコピーは、金鉱データ室で開示されているか、または金鉱公共文書の一部として開示されている。Gold Fields及びその付属会社はすでにすべての重大な方面でGold Fields材料契約によって履行しなければならないすべてのそれぞれの責任を履行し、しかもその任意の付属会社は契約者或いはその制約を受けた任意のGold Fields材料契約に基づいて重大な違約或いは責任を負わない。Gold Fieldsによると、このようなGold Fields材料契約のいずれかにより、任意の他の契約者に重大な違約や違約はない。すべてのGold Fields材料契約はすべて合法で、有効で、拘束力があり、十分な効力と効力を持っており、Gold Fields(或いはGold Fieldsの付属会社、状況によって決まる)はそれぞれの条項(破産、債務無力及びその他の一般的に債権者の権利に影響を与える適用法律及び一般衡平原則によって制限される)によって強制的に実行することができる。Gold Fieldsは、Gold Fieldsによって知られている他の通知を受けていない。Gold Fields材料契約の任意の契約者が、Gold Fieldsまたはその任意の付属会社との関係を意図的にキャンセル、終了、または他の方法で修正または継続しないことを意味し、Gold Fieldsによれば、このような行動をとることを脅かすことはない。(Ff)反腐敗。(I)金田、その付属会社又は金田共同経営実体又はその任意の取締役、上級職員、従業員、代理人又は代表は、金田、その付属会社又は金田共同経営実体を直接又は間接的に代表するものではなく、いかなる契約、承諾、合意、支払い又は許可を促進するために提供、承諾、同意、支払い、許可、付与又は任意のものを提供し、直接又は間接的に政府実体の任意の官僚、その任意の政党又は官僚又は任意の政治職候補者に任意の価値のあるものを提供するか。(A)業務中に利益を取得または保留するために、その人の公職を履行しないことを決定することを含む、公職としての当該人の任意の行動または決定に影響を与える。(B)金田、その付属会社のうちの1つまたはその中の1つの金田共同経営エンティティが誰であるか、または誰と業務を取得または保留しているか、または業務を誰に向けるか、または他の方法で利益を取得または保持するために、その人の任意の政府エンティティに対する影響力を利用して、政府エンティティの任意の役割または決定に影響を与えるように誘導すること。または(C)Gold Fieldsに協力し、そのうちの1つの付属会社またはGold Fields共同経営エンティティのうちの1つは、任意の人のために業務を取得または保持するか、または賄賂、リベート、支払い、支払い、リベートまたは不法または不適切な支払いに影響を与えるなどの方法によって、これらの行為がまだまたはGold Fieldsの個別または全体に重大な悪影響を与えない限り、任意の人のために業務を取得または保留する。(Ii)金田、その付属会社、金田の知る限り、金田合営実体又はその任意の取締役、上級者、従業員、代理人又は代表は、金田、その付属会社又は金田共同経営実体とのいかなる行動も一致しない又は禁止されておらず、あるいは金田、その付属会社又は金田合営実体が“1977年反海外腐敗法”(米国)又はその業務を展開することを禁止するいかなる司法管区内の汚職、賄賂及び裏金の洗浄を招く類似の法例、並びに金田間のすべての契約及び手配、1つの付属会社或いはその中の1つのGold Fields共同経営会社及び任意の他の人はすべてこのような法律を遵守しているが、このような行動は個別或いは全体がGold Fieldsに重大な悪影響を与えないことをまだ或いは合理的に予想していない。二零二年一月一日から、Gold Fields、その付属会社及びGold Fieldsによると、Gold Fields共同経営実体は、汚職、賄賂及び裏金洗浄を禁止する法律に違反する行為を防止及び発見するために、それぞれの取締役、高級職員、従業員、代理人及び代表の政策及びプログラムに適用されることを維持している。(Iii)金田、その付属会社、金田の知る限り、金田共同経営実体またはその任意の取締役、高級職員、従業員、代理人または代表は、(A)金田、その中の1つの付属会社または金田共同経営実体またはそれらのそれぞれの取締役、高級職員、従業員、代理人または代表が、汚職、賄賂、または裏金の洗浄を禁止する法律に違反しているかどうか、またはその法律の下で任意の不正行為があるかどうか、または(B)任意に、直接、非自発的に、汚職防止を行うことを担当する任意の政府エンティティに開示されるかどうかを決定または判断するために、(A)いかなる審査、監査または内部調査を開始しないか。反賄賂およびマネーロンダリング法は、いずれの場合も、そのような法律を遵守しないことによって引き起こされる、またはそれに関連する任意の告発されたものについて、または誰からの通知、要求、または引用を受けたかについて、そのような法律を遵守していないが、そのような行為が単独または全体的に重大な悪影響を及ぼすことを合理的に予想しない行為は除外される。(4)Gold Fieldsおよびその子会社、およびGold Fieldsによれば、Gold Fields合弁エンティティは、1977年の“反海外腐敗法”(米国)または腐敗、賄賂、マネーロンダリングを禁止する任意の類似法の遵守を確保するために、内部統制制度を維持する]4.1-16(Gg)制裁。(I)Gold Fieldsまたはその任意の付属会社または共同企業、またはそれらのそれぞれの取締役、上級職員または従業員、またはGold Fieldsに知られているように、それを代表する任意の代理人または人:(A)制限された当事者であるか、または(B)制裁当局が制裁について提起した任意の申立、訴訟、訴訟、法的手続きまたは調査を受信したか、または知っている。(Ii)金田、その任意の付属会社、または金田またはその任意の付属会社の任意の取締役、高級管理者、従業員または代理人は、(A)任意の制裁対象/目標、または(B)制裁対象に属する国または地域に位置する個人(クリミア、キューバ、イラン、朝鮮およびシリアを含む)によって所有または制御されている者ではない。(Iii)Gold Fieldsは、過去3年間、Gold Fiifieldまたはその任意の付属会社、またはGold Fiifieldに知られているように、任意の取締役、高級管理者、従業員または代理人が、知られていないことを知っているか、または制限された者との制裁違反の任意の取引または取引に従事するか、または現在従事しているか、またはそれに従事することを約束している。(Hh)仲買;支出。実際および完全なコピーをYamanaに提供したGold Fieldsとアメリカ銀行証券との契約手紙によって、米国銀行証券に支払わなければならない費用が規定されている以外に、Gold Fields、その任意の付属会社、Gold Fields共同経営実体、またはそれらのそれぞれの高級管理者、取締役または従業員は、任意のブローカー、発見者、投資銀行家、財務顧問または他の人を採用するか、または本合意に予想される取引に関連する任意のブローカー費用、手数料、発見者費用、財務顧問料または他の同様の費用について任意の責任を負う。(Ii)自由流通株式。この手配により発行される対価格株式は、カナダ証券法、米国連邦証券法、およびこれらの株式の所有者が存在する各米国州の州証券を登録または分配資格に適合するか、または任意の登録または分配資格要件の制約を免除するか、または制限されない。米国証券法によれば、このような証券は、規則144が指す“制限された証券”に属するべきではなく、カナダ証券管理機関の“国家文書45-102--証券転売”に規定されているいかなる“保有期間”の転売制限も受けない。(Jj)“カナダ投資法”。Gold Fieldsは“カナダ投資法”が指すWTO投資家であり、“カナダ投資法”が指す国有企業ではない[Breach of Representations, Warranties or Covenants by Yamana], but only if, in these termination events, (x) prior to such termination, a bona fide Yamana Acquisition Proposal shall have been made and publicly announced by any Person (other than Gold Fields and its affiliates) and such Yamana Acquisition Proposal is not withdrawn at least five Business Days prior to the date of the Yamana Meeting and (y) within 12 months following the date of such termination, (A) Yamana or one or more of its Subsidiaries enters into a Contract (other than a 68 confidentiality agreement) in respect of a Yamana Acquisition Proposal (whether or not such Yamana Acquisition Proposal is the same Yamana Acquisition Proposal referred to in clause (x) above) and such Yamana Acquisition Proposal is later consummated (whether or not within 12 months after such termination) or (B) a Yamana Acquisition Proposal shall have been consummated (whether or not such Yamana Acquisition Proposal is the same Yamana Acquisition Proposal referred to in clause (x) above), provided that for purposes of this Section 7.3(b)(iv), the term “Yamana Acquisition Proposal” shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 1.1 except that a reference to “20 per cent” therein shall be deemed to be a reference to “50 per cent”. If a Yamana Termination Fee Event occurs, Yamana shall pay the Yamana Termination Fee to Gold Fields, by wire transfer of immediately available funds, as follows: (A) if the Yamana Termination Fee is payable pursuant to Section 7.3(b)(i), the Termination Fee shall be payable within two Business Days following such termination; (B) if the Yamana Termination Fee is payable pursuant to Section 7.3(b)(ii), the Termination Fee shall be payable within two Business Days following such termination; (C) if the Yamana Termination Fee is payable pursuant to Section 7.3(b)(ii), the Termination Fee shall be payable (i) if Yamana terminates this Agreement concurrently with such termination and (ii) if Gold Fields terminates this Agreement, within two Business Days following such termination; or (D) if the Yamana Termination Fee is payable pursuant to Section 7.3(b)(iv), the Termination Fee shall be payable concurrently upon the consummation of the Yamana Acquisition Proposal referred to therein. (c) For the purposes of this Agreement, “Gold Fields Termination Fee Event” means the termination of this Agreement: (i) by Yamana pursuant to Section 7.2(a)(iv)(A) [Gold Fields Change in Recommendation]; (ii) by Yamana pursuant to Section 7.2(a)(iv)(B) [Gold Fields Material Breach of Non-Solicitation Provisions]; (iii) by either Party pursuant to Section 7.2(a)(ii)(D) [Failure to Obtain the Gold Fields Shareholder Approval] following a Gold Fields Change in Recommendation and/or Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries accepts, approves, executes or enters into a Permitted Acquisition Agreement; or (iv) by either Party pursuant to Section 7.2(a)(ii)(A) [Effective Time Not Occurring Prior to the Outside Date] or Section 7.2(a)(ii)(D) [Failure to 69 Obtain the Gold Fields Shareholder Approval] or by Yamana pursuant to Section 7.2(a)(iv)(D) [Breach of Representations, Warranties or Covenants by Gold Fields], but only if, in these termination events, (x) prior to such termination, a bona fide Gold Fields Acquisition Proposal shall have been made and publicly announced by any Person (other than Yamana and its affiliates) and such Gold Fields Acquisition Proposal not withdrawn at least five Business Days prior to the date of the Gold Fields Meeting and (y) within 12 months following the date of such termination, (A) Gold Fields or one or more of its Subsidiaries enters into a Contract (other than a confidentiality agreement) in respect of a Gold Fields Acquisition Proposal (whether or not such Gold Fields Acquisition Proposal is the same Gold Fields Acquisition Proposal referred to in clause (x) above) and such Gold Fields Acquisition Proposal is later consummated (whether or not within 12 months after such termination) or (B) a Gold Fields Acquisition Proposal shall have been consummated (whether or not such Gold Fields Acquisition Proposal is the same Gold Fields Acquisition Proposal referred to in clause (x) above), provided that for purposes of this Section 7.3(c)(iv), the term “Gold Fields Acquisition Proposal” shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 1.1 except that a reference to “20 per cent” therein shall be deemed to be a reference to “50 per cent”. If a Gold Fields Termination Fee Event occurs, Gold Fields shall pay the Gold Fields Termination Fee to Yamana, by wire transfer of immediately available funds, as follows: (A) if the Gold Fields Termination Fee is payable pursuant to Section 7.3(c)(i), the Termination Fee shall be payable within two Business Days following such termination; (B) if the Gold Fields Termination Fee is payable pursuant to Section 7.3(c)(ii), the Termination Fee shall be payable within two Business Days following such termination; (C) if the Gold Fields Termination Fee is payable pursuant to Section 7.3(c)(ii), the Termination Fee shall be payable (i) if Gold Fields terminates this Agreement concurrently with such termination and (ii) if Yamana terminates this Agreement, within two Business Days following such termination; or (D) if the Gold Fields Termination Fee is payable pursuant to Section 7.3(c)(iv), the Termination Fee shall be payable concurrently upon the consummation of the Yamana Acquisition Proposal referred to therein. (d) The Parties acknowledge that all of the payment amounts set out in this Section 7.3 are payments of liquidated damages which are a genuine pre-estimate of the damages which the other Party entitled to such damages will suffer or incur as a result of the event giving rise to such payment and the resultant termination of this Agreement and are not penalties. Each Party irrevocably waives any right it may have to raise as a defence that any such liquidated damages are excessive or punitive. For greater certainty, each Party agrees that, upon any termination of this

70 Agreement under circumstances where Yamana or Gold Fields is entitled to a Termination Fee and such Termination Fee is paid in full, Yamana or Gold Fields, as the case may be, shall be precluded from any other remedy against the other Party at Law or in equity or otherwise (including, without limitation, an order for specific performance), and shall not seek to obtain any recovery, judgment, or damages of any kind, including consequential, indirect, or punitive damages, against the other Party or any of its Subsidiaries or any of their respective directors, officers, employees, partners, managers, members, shareholders or affiliates or their respective representatives in connection with this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, provided that the foregoing limitation shall not apply in the event of fraud or wilful breach of this Agreement by a Party. 7.4 Amendment Subject to the provisions of the Interim Order, the Plan of Arrangement and applicable Laws, this Agreement and the Plan of Arrangement may, at any time and from time to time before or after the holding of the Yamana Meeting but not later than the Effective Time, be amended by mutual written agreement of the Parties, without further notice to or authorization on the part of Yamana Shareholders, and any such amendment may without limitation: (a) change the time for performance of any of the obligations or acts of the Parties; (b) waive any inaccuracies or modify any representation or warranty contained herein or in any document delivered pursuant hereto; (c) waive compliance with or modify any of the covenants herein contained and waive or modify performance of any of the obligations of the Parties; and/or (d) waive compliance with or modify any mutual conditions precedent herein contained. 7.5 Waiver Any Party may: (a) extend the time for the performance of any of the obligations or acts of the other Party; (b) waive compliance, except as provided herein, with any of the other Party’s agreements or the fulfilment of any conditions to its own obligations contained herein; or (c) waive inaccuracies in any of the other Party’s representations or warranties contained herein or in any document delivered by the other Party; provided, however, that any such extension or waiver shall be valid only if set forth in an instrument in writing signed on behalf of such Party and, unless otherwise provided in the written waiver, will be limited to the specific breach or condition waived. A Party’s failure or delay in exercising any right under this Agreement will not operate as a waiver of that right. A single or partial exercise of any right will not preclude a Party from any other or further exercise of that right or the exercise of any other right. ARTICLE 8 GENERAL PROVISIONS 8.1 Notices All notices and other communications given or made pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given and received on the day it is delivered, provided 71 that it is delivered on a Business Day prior to 5:00 p.m. local time in the place of delivery or receipt. However, if notice is delivered after 5:00 p.m. local time or if such day is not a Business Day then the notice shall be deemed to have been given and received on the next Business Day. Notice shall be sufficiently given if delivered (either in Person or by courier), or if transmitted by email (with confirmation of transmission) to the Parties at the following addresses (or at such other addresses as shall be specified by any Party by notice to the other given in accordance with these provisions): (a) if to Gold Fields: Gold Fields Limited 150 Helen Road Sandown, Sandton South Africa, 2196 Attention: Taryn Leishman, EVP, Group Head of Legal and Compliance Email: [Redacted – Personal Information] with a copy to (which shall not constitute notice): Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP 333 Bay Street, Suite 2400 Toronto, Ontario M5H 2T6 Attention: Brian Graves and Bradley Freelan Email: bgraves@fasken.com and bfreelan@fasken.com and to: Linklaters LLP One Silk Street London EC2Y 8HQ Attention: Mike Bienenfeld Email: mike.bienenfeld@linklaters.com and to: Webber Wentzel 90 Rivonia Road Sandton, Johannesburg 2196 Attention: Jesse Watson Email: jesse.watson@webberwentzel.com (b) if to Yamana: 72 Yamana Gold Inc. Royal Bank Plaza, North Tower 200 Bay Street, Suite 2200 Toronto, Ontario M5J 2J3 Attention: Sofia Tsakos, SVP, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary Email: [Redacted – Personal Information] with a copy to (which shall not constitute notice): Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP Suite 2100, Scotia Plaza 40 King Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 3C2 Attention: Mark Bennett and Jamie Litchen Email: mbennett@cassels.com and jlitchen@cassels.com and to: Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP 1285 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019-6064 Attention: Adam Givertz Email: agivertz@paulweiss.com The Parties hereby irrevocably authorize and appoint the above-noted recipients of notice as their agents for service of any proceedings in relation to any matter arising out of or in connection with this Agreement and service on such service agent, which may be made in the same manner as any notice is to be provided, shall be deemed to be service on the Parties. 8.2 Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed, including as to validity, interpretation and effect, by the Laws of the Province of Ontario and the Laws of Canada applicable therein. Each of the Parties hereby irrevocably attorns to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Ontario in respect of all matters arising under and in relation to this Agreement and the Arrangement and waives any defences to the maintenance of an action in the Courts of the Province of Ontario. 8.3 Injunctive Relief Subject to Section 7.3(d), the Parties agree that irreparable harm would occur for which money damages would not be an adequate remedy at Law in the event that any of the provisions of this Agreement were not performed in accordance with their specific terms or were otherwise breached. Accordingly, the Parties agree that, in the event of any breach or threatened breach of this Agreement by a Party, the non-breaching Party will be entitled, without the requirement of posting a bond or other security, to equitable relief, including injunctive relief and specific 73 performance, and the Parties shall not object to the granting of injunctive or other equitable relief on the basis that there exists an adequate remedy at law. Subject to Section 7.3(d), such remedies will not be the exclusive remedies for any breach of this Agreement but will be in addition to all other remedies available at Law or equity to each of the Parties. 8.4 Time of Essence Time shall be of the essence in this Agreement. 8.5 Entire Agreement, Binding Effect and Assignment This Agreement (including the exhibits and schedules hereto) and the Confidentiality Agreement constitute the entire agreement, and supersede all other prior agreements, understandings, negotiations and discussions, both written and oral, between the Parties, or any of them, with respect to the subject matter hereof and thereof and, except as expressly provided herein, this Agreement is not intended to and shall not confer upon any Person other than the Parties any rights or remedies hereunder. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall enure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations hereunder may be assigned by any of the Parties without the prior written consent of the other Party. 8.6 No Personal Liability No director or officer of Gold Fields shall have any personal liability whatsoever to Yamana under this Agreement, or any other document delivered in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby on behalf of Gold Fields. No director or officer of Yamana shall have any personal liability whatsoever to Gold Fields under this Agreement, or any other document delivered in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby on behalf of Yamana. 8.7 Severability If any term or other provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced by any rule or Law or public policy, that provision will be severed from this Agreement and all other conditions and provisions of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect so long as the economic or legal substance of the transactions contemplated hereby is not affected in any manner materially adverse to any Party. Upon such determination that any term or other provision is invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the Parties as closely as possible in an acceptable manner to the end that the transactions contemplated hereby are fulfilled to the fullest extent possible. 8.8 Waiver of Jury Trial Each Party hereto (on behalf of itself and any of its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives) hereby waives, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable Laws, any right it may have to a trial by jury in respect of any suit, action or other proceeding arising out of this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby or the actions of the Parties in the negotiation, administration, performance and enforcement of this Agreement. Each Party hereto (a) certifies that no representative, agent or attorney of any other Party has represented, expressly or otherwise, that such Party would not, in the event of any action, suit or proceeding, seek to enforce the foregoing waiver and (b) acknowledges that it and the other Parties hereto

74 have been induced to enter into this Agreement, by, among other things, the mutual waiver and certifications in this Section 8.8. 8.9 Third Party Beneficiaries The provisions of Sections 5.6 and 5.11 are: (i) intended for the benefit of all present and former directors and officers of Yamana and its Subsidiaries, as and to the extent applicable in accordance with their terms, and shall be enforceable by each of such Persons and his or her heirs, executors administrators and other legal representatives (collectively, the “Third Party Beneficiaries”) and Yamana shall hold the rights and benefits of Sections 5.6 and 5.11 in trust for and on behalf of the Third Party Beneficiaries and Yamana hereby accepts such trust and agrees to hold the benefit of and enforce performance of such covenants on behalf of the Third Party Beneficiaries; and (ii) in addition to, and not in substitution for, any other rights that the Third Party Beneficiaries may have by contract or otherwise. Except as provided in this Section 8.9, this Agreement shall not confer any rights or remedies upon any Person other than the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. 8.10 Counterparts, Execution This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. The Parties shall be entitled to rely upon delivery of an executed facsimile or similar executed electronic copy of this Agreement, and such facsimile or similar executed electronic copy shall be legally effective to create a valid and binding agreement between the Parties. [Remainder of page intentionally left blank] IN WITNESS WHEREOF Gold Fields and Yamana have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first written above by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized. GOLD FIELDS LIMITED By: “Chris Griffith” Name: Chris Griffith Title: Chief Executive Officer YAMANA GOLD INC. By: “Peter Marrone” Name: Peter Marrone Title: Executive Chairman SCHEDULE A FORM OF PLAN OF ARRANGEMENT (see attached) PLAN OF ARRANGEMENT UNDER SECTION 192 OF THE CANADA BUSINESS CORPORATIONS ACT IN RESPECT OF YAMANA GOLD INC. AND YAMANA GOLD QUEBEC INC. ARTICLE 1 INTERPRETATION 1.1 Definitions Unless otherwise indicated, whenever used in this Plan of Arrangement, capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined shall have the respective meanings specified in the Arrangement Agreement and the following words and terms have the meanings set out below: “affiliate” has the meaning given to it in National Instrument 45-106 – Prospectus Exemptions under Canadian Securities Laws; “Aggregate Exercise Price” means, collectively, the Yamana Exercise Price and the New Monarch Exercise Price; “Arrangement” means the arrangement of Yamana under Section 192 of the CBCA on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in this Plan of Arrangement, subject to any amendments or variations thereto made in accordance with the terms of the Arrangement Agreement and this Plan of Arrangement or made at the direction of the Court in the Interim Order or Final Order with the consent of Gold Fields and Yamana, each acting reasonably; “Arrangement Agreement” means the arrangement agreement dated May 31, 2022 to which this Plan of Arrangement is attached as Schedule A, including all schedules annexed thereto, as the same may be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof; “Arrangement Resolution” means the special resolution of Yamana Shareholders approving the Arrangement which is to be considered at the Yamana Meeting, substantially in the form of Schedule B to the Arrangement Agreement; “Articles of Arrangement” means the articles of arrangement of Yamana to be filed in accordance with the CBCA evidencing the Arrangement; “Authorization” means, with respect to any Person, any authorization, order, permit, approval, grant, licence, registration, consent, right, notification, condition, franchise, privilege, certificate, judgment, writ, injunction, award, determination, direction, decision, decree, by-law, rule or regulation, of, from or required by any Governmental Entity having jurisdiction over the Person;

“Business Day” means any day, other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a statutory or civic holiday in the Province of Ontario, the State of New York, or in South Africa; “Canadian Securities Laws” means the Securities Act, together with all other applicable securities Laws, rules and regulations and published policies thereunder or under the securities laws of any other province or territory of Canada; “CBCA” means the Canada Business Corporations Act; “Certificate of Arrangement” means the certificate giving effect to the Arrangement issued by the Director pursuant to Section 192(7) of the CBCA; “Consideration” means, for each Yamana Share, the number of Consideration Shares equal to the Exchange Ratio; “Consideration Shares” means the Gold Fields Shares and the Gold Fields ADSs to be issued as Consideration pursuant to the Arrangement; “Court” means the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List); “Depositary” means any Person that Yamana may appoint to act as depositary for the Yamana Shares in relation to the Arrangement, with the approval of Gold Fields, acting reasonably; “Director” means the Director appointed pursuant to Section 260 of the CBCA; “Dissent Rights” has the meaning set forth in Section 4.1(a); “Dissent Shares” means Yamana Shares held by a Dissenting Shareholder and in respect of which the Dissenting Shareholder has validly exercised Dissent Rights; “Dissenting Shareholder” means a registered Yamana Shareholder who has validly exercised a Dissent Right and has not withdrawn or been deemed to have withdrawn such exercise of Dissent Rights, but only in respect of Yamana Shares in respect of which Dissent Rights are validly exercised by such Yamana Shareholder; “Effective Date” means the date upon which the Arrangement becomes effective, as set out in Section 2.12 of the Arrangement Agreement, which will be the date shown in the Certificate of Arrangement; “Effective Time” means 12:01 a.m. (Toronto time) on the Effective Date or such other time as agreed to by Gold Fields and Yamana in writing; “Election Deadline” means 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on the Business Day which is three Business Days preceding the Effective Date; “Exchange Ratio” means, for each Yamana Share, 0.600 of a Consideration Share, subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 2.17 of the Arrangement Agreement; “Final Order” means the final order of the Court pursuant to Section 192 of the CBCA, in form and substance acceptable to Gold Fields and Yamana, each acting reasonably, after a hearing upon the procedural and substantive fairness of the terms and conditions of the Arrangement, approving the Arrangement, as such order may be amended, modified, supplemented or varied by the Court (with the consent of Gold Fields and Yamana, each acting reasonably) at any time prior to the Effective Date or, if appealed, then, unless such appeal is withdrawn or denied, as affirmed or as amended on appeal (provided that any such affirmation, amendment, modification, supplement or variation is acceptable to Gold Fields and Yamana, each acting reasonably); “Final Proscription Date” has the meaning set forth in Section 5.5(a); “Gold Fields” means Gold Fields Limited, a public company registered in accordance with the laws of South Africa; “Gold Fields ADSs” means the Gold Fields American depositary shares, evidenced by the Gold Fields ADRs, each representing an interest in one Gold Fields Share in accordance with the terms of the Deposit Agreement; “Gold Fields ADRs” means the Gold Fields American depositary receipts evidencing the Gold Fields ADSs; “Gold Fields Excess Shares” has the meaning set forth in Section 3.3(b); “Gold Fields Share Trust” has the meaning set forth in Section 3.3(b); “Gold Fields Shares” means the ordinary shares with no par value in the authorized share capital of Gold Fields; “Gold Fields Subco” means such entity as may be designated by Gold Fields in its sole discretion; “Gold Fields Subco Shares” means common shares without nominal or par value in the capital of Gold Fields Subco; “Governmental Entity” means: (a) any multinational, federal, provincial, territorial, state, regional, municipal, local or other government, governmental or public department, central bank, court, tribunal, arbitral body, commission, board, ministry, bureau or agency, domestic or foreign; (b) any stock exchange, including the TSX, NYSE, LSE and JSE; (c) any subdivision, agent, commission, board or authority of any of the foregoing; or (d) any quasi- governmental or private body, including any tribunal, commission, regulatory agency or self- regulatory organization, exercising any regulatory, antitrust/competition, foreign investment, expropriation or taxing authority under or for the account of any of the foregoing; “Indenture Warrant” means a warrant consisting of one Yamana Indenture Warrant and one New Monarch Indenture Warrant issued pursuant to the Warrant Indenture; “Interim Order” means the interim order made after the application to the Court pursuant to subsection 192 of the CBCA in form and substance acceptable to Gold Fields and Yamana, each acting reasonably, providing for, among other things, the calling and holding of the Yamana Meeting, as the same may be amended, affirmed, modified, supplemented or varied by the Court with the consent of Gold Fields and Yamana, each acting reasonably; “JSE” means JSE Limited, a public company incorporated under the Laws of South Africa under registration number 2005/022939/06, or the securities exchange operated by the JSE Limited and licensed in terms of the South African Financial Markets Act No. 19 of 2012, as the context may require; “Law” or “Laws” means all laws (including common law), by-laws, statutes, rules, regulations, principles of law and equity, orders, rulings, ordinances, judgments, injunctions, determinations, awards, decrees or other legally binding requirements, whether domestic or foreign, and the terms and conditions of any Authorization of or from any Governmental Entity, and, for greater certainty, includes Canadian Securities Laws, U.S. Securities Laws, South African Securities Laws and UK Securities Laws and the term “applicable” with respect to such Laws and in a context that refers to one or more Persons, means such Laws as are applicable to such Persons or its business, undertaking, assets, property or securities and emanate from a Persons having jurisdiction over the Person or Persons or its or their business, undertaking, assets, property or securities; “Letter of Transmittal and Election Form” means the Letter of Transmittal and Election Form, in a form reasonably satisfactory to Gold Fields, to be delivered by Yamana to Yamana Shareholders providing for the delivery of the Yamana Shares to the Depositary and for the payment of the Consideration; “Liens” means any hypothecs, mortgages, pledges, assignments, liens, charges, security interests, statutory or deemed trusts, encumbrances and adverse rights or claims, other third party interest or encumbrance of any kind, whether contingent or absolute, and any agreement, option, right or privilege (whether by Law, contract or otherwise) capable of becoming any of the foregoing; “LSE” means the London Stock Exchange plc; “New Monarch” means Monarch Mining Corporation, a company existing under the federal laws of Canada; “New Monarch Exercise Price” means C$0.0970, subject to adjustment in accordance with the provisions of the Warrant Indenture; “New Monarch Indenture Warrant” has the meaning set forth in the definition of “Warrant Indenture” herein; “New Monarch Shares” means the common shares in the authorized capital of New Monarch; “NYSE” means The New York Stock Exchange LLC; “Old Monarch” means, prior to the effective time of the Old Monarch Acquisition, Monarch Gold Corporation, a corporation existing under the federal laws of Canada; “Old Monarch Acquisition” means the acquisition by Yamana of all of the common shares of Old Monarch pursuant to a plan of arrangement under the CBCA, which became effective at 12:01 a.m. (Toronto time) on January 21, 2021; “Person” includes an individual, partnership, association, body corporate, trustee, executor, administrator, legal representative, government (including any Governmental Entity) or any other entity, whether or not having legal status; “Plan of Arrangement” means this plan of arrangement and any amendments or variations hereto made in accordance with Section 7.4 of the Arrangement Agreement and this plan of arrangement or upon the direction of the Court in the Final Order; “Securities Act” means the Securities Act (Ontario) and the rules, regulations and published policies made thereunder; “South Africa” means the Republic of South Africa; “Tax Act” means the Income Tax Act (Canada); “TSX” means the Toronto Stock Exchange; “UK DTRs” means the disclosure guidance and transparency rules made by the FCA under Section 73A of FSMA; “UK Listing Rules” means the listing rules made by the FCA under Section 73A of FSMA; “UK MAR” means Regulation (EU) No.596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse, as applicable in the UK by virtue of Section 3 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, as amended from time to time (including by the Market Abuse (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (SI 2019/310)); “UK Prospectus Regulation Rules” means the prospectus regulation rules made by the FCA under Section 73A of FSMA; “UK Securities Laws” means the UK Prospectus Regulation Rules, the UK Listing Rules, UK MAR, the UK DTRs, FSMA, the FSA and the Criminal Justice Act 2003 (each as amended from time to time) and all other applicable listing and disclosure requirements to which Yamana is subject by virtue of the listing of the Yamana Shares on the Main Market of the LSE; “United States” or “U.S.” means the United States of America, its territories and possessions, any State of the United States and the District of Columbia; “U.S. Exchange Act” means the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to time and the rules and regulations of the SEC promulgated thereunder; “U.S. Securities Act” means the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended from time to time and the rules and regulations of the SEC promulgated thereunder; “U.S. Securities Laws” means the U.S. Securities Act, the U.S. Exchange Act and all other applicable U.S. federal securities laws; “Warrant Agent” means Computershare Trust Company of Canada, in its capacity as warrant agent of the Yamana Indenture Warrants and the New Monarch Indenture Warrants, or its successors from time to time;

“Warrant Indenture” means the amended and restated warrant indenture dated January 21, 2021 among Yamana, Yamana Subco, New Monarch and the Warrant Agent, entitling a holder of common share purchase warrants originally issued by Old Monarch under a warrant indenture dated as of September 17, 2020 between Old Monarch and the Warrant Agent, upon the valid exercise of each Indenture Warrant and the payment by the holder thereof to the warrant agent of the Aggregate Exercise Price, to: (a) 0.0376 of a Yamana Share in consideration of the payment of the Yamana Exercise Price (the right of the holder thereto being referred to herein as the “Yamana Indenture Warrant”); and (b) 0.2 of a New Monarch Share in consideration of the payment of the New Monarch Exercise Price (the right of the holder thereto being referred to herein as the “New Monarch Indenture Warrant”); “Yamana” means Yamana Gold Inc., a corporation existing under the federal laws of Canada; “Yamana Board” means the board of directors of Yamana as the same is constituted from time to time; “Yamana Certificated Warrants” means the common share purchase warrants issued by Yamana and represented by warrant certificates, each such warrant entitling the holder thereof, upon the valid exercise thereof and the payment by the holder to Yamana of the applicable Yamana Exercise Price, to purchase from Yamana 0.0376 of a Yamana Share; “Yamana DSU Plan” means Yamana’s deferred share unit plan dated effective April 2, 2008; “Yamana DSUs” means deferred share units issued under the Yamana DSU Plan; “Yamana Equity Award Holders” means the holders of Yamana PSUs, Yamana RSUs and Yamana DSUs; “Yamana Exercise Price” means (a) in the case of the Yamana Indenture Warrants, C$0.3110, subject to adjustment in accordance with the provisions of the Warrant Indenture, and (b) in the case of the Yamana Certificated Warrants, the exercise price set forth in the applicable warrant certificate, being either C$0.2272 or C$0.3110, in each case subject to adjustment in accordance with the provisions of the applicable warrant certificate; “Yamana Indenture Warrant” has the meaning set forth in the definition of “Warrant Indenture” herein; “Yamana Meeting” means the special meeting of Yamana Shareholders, including any adjournment or postponement thereof, to be called and held in accordance with the Interim Order to consider the Arrangement Resolution; “Yamana PSU Plan” means Yamana’s performance share unit plan dated effective January 1, 2016; “Yamana PSUs” means performance share units issued under the Yamana PSU Plan; “Yamana RSU Plan” means Yamana’s restricted share unit plan dated effective May 14, 2008; “Yamana RSUs” means the restricted share units issued under the Yamana RSU Plan; “Yamana Securityholders” means Yamana Shareholders, Yamana Equity Award Holders and Yamana Warrantholders; “Yamana Share Incentive Plan” means Yamana’s amended share incentive plan dated December 16, 2010; “Yamana Shareholders” means the holders of Yamana Shares; “Yamana Shares” means the common shares in the authorized share capital of Yamana; “Yamana Subco” means, from and after the effective time of the Old Monarch Acquisition, Yamana Gold Quebec Inc. (formerly Monarch Gold Corporation), a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of Yamana existing under the federal laws of Canada; “Yamana Warrant Consideration” means the amounts payable in respect of the Yamana Certificated Warrants and Yamana Indenture Warrants pursuant to Sections 3.1(a) and 3.1(b), respectively; “Yamana Warrant Letter of Transmittal” means the Yamana Warrant Letter of Transmittal, in a form reasonably satisfactory to Gold Fields, to be delivered by Yamana to holders of Yamana Certificated Warrants and Yamana Indenture Warrants providing for the delivery of the Yamana Certificated Warrants and Yamana Indenture Warrants to the Depositary and for the payment of the Yamana Warrant Consideration; and “Yamana Warrantholders” means the holders of Yamana Certificated Warrants and Yamana Indenture Warrants. Words and phrases used herein that are defined in the Arrangement Agreement and not defined herein shall have the same meaning herein as in the Arrangement Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires. 1.2 Interpretation Not Affected by Headings The division of this Plan of Arrangement into Articles, Sections, subsections and paragraphs and the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Plan of Arrangement. Unless the contrary intention appears, references in this Plan of Arrangement to an Article, Section, subsection or paragraph by number or letter or both refer to the Article, Section, subsection or paragraph, respectively, bearing that designation in this Plan of Arrangement. 1.3 Number and Gender In this Plan of Arrangement, unless the contrary intention appears, words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa, and words importing gender shall include all genders. 1.4 Date for any Action If the date on which any action is required to be taken hereunder is not a Business Day, such action shall be required to be taken on the next succeeding day which is a Business Day. 1.5 Currency Unless otherwise stated, all references in this Plan of Arrangement to sums of money are expressed in lawful money of the United States of America. As used herein, “US$” refers to United States dollars, and “C$” refers to Canadian dollars. 1.6 Statutes Any reference to a statute refers to such statute and all rules, resolutions and regulations made under it, as it or they may have been or may from time to time be amended or re-enacted, unless stated otherwise. ARTICLE 2 EFFECT OF ARRANGEMENT 2.1 Arrangement Agreement This Plan of Arrangement is made pursuant to and subject to the provisions of and forms a part of the Arrangement Agreement. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of this Plan of Arrangement and the provisions of the Arrangement Agreement, the provisions of this Plan of Arrangement shall govern. 2.2 Binding Effect At the Effective Time, this Plan of Arrangement and the Arrangement shall become effective and be binding upon Gold Fields, Gold Fields Subco, Yamana, Yamana Subco, the Depositary, the Warrant Agent, and all registered and beneficial Yamana Securityholders, including Dissenting Shareholders. ARTICLE 3 ARRANGEMENT 3.1 Arrangement Commencing at the Effective Time, in five minute increments each of the following events shall occur and shall be deemed to occur consecutively in the following order, except where noted, without any further authorization, act or formality: (a) each Yamana Certificated Warrant that is outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be, and shall be deemed to be, transferred by the holder thereof to Yamana in exchange for a cash payment from Yamana equal to (i) the volume weighted average trading price of one Yamana Share on the TSX during the five trading days ending on the last trading day prior to the Effective Date multiplied by 0.0376, less (ii) the applicable Yamana Exercise Price (and for greater certainty, if such difference is less than or equal to zero, then no amount shall be payable), and each such Yamana Certificated Warrant shall be, and shall be deemed to be, immediately cancelled and (A) the holders of such Yamana Certificated Warrants shall cease to be holders thereof and to have any rights as holders of such Yamana Certificated Warrants, other than the right to receive the consideration to which they are entitled under this Section 3.1(a), (B) such holders’ names shall be removed from the register of Yamana Certificated Warrants maintained by or on behalf of Yamana, and (C) any warrant certificate representing the Yamana Certificated Warrants shall be terminated and shall be of no further force and effect; (b) each Yamana Indenture Warrant that is outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be, and shall be deemed to be, transferred by the holder thereof to Yamana in exchange for a cash payment from Yamana equal to (i) the volume weighted average trading price of one Yamana Share on the TSX during the five trading days ending on the last trading day prior to the Effective Date multiplied by 0.0376, less (ii) the Yamana Exercise Price thereof (and for greater certainty, if such difference is less than or equal to zero, then no amount shall be payable), and each such Yamana Indenture Warrant shall be, and shall be deemed to be, immediately cancelled and (A) the holders of such Yamana Indenture Warrants shall cease to be holders thereof and to have any rights as holders of such Yamana Indenture Warrants, other than the right to receive the consideration to which they are entitled under this Section 3.1(b), (B) such holders’ names shall be removed from the register of Yamana Indenture Warrants maintained by the Warrant Agent or otherwise on behalf of Yamana, and (C) all provisions of the Warrant Indenture and any warrant certificate representing (in whole or in part) the Yamana Indenture Warrants shall be deemed to be terminated and shall be of no further force and effect to the extent that they provide for rights or obligations in relation to the Yamana Indenture Warrants or Yamana Shares, provided that each New Monarch Indenture Warrant that is outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall remain outstanding in accordance with the provisions of the Warrant Indenture, including any supplemental indenture as may be required by the Warrant Agent in order to give effect to the provisions hereof, and any warrant certificate representing (in whole or in part) the New Monarch Indenture Warrants; (c) each Dissent Share held by a Dissenting Shareholder shall be, and shall be deemed to be, transferred and assigned by the holder thereof (free and clear of all Liens) to Yamana for a debt claim against Yamana (to be settled by Yamana with its own available funds on hand and not funds directly or indirectly provided by Gold Fields, Gold Fields Subco or any affiliate of Gold Fields) for the amount therefor determined under Article 4, and: (i) the name of such Dissenting Shareholder shall be removed from the register of the Yamana Shareholders maintained by or on behalf of Yamana and such Dissent Share shall be cancelled and cease to be outstanding; and (ii) such Dissenting Shareholder shall cease to be the holder of such Dissent Share or to have any rights as a Yamana Shareholder other than the right to be paid the fair value for such Dissent Share as set out in Article 4; (d) each Yamana Share that is outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time (other than any Yamana Share held by a Dissenting Shareholder and any Yamana Share held by Gold Fields or any of its affiliates) shall be, and shall be deemed to be, transferred and assigned by the holder thereof to Gold Fields Subco (free and

clear of any Liens) in exchange for the Consideration, subject to Sections 3.2 and 5.3, and (i) the registered holder thereof shall cease to be, and shall be deemed to cease to be, the registered holder of each such Yamana Share and the name of such registered holder shall be, and shall be deemed to be, removed from the register of Yamana Shareholders maintained by or on behalf of Yamana; (ii) the registered holder thereof shall be, and shall be deemed to have executed and delivered all consents, releases, assignments and waivers, statutory or otherwise, required to transfer and assign each such Yamana Share; and (iii) Gold Fields Subco shall be and shall be deemed to be the holder of all of the outstanding Yamana Shares (free and clear of all Liens) and the register of Yamana Shareholders maintained by or on behalf of Yamana shall be, and shall be deemed to be, revised accordingly; (e) each Yamana RSU (whether vested or unvested) that is outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall vest in accordance with the terms of the Yamana RSU Plan and shall be, and shall be deemed to be, transferred by the holder thereof to Gold Fields Subco in exchange for such number of Gold Fields ADSs as is equal to (i) the number of Yamana Shares subject to the Yamana RSUs immediately prior to the Effective Time, multiplied by (ii) the Exchange Ratio, rounded down to the nearest whole number, and each such Yamana RSU shall be immediately cancelled and (iii) the holders of such Yamana RSUs shall cease to be holders thereof and to have any rights as holders of such Yamana RSUs, other than the right to receive the consideration to which they are entitled under this Section 3.1(e), (iv) such holders’ names shall be removed from the register of Yamana RSUs maintained by or on behalf of Yamana, and (v) all agreements relating to the Yamana RSUs shall be terminated and shall be of no further force and effect; (f) each Yamana PSU that is outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be, and shall be deemed to be, transferred by the holder thereof to Yamana in exchange for a cash payment from Yamana equal to the volume weighted average trading price of one Yamana Share on the TSX during the five trading days ending on the last trading day prior to the Effective Date multiplied by the applicable Multiplier (as defined in the Yamana PSU Plan), to be determined on the Effective Date, and each such Yamana PSU shall be immediately cancelled and (i) the holders of such Yamana PSU shall cease to be holders thereof and to have any rights as holders of such Yamana PSUs, other than the right to receive the consideration to which they are entitled under this Section 3.1(f), (ii) such holders’ names shall be removed from the register of Yamana PSUs maintained by or on behalf of Yamana, and (iii) all agreements relating to the Yamana PSUs shall be terminated and shall be of no further force and effect; and (g) each Yamana DSU that is outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be, and shall be deemed to be, transferred by the holder thereof to Yamana in exchange for a cash payment from Yamana equal to the volume weighted average trading price of one Yamana Share on the TSX during the five trading days ending on the last trading day prior to the Effective Date and each such Yamana DSU shall be immediately cancelled and (i) the holders of such Yamana DSUs shall cease to be holders thereof and to have any rights as holders of such Yamana DSUs, other than the right to receive the consideration to which they are entitled under this Section 3.1(g), (ii) such holders’ names shall be removed from the register of Yamana DSUs maintained by or on behalf of Yamana, and (iii) all agreements relating to the Yamana DSUs shall be terminated and shall be of no further force and effect. The events provided for in this Section 3.1 will be deemed to occur on the Effective Date, notwithstanding that certain procedures related thereto may not be completed until after the Effective Date. 3.2 Consideration Elections With respect to the transfer and assignment of Yamana Shares pursuant to Section 3.1(d): (a) each Yamana Shareholder may elect to receive the Consideration Shares to which he, she or it is entitled in the form of Gold Fields Shares or Gold Fields ADSs; (b) the election provided for in Section 3.2(a) shall be made by a Yamana Shareholder by depositing with the Depositary, prior to the Election Deadline, a duly completed Letter of Transmittal and Election Form indicating such Yamana Shareholder's election, together with certificates (if any) representing such Yamana Shareholder's Yamana Shares. Yamana shall provide at least two Business Days' notice of the Election Deadline to Yamana Shareholders by means of a news release disseminated on a newswire; provided that, if the Effective Date is delayed to a subsequent date, the Election Deadline shall be similarly delayed to a subsequent date, and Yamana shall promptly announce any such delay and, when determined, the rescheduled Election Deadline, which rescheduled deadline if necessary shall be as agreed by Gold Fields and Yamana (acting reasonably), provided that at least one Business Day of advance notice thereof shall have been provided; (c) any Letter of Transmittal and Election Form, once deposited with the Depositary, shall be irrevocable and may not be withdrawn by a Yamana Shareholder; and (d) any Yamana Shareholder who does not deposit with the Depositary a duly completed Letter of Transmittal and Election Form prior to the Election Deadline, or otherwise fails to comply with the requirements of this Section 3.2 or of the Letter of Transmittal and Election Form, shall be deemed to have elected to receive Gold Fields ADSs. 3.3 No Fractional Shares (a) In no event shall any Yamana Shareholder be entitled to a fractional Gold Fields Share or a fractional Gold Fields ADS. Where the aggregate number of Gold Fields Shares or Gold Fields ADSs, as applicable, to be issued to a Yamana Shareholder as consideration under the Arrangement would result in a fraction of a Gold Fields Share or Gold Fields ADS being issuable, the number of Gold Fields Shares or Gold Fields ADSs to be received by such Yamana Shareholder shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number. In lieu of any such fractional Gold Fields Share or fractional Gold Fields ADS, each Yamana Shareholder otherwise entitled to a fractional interest in a Gold Fields Share or Gold Fields ADS will be entitled to receive a cash payment equal to an amount representing such Yamana Shareholder’s proportionate interest in the net proceeds from the sale by the Depositary on behalf of all such Yamana Shareholders of the Gold Fields Excess Shares. (b) As promptly as practicable following the Effective Time, the Depositary shall determine the excess of the number of Gold Fields Shares and Gold Fields ADSs issued and delivered to the Depositary pursuant to Article 5 representing the Consideration Shares over the aggregate number of whole Consideration Shares to be issued to Yamana Shareholders pursuant to Section 3.1(d) (such excess, the “Gold Fields Excess Shares”). Following the Effective Time, the Depositary shall, on behalf of the former Yamana Shareholders, sell the Gold Fields Excess Shares at the then prevailing prices on the JSE and NYSE, as applicable. The sale of the Gold Fields Excess Shares by the Depositary shall be executed on the JSE through one or more member firms of the JSE and on the NYSE through one or more members firms of the NYSE, as applicable, and shall be executed in round lots to the extent applicable. The Depositary shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to complete the sale of the Gold Fields Excess Shares as promptly following the Effective Time as is practicable, consistent with obtaining the best execution of such sales in light of prevailing market conditions. Until the net proceeds of such sale or sales have been distributed to former Yamana Shareholders, the Depositary shall hold such proceeds in trust for such former Yamana Shareholders (the “Gold Fields Share Trust”). The amount of all commissions, transfer taxes and other out-of-pocket transaction costs, including expenses and compensation of the Depositary incurred in connection with such sale of Gold Fields Excess Shares shall be paid by Gold Fields. The Depositary shall determine the portion of the Gold Fields Share Trust to which each former Yamana Shareholder is entitled, if any, by multiplying the amount of the aggregate net proceeds comprising the Gold Fields Share Trust by a fraction, the numerator of which is the amount of the fractional share interest to which such former Yamana Shareholder is entitled (after taking into account all Yamana Shares held as of immediately prior to the Effective Time by such former Yamana Shareholder) and the denominator of which is the aggregate amount of fractional Gold Fields Shares and Gold Fields ADSs to which all former Yamana Shareholders are entitled. (c) As soon as practicable after the determination of the amount of cash, if any, to be paid to former Yamana Shareholders with respect to any fractional Gold Fields Shares or Gold Fields ADSs, as applicable, the Depositary shall make available or deliver, as applicable, such amounts to such former Yamana Shareholders in accordance instructions with the Letter of Transmittal and Election Form. ARTICLE 4 DISSENT RIGHTS 4.1 Dissent Rights (a) In connection with the Arrangement, each registered Yamana Shareholder may exercise rights of dissent (“Dissent Rights”) with respect to the Yamana Shares held by such Yamana Shareholder pursuant to Section 190 of the CBCA, as modified by the Interim Order, the Final Order and this Section 4.1(a); provided that, notwithstanding Part XV of the CBCA, the written notice of intent to exercise the right to demand the purchase of Yamana Shares contemplated by Section 190(7) of the CBCA must be received by Yamana not later than 4:00 p.m. (Toronto time) two Business Days immediately preceding the date of the Yamana Meeting, and provided that such notice of intent must otherwise comply with the requirements of the CBCA. Dissenting Shareholders who are: (i) ultimately entitled to be paid by Yamana the fair value for their Dissent Shares (A) shall be deemed to not to have participated in the transactions in Article 3 (other than Section 3.1(c)), (B) shall be deemed to have transferred and assigned such Dissent Shares (free and clear of any Liens) to Yamana in accordance with Section 3.1(c), (C) will be entitled to be paid the fair value of such Dissent Shares by Yamana, which fair value, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the CBCA, shall be determined as of the close of business on the day before the Arrangement Resolution was adopted at the Yamana Meeting and (D) will not be entitled to any other payment or consideration, including any payment that would be payable under the Arrangement had such holders not exercised their Dissent Rights in respect of such Yamana Shares; or (ii) ultimately not entitled, for any reason, to be paid by Yamana the fair value for their Dissent Shares, shall be deemed to have participated in the Arrangement in respect of those Yamana Shares on the same basis as a non-dissenting Yamana Shareholder and shall be entitled to receive only the Consideration contemplated by Section 3.1(d) that such Dissenting Shareholder would have received pursuant to the Arrangement if such Dissenting Shareholder had not exercised their Dissent Rights. (b) In no circumstances shall Gold Fields, Gold Fields Subco, Yamana or any other Person be required to recognize a Person exercising Dissent Rights unless such Person is the registered holder of Yamana Shares in respect of which Dissent Rights are purported to be exercised. (c) In no circumstances shall Gold Fields, Gold Fields Subco, Yamana or any other Person be required to recognize a Dissenting Shareholder as a registered or beneficial owner of Yamana Shares or any interest therein (other than the rights set out in this Section 4.1) at or after the Effective Time, and as at the Effective Time the names of such Dissenting Shareholders shall be deleted from the central securities register of Yamana. (d) For greater certainty, in addition to any other restrictions in the Interim Order and under Section 190 of the CBCA, none of the following shall be entitled to exercise Dissent Rights: (i) Yamana Shareholders who vote or have instructed a proxyholder to vote such Yamana Shares in favour of the Arrangement Resolution (but only in respect of such Yamana Shares); (ii) holders of Yamana RSUs, Yamana PSUs, Yamana DSUs, Yamana Certificated Warrants and Yamana Indenture Warrants; and (iii) any other Person who is not a registered holder of Yamana Shares as of the record date for the Yamana Meeting.

ARTICLE 5 DELIVERY OF CONSIDERATION 5.1 Certificates and Payments (a) Following receipt of the Final Order and on the day immediately prior to the Effective Date, Gold Fields shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Depositary in escrow the Consideration Shares to satisfy the aggregate Consideration payable to the Yamana Shareholders in accordance with Section 3.1(d), which Consideration Shares shall be held by the Depositary as agent and nominee for such former Yamana Shareholders for distribution to such former Yamana Shareholders in accordance with the provisions of this Article 5. (b) Following receipt of the Final Order and on the day immediately prior to the Effective Date, Yamana shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Depositary in escrow the Yamana Warrant Consideration payable to the Yamana Warrantholders in accordance with Sections 3.1(a) and 3.1(b), which cash shall be held by the Depositary as agent and nominee for such former Yamana Warrantholders for distribution to such former Yamana Warrantholders in accordance with the provisions of this Article 5. (c) Upon surrender to the Depositary for cancellation of a certificate (if any) which immediately prior to the Effective Time represented outstanding Yamana Shares that were transferred pursuant to Section 3.1(d), together with a duly completed and executed Letter of Transmittal and Election Form and any such additional documents and instruments as the Depositary may reasonably require, the registered holder of the Yamana Shares represented by such surrendered certificate shall be entitled to receive in exchange therefor, and the Depositary shall deliver to such Yamana Shareholder the Consideration that such Yamana Shareholder has the right to receive under the Arrangement for such Yamana Shares, less any amounts withheld pursuant to Section 5.3, and any certificate so surrendered shall forthwith be cancelled. (d) Upon surrender to the Depositary for cancellation of a certificate (if any) which immediately prior to the Effective Time represented outstanding Yamana Certificated Warrants or Yamana Indenture Warrants, as applicable, that were transferred pursuant to Section 3.1(a) and 3.1(b), together with a duly completed and executed Yamana Warrant Letter of Transmittal and any such additional documents and instruments as the Depositary may reasonably require, the registered holder of the Yamana Certificated Warrants or Yamana Indenture Warrants represented by such surrendered certificate shall be entitled to receive in exchange therefor, and the Depositary shall deliver to such Yamana Warrantholder the Yamana Warrant Consideration that such Yamana Warrantholder has the right to receive under the Arrangement for such Yamana Certificated Warrants or Yamana Indenture Warrants, less any amounts withheld pursuant to Section 5.3, and any certificate so surrendered shall forthwith be cancelled. (e) After the Effective Time and until surrendered for cancellation as contemplated by Section 5.1(c), each certificate that immediately prior to the Effective Time represented one or more Yamana Shares (other than Yamana Shares held by a Dissenting Shareholder and Yamana Shares held by Gold Fields or any of its affiliates) shall be deemed at all times to represent only the right to receive in exchange therefor the Consideration that the holder of such certificate is entitled to receive in accordance with Section 3.1, less any amounts withheld pursuant to Section 5.3. (f) After the Effective Time and until surrendered for cancellation as contemplated by Section 5.1(d), each certificate that immediately prior to the Effective Time represented one or more Yamana Certificated Warrants or Yamana Indenture Warrants shall be deemed at all times to represent only the right to receive in exchange therefor the Yamana Warrant Consideration that the holder of such certificate is entitled to receive in accordance with Section 3.1, less any amounts withheld pursuant to Section 5.3. (g) On the Effective Date, Gold Fields shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the holders of the Yamana RSUs sufficient Gold Fields ADSs to satisfy the aggregate consideration payable to the holders of Yamana RSUs in accordance with Section 3.1(e). (h) On the Effective Date, Yamana shall pay the amounts to be paid to the holders of Yamana PSUs and Yamana DSUs in accordance with Sections 3.1(f) and 3.1(g), respectively. 5.2 Lost Certificates (a) In the event any certificate which immediately prior to the Effective Time represented one or more outstanding Yamana Shares that were transferred pursuant to Section 3.1(d) or Yamana Certificated Warrants or Yamana Indenture Warrants that were transferred pursuant to Sections 3.1(a) and 3.1(b), respectively, shall have been lost, stolen or destroyed, upon the making of an affidavit of that fact by the Person claiming such certificate to be lost, stolen or destroyed, the Depositary will issue in exchange for such lost, stolen or destroyed certificate, the Consideration deliverable in accordance with such holder’s duly completed and executed Letter of Transmittal and Election Form. When authorizing such payment in exchange for any lost, stolen or destroyed certificate, the Person to whom such Consideration is to be delivered shall as a condition precedent to the delivery of such Consideration, give a bond satisfactory to Gold Fields and the Depositary (acting reasonably) in such sum as Gold Fields may direct, or otherwise indemnify Gold Fields and Yamana in a manner satisfactory to Gold Fields and Yamana, acting reasonably, against any claim that may be made against Gold Fields and Yamana with respect to the certificate alleged to have been lost, stolen or destroyed. (b) In the event any certificate which immediately prior to the Effective Time represented one or more outstanding Yamana Certificated Warrants or Yamana Indenture Warrants that were transferred pursuant to Sections 3.1(a) and 3.1(b), respectively, shall have been lost, stolen or destroyed, upon the making of an affidavit of that fact by the Person claiming such certificate to be lost, stolen or destroyed, the Depositary will issue in exchange for such lost, stolen or destroyed certificate, the Yamana Warrant Consideration deliverable in accordance with such holder’s duly completed and executed Yamana Warrant Letter of Transmittal. When authorizing such payment in exchange for any lost, stolen or destroyed certificate, the Person to whom such Yamana Warrant Consideration is to be delivered shall as a condition precedent to the delivery of such Yamana Warrant Consideration, give a bond satisfactory to Gold Fields and the Depositary (acting reasonably) in such sum as Gold Fields may direct, or otherwise indemnify Gold Fields and Yamana in a manner satisfactory Gold Fields and Yamana, acting reasonably, against any claim that may be made against Gold Fields and Yamana with respect to the certificate alleged to have been lost, stolen or destroyed. 5.3 Withholding Rights Gold Fields Subco, Yamana, any of their affiliates and the Depositary, as applicable, shall be entitled to deduct and withhold, or direct any other Person to deduct and withhold on their behalf, from any amounts otherwise payable, issuable or otherwise deliverable to any Yamana Securityholders and/or any other Person under this Plan of Arrangement such amounts as are required to be deducted and withheld from such amounts under any provision of the Tax Act, the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any provision of any applicable Law. To the extent any such amounts are so deducted and withheld, such amounts shall be treated for all purposes under this Plan of Arrangement as having been paid to the Person in respect of which such deduction and withholding was made. To the extent that the amount so required to be deducted or withheld from any amounts payable, issuable or otherwise deliverable to a Person under this Plan of Arrangement exceeds the amount of cash otherwise payable to such Person, Gold Fields Subco, Yamana, any of their affiliates and the Depositary are hereby authorized to sell or otherwise dispose, or direct any other Person to sell or otherwise dispose, of such portion of the non-cash consideration or non-cash amounts payable, issuable or otherwise deliverable hereunder to such Person as is necessary to provide sufficient funds to Gold Fields Subco, Yamana, any of their affiliates and the Depositary, as the case may be, to enable it to comply with such deduction or withholding requirement and Gold Fields Subco, Yamana, any of their affiliates and the Depositary, as applicable, shall notify the relevant Person of such sale or other disposition and remit to such Person any unapplied balance of the net proceeds of such sale or other disposition (after deduction for (a) the amounts required to satisfy the required withholding under this Plan of Arrangement in respect of such Person, (b) reasonable commissions payable to the broker, and (c) other reasonable costs and expenses). 5.4 Distributions with respect to Unsurrendered Share Certificates No dividend or other distribution declared or made after the Effective Time with respect to Gold Fields Shares or Gold Fields ADSs with a record date after the Effective Time shall be delivered to the holder of any unsurrendered certificate that, immediately prior to the Effective Time, represented outstanding Yamana Shares unless and until the holder of such certificate shall have complied with the provisions of Section 5.1 or Section 5.2. Subject to applicable Law and to Section 5.3, at the time of such compliance, there shall, in addition to the delivery of Consideration to which such holder is thereby entitled, be delivered to such holder, without interest, the amount of the dividend or other distribution with a record date after the Effective Time theretofore paid with respect to such Gold Fields Shares or Gold Fields ADSs. 5.5 Limitation and Proscription (a) To the extent that a former Yamana Shareholder shall not have complied with the provisions of Section 5.1 or Section 5.2 on or before the date that is six years after the Effective Date (the “Final Proscription Date”), then the Consideration that such former Yamana Shareholder was entitled to receive shall be automatically cancelled without any repayment of capital in respect thereof and the Consideration to which such former Yamana Shareholder was entitled, shall be delivered to Gold Fields Subco by the Depositary and the Gold Fields Shares and Gold Fields ADSs forming part of the Consideration shall be deemed to be cancelled, and the interest of the former Yamana Shareholder in such Gold Fields Shares or Gold Fields ADSs (and any dividend or other distribution referred to in Section 5.4) to which it was entitled shall be terminated as of such Final Proscription Date, and the certificates (if any) formerly representing Yamana Shares shall cease to represent a right or claim of any kind or nature as of such Final Proscription Date. Any payment made by way of cheque by the Depositary pursuant to this Plan of Arrangement that has not been deposited or has been returned to the Depositary or that otherwise remains unclaimed, in each case, on or before the Final Proscription Date shall cease to represent a right or claim of any kind or nature and the right of any Yamana Shareholder to receive the Consideration for Yamana Shares pursuant to this Plan of Arrangement shall terminate and be deemed to be surrendered and forfeited to Gold Fields Subco. (b) To the extent that a former Yamana Warrantholder shall not have complied with the provisions of Section 5.1 or Section 5.2 on or before the Final Proscription Date, then the Yamana Warrant Consideration that such former Yamana Warrantholder was entitled to receive shall be automatically cancelled without any repayment of capital in respect thereof and the Yamana Warrant Consideration to which such former Yamana Warrantholder was entitled, shall be delivered to Yamana by the Depositary and the interest of the former Yamana Warrantholder in such Yamana Warrant Consideration to which it was entitled shall be terminated as of such Final Proscription Date, and the certificates (if any) formerly representing Yamana Certificated Warrants and Yamana Indenture Warrants shall cease to represent a right or claim of any kind or nature as of such Final Proscription Date. Any payment made by way of cheque by the Depositary pursuant to this Plan of Arrangement that has not been deposited or has been returned to the Depositary or that otherwise remains unclaimed, in each case, on or before the Final Proscription Date shall cease to represent a right or claim of any kind or nature and the right of any Yamana Warrantholder to receive the Yamana Warrant Consideration for Yamana Certificated Warrants and the Yamana Indenture Warrants pursuant to this Plan of Arrangement shall terminate and be deemed to be surrendered and forfeited to Yamana. 5.6 No Liens Any exchange or transfer of securities pursuant to this Plan of Arrangement shall be free and clear of any Liens or other claims of third parties of any kind. 5.7 Paramountcy From and after the Effective Time: (a) this Plan of Arrangement shall take precedence and priority over any and all Yamana Shares, Yamana Certificated Warrants and Yamana Indenture Warrants issued prior to the Effective Time; (b) the rights and obligations of the Yamana Securityholders (other than Gold Fields, Gold Fields Subco or any of their respective affiliates), and of Yamana, Gold Fields, Gold Fields Subco, the Depositary and any transfer agent or other depositary in relation thereto, shall be solely as provided for in this Plan of Arrangement and the Arrangement Agreement; and (c) all actions, causes of action, claims or proceedings (actual or contingent and

whether or not previously asserted) based on or in any way relating to any Yamana Shares, Yamana Certificated Warrants, Yamana Indenture Warrants, Yamana RSUs, Yamana PSUs and Yamana DSUs shall be deemed to have been settled, compromised, released and determined without liability except as set forth herein. ARTICLE 6 AMENDMENTS 6.1 Amendments (a) Gold Fields and Yamana reserve the right to amend, modify and/or supplement this Plan of Arrangement at any time and from time to time prior to the Effective Time, provided that any such amendment, modification or supplement must be agreed to in writing by each of Yamana and Gold Fields and filed with the Court, and, if made following the Yamana Meeting, then: (i) approved by the Court; and (ii) if the Court directs, approved by the Yamana Shareholders and communicated to the Yamana Securityholders if and as required by the Court, and in either case in the manner required by the Court. (b) Subject to the provisions of the Interim Order, any amendment, modification or supplement to this Plan of Arrangement, if agreed to by Yamana and Gold Fields, may be proposed by Yamana and Gold Fields at any time prior to or at the Yamana Meeting, with or without any other prior notice or communication, and if so proposed and accepted by the Persons voting at the Yamana Meeting shall become part of this Plan of Arrangement for all purposes. (c) Any amendment, modification or supplement to this Plan of Arrangement that is approved or directed by the Court following the Yamana Meeting will be effective only if it is agreed to in writing by each of Yamana and Gold Fields and, if required by the Court, by some or all of the Yamana Shareholders voting in the manner directed by the Court. (d) Any amendment, modification or supplement to this Plan of Arrangement may be made by Yamana and Gold Fields without the approval of or communication to the Court or the Yamana Securityholders, provided that it concerns a matter which, in the reasonable opinion of Yamana and Gold Fields is of an administrative or ministerial nature required to better give effect to the implementation of this Plan of Arrangement and is not materially adverse to the financial or economic interests of any of the Yamana Securityholders. (e) This Plan of Arrangement may be withdrawn prior to the Effective Time in accordance with the Arrangement Agreement. ARTICLE 7 FURTHER ASSURANCES 7.1 Further Assurances Notwithstanding that the transactions and events set out in this Plan of Arrangement shall occur and shall be deemed to occur in the order set out in this Plan of Arrangement without any further act or formality, each of the parties to the Arrangement Agreement shall make, do and execute, or cause to be made, done and executed, all such further acts, deeds, agreements, transfers, assurances, instruments or documents as may reasonably be required by any of them in order further to document or evidence any of the transactions or events set out in this Plan of Arrangement. SCHEDULE B FORM OF ARRANGEMENT RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The arrangement (the “Arrangement”) under Section 192 of the Canada Business Corporations Act (the “CBCA”) involving Yamana Gold Inc. (“Yamana”), pursuant to the arrangement agreement between Yamana and Gold Fields Limited dated May 31, 2022, as it may be modified, supplemented or amended from time to time in accordance with its terms (the “Arrangement Agreement”), as more particularly described and set forth in the management information circular of Yamana dated [●], 2022 (the “Circular”), and all transactions contemplated thereby, are hereby authorized, approved and adopted. 2. The plan of arrangement of Yamana, as it has been or may be modified, supplemented or amended in accordance with the Arrangement Agreement and its terms (the “Plan of Arrangement”), the full text of which is set out as Schedule “A” to the Circular, is hereby authorized, approved and adopted. 3. The: (a) Arrangement Agreement and all the transactions contemplated therein, (b) actions of the directors of Yamana in approving the Arrangement and the Arrangement Agreement, and (c) actions of the directors and officers of Yamana in executing and delivering the Arrangement Agreement and any modifications, supplements or amendments thereto, and causing the performance by Yamana of its obligations thereunder, are hereby ratified and approved. 4. Yamana is hereby authorized to apply for a final order from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) (the “Court”) to approve the Arrangement on the terms set forth in the Arrangement Agreement and the Plan of Arrangement (as they may be, or may have been, modified, supplemented or amended). 5. Notwithstanding that this resolution has been passed (and the Arrangement adopted) by the holders of common shares of Yamana (the “Yamana Shareholders”) entitled to vote thereon or that the Arrangement has been approved by the Court, the directors of Yamana are hereby authorized and empowered, without further notice to or approval of the Yamana Shareholders: (a) to amend, modify or supplement the Arrangement Agreement or the Plan of Arrangement to the extent permitted by their terms, and (b) subject to the terms of the Arrangement Agreement, not to proceed with the Arrangement and any related transactions. 6. Any officer or director of Yamana is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of Yamana, to execute or cause to be executed and to deliver or cause to be delivered, whether under the corporate seal of Yamana or otherwise, for filing with the Director under the CBCA, articles of arrangement and all such other documents and instruments and to perform or cause to be performed all such other acts and things as, in such Person’s opinion, may be necessary or desirable to give full force and effect to the foregoing resolutions and the matters authorized thereby, such determination to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery of any such other document or instrument or the doing of any such other act or thing. SCHEDULE C FORM OF GOLD FIELDS RESOLUTIONS SPECIAL RESOLUTION NUMBER 1: ISSUE OF ORDINARY SHARES TO YAMANA SHAREHOLDERS “RESOLVED THAT, subject to the adoption of Ordinary Resolution Number 1, in accordance with the Companies Act No. 71 of 2008 (including Section 41 thereof), the Gold Fields memorandum of incorporation and the JSE Listings Requirements, Gold Fields be and hereby is authorised, at the Board's discretion and under its direction, to issue up to [●] ordinary shares no par value to the Yamana Shareholders pursuant to the implementation of the arrangement between Gold Fields and Yamana, as contemplated in Ordinary Resolution Number 1 below.” ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 1: ACQUISITION OF YAMANA SHARES “RESOLVED THAT in accordance with the Companies Act 71 No. of 2008, the Gold Fields memorandum of incorporation and the JSE Listings Requirements, Gold Fields and/or its affiliate be and is hereby authorised to acquire Yamana (and in particular the Yamana Shares) pursuant to the arrangement under Section 192 of the Canada Business Corporations Act involving Yamana and Gold Fields (and/or its affiliate) and in terms of the arrangement agreement between Yamana and Gold Fields dated May 31, 2022 (the “Arrangement Agreement”) and all transactions contemplated in the Arrangement Agreement and/or in order to implement the acquisition by Gold Fields and/or its affiliate of Yamana (and in particular the Yamana Shares), are hereby authorised, approved and adopted.” ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 3: AUTHORITY “RESOLVED THAT any director of the Company (each, an "Authorised Signatory"), be and is hereby authorised, for and on behalf of the Company, to do, or cause to be done, all such things, sign, or cause to be signed, all such documentation and take, or cause to be taken, all such actions as may be necessary or desirable to give effect to the aforegoing and, insofar as an Authorised Signatory has done any of the aforegoing prior to the passing of these resolutions, such actions be and are hereby ratified, confirmed, authorised and approved in their entirety to the fullest extent permitted by law.”

SCHEDULE D KEY REGULATORY APPROVALS SARB providing in writing and in accordance with all applicable Laws any and all exchange control approvals required in terms of the Exchange Control Regulations, 1961 made in terms of the Currency and Exchanges Act No. 9 of 1993 of South Africa, as amended and all directives and rulings issued thereunder, for the Parties to enter into and perform their respective obligations under this Agreement and complete the Arrangement. SCHEDULE 3.1 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF YAMANA Defined Terms As used in this schedule, capitalized terms have the meanings ascribed thereto in the Arrangement Agreement to which this schedule is appended, and the following terms have the following meanings: “Indigenous Claim” means any and all claims (whether or not proven) by any Person to or in respect of (a) rights, title or interests of any Indigenous groups by virtue of its status as an Indigenous group; (b) treaty rights; or (c) specific or comprehensive claims being considered by Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada; “Intellectual Property” means anything that is or may be protected by any Intellectual Property Rights in any jurisdiction such as, but not limited to works (including software), performances, trade secrets, inventions (whether patentable or not), improvements to such inventions, industrial designs, mask work and integrated circuit topographies, trade- marks, trade names, business names, corporate names, domain names, website names and world wide web addresses, whether or not they may also be protected, at any given time, as a trade secret or confidential information, including proprietary and non-public business information, know-how, methods, processes, designs, technology, technical data, schematics, models, simulations and documentation relating to any of the foregoing; “Restricted Party” means a Person that is: (i) listed on, or owned or (directly or indirectly) controlled by a Person listed on, or acting on behalf of a Person listed on, any Sanctions List, (ii) located in, incorporated under the laws of, or owned or (directly or indirectly) controlled by, or acting on behalf of, a Person located in or organized under the laws of a country or territory that is the target of Sanctions, or (iii) otherwise a target of Sanctions; “Sanctions” means the economic sanctions laws, regulations, embargoes or restrictive measures administered, enacted or enforced by: (i) the United States government; (ii) the United Nations; (iii) the European Union (iv) the United Kingdom; (v) Canada or (vi) the respective governmental institutions and agencies of any of the foregoing, including, without limitation, the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Department of Treasury (“OFAC”), the United States Department of State, Global Affairs Canada (“GAC”), and Her Majesty’s Treasury (“HMT”) or any other relevant sanctions authority (together, the “Sanctions Authorities”); “Sanctions List” means the “Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons” list maintained by OFAC, the Consolidated Canadian Autonomous Sanctions List, the Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions Targets and the Investment Ban List maintained by HMT, or any similar list maintained by, or public announcement of Sanctions designation made by, any of the Sanctions Authorities; “Yamana Annual Financial Statements” means the audited consolidated financial statements for Yamana as of and for each of the fiscal years ended on December 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020 (including any notes or schedules thereto and the auditor’s report thereon); 3.1-2 “Yamana Balance Sheet” has the meaning given to it in Section (m) of this Schedule 3.1; “Yamana Financial Statements” means, together, the Yamana Annual Financial Statements and the Yamana Interim Financial Statements; “Yamana Interim Financial Statements” means the interim unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for Yamana for the three month period ended March 31, 2022 and March 31, 2021 (including any notes or schedules thereto); “Yamana Material Properties” has the meaning given to it in Section (r)(i) of this Schedule 3.1; “Yamana Material Subsidiaries” means Minera Yamana Inc., Minera Yamana Chile SpA, Minera Meridian Ltda., Yamana International Holdings B.V., Yamana Jacobina Holdings BV, Jacobina Mineração e Comerció Ltda.; “Yamana Mineral Rights” has the meaning given to it in Section (o)(ii) of this Schedule 3.1; and “Yamana Real Property Interests” has the meaning given to it in Section (o)(i) of this Schedule 3.1. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF YAMANA (a) Organization and Qualification. Yamana and each of the Yamana Material Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities is a corporation duly incorporated or an entity duly created and validly existing under all applicable Laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation, continuance or creation and has all corporate power and capacity to own its assets and conduct its business as now owned and conducted. Yamana, each of the Yamana Material Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, each of the Yamana Material JV Entities is duly qualified to carry on business and is in good standing in each jurisdiction in which its assets and properties, owned, leased, licensed or otherwise held, or the nature of its activities, makes such qualification necessary, except where the failure to be so registered or in good standing would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. Except as set forth in Section 3.1(a) of the Yamana Disclosure Letter, true and complete copies of the constating documents of Yamana and each of the Yamana Material Subsidiaries and, to the extent in the possession of Yamana, each of the Yamana Material JV Entities have been disclosed in the Yamana Data Room, and no action has been taken to amend or supersede such constating documents of Yamana and each of the Yamana Material Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities. (b) Authority Relative to this Agreement. Yamana has the requisite corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement and the agreements and other documents to be entered into by it hereunder and, subject to obtaining the Interim Order, the Final Order and the Yamana Shareholder Approval, to perform its obligations hereunder and thereunder. The execution and delivery and performance of this Agreement, the Arrangement and the agreements and other documents to be entered into by it hereunder and the consummation by Yamana 3.1-3 of the transactions contemplated hereunder and thereunder have been duly authorized by the Yamana Board and no other corporate proceedings on the part of Yamana are necessary to authorize this Agreement and the agreements and other documents to be entered into by it hereunder or the consummation of the Arrangement, other than obtaining the Interim Order, the Final Order, approval of the Yamana Circular by the Yamana Board and the Yamana Shareholder Approval. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Yamana and constitutes a valid and binding obligation of Yamana, enforceable by Gold Fields against Yamana in accordance with its terms, except as the enforcement thereof may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency and other applicable Laws affecting the enforcement of creditors’ rights generally and subject to the qualification that equitable remedies may be granted only in the discretion of a court of competent jurisdiction. (c) No Conflict; Required Filings and Consent. Except as set forth in Section 3.1(c) of the Yamana Disclosure Letter, and other than in connection with any Pre- Acquisition Reorganization, the execution and delivery by Yamana of this Agreement and the performance by it of its obligations hereunder and the completion of the Arrangement and the other transactions contemplated hereby do not and will not (or would not with the giving of notice, the lapse of time or both, or the happening of any other event or condition): (i) violate, conflict with or result in a breach of: (A) any provision of the memorandum of incorporation, articles, by-laws or other constating documents or partnership agreements of Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities; (B) any Yamana Material Contract or Authorization to which Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities is a party or by which Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries is bound, except as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect; or (C) any Law to which Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities is subject or by which Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities is bound, subject to receipt of the Regulatory Approvals and except as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect; (ii) give rise to any right of termination, allow any Person to exercise any rights, or cause or permit the termination, cancellation, acceleration or other change of any right or obligation or the loss of any benefit to which Yamana is entitled, under any Yamana Material Contract or Authorization to which Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities is a party, except as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect; or

3.1-4 (iii) give rise to any rights of first refusal or rights of first offer, trigger any change of control provision or any restriction or limitation, or require any consent or other action by any Person under, any Yamana Material Contract or Authorization, or result in the imposition of any Lien upon any of Yamana’s assets or the assets of any of the Yamana’s Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities except as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. Other than the Regulatory Approvals, such filings and approvals required by the applicable rules and policies of the TSX, the NYSE, the LSE and/or the FCA, the Interim Order and the Final Order, no Authorization of, or other action by or in respect of, or filing, recording, registering or publication with, or notification to, any Governmental Entity is necessary on the part of Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or the Yamana Material JV Entities for the consummation by Yamana of its obligations in connection with the Arrangement under this Agreement or for the completion of the Arrangement, except for such Authorizations and filings as to which the failure to obtain or make would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. (d) Subsidiaries. (i) Yamana has no material Subsidiaries other than the Yamana Material Subsidiaries. None of the Yamana Material Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities is currently prohibited, directly or indirectly, from paying any dividends to Yamana, from making any other distribution on such Yamana Material Subsidiary’s or Yamana Material JV Entity’s capital stock, from repaying to Yamana any loans or advances to such Yamana Material Subsidiary or Yamana Material JV Entity from Yamana. (ii) The following information with respect to each Yamana Material Subsidiary and each Yamana Material JV Entity is accurately set out, as at the date thereof, in Section 3.1(d)(ii) of the Yamana Disclosure Letter: (i) its name; (ii) Yamana’s percentage equity ownership of it; and (iii) its jurisdiction of incorporation, organization or formation. (iii) Yamana is, directly or indirectly, the registered and beneficial owner of (A) with respect to each Yamana Material Subsidiary, all of its issued and outstanding securities, and (B) with respect to each Yamana Material JV Entity, the ownership percentage set forth in the Yamana Public Documents, in each case free and clear of all Liens (other than Permitted Liens), and all of the issued and outstanding securities of the Yamana Material Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities have been duly and validly authorized and issued, are fully paid, and if such entity is a corporation, are non-assessable. No securities of the Yamana Material Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities have been issued in violation of any Law or pre-emptive or similar rights. There are no outstanding options, rights, entitlements, understandings or commitments (contingent or otherwise) regarding the right to acquire any securities or other ownership 3.1-5 interests in any of the Yamana Material Subsidiaries or to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities. (e) Compliance with Laws and Constating Documents. (i) The operations of Yamana and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities have been since January 1, 2020 and are now being conducted in material compliance with all Laws of each jurisdiction, the Laws of which have been and are now applicable to the operations of Yamana, of any of its Subsidiaries and of any Yamana JV Entities, and none of Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana JV Entities has received any notice of any alleged violation of any such Laws, other than non-compliance or violations which have not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. (ii) None of Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or the Yamana JV Entities is in conflict with, or in default under or in violation of its articles or by-laws or equivalent organizational documents except for such violation or default which would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. (f) Authorizations. Yamana and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities have obtained all Authorizations necessary for the ownership, operation and use of the assets of Yamana, its Subsidiaries and the Yamana JV Entities or otherwise in connection with carrying on the business and operations of Yamana, its Subsidiaries and the Yamana JV Entities in compliance with all applicable Laws, except where the failure to have any such Authorization would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. Such Authorizations are in full force and effect in accordance with their terms. Yamana and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities have fully complied with and are in compliance with all such Authorizations, except, in each case, for such non- compliance which would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. There is no action, investigation or proceeding pending or, to the knowledge of Yamana threatened, regarding any such Authorizations, which if successful would, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. None of Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana JV Entities or any of their respective officers or directors, has received any notice, whether written or oral, of revocation or non-renewal or material amendments of any such Authorizations, or of any intention of any Person to revoke or refuse to renew or to materially amend any of such Authorizations, except in each case, for revocations, non-renewals or amendments which would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect, and all Authorizations of Yamana and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities continue to be effective in order for Yamana, its Subsidiaries and the Yamana JV Entities to continue to conduct their respective businesses as they are currently being conducted. To the knowledge of Yamana, no Person other than Yamana or a wholly-owned Subsidiary thereof owns or has any proprietary, financial or other interest (direct or indirect) in any Authorizations of Yamana or its wholly-owned Subsidiaries. 3.1-6 (g) Capitalization. (i) The authorized share capital of Yamana consists of an unlimited number of Yamana Shares. As of the date of this Agreement there are outstanding (A) 961,039,283 Yamana Shares issued and outstanding; (B) nil Yamana Options; (C) Yamana RSUs that will result in the issuance of up to 2,428,903 Yamana Shares upon the vesting thereof; and (D) Yamana Warrants that will result in the issuance of up to 340,166 Yamana Shares upon the exercise thereof. In addition, as of the date of this Agreement there are (A) 3,321,591 Yamana PSUs outstanding, and (B) 5,247,958 Yamana DSUs outstanding. All outstanding Yamana Shares have been, and all Yamana Shares issuable upon the exercise or vesting of rights under the Yamana RSUs and Yamana Warrants in accordance with their terms have been duly authorized and, upon issuance, will be, validly issued as fully paid and non-assessable shares of Yamana and are not and will not be, as applicable, subject to or issued in violation of, any pre-emptive rights. Except as set out herein and in Section 3.1(g)(i) of the Yamana Disclosure Letter, there are no issued, outstanding or authorized options, warrants, conversion privileges, calls, or pre-emptive, redemption, repurchase, stock appreciation or other rights, shareholder rights plans, agreements, arrangements, commitments or obligations of Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Yamana JV Entities to issue or sell any shares in the capital of Yamana or shares, partnership interests or other equity interests of any of its Subsidiaries or securities or obligations of any kind convertible into, exchangeable for or otherwise carrying the right or obligation to acquire or subscribe for any shares in the capital of Yamana or shares, partnership interests or other equity interests of any of its Subsidiaries or the value of which is based on the value of the securities of Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries, and other than the Yamana Incentive Plans, there are no equity or security based compensation arrangements maintained by Yamana. (ii) Section 3.1(g)(ii) of the Yamana Disclosure Letter sets forth a schedule, as of the date hereof and to the extent applicable, of all outstanding grants to holders of Yamana RSUs, Yamana DSUs, Yamana PSUs and Yamana Warrants and the number, exercise price, date of grant, expiration dates, vesting schedules, performance criteria and whether vesting or exercise may be accelerated as a result, either alone or together with another event or occurrence, of the Arrangement, as applicable. (iii) As of the date hereof, there are no outstanding obligations of Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities, to repurchase, redeem or otherwise acquire any Yamana Shares or any shares of, or partnership interests or other equity interests in, any of its Subsidiaries or the Yamana Material JV Entities, or qualify securities for public distribution in Canada or elsewhere, or with respect to the voting or disposition of any securities of Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Yamana Material JV Entities. No Subsidiary of Yamana nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana JV Entities owns any Yamana Shares. 3.1-7 (iv) All outstanding securities of Yamana have been issued in material compliance with all applicable Laws and any pre-emptive or similar rights applicable to them. (v) The Yamana Incentive Plans and the issuance of securities under such plans (including all outstanding Yamana RSUs, Yamana DSUs, Yamana PSUs) have been recorded on Yamana’s financial statements in accordance with IFRS, and no such grants involved any “back dating,” “forward dating,” “spring loading” or similar practices. (vi) Except for (A) the Yamana Senior Notes, (B) intercompany loans between two or more Subsidiaries of Yamana or between of Yamana and one or more its Subsidiaries, (C) as disclosed in the Yamana Financial Statements, or (D) as set forth in Section 3.1(g)(vi) of the Yamana Disclosure Letter, there are no issued, outstanding or authorized bonds, debentures or other evidences of indebtedness of Yamana, its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities or any other agreements, arrangements, instruments or commitments of any kind outstanding giving any Person, directly or indirectly, the right to vote (or that are convertible or exercisable for securities having the right to vote) with Yamana Shareholders on any matter. (vii) As of the date hereof, all dividends or distributions on securities of Yamana that have been declared or authorized have been paid in full. (viii) No securities of Yamana are owned by any of its Subsidiaries or any Yamana JV Entity. (h) Shareholder and Similar Agreements. Except as set forth in Section 3.1(h) of the Yamana Disclosure Letter, neither Yamana nor any of its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana JV Entities is party to any shareholder, pooling, voting trust or other similar agreement or arrangement relating to the issued and outstanding shares in the capital of Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Yamana JV Entities or pursuant to which any Person may have any right or claim in connection with any existing or past equity interest in Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Yamana JV Entities, and Yamana has not adopted a shareholder rights plan or any other similar plan or agreement. (i) Reporting Issuer Status and Stock Exchange Compliance. (i) As of the date hereof, Yamana is a reporting issuer (or the equivalent) not in default under Canadian Securities Laws in each of the provinces and territories of Canada, and is in material compliance with all applicable Canadian Securities Laws therein. There is no Order delisting, suspending or cease trading any securities of Yamana. The Yamana Shares are listed and posted for trading on the TSX and are listed on the NYSE and the LSE, and are not listed on any market other than the TSX, the NYSE and the LSE, and Yamana is in compliance in all material respects with the applicable listing and corporate governance rules and regulations of the TSX, the NYSE and the LSE.

3.1-8 (ii) Yamana has not taken any action to cease to be a reporting issuer in any province or territory nor has Yamana received notification from the Ontario Securities Commission, as principal regulator, or any other applicable securities commissions or securities regulatory authority of a province or territory of Canada seeking to revoke Yamana’s reporting issuer status. No delisting, suspension of trading or cease trade or other order or restriction with respect to any securities of Yamana is pending, in effect, has been threatened, or to the knowledge of Yamana, is expected to be implemented or undertaken, and Yamana is not subject to any formal or informal review, enquiry, investigation or other proceeding relating to any such order or restriction. (j) U.S. Securities Law Matters. (i) The Yamana Shares are registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the U.S. Exchange Act and Yamana is in material compliance with its reporting obligations as a “foreign private issuer”, as defined in Rule 3b-4 under the U.S. Exchange Act, pursuant to Section 13 of the U.S. Exchange Act. (ii) Other than the Yamana Shares, Yamana does not have any class of equity securities registered under the U.S. Exchange Act, nor is Yamana currently subject to any reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the U.S. Exchange Act. (iii) Yamana is not an investment company registered or required to be registered under the U.S. Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. (iv) Yamana is not, has not been since January 1, 2020 and on the Effective Date will not be, a “shell company” (as defined in Rule 405 under the U.S. Securities Act). (k) Reports. Since January 1, 2020, Yamana has timely filed or furnished, as applicable, all Yamana Public Documents that Yamana is required to file or furnish under Canadian Securities Laws and U.S. Securities Laws, other than such documents that the failure to file or furnish would, individually or in the aggregate, not have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. Yamana Public Documents, at the time filed, (i) did not contain any misrepresentation, (ii) did not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading and (iii) complied in all material respects with the requirements of applicable Canadian Securities Laws and U.S. Securities Laws. Any amendments to the Yamana Public Documents required to be made have been filed on a timely basis with the applicable Governmental Entity. Yamana has not filed any confidential material change report with any Governmental Entity which at the date hereof remains confidential or any other confidential filings filed under Canadian Securities Laws or with any Governmental Entity. 3.1-9 (l) Financial Statements. (i) The Yamana Financial Statements (including the related management’s discussion and analysis) have been, and all financial statements of Yamana (including any notes thereto and related management’s discussion and analysis) which are publicly disseminated by Yamana in respect of any subsequent periods prior to the Effective Date will be, prepared in accordance with IFRS applied on a basis consistent with prior periods (except where IFRS has changed and new accounting standard become effective for the subsequent period) and all applicable Laws and present fairly, in all material respects, the assets, liabilities (whether accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise), consolidated financial position and its financial performance of Yamana and its Subsidiaries as of the respective dates thereof and their results of operations and cash flows for the respective periods covered thereby. (ii) There are no off-balance sheet transactions, arrangements, obligations (including contingent obligations) or other relationships of Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities with unconsolidated entities or other Persons which are not reflected in the Yamana Financial Statements. (iii) The financial books, records and accounts of Yamana and each of its Subsidiaries: (A) have been maintained, in all material respects, in accordance with IFRS; and (B) accurately and fairly reflect the basis for Yamana’s financial statements in all material respects. (iv) The management of Yamana has established and maintains a system of disclosure controls and procedures (as such term is defined in National Instrument 52-109 - Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings) designed to provide reasonable assurance that information required to be disclosed by Yamana in its annual filings, interim filings or other reports filed or submitted by it under the applicable Laws imposed by Governmental Entities is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified by such Laws imposed by such Governmental Entities. Such disclosure controls and procedures include controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by Yamana in its annual filings, interim filings or other reports filed or submitted under the applicable Laws imposed by Governmental Entities is accumulated and communicated to Yamana’s management, including its chief executive officer and chief financial officer (or Persons performing similar functions), as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. (v) Yamana maintains internal control over financial reporting (as such term is defined in National Instrument 52-109 - Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings). Such internal control over financial reporting is effective in providing reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with IFRS and includes policies and procedures that (A) pertain to the maintenance of records that in 3.1-10 reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of Yamana and its Subsidiaries, (B) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS, and that receipts and expenditures of Yamana and its Subsidiaries are being made only with authorizations of management and directors of Yamana and its Subsidiaries, and (C) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of the assets of Yamana or its Subsidiaries that could have a material effect on its financial statements. To the knowledge of Yamana, as of the date of this Agreement (x) there are no material weaknesses in the design and implementation or maintenance of internal controls over financial reporting of Yamana that are reasonably likely to adversely affect the ability of Yamana to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and (y) there is no fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the internal control over financial reporting of Yamana. (vi) None of Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries nor any of the respective directors, officers, employees, auditors, accountants or representatives of any of the foregoing, has received or otherwise had or obtained knowledge of any material complaint, allegation, assertion, or claim, whether written or oral, regarding the accounting or auditing practices, procedures, methodologies or methods of Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or their respective internal accounting controls, including any material complaint, allegation, assertion, or claim that Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries has engaged in questionable accounting or auditing practices, which has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the audit committee of the Yamana Board. (m) Undisclosed Liabilities. Other than as disclosed in Section 3.1(m) of the Yamana Disclosure Letter, none of Yamana nor any of its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities, has any material liabilities or obligations of any nature, whether or not accrued, contingent, absolute, determined, determinable or otherwise, except for (i) liabilities and obligations that are specifically presented on the unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheet of Yamana as of March 31, 2022 (the “Yamana Balance Sheet”) or disclosed in the notes thereto, (ii) those incurred in the ordinary course of business since the date of the Yamana Balance Sheet and consistent with past practice and (iii) those incurred in connection with the execution of this Agreement. (n) Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance. Each of the principal executive officer and the principal financial officer of Yamana (or each former principal executive officer and each former principal financial officer of Yamana, as applicable) has made all certifications required by Rule 13a-14 or 15d-14 under the U.S. Exchange Act and Sections 302 and 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act with respect to the Yamana Public Documents, and the statements contained in such certifications were true and accurate in all material respects as of the dates made in such Yamana Public Documents. For purposes of this Agreement, “principal executive officer” and “principal financial officer” shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Neither Yamana nor any of its Subsidiaries has outstanding (nor has arranged or modified since the enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act) any 3.1-11 “extensions of credit” (within the meaning of Section 402 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act) to directors or executive officers (as defined in Rule 3b-7 under the U.S. Exchange Act) of Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries. Yamana is in material compliance with all applicable provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the applicable listing and corporate governance rules of the NYSE. (o) Title. Yamana, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities: (i) have good and sufficient title to their real property interests, including fee simple estate of and in real property, leases, easements, rights of way, permits or licenses from landowners or authorities permitting the use of land by Yamana, its Subsidiaries or the Yamana JV Entities, as applicable, necessary to permit the operation of Yamana’s business as presently owned and conducted in all material respects (collectively, “Yamana Real Property Interests”); and (ii) hold their mineral concession, claims, leases, licenses, permits, access rights and other rights and interests necessary to explore for, develop, mine, produce, process or refine, minerals, concentrates or ores for development purposes on their properties (collectively, the “Yamana Mineral Rights”), free and clear of all Liens (other than Permitted Liens). (p) No Defaults under Leases and Agreements. (i) None of Yamana nor any of its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities has received notice of any default under any of the leases and other title and operating documents or any other agreement or instrument pertaining to the Yamana Real Property Interests or the Yamana Mineral Rights to which Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Yamana Material JV Entities is a party or by or to which Yamana or any such assets are bound or subject, except to the extent that such defaults have not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. (ii) (A) Yamana, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities are in good standing under all, and are not in default under any, and (B) there is no existing condition, circumstance or matter which constitutes or which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice or both, would constitute a default under any, leases and other title and operating documents or any other agreements and instruments pertaining to the Yamana Real Property Interests and the Yamana Mineral Rights to which it is a party or by or to which it or such assets are bound or subject and, to the knowledge of Yamana, all such leases, title and operating documents and other agreements and instruments are in good standing and in full force and effect and none of the counterparties to such leases, title and operating documents and other agreements and instruments is in default thereunder except to the extent that such defaults have not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect.

3.1-12 (q) Expropriation. No properties or assets of Yamana or its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities, subject to the Yamana Real Property Interests or the Yamana Mineral Rights has been taken or appropriated by any Governmental Entity, nor has any notice or proceeding in respect thereof been given or commenced, nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, is there any intent or proposal to give any such notice or to commence any such proceeding. (r) Yamana Mineral Reserves and Resources. (i) The Jacobina mining complex, the El Penon mine and the Canadian Malartic mine are the only material properties of Yamana for the purposes of NI 43-101 (the “Yamana Material Properties”). (ii) Each of the technical reports relating to the Yamana Material Properties filed pursuant to NI 43-101 complied in all material respects with the requirements of NI 43-101 at the respective time of filing thereof. (iii) The estimates of mineral reserves and mineral resources for the Yamana Material Properties were prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with sound mining, engineering, geoscience and other applicable industry standards and practices, and in accordance with applicable Laws, including the requirements of NI 43-101. There has been no material reduction in the aggregate amount of estimated mineral resources or mineral reserves of Yamana from the amounts set forth in the Yamana Public Documents, other than as a result of production activities in the ordinary course. All information regarding the Yamana Material Properties, including all drill results, technical reports and studies, that are required to be disclosed at Law, have been disclosed in the Yamana Public Documents on or before the date hereof. (s) Royalties and Rentals Paid. All rentals, royalties (whether statutory or contractual), overriding royalty interests, production payments, net profits, earn- outs, streaming agreements, metal pre-payment or similar agreements, interest burdens, payments and obligations (including, without limitation, streaming, pre- payment and similar arrangements) due and payable, or performable, as the case may be, on or prior to the date hereof under, with respect to, or on account of, any direct or indirect assets of Yamana and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities, have been: (i) duly paid; (ii) duly performed; or (iii) provided for prior to the date hereof, except to the extent that such non- payment, non-performance or non-provision would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. (t) Environmental Matters. (i) Yamana and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities have been since January 1, 2020 and are in compliance with all Environmental Laws, except such non-compliance that has not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. 3.1-13 (ii) There have been no Releases in violation of Environmental Laws within the current or prior ownership, possession or control of either of Yamana, its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities, that would reasonably be expected to result in a claim, notice, complaint, penalty, prosecution or any other judicial or administrative proceeding arising out of any Environmental Laws against Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any Yamana Material JV Entities, that have not had, or would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. (iii) There are no pending claims, notices, complaints, penalties, prosecutions or any other judicial or administrative proceedings issued against Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities arising out of any Environmental Laws, except for any such claims that have not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. (iv) To the knowledge of Yamana, there has not been: (A) any written Order that remains outstanding which relates to Environmental Laws that would reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect; or (B) any written demand or notice that remains outstanding with respect to a material breach of any Environmental Law in each case applicable to Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Yamana Material JV Entities, except as has not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. (u) Intellectual Property. Yamana and its Subsidiaries have sufficient rights to use or otherwise exploit the Intellectual Property necessary to carry on the business now operated by them and there is no proceeding pending or, to the knowledge of Yamana, threatened by any Person challenging Yamana’s or its Subsidiaries’ rights in or to such intellectual property which is used for the conduct of the business as currently carried on as set forth in the Yamana Public Documents, except as has not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. To the knowledge of Yamana, the conduct of the business as currently carried on as set forth in the Yamana Public Documents, including the use of Intellectual Property, does not infringe upon Intellectual Property of any Person in any material respect except as has not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. To the knowledge of Yamana, no Person is currently infringing upon any of the Intellectual Property owned by Yamana or its Subsidiaries in any material respect except as has not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. (v) Employment Matters. (i) Except as set forth in Section 3.1(v)(i) of the Yamana Disclosure Letter or as contemplated by this Agreement or the Plan of Arrangement, the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the 3.1-14 consummation of the Arrangement will not (A) result in any payment (including bonus, golden parachute, retirement, severance, unemployment compensation, or other benefit) becoming due or payable to any of the Yamana directors, officers or employees or result in a director or officers having an entitlement to such payments upon termination or resignation, (B) increase the compensation or benefits otherwise payable to any Yamana directors, officers or employees or (C) result in (1) the acceleration of the time of payment, (2) funding or (3) vesting of any benefits or entitlements otherwise available pursuant to any Yamana Benefit Plan. (ii) Except as set forth in Section 3.1(v)(ii) of the Yamana Disclosure Letter, none of Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities (A) is a party to any collective bargaining agreement with respect to any Yamana employees or any contract with any employee association, or (B) is subject to any application for certification or, to the knowledge of Yamana, threatened or apparent union-organizing campaigns for employees not covered under a collective bargaining agreement and no trade union, council of trade unions, employee bargaining agency or affiliated bargaining agent holds bargaining rights with respect to any employees of Yamana by way of certification, interim certification, voluntary recognition or succession rights. Except as disclosed in the Yamana Public Documents, there is no labour strike, dispute, work slowdown or stoppage pending or involving, or to the knowledge of Yamana threatened against Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities, and no such event has occurred within the last two years. (iii) None of Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities are, or have been, engaged in any unfair labour practice and no unfair labour practice complaint, grievance or arbitration proceeding is pending or, to the knowledge of Yamana, threatened against Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Yamana Material JV Entities. (iv) No trade union has applied to have Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities declared a common or related employer pursuant to the Labour Relations Code (Ontario) or any similar legislation in any jurisdiction in which Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Yamana Material JV Entities carries on business. (v) None of Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities is subject to any current, pending or, to the knowledge of Yamana, threatened claim, complaint or proceeding for wrongful dismissal, constructive dismissal or any other tort claim relating to employment or termination of employment of employees or independent contractors, or under any applicable Law with respect to employment and labour, except for routine claims for benefits, except as has not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. 3.1-15 (vi) Yamana and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities have been since January 1, 2020 and are in material compliance with all terms and conditions of employment and all applicable Laws with respect to employment and labour, including employment and labour standards, occupational health and safety, workers’ compensation, human rights, labour relations and privacy and there are no current, pending, or, to the knowledge of Yamana, threatened, material proceedings before any court, board or tribunal with respect to any of the areas listed herein, or otherwise has not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. (vii) Gold Fields has been provided with true and complete copies of all material Yamana Benefit Plans. (w) Absence of Certain Changes or Events. Since January 1, 2020: (i) Yamana and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities, have operated their respective businesses only in the ordinary course of business; (ii) there has not been any Yamana Material Adverse Effect; and (iii) Yamana and its Subsidiaries have not taken or failed to take any action which, if taken after the date of this Agreement, would constitute a breach of Section 5.1. (x) Litigation. There is no Proceeding against or involving Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana JV Entities or any of their respective properties or assets pending or, to the knowledge of Yamana, threatened and, to the knowledge of Yamana, no event has occurred which would reasonably be expected to give rise to any Proceeding, in each case which, if adversely determined, would reasonably be expected to have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect or would significantly impede the ability of Yamana to consummate the Arrangement. (y) Taxes. Except as disclosed in Section 3.1(y) of the Yamana Disclosure Letter: (i) each of Yamana, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities has duly and in a timely manner made or prepared all material Tax Returns required to be made or prepared by it, and duly and in a timely manner filed all material Tax Returns required to be filed by it with the appropriate Governmental Entity, and all such Tax Returns were complete and correct in all material respects; (ii) each of Yamana, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities has paid all Taxes, including instalments on account of Taxes for the current year required by applicable Law, which are due and payable by it whether or not assessed by the appropriate Governmental Entity and Yamana has provided adequate accruals in accordance with IFRS in the most recently published financial statements of Yamana for any Taxes of Yamana, each of its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, each of the Yamana JV Entities for the period covered by such financial statements that have not been paid whether or not shown as being due on any Tax Returns, except in each case where the failure to do so would not reasonably be expected to individually or in

3.1-16 the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. Except as would not reasonably be expected to individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect since such publication date, no liability in respect of Taxes not reflected in such statements or otherwise provided for has been assessed, proposed to be assessed, incurred or accrued, other than in the ordinary course of business; (iii) all deficiencies for Taxes asserted or assessed against any of Yamana, its Subsidiaries, and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities have been paid in full, accrued on the books of Yamana or finally settled, except to the extent that any such deficiencies would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect; (iv) each of Yamana, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities has duly and timely withheld all Taxes required by Law to be withheld by it in connection with any amounts paid or owing to any employee, independent contractor, supplier, creditor, shareholder, non- resident or other third party (including Taxes required to be withheld by it in respect of any amount paid or credited or deemed to be paid or credited by it to or for the benefit of any Person) and has duly and timely remitted to the appropriate Governmental Entity such Taxes or other amounts required by Law to be remitted by it, except where the failure to do so would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect; (v) each of Yamana, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities has duly and timely collected all amounts on account of any sales, use or transfer Taxes, including, without limitation, goods and services, harmonized sales, provincial and territorial sales taxes and state and local taxes, required by Law to be collected by it and has duly and timely remitted to the appropriate Governmental Entity such amounts required by Law to be remitted by it, except where the failure to do so would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect; (vi) none of Yamana, its Subsidiaries, nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana JV Entities has in place with a Governmental Entity any agreement or extension of time for which to file any material Tax Returns or pay any material amount of Tax, by way of assessment or otherwise, and no such entity has an extension or waiver of a statute of limitation relating to any material amount of Tax; (vii) there are no proceedings, investigations, audits or claims now pending in writing against Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries, or, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities in respect of any Taxes and there are no matters under discussion, audit or appeal with any Governmental Entity relating to Taxes, except to the extent that any of the foregoing would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect; 3.1-17 (viii) none of Yamana nor any of its Subsidiaries has received any COVID-19 Subsidy amounts to which it was not entitled. None of Yamana nor any of its Subsidiaries has deferred any payroll tax obligations as permitted under applicable COVID-19 related measures enacted, promulgated or offered as an administrative relief by a Governmental Entity; (ix) for the purposes of the Tax Act and any other relevant Tax purposes: (A) Yamana is a “taxable Canadian corporation” and is resident in Canada and is not resident in any other country; (B) each of Yamana’s Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities is resident in the jurisdiction (or country of which such jurisdiction is a political subdivision) in which it was formed or continued, and is not resident in any other country; (C) to the knowledge of Yamana, none of Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries, nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana JV Entities (1) has a permanent establishment, or (2) is engaged in trade or business (or comparable non-U.S. standard in any jurisdiction outside of the United States), in either case, in a jurisdiction other than its country of organization; and (D) no written claim has been made by any Governmental Entity in a jurisdiction where Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana JV Entities does not file Tax Returns that such entity is or may be subject to Tax by that jurisdiction; (x) none of Yamana, its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana JV Entities is a “United States person” within the meaning of Section 7701(a)(30) of the Code. None of Yamana, its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana JV Entities is a “surrogate foreign corporation” within the meaning of Section 7874(a)(2)(B) of the Code or is treated as a U.S. corporation under Section 7874(b) of the Code; (xi) none of Yamana, its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana JV Entities is a “controlled foreign corporation” within the meaning of Section 957(a) of the Code determined without regard to the repeal of Section 958(b)(4) of the Code; (xii) none of Yamana, nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries nor the Yamana JV Entities has made an election pursuant to Section 897(i) of the Code; (xiii) since January 1, 2020, none of Yamana, its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana JV Entities has been the “distributing corporation” or a “controlled corporation”, in each case, within the meaning of Section 355 of the Code, with respect to a transaction that was intended to be governed in whole or in part by Section 355 of the Code; 3.1-18 (xiv) none of Yamana, its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana JV Entities is a party to any agreement, understanding or arrangement relating to the allocation or sharing of Taxes (excluding customary commercial agreements entered into in the ordinary course of business the primary subject of which is not Taxes); (xv) there are no Liens for Taxes upon any properties or assets of Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana JV Entities (other than Liens (A) relating to Taxes not yet due and payable and for which adequate reserves have been recorded on the most recent balance sheet included in the Yamana Annual Financial Statements and (B) which would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect); (xvi) each of Yamana, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities has not, and has never been deemed to have for purposes of the Tax Act or any other Tax Law, entered into any transactions or arrangements with Persons with whom they do not deal at arm’s length (within the meaning of the Tax Act) other than for consideration equal to fair market value. For all transactions between Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or the Yamana JV Entities, on the one hand, and any non- resident Person with whom Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Yamana JV Entities was not dealing at arm’s length for the purposes of the Tax Act, on the other hand, Yamana, its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities, as the case may be, has made or obtained records or documents that satisfy the requirements of paragraphs 247(4)(a) to (c) of the Tax Act. Each of Yamana, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities has complied in all respects with all applicable Tax Laws with respect to transfer pricing except where the failure to do so would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect; (xvii) there are no circumstances existing which could result in the application of Section 17, Section 78, Section 79, or Sections 80 to 80.04 of the Tax Act (or any equivalent provision of the taxation legislation of any province or any other jurisdiction) to each of Yamana, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities; and (xviii) (A) none of Yamana, its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of the Yamana, any of Yamana’s Affiliates has taken or agreed to take any action that would prevent the Arrangement from qualifying as a “reorganization” within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code and (B) Yamana is not aware of any agreement, plan or other circumstance that would prevent the Arrangement from qualifying as a “reorganization” within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code. (z) Books and Records. The corporate records and minute books of Yamana and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities are currently maintained in accordance with applicable Laws and are complete and accurate in all material respects. 3.1-19 (aa) Insurance. Policies of insurance are in force naming Yamana, a Subsidiary of Yamana or, to the knowledge of Yamana, a Yamana Material JV Entity as an insured that adequately cover all risks as are customarily covered by businesses in the industry in which Yamana, its Subsidiaries and the Yamana Material JV Entities operate, and Yamana, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities are in compliance in all material respects with all requirements with respect to such policies. Yamana has disclosed in the Yamana Data Room, a summary listing of all such policies that are material to Yamana (including additional details pertaining to the directors’ & officers’ liability policy). All such policies shall remain in full force and effect (subject to taking into account insurance market conditions and offerings and industry practices) and will not be cancelled or otherwise terminated as a result of the transactions contemplated herein. None of Yamana, its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities has failed to promptly give any notice or present any material claim under such policies. (bb) Non-Arm’s Length Transactions. Other than as disclosed in the Yamana Public Documents and other than employment or compensation agreements entered into in the ordinary course of business, no director, officer, employee or agent of, or independent contractor to, Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries, or holder of record or beneficial owner of 5% or more of the Yamana Shares, or associate or affiliate of any such officer, director or beneficial owner, is a party to, or beneficiary of, any loan, guarantee, Contract, arrangement or understanding or other transactions with Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries. (cc) Benefit Plans. (i) Each Yamana Benefit Plan has been established, registered, amended, funded, administered, and invested in all material respects in accordance with its terms and applicable Laws in all material respects and in accordance with their terms, the terms of the material documents that support such Yamana Benefit Plans and the terms of agreements between Yamana and its Subsidiaries on the one hand and the employees (present and former) who are members of, or beneficiaries under, such Yamana Benefit Plans, on the other hand in all material respects, and any contributions required to be made under each Yamana Benefit Plan, as of the date hereof, have been timely made in accordance with the terms of such Yamana Benefit Plan and applicable Laws, and all obligations in respect of each Yamana Benefit Plan have been properly accrued and reflected in the Yamana Annual Financial Statements. All employer and employee payments, contributions and premiums required to be remitted, paid to or in respect of each Yamana Benefit Plan have been paid or remitted in a timely fashion in accordance with its terms and all Laws in all material respects. To the knowledge of Yamana, there are no investigations by a Governmental Entity or material claims (other than routine claims for payment of benefits) pending or threatened involving any Yamana Benefit Plan or its assets, and no facts exist which would reasonably be expected to give rise to any such investigation order or material claim (other than routine claims for payment of benefits).

3.1-20 (ii) Except as would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect, (A) all current obligations of Yamana regarding the Yamana Benefit Plans have been satisfied and (B) all contributions, premiums or Taxes required to be made or paid by Yamana by applicable Laws or under the terms of each Yamana Benefit Plan have been made in a timely fashion in accordance with applicable Laws and the terms of such Yamana Benefit Plan. (iii) Other than as disclosed in Section 3.1(cc) of the Yamana Disclosure Letter, there are no pension or retirement income plans of Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries. (iv) The costs of funding the Yamana Benefit Plans are, in all material respects, reflected in the Yamana Financial Statements. (v) No event has occurred respecting any Yamana Benefit Plan which would entitle a Person (without the consent of Yamana) to wind-up or terminate any Yamana Benefit Plan in whole or in part. (vi) To the knowledge of Yamana, there has been no amendment to, announcement by Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Yamana Material JV Entities relating to or change in employee participation, coverage, or benefits provided under, any Yamana Benefit Plan which would increase materially the expense of maintaining such plan above the level of the expense incurred therefor for the most recent fiscal year. (vii) There are no unfunded liabilities in respect of any Yamana Benefit Plan which provides pension benefits, superannuation benefits or retirement savings, including any “registered pension plans” as that term is defined in the Tax Act, or any supplemental pension plans (including going concern unfunded liabilities, solvency deficiencies or wind-up deficiencies, where applicable). (viii) No liabilities or obligations under any of the Yamana Benefit Plans in respect of any employees on disability would reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. (ix) None of the Yamana Benefit Plans, or any insurance contract relating thereto, require or permit a retroactive increase in premiums or payments on termination of the Yamana Benefit Plan or any insurance contract relating thereto. (x) All material data necessary to administer each material Yamana Benefit Plan is in the possession or control of Yamana or its agents. (dd) Restrictions on Business Activities. There is no Yamana Material Contract or Order binding upon Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, any of the Yamana Material JV Entities that has or could reasonably be expected to have the effect of prohibiting, restricting or materially impairing any business practice of Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Yamana JV Entities or the conduct of business by Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Yamana 3.1-21 Material JV Entities as currently conducted (including following the transaction contemplated by this Agreement) other than Yamana Material Contracts or Orders which have not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. (ee) Material Contracts. True and complete copies of the Yamana Material Contracts (other than those to which the Yamana Material JV Entities are parties) have been disclosed in the Yamana Data Room and, to the knowledge of Yamana, true and complete copies of the Yamana Material Contracts to which the Yamana Material JV Entities are parties have been disclosed in the Yamana Data Room. Yamana and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities, have performed in all material respects all of the respective obligations required to be performed by them under the Yamana Material Contracts and none of Yamana, or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities, is in material breach or default under any Yamana Material Contract to which it is a party or bound. To the knowledge of Yamana, there is no material breach or default under any such Yamana Material Contract by any other party thereto. All Yamana Material Contracts are legal, valid, binding and in full force and effect and are enforceable by Yamana (or a Subsidiary of Yamana, as the case may be) in accordance with their respective terms (subject to bankruptcy, insolvency and other applicable Laws affecting creditors’ rights generally, and to general principles of equity). Yamana has not received any written or, to the knowledge of Yamana, other notice that any party to a Yamana Material Contract intends to cancel, terminate or otherwise modify or not renew its relationship with Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries, and, to the knowledge of Yamana, no such action has been threatened. (ff) Anti-Corruption. (i) None of Yamana, its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities, nor any of their directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives has, directly or indirectly, offered, promised, agreed, paid, authorized, given or taken any act in furtherance of any such offer, promise, agreement, payment or authorization on behalf of Yamana, its Subsidiaries or the Yamana JV Entities, anything of value, directly or indirectly, to any official of a Governmental Entity, any political party or official thereof or any candidate for political office, for the purpose of any of the following: (A) influencing any action or decision of such Person in such Person’s official capacity, including a decision to fail to perform such Person’s official function in order to obtain or retain an advantage in the course of business; (B) inducing such Person to use such Person’s influence with any Governmental Entity to affect or influence any act or decision of such Governmental Entity to assist Yamana, one of its Subsidiaries or one of the Yamana JV Entities in obtaining or retaining business for, with, or directing business to, any Person or otherwise to obtain or retain an advantage in the course of business; or 3.1-22 (C) to assist Yamana, one of its Subsidiaries or one of the Yamana JV Entities in obtaining or retaining business for, with, or directing business to, any Person whether through a bribe, rebate, payoff, influence payment, kickback or illegal or improper payment, other than such actions which have not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. (ii) None of Yamana, its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities, nor any of their directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives has taken any action that is inconsistent with or prohibited by or would cause Yamana, one of its Subsidiaries or one of the Yamana JV Entities to be in violation of the substantive prohibitions or requirements of the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (Canada), the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (United States) or any similar legislation prohibiting corruption, bribery and money laundering in any jurisdiction in which it conducts its business and to which it is subject and all contracts and arrangements between Yamana, one of its Subsidiaries or one of the Yamana JV Entities and any other Person are in compliance with such laws, other than such actions which have not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. Since January 1, 2020, Yamana, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities have maintained policies and procedures applicable to it and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives in place in respect thereof as are appropriate to prevent and detect violations of laws prohibiting corruption, bribery and money laundering. (iii) None of Yamana, its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities nor any of its directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives has (A) conducted or initiated any review, audit or internal investigation to determine whether, or has concluded that, Yamana, one of its Subsidiaries or one of the Yamana JV Entities or any of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives has violated any Laws prohibiting corruption, bribery or money laundering or committed any wrongdoing thereunder, or (B) made a voluntary, directed or involuntary disclosure to any Governmental Entity responsible for enforcing anti- corruption, anti-bribery and money laundering Laws, in each case with respect to any alleged act or omission arising under or relating to non- compliance with any such Laws, or received any notice, request or citation from any Person alleging non-compliance with any such Laws, other than such actions which have not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. (iv) Yamana, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana JV Entities have maintained systems of internal controls intended to ensure compliance with the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (Canada), the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (United States) or any similar legislation prohibiting corruption, bribery and money laundering. 3.1-23 (gg) Sanctions. (i) Neither Yamana, nor any of its Subsidiaries or joint ventures, nor any of their respective directors, officers or employees nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, any agents or Persons acting on any of their behalf: (A) is a Restricted Party; or (B) has received written notice of or is aware of any claim, action, suit, proceeding or investigation against it with respect to Sanctions by any Sanctions Authority. (ii) None of Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of the Yamana, any director, officer, employee or agent of Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries is a Person that is, or is owned or controlled by Persons that are: (A) the subject/target of any Sanctions, or (B) located, organized or resident in a country or territory that is the subject of Sanctions, including Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria). (iii) Yamana, its Subsidiaries and their respective directors, officers and employees and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the agents of Yamana and its Subsidiaries are in compliance with all applicable Sanctions in all material respects. Yamana and its Subsidiaries have instituted and maintain policies and procedures designed to ensure compliance with applicable Sanctions. (iv) Yamana represents and covenants that for the past three years, neither Yamana nor any of its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, any director, officer, employee or agent of Yamana has knowingly engaged in, or is now knowingly engaged in, or will engage in, any dealings or transactions with a Restricted Person or in violation of Sanctions. (hh) Indigenous Claims. None of Yamana, its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities, has received any written notice of an Indigenous Claim, which relates to either the Yamana Real Property Interests or the Yamana Mineral Rights or to their respective operations and businesses except for such Indigenous Claims that would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. There are no ongoing or outstanding negotiations with any Indigenous group concerning an impact benefit or other material agreement between an Indigenous group and Yamana, its Subsidiaries, or any of the Yamana Material JV Entities. (ii) Community Groups. To the knowledge of Yamana: (i) no authorized legal representative of any community in the vicinity of any of the Yamana Material Properties has communicated in writing to Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries a requirement that (A) the consent of such community be obtained as a condition to continued operation of any such properties or (B) a material increase in the compensation payments payable by Yamana or any of its Subsidiaries under any community development or social framework or similar agreements as a condition to the continued operation of such properties.

3.1-24 (ii) other than as disclosed in Section 3.1(ii) of the Yamana Disclosure Letter, no dispute exists or is threatened in writing between community groups and Yamana, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Yamana, the Yamana Material JV Entities with respect to their respective businesses, assets and operations, except for such disputes that would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Yamana Material Adverse Effect. (jj) Brokers; Expenses. Except for the fees to be paid to Canaccord Genuity Corp., Stifel Nicolaus Canada Inc. and Scotia Capital Inc., pursuant to their respective engagement letters with Yamana, true and complete copies of which have been provided to Gold Fields, none of Yamana, any of its Subsidiaries, nor any of their respective officers, directors or employees has employed any broker, finder, investment banker, financial advisor or other Person or incurred any liability for any brokerage fees, commissions, finder’s fees, financial advisory fees or other similar fees in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. (kk) Fairness Opinion. As of the date hereof: (i) Each of Canaccord Genuity Corp. and Scotia Capital Inc., financial advisors to the Yamana Board, have delivered the Yamana Fairness Opinions to the Yamana Board to the effect that as of the date of such Opinions, subject to the assumptions and limitations set out therein, the Consideration to be received by Yamana Shareholders pursuant to the Arrangement is fair from a financial point of view to Yamana Shareholders; and (ii) Yamana has been authorized by Canaccord Genuity Corp. and Scotia Capital Inc. to permit inclusion of the Yamana Fairness Opinions and references thereto in the Yamana Circular, subject to their review and approval thereof. (ll) Cultural Business. Yamana is not a “cultural business” within the meaning of the Investment Canada Act. (mm) No “Collateral Benefit”. To the knowledge of Yamana, no related party of Yamana (within the meaning of MI 61-101) together with its associated entities, beneficially owns or exercises control or direction over 1% or more of the outstanding Yamana Shares, except for related parties who will not receive a “collateral benefit” (within the meaning of such instrument) as a consequence of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. (nn) HSR Act. Yamana and its Subsidiaries do not hold, and will not hold at the closing of the Arrangement, assets located in the United States with a value that exceeds US$101 million and Yamana and its Subsidiaries did not generate sales in or into the United States, the sum of which exceeded US$101 million during Yamana’s most recent fiscal year. SCHEDULE 4.1 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF GOLD FIELDS Defined Terms As used in this schedule, capitalized terms have the meanings ascribed thereto in the Arrangement Agreement to which this schedule is appended, and the following terms have the following meanings: “Gold Fields Annual Financial Statements” means the audited consolidated financial statements for Gold Fields as of and for each of the fiscal years ended on December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2021 (including the notes thereto and the auditor’s report thereon) included in Gold Fields’ annual report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC on March 31, 2022; “Gold Fields Balance Sheet” has the meaning given to it in Section (n) of this Schedule 4.1; “Gold Fields JV Entities” means any corporations or entities in which Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries directly owns 20% or more of the shares or equity interest, and which is not otherwise a Subsidiary (and for greater certainty includes the Gold Fields Material JV Entities); “Gold Fields Material JV Entities” means the entities listed as Gold Fields Material JV Entities in Section 4.1(d)(ii) of the Gold Fields Disclosure Letter; “Gold Fields Material Properties” has the meaning given to it in Section 4.1(s)(i) of the Gold Fields Disclosure Letter; “Gold Fields Material Subsidiaries” means the entities listed as Gold Fields Material Subsidiaries in Section 4.1(d)(ii) of the Gold Fields Disclosure Letter; “Gold Fields Mineral Rights” has the meaning given to it in Section (p)(ii) of this Schedule 4.1; “Gold Fields Real Property Interests” has the meaning given to it in Section (p)(i) of Schedule 4.1; “Gold Fields Shareholder Approval” means the approval of the Gold Fields Resolutions by Gold Fields Shareholders at the Gold Fields Meeting; “Restricted Party” means a Person that is: (i) listed on, or owned or controlled (directly or indirectly) by a Person listed on, or acting on behalf of a Person listed on, any Sanctions List, (ii) located in, incorporated under the laws of, or owned or (directly or indirectly) controlled by, or acting on behalf of, a Person located in or organized under the laws of a country or territory that is the target of Sanctions, or (iii) otherwise a target of Sanctions; “Sanctions” means the economic sanctions laws, regulations, embargoes or restrictive measures administered, enacted or enforced by: (i) the United States government; (ii) the United Nations; (iii) the European Union (iv) the United Kingdom; (v) Canada or (vi) the respective governmental institutions and agencies of any of the foregoing, including, 4.1-2 without limitation, the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of Treasury (“OFAC”), the United States Department of State, Global Affairs Canada (“GAC”) and Her Majesty’s Treasury (“HMT”) or any other relevant sanctions authority (together the “Sanctions Authorities”); “Sanctions List” means the “Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons” list maintained by OFAC, the Consolidated Canadian Autonomous Sanctions List, the Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions Targets and the Investment Ban List maintained by HMT, or any similar list maintained by, or public announcement of Sanctions designation made by, any of the Sanctions Authorities; and “S-K 1300” means Subpart 1300 of Regulation S-K under the U.S. Securities Act. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF GOLD FIELDS (a) Organization and Qualification. Gold Fields and each of the Gold Fields Material Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields Material JV Entities is a corporation duly incorporated or an entity duly created and validly existing under all applicable Laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation, continuance or creation and has all corporate power and capacity to own its assets and conduct its business as now owned and conducted. Gold Fields, each of the Gold Fields Material Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, each of the Gold Fields Material JV Entities is duly qualified to carry on business and is in good standing in each jurisdiction in which its assets and properties, owned, leased, licensed or otherwise held, or the nature of its activities, makes such qualification necessary, except where the failure to be so registered or in good standing would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. True and complete copies of the constating documents of Gold Fields have been disclosed in the Gold Fields Data Room, and no action has been taken to amend or supersede such constating documents of Gold Fields. (b) Authority Relative to this Agreement. Gold Fields has the requisite corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement and the agreements and other documents to be entered into by it hereunder and, subject to obtaining Gold Fields Shareholder Approval, to perform its obligations hereunder and thereunder. The execution and delivery and performance of this Agreement, the Arrangement and the agreements and other documents to be entered into by Gold Fields hereunder and the consummation by Gold Fields of the transactions contemplated hereunder and thereunder have been duly authorized by the Gold Fields Board, and no other corporate proceedings on the part of Gold Fields are necessary to authorize this Agreement and the agreements and other documents to be entered into by it hereunder or the consummation of the Arrangement, other than obtaining approval of the Gold Fields Circular by the Gold Fields Board and the Gold Fields Shareholder Approval. This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Gold Fields and constitutes a valid and binding obligation of Gold Fields, enforceable by Yamana against Gold Fields in accordance with its terms, except as the enforcement thereof may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency and other applicable Laws affecting the enforcement of creditors’ rights generally and subject to the qualification that equitable remedies may be granted only in the discretion of a court of competent jurisdiction. 4.1-3 (c) No Conflict; Required Filings and Consent. The execution and delivery by Gold Fields of this Agreement and the performance by it of its obligations hereunder and the completion of the Arrangement and the other transactions contemplated hereby do not and will not (or would not with the giving of notice, the lapse of time or both, or the happening of any other event or condition): (i) violate, conflict with or result in a breach or default of: (A) any provision of the articles, by-laws or other constating documents or partnership agreements of Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any of the Gold Fields Material JV Entities; (B) any Gold Fields Material Contract or Authorization to which Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any of the Gold Fields Material JV Entities is a party or by which Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries is bound, except as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect; or (C) any Law to which Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any of the Gold Fields Material JV Entities is subject or by which Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any of the Gold Fields Material JV Entities is bound, subject to receipt of the Regulatory Approvals and except as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect; (ii) give rise to any right of termination, allow any Person to exercise any rights, or cause or permit the termination, cancellation, acceleration or other change of any right or obligation or the loss of any benefit to which Gold Fields is entitled, under any Gold Fields Material Contract or Authorization to which Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any of the Gold Fields Material JV Entities is a party, except as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect; or (iii) give rise to any rights of first refusal or rights of first offer, trigger any change of control provision or any restriction or limitation, or require any consent or other action by any Person, under any Gold Fields Material Contract or Authorization, or result in the imposition of any Lien upon any of Gold Fields’ assets or the assets of any of the Gold Fields’ Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any of the Gold Fields Material JV Entities except as would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. Other than the Regulatory Approvals, such filings and approvals required by the applicable rules and policies of the JSE and the NYSE, the Interim Order and the Final Order, no Authorization of, or other action by or in respect of, or filing, recording, registering or publication with, or notification to, any Governmental Entity is necessary on the part of Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries or the Gold

4.1-4 Fields Material JV Entities for the consummation by Gold Fields of its obligations in connection with the Arrangement under this Agreement or for the completion of the Arrangement, except for such Authorizations and filings as to which the failure to obtain or make would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. (d) Subsidiaries. (i) Gold Fields has no material Subsidiaries other than the Gold Fields Material Subsidiaries. (ii) Except as set forth in Section 4.1(d)(ii) of the Gold Fields Disclosure Letter, Gold Fields is, directly or indirectly, the registered and beneficial owner of (A) with respect to each Gold Fields Material Subsidiary, all of its issued and outstanding securities, and (B) with respect to each Gold Fields Material JV Entity, the ownership percentage set forth in the Gold Fields Public Documents, in each case free and clear of all Liens (other than Permitted Liens), and all of the issued and outstanding securities of the Gold Fields Material Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields Material JV Entities have been duly and validly authorized and issued, are fully paid, and if such entity is a corporation, are non- assessable. No securities of the Gold Fields Material Subsidiaries or the Gold Fields Material JV Entities have been issued in violation of any Law or pre-emptive or similar rights. There are no outstanding options, rights, entitlements, understandings or commitments (contingent or otherwise) regarding the right to acquire any securities or other ownership interests in any of the Gold Fields Material Subsidiaries or to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields Material JV Entities. (e) Compliance with Laws and Constating Documents. (i) The operations of Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields JV Entities have been since January 1, 2020 and are now being conducted in material compliance with all Laws of each jurisdiction, the Laws of which have been and are now applicable to the operations of Gold Fields, of any of its Subsidiaries and of any Gold Fields JV Entities, and none of Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any of the Gold Fields JV Entities has received any notice of any alleged violation of any such Laws, other than non- compliance or violations which have not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. (ii) None of Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries or the Gold Fields JV Entities is in conflict with, or in default under or in violation of its articles or by-laws or equivalent organizational documents except for such violation or default which would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. (f) Authorizations. Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields JV Entities have obtained all material Authorizations 4.1-5 necessary for the ownership, operation and use of the assets of Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries and the Gold Fields JV Entities or otherwise in connection with carrying on the business and operations of Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries and the Gold Fields JV Entities in compliance with all applicable Laws, except where the failure to have any such Authorization would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. Such Authorizations are in full force and effect in accordance with their terms. Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields JV Entities have fully complied with and are in compliance with all such Authorizations. There is no action, investigation or proceeding pending or, to the knowledge of Gold Fields threatened, regarding any such Authorizations, which if successful would, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. None of Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any of the Gold Fields JV Entities or any of their respective officers or directors, has received any notice, whether written or oral, of revocation or non-renewal or material amendments of any such Authorizations, or of any intention of any Person to revoke or refuse to renew or to materially amend any of such Authorizations, except in each case, for revocations, non-renewals or amendments which would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect, and all Authorizations of Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields JV Entities continue to be effective in order for Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries and the Gold Fields JV Entities to continue to conduct their respective businesses as they are currently being conducted. To the knowledge of Gold Fields, no Person other than Gold Fields or a wholly owned Subsidiary thereof owns or has any proprietary, financial or other interest (direct or indirect) in any Authorizations of Gold Fields or its wholly owned Subsidiaries. (g) Capitalization. (i) The authorized share capital of Gold Fields consists of 2,000,000,000 Gold Fields Shares. As of the date of this Agreement there are: (A) 891,377,583 Gold Fields Shares validly issued and outstanding as fully paid and non- assessable shares of Gold Fields, and (B) (1) 2,647,041 Gold Fields Performance Shares and (2) 90,013 Gold Fields Matching Shares. All Gold Fields Shares have been, and all Gold Fields Shares issuable upon the vesting or exercise of the options to purchase Gold Fields Shares in accordance with their terms have been duly authorized and, upon issuance, will be, validly issued as fully paid and non-assessable shares of Gold Fields and are not and will not be, as applicable, subject to or issued in violation of, any pre-emptive rights. Except for the options to purchase Gold Fields Shares, referred to in this Section (g)(i), as of the date of this Agreement, there are no issued, outstanding or authorized options, warrants, conversion privileges, calls, or pre-emptive, redemption, repurchase, stock appreciation or other rights, shareholder rights plans, agreements, arrangements, commitments or obligations of Gold Fields, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Gold Fields JV Entities to issue or sell any shares in the capital of Gold Fields or shares, partnership interests or other equity interests of any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Gold Fields JV Entities or securities or obligations of any kind convertible into, exchangeable for or otherwise carrying the right or obligation to acquire or subscribed for any shares in the capital of Gold Fields or shares, 4.1-6 partnership interests or other equity interests of any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Gold Fields JV Entities or the value of which is based on the value of the securities of Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Gold Fields JV Entities, and other than the Gold Fields 2012 Share Plan, there are no equity or security based compensation arrangements maintained by Gold Fields. (ii) All outstanding securities of Gold Fields have been issued in material compliance with all applicable Laws and any pre-emptive or similar rights applicable to them. (iii) There are no issued, outstanding or authorized bonds, debentures or other evidences of indebtedness of Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries or the Gold Fields Material JV Entities or any other agreements, arrangements, instruments or commitments of any kind outstanding giving any Person, directly or indirectly, the right to vote (or that are convertible or exercisable for securities having the right to vote) with Gold Fields Shareholders on any matter. (iv) The Consideration Shares to be issued at the Effective Time will be duly authorized and validly issued by Gold Fields as fully paid and non- assessable shares of Gold Fields, free and clear of all Liens. (h) Shareholder and Similar Agreements. Neither Gold Fields nor any of its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any of the Gold Fields Material JV Entities is party to any shareholder, pooling, voting trust or other similar agreement or arrangement relating to the issued and outstanding shares in the capital of Gold Fields, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Gold Fields Material JV Entities or pursuant to which any Person may have any right or claim in connection with any existing or past equity interest in Gold Fields, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Gold Fields Material JV Entities, and Gold Fields has not adopted a shareholder rights plan or any other similar plan or agreement. (i) Stock Exchange Compliance. There is no Order delisting, suspending or cease trading any securities of Gold Fields. The Gold Fields Shares are listed for trading on the JSE, and the Gold Fields ADSs are listed on the NYSE. The Gold Fields Shares and the Gold Fields ADSs are not listed on any exchange other than the JSE and NYSE, and Gold Fields is in compliance in all material respects with the applicable listing rules and regulations of the JSE and NYSE. (j) U.S. Securities Law Matters. (i) The Gold Fields Shares and the Gold Fields ADSs are registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the U.S. Exchange Act and Gold Fields is in material compliance with its reporting obligations pursuant to Section 13 of the U.S. Exchange Act. (ii) Other than the Gold Fields Shares and the Gold Fields ADSs, Gold Fields does not have any class of equity securities registered under the U.S. Exchange Act, nor is Gold Fields currently subject to any reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the U.S. Exchange Act. 4.1-7 (iii) Gold Fields is not an investment company registered or required to be registered under the U.S. Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. (k) South Africa Securities Law Matters. The Gold Fields Shares are admitted to listing and trading on the Main Board of the JSE. (l) Reports. Since January 1, 2020, Gold Fields has timely filed or furnished, as applicable, all Gold Fields Public Documents that Gold Fields is required to file or furnish under U.S. Securities Laws, other than such documents that the failure to file or furnish would, individually or in the aggregate, not have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. Gold Fields Public Documents at the time filed (i) did not contain any material misrepresentation, (ii) did not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading and (iii) complied in all material respects with the requirements of applicable U.S. Securities Laws. Any amendments to Gold Fields Public Documents required to be made under U.S. Securities Laws have been filed on a timely basis. Gold Fields has not filed any confidential material change report with any Governmental Entity which at the date hereof remains confidential or any other confidential filings filed under U.S. Securities Laws or with any Governmental Entity. (m) Financial Statements. (i) The Gold Fields Financial Statements have been, and all financial statements of Gold Fields (including any notes thereto) which are publicly disseminated by Gold Fields in respect of any subsequent periods prior to the Effective Date will be, prepared in accordance with IFRS applied on a basis consistent with prior periods (except where IFRS has changed and new accounting standards become effective for the subsequent period) and all applicable Laws and present fairly, in all material respects, the assets, liabilities (whether accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise), consolidated financial position and results of operations of Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries as of the respective dates thereof and their results of operations and cash flows for the respective periods covered thereby. (ii) The management of Gold Fields has established and maintains a system of disclosure controls and procedures, including “disclosure controls and procedures” (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) of the U.S. Exchange Act) designed to provide reasonable assurance that information required to be disclosed by Gold Fields in its annual filings, interim filings or other reports filed or submitted by it under the applicable Laws imposed by Governmental Entities is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified by such Laws imposed by such Governmental Entities. Such disclosure controls and procedures include controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by Gold Fields in its annual filings, interim filings or other securities filings filed or submitted under the applicable Laws imposed by Governmental Entities is accumulated and communicated to Gold Fields’ management, including its chief executive officer and chief financial officer

4.1-8 (or Persons performing similar functions), as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. (iii) Gold Fields maintains internal control over financial reporting, including “internal controls over financial reporting” (as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) of the U.S. Exchange Act). Such internal control over financial reporting is effective in providing reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with IFRS and includes policies and procedures that (A) pertain to the maintenance of records that in reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries, (B) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS and that receipts and expenditures of Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries are being made only with authorizations of management and directors of Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries, and (C) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of the assets of Gold Fields or its Subsidiaries that could have a material effect on its financial statements. To the knowledge of Gold Fields, as of the date of this Agreement (x) there are no material weaknesses in the design and implementation or maintenance of internal controls over financial reporting of Gold Fields that are reasonably likely to adversely affect the ability of Gold Fields to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and (y) there is no fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the internal control over financial reporting of Gold Fields. (iv) There are no off-balance sheet transactions, arrangements, obligations (including contingent obligations) or other relationships of Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries with unconsolidated entities or other Persons which are not reflected in the Gold Fields Financial Statements. (v) The financial books, records and accounts of Gold Fields and each of its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, each of the Gold Fields Material JV Entities: (A) have been maintained, in all material respects, in accordance with IFRS; and (B) accurately and fairly reflect the basis for Gold Fields’ financial statements in all material respects. (vi) None of Gold Fields, any of its Subsidiaries, nor any of the respective directors, officers, employees, auditors, accountants or representatives of any of the foregoing, has received or otherwise had or obtained knowledge of any material complaint, allegation, assertion, or claim, whether written or oral, regarding the accounting or auditing practices, procedures, methodologies or methods of Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries or their respective internal accounting controls, including any material complaint, allegation, assertion, or claim that Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries has engaged in questionable accounting or auditing practices, which has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the audit committee of the Gold Fields Board. 4.1-9 (n) Undisclosed Liabilities. None of Gold Fields nor any of its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any of the Gold Fields Material JV Entities, has any material liabilities or obligations of any nature, whether or not accrued, contingent, absolute, determined, determinable or otherwise, except for (i) liabilities and obligations that are specifically presented on the audited condensed consolidated balance sheet of Gold Fields as of December 31, 2021 (the “Gold Fields Balance Sheet”) or disclosed in the notes thereto, (ii) those incurred in the ordinary course of business since the date of the Gold Fields Balance Sheet and consistent with past practice and (iii) those incurred in connection with the execution of this Agreement. (o) Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance. Each of the principal executive officer and the principal financial officer of Gold Fields (or each former principal executive officer and each former principal financial officer of Gold Fields, as applicable) has made all certifications required by Rule 13a-14 or 15d-14 under the U.S. Exchange Act and Sections 302 and 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act with respect to the Gold Fields Annual Financial Statements and the statements contained in such certifications were true and accurate in all material respects as of the dates made in such Gold Fields Annual Financial Statements. For purposes of this Agreement, “principal executive officer” and “principal financial officer” shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Neither Gold Fields nor any of its Subsidiaries has outstanding (nor has arranged or modified since the enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act) any “extensions of credit” (within the meaning of Section 402 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act) to directors or executive officers (as defined in Rule 3b-7 under the U.S. Exchange Act) of Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries. Gold Fields is in material compliance with all applicable provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the applicable listing rules of the NYSE. (p) Title. Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields JV Entities: (i) have good and sufficient title to their real property interests, including fee simple estate of and in real property, leases, easements, rights of way, permits or licenses from landowners or authorities permitting the use of land by Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries or the Gold Fields JV Entities, as applicable, necessary to permit the operation of Gold Fields’ business as presently owned and conducted in all material respects (collectively, “Gold Fields Real Property Interests”); and (ii) hold their mineral concession, claims, leases, licenses, permits, access rights and other rights and interests necessary to explore for, develop, mine, produce, process or refine, minerals, concentrates or ores for development purposes on their properties (collectively, the “Gold Fields Mineral Rights”), free and clear of all Liens (other than Permitted Liens). (q) No Defaults under Leases and Agreements. (i) None of Gold Fields nor any of its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any of the Gold Fields JV Entities has received notice of any default under any of the leases and other title and operating documents or any other agreement or instrument pertaining to the Gold Fields Real 4.1-10 Property Interests or the Gold Fields Mineral Rights to which Gold Fields, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Gold Fields JV Entities is a party or by or to which Gold Fields or any such assets are bound or subject, except to the extent that such defaults have not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. (ii) (A) Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields JV Entities are in good standing under all, and are not in default under any, and (B) there is no existing condition, circumstance or matter which constitutes or which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice or both, would constitute a default under any, leases and other title and operating documents or any other agreements and instruments pertaining to the Gold Fields Real Property Interests and the Gold Fields Mineral Rights to which it is a party or by or to which it or such assets are bound or subject and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, all such leases, title and operating documents and other agreements and instruments are in good standing and in full force and effect and none of the counterparties to such leases, title and operating documents and other agreements and instruments is in default thereunder except to the extent that such defaults have not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. (r) Expropriation. No properties or assets of Gold Fields or its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields Material JV Entities, subject to the Gold Fields Real Property Interests or the Gold Fields Mineral Rights has been taken or appropriated by any Governmental Entity, nor has any notice or proceeding in respect thereof been given or commenced, nor, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, is there any intent or proposal to give any such notice or to commence any such proceeding, except as would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. (s) Gold Fields Mineral Reserves and Resources. (i) The Gold Fields Material Properties are the only material properties of Gold Fields for the purposes of S-K 1300. (ii) Each of the technical report summaries relating to the Gold Fields Material Properties filed pursuant to S-K 1300 complied in all material respects with the requirements of S-K 1300 at the respective time of filing thereof. (iii) The mineral reserves and mineral resources for the Gold Fields Mineral Rights were prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with sound mining, engineering, geoscience and other applicable industry standards and practices, and in accordance with applicable Laws, including the requirements of S-K 1300. There has been no material reduction in the aggregate amount of estimated mineral resources or mineral reserves of Gold Fields from the amounts set forth in the Gold Fields Public Documents, other than as a result of production activities in the ordinary course. All material information regarding the Gold Fields Real Property Interests or the Gold Fields Mineral Rights, including all drill results, 4.1-11 technical reports and studies, that are required to be disclosed at Law, have been disclosed in the Gold Fields Public Documents on or before the date hereof. (t) Royalties and Rentals Paid. All rentals, royalties, overriding royalty interests, production payments, net profits, interest burdens, payments and obligations due and payable, or performable, as the case may be, on or prior to the date hereof under, with respect to, or on account of, any direct or indirect assets of Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields JV Entities, have been: (i) duly paid; (ii) duly performed; or (iii) provided for prior to the date hereof, except to the extent that such non-payment, non-performance or non- provision would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. (u) Absence of Certain Changes or Events. Since December 31, 2021: (i) Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries have operated their respective businesses only in the ordinary course of business; (ii) there has not been any Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect; and (iii) Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries have not taken or failed to take any action which, if taken after the date of this Agreement, would constitute a breach of Section 5.2. (v) Litigation. Except as set forth in Section 4.1(v) of the Gold Fields Disclosure Letter, there is no Proceeding against or involving Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any of the Gold Fields JV Entities or any of their respective properties or assets pending or, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, threatened and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, no event has occurred which would reasonably be expected to give rise to any Proceeding, in each case which, if adversely determined, would reasonably be expected to have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect or would prevent, significantly impede or materially delay the ability of Gold Fields to consummate the Arrangement. (w) Environmental. Except as disclosed in the Gold Fields Public Documents and Section 4.1(w) of the Gold Fields Disclosure Letter, and except as has not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect, the operations of Gold Fields and each of its Subsidiaries are in compliance in all material respects with Environmental Laws. (x) Employment Matters. Except as set forth in Section 4.1(x) of the Gold Fields Disclosure Letter or otherwise disclosed in the Gold Fields Public Documents, there is no labour strike, dispute, work slowdown or stoppage pending or involving, or to the knowledge of Gold Fields threatened against Gold Fields, any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any of the Gold Fields Material JV Entities, and no such event has occurred within the last two years. (y) Ownership of Yamana Shares. None of Gold Fields nor any of its Subsidiaries or affiliates or any Person acting jointly or in concert with them in respect of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement beneficially owns or exercises control or direction over any securities of Yamana. (z) Taxes. Except as disclosed in Section 4.1(z) of the Gold Fields Disclosure Letter:

4.1-12 (i) each of Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries has duly and in a timely manner made or prepared all material Tax Returns required to be made or prepared by it, and duly and in a timely manner filed all material Tax Returns required to be filed by it with the appropriate Governmental Entity, and all such Tax Returns were complete and correct in all material respects; (ii) each of Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries has paid all Taxes, including instalments on account of Taxes for the current year required by applicable Law, which are due and payable by it whether or not assessed by the appropriate Governmental Entity and Gold Fields has provided adequate accruals in accordance with IFRS in the most recently published financial statements of Gold Fields for any Taxes of Gold Fields and each of its Subsidiaries for the period covered by such financial statements that have not been paid whether or not shown as being due on any Tax Returns, except in each case where the failure to do so would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. Except as would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect since such publication date, no liability in respect of Taxes not reflected in such statements or otherwise provided for has been assessed, proposed to be assessed, incurred or accrued, other than in the ordinary course of business; (iii) each of Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries has duly and timely withheld all Taxes required by Law to be withheld by it (including Taxes required to be withheld by it in respect of any amount paid or credited or deemed to be paid or credited by it to or for the benefit of any Person) and has duly and timely remitted to the appropriate Governmental Entity such Taxes or other amounts required by Law to be remitted by it, except where the failure to do so would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect; (iv) each of Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries has duly and timely collected all amounts on account of any sales, use or transfer Taxes, including, without limitation, goods and services, harmonized sales, provincial and territorial sales taxes and state and local taxes, required by Law to be collected by it and has duly and timely remitted to the appropriate Governmental Entity such amounts required by Law to be remitted by it, except where the failure to do so would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect; (v) there are no material proceedings, investigations, audits or claims now pending in writing against Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries in respect of any Taxes and there are no matters under discussion, audit or appeal with any Governmental Entity relating to Taxes, except to the extent that any of the foregoing would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect; (vi) neither Gold Fields nor any of its Subsidiaries has been the “distributing corporation” or a “controlled corporation”, in each case, within the meaning 4.1-13 of Section 355 of the Code, with respect to a transaction that was intended to be governed in whole or in part by Section 355 of the Code; (vii) there are no Liens for Taxes upon any properties or assets of Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries (other than Liens (A) relating to Taxes not yet due and payable and for which adequate reserves have been recorded on the most recent balance sheet included in the Gold Fields Annual Financial Statements and (B) which would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect); (viii) for the purposes of the Tax Act and any other relevant Tax purposes, Gold Fields and each of its Subsidiaries is resident in the jurisdiction (or country of which such jurisdiction is a political subdivision) in which it was formed or continued, and is not resident in any other country; and (ix) (A) none of Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of the Gold Fields, any of Gold Fields’ Affiliates has taken or agreed to take any action that would prevent the Arrangement from qualifying as a “reorganization” within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code and (B) Gold Fields is not aware of any agreement, plan or other circumstance that would prevent the Arrangement from qualifying as a “reorganization” within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code. (aa) Books and Records. The corporate records and minute books of Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries are currently maintained in accordance with applicable Laws and are complete and accurate in all material respects. (bb) Insurance. Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields Material JV Entities have in place reasonable and prudent insurance policies that adequately cover all risks as are customarily covered by businesses in the industry in which Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries and the Gold Fields Material JV Entities operate, and Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields Material JV Entities are in compliance in all material respects with all requirements with respect to such policies. (cc) Non-Arm’s Length Transactions. Other than as disclosed in the Gold Fields Public Documents and other than employment or compensation agreements entered into in the ordinary course of business, no director, officer, employee or agent of, or independent contractor to, Gold Fields, any of its Subsidiaries, or holder of record or beneficial owner of 5% or more of the Gold Fields Shares, or associate or affiliate of any such officer, director or beneficial owner, is a party to, or beneficiary of, any loan, guarantee, Contract, arrangement or understanding or other transactions with Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries. (dd) Restrictions on Business Activities. There is no Gold Fields Material Contract or Order binding upon Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries or, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any of the Gold Fields Material JV Entities that has or could reasonably be expected to have the effect of prohibiting, restricting or materially impairing any business practice of Gold Fields, any of its Subsidiaries or any of the Gold Fields JV Entities or the conduct of business by Gold Fields, any of its 4.1-14 Subsidiaries or any of the Gold Fields Material JV Entities as currently conducted (including following the transaction contemplated by this Agreement) other than Gold Fields Material Contracts or Orders which have not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. (ee) Material Contracts. True and complete copies of the Gold Fields Material Contracts have been disclosed in the Gold Fields Data Room or are part of the Gold Fields Public Documents. Gold Fields and its Subsidiaries have performed in all material respects all of the respective obligations required to be performed by them under the Gold Fields Material Contracts and none of Gold Fields, any of its Subsidiaries is in material breach or default under any Gold Fields Material Contract to which it is a party or bound. To the knowledge of Gold Fields, there is no material breach or default under any such Gold Fields Material Contract by any other party thereto. All Gold Fields Material Contracts are legal, valid, binding and in full force and effect and are enforceable by Gold Fields (or a Subsidiary of Gold Fields, as the case may be) in accordance with their respective terms (subject to bankruptcy, insolvency and other applicable Laws affecting creditors’ rights generally, and to general principles of equity). Gold Fields has not received any written or, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, other notice that any party to a Gold Fields Material Contract intends to cancel, terminate or otherwise modify or not renew its relationship with Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries, and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, no such action has been threatened. (ff) Anti-Corruption. (i) None of Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields JV Entities, nor any of their directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives has, directly or indirectly, offered, promised, agreed, paid, authorized, given or taken any act in furtherance of any such offer, promise, agreement, payment or authorization on behalf of Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries or the Gold Fields JV Entities, anything of value, directly or indirectly, to any official of a Governmental Entity, any political party or official thereof or any candidate for political office, for the purpose of any of the following: (A) influencing any action or decision of such Person in such Person’s official capacity, including a decision to fail to perform such Person’s official function in order to obtain or retain an advantage in the course of business; (B) inducing such Person to use such Person’s influence with any Governmental Entity to affect or influence any act or decision of such Governmental Entity to assist Gold Fields, one of its Subsidiaries or one of the Gold Fields JV Entities in obtaining or retaining business for, with, or directing business to, any Person or otherwise to obtain or retain an advantage in the course of business; or (C) to assist Gold Fields, one of its Subsidiaries or one of the Gold Fields JV Entities in obtaining or retaining business for, with, or 4.1-15 directing business to, any Person, whether through a bribe, rebate, payoff, influence payment, kickback or illegal or improper payment, other than such actions which have not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. (ii) None of Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields JV Entities, nor any of their directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives has taken any action that is inconsistent with or prohibited by or would cause Gold Fields, one of its Subsidiaries or one of the Gold Fields JV Entities to be in violation of the substantive prohibitions or requirements of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (United States) or any similar legislation prohibiting corruption, bribery and money laundering in any jurisdiction in which it conducts its business and to which it is subject and all contracts and arrangements between Gold Fields, one of its Subsidiaries or one of the Gold Fields JV Entities and any other Person are in compliance with such laws, other than such actions which have not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. Since January 1, 2020, Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields JV Entities have maintained policies and procedures applicable to it and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives in place in respect thereof as are appropriate to prevent and detect violations of laws prohibiting corruption, bribery and money laundering. (iii) None of Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields JV Entities nor any of its directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives has (A) conducted or initiated any review, audit or internal investigation to determine whether, or has concluded that, Gold Fields, one of its Subsidiaries or one of the Gold Fields JV Entities or any of their respective directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives has violated any Laws prohibiting corruption, bribery or money laundering or committed any wrongdoing thereunder, or (B) made a voluntary, directed or involuntary disclosure to any Governmental Entity responsible for enforcing anti- corruption, anti-bribery and money laundering Laws, in each case with respect to any alleged act or omission arising under or relating to non- compliance with any such Laws, or received any notice, request or citation from any Person alleging non-compliance with any such Laws, other than such actions which have not had and would not reasonably be expected to, individually or in the aggregate, have a Gold Fields Material Adverse Effect. (iv) Gold Fields, its Subsidiaries and, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, the Gold Fields JV Entities have maintained systems of internal controls intended to ensure compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (United States) or any similar legislation prohibiting corruption, bribery and money laundering.

4.1-16 (gg) Sanctions. (i) Neither Gold Fields, nor any of its Subsidiaries or joint ventures, nor any of their respective directors, officers or employees nor, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any agents or Persons acting on any of their behalf: (A) is a Restricted Party; or (B) has received written notice of or is aware of any claim, action, suit, proceeding or investigation against it with respect to Sanctions by any Sanctions Authority. (ii) None of Gold Fields, any of its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of the Gold Fields, any director, officer, employee or agent of Gold Fields or any of its Subsidiaries is a Person that is, or is owned or controlled by Persons that are: (A) the subject/target of any Sanctions, or (B) located, organized or resident in a country or territory that is the subject of Sanctions, including Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria). (iii) Gold Fields represents and covenants that for the past three years, neither Gold Fields nor any of its Subsidiaries nor, to the knowledge of Gold Fields, any director, officer, employee or agent of Gold Fields has knowingly engaged in, or is now knowingly engaged in, or will engage in, any dealings or transactions with a Restricted Person or in violation of Sanctions. (hh) Brokers; Expenses. Except for the fees to be paid to Bank of America Securities pursuant to its engagement letter with Gold Fields, a true and complete copy of which has been provided to Yamana, none of Gold Fields, any of its Subsidiaries, nor the Gold Fields JV Entities nor any of their respective officers, directors or employees has employed any broker, finder, investment banker, financial advisor or other Person or incurred any liability for any brokerage fees, commissions, finder’s fees, financial advisory fees or other similar fees in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. (ii) Freely Tradeable Shares. The Consideration Shares to be issued pursuant to the Arrangement shall be registered or qualified for distribution, or exempt from or not subject to any requirement for registration or qualification for distribution, under Canadian Securities Laws, U.S. federal securities laws and the state securities of each U.S. state where holders entitled to receive such shares are located. Such securities shall not be “restricted securities” within the meaning of Rule 144 under the U.S. Securities Act, and shall not be subject to any “hold period” resale restrictions under National Instrument 45-102 - Resale of Securities of the Canadian Securities Authorities. (jj) Investment Canada Act. Gold Fields is a WTO investor within the meaning of the Investment Canada Act and is not a state-owned enterprise within the meaning of the Investment Canada Act.