



我们的法定股本 包括222,000,000股普通股,每股普通股面值0.05新谢克尔。

我们所有发行在外的普通 股均为有效发行、缴足且无需纳税。我们的普通股不可赎回,也没有任何优先购买权。

所有普通股在各方面具有相同的 投票权和其他权利。


我们的 董事会应指导我们的政策,并应监督我们的首席执行官的表现及其行动。我们的董事会 可以行使《公司法》或我们经修订和重述的公司章程 不要求我们的股东行使或采取的所有权力。


我们的 普通股将赋予其持有人:

出席所有股东大会(不论定期或特别)并 于会上投票的平等权利,每股普通股均赋予出席大会并参与投票(无论亲自或委派代表或以书面投票方式)的持有人一票;

参与 股息(如有)分配的平等权利,无论是以现金或红股支付,还是资产分配或任何其他分配, 按每股比例分配;以及



Pursuant to our amended and restated articles of association, our directors will be elected at an annual general meeting and/or a special meeting of our shareholders and serve on the board of directors until the next annual general meeting (except for external directors) or until they resign or until they cease to act as board members pursuant to the provisions of our amended and restated articles of association or any applicable law, upon the earlier. Pursuant to our amended and restated articles of association, other than the external directors, for whom special election requirements apply under the Companies Law, the vote that will be required to appoint a director is a simple majority vote of holders of our voting shares, participating and voting at the relevant meeting. In addition, as detailed hereinabove (See – “Board Practices”), our Board of Directors is allowed to appoint directors to fill vacancies and/or as an addition to the Board of Directors (subject to the maximum number of directors) to serve according to the duration of office of the director whom he replaces. External directors will be elected for an initial term of three years, may be elected for two additional terms of three years each under certain circumstances, and may be removed from office pursuant to the terms of the Companies Law. See “Management-Board Practices-External Directors.”

年度 和特别会议

根据 以色列法律,我们必须每一日历年举行一次股东年度大会,时间和地点 由我们的董事会决定,必须不迟于上一次年度大会 日期后的15个月。股东周年大会以外的所有会议均称为股东特别大会。我们的 董事会可以在其认为合适的任何时候召开特别会议,应两名董事或四分之一的在职董事的要求;以及 应持有至少百分之五(5%)或更高比例的投票权的任何股东的要求。

根据 《公司法》及据此颁布的法规的规定,有权参加股东 大会并在会上投票的股东是在董事会决定的日期登记在册的股东,该日期可以是会议日期前四至二十一天 。有关下列事项的决议必须在股东大会上通过:


如果我们的董事会无法行使其权力,并且行使其任何 权力是我们的适当管理所必需的,则通过股东大会行使董事会的权力;


任命董事,包括 外部董事;

根据《公司法》(主要是某些关联方交易)和任何 其他适用法律的规定,批准需要股东大会批准的行为和交易。

增加或减少我们的 授权股本;以及

合并(如公司法中定义的术语 )。


我们的 修订和重述的公司章程和《公司法》要求,任何年度或特别股东大会的通知 至少在会议召开前14天提供,如果会议议程包括 (1)董事的任命或罢免;(2)批准与公职人员或利害关系方或相关方的行为和/或交易,公司总经理或者其亲属担任董事长并行使职权的批准或者董事长或者其亲属担任公司总经理的批准; (3)批准合并;或;(4)任何其他事宜,而该等事宜在组织章程或其下有条文 ,意思是股东大会的决定也可以以投票纸的方式通过,则必须在会议举行前最少35天提供通知。


根据《公司法》的允许,本公司股东大会所需的法定人数将包括至少两名股东亲自出席, 以代理、书面投票或电子投票系统投票方式出席,他们持有或代表至少 尚未行使表决权总数的25%。如果在规定的股东大会时间的半小时内,没有法定人数出席,股东大会 应在下周的同一天、同一时间和同一地点延期,或延期至股东通知中规定的其他日期、时间和地点 ,如果在安排的时间的半小时内没有法定人数出席续会,参加会议的股东人数应构成法定人数。




我们的 经修订和重列的组织章程细则规定,除非 公司法或我们经修订和重列的组织章程细则另有规定,否则所有股东的决议案均须经简单多数票表决。股东可以亲自、委托代理人或书面投票方式在股东大会上投票 。


除非 股份条款另有规定,并在任何适用法律的规限下,任何类别股份所附权利的任何修订必须由该类别股份的过半数持有人在受影响类别的股东大会上通过或由受影响类别的所有股东的书面同意 采纳。





我们修订和重述的公司章程中没有任何具体条款会延迟、推迟或阻止 我们公司控制权的变更,或者仅适用于涉及我们(或我们的子公司)的合并、收购或公司重组。然而,如下所述,《公司法》的某些规定可能具有这种效力。

The Companies Law includes provisions that allow a merger transaction and requires that each company that is a party to the merger have the transaction approved by its board of directors and, unless certain requirements described under the Companies Law are met, a vote of the majority of shareholders, and, in the case of the target company, also a majority vote of each class of its shares. For purposes of the shareholder vote of each party (unless a court rules otherwise on the application of the shareholders holding at least twenty five percent of all the voting rights in the company), the merger will not be deemed approved if shares representing a majority of the voting power present at the shareholders meeting and which are not held by the other party to the merger the person so holding or anyone acting on behalf of either of these, including relatives or corporations under their control or by any person or group of persons acting in concert who holds 25% or more of the voting power or the right to appoint 25% or more of the directors of the other party vote against the merger. If, however, the merger involves a merger with a company’s own controlling shareholder or if the controlling shareholder has a personal interest in the merger, then the merger is instead subject to the same Special Majority approval that governs all extraordinary transactions with controlling shareholders. Upon the request of a creditor of either party to the proposed merger, the court may delay or prevent the merger if it concludes that there exists a reasonable concern that as a result of the merger the surviving company will be unable to satisfy the obligations of any of the parties to the merger, and may further give instructions to secure the rights of creditors. If the transaction would have been approved by the shareholders of a merging company but for the separate approval of each class or the exclusion of the votes of certain shareholders as provided above, a court may still approve the merger upon the petition of holders of at least 25% of the voting rights of a company. For such petition to be granted, the court must find that the merger is fair and reasonable, taking into account the value of the parties to the merger and the consideration offered to the shareholders. In addition, a merger may not be completed unless the Registrar of Companies has received all the required approvals for merger from each of the merging companies and at least (1) 50 days have passed from the time that the requisite proposals for approval of the merger were filed with the Israeli Registrar of Companies by each merging company and (2) 30 days have passed since the merger was approved by the shareholders of each merging company.


The Companies Law also provides that, subject to certain exceptions, an acquisition of shares in an Israeli public company must be made by means of a “special” tender offer if as a result of the acquisition (1) the purchaser would become a controlling shareholder if there is no controlling shareholder in the company or (2) the purchaser would become a holder of 45% or more of the voting rights in the company, unless there is already a holder of more than 45% of the voting rights in the company. These requirements do not apply if, in general, the acquisition (1) was made in a private placement that received shareholders’ approval, subject to certain conditions, (2) was from a controlling shareholder in the company which resulted in the acquirer becoming a controlling shareholder in the company, or (3) was from a holder of more than 45% of the voting rights in the company which resulted in the acquirer becoming a holder of more than 45% of the voting rights in the company. A “special” tender offer must be extended to all shareholders. In general, a “special” tender offer may be consummated only if (1) at least 5% of the voting power attached to the company’s outstanding shares will be acquired by the offeror and (2) the offer is accepted by a majority of the offerees who notified the company of their position in connection with such offer (excluding the offeror, controlling shareholders, holders of a control block, any person having a personal interest in the acceptance of the tender offer or anyone on the behalf of the abovementioned, including their relatives or corporations under their control. If a special tender offer is accepted, then the purchaser or any person or entity controlling it or any entity under common control with the purchaser or such controlling person may not make a subsequent tender offer for the purchase of shares of the target company and may not enter into a merger with the target company for a period of one year from the date of the offer, unless the purchaser or such person or entity undertook to effect such an offer or merger in the initial special tender offer.

如果, 由于收购股份,收购人将持有以色列公司90%以上的流通股或某些 类别的股份,则收购必须以收购所有流通股或所有此类流通股或收购要约的方式进行。一般而言,如果收购要约中没有投标的流通股或适用类别的股份少于5%,且超过半数在要约中没有个人利益的受要约人提出认购其股份,则收购人提出购买的股份将依法全部转让给收购人,并相应修改 股份的所有权记录。然而,如果不接受要约的股东持有公司已发行和已发行股本或适用类别股份的比例低于2%,收购要约也将被接受。任何在该收购要约中被要约收购的股东,无论该股东是否接受收购要约,均可通过向以色列法院提交请愿书,要求在接受收购要约后六个月内:(I)裁定股份的对价低于其公允价值,以及(Ii)应支付法院所确定的公允价值。但是,收购方有权在一定条件下规定,出价股东将丧失该等评估权利。
